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[Applause] welcome back to the channel in today's video i'm going to show you guys how to make a burn barrel without using plasma cutter or any type of welding so let's get to it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so so so we got the barrel inside and it's time to get to work for any of you that don't know what a burn barrel is it's a barrel that you burn stuff in so uh one of the cabins we have here on the farm has uh i had an old old barrel with next to the other one that they're using to heat it with heat and oil it's probably just got diesel but i'm not sure so we're going to open it up and take a peek uh something to think about is you do definitely definitely make sure you know or have at least a pretty good idea what's inside that if it's a barrel that had gasoline or something that's much more volatile you're going to want to be very very careful with um it needs to be very clean before you start cutting or you're gonna have a mess on your hands there's gonna be stuff on the walls if you know what i mean so we're gonna open this one up i'm really really sure that it just has diesel on it since it was next to the other ones um the label says some 5w40 so if that's it that's super easy to deal with too we might just have to burn it off but we're going to use a unibit for drilling vent holes bottoms and along the sides and i think i've got a metal cutting blade for the skill saw which will make it really easy to zip the top open so um let's start making it all right so there you have it standard 55-gallon drum and at least where we're at here in alaska we do not get any trash servers so i can take bags of trash to the dump i want to say it's like three or five bucks every bag and then to fill up my truck which is a six and a half foot bed standard pickup truck bed they want 36 dollars a load i mean that's a racket so we're gonna burn as much as we can so all cardboards papers we try our best to limit the amount of garbage that we have coming into our house but what are you going to do you accumulate trash and you got to do something with it so the solution here and in lots and most places here in alaska is that we can just burn it um every now and then we have burn bans due to the weather and we can't and you let it accumulate and then you have a big old rager when it comes time to time that you're allowed to burn but um amongst everything else that we're doing today you can see it's kind of a rainy drizzly day here and we did the texture on the bedroom and we let that dry we have nothing else to do so it's perfect day to start tackling some of these other little projects so today is the burn barrel so we're gonna get to work getting it made all right let's take a peek we'll give her the old smell test [Music] hopefully i don't pass out [Applause] i don't really know what was in there definitely not diesel [Applause] it very well could just be leftover leftover motor oil looks super clean all right this should be pretty easy so we don't need the bottom but we're going to keep these because you just never know when you're going to get another barrel let's do a punch before we cut it out we'll take out these bungs add them to the pipe all right so just to be safe the past the sniff test doesn't smell like any sort of petroleum product we i poured a little bit out in a cup and then put it on some concrete wouldn't ignite and the real bonehead one i just threw a match in there so i'm still here nothing blew up so i feel good going ahead and we're going to cut the top out so remember you could use like an angle grinder and cut below this rim that you see here on the barrel but the problem is this rolled over edge is where all your strength is on the top so if you cut on the inside one it gives you a guide that easily cut it out and two you maintain the rolled edge it gives that circle more structure so that way as you burn and the metal degrades it doesn't deform easily and it holds together better so these things don't last forever they're disposable but you should be able to get two three four so years out of it as long as you don't keep it out in the elements 100 but we're going to cut it up the top oh excuse me we're gonna cut the top out and then we're gonna use that unibit drill some holes along the sides down low as well as in the bottom and that's pretty much it so let's get to slicing [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] all right not totally necessary but i like to go through with a file knock that burr off another reason i do that is that you are going to be putting your hands in and out when you're burning stuff there might be stuff that you got to poke around and just throwing them in there it's easy to catch your hand or arm there's no sense getting cut so it doesn't take a few more just take your uh this is a single cut bastard file and just knock that burr off [Music] this is the mess i'm dealing with you move and you try not try you get 170 chickens you do a master edition and put in 6 000 square feet of garden and 10 to it this is the mess you get to deal with i'm still living out of milk crates and boxes trying to find tools so we'll let the search begin never again so [Applause] found it so you don't know what a unibit is it is a stepped bit and you can see right there it has uh graduations so this one goes from a quarter to three quarters of an inch great for drilling through metal um my dad was an electrician he had these laying around they're not they're not cheap this is like a 30 drill bit and you can get mondo ones and they only get more expensive so don't lose it i was getting nervous took me 30 minutes to find it but we're going to take the unibit and i'm more or less just going to kind of randomly concentric circles i'm not going to lay it out it's a burn barrel it's not really worth my time on that but we're just going to go through and drill some holes from the bottom to about halfway that way right kinda like the rocket stove principle you wanna be able to bring air in from the bottom and the sides and it's gonna burn hotter and faster and cleaner so we have at the end we have just some ash and not big chunks of un uh uncombusted fuel so i'm gonna punch some holes [Music] so so that's it not a whole lot of time you need a sawzall a drill and a unibit you really don't even need the unibit you get away with a regular twist bit it's just going to be not as clean and easy to hold the drill because the way those twists right the flutes it'll suck it in it's not as clean but it'll still work so it's kind of hard to see might be able to see my hand or the glove right the blue right there so we've got holes one two three rows and i went around all the way and then on the bottom boom holes on the bottom so i'll tell you guys outside real quick we'll give her a test run and i'll show you just a couple tricks for making this burn hotter and faster and cleaner all right so by drilling the holes in the bottom it works really well but there's caveat they need to be raised up off the ground to just sit on the ground you're not gonna get any and it kind of defeats the purpose so if you're gonna put holes in the bottom lift it up i got it on just some old two by two galvanized fence posts that we had laying around but you use pavers rocks you use a couple logs just be aware right they're gonna dry out burn and rot and anyways metal stone rock that's your best choice if you're going to build a bird barrel check with your local fire department city township borough wherever you live county realize that they're not legal in all all areas uh in the places where they are legal a lot of times you're gonna need either a permit and there's some regulations that you need to follow like i actually need to put some screening on here and have a screen for top pouring rain and i've got the stuff to do it but i wanted to get this out at least show you this meat and potatoes of how to make a burn barrel uh i put just a little bit of waste oil that i have on a rag and that gets it going we've got random cardboard a bunch of random burnable trash that we're going to light off but please just check with your fire department or whoever the authority is that's going to have the jurisdiction for this have a hose which i got right here out of frame nearby and um right pick a good site don't just do it like out in the dry grass where you're going to start a fire you need to have some common sense think about that if it gets away where is it going to go and you're going to burn down the whole neighborhood because you can read the stories you'll be liable you'll go to jail and you'll pay a lot of money so use your head put in the right spot we have ours just on dirt so we're in a good spot and it's been raining for like two straight days so let's light it off and see see how hot we can get this thing going [Applause] there we go [Applause] i probably don't want to burn these all right so you guys can see it i don't want to get too close here but that's just a few boxes it doesn't take much having all those holes in there really gets it going ripping and that's what you want nice clean burn it's burning in there guys thanks for watching i hope this is useful on how to make a burn barrel it's a great way to burn up your trash save some money if you got an old barrel laying around and get them for free just about anywhere just be mindful of what is on the inside before you start cutting definitely since you burn so thanks for watching if that was useful don't forget to hit that like button and if you have a different style or tip for how i make a better one next time please leave it in the comments we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Born Wild Alaska
Views: 129,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a burn barrel burn hotter, how to make a burn barrel, burn barrel, burn barrel incinerator, burn barrel for leaves, burn barrel for paper, burn barrel for trash, burn barrel instructions, burn barrel incinerator design, diy burn barrel incinerator, making a burn barrel incinerator, 55 gallon drum, homestead project, burn pile, bonfire, alaska living, alaska farm, alaska homestead
Id: 1aK2o0JqbQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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