Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak - The Movie

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[Music] our planet is dying the desert grows with every passing year the world is at war but there is hope an object has been detected deep within the great banded desert it has been called the jeraki object the primary anomaly we believe it may hold the key to our salvation an expedition to retrieve it is being prepared [Music] [Applause] see [Music] foreign [Music] rachel we need that control module hooked up before we launch and we don't have a lot of time and he said clearance to approach you're clear gate 5. rachel gaussian attacks have been launched against multiple coalition bases the northern frontier is under attack the launch of our expedition carrier the kapisi has been accelerated this is the captain of the jet carrier all cruise hangar [Music] loading control module now standby [Music] captain has the helm apple clean blue on all decks full complement aboard shutter test green get set come up see if they have any new reports to share [Music] [Music] fleet manager online resource control system online unit status online command system online objective tracking online all control systems successfully installed and online systems confirmed rachel redeploy to your base runner copy that attention all stations this is fleet intelligence for the expedition carrier kapisi i will be issuing all mission objectives through this channel before departure we need to run essential tests on our key capabilities vehicle production resource salvaging and combat operations time is of the essence so let's run through these quickly fleet operations is your channel clear affirmative i will be providing all non-critical updates on unit production research resource salvaging and all carrier systems through this channel copy that standby to initiate production tests first deploy a salvager from the command carrier kapisi salvager online stand by to commence resource test order the salvager to gather nearby resources located here construction units identified rachel the kapisi support cruiser has suffered a mechanical failure and requires immediate repairs before departure use your base runner to repair the support cruiser located have here destroyed see you feel until depleted that unit is down get it back up and running initiating repairs repair is completed good work rachel standby for combat test in order to produce combat vehicles we will need to invest time and resources in upgrading our tech the first step is to upgrade the kpc's advanced manufacturing facilities once that is done we will be able to build light attack vehicles go for carrier research completed light attack vehicle fabrication now online produce three light attack vehicles flight attack vehicles ready target drones are now ready for weapons testing use the light attack vehicles to target and destroy the drones located here [Music] copy target set [Music] all required tests are complete give me a go no go for launch operations dull bridge go rachel science team's in place we're go engineering go confirm all systems go [Music] to open outer doors fire all charges and disengage locks outer doors opening mass ratio in line tracking doors of 50 looking good bring engines to speed and move out [Music] outer doors at full aperture and secure she's all yours captain [Music] all stations this is your captain today we embark on a historic mission to find and retrieve the draghi object lying at the heart of the great abandoned desert deep inside galcian territory we believe it holds the key to our survival on this planet the journey will be perilous but if successful we will change the course of history forever and secure our future for generations to come personal log science officer rachel sejet expedition carrier kapisi we've launched three months ahead of schedule and just in time the gaussian threat was far greater than we had anticipated as the lead scientist on this expedition i'm more convinced than ever that my brother was right that what lies out there amongst the dunes holds the key to our survival on this planet and possibly beyond we have no choice now but to believe we have successfully entered the open desert and are safe for now before leaving we received this gaussian transmission attention kit of the north i am kagon of the kith galcium servant of the mighty gerhardzer duke for generations you have violated the first commandment of our creator by entering into space you seek the stars now you invade our lands for the second time diplomacy has failed we can tolerate this no longer the suffering of this war will be nothing compared to the wrath of sir duke long live the people of kerak we are now behind enemy lines as a jet lander carrying with it our sensors manager will rendezvous with us at the boneyard a salvage facility to the east at the boneyard we will install the sensors manager gather additional resources and expedition vehicles before moving out and proceeding to our designated target the fate of the expedition and possibly the north itself now rests on us boneyard control this is the pc request immediate clearance to dock we've been waiting for your arrival you're clear to doc crews are standing [Music] by [Music] boneyard absolutely 607 is wheeled down and prepping cargo for unloading that lowering module contact releasing clamp sensors manager coming online desert refit is underway while that happens we need to gather as many resources as possible and reactivate retired units to bolster our fleet intelligence indicates gaussian forces are inbound on our location we don't have long before they arrive rachel you and the support cruiser need to reactivate the decommissioned units using your repair beams copy that intel get that unit back online move the storm to the south is growing in intensity and has turned our way back [Music] we just received a transmission from northern command they have confirmed that multiple coalition bases have fallen including delta juno here is under siege it appears the sedim carrier the sakala also managed to escape we are to rendezvous with her and continue on with the expedition at all costs [Music] additional groups of contacts detected and closing in perimeter turrets engaging enemy units keep those gaussian forces away from the capacity and continue to gather resources and units until departure be advised class 5 sandstorm detected on approach support ready repair their critical systems first receiving move order confirmed armor go ahead armor is on route alert sensor post lost [Music] the gaussian attacks will continue we require additional forces we do not have a sufficient number of lavs collect more cus and build more lavs immediately cruiser reading green light to proceed move inbound friendly contacts detected possible survivors from epsilon or nearby bases in service i hope they make it we're going to need all the help we can get light attack vehicle online armored vehicle is taking fire allied armor assault vehicles entering your area we need immediate assistance be advised allied armored assault vehicles are deploying smoke screens to break enemy line of sight vehicle in service warning storm front arrival in approximately seven minutes strike crap ready gaussian heavy railgun spotted it will have difficulty targeting our units at short range our lav's inherent speed and quick boost ability will allow them to close on enemy units quickly use this to gain the advantage we're clear transferring to your control allied units acquired the more we save the stronger we'll be as we enter the desert a second flight of friendly interceptors is passing through keep your crosshairs low fire we need to improve unit combat performance access engineering to select upgrades new upgrade options to improve our light attack vehicles are currently available recommend improving unit survivability by investing in engineering upgrades hit him with a heavy burst hostile strike crap down reading for orders coordinates confirmed greeting that sandstorm is closing on us fast five minutes until storm front impact vehicle is under fire enemy railgun firing on friendly reading [Music] go to jet salvage depot allied life patrol group we are inbound on your location calcium sand skimmers in pursuit request immediate support order the allied light attack vehicles to use their quick boost ability to escape the pursuing galcian ready overdrive punch it stormfront arrival in approximately three minutes we're