THE ORDER 1886 PS5 All Cutscenes (Game Movies) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] galahad come in galahad acknowledge this is command i read you first of all enjoying a stroll in the park are we nothing quite like a chilly london morning to stimulate the senses not to interrupt your little constitutional but we have confirmation of multiple marks at grosvenor square what are our directives rendezvoused the united india house with the grain and lafayette and contained the threat do you have it in sight right in front of me good assess the situation once there and proceed with caution did nicola provide you with armament yes sxm2 falchion good proportion secondary ordnance should help we may be pursuing bedlamites but they remain civilians use non-lethal force whenever possible understood are you joining us i have a small matter to attend to i'll find you afterwards on route now get out good day sir i'm on my way down to the street acknowledged uh great anywhere from lafayette negative saying he's probably off somewhere about him i think well himself i know your concerns but trust me he's a good lad did you say so in any case i have no time to look for him i'm assigning the last few constables i am worried the police are just trying to keep everyone get ahead see that you cordon off the entire district and do it quietly how did you arrive here so quickly skill love i must admit you do move fast for a man of your age and i cares to be reminded of his decrepitude by a fair damsel my lord this damsel would never be so callous as to do such a thing sure is he would you ever through the marks bedlamites running a mock percival thinks it could be a rebel subterfuge let's hope you haven't lost your edge remember who trained you he was the best in his day watch you're still pretty good but i'm better yes ma'am agree come in acknowledge possible multiple escapees spotted at the east entrance of the united india underground station intercept with caution understood come on grey let's move so i did hear a policeman mention the white chair once we're inside don't let anyone else through sure you don't need help love do you mean a strong man to take control of things that's right just stay out of our way i'd hate for you to get shot by mistake trouble the usual trigger happy mercenaries the united india company prefers its minions enthusiastic the last thing we need is a band of hired guns causing more havoc i've told them to remain on lockdown oh [Music] let's get to work i need to reload let's reload we're clear get out of here find some weapons you too get your asses over here i need help come on go let's call you bloody bastards the rifle would be more appropriate target down escapee down i swear i'll block this head into goddamn mash help damn it there could be more in the atrium we should move in stun are you alright oh god they're slaughtering them ready just get rid of this scum smoke grenades right [Music] we should clear the second floor everything to your liking thus far quite just another ordinary london morning indeed although i do hope that was only the beginning ladies first quiet mate you think we'll get to shoot a few of them rich fork huh sit wow oh [Music] [ __ ] enemy down room clear you too sir downstairs there are civilians who need your assistance yes sir sir general rafael is in the next room you're joking is there a single woman in this city he won't try to seduce oh he's your problem now do try not to lag behind lafayette ah this lady requires my attention marquee your attention is required elsewhere i assure you man moses that only the vow of fidelity prevents me from accepting your invitation oh marquee you mustn't leave now unfortunately my lady my duty compels me elsewhere most fetching was she not i hadn't noticed that is because you are not a frenchman you are the most american frenchman i have ever known i am a lover of liberty monami a proper knight must learn to curb his passions without passion monsieur a man cannot fight we do not fight men marquee men have breeds what does it matter live la liberte awesome strange let's go about time marquee you and lady are great take that entrance i'll go through this one and sweep for any remaining escapees we miss you sir air command to all knights in the vicinity of mayfair the metropolitan police has finished cordoning off the affected areas sentinels are continuing their overhead sweep we will alert you to any sightings of the escaped patients acknowledge oh but i have not met any resistance yet i had a feeling i'd beat you here remember youth always prevails ugh [Music] everyone escaped make that more than one it may take me some time to reach him come on huh mr what happened i slew most of them the last one got away ukraine i need your help i'll head up to street level and keep after him you two go that way and hit him off understood [Applause] [Music] oh god we need to press forward [Music] everyone all right yes first of all we've neutralized the threat on our side good i managed to capture one of the half breeds rendezvous backup reaches acknowledge let's go sir what should we do with him westminster to the catacombs