DIY Dryer Lint Fire Starter : Upcycled Fire Starters

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[Music] hey YouTube it is easy proper 101 and today I'm going to show you a quick easy way to start a fire in your fireplace or if you're going camping or if you would want to add these to your EDC bag for that emergency situation if you don't have anything else now we're gonna show you how to do this alright guys and how to make these quick little fire starters a lot of the stuff that you actually have in your home that you're able to recycle reuse as you can see here this is the paper towel holder that you know we all have in our houses these are you know everyone just throws them away I actually saved these so that's good to have for this for if you need to have a bigger fire that you want to make that's why I like having these also this is the toilet paper roll that we all just take after we get done with using toilet paper and throw it away so these are you know stuff that you save them could be a nice little gold mine to have and then the third part that you're going to want to have is this is dryer lint as you can see I have this in a small little ziploc bag but what you can use is use the plastic bags that you get from the grocery store and just take your dryer lint just throw it in there it'll take some time to you know to fill up your bag but once you do that you'll be able to make these fire starters and last but not least it's one thing you need to have as well everyone's household should have is the wax paper so these you know very simple and the wax paper is really going to help when we actually make these to get the fire going really quick so now what we're going to do is we're going to show you a little quick step-by-step process alright guys now we're going to do is we're going to show you how to quick make these little fire starters I'm going to take this one outside and we're just going to kind of concentrate on the small one here but literally literally you just take your dryer lint that you have and you're just gonna stuff it into the one side get it nice and tight as we all know this drive stuff will light up real quick you know and then we are done with the small and then also too for the big guy here will just show you and you know the longer ones are gonna take a lot more but about half way in and also too you might want to have you can see it you know it does take a lot but work I almost were folded there just finish it up right there right there so as you can see the big ones do take a lot more dryer lint than the smaller ones so depending on what you want to do might want to use the small one here or the larger ones but we're going to show you each how these are going to burn in a log and then after you have these full of that plus on the way I already have my wax paper already out ready to show you and all you're gonna do is just kind of take it kind of roll it up and then kind of twist the ends here twist the ends and that's it and then all we're gonna do is now we were going to do the same thing with the large one here but we're not going to show you that because we just showed you now we're gonna take this to our fireplace and show you how the small one lights and how the big one lights all right guys you see we are at our fireplace here we have our two fire starters we're gonna do we're gonna do the small demo first here and just throw that in there now grant it when you are using these if you're using these for your house or when you're out camping you know you're gonna want to put some smaller twigs and sticks around that to kind of really get it going but this is just a demo just to show you but now pretty much you're just going to like the wax paper as you can see go both ends and it's you know it's gonna burn nice and evenly as you can see it's just nicely you know if you have twigs on there this is a great easy firestarter and remember this is all recyclable stuff that you actually have in your house that you can use with the dryer lint the cardboard and the wax paper real easy alright guys as you can see it has now gone out and that took about four minutes to do for the small one so when you do the larger one we won't we won't do that one it's pretty much eight minutes so you know in a real survival situation if you had to use these in your bag you least know you're gonna have four to five minutes so when you're gonna like these you're gonna want to make sure that you have your small twigs and make sure that they're dried make sure you know that you have your wood ready to go in a survival situation but if not these are a great little you know to have if you're going camping just to get it going you have your twigs just to get a fire going and then it's just these are just great little things that you can do use because it's not going to cost you much money and that's the best thing I really like about having these fire starters and I'm going to be making more and more to be putting in my ABC kit and my wife's EDC kid and just and continue to move forward with these because these are great quick little fire starters as you saw it was just lighting and you can quickly forget about it and stuff so I'm very excited to have these little uh paper or you know these wax paper little fire starters so thank you guys so much hopefully you guys have really enjoyed this video if you have any comments write them down below if you liked the video hit the subscribe button and if you haven't please hit that subscribe button also by the way too don't forget until February 9th at 11:59 Eastern Standard Time we are still doing my giveaway the Lincoln that will be at the bottom in the description thank you guys so much we will catch you guys down the road [Music] you
Channel: easyprepper101
Views: 82,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire, starter, lint, fire starter, camping, paper logs, easyprepper101, prepping, edc, google search, dryer lint fire starter, diy fire starter, dryer lint fire, dryer lint, survival, wilderness survival, dryer lint survival firestarter, survival firemaking, recycled fire starter, upcycling, DIY, matches, fire pit, camping hacks, outdoors, free fire starter, upcycled fire starter, long burning fire starter, easy fire starter, homesteading, homesteading off the grid, fire pit fire starter
Id: uevKyuP4eZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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