running out of time ready strike boneyard capacity allied armor group on approach we're under fire and need immediate support hostile railguns have opened up two minutes until that storm hits boneyard staff transferring aboard armored vehicle is taking fire reading units secured punch it target readjust contact on the board one kapisi is ready for immediate egress ground units eliminate remaining gaussian forces and prepare for departure stormfront arrival in one minute all crews prepare the capacity to move out hostile light attack vehicle detected hostiles designated trackers assigned armored copies move out armored vehicle has been destroyed move out and be ready proximity warning and effect hostile designation focus to repair our primary hostile railgun opened up armored vehicles taking fire all right bring entrance to full and move out [Music] wind speed in excess of 300 kilometers per hour copy that engaging full shutters expect impact on my mark in three two one mark personal log intelligence officer nathan sajet expedition carrier kapisi our refit is mostly complete and we're now headed for open desert several coalition units were able to link up with us and have joined our ranks to the north gaussian forces are laying siege to our homes there's no going back the expedition must carry on it's hard to believe it's been four years since our satellites detected the jaraki object that massive anomaly deep in the uncharted desert its energy readings rivaling our planet's sun rachel thinks it could be the source of the new gaussian technology only time will tell i've never seen storms like this so far north all communications are down is holding fast at this time we are operating at partial capacity key systems still need to be brought online our initial satellite data identified the location of the primary anomaly along with dozens of secondary targets we will take a northern route skirting the belden formation doing this we will avoid gaussian territory and the worst of the deep desert heat we will then cut south to the primary anomaly the main goal of our expedition as chief science officer rachel sejet will sample analyze and provide intelligence on these objects as we move deeper into the desert the carrier sakala has confirmed they are moving east with significant force and are expected to meet us at these coordinates east of cape wrath a place known as hell's gate [Music] i'm picking up a faint signal it's an emergency transponder beacon could be the sakala push ahead and search for the sakala alert sandstorm conditions in effect be advised gaussian combat patrols may be in the area as we push forward keep your eyes open engineering reports the pc's primary shunting systems are now online just acknowledge power may now be shunted to weapons armor repairs and long-range targeting systems advantage recommend using their own strategy against them gain the high ground and use the dunes for cover i'm detecting raw materials nearby that can be used for fleet production copy that rachel recommend commencing resource operations [Music] reduced sensor visibility is obscuring the location of the signal beacon carrier [Music] some of the raw material here appears to be meteorite they're abnormally rich in our used paper this resource is extremely rare on carrack and is used in the fabrication of advanced vehicles be advised our use will allow armored assault vehicle production light attack vehicle in service armored assault vehicles are designed to suppress smaller lighter craft however ranged munitions can still pierce their hulls light assault vehicles can evade ranged fire employ them against long-range units [Music] these destroyed units are coalition vehicles weathering indicates they've been exposed to the desert for years intel be advised the beacon signal is getting stronger we must be getting closer i've managed to get a bead on the transponder beacon and have narrowed its location to this area there's still no way to know if it's the sakala rachel form up with an escort and search for the source of the coalition signal proceed with caution copy that intel we'll prep our equipment as we go we're up and running armored assault vehicle fabrication online begin constructing armored assault vehicles as soon as possible systems ready secure intel i've located the source of the signal it's an abandoned coalition carrier it's been here for a while my team and i are heading inside delay salvage operations until we complete a search of the vessel copy that rachel's team has begun to investigate the derelict carrier we're exposed as long as we hold position here a defensive perimeter must be established in order to protect rachel and her team dunes are blocking the carrier's access to the derelict understood smaller craft you are clear to approach the derelict carrier location mark we're going to get live scan reports back be ready to adjust intel i found an id number inside the ship sierra charlie 7208. copy copy running it through the computer standby rachel you're aboard the jet carrier ifrit nabal part of the coalition's lost expedition this is my brother's ship we've detected guys can you confirm visuals the armored vehicle is taking fire don't engaged provide fire support focusing on their lighter units should cause their slower heavier units to retreat hostile rangecraft destroyed enemy railgun firing on friendly [Music] to armor and repairs send units to support the capacity right crap down receiving the galaxy has been here already there's extensive interior damage regard position i'm detecting a unique signature coming from inside one of the bulkheads this may be what the gaussian was searching for beginning bulkhead deconstruction authentication pending rachel more gaussian reinforcements are inbound return to the pc immediately now negative intel we found a piece of unidentified technology grafted into the carrier sensor array keep us covered while we extract this artifact from the bulkhead roger that will deploy additional units to cover you you need to hurry understood give us five minutes that should be enough time [Music] and damage systems to hold them off fire support intel science update this artifact is composed of the same materials as the orbital fragments recovered 45 years ago but this this is no fragment until this moment we have never seen this technology fully intact and functional to secure it immediately copy that rachel online all batteries maneuver from visual confirmation engaging railgun okay i know what they're doing i think i can merge it with our systems and greatly enhance our sensor capabilities strike craft destroy rachel what's your status until i figured out the wiring shifts beat us up considerably roger that we read you i'll stop close the distance you need to hurry copy rachel your team cannot be extracted safely until the gal scene has been subdued hold your position strike destroyed [Music] artifact initiating sensors modification now sensor efficiency has been greatly increased and interference from the storm has been filtered out excellent contact range increased with our sensors now operational we've detected a hostile cruiser supporting the enemy offensive engage and destroy the enemy cruiser holding resources are scattered throughout the area to collect them efficiently we need support cruisers deployed alongside our salvagers kapisi fabrication facilities can now be upgraded to produce support cruisers crews are ready green light to proceed move salvation rachel galcian units seem to be using some kind of shared network to communicate with each other we might be able to use that to advantage if i can find a way to hack in i'll have to analyze their system architecture could take a few days cruiser reading roger that the armored just abc go ahead rachel we've located abandoned coalition railguns part of the efreet nabal's fleet they're damaged but recoverable roger that we can use our support cruiser's repair beam to bring them back online helmets are ready to produce more rail guns upgrade the kabisi's fabrication facilities support cruiser fabrication online begin constructing support cruisers meet a new sector railgun fabrication online begin constructing railguns and use them against gaussian armored units cu field depleted gaussian ranged forces are protecting the cruiser from an elevated vantage point increasing their effectiveness move destroying them before assaulting the cruiser should tip the engagement in our favor tracking armored craft on approach