Homemade Fire Pit for $15

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all right guys and girls basically here's what happened i took a uh 55 gallon drum that's what this thing uh started out as you can see the bottom there i've already thrown some paint on and stuff it originally started off as this blue color right here but anyway so we were a 55-gallon drum if you can uh imagine that metal without all the slots and holes and everything in it the top of it had already been cut out so what i did was i chopped the bottom off right above the uh right above the uh the bottom ring okay and that's actually that's going to be that's my fire pit and drilled for the holes inch and 3 8 holes spaced out evenly all the way around the thing and then i chopped off the top part right above the ring and i cut those slots in it right there and everything spaced out evenly they give it the appearance of legs but basically what we got is that's my base for my fire pit and then you take your top part and sits down on there so you get a space off the bottom keep fire from getting on anything and uh there we go all that for uh 15 bucks and a couple cans of heat proof paint enjoy
Channel: Keith Buesing
Views: 34,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: baYuU9CcWSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 39sec (99 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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