Homemade Shepherd's Pie Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 459

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[Music] hi guys I'm Laural on this episode of Laur in the kitchen I'm going to show you how to make shepherd's pie I've had this you know this has been requested so many times here in Laur in the kitchen it is one of my favorite comfort foods and now that falls in the air it's nice and chilly outside I thought it the perfect time to share this recipe let me take you over the ingredients so we can get started you're going to need some lean ground beef some chopped up onions carrots and celery some frozen peas that I've thawed beef stock red wine Worster sauce some tomato paste allpurpose flour chopped garlic some chopped fresh Rosemary and for the mashed potato topping you're going to need some cooked potatoes I have a mixture here of half and half and some skim milk an egg yolk unsalted butter you're going to need some salt and pepper and of course some olive oil that I have preheating in a pretty large Skillet with high size of a couple tablespoons in there or a medium high heat and it is really nice and hot so this is the perfect time to add in the ground beef now make sure you break it up as much as you can with your wooden spoon now shepherd's pie depending on where you're from um it some some cases they call for ground lamb now here in the states anytime I've ever seen shepher pie or e and shepherd's pie it's always been made with ground ground beef but you can absolutely use ground lame if that's what you're accustomed to and shepher Pie is one of those things that it really varies B you know depending on where you're from or how you make it how you like it I'm by no means saying that this is the one and only recipe for it but this is the recipe that I make this is the recipe I use and I think I think if you give it a try definitely enjoy it as well and it is so simple and is so easy all I'm doing to the ground beef right now is letting it cook for until it's mostly cooked through um I just want it most of it cooked through and then I'll show you the next step brown beef is just um pretty much all cooked through before I remove it I do want to season it with some salt and pepper it's because you know I always like to season every layer of the dish give this a quick little stir and I'm going to take a slighted spoon and remove the ground beef but you want to leave behind any of the drippings and then we'll see if it's too much and if it's too much we'll take some out but for now just get it all out that looks good now there really isn't a whole lot of drippings left in there so I'm just going to leave it as is I'm going to add in my Mir P which is my onion celery and carrots and I'm just going to cook these for for a good 5 to 7 minutes or until they begin to cook down and soften and develop a little bit of color and actually this as you can see looks a little bit tiny bit dry um it needs a little extra cooking oil or um or this case I'm using olive oil so I'm just going to put in a nice little drizzle not too much I don't fear that I'm using too much olive oil I'm really not and this is going to feed about six to eight people so I'm okay with that so over medium high heat I'm going to let this cook until they cook down and then I will show you the next step while my veggies continue to cook for just a couple more minutes what I'm going to do is I'm going to mash my potatoes I'm just using a potato masher and I've got some just some regular white potatoes these are just white Idaho potatoes that I've peeled and cooked in some boiling salted water just until tender and I'm just going to mash them with my potato masher and you know you can make them you know some people like their mashed potato topping nice and chunky some people like a nice and smooth smooth me kind of depends on the mood sometimes I'm all about nice and smooth sometimes I'm all a little chunky you know today I'm not quite sure what mood them in I'm just going to smash these up until I feel like they look just right all right the potatoes look good I'm just going to set those aside and get back to my filling all right to my veggies I'm going to put the ground beef right back in M smells so yummy give it a nice toss make sure everything is well mixed now to this I'm going to add in some flour now the flour is going to thicken the sauce and it's just going to be so velvety and delicious it's really really important that you add a little bit of it and you want to cook it for about 30 seconds just to get rid of that raw flour taste and while I'm added I'm actually going to add my garlic as well and cooked that right along I should have added the garlic first but hey I'm not following any rules today just going to let the garlic and the ra flour cook for about 30 seconds I'm going to stir constantly because I don't want the flour to get stuck at the bottom of the pot looks great going to add in some tomato paste I love these little squirt thingies here it makes it so easy to just put the cap back on and it's done I I'm not a big fan of the cans of tomato paste cuz I always have to transfer into a different container to put it back in the fridge so I really like these little things because you can put the top back on and pop it right in the fridge no getting anything else dirty just cooking it for a few seconds I want to wake it up until and then I can smell it now I can smell it immediately so now I'm going to add in some red wine and this is totally optional you can skip it or you can add it it's up to you I've also reduced the heat to medium it was on medium high now if you follow me um then you know I was on Recipe Rehab not too long ago and I actually made a lightened up version of this classic so if you are in the mood for a lighter version you can go ahead and check that out but I've also made this recipe vegetarian because I do have a few friends of mine that are vegetarian and if you are interested in seeing that recipe then just let me know in the comments down below and I would love to share it with you it's really simple it's really easy it's just as filling as the traditional but it's vegetarian friendly I'm also curious because I know that this recipe varies from family to the