immediate fire support on that position calcium support cruiser destroyed remaining enemy units falling back enhanced sensors are picking up multiple enemy signatures at the extremity of our range i've got two carrier-class vessels in tow the calcium have located us we have no choice we need to keep moving deeper into the open desert set course for the sarathi basin once we arrive we'll transmit the sakala our coordinates engine crews stand by to engage maximum power personal log science officer rachel sejet expedition carrier kapisi we found my brother's ship the afritinabel the flagship of our coalition's lost expedition from four years ago his fate and that of its crew remains unknown what happened jacob what did you find out here what have they done to you the shipwreck was a coalition carrier last seen four years ago the wreck has been ransacked by gaussian troops looking for something we believe it was the recovered artifact we have also recovered the encrypted first officer's log from the derelict carrier it belonged to my brother the data is spotty but this is what we have deciphered this is first officer jacob of the carrier ball 1 2566 there are considerably more artifacts at the kalash location this is the first officer of the carrier e free napal signing off the clash coordinates correspond to this location from the satellite data of four years ago we will alter course following the route of our coalition's first expedition at the kalash location we will accelerate resourcing and artifact recovery operations course locked in closing in on the target site rachel scout ahead and establish a positive id roger that we have arrived in the general vicinity where the ifrit nabal recovered the artifact [Music] spread out and searched the area still nothing adjusting on board scanners for its green reposition [Music] it's gotta be around here the signal we picked up was significant intel we found something [Applause] um are you guys seeing this [Music] checking the data now [Music] readings show considerable heavy metal deposits this is definitely the clash site that jacob was talking about data confirmed the free nabal artifact was indeed removed from this location i'm also detecting wreckage thrown across the valley below i'll need to set up additional scanners to get a clearer picture of exactly what happened here [Music] my preliminary scans are incomplete i need to place a scanner at this location to get more data location marked deploy scanner [Applause] scanner deployed commencing surface scan now the technology contained here is far more extensive than anything we have gathered to date it will advance our existing research programs exponentially the resources that are visible now can be salvaged but there are considerably more within the wreck itself in order to extract them we need to establish a broader scanner network so i can develop a complete ship breaking plan [Music] i'll need some time to fully analyze this data we need to explore the valley below to identify additional wreckage from the collage deploy and secure scanners at each wreckage site located alert the storm is producing tornadoes on low-lying areas avoid the tornadoes the sand and debris they spin up choose through light armor searching for additional wreckage in the valley ahead could be difficult what do you mean if we upgrade our fabrication facilities to produce base runners they'll help us in our search identified advance and evaluate deploy a probe from one of our base runners to help in the search for wreck sites probes will allow us to quickly explore new areas and search for hostile forces reading [Music] reading it um wreckage site detected great work establish a scanner and a defensive turret our scans indicate there are two additional rack sites cu field depleted base runner here [Music] base runner base runner assembled the gaussian are targeting our scanner network scramble defenders all scanning sites must be secured recommend deploying turrets from base runners to do so deploy a turret on that location [Music] the gaussian are attempting to destroy our scanner network we require rapid response aircraft to cancer gaussian attacks invest in the kapisi's hangar facilities to begin producing strike fighters additional wreckage site located roger good work set up a scanner and secure the site alert but there is still one more wreck site continue your search live scanning teams establish defensive turrets on those scanner locations asap be down alert or taking off stop by operating combat effective fire go ahead down alert support ready hostile light attack vehicle detected i've commenced the scan authentication pending the data we've already collected is amazing scan it 80 just a little longer hostile armor eliminated up ready [Music] eyes on the horizon move reading lock us down for long range travel reporting we've got hostile on sensors confirm visual that's it scan complete we've got it support ready green line confirmed hostile range crap destroyed enemy armor disabled make ready we got a railgun under fire this scan is unusual i've never seen anything like it i need to start breaking down the data immediately understood great job out there thanks we have successfully completed our scan of the collage rack but it may only be a matter of time before the gaussian carriers vector onto our position intel i fed the scan data into the computers and added my spectrum and i are reading i'm heading back to the pc now copy that we're all eager to hear the results of your analysis i bet you're gonna like this of course in the log captain roman sujet expedition carrier kapisi these sandstorms have taken a toll on the old girl but she's a hell of a ship we're managing well considering the haste with which we launched our lead science officer rachel is analyzing the artifact we found she's eager to take risks which i wouldn't have wagered on after our first meeting she's also driven as hell she's giving the intelligence officer fits my respect for her grows daily as for the gaussian their hover technology makes them faster and more maneuverable than our units they're better equipped for desert conditions too which is no surprise but their hidden run tactics which i've seen before always leads to something much larger and more dangerous it's only a matter of time before we are truly tested [Music] for the first time in as long as any of us can remember we are finally able to shed some light on the history of our planet and conceivably our origins as a people what we have found here is nothing short of miraculous an ancient starship lost to the desert for a thousand years the structural damage it sustained the compression patterns the debris footprint all of it is consistent with atmospheric penetration followed by ground impact [Music] but why did it crash here what happened many questions remain unanswered we know that the satellite data we collected identified hundreds of similar sites scattered throughout the great bandit desert each one of these could be a wreck just like the clash it is safe to assume that gaussian have been exploiting these resources for years now it's our turn composed of exotic materials and compounds not native to our planet each represents a potential treasure trove of untapped resources and alien technology we can leverage in our fight against the gaussian and which may well hold the key to our survival on kerak all crews prepared a ship break intel detailed scans have identified one section of the clash with energy readings far exceeding normal parameters i'll begin salvaging there first once i've confirmed my ship breaking plan works we'll move out into the valley below and expand operations copy that rachel deploying security teams to defend the inner perimeter approaching the wreck now copy that rachel proceed with shipbreaking operations we will need to use several demolition charges i'll need to place the charges on the wreck and detonate them once i'm clear of the blast zone understood reading you command armor confirms system is ready secure us remove send orders we got an assignment awaiting orders runner copies greeting you [Music] greeting you charges placed and enabled all right pull back to a safe distance and initiate detonation what do you need secure pda for move acknowledged okay time to roll there it goes yeah you'll need to power down nice work we can't do it on the move we need to collect that artifact and return it back to the pc to research it we'll do [Music] the artifact we