Homemade English Muffins

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hello everyone it's great to have you all together again and I am here today on this beautiful fall day we've just had a couple of days of steady rain so we're grateful for that it'll help to fill up some of the wells that are dry around our area I'm sure and um in the fall I likeed to get out my material my flour and baking powder and so forth and make um baked goods it keeps the house toasty warm and provides us with great food to eat so today I'm going to work on something you may never have considered making and that's a shame because it doesn't require an oven even to make it and that is English muffins they're a very simple dough to put together and the rising time is the only thing it's a couple of hours but other than that it's really simple and I'd like to show you today how it works so hang in there I will go gather up everything get it out here and we will get started on this super easy [Music] project the first ingredient we need is some water we need 1 and 1/4 cups of water in a large bowl so far and we need uh 1 tbspoon of sugar because we need to activate the yeast and take a tablespoon of sugar and then we need a teaspoon of yeast there we go now we're going to cover this up and let it sit here for the next 10 minutes so I'll see you in 10 minutes minutes okay 10 minutes have passed and I'm not sure if you can see this or not but this has gotten quite frothy which is what we want to see uh we want it to proof we want proof that the yeast is good and and it is so then we're just going to go through and add the rest of the ingredients to the dish so we need 2 tablespoons of oil there's not many ingredients in this it either which really helps when we're trying to save a little bit of money and I don't know I can honestly say I don't know what it costs to buy um English muffins because when you make them um regularly you don't have to you don't have to worry about that I'm going to add a teaspoon of salt and I'm now that doesn't take much ingredients and I'm going to add two and 3/4 cups of flour but I'm going to do them kind of one at a time so I uh will mix in between each one and kind of get the the dry stuff all gone before I add the next one cuz we don't need this for a really long time so uh we'll do a little bit of the work of the spoon that we can up front ready for the next one and these come out so delicious you may not know if you've never um if you've never made them before you may not know that English muffins are made in a frying pan and we're going to need our frying pan brought up to about a medium temperature and then lowered to low and the cooking time in total is 16 minutes so it's a quick recipe and one that once you've made it you're going to find yourself making it again and again now we need uh 3/4 of a cup here so two and 3/4 cups in total and I'm just going to set that on the and get to Rolling here because or sorry get to get to stirring this recipe makes beautiful tender English muffins and I am so glad I learned this years ago I I actually learned it from YouTube and I'm not sure which channel I was watching I went back to try and you know you can look in your history to try and look in my history but I've watched so many different YouTubes that I couldn't find it and um then when I just went online looking for recipes for it I found that uh there were so many and they were all pretty much the same so I feel comfortable sharing the recipe it's not I didn't make the recipe up but I certainly couldn't find out who did originally make up this recipe okay so now we need a little bench flour and I might need to go get a little more we've got this dough all just mixed up I did this all in real time and you just mix it in the bowl until there's no uh flour left in the bowl that's dry and then you turn it out and it's going to be a sticky dough anyway but it shouldn't be sticky enough that it's sticking to your board so if you find that's the case then add a little flour and now we're going to mix this for about 5 minutes right down to the bottom of my flour bin so I am just going to knead away now some people knead and make lists or they knead and they hum or they just let their mind water and some people wander and some people um when they need they pray and considering the present state of the world I think we could all be making English muffins and needing and praying so we want this to become kind of silky and smooth but we don't want it to lose still feel like it could use a little more flour so so I may have to go back to the cupboard we don't want it to lose its nice soft texture you just don't want it to be sticky and that can take a little do in once we get this mixed we are going yeah I'm going to the cupboard for another cup of flour once we've got this needed we are going to take it and put it into an oiled bowl a a clean one you could use this one there would be no harm in that I'm going to use a clean one put it in a clean bowl and you're going to rise this for an hour and as you can see you can make I mean the physical part of making English muffins does not take a whole lot of time and I use a bread machine a lot and you're going to see an upcoming video where I'm going to be showing you how to use your bread machine more than you may so I want to uh maybe give you some ideas of about what you can do with your bread machine anyway I hear the phone humming away I forgot to shut it off that's probably my husband calling me my lunchtime call anyway I feel like this this is good it's feeling really good might be a little bit sticky not bad though let's give her a couple more rolls here make sure that we're getting it there I'm going to call that good now I'm just going to dump a little bit of oil into this clean Bowl just the smallest amount it doesn't need to be much and brush it around and then I am going to put the dough in and turn it over so that it's got the oil an oil side up going to cover this with my towel put it over near my stove and I'm going to let it rise for an hour then I'll bring you back and we'll do the next step I'll see you shortly well we've been through our first rise and I have let the dough double in size and I'm just going to pour it out onto my bench and I'm going to take most of the air out of it this is still quite a sticky dough so I'm glad to have a little oil on it and I'm going to take most of the big air pockets out of it and I am going to make it into a l or a loaf and I am going to my goal is to make 10 10 of these beautiful English muffins so I'm going to try for the center and then I am just going to um go