family I'm curious to see what you put in that I don't and what you think I should try someone once told me that I should add ketchup um personally I think it's a little too sweet I've have tried it but I think it give it too much sweetness um so that's why I just add a little bit of tomato paste and then I think that that works well for me so I've added the wine let that cook for just a little bit I've added my stock and I'm also going to add in some fresh Rosemary love fresh Rosemary I'm going to season the whole thing with some salt and pepper great okay now I'm going to let the simmer for about 15 minutes and in the meantime I'm just going to clean up a little bit and I'm going to get my oven preheated to 425 and then we're pretty much going to assemble the whole thing the mixture is looking absolutely amazing I'm going to add in my defrosted peas you can add as much or as little as you like and some warer sauce now you can add it in any stage as long as you add some in now you can really add as Bunch or as little as you prefer I think 1 and 1/2 tablespoons will be perfect for me and I'm just going to cook this mixture for another 3 minutes or so just until the peas kind of warm all the way through I'm going to give this one last season with some salt and pepper because I did taste it and it does need a little extra seasoning because all those veggies provide so much sweetness so you want to make sure it's always seasoned well and I have the oven's preheated I have my cast dish here I've just taken a piece of paper towel and I rubbed it all over with some olive oil just to make sure nothing sticks and I'm going to put this actually on a baking sheet just in case any bubbles over it doesn't burn the oven cuz I hate nothing more than cleaning the oven I think it's like the worst task personally just going to let this cook for a couple minutes and I'm just going to tidy up a little bit and then we'll get going with the mashed potato chopping that looks awesome okay turning that off I'm going to pour this mixture into my casserole dish look at that oh yes yes yes put that right back there going to just smooth this out a bit get it nice and even I'm going to set this aside just for a couple minutes because I want to warm up my uh mixture there I've got a mixture of just some skin milk and half and half you can use whatever combination you you use in your mashed potatoes I'm going to warm this up because what happens is if I were to add this cold mixture to my warm potatoes I'm actually also going to add my butter in there to melt as well if you add cold liquid to warm mashed potatoes or to mashed potatoes what can happen is you can end up with a horrible horrible consistency it's almost like wallpaper glue and you can use the mixture to put actual wallpaper in your house but I wouldn't suggest eating it you don't end up with a fluffy mashed potato you end up with just a horrible gloopy mess so just take the extra minute to warm up your mixture let it come to a simmer or until the butter is nicely melted and everything is nice and warm and then and only then we'll assemble this thing and finally pop it into the oven add this to my potatoes only going to add half at a time because you want to just make sure you check the consistency make sure it's what you like that looks great now it's a little runny and I don't want you to panic I did that on purpose because when this goes back into when this goes into the oven I should say what's going to happen is it's going to dry out so if you start with too dry of a mixture then it's not going to be that creamy awesome topping that I personally love and I left mine a little on the chunky side just because it's a preference thing now I'm seasoning it with salt and pepper and I'm going to add in an egg yolk now I'm adding the egg yolk for both color gives a nice lightly golden color to to the mashed potatoes and also a little extra richness but you can totally skip it if you would like I'd be okay with that pour your mashed potato mixture right over the top just like that I'm going to get this as even that as possible awesome look at that that's going to feed a very hungry crowd this is going to go into the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the top is a beautiful golden brown color and then I'll show you what it looks like on it when it comes out my shepherd's pie was in the oven for only about 20 minutes and you just looking for the top to get nice and golden and give that egg Yol just a chance to cook through which really takes no time at all and it's done I've let it cool for about 15 minutes because it was like bubbling and I know if I give it a taste then I would risk burning the roof of my mouth and in some cases I'm totally fine with that but today I figured let sound like that happen now I'm not going to completely cut into it because I do have guest coming over but I want to show you I don't know if you can kind of see what that looks like oh to me this is like the perfect ratio for the ground beef mixture to potatoes I have to have equal equal amounts I don't know why but that's how I like it that is a huge bite though and I will seriously burn my mouth so let's not do that B that could win an award and I don't want to to my own horn but now I hope you enjoy spending time with me go to Lauren thekitchen.com to get this recipe then come back and you on my Facebook fan page or on my Twitter or in the comments let me know how you like it and remember to tell me what you like in your shepherd's pie cuz you never know I might be trying that recipe and sharing it with the rest of us so I'll see you next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 1,872,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato, Sec Main Course, shepherds, beef, restaurant, shepherds pie, mashed potato topping, sheperds pie, sheppherds, eating, Kitchen Appliances, food, kitchen, recipe, chef vitale, dinner, sheperds, sauce, cooking, chef laura vitale, mashed potatoes, shepherd's pie recipe, ground, laura vitale, chicken, pie, ground beef, chef laura, cook, mashed, bbq, shepperds pie, meat, recipes, cuisine, cookware, appliances
Id: bzQbnRH-e3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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