recovered has been installed successfully the kapisi is already registering a massive increase in available power all systems go to pc power levels they're searching nice find rachel weapon range attention fleet the artifact manifest is now available to review the latest science analysis and data we must push out into the valley and salvage the remaining wreck sites before we run out of time understood [Music] be aware scattered gaussian contacts detected near wreck locations in the valley ensure salvage teams are well defended understood salvage teams form up and await orders base runner assembled i've updated the salvagers with the demolition charge schematic they'll require cus to produce new charges operations update understood in the region have been drained intel be advised hacking gaussian units is now available by accessing their shared network i can commandeer their vehicles if you can get them aboard the kapisi our engineers can reconfigure their control systems once that's done we can allocate them to our fleet sounds like a plan attempt to commandeer one of their units to confirm the system is operational one of our salvage teams is approaching a wreck in the valley updates to follow enemy we found an artifact at this location looks promising great work continue salvaging that didn't take long gaussian forces are responding to our salvage operations galaxy and strike group confirmed on sensors redirect defensive forces to our salvage cruise position gaussian air units are probing our position anti-air turrets now available for construction anti-air turret templates loaded into the base runners destroyed the main assault force will arrive soon runner payload on target destroyed artifact recovered authentication confirmed armored vehicle is taking fire this is rachel go ahead hostile railgun it works i have assumed control of the gaussian vehicle sending it to the pc now armored vehicle is taking fire we've got a salvager it's amazing this technology survived all these years exposed to the open desert support crews are under i wish i had a fully equipped lab to study this material in more detail one of our turrets is taking fire hostile range craft destroyed strike draft taking effective fire copies alert rachel is under fire deploying in next direct site expecting gaussian reinforcements third post destroyed [Music] salvager has been engaged artifact recovered authentication confirmed alert dollar lost alert support vehicle lost hostile rangecraft destroyed artifact salvage team is approaching another wreck site keep your eyes open for gaussian strike teams reporting hostile railgun a turd is under fire alert before taking hostile fire armor vehicle taking effective fire green [Music] all rec sections of this site have been processed successfully displaced to that cu field we read you advance to mark cus we're being hailed by the gaussian carrier stand by to receive [Music] we are the desert as before you have violated this holy site only now you have chosen to destroy it purging its sacred artifacts to serve your profane ambitions you may go no further prepare to face the wrath of the juke and beg your divine forgiveness i will pray for your souls [Music] alert rachel is under fire the gaussian commander kagon has cornered us the ao we are heavily outnumbered they will mount their assault from all sides we must stand our ground we'll detect it all around us we must pull back to the capacity confirmed get back to the kapisi immediately gaussian units approaching this is going to be close all available forces are to protect salvage crews and the capacity all other concerns are secondary integrity we've detected something can you confirm visual salvage strikecraft destroy this place of the hostile range craft destroyed be advised the gaussian have deployed a new variant of their armored combat unit it appears to have replaced its standard armament with a missile battery this will allow it to function as both ground fire support and mobile aaa the turret is under fire attention strike fighter approach vector diamond use exhausted green line confirmed alert the turret post just went down research completed ready reinforcements have arrived all units hold fast and maintain positions [Music] kapisi this is captain rashad of the sediment carrier sakala sakala be advised the enemy carrier ashoka and her fleet have us surrounded understood we warned you and our coalition partners for years of the gaussian threat we called for a total cleansing of the desert wastelands but now this appears beyond our reach i suggest we finish off these christodom while we have the advantage agreed [Music] the gaussian carrier has an escort of multiple cruisers recommend immediate advance on the gaussian position capacity say again request targeting the siege cruiser positions copy sakala all units move on those siege cruisers now sufficient cues been engaged provide fires to pc we are taking heavy fire request your forces target the gaussian siege cruisers near our location allied traps have been engaged provide fire support all units assume convoy formation and stand by to pursue personal log operations officer clia soban expedition carrier kapisi how many days have we been out here feels like weeks already we've reestablished communication with the north reports from tyr are encouraging pockets of resistance have sprung up and are holding gaussian forces at bay but for how long here crew morale remains high despite the constant engagement with gaussian forces i can't say enough about the men and women who have signed on risking their lives for this expedition our goal feels almost impossible at times but there is hope and a will to succeed against all odds for now that will have to do [Music] the ashoka is damaged and on the run yet despite the artifacts we've recovered and the upgrades we've made to the kapisi we are still no match for her speed having relocated to a wide debris field deep within the ballad in dune sea the ashoka appears to be conducting much-needed resource operations the sakala will maneuver to the north and draw the ashoka away the kapisi will then strike directly at the enemy resourcing operations once we have wiped out their ground forces we'll move to eliminate the ashoka clearing a path to the site of the primary anomaly the sedim have transferred us two bombers to assist in the operation all units prepare for battle we have reached the vicinity of the ashoka's resourcing operations production cruisers marked at these positions likely supporting salvage crews a security patrol is moving between the three cruiser locations destroy all production cruisers and eliminate that patrol hostile production crews are verified alert gaussian combat patrol responding to our attack on the production cruiser knock that production cruiser out of action first gaussian cruiser destroyed the gaussian seem to be adjusting their formation can you confirm stand by kabisi confirmed be advised two groups of gaussian combat units have broken away from the main patrol force and are strengthening defensive positions around the remaining production cruisers galcian production cruisers are actively fabricating new units standby for enemy contact unidentified craft on approach marker hostile light attack vehicle detector moving out armored vehicle is taking fire it's exhausted authentication pending alert new class of gaussian unit detected it appears to be a modification of the star hall heavy railgun resources it is faster and has a higher rate of fire but a shorter range we have insufficient cues identified hostile incoming authenticate we got a railgun under fire enemy real gun firing on friendly hostile armor eliminates salvager has been engaged strikecraft destroyed red alert command carrier taking fire alert [Music] [Music] hostile range crap destroyed this is rachel go ahead armor vehicle taking effective fire reading you command second production crews are destroyed be advised all remaining gaussian combat units are converging on the final production cruiser incoming transmission from the sakala the pc your signal is breaking up isolate and dampen interference sakala do you read over we are well within range if they're broadcast the gaussian may be jamming the signal position mark take us all hands strike fighter coordinates dialed in green line make sure armored vehicle has been destroyed [Music] is taking fire power enemy armor disabled hostile railgun opened up attention the final production cruiser group destroyed intel