Homemade hydrogen generator system

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hello guys uh so today what i'm gonna do is to um install this on my card this is actually um a fuel cell so it generates hydrogen hydrogen from uh electricity it just converts electrics electricity to like chemical energy um and the reason why i'm doing this is because um i want to save fuel so i don't probably you guys have heard about this um [Music] putting hydrogen into you in your engine with your your gasoline mix it with your gasoline so it it became more efficient so why it's efficient the reason why is just because hydrogen helps to burning all the fuel that comes into the the combustion chamber so normally um when there's no hydrogen the the gas that is coming in into the engine part of it doesn't burn it just pass through the combustion chamber and go in on the in the exhaust without burning so you lose gas actually this way so with the hydrogen pretty explosive so uh when it comes in with the fuel it burns all of it so basically the way that i'm gonna make the hydrogen is with the electricity from the alternator of the car so i actually tried this a few months ago with another type of like fuel cell that is more that is more um basic i know if you can see i'm gonna try to explain to you this is a pot fill it with water and i don't know if you can see but inside it there's some stainless steel plates and each of these stainless steel plates are connected to these two um bolts and one of these bolts is is connected to the positive of the battery the other one is connected to the ground the way it works is that the current flows through these this metal bolt and into the stainless stainless steel plates and there's a gap between the the ground and the positive so when the the current flow through the water between those two plates it is actually separated separating the hydrogen from the oxygen of the water and the the hydrogen and oxygen of the water goes up because of the pressure and into this pipe so it's actually hho that is going through the spike pipe and then it comes in to the engine so this is the new fuel cell um the reason why i build it is because it's more efficient than this one the reason is because this one have access to all of what the water that it needs so it takes too much amps to generate the hydrogen and that's not good that's less efficient actually so with this one it's supposed to be more efficient because there's just going to be enough water to generate the hydrogen not more so it's going to be less amps um also another reason that it why it's better is because this one the water tank is actually the generator itself so i need to every time i need to unscrew this this and fill it with water then screw it back with this one the tank is gonna be separate from uh from the generator so there's gonna be a tank there it's gonna be a a water pump this pump is gonna be controlled from the inside with a variable resistor like a potentiometer and uh there's also gonna be a lamp meter to uh so i can see how much amp is coming into the generator so the tank is gonna be mounted probably right there it's gonna be the pump and then coming into the generator the generator is going to be mount there where the the older one is and the output is going to go into the engine so the output of the generators is basically the hydrogen and oxygen the hho so yeah let's get let's get to work [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Laughter] [Music] okay so this is the small speed controller that i made for the water pump control the speed it's a variable resistor with a transistor so um those two wires are coming from the engine bay this one is the positive wire coming from the the ignition so 12 volt and this is going directly to the 12 volt the positive of the 12 volt pump so what i'm gonna do is just this red wire is connected to the positive of the battery right there the yellow one is connected to the output and the brown one is connected to the frame it's the ground so i'm just gonna there's a screw under right there when i'm gonna mount it it should work pretty good uh also this uh potentiometer i'm gonna make a hole right there and it's all gonna be hide behind the plastic so it's gonna be clean i'm just gonna have the small button right there so i can control the speed of the car so yeah let's get to it okay so uh everything is installed now as you can see so i'm just gonna explain to you how it works again but now that it is it's all installed so the water tank is right there there's a hose going from under the tank to the inlet of the 12-volt pump so this is pumping the water um into the generator into this line and the genera the hho generator is under right there it's connected to the to the ground and positive with those two uh lower bowls um and the power comes in this way also i i made a small speed controller for the pump because i if it's if it use the full power it's gonna like over pressurize the the tubes and the tanks gonna um be empty really fast so i'm just gonna explain a little bit the the electrical system how it works so basically what i did is i i found inside the car a place where there is 12 volt only when the the key is at the the on position and from there i i took him a wire that is going through this uh solenoid 12 volt solenoid and that's what is turning off on the rest my like my new electrical system so when i turn the key on this solenoid is turning is turning on and from the solenoid i connect multiple things like the lights in front and um there's a cb inside stuff like that but i also ma made another lead that goes to this other solenoid right there that is controlled from the hydrogen switch so when i turn the the hydrogen switch on a 12 volt is coming into this wire this solenoid is turning on and then the power flows from um from one side of the solenoid to the other and into the hho generator so that's how i i know if if it's working or not so now let's test everything i'd already put water in it the the hydrogen line is inside i'm not gonna start the engine i'm just gonna see if there's hydrogen generated so i'm turning on the key and i'm turning on the hydrogen okay yeah so you can see a little bit i don't know there's hydrogen coming out of there so in the next um if i do another video on that i'm gonna do the the whole testing thing and see if there's a like a difference in fuel and fish efficiency for real but for that's going to be all for this video so thank you for watching and see you for the next one
Views: 71,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #hydrogen fuel cell
Id: Ryo6cQseilI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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