COMPLETE Homestead PANTRY TOUR | A Year's Supply of Food

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hey everybody this is Becky from the seasonal Homestead we're back again for another Pantry tour I'm really excited to share with you our pantry for this year because we're doing a very full and complete Pantry tour not only all of the things that I preserve this year all the canned goods all the fermented foods all the free state foods and all the dehydrated Foods I'm going to show you all that and then I'll also show you our other Pantry where we have a lot of our grains and other things I've never really showed that before but I figured I'd add it on to this one so you can see what we store for our year's supply of food here we go I'm gonna do the same order as I've done in other years from like top to bottom and then over to the side okay so to start off this is black beans so I was gonna look at the top but I know what that is this is marinated roasted red peppers these are ketchup this is barbecue sauce this is from a year prior because if you remember I made barbecue sauce this year and I froze it instead because I do not like a lot of the canned barbecue sauce recipes so a lot of pickles this year we have sliced and then what's that other one called Spears Spears yes and they're all Dill that's just what we prefer I did a lot of pickles because in years past we've had a couple of years where we didn't have a very good cucumber Harvest at all so this is to last us two years just in case we don't get a good harvest next year but we actually are going through them pretty quickly already spaghetti sauce we've already started to eat some of these pizza sauce and this one is sloppy joe sauce our new one that's a new one for this year yeah tomato sauce I just did some big jars of that so down in here we have salsa these are all salsa I do some medium and some mild salsa just because we have different taste preferences in the family these are a little bit of leftover sliced apples from a year prior diced tomatoes diced tomatoes we just do different sizes based on the recipe and then it also helps because these Lids are starting to get more expensive so we save money by doing the larger sizes so then this is all applesauce I did this this all this year because we were completely out of the applesauce so on this side I put cardboard here this year because in years prior we didn't put cardboard here I thought it would be enough to have our potatoes covered from the light but it somehow they still got a little green so they're in there a couple sprouting just a little bit they sprouted a little bit more this year even when I pulled them out of the ground they looked like this they're kind of maintaining the way they were but overall they're still pretty firm which is good and then over on this side all of our onions I have onions here onions underneath a very full thing of onions underneath and I just all the varieties are mixed together I don't know why I just did it that way so up here at the top is all of our jams and fruit things so this is a strawberry lemon jam I make that one every year it's everybody's favorite Peach butter some grape Jam we've already gone through quite a bit of that since I made it this is also a peach jam in it's not even canned but it had a lot of sugar in it so it's still really good this right here is pickled beets this is the first time I've ever done that before mainly because I'm not a huge fan of beets but I have it has been a long time since I've had pickle beets I remember liking them when I was little so I made them pickled because I figured if there's any way I'm gonna eat the beets it's gonna be this way here I have cranberry applesauce this is a new one for us this year as well it was really really good so we're gonna make some more of that I just haven't gotten to it yet and then this is just plain cranberry sauce and apple butter here vegetable stock this is all chicken broth here and then this is ham and bean soup and also down here human bean soup we haven't done that before then over on this side this is pork and beans this is another new one I did a lot more pressure canning of more ready-made meals this year for convenience and so that's one of those meals where you just just cook up some rice and add pork and beans and then some chopped fresh greens from the garden because we still have a lot of Greens in our garden right now here we have cajun cowpe soup definitely the favorite we all fight over this one some chopped diced chicken here is the fermented section which is why I have all of the bigger jars it's just easier for me to do it in bigger jars these are the half gallon size so here is some cabbage kimchi when I made this we already went through one jar in like one day because the kids really like the regular cabbage kind we made a lot of the cucumber kimchi because we had a lot of excess cucumbers this year so we have a lot of those here and then over here this is a fermented jalapeno and it's got some garlic in there and lime zest and it's really yummy we use that in soup a lot or basically anything where we want a jalapeno this is a cinnamon apple sauce grape juice and over here this is just some canned sliced peaches more potatoes and more potatoes down there we have this room at 45 degrees usually we use something called coolbot to make this a cold room all of the foods that are canned do not need to be cold it's just more of this was the best space for them but all of the fermented foods they do need to be colder we don't have a basement in our home our area it's not good to have a basement so this was the next best thing for the time being so that's why that's why the jacket's on and I'm like starting to get really cold now up in here I have apple butter and then this these two shelves are my dehydrated Foods and the bottom two are our freeze-dried foods so a lot of these dehydrated foods are left over from last year basically some dehydrated sliced squash a lot of dehydrated sliced Peppers corn this is freeze side parsley I actually have this in the wrong place dehydrated celery tops this is more of the squash tomatoes peppers this is leeks and then peppers and tomatoes and in here these are sliced freeze-dried peaches this used to be full we got people already breaking into this jar and then more of the diced peaches back here we just throw these into oatmeal we actually had some this morning and more of like the full sliced peaches freeze-dried strawberries these are freeze-dried mushrooms we were able to get some free mushrooms this year from the place where we get our compost freeze-dried spinach this is that pizza sauce I had a video where I made this more mushrooms we got some freeze-dried herbs here like basil this one's really pretty this is purple basil and the freeze jar helps keep a lot of the color which is