i've managed to clean up the sakala transmission it's not perfect but it's the best it's going to get to pc we've engaged the ashoka but they have broken away approaching your location prepare to take evasive action [Music] enemy light attack vehicle marked up enemy carrier detected moving fast on our the location has arrived all carrier personnel to battle stations the ashoka is heading towards a nearby resource deposit and is at full combat strength prepare defenses [Music] contact enemy armor and bearing designated new heading set sound carrier receiving turn [Music] standing [Music] a large wave of gaussian aircraft have been detected incoming from the north they will enter the combat zone here and are on route to the ashoka deploy a a assets along their projected course to destroy them before they land on the ashoka if allowed to rendezvous with the ashoka the air units would greatly increase her air strength we have modified our anti-aircraft missile systems from the aaa turret to be compatible with the assault unit chassis this will provide us with a mobile anti-air platform the missile battery is effective against both ground and air targets however it can only fire while stationary upgrade fabrication facilities and begin producing missile batteries to counter them interceptor group eta seven minutes copy coordinate set [Music] copy aircraft will enter the combat zone in approximately five minutes strike says build and deploy aa turrets or missile batteries to intercept the gaussian aircraft set the last missile battery online we got something reporting we're moving galcian interceptor group eta 30 seconds ready additional gaussian attack group is inbound on the kabisi prepare to engage set a scanner right there runner copies pop ready galcian aircraft on approach alert hostile strike fighter in circulation we got something on the horizon waiting for eyes hostile interceptor down hostile light attack vehicle visually authenticated tracking armored craft on approach alerts group incoming carrier hull passing 75 ready set new sector designated move out guilty and aircraft on approach contact enemy armor bearing designation armored vehicle is taking intel i'm detecting an energy buildup within the ashoka what the hell was that an electromagnetic pulse multiple units disabled estimate time to recovery several minutes until then they're defenseless the ashoka is heading for more resources and deploying additional defensive units initiate the base of maneuvers and continue to engage the ashoka until the emp disabled units come back online enemy railgun firing on friends support crews are under it so long as your kid could pursue a path to the stars personal log science officer rachel sajet expedition carrier kabisi jacob you're on to something big brother the tech the gaussian have recovered from these wrecks the tech we have found ourselves is rewriting the book on science and engineering as we know it already we are seeing the benefits you can imagine how excited i am i only wish you were here to share this if we survive long enough to get to the jaraki object there's no telling what we'll find if i hate that word we recovered artifact technology from the wreck of the ashoka and have run it through our diagnostics the advanced cooling system the gaussian have been using to endure the deep desert heat is unlike anything coalition scientists have been able to develop i found a way to merge their tech with our existing thermal control assembly allowing us to shunt additional power to weapons and armor while simultaneously increasing our repair abilities and targeting range we also uncovered the existence of a gaussian military base at the edge of the dune sea adjacent to the base is a resourcing operation [Music] similar to the plan of attack we used against the ashoka the sakala will engage the enemy first then pull back drawing as many defenders away as possible the kapisi will then move in and shut down their resourcing operation before turning your attention to the base itself look at the scale of it they must have been resourcing this wreck for years imagine how many artifacts how much galaxy and research is stored inside that base all units prepare to engage the enemy substantial resource deposits confirmed begin salvaging operations immediately the cooling system recovered from the ashoka has been installed we are reading a significant boost in reserve power the ashoka's emp technology has been adapted to my base runner as a ranged device any target caught in the impact zone will be completely disabled the recharge time is a concern our strategy is working the sakala confirms they've drawn away much of the outpost's defenses we need to work quickly to secure the area identified argue site on scanner conducting sweep ready copy quartet set a patrol guarding the gaussian resourcing operation has been alerted to our presence armored vehicle taking sensors indicate this force is heavily armed against both air and ground engagement emp charged and ready to go time for a field test a galaxy and salvager group is falling back to the main complexion cruiser destroyed we've got a salvager under fire reporting set new vetting enemy armor disabled receiving the remaining gaussian shipbreakers are falling back to the safety of the base we've gained a foothold in the excavation site yet heavy turret emplacements block our advance their visibility and firing arc is limited however they are equipped with heavy caliber rounds and are well armored get racial into the base but make every attempt to outflank them a direct assault would result in significant casualties those heavy turrets are operated from centralized control towers targeting the control towers with an emp burst should temporarily disable the turrets let's see use rachel's emp on turret control towers coordinates acquired moving the site artifact recovered authentication confirmed we're moving yes it worked turrets disabled be advised targeting control towers is more effective than targeting individual turrets runner support ready cu field depleted reposition reposition reporting railgun operational reading you standing by engage that target emp strike confirmed enemy turrets offline vehicle in service armored assault operational light attack vehicle online attack vehicle in service tracking armored craft on approach cu deposit depleted [Music] move order confirmed [Music] [Music] attack immediate fire support on that [Music] position foreign science team moving inside roger that be careful rachel rachel what is your team status report i've disabled the outpost remaining turret and placement the gaussian database is expensive however i'll need more time to extract it excellent work keep us updated [Music] it can be integrated into our fleet the honor guard cruiser is located here send a support cruiser to recover it we can expect a gaussian counter attack to reclaim the base shortly eliminate all remaining gaussian forces and defend rachel's position missile battery destroyed enemy light attack vehicle marked on approach enemy armor on approach set message strike wrap taking effective fire we need a turret set plane strike craft destroyed a rail gun is taking effective fire runner alert lab get that mine up get us moving [Music] move their fuel source and it's off the charts it's only a matter of time before it blows rachel you and your team need to evacuate now with the amount of data they've collected they may know what the primary anomaly is support ready rachel it's not worth it get your team out of there i can do this just be ready for me when i'm done we block down a prime area place some mines maybe they'll walk right we lost transmission captain the gaussian forces has split into two groups and are advancing towards the main complex perimeter they are forming a blockade around the facility to prevent our escape from the blast clear a path through the blockade for rachel to escape the captured honor guard cruiser is equipped with a manually targeted railgun use it to break the blockade guard reporting mine detail go reading you command ready [Music] hostile light attack vehicle detected enemy production crews are cited [Music] [Applause] light attack vehicle is under fire zero high rate of fire combat relay hostile production cruiser eliminated we got something on the horizon waiting for izon to authenticate one of our turrets taking fire hostile railgun opened up hostile designated runners alert turn post destroy set message [Music] evacuate