at it and try and come up with 10 we'll see how close I can get it eyeballing it and well I don't know if you've never tried them homemade you're definitely missing out and they're definitely not hard to make now I'm going to take the pieces I'm going to this is I'm going to get a little flour for my hands now I'm going to make a little ball and I'm going to tuck all the Loose Ends into the ball and then I'm going to I have over here now you could use cornmeal I don't have any cornmeal at the moment so I'm just using a piece of parchment paper in the bottom of my one of my big baking sheets and you just lay the ball on there and flatten it out flatten it out so it's least oh less than a half an inch probably and then move on to the next one and and these are still pretty sticky so I'm going to make a ball and then I'm going to put it on and I'm going to flatten it out and these these yummy little Delights once you've made them once you'll understand what a treat they are and while you may not make them every week uh when you do have company and they're coming to spend a night you will make these little Delights maybe the day before and have them ready so that you can make eggs benedict in the morning or just provide them with some and some good homemade jam or whatever it is you might like to put on your English muffin but I can tell you this this no is a little sticky this time normally you won't have to flower them I'm not sure what I did there but it's okay the flow is solving the problem and I'm just flattening them out so anyway back to my story I um I think that these would be really really really well received the uh first time I had a homemade English muffin was at a local restaurant called the island and we went there one morning for to have um eggs benedict because they make a delicious eggs benedict there and it turns out that they made their their English muffins from scratch and oh my goodness it made such a difference so I uh then was determined to make them myself and I uh started to do my research as I do when I'm looking for a new recipe and yes there are lots of people out there making English muffins and had I known they were so simple to make I would have done so many moons ago and uh saved myself um some anxiety I have never bought an English muffin oh maybe I have somewhere in my past but um so the only time I've ever really had English muffins was when I ordered an eggs benedict somewhere where we are just about there folks I sure hope you find this quick little video useful and that you will give it a try now once I've got them all here on the pan I am going to let them rest for 30 minutes and then I'll bring you to the stove and show you how we cook now well folks now I'm over here at the stove and I have my English muffins here on my sheet pan I've lightly oiled a frying pan a pretty big frying pan and I'm just going to lay these English muffins gently into the frying pan and this pan I I heated it and then I turned it down to low on my stove low is two um I found that's what works best for me but I know that all stoves are different and that yours is probably going to be different than mine but low is what you need so um these are a little different sizes because they're all handmade they're not perfect and they're not cut out so you're going to get different sizes in them but that's the gist of it now we just need a lid on the pan and will start timing once we have the lid on the pan we'll start timing for 8 minutes setting the timer now for 8 minutes and we're just going to let this go undisturbed for that amount of time and then we'll come back and turn them over and do them a further 8 minutes so hang in there and you will see what a wonderful product this produces is in the end now folks you can see the amount of condensation that's gathered or I think you can that's gathered on the top of the lid and that means that you know the I the English muffins inside there are releasing some of their moisture so they're heating up in there for sure I am going to remove the lid and we'll start turning these guys now they have been 8 minutes on low and already they are looking pretty good and boy oh boy they smell so delicious some of these ones around the outside aren't picking up as much color that doesn't mean that they're not cooking they are I'm not sure if you can hear it or not but but I can actually hear it sizzling here so I'm going to put the lid back on I'm going to set the timer for 8 minutes and then this batch will be ready okay this first batch is done and I am ready to take them out of here so let's look at this uh let me see can you see that pretty well if I turn it over see the little bit of Golden Crisp And the edges nice and light and this is cooked so let's get these out of here they're just beautiful I'm really happy with them and folks that's how easy it is to make homemade English muffins you don't have to like the oven none of those things I'm going to put the second batch in there and cook them the same way as I did with the first go round and we will enjoy these like nobody's business I will come back in a minute once they've cooled these ones have cooled a little bit and I'll show you how to cut open a homemade English muffin see you soon so I wanted to show you how you preserve those little ridges inside so that they capture whatever it is you're putting on them so you just go around the English muffin about halfway up the muffin with a fork oh this is still warm and you might have to put it down on a Surface I've got a little crispy bit right there so here they are all ready to collect up all the butter and jam or egg yolk or whatever it is that we may want to put on them and we didn't even have to light up the stove folks if you've enjoyed this video please let me know in the comments section I would love to hear from you if you have made English muffins yourself then um I'd love to know if your recipe is similar to mine I am really happy to have been able to share this with you today and I hope that you will give it a thumbs up if you haven't already subscribed to the Channel please consider doing that and when you do that hit that little bell because that will mean that you will be notified anytime I put up a new video so this is uh this is all for today folks I hope that you're all well and I look forward to bringing you another video very soon take care everybody [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Our Silver Moments
Views: 16,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qhn_SkeGnFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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