Homestead Pantry Tour | Self-Sufficiency and Food Storage 2021

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i'm so excited to share with you the result of all of our preserving from this summer so really quickly before i get started with the pantry tour i always feel like it's important to give a little bit of background and information we grow all of our own vegetables we don't purchase any from the store and we also this year we're able to grow all of our own meat as far as the fruit goes we planted lots of fruit trees lots of shrubs but those can take several years until you get a good harvest so a lot of the fruit that you'll see here in the pantry that is bought from local farmers which i love to support and then the other thing worth mentioning here is we are in a new home now and in our new home we decided to make a cold room this is different from a root cellar because a root cellar is surrounded by earth and that's what keeps it cool but the cold room is run by a temperature control system which uses electricity i would much rather have a root cellar by far but where we live the water table is really high and it's difficult to have proper drainage it just would take a lot of money right now so we just decided to put that project off for a little while and do the cold room as a temporary thing until we could do the root cellar properly and get all the drainage correct if you walk outside of our cold room we have a different pantry there that we keep all of our dry storage in this other pantry just stays right around room temperature at 68 degrees fahrenheit and we store all of our sweet potatoes and winter squash there because it's a better environment for them the cold room tends to be pretty moist and we keep it at 48 degrees fahrenheit the extra humidity and cold temperature is great for the potatoes and other root crops it's also great for my fermented foods which i store in here properly canned foods can be stored at room temperature but we keep them in the cold room because of space needs so now that you have all the details let's get started with the pantry tour okay are you going oh i've been going oh okay so these are all black beans no i have a hair on me okay some hairless black beans and then this is marinated roasted red peppers this is corn and then we have a peach barbecue a regular tomato based barbecue and then ketchup and then this is some cowboy candy given to us by our family thank you family um and then a pickle relish this is pizza sauce and i label it as pizza sauce but we pretty much use it just as a tomato sauce and a recipe that requires that we use the pizza sauce as like this recipe because it's a little bit thicker than regular tomato sauce and then more black beans here down in this row this is like our family's favorite row right here salsa we have mild salsa we have medium salsa so this is this is spaghetti sauce you just point and i'll talk this is spaghetti sauce we love spaghetti sauce we eat it a lot okay and then we have diced tomatoes more salsa just couldn't fit that up there and then more black beans these are all diced tomatoes i just did a variety of different sizes just because certain recipes call for different sizes and then i can make the most of the canning lids which are in short supply these days because all of our potatoes they are in much better shape this year than they have been in years past because we keep this room cold and so they're still looking really good and they're not sprouted like crazy like they were last year how many pounds per crate like that so we harvested 365 pounds of potatoes so i have a lot of crates of these one two three four five six seven crates forty forty to fifty pounds in each one yeah forty to fifty pounds potatoes they are hard to move [Music] and cam and the kids made me these crates i really like these crates um from they recycle them from pallets that we had we had a lot of pallets because we just built this house so not we but we hired people to build our house the house was built pallets remained yes cool okay so here at the top are grape jam this is lemon strawberry jam peach butter this is cranberry sauce and then we have apple butter and in the past i've done a lot of jams but i've learned over the years of canning to become a little bit more practical and we don't go through all that much jam so i've just done like a little bit less and less every year and it's actually worked out perfect so i think we're right at the right amount now this is white chicken chili and several jars of those just for like a quick meal and then these are all chicken broth even though they look kind of different they're all the same and then this one is a vegetable broth on this shelf i have a lot of our fermented things just kind of here in the middle because this is easy for us to access and we access these a lot use them and then put them back so this is a red pepper it's a hot pepper salsa it's really good but it's really spicy and then we have sauerkraut right here this is a hot pepper lime chili mix fermented and then this is salt preserved lemons we really like that with pasta and a whole bunch of other things that i can't think of right now and then in here is chicken broth i just couldn't fit these on that upper shelf and then we have cajun copy soup last year i didn't do as many this year i did more just because we loved it so much we eat it all the time for like a lunch or when we don't have time to make something else and then down here this is pie filling apple pie filling this is all of our applesauce and then down here at the bottom is some sliced peaches and this is all of our grape juice i got a juicer this year and i was able to make a lot more grape juice that's your favorite shelf yeah yeah it is so then down here at the bottom these are potatoes right here we have some apple butter and then some lavender this is pumpkin seeds and then these are all sliced um green and red peppers and i put some of these smaller jars because i actually ran out of quart sized jars this year and couldn't find any at the store then this is dried corn now we're moving on to the dried foods and it's always surprising when you're drying foods it takes a ton of food to like fill up this amount so this is a yellow squash we use that in soups and things anything that's cooked is usually a good candidate for using dried foods in okay so this is go to pepper from our korean expert back there these are just sliced red peppers and then this is celery and this one is sliced tomatoes and then more of the yellow squash this is the celery greens just add these to soups and stuff and then this is leeks and over here we have more tomatoes this has a random things in here like kidney beans that i grew and didn't get a very good harvest from red raspberry leaves this rose is pretty simple it's all sliced dried apples this is our favorite way to eat apples throughout the winter so as you see there is a lot these are all the half gallon sized jars so down here we have a garlic in here and these crates aren't ones that cam and the kids made me um cam found these second hands at a place just to fill in temporarily until they could make me some more so then over here we have yellow onions and this doesn't look like much but i used so many onions in just my regular canning that i actually had way way more than that and then it just all gets used so these are my red onions [Music] and then over in here are apples okay so down here at the bottom this is more potatoes in there and they're hard to move okay and then in here this is all of our cabbage and i keep them in bags to keep the humidity high um they just keep a little bit better and longer that way i know there's also other ways to store them in like a root cellar type situation but this is just working for us right now in a pinch just gonna do some dance this is one of my fermentation cracks it actually doesn't have anything in it right now i'm just storing it because it's too cold in here to ferment so i have a bunch of the canning rings in this one and then down here is all of our storage for lids the wide mouth in the regular mouth luckily i was able to secure some more lids for this year i do not want to run out one of these packs usually lasts me like a year so this is like a two-year supply and then i have some jalapenos here that need preserved stuff these are just some mylar bags of dried sliced red peppers that i did just kind of experimenting with that the last of the jars that i have left and then in here i have this is a big box of pears i don't know if i want to get that out right now no it's heavy pears and then here is more apples that i have these are this one is jenna gold and these are jonathan and then in this one these are all jonathan apple so we have all of our butternut squash here i have one long island cheese pumpkin because it was a volunteer plant just came up i didn't grow any pumpkins this year because i had a ton last year and i preserved all those into a pumpkin puree so didn't need to grow anymore this right here is apple cider vinegar in the making my sister was here and she was teaching me how to do this i'm still sort of learning how to do this so don't ask me about it yet i'm not ready to talk about it and then i just keep my seeds out here it's too moist inside of our cold room to keep seeds in there honestly so they stay out here this is all of our sweet potatoes we harvested these brought them in and then let them cure and then um now we have them all stored we got just under 200 pounds for the sweet potatoes which is a little bit less than a year supply for us normally but we actually had a way better regular potato year so that amount should be enough okay and the last thing here that i'll share just because it's here it's not really part of a pantry but it's part of creating a pantry because you grow all your food so this is like our bulk seed storage in here so i have like all of my cover crop stuff plus um a whole bunch of other large seeds and we grow a lot of food so it takes a lot of bulk [Applause] that is all for this pantry tour thank you guys for watching and we have more coming at you soon some good things [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Seasonal Homestead
Views: 1,050,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Vgamhffcr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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