Homemade bagels | boiled New York / Montreal style hybrid

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These look so simple when Adam makes it. All the other homemade bagel videos seem like they have so many steps to it.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/iDisc 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Whew, I almost burned through his content backlog. This dude could upload daily and I still wouldn't have enough.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Avocado_26 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

This looks like his first video in 4K also. Really brought out the detail in all the small seasonings on the bagels.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/justathoughtfromme 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I understand his point of simplicity and not bothering to much and going by feel etc but he gets some things wrong

No baker is really precise to the gram for flour it's bread not cake. You're aiming for hydration percentage of the dough and because bread flour varies from batch to batch (even bag to bag) you start with the closest possible figure. Then you go by feel of the dough at the end of the first part of mixing.

Start with a poolish ( a sponge I think it's called in English to help with hydration of the flour) and that will avoid the mixing of too much non hydrated flour to the mix later on. Especially for the amount he puts in. Or even better an autolyse (where water breaks down the starch) for 30 min to 2 hours.

Bagel is a lean dough but less hydrated than a baguette (55-60 % that's enriched dough territory). So mix until you have the shaggy dough quite firm then let it rest 5-10 min then knead for 10 min and you don't want speed but consistency, stretch-blow-fold until smooth dough and that's not for cosmetic effect it's to improve the way your bread rise and your gluten development.

He respects proofing time etc but not easy step before to have consistency because his feel will vary in time especially if he doesn't do it everyday.

Rant over, sorry I hope I'm clear enough.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/VNSeraphin 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I suppose I could look it up, but my only disappointment was that Adam didn't clearly define what the difference between New York and Montreal style is.

In contrast to the New York-style bagel,[1] or the East Coast Style Bagel which also contains sourdough, the Montreal bagel is smaller, thinner, sweeter and denser, with a larger hole, and is always baked in a wood-fired oven.[2] ~ Wikipedia

