Million Dollar Spaghetti

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel my name is Colleen and this channel is called our silver moments and I have uh recently picked up this copy of gwg household handbook and uh what I found kind of interesting about this kind of book was that it was printed during the war time so it came out in 1943 I think was the date that I found here and um people were obviously living during the time of war and rationing and we're being super cautious with their food but the interesting thing to me is that about two months ago I had one of my readers ask me if I could make a shipwreck casserole and I had never heard of shipwreck casserole before so I looked it up and I found a recipe for it and then I made it I made a video about it if you haven't seen that yet I'll try and remember to link it in the box below but um I had quite the time finding a recipe for it well lo and behold here is the recipe right here in this book shipwreck and it uh It's a Wonderful recipe we really enjoyed eating it and we'll definitely eat it again and there were all kinds of other interesting things in this book that um I will definitely be trying out in the days coming and they were simple recipes and logical things um there were some things about canning in here that wouldn't be acceptable by today's canning gurus because they did oven canning in this book and so if any of you are interested in learning some 1940s ways of oven oven canning um I I think that I would do a video about that if there was some interest for it and so I um I'm always looking for new recipes that I can share with you um driving out the old favorites and the old family book and um looking for something new and recently I stumbled across this recipe for a million dollar spaghetti and we trialed it the other night my niece was here with her with a couple of her friends and um they all gave it the thumbs up and my husband and I really enjoyed it so today I'm going to lead you through the process of making million dollar spaghetti and it's worth the effort oh oh it's pretty simple so I'll gather up the the startness of the ingredients and I'll meet you right back here in a minute hmm so here on the stove behind me I have a pot a big pot filled full of water setting to boil for the past it for the plastic to go into because we need to pre-cook the pasta for this dish and I have got this pound of lean ground hamburger which I'm just going to start in the frying pan I'll take you along for the process as it gets a little farther along so I'll put that in the pan and I'll be right back now while the hamburger is getting started and the water is just coming to a boil I am going to take this half a medium onion I had left over from another dish and I am just going to dice it up we're going to do a little bit do a few shortcuts Cuts in this recipe so um one of them will be that we're going to use a jar of sauce in it and it is definitely a Time Saver because you don't want to uh you know I mean maybe you do want to spend your time making a sauce from scratch for your family and I would encourage you to if you've got the time to do that I've left things kind of late today so I am doing it this way but this is what the recipe called for at any rate so I want to make sure that I'm duplicating the good results I had the other night when we tried this out and sometimes when I try a new recipe I just do it on the Fly and then we eat the results and then I decide whether I'm going to edit the work that I've done or whether I am going to um just throw them results away and it counted as a dish that we didn't enjoy and that I wouldn't want to share so this one however we really enjoys so definitely want to share it now I'm just cutting up a small red pepper and this one was quite small but you only need about a half a cup of pepper in the recipe this gives me more than what I need really and I noticed that the water is boiling for the pasta now I am making a dish for three people so I don't need a whole 410 gram box of pasta and there's really no good way to measure the pasta for me I just take a good sized pencil so that my thumb and forefinger kind of overlap each other almost to the metal and I know that that will serve three of us quite comfortably and today's recipe I'm going to take my son in this life and Grandson so um I hope that they enjoy it as much as we we have so I'm going to get this in the pot I break my pasta in half I find it easier to handle but if you like your pasta to be long and slurpy then you should not break it and I'll give that meat a stir and then we'll go on over to the stove with the camera so that you can watch this I'm over here at the stove and I'm quite aware that it's going to make a lot of noise over here with this sizzling meat I have turned it down a little bit but I don't want to turn it down too much now I'm going to it's about more than halfway cooked so I can still see a bit of pink but not much so I'm going to add the peppers and the onions and I'm going to give it a stir and we're not going to cook this we like our veggies a little bit more crunchy if you like your softer you should absolutely put it in with the raw hamburger now I've got a few spices that I'm going to add to this dish one of them is oregano and I'm just going to do you know about a whole teaspoon I'm going to do the same thing with the basil and then last lastly I'm going to add a half a teaspoon of garlic powder I may face this after and see if it needs some salt but I often find that when you're using the Jarred sauce that it's