Homemade Brick Fire Pit

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hey hey hey welcome to this changing a sandbox to a fire pit so I want to do this for a while now we just bought this house about six months ago and ever since we have this this cool sandbox I mean it it's cool changes into it chair but I kind of want a fire pit so that's that that's what all the guns and not necessarily a tutorial just kind of walking you through what I'm doing to do this so to start I'm already weed whacked around the outside just to get a really long weeds out I just shaved it really short so I think if you get the sandbox out of the way I think it's kind of heavy so I might just skip through this part so I don't look at Barris when I try to pick this up and move it out of the way all right so we got that thing out of the way now basically what I'm going to do I guess I should probably walk through the plan here so I'm just going to flying it off put some something down so the weed can't grow through it and then I have I have some brick that I'm going to make a full brick layer and then I'm going to make a brick fire pit so what I'm going to do now is just get the extra sand off and kind of flatten it up the secret weapon to flatten it up there you get it okay now this is just weed blocker I think got it from Home Depot so we're going to put that down so that nothing can grow through it and I apologize if you can hear the air conditioner I hope with this microphone setup thing I can't hear it but you never know little hiccup there we had lots of weed okay now I'm gonna go grab a bunch of bricks and bring them in here and I'm sure you don't want to watch that I'll have a stack here when we come back [Music] all right that was a lot harder than it probably should have been but here's on my brick now I hope it's the perfect amount because I don't want to carry them anywhere else so now I'm just going to lay them down here and I one time I laid brick similar to this at one of my grandparents cabins and it was really hard to get them all straight so we're going to try our best and I got a bucket of sand there to help me level Wow here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I'm one short [Music] I'm one brick short I got it since I'm going to have a pit right here I'll take one from the middle put there then I can put the fire pit here okay I'm gonna do it all in English yeah now I'm gonna go get the next round of bricks for the pit okay so basically what I have here is a 17 gallon metal drum I'm going to use this as my liner in hopes that the brick doesn't crack and whatever so this is what is going to be inside subject as a brick I'm going to use it to make my actual surface so here we go well but this just gets to the sheet oops [Music] okay so now I have this landscape adhesive it says it's made for brick stone block and timber so I'm going to glue this stuff together so it doesn't come you know come apart as people are putting their feet up or whatever and [Music] hey so as you can see I'm wearing different clothes that's because it's tomorrow I it in the Carver's hole so sorry about that but as you can see I finished I did five layers total just to the top of this pin so this 10 it comes out so you can clean it out and get whatever it also protects the brick so that's that's how I did it so if you have any questions let me know I'll do my best to answer [Music] [Music] we do
Channel: Tyler Peck
Views: 289,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firepit, Brick, Brick firepit, fire, pit, diy, do it yourself, Brick fire pit, homemade, backyard, back yard, backyard project, backyard projects, back yard project, back yard projects, sandbox, sand box, transform, change, changing, how to, howto, yard, yard project, yard projects, landscape, landscape project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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