nice when you dehydrate it just kind of turns brown freeze-dried sliced Peppers over there so in here these are freeze-dried apples and at the same time we did some dehydrated apples just because the freeze dryer is a lot longer of a process and we were trying to go through the apples quicker Bowl freeze dried and dehydrated apples they taste really good either way so we did both of those this is some peach fruit leather this is what's left of it anyway and then over here we have freeze-dried chili I have a video where I I made this too as well and then here we have some additional potatoes these accidentally got left in our garage so they started to sprout a little bit more and then down here this is more onions here and here so it's a good onion year we still have a lot of onions left even after doing all of our preserving which is really good so in this area this is vegetable stock this is basically like overflow where I couldn't fit it turkey stock I love turkey stock because it has more rich flavor than chicken stock and then baked beans this was a new one this year they actually turned out really good and they taste really good too so down in here these boxes are all filled with apples they're not apples from our trees our trees aren't producing yet so we just got these locally but I like to have local apples here and we just keep them in here and they'll last for several months and then the kids can just grab fresh apples here whenever they want so once you walk out of our cold room this is our other Pantry it's just room temperature in here but I do keep all of my squash out here because the other pantry is too cold for this and these these were just rot in there so these are all the pumpkins I have not turned them into pumpkin puree yet but I will soon enough some of these are ready to others look like they could use a little bit more time curing on the Shelf these are beans that I still need to Shell and haven't done it yet it's a good winter thing to do when you don't have a lot going on this is just some wheat flour and then I have some this is homemade vinegar in there and then down here these are what is left of my garlic from this past year I already planted a bunch of garlic so it kind of takes away from the supply but this is what's left underneath the garlic in the crates down here this is where we keep our our sweet potatoes we have four crates here of the sweet potatoes so up on the top of this shelf this is where we keep all the freeze-dried foods that's in the mylar bags I found these storage totes to keep them in and to keep them organized so I'm we're going to take those down and I'll show you what's in those so here's the freeze-dried foods that we have this one is all eggs that we did earlier this spring we had a lot of new chickens we had a ton of extra eggs and we freeze-dried them all and we've actually already been using some of them because our chickens have been laying less and then in this one we have freeze-dried ground beef and some freeze-dried chili and then in this one we also have more freeze-dried ground beef we did a lot of that and that's pretty much it for this one and then this one is all the freeze-dried more freeze-dried eggs in this one here are some things that I still buy I'm not going to go through everything here because there's just a lot of individual things but mainly we still buy some things like store-bought vinegar for canning purposes and store-bought lemon juice some coconut products I obviously we don't have coconut here and this is a dairy substitute for me personally because I have a hard time digesting Dairy and then things like olives you know we can't grill those and some of like the basic baking things we have all of those as well and then over on this side I used to have all of these things in bags but I cut them all organized and labeled is is basically all grains and nuts and things for baking and a lot of these things if I can't get organic locally then I will get them from Azure standard that's where I get a lot of things like coconut milk powder I couldn't find that at the store of course so when I make bread I grind some flour and I keep the ground flour in here most of it is still in wheat berry form but this one is like a soft white wheat and the other is a hard white wheat so those are already ground for that and then here I don't have a lot of stuff I do make some homemade mixes I don't have any right now but like some cornbread mix and then a lot of times we'll have homemade granola instead of cereal we don't really eat cereal except for on holidays it's like a special treat for the kids so as an alternative we do make some homemade granola this area is not very organized sort of messy and it kind of catches everything extra so we have the butternut squash over on this side and I really don't know where to go with this because it's like all over the place some baking soda here I keep that in bulk we use that for cleaning I have some seeds here so I keep them out here instead of in the cold room they store better here and then this has some wheat in it this is not frosting this is a reused bucket I think this is milk powder yeah and then I'll show you down here on the bottom we just keep this for our long-term food storage we have oats and I actually don't even know what's in the bottom down there but some things for just in case and then we have more on the other side okay I told Cam I need to show you guys the one thing that we still buy that is still sort of processed and that is tortilla chips we just buy the Blue Chips they're organic and they have like three ingredients but it's just one of those things that I have not gone into making myself yet and we have so much salsa that's where we use that's like no kids big main snack is chips and some of our cans also so the final thing to show you here is underneath so we have wheat under here Rye oats I have steel cut oats things like buckwheat under here salt sugar and is there am I missing anything rice rice yeah we have rice that is enough food to last us for a year too or so so the the canned goods all that we basically go through in one year none of I have I hardly have any of that carryover from year to year maybe like 50 jars or so you saw the dehydrated food that did carry over a little bit more this is more of we use this all the time so we were constantly rotating through it but we have enough that if it was not available or something it could last us a long time without us being going to the store or anything like that I hope you guys enjoyed the tour and let me know if you have any questions um I'll have Cameron answer them in the comments okay bye
Channel: The Seasonal Homestead
Views: 371,886
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Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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