already salty enough now we're going to let that cook away a little bit I'm going to stir the pasta and then we're going to go back to the counter to make the next part of this dish so now we're going to make the Saucy part of the dish and in here I have softened in the microwave four ounces of cream cheese and to that I am going to add one half of a cup or there of those of a good quality cottage cheese and I'm going to add just about a cup and get a clean spoon just about a cup of a good quality sour cream and that's going to be our sauce I'm just going to give that a stir we want to make sure that everything is well Incorporated we don't want the cream cheese that you can tend to stay clumped together we want to make sure that it gets thoroughly mixed in with the other ingredients in the bowl this is almost it's a layered dish so each step has been going on um leads to the different layers in the dish there I think that's pretty good I'll check on the pasta and if the meat looks like it's ready I will add the sauce to the pan and we will be back in a little bit okay I think everything's coming together over here I have the noodles cooked to Perfection and you want them to be a bit Al Dente because this is going to go into the oven so they'll continue to cook for a little bit in the oven so you do not want to overcook them at this stage so I'm just going to grab them off the stove and drain them and then we'll get started assembling this dish now I've just drained the pasta and I'm going to dump it into the bowl with the cheeses and get that mixed up really good and it uh well definitely cool the noodles down which helps to stop them from cooking and we want to do that at this stage you just stir them up really good so that all of the noodles are covered with a bit of this cheesy Delight that's pretty good so I'm going to grab the frying pan off the stove I have because I'm taking this to my son I'm going to take it in a tin foil to go container and I've sprayed it just lightly with some Pam cooking spray so you may have noticed as you're making casseroles that involve cheese the cheese can tend to really stick around the edges I'm hoping that this will help that to release because these aren't the sturdiest of cans I'm sorry folks I forgot to tell you I added a jar of pasta sauce to the meat on the stove now I've also got my oven heating to 350 degrees and once we get this all together we are going to put it into the oven at 350 degrees for about 35 to 40 minutes or until it's good and bubbly and the cheese that we're going to put on the top is all melted so we're just going to put a light layer on the bottom and cover the whole pan bottom it's almost like making lasagna in that it it is layered but then that's this is where this goes in and we are literally just scooping it onto the top couldn't be simpler scooping it onto the top of the layer of meat sauce and I'll put this bowl away and then I'm just going to spread this out in the pan and bring it to the edges so so far pretty simple right and this is what it looks like so now we're going to add the last of the sauce and we're just going to scoop it all on there and this recipe actually is um I would say this recipe is probably good we spent five people with it the other day and we could have fed six had we had a side salad with it um quite comfortably so if you're just making this for you and your husband or your we are making it for your wife or your friends um don't like cut the recipe because this would be too much for just two people and now lastly we're going to add some cheese to this dish and um I'm Gonna Save about a cup and a half of grated cheddar which I think is about two of my hands full you just want to cover the entire surface it might be a little more than that make sure that everything gets covered with cheese and then on top of that I'm going to add a little bit of Parmesan now this is a grated Parmesan from the from the store you could also add just the parmesan out of the Shaker would be fine too so whatever you happen to have on hand that's what's best for you okay so there you go folks this is going to go into the oven now 350 degrees for probably 35 minutes and then I'll box it up and take it to my son but I'll show it to you after I take it out of the oven and um I think that this recipe would definitely be worth your time and you could certainly double this recipe put it into a big pan and feed a crowd and they would be pleased with the results and so would you I'll see you back here in a little while wow wow wow wow it smells fantastic in here and this dish looks great I know that uh the kids aren't going to really enjoy this and that maybe I've been able to share something new with them that they haven't tried out yet either but most of all I just wanted to give them a treat I haven't seen them in a while and it will be nice to have a little visit with them and um maybe maybe I'll just stick around at their house and have lunch anyway uh folks it's wonderful that you're here today I really appreciate your continued support and if you haven't already subscribed to the Channel please consider doing that give this video a like and share this on your social media that's really the best way that you can help me out to keep me keep me going here so until next time folks take care everybody bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Our Silver Moments
Views: 3,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ihMjvDjpqic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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