Homing Failed On Creality Ender 3 How To Check & Fix

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I'm Nate this is shus Productions and today's video was about an ender3 I bought brand new out of the box had a problem with it and the reason I bought it in the first place is cuz there so many out there thousands of them I thought any problems I can just Google it and get get the answer and that weren't the case so um I found the I found a problem I fixed it and if you want to find out what I done keep watching so this is the M3 uh the reason I bought it is like I said cuz there's literally thousands of them out there um any problems there communities and stuff and I didn't think I'd be contributing to the community as quick as I am because I'm a newbie so um got out of the box put it together and the first thing I done uh I watched videos and stuff on YouTube and the first thing you do is you prepare it and you click the auto home and I've now put the machine into a similar fault mode as it was when I got out the box so as you can see the X in the wall home but the Zed just went up so if I press it again you'll just notice that the z a is just keeps G up and doesn't do anything and if you look here this is the the micro switch for the Z axis and what I've done to simulate the fult is literally unplugged the micro switch so I checked the continuity between the pins on the M switch and one of them wasn't making it the circuit board was damaged um the copper tragon I don't know if I got hit by a screwdrive or whatever in the manufacturer now I could have got got in touch with the supplier and got them to send me a new Switch and I don't think they they expensive but I was in a bit of a hurry to get it working and I really want to sort the problem out and there was no answers on the internet no one on the forums they all talking about flashing your card and all this so what I'm going to do now um if if you can just zoom in so if you look on the circuit board there all I done is a little bit of wire doesn't has to be the exact length you can snake it around to make it fit I just sold that on one on one pin one on pin on the switch and these switches on this machine and they always made contact mode so there's always a connection and when the switch presses it breaks the connection the same as how I've simulated this Vault by putting my plug out so what I done I solded that wire on and I'll just turn the machine off now right I'm just going to replug that wire bag in and then uh you'll see now when I press Auto home what should happen and let's say let's quite simple fix obviously if you got this problem not necessarily if you buy a new machine but even if you know this switch wears out and goes wrong that's a symptom you'll get whether that's on the XO or the Zed axis you'll find that one of them is not setting cuz that's seeing that switch is being broken all the time when it's not that's just um that's either faulty or in my case that the circle board had a break on it so I've plug that switch back in there and uh so when you first set up your machine the first thing you do is press Auto home under prepare and now you'll see the the correct function of what it should do so that's how it should function that's I fixed that switch all done so hope it help someone if you got a problem with a new machine or one that you've been running for a while and all of a sudden one of your accesses doesn't Auto home it's probably down to that mic switch I need adjust and nor replac them so thanks for watching we'll be back soon
Channel: VersaVerse
Views: 4,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creality, ender, ender 3, homing fail, homing fix
Id: b7mXo02A3-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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