the main complex say again the fleet must clear the main complex runner copy that coordinates confirmed enemy railgun eliminated hostile trackers designated operators to confirm copy that tracker update rachel yes i read you that was close personal log intelligence officer nathan sajet expedition carrier kapisi the gaussian ghosts of the desert we learn more about our enemy with each passing day rachel says they believe in a terrible place where their god sajuk placed his people as punishment for their sins they refer to it as kartoba or first city they believe their spiritual and military leader the kahad sajuk will become the instrument of god's will and ascend to rule over all of karak once he enters the temple of kartoba is there a kernel of truth hidden amongst these myths and if so what is it [Music] as much a temple as a military installation the gaussian base was filled with bizarre religious imagery and ancient inscriptions we also found this recording noble and kind people of the desert the north island as their cities thirst for water and their citizens choke on the encroaching desert sands we seek only their ascent into space was a violation of the will of sahaja yoga unchecked they will bring his wrath down upon us war has been forced upon us the north will know us now no longer as brothers but by counting the number of their dead may there be peace on karak once again we can expect fiercer resistance ahead regardless we keep moving forward cutting through the garaki highlands here it's rough terrain the dangers are many on the other side lies a heat-ravaged wasteland the gaussian call dygren or the dreamlands just beyond lies our ultimate goal if we find what everyone is hoping we will the water riots the food rationing it could all become a distant memory our salvation lies in the desert says we know it rachel [Music] rachel yes i read you short-range sensors are picking up scattered wreckage in the valley ahead that's strange our satellite data shows nothing here intel i'm going to scout ahead and take a look gaussian are evacuating this site wrecks have been identified at these locations all ship breaking teams [Music] get standby copies [Music] get us moving [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um you're gonna want to see this incredible the ship it appears to be fully intact oh my god how is this possible the cavity surrounding the ship is perfectly smooth no evidence of digging or we need to start artifact retrieval operations immediately roger that salvage crews standing by i'm picking up significantly elevated power signatures somewhere in the area if we can find that power source and integrate it into the capacity it will significantly increase our energy levels in all systems the walls of the canyon are distorting my scans we need to send out salvage teams to find that power source agreed this could be the most powerful artifact we've discovered so far salvage teams warm up send reinforcements to escort the salvage team i wish we had more time to investigate this location the archaeological data alone would keep our scientists busy for years i would give anything to meet the people who engineered this technology going mobile reading enemy armor these hulls are perfectly intact not not even a touch of atmospheric scarring on them salvaging teams be aware gaussian forces are attempting to extract artifacts from the wrecks at this [Music] location base runner is on route the gaussian are positioning siege cruisers at elevated positions to stop our advance attacking these cruisers from below will prove difficult each cruiser will upgrade our facilities to produce tactical bombers and target the gaussian siege cruisers we're ready for orders on the move please hold charges tactical bomber fabrication online begin constructing tactical bombers we found another artifact proceeding to the capacity reporting move order confirmed pc copies the power source has been located at one of the rec sites understood redirect all available forces to acquire and escort that power source back to the capizzi set new vetting [Music] artifact recovered authentication confirmed power source has been returned great work that extra power will give us a tactical advantage i can't wait to take a closer look at this artifact i can only imagine the potential applications for this technology rachel we're picking up significant sensor contacts inbound at high speed prepare for gaussian counter attack make ready [Music] we've got enemy contact missile launch detected the gaussian carrier renza is moving towards our position prepare to engage [Applause] armored vehicle is taking fire hostile strike strike fighter approach vector dialed in lorenza is shunting power to armor and is on the move was under fire gaussian repair crew on route to the renzo eliminate them hostile production crews are picking up elevated energy signatures the gaussian carrier renza is shunting all power to weapons personal log science officer rachel sajet expedition carrier kapisi it took three years to prepare this expedition we set out launching into the unknown unsure of what we would find the discoveries we have made have exceeded all our expectations i've noticed the kit names identified aboard these starships the insignias none of them are known to us where did these starships come from who are these voyagers hopefully my analysis will yield some much needed answers what we've discovered here is astonishing these starships they didn't crash they materialized inside of solid rock data suggests an artificial quantum waveform intercepted these ships during interstellar transit and reassembled them here underground i've linked the quantum signature from these ships to the primary anomaly i believe it's the source of the waveform and responsible for the starship wrecks scattered throughout the great banded desert its power is beyond anything we even thought possible we must reach the primary anomaly and unearth its secrets our passage through the goraki highlands will be through the whispering gallery a narrow canyon located here the sakala will meet us at the mouth of the canyon and together we will punch through to the dreamlands on the other side [Music] this is the capacity do you copy circular receiving two gaussian carriers are blocking our advance they appear to be an elite battle group of the kahats we require your immediate assistance roger that we're closing on your position now prepare for allied contacts to pc out [Music] [Applause] the sakala is currently positioned here ready all combat groups to support allied fleet watch for friendlies kapisi we're under fire requesting salvage support ready advanced democracy use galaxy and railguns are carrying through our armored forces gunship set for launch strike strikes cruise missile silos now support ready the gaussian carriers are miraging us with heavy ordnance our eyes onto we have sustained multiple hull fractures alert copy that scala hold on we're set for launch cruise missile silos online cruise missiles will decimate clustered enemy forces and static defenses at extreme range lost our bomber is taking fire alert [Music] stand by for launch authentication sequence target set launch [Music] do not engage the gaussian carriers [Music] missiles are smashing the sukkala's armored plating friendly taking off we must push the gaussian forces away from our sedim allies [Music] sector designated move out gaussian bombers detected they're targeting the capacity down be advised allied crap down alert allied carrier taking hostile fire be advised the terrain in this canyon will prove challenging for short-range units alert hostile we can use the terrain to our advantage by utilizing artillery cruisers upgrade fabrication facilities to begin producing artillery cruisers be advised we are deploying a group of armored assault vehicles roger that zakala salvager up times are wasting tracking armor alert [Music] attack vehicle detected enemy contacts on the board runners go ahead new coordinates verified this is taking effective fire honor guard cruiser destroyed armored vehicle lost our bomber is under enemy fire alert friendly taking hostile fire screens repositioned new coordinates [Music] verified we have defeated the gods of duke's carriers let's move to open ground and get out of this canyon bring engines to full personal log captain roman sujet expedition carrier kapisi the sedim a loathsome kit if ever there was one arrogant self-righteous mishad the cicala captain seems to