Honest Trailers - Captain America: Civil War

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[Music] you've seen them fight as hero versus hero you've seen them fight as friend versus friend now the greatest threat to the Avengers is it's gonna be themselves again isn't it yeah as what happens when your villains kind of suck Captain America Civil War loosely based on the comic book crossover event comes the epic struggle that has your favorite heroes asking is it better to be dickish Lee stubborn if I see a situation pointed South I can't ignore or stubbornly dickish sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth in a film that settles a moral and political debate the only way superheroes know how by beating the crap out of each other take that regulatory oversight the government wants to rein in the Avengers for when they recklessly say the entire world from aliens that other time when they saved the entire world from a secret Nazi death cult and again save the entire world from the army of murder robots they created okay that one is on them Ultra iPhone now Captain America must get in line or face the prospect of an all-out Civil War or at least one group sparring session you're pulling your punches one real fight and a nice letter reminding us that everything is still hunky-dory Tony if you need me I'll be there what you thought there'd be lasting stakes come on this is Marvel we're talking about cap is back and he's still a total beefcake leading a team of rebels alongside his quippy black best friend cuz you have to go mark fuhrman elias hawkeye who's great in small doses ant-man who's there Scarlet Witch who's still doing vague hand wavy stuff and Bucky the man whose haircut was frozen in the 90s opposing them as team Iron Man his quippy black best friend yes this is this is Tony stank Black Widow who's still scissoring anyone she could get her legs around Black Panther the king of giving monologues into the middle distance did it's not the end man Tom passed from warrior to warrior I can have one of them find peace whatever the hell vision is you know I don't know what this is yeah neither do we buddy and the best version of spider-man complete with a pre murdered Uncle Ben hey I'm Peter Tony if Tony gives him the great power great responsibility speech I am so out of here thrill as these former friends become enemies thanks to the evils emo a man out for revenge by Framing the Winter Soldier for the murder of King to Chaka which will hold on I forgot can we Rosie Moe's plan again uh-huh yeah Rex's car really stealing a book okay not sure he drowned that sink though okay that makes it there's no way he knew those guys were gonna show up wait so we called the maid from Russia ah the old captured on purpose ploy someone's been reading Loki's plan whoa this is dumber than Luthor's not a very fine Janene display the airport scene again ah it's so cool he was like a size of a net now he's a giant experience of Phil that's more than just mindless action it's also about love watch Tony star D with a heartbreak of dating someone whose contract expired after I ran three we're taking a break the weird flirtation of this weird British Christmas robot and this weird wedge who puts him in the friend hole and the greatest love story of all as Steve Rogers once again pines for the plums of the man that only he and tumblr really care about as he tries to redeem this brainwashed killer caveman for the second movie in a row I don't know whom worth all this to you while ignoring two perfectly good boyfriends who are right there in front of his face ninja Ken and now he has to go in the run before he can seal the deal with Peggy Carter's niece 90 years old and this guy is still a virgin someone please have sex with Captain America already hell you know what I'll do it I'll bend over right now so go enjoy the hero versus hero movie that everyone loved instead of the hero versus hero movie that most everyone hated even though they're a lot more similar than anyone would like to admit featuring a non-superpowered villain tricking a symbol of America into fighting a billionaire playboy using an incoherent plan that includes blowing up a meeting of government officials and using the heroes mom's to manipulate them I don't he killed me that ends with an ominous warning from a prison cell and sets up a universe worth of spin-offs along the way Oh cue the airport scene again come on ah that's better starring Barnes and Noble Robert Downey jr. jr. Melisandre awesome Oh Jeremy again er put a bird on it walk erode the spectacular Sony man Kahala womb Raider another blue Marvel villain you know cuz he said Brian Fantana and giant location headers Vienna Queens 1991 Cleveland wait there's no reason to get that excited about Cleveland Captain America three Avengers 2.5 boy that escalated quickly that's you right so how did Tony know that Peter Parker was spider-man but he just breaking every teenage boy's bedroom in New York until he got lucky oh wait hang on that's not really bad you've seen him in action now learn what his team really thinks of it Steve has opened my toll so much Thor can use it as a portal that has gone if I really wanted a 94 year old I could just Stan leave oh no that's a guy who really knows how to cook you just as Jack Kirby can't wait for the next move when you try to do that head scissor thing - Fay knows and he just throws you into the fing sign everything is dead that you love bro screen junkies presents the roast of Captain America watch now look at me I'm the captain now does anyone have any orange slices are you mr. stank because I stank like mr. stank I'm not easily impressed whoa a blue car I trusted you and you ate my Doritos I put the money in the jacket and the jacket on the kangaroo and now he hopping away obtuse rubber goose green mousse guava juice
Channel: Screen Junkies
Views: 10,692,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain america: civil war, honest trailer, civil war, civil war official trailer, parody, captain america, avengers, dvd extras, captain america civil war, tony stark, the vision, scarlett witch, black panther, spiderman, black widow, ultron, zeno, best civil war moments, best marvel moments, falcon, war machine, hawkeye, honest trailers, bucky barnes, the winter soldier, if the civil war trailer were honest, infinity stones, marvel, batman v superman
Id: BZ3VQkK6Upo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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