Homemade Cowboy Enchiladas

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can't can't wake up what what is he what wake up what you said I could take a siesta no I said fiesta Oh fiesta stick around we gonna have some enchiladas with some homemade enchilada sauce it'll make you sleepy after you eat it night-night [Music] Hey as you can see Santa Claus is nearby but I'll guarantee you Oh Santa when he comes to this house he comes hungry ain't no cookies in milk no Santa he wants beef he won't steak he wants all kinds of good stuff but this time we've been a treat centre to a little south-of-the-border special with some good Oh homemade enchilada sauce but start out to make really good enchilada sauce what's got to happen you got to have some dried chilies these are what make it really good I promise this is authentic see them in a sack over here they come by the bushel basket whatever you want to buy um bye oh they are good we're gonna add a little water in here just so we can make this a steaming effect put all these chilies in there we're gonna put us about a half of this onion in there for the starting process but you don't want it diced you don't want it chopped you just want it about like so there but folks we're gonna need to give it a little pinch of salt and I like to use some of that coarse sea salt a little bit of black pepper got it on a propane burner on about medium heat put the lid on there coz we want to create some steam we are gonna have to stir that here in a minute and check it because I just want them soft enough because we're gonna put them in one of them newfangled gadgets that Santa brought long time back that is a blender whoo that is smelling some of that good I like to add a little pinch of garlic about the time it really gets to simmer and good we're gonna put the lid back on it let it go everything gets good and soft that way them chilies will blend well in that blender let's check it we've been on about five minutes medium heat I want to make sure that them chilies is pretty pliable and salt and they get in there so we gonna call this deal fish in chilies out of there because we're just gonna chop them a little and we got to get rid of them stems but let's not forget that onion that's in there because he got to go to that make a happy meal right there all in its own Demma stems will pop right off there but if you want to take the seeds out some people do some don't I like to leave mine in there some of them but just peel that out most of them seeds will shake right out of there cuz we're gonna pull the stems off up so as we go through this process shank and I said another way there you just take the end off up slap on down there them seeds will fall out them it's sort of like killing a rattlesnake you just pop ahead of them off and everything's good we've got them Dee headed we're gonna give them just a little chopping we got to put them in that blender but I want them to chop a little quicker than that I have to apologize for being modern today it says right here you can't get full long fancy here's one name electrified deals 9 got no electricity at the wagon but Frank's over there on one em pedal generator deals and he's chasing aspera anyone them cages to make the electricity so before Frank gets too tired we're gonna add them chillies in there [Music] we're coming across the bin it's the blender in first place Lincoln check it but now present let the blender oh it was a close race make sure that everything is mixed well and you see don't see no big hunks or chunks or nothing like that what happens next you remember that pot we used the first time we couldn't put it back in there look at that goodness that is what I call just right [Music] we're going to make these enchiladas today in a 12-inch shallow Dutch oven now you want to take enough of that sauce to give you a good little coating there in the bottom you don't got to be too deep or anything you just want to make sure that some of it is there which probably going to end up probably being pretty close to about a third I'm Brown me up one pound of Certified Angus beef hamburger meat some green chilies one can I just chop them up hatch green chilies and about 1/2 that other half of that Vidalia onion we head out of here and just season it well with whatever you only use but what should you use Red River Ranch original that's what you should use that's what's ina prefers on his meat make sure it goes all the way you know what really upset me when you go to a Mexican food place you have to buy it end up more than half of it before you find the meat got our meat lying out here this is what you call perpendicular horizontal to the sun's angle to where it's just right I promise and you got to have cheese I mean and don't spoil yourself on it this is what we call Mexican four cheese blend and it is good so what happens now roller over here give it a tuck right here see it tuck it then what we're going to do you need that stuff that tried to jump out on the end we're gonna place him right in there same thing happens again it's called repetition so it's back to the sauce look at that I mean that that is what I call the right consistency make sure everybody gets some and it is such a beautiful day that God has blessed us with here in the southwest corner Oklahoma I'm gonna cook this outside but hang on Shango and give you the recipe and the little link below for the conversion in the modern kitchen which be in the house so we're gonna put them on a trivet we're gonna take some of these good and hot ones put up here on top as you can see we went pretty light around the outside edge on the bottom pretty heavy on top because we want this just a simmer through whatever it let them tortillas get good and soft everything get to going but we're always gonna keep a lighter heat on the bottom and we'll probably even take it off the bottom heat when things go to simmer in real well leave the top heat on there till we get ready to add that cheese there ain't no wind today but we still will rotate that over and remember lead one way of and the other to even out some of them hot spots that we might have let's check this rascal because I'm pretty sure we had a good simmering point here and you can see things are happening so we probably been simmering about that speed for about five minutes so what we're going to do we're gonna take that off and let it sit right here because remember that meat was brown it was cooked the enchilada sauce was hot and warm so I don't want to burn or scorch that in any way on the bottom we're gonna check and see if then little tortillas is getting tender on top see there they will fork apart so what happens now it's the cheesy goodness time you can never have too much cheese on an enchilada a taco or pancake and egg ice cream cheese is what's happening whoa look what Santa just throws me right out of the sleigh when he passed by some more cheese how much are we gonna put on there we're gonna put a bunch on there folks I promise you make sure you get you good and covered all the way around I can done see it's already trying to milk lid goes back on that top heat is still good and hot it's gonna melt that cheese ain't gonna take long don't want to scorch your cheese neither so we're gonna keep an eye on it probably two or three minutes be a done deal that dog will hunt that there folks you're to make a grown man cry that is what I call goodness now I like to dip down in here get me some of that sauce put right back on the top of there now I was born at night but it weren't last night I promise you I'm gonna let that rascal cuckoo eat a stick to the top of your mouth better and Poligrip stick to dentures you don't peel it off her for about a week hallelujah let it be Christmas everyday Sena gonna bring me a whole bunch of stuff I promise you I could have saved myself a lot of time and went down out to the grocery store and got a can of that old El Paso where Taco Bell or something like that but that stuff is pretty thin and really old to me it's just got a vinegar and tomato taste to it is all it is this here you get the chunky goodness from the original peppers that was dried they give it a good smoke flavor the ancho chili sort of gives it a little heat all that cheese in there folks we are so glad that y'all took time to stop by the house today me and SH and really appreciate it we do it's getting close to that Christmas season and that is a special time for us because we have Christmas every day that's what it's all about but from our camp to your camp make you some enchiladas set them on the table that night on Christmas Eve saina gonna bring you a whole bunch of stuff god bless you each and every one for tuning in we wish you a Merry Christmas hit the subscribe button happy holidays you have this concoction in the newfangled electronic equipment called blender oh it's got lights on it pulse liquefied oh gosh it's flashing it's like Christmas go off oh I think they want something happen dude why is it flashing unplug it in a play record folks this is what you get when you have to rely on modern stuff called electricity it just one of them deals
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 635,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cast iron, dutch oven, cast iron skillet, mexican food, chiles, cowboy cooking, enchiladas, food network, chopped, green chile, tortillas, cowboy recipes, authentic enchilada sauce, red sauce for enchiladas, beef enchiladas, cowboy kent rollins
Id: buTSGaU4l8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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