4000 Watts hydrogen generator HHO

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foreign [Music] I'm going to make hydrogen generator or HHO to start I'm going to use 1.2 millimeter thick 304 stainless steel plate and cut it to 3 inches by 6 inches I need a precise holes for each plate so 100 is not an option here's my Frankenstein drill press thank you the cut on the edge is to separate positive connection and negative connection I drilled two size of holes to separate positive and negative for the gasket or separator here is the 1.5 millimeter thick fr4 or glass fiber resin board it can use in high temperature area and can work in water foreign to assemble the plates first is the positive plate and then the negative plate but the cut Edge is in the other side and do it to remaining plates foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I did tests on sevens to volts battery without any electrolytes just eat up water and as you can see it makes a lot of oxyhydrogen and that's the problem when you use higher voltage than 2.2 volts per plate the excess voltage on 2.2 volts are became Heat and it hits up the water until it boils the warmer the water more more current it draw and it needs more power to produce same oxyhydrogen foreign foreign foreign is to add neutral plates it divides the voltage to each plate neutral plates is the plate the asset connected to any active plates or positive and negative plates it's just in between up to polarity [Music] foreign thank you thank you Let's test the amount of oxyhydrogen per minute using this one liter of plastic bottle foreign ergize the generator at 10 seconds at 12 volts it only produced around 250 ml per minute [Laughter] this test is on 48 volts battery it only takes 10 seconds to fill the one liter of bottle it's like six liters per minute but it almost Peak at four kilowatts of power for that [Music] foreign [Music] this car is carburetor type 1.3 displacement four cylinder engine foreign foreign I use in this test is 48 volts foreign [Music] generator keeps about 200 RPM increase in engine speed
Channel: Albert Nario
Views: 3,761,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k-M7N4ioUlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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