Sea Eagle and the Honda 2.3
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: SeaEagleBoats
Views: 81,935
Rating: 4.8516021 out of 5
Keywords: Sea Eagle, Honda, Honda Marine, Inflatable Boats, Fishing Boats, FoldCat, Sea Eagle FoldCat, Motormount Boat, Inflatable Kayak, Stealth Stalker, PaddleSki, Honda 2.3, BF2.3, Honda BF2.3, fuel efficient outboard, compact outboard, Sea Eagle Boats, lightweight motor, 2.3 hp, Honda 2.3 hp
Id: lFkjWgwwWVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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