I love "egg" bagels, and I love "everything" bagels, now I can probably figure out how to make "egg-everything" bagels.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sticky-bit 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I didn’t like this one unfortunately :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PlayfulMask3469 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by skillshare it is surprisingly easy to make delicious bagels at home and it's worth it if like me you live in a place where you cannot buy a decent bagel you can make a ton at a time freeze them and have a homemade bagel for breakfast every morning let's dough two cups of warm water in a bowl that's a little less than 500 mils that much water makes a dozen bagels and i'll summon forth the upside down bear dump in a tablespoon of honey you can use sugar the traditional thing for new york style bagels i think is malted barley syrup which you can buy online i think honey is traditional in montreal the other north american bagel capital in goes at most a tablespoon of dry yeast stir everything up and let the yeast bloom for a few minutes mostly just to make sure it's still alive also because yeast blooming time lapse shots are fun to watch in goes salt i'm using a tablespoon of morton kosher my standard salt then you really want bread flour or the highest protein flour you can get i'm going to start with five cups that's like 650 grams but i really believe in stirring in a baseline rough measurement and then just kneading in more by feel flour absorbs more or less water depending on its protein content whether it's bleached how exactly it's been milled i'm sure a million other factors if you're going to follow a recipe to the gram like a robot you'd better hope that you're using the exact same flour as the person who wrote it used i'd rather just use my senses knead in flour until it feels right bagel dough should be dry like enough flour kneaded in so that by the time you have it smooth and elastic it's just barely sticky or some people say it shouldn't be sticky at all that's still pretty sticky that could be pizza dough i'll keep kneading in more flour and you do have to need a lot to get chewy bagels however i think the insane kneading that a lot of recipes call for is more about getting you an attractive smooth surface on the bagel making tasty bagels is pretty easy making cosmetically perfect bagels is real hard so maybe you know don't these are going to be kind of lumpy and i don't care that's still a little bit sticky the drier the dough the taller the bagel will be the bagel on the left there i made with a dough that was not sticky at all the bagel on the right i made with a dough that was still a little sticky pick your poison in my old age i think i'm liking thinner bagels more perhaps because i think they're better for egg sandwiches this is a slightly sticky dough back in the bowl it goes cover it up and check back when it's doubled in size this took an hour with my yeast in my kitchen climate it varies out she comes and divided into 12 balls however you want i'm rolling it out to a snake then i'll use scissors to snip it in half then into thirds and then those in half again 12 roughly equal lumps of dough to start by rolling them all out into balls again if you're concerned with cosmetics a thing that could help is to let the balls proof for 20 or 30 minutes at this stage the gluten kind of relaxes and then it stretches with a smoother surface but i don't care a couple of baking sheets dusted with flour or cornmeal or both i'm going to pick up one of these and just pinch a hole in the center then you gently stretch the hole open the hole's got to be way wider than you want it in the end because it's going to snap back a little immediately and the bagel is going to puff up once it cooks which will fill in the hole even more so start wide now you could just let these proof and get a little puffy on the counter for like a half hour or if you have the time cover them up and jam them on top of stuff in the fridge for many hours overnight a whole day or two slow fermentation in there really does result in superior flavor but do whatever you can got my oven heating here to 425 fahrenheit or 220c convection if you don't have a convection fan i'd go hotter 450. bagels taste like bagels and not just any ring-shaped bread because they are boiled before they're baked generally in a big deep pot though i'm using a skillet i'm using it because it's my widest pan which means i can boil more bagels at a time in it also it'll come up to a boil faster time to re-summon the bear big squeeze of honey into the boiling water or that barley syrup if you ordered some boiling in a slightly sweetened solution is what makes bagels shiny it enhances browning and you do taste it a little bit too when you got to a rolling boil you just dump in your bagels some people do like 30 seconds a side or a minute aside i'm doing two minutes per side more time boiling means chewier bagels and a thicker crust i do actually like to time it roughly with a stopwatch there just aren't a lot of visual clues to help you judge the time just flip them around and boil the other side another two minutes then i use a slotted spoon to pull them out to a rack you can't just put them back on the baking sheet but i find that letting them steam out on the rack helps to avoid soggy bottoms next batch goes in and here's the downside of using a shallow pan i felt that touched the bottom and stick a little bit you got to keep it moving to stop that from happening there's going to be water loss over the course of the boiling so you gotta remember to keep topping your pan off with water and a little more upside down bare brains out comes the last batch and there's our dozen time for toppings if the bagel is still wet and sticky you can just like dump it into a bowl of sesame seeds or whatever and smoosh it around and they will stick but they'll stick a lot better to the finished bagel as you're eating it if you glue on your toppings with egg wash just a beaten egg loosened up with a few drops of water brush it on or i think it's easier to dip the whole bagel in the bowl and then you can just scatter on the toppings if you dip it into the bowl of seeds you tend to get a lot of gloppy mess from the egg dripping off but i think the king of all bagel toppings is quote unquote everything bagel seasoning which has become quite popular in recent years for a good reason it is amazing you can buy it or you can mix it up yourself some pretty common proportions would be two parts coarse salt three parts dried onion flakes not onion powder also three parts dried garlic flakes the fine powders would burn in the oven three to four parts sesame seeds pretty common to use some black ones too just for pretty i'm only using them because i happen to have some and then like three parts poppy seeds and a lot of people would leave it there some people augment with a little caraway seed and or fennel seed i'm doing like one part caraway mix that together and it's ready for the bagels and another advantage of doing this on the racks is all of the excess can fall away if we topped these on the pans the excess toppings would burn in the oven and stink up the house you could probably bake these right on the sheets no problem but i'm using parchment paper just in case it makes sticking impossible and if possible put your plain ones on one tray and the others on another tray oh don't worry about me buddy get whatever you need nothing important happening in here anyway the bagels with toppings could actually use an extra couple of minutes in the oven so it's nice to keep them on a different tray if possible and these go to the oven they'll take about 20 minutes halfway through i'll rotate my pans exchange their positions though with my convection fan this isn't super necessary they bake pretty evenly regardless they're done when they're as brown as you want them and they feel kind of hard when you tap them though if you're planning to freeze most of these you might consider under baking them a tad which i've done here they'll brown a little bit more when you reheat them and toast them when they're right out of the oven they'll be steamy and delicious but i suppose i'm in the camp that believes bagels are best after they've rested for a while maybe even overnight and when they've cooled you can bag them and freeze them they'll thaw in like an hour on the counter or you can put a frozen solid bagel directly into the oven in this case a table top convection oven more popularly known by another name that i refuse to say because i think it's stupid five or six minutes in there and it's thawed and crispy if you cut it open and it still feels a little cold on the inside that's no big if you're planning to toast the cut sides say for an egg and cheese sandwich that's one beaten egg and a non-stick i usually just fold four sides over slightly and then flip that square of egg fits really well on a bagel just a little skill i'm happy to pass on to you as thousands of teachers on skillshare are happy to pass on what they know i've been checking out this new skillshare class by rachel and daniel from mango street on product photography basically taking flattering pictures of objects it's a great way to start off with photography because you don't need anyone else around you don't need any models these lighting and staging tips can help you take a better instagram of your bagel or a thing that you're selling whatever skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people film and video animation music production web development entrepreneurship the classes are tight usually under 60 minutes but they pack a lot in and they give you assignments to help you apply what you've learned there's no ads it's unlimited and they're always adding new stuff follow your curiosity it could lead to a new hobby or a new career it certainly did for me and the best part skillshare is less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription insanely cheap compared to other learning venues do us both a favor hit my link in the description and the first thousand of you will get a free trial of skillshare premium use my link in the description thank you skillshare now go get some bagels in the freezer and ensure a much better breakfast for yourself over the next couple weeks
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 455,348
Rating: 4.950592 out of 5
Keywords: bagels, homemade bagels, bagles, homemade bagles, how to make bagels, bagel recipe, boiled bagels, new york bagels, montreal bagels, NY bagels, NYC bagels
Id: cF-vuTPdOhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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