have an agenda all of his own he knows more than he's willing to share i'm sure of it unfortunately it's a tenet of war that you can't always choose your allies how true truth is we have no choice but to rely on one another the gaussian keep throwing wave after wave at us escalating their attacks unafraid to sacrifice their forces to hold us at bay thankfully the commanders of tyr have confirmed our resupply without it we will not be able to complete our expedition [Music] we have been compromised with the fall of epsilon base gaussian intelligence acquired the satellite data and coordinates of our expedition's destination they believe that whatever lies at the center of the dreamlands our target is kartoba the birthplace of our existence on carrack and the key to their ascension that's not all having decrypted the gaussian-based data i found a message for my brother embedded in the code forces one of the artifacts is the trigger to a weapon of vast destructive power they do not yet understand what they possess but i do i have a plan i the know sajuk's fleet is making for the primary anomaly with no other choice but to resupply we need to rendezvous with the coalition landers inbound from tyr surrounded by desert the only place they can set down is the kashar plateau located here coordinates locked in [Music] uh okay coalition landers both sujet and sedim are currently inbound which means we need to secure that plateau there are multiple access points all units prepare to engage the enemy and take the high ground send receiving standing by the sakala have engaged gaussian forces delaying their arrival conducting sweep turret ahead we need to avoid its line of fire intel with the data from the galaxy based decrypted we have gained access to new research on artifact technology and how our enemy is using it excellent thank you rachel new upgrades to the cabices fabrication systems are now available recommend commencing upgrades now crews are ready made the galaxy and are dug in behind heavy turret emplacements in order to punch through we require a heavily armored cruiser strike grass they can upgrade the kapisi's fabrication facilities to produce battle cruisers ready green line confirmed confirmed [Music] turn it down let's get moving a hostile turret has been destroyed alert multiple cruisers detected atop the plateau [Music] enemy armor on approach we've got a salvager under fire new heading set enemy a a unit on the plateau our airspace is compromised they must be removed armored vehicle taking effective fire copy that coordinate superb armored vehicle has been destroyed has disengaged from enemy forces and now on approach to the plateau alert missile battery lost muscle armor eliminated armored vehicle has been destroyed a galaxy assault force is approaching hold the plateau crews are eliminated the plateau has been secured excellent work gaussian forces in retreat or enemy on plateau secured we need to hold this landing zone personal log intelligence officer nathan sajet expedition carrier kapisi back home the tide of war is starting to turn our men and women are fighting door to reclaiming entire neighborhoods as they push back these gaussian invaders but here the kahad sajuk's fleet is approaching our expedition's target as we are forced to sit and wait on landers inbound from tyr we are so close yet with every hour we fall further behind our enemy the future of our expedition depends on those flight crews roach you crazy sob you're the best lander pilot i've ever known if anyone can do this it's you you better not have forgotten that bottle i asked for as we speak satellite data has identified the kahatsajuk's fleet approaching the site of the primary anomaly oh my god it's some kind of orbital weapons platform the weapon issued a recognition code at the surface an id transponder returned the signal the return signal originated here that's it that's what jacob was talking about i need to go investigate the source of that signal it's risky but you're right rachel take a combat escort and secure the transponder gaussian reinforcements are closing on our position fast but we should be able to hold them off long enough to resupply we will then rendezvous at your location roger that kapisi this is lander05 bravo do you copy we are inbound on your marker emergency fuel critical we are racing the gauge and we'll only have one chance before our tanks run dry we must defend the landing zone until our transports arrive we anticipate gaussian assaults will come at us through these approaches here turrets and mines will prove effective at these choke points what do you mean we've had salvage teams reclaim the wreckage of several gaussian heavy turrets the tourists have been positioned at defensive locations on the plateau but their armor is damaged repair those turrets we'll need all the firepower we can get construction units identified galcian forces are approaching our contact range hold the high ground at all costs carry your copies get her moving ready for assignment alert the turn post just went down census post is under fire alert sensor post lost salvator has been engaged alert support taking hospital approach vector dialed in attack vector dialed in hostile strike enemy armor disabled alert rega down attention armored vehicle lost strike fighter approach vector dialed in attack interceptor down enemy railgun firing on friendlies artillery crews are under attack units respond [Music] reading strike fighter coordinates dialed in support crews are now operational engines on stop by understood the sakala has arrived looks like they coordinated their arrival oh once they offload their supplies prep for our jet landers it's going to be touch and go i want medical and fire suppression teams on alert the gaussian are deploying anti-air forces here eliminate them in order to clear the landing zone [Music] galcian aircraft on approach online new heading adjust pc go ahead enemy airstrike inbound hostile detected visual unconfirmed one of our turrets is taking fire hostile interceptor down location mark enemy light attack vehicle marked on approach firm visual enemy railgun firing on friends alert friendly taking off top fires [Music] acknowledge enemy armor disabled operations update our use in the region have been drained alert assault crews are destroyed engage hostile light attack vehicles visually authenticate both galaxy and aa squads have been neutralized new sector designated move out contact enemy armor bearing designated landers requesting clearance we're coming in hot hostile strike crafts down the sakala is broadcasting on an open channel to our coalition brothers and sisters you have inflicted great devastation upon the gaussian scum for that we applaud your bravery we will not forget your sacrifice but our time of ascension is at hand only the siddhim and our kit are of divine origin only we can claim the bounty that lies at the heart of this desert the first city and its secrets belong to us and us alone scramble all emergency crews immediately [Music] the siddhim had betrayed us personal log captain roman sejet expedition carrier capaci my instincts were right the siddim have betrayed us they say self-righteousness inevitably leads to treachery that it's an affliction of the weak-minded i agree mashad will pay for what he has done i'm going to enjoy every second of it thankfully we're able to retrieve supplies from one of the landers allowing us to carry on but rachel is out there now alone i won't let her become another victim of this treachery rachel what is your status intel the id transponder signal originated from iraq a military capital ship that seems to be named taidan the tai dan deployed the orbital weapon then suffered the same fate as the other wrecks crashing to the surface before the weapon could be enabled [Music] escaping the gaussian base jacob crossed the wastelands and located the titan coupled with a transponder hidden aboard this ship he used the trigger to arm the weapon but without adequate food water or protection he died here alone we're coming for you rachel hold out until we get there understood intel science team standing by do you copy [Music] come in we have you on long range scanners we are close be advised have [Music] roger that rachel is located here sedim units are attempting to capture her and seize the wreck defend rachel until the kapiti arrives [Music] reporting move out be ready reporting deploy a turret i'm not location [Music] [Applause] my detail go play downline