Homily 5 March, 2022 - Fr. Christopher Ponnusamy CSsR

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sitting at the tax booth and he said to him follow me and leaving everything he rose and followed him and levitt made him a great feast in his house and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining a table with them and the pharisees and the scribes grumbled at his disciples saying why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners and jesus answered them those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick i have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance the gospel of the lord my dear brothers and sisters in jesus christ ten days ago when russia attacked ukraine many of the channels brought out the headlines one of the headline was put in the aggressor people were very angry that he showed aggression on ukraine the consequence of his aggression was destruction laws of life and miseries of humanity and the world continued to condemn the aggressor my dear friends in jesus christ well he is an aggressor no doubt about that and we may continue to condemn him but when you point out a finger at someone else and what are you saying like putin my dear friends we are also aggressors at times our aggression also leads to destruction loss of life and human miseries and that is what today's reading is calling us not to be an aggressor but a resourceful person bring life today's first reading as isaiah calls us you do not put burden on people that you do not point finger at others do not unleash the wickedness on people but rather poor yourself so beautifully it says pour yourself empty yourself so that you can reach out to the poor the needy the afflicted and that is what my dear friends is a call for all of us so when you pour out yourself not on aggression but compassion you reach out hundreds and thousands of people and then god's light will shine upon you then you will be like a spring you will never draw and that is a call in today's gospel jesus calls matthew he calls matthew the tax collector to be part and parcel of his team to reach out to people who are in need again here you can see the aggressors the pharisees and the scribes and so on so forth pointing finger at matthew and the tax collectors and the sinners so there are also aggressors but they do not realize so may come today my dear friends let us ask ourselves it's easy for us to point out to someone else but to acknowledge that i am also an aggressor i need a repentance that's why jesus says who needs a doctor who needs a doctor only a person who is sick we all of our sick within each of us so therefore let that aggression come out of ourselves let us lead a life of repentance so that through repentance we become a resourceful people resourceful persons reaching out to the most needy the most abundant the most neglected people who are truly looking for our presence and our help we pray for this grace during his mass amen
Channel: Redemptorist Media Center, Bangalore
Views: 280
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Id: -_B3LV2tMsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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