Homemade Taco Salad Bowls and Tacos. something new to your Taco Tuesday

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welcome to simple everyday cooking with chef k rob today we're going to be doing two different taco salad bowls we're going to do one grilled chicken taco salad bowl we're gonna do a steak and shrimp taco salad bowl and we're also gonna do three different tacos we're gonna do a crunchy taco we're gonna do a hard fried taco and we're gonna do street tacos as well so i hope you like what you see if you do hit the like button below subscribe and please make sure to share so kick back and let's get this started and see what we got i have my chicken breast that i'm gonna grill we have our cheese for tacos we have our pico de gallo diced onions we're gonna do a hard tacos taco shells we're gonna do a nice crunchy fried taco shells and we're gonna do street tacos as well we're gonna use our lime shredded lettuce some rosarita refried beans beef fajita steaks that we're going to chop up for our shrimp and steak taco salads we have the cilantro and then i have the large flour tortillas all purchased at walmart except for the large flour tortilla for my homemade salad bowl that i'm going to make my taco salad bowl couldn't find this size at walmart so i got it from smith but you could get it from whatever store you shop at in your neighborhood so these are the ingredients that i will be using to make my taco salad bowls and my tacos all right so what i can tell you is you have to be very careful because if you put too much oil in this you can start a fire i've already done a test shell it didn't come out the way i wanted it to but it came out pretty decent so we're getting ready to make a fresh one right here we're going to just do two for right now and then i'll do a few later so you want to go ahead and lay your shell inside this will do this will cook really fast so you got to keep an eye on it because it will burn on you they do burn pretty quick they don't take long to cook and to shell up and get really nice and crunchy so i'm gonna keep an eye on this guy and i'll get my oil ready to start frying my hard taco shells [Music] so this thing is going to cook really good and crunchy here this one looks like it's coming out really nice i'll just let it brown a little bit more get that nice golden on there how we like it yeah and we'll be all right so show you how this one comes out we'll do one more and then i'll start doing my uh hard taco shells got my gauge here you want to also make sure that you always start out when you're on 350. i already had that done so that's not a problem so we're looking good this guy's looking pretty good in here so i might want to turn the heat up just a bit a tad bit more you could also move it around get it a little more brown in other areas some areas might cook a little hotter than the other ones but this one's doing okay this one's doing really good i wish it would cook a lot hotter but i don't want to start a fire so we'll just let it do its thing get golden brown here you'll see how this comes out yeah this one's ready to come out so i'll get this one out show you what this one looks like [Music] and there you have it pretty big it's a lot of taco salad so looks like this came out okay if you guys could see that it's nice and crunchy all around we'll let that dry let it get that oil all off of there and we're going to go ahead and do a second one same routine just be careful [Applause] you don't get your fire going okay and so you get the picture this is what they look like this is what they should look like this one's done they're not perfect perfect but they look damn good i like them this was my test one this is one that i'm actually going to use and this was one that i'm actually going to use and they're very crunchy very flaky you can eat it and that's it those are my taco salad bowls and now i'm gonna get going and um get these uh hard tacos that we're gonna fry get those going so what we did here is we cut up some nice chunks for the taco salad bowls that we're going to make we're going to have some chicken taco salad bowls we're gonna have steak and shrimp taco salad bowls and then these two pieces here i'm gonna go ahead and save that because i'm gonna shred that up nice and fine so that we could uh get some chicken tacos chicken street tacos and we'll go from there we'll make all this happen here shortly so all right so we're going to get these uh hard shells here that we're going to fry going i'm gonna fry these up real good here let them get going these don't take long at all they're really quick like quick quick like dj quick quick and probably quicker than dj quick oh we'll get these going let them fry nice and hard spread them open here and then they'll harden up be nice and crunchy see that side's already good let me get this side here going and this guy's done already there that's one then i'll get my shrimp and this is what it should look like when we're all done we got our chicken taco salad bowl we got our steak and shrimp taco salad bowl homemade bowls we've got our refried beans we got our street tacos right here and then we have our fried hard crunchy and then we have our crunchies we have two chicken one chicken each one steak each and this is a chicken as well and that's a steak as well and of course that's it that's how we do it here in simple everyday cooking with chef k rob that's it thank you for tuning in with simple everyday cooking with chef k rob i hope you liked what you saw today if you did please hit the like button below subscribe and please make sure to share you're going to want to tune in on my next episode i'll be doing some very delicious homemade chicken nuggets buttermilk fried of course you're not going to want to miss that so thank you very much once again everybody have a blessed day and i really appreciate the support [Music]
Channel: Simple everyday cooking with ChefKrob..
Views: 7,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q2hgKD8dbQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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