move this is rachel go ahead receiving the railgun is taking effective fire one of our tourists is taking fire play down lines move enemy armored i'm ready i'm rachel do you divide the sakala is closing on your position fast she will arrive before us copy that hurry roger that ordinance confirmed enemy armor disabled we got a railgun under fire ready hot dollar center authentication pending me [Music] we're taking off by hostile carrier visually authenticated [Music] intel rachel's strikeforce is outmatched she must disengage and rendezvous with the kapisi at once ensure officer sajet and her team make it safely to the kapisi go ahead we're moving on our way rachel is taking fire rachel we are closing in on the rendezvous point now copy that taking fire enemy anti-air turrets alert sensor post destroyed uh we have rachel in sight reducing speed be advised the kapisi has been operating in the red for hours and she is overheating the kapisi has taken damage from overheating the drive systems our cruisers are trailing behind but will arrive soon intel i've recovered the transponder and trigger artifact from the titan wreck my scan of the area has identified an advanced cooling system in one of the nearby wreck sites roger that salvaging that artifact is now our main priority [Music] alert carrier hull at 75 integrity standing by greeting you [Music] make ready we read you air launch detected from the sakala we demand the object that your science officer has seized relinquish it and you may continue to live on this planet after our ascension close this channel until further notice the only sound i want to hear from the scala is our hull exploding warning carrier hull passing 75 alert all units the sakala is preparing to launch a cruise missile [Music] copy quartet set roll out attention our cruisers have arrived and are awaiting orders heat adjust crews are ready copy on our way salvage already damage assessment carrier is suffered coolant artifact extracted now let's get it on board the kapisi cu field expanded taking effective fire warning carrier remains in overheat alert support trap has been engaged we've got a salvager under fire be advised system heat levels are stabilizing coolant technology received engineering reports installation in progress we can now focus on the sedim they cannot be allowed to acquire the tai dan transponder destroy the sakala hostile strike crap down ready armored vehicle has been destroyed detected from the sakala alert hostile strike fighter in circulation we got something on the horizon waiting for eyes on to authenticate support crews are under attack immediate fire support on that track armored vehicle is taking fire hostile range crash destroyed alert rachel is under fire pc copies coordinates confirmed new heading set contact enemy armor bearing designated a rail gun picking effective fire combat relay hostile cruiser eliminated listen up strength armored vehicle has been destroyed green line confirmed engine's hot alert missile battery lost launch bomber bomber on deck alert down all units engage the sakala full attack receiving the shakala is at critical health we've got the sakala on the ropes now it's finisher off enemy armor disabled warning rachel's hull is at 75 air launch detected from the sakala [Music] in preparation for immediate departure personal log operations officer clia soban expedition carrier kapisi jacob sajet was alive this whole time my god a prisoner of the gaussian for four years and he stopped them from reaching the kartoba site he made the ultimate sacrifice for his people now as we prepare to honor him we also ready for battle to finish what we started i have no idea what the future holds or if i'll be around to see it but here now i am proud to be among these sajad to be counted as one of them asoban it has been an honor to serve with them all thanks to the sacrifice of rachel's brother we finally hold the key to defeating the gaussian once and for all the taitan orbital weapon is operational and under our control rachel is making final preparations to ensure the fleet's safety as we secure the kartoba site power and discharge protocols in the green targeting and alignment data is sub-optimal we will require a ground-based scanner network to resolve firing accuracy where nobody will be safe out there the cartobus site is located here [Music] the gaussian fleet is holding their position outside the targeting perimeter when they realize we have safely entered the site they will advance and surround us we will not have much time rachel stand by to deploy roger that [Music] we must get rachel and her team into the kartov wreck immediately time is of the essence expect gaussian forces to arrive shortly [Music] [Music] [Music] awaiting orders i have the reconcile no movement detected conducting preliminary scan quantum signature verified the site appears undisturbed pristine i'm going in copy that rachel we need to set up the scanner network so i can build a targeting matrix i can direct the beam once the network is in place to establish the targeting matrix deploy scanners at these locations unidentified hostile incoming authenticate scanner deployed receiving the data now we need two more scanners to complete the matrix bomber operational scanner ping received incorporating data now one more scanner to go scanner network in place great keep the network operational while i perform the scan armor confirms armor moving out scan complete preparing see you field our scanners have picked up something it's all around us [Music] it's incredible an entire city buried beneath the sand this this must be it this must be kurtoba the first city of carax it's it's real targeting matrix complete firing sequence primed the orbital weapon is now at our disposal just in time rachel we are detecting a gaussian carrier crossing the perimeter fire when ready let's see what this thing can do field expanded target area set firing unidentified contact designated hostile target hospital railgun intel there might be a way to focus the weapons update to follow hillary cruiser galaxian air units inbound alert down enemy armor disabled we've detected something can you confirm visual strike fighter coordinates dialed in attack crosstalk is destroyed the rail gun is taking effective fire contact enemy armor bearing launch bomber copy that bomber on deck thunderblast [Music] hostile on sensors authentication pending alert rachel is in contact hostile range craft destroyed armored vehicle is taking fire battle report enemy production cruiser destroyed support northern kid of color everything you have achieved the battles you have won they were pre-ordained by the great subject himself to believe otherwise is vanity his will is our destiny but words alone will not stay your hand that much you have brought this darkness you have chosen may the bloodshed acquire the great slumber of such we have never seen this class of gaussian ship before enemy armor disabled it appears to be some kind of super carrier a gaussian flagship that gets fired the calcium side is the board defeated at all costs after coffees move out enemy railgun eliminated crew [Music] mark ready for orders i've never seen anything like it we must engage with extreme caution [Music] battle cruiser is facing resistance target launch fire missile battery online missile battery operational orbital platform ready firing the flagship has suffered significant damage [Music] alert missile battery loss fire contact enemy armor bearing designated alert rachel is under fire strike fighter coordinates dialed in attack vector dialed in we're in the pipe spawn set message hostile interceptor down armored vehicle is taking place alert gunship down reading [Music] the firing is taking effective fire i have failed my people [Music] my creator will descend in an upon hailstorm of fire and death [Music] know that you will one day bring this raid upon us all [Music] seek his forgiveness before it is too late step into his light and be absorbed the truth of our origins is only now being revealed descendants of the great derelicts of carrack we are all one we're all my brother said salvation lay in the desert it's too early to know for sure if he was right but one thing is certain this is not the end but rather a new beginning for us all you
Channel: GamerPete
Views: 312,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 27sec (9147 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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