Homemade Potato Chips

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[Music] hey guys this is Dave from cooking chair and today we're making up one of everybody's all-time favorite snacks homemade potato chips and believe me once you've made these you're going to want to make them all the time they are so much nicer than the store-bought ones so let's get started so what we're going to do is get started here by peeling the potatoes now you really don't have to peel these you can leave the skins on I just think they look a little nicer with them off and you're best using a fairly low starch potato such as a russed or Yukon Gold but you can use just about any potato you want so after the potatoes are peeled you're going to grab your slicer and slice the potatoes into fairly thin strips I only paid about four or five bucks for this and it works perfect you can slice these by hand too using a knife you're just not going to get the consistent thickness so the slicer makes life a lot easier this is about what you want here a nice nice thinly cut potato after you've done that go ahead and get them into a bowl of water what I'm doing here is just kind of taking my hands and moving them around because you want to get out as much starch as possible then we're going to put the potatoes into a colander and give them a good rinse what you're going to do now is put them back into a bowl of cold water add in a couple of tablespoons of salt then give them a little stir here and leave them set for I'd say about 30 minutes after about half an hour I'm just going to take the potatoes out here and set them on a paper towel put another paper towel over the top and just kind of pet them down you want these as dry as possible because we're going to fry these and we do want spats when we're frying at this point in time what you want to do is heat your oil up and you want it about 350° now you can use a candy thermometer but what I usually do is just put a potato in and if it kind of sizzles up you know the oil is ready I'm just using a pan here I've got about an inch and a half of oil in it of course you can use a deep fryer if you have one so we'll just place the potatoes in in batches and I've got about eight slices in here but it really depends on the size of your pan and I'm going to fry these over medium heat and that should maintain the temperature of your oil for about 2 2 and 1/2 minutes just until they turn a nice golden brown and I should mention that there are a couple of different ways you can do these you can bake them do them in the microwave I've tried them all and frying by far produces the best results for me while the potatoes are frying don't forget to subscribe and leave us a comment because I really enjoy reading your comments until they look something like this this is just about perfect so what we're going to do is take them out and put them on a plate lined with a paper towel of course you're going to continue to fry the rest of your potatoes this way once the potatoes are done we're just going to season them up I'm just using a bit more salt here but you can use whatever your taste buds are calling out for and there you have it and look at this guys nicely colored crispy flavorful potato chips a great snack for when you're watching movies head on over to cooking share.com for this recipe and many more recipes and don't forget to click the Subscribe and like our videos thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: TheCooknShare
Views: 2,768,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy recipes, world cuisine, delicious recipes, Cook n' Share, daves cooking, desserts, great recipes, how to cook, food, cooking tips, fast food, cooking lessons, Potato (Food), Potato Chip (Food), How-to (Website Category), salt, potatoes, oil, how to make potato chips, chips, potato chip recipe, snacks, fried potato chips, lays potato chips, making chips at home, French Fries (Food), appetizer, Recipe, recipes, Pringles (Brand), how to make chips from scratch
Id: 1HqS2w3Thro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 21 2014
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