we'll deal with him later ah sir percival i thought the order of her majesty's royal knights might be mixed up in this afraid we had reason to suspect a rebel in kershan commissioner an elementary conjecture in that event perhaps this might be of interest white chapel uh purely circumstantial of course i call it evidence well circumstantial evidence can be a tricky animal my dear suppressive you may think it is pointing at one thing but shift your point of view slightly and you may find it pointing in an equally uncompromising manner at something entirely different please indulge me with your musings commissioner well first the rebellion and then this jack and the ripper murders and then this strange don't you think that white chapel has become the epicenter of our recent conundrums we must examine every clue now you see we meet in council two days hence if you would do us the honor of presenting your findings you can expect me at westminster over here sir do you excuse me where have you been bloody london traffic what of the other half breeds that escaped through hyde park we must pursue them no not i'm sure you will appreciate that for the time being this must remain a police matter of course something's amiss the underworld in white chapel is known to give safe harbor to the rebellion that's precisely what troubles me why would so many half-breeds be found in bedlam some things we need to find out for ourselves you heard commissioner doyle it's a police investigation now knights do not relinquish their authority to bureaucrats percival is right this matter should be brought before the council centuries have passed but our order has remained steadfast in its sacred mission to preserve the balance between man and half breed such was the quest of our founder king arthur may his name be forever resplendent is it true did the lord chancellor fight by arthur's side that is the legend today that balance is threatened with grave upset by a new contagion the rebellion as long as its campaign of anarchy and terror is allowed to continue the plague of like an infestation that has infected our city will only grow more intolerable and the lord chancellor will thus agree to the urgency of a mission into white chapel why chapel is a matter for the civil authorities when the noble arthur sought to contest for truage with the roman emperor lucius he did not trouble himself with issues of jurisdiction do not presume to quote history to me sir percival i've seen more of history than you shall ever know i remind the knights he had assembled that the threat to this order comes not only from without but within we must stand vigilant together lest our ranks be poisoned by those who seek the destruction of all we hold sacred no one is immune from the rebels influence surely the lord chancellor does not mean to question sir percival's loyalty this order has long appreciated sir percival's council but the current disruption calls for caution and concerned effort not rash action sir percival has caused lord chancellor the situation in white chapel may need to be addressed does lord darwin speak with the blessing of the peers lord hastings lord dunglass he does lord chancellor perhaps the question should be put to the council very well what says the order of her majesty's royal nights in the matter of white chapel i or no no the knees have it this council is dismissed our order grows too prudent grayson we wither away from this in action leave it sebastian caution be damned so percival is most agitated you should learn it is best not to cross him when his mind is set on something there's nothing more than to discuss galahad will deal with this in due time i have a more pressing matter to attend as you wish how many of us will meet the journey to america oh lord barrett lord darwin and myself i've heard many great things about the uh command on lord hastings oh she is the finest the united india company has ever built i can promise you a pleasant and speedy journey across the atlantic can we expect your presence at the launch so looking would be my honor to see you off on your maiden voyage my lords sir lucan if i may um if you permit me my laws of course it's a personal alistair you know as well as i do that white chapel is the key to these disturbances to everything my opinion is immaterial the council has spoken few dead can't amount your father's express wishes need i remind you that we all serve at the lord chancellor's pleasure you are the knight commander make him see reason you think an incursion into a rebel stronghold is reasonable i consider it an acceptable risk one for which you'd be willing to accept full responsibility should unforeseen circumstances arise let what befalls be upon my head no one else's white chapel remains off limits that is officially you have my thanks sir of your thanks i have no need bring me results as the night commander wishes well we're going in most excellent when do we move you're not talking about white chapel but your brother sought fit to permit as a reconnaissance secure the necessary materials isabel a word tell me monsieur about the lord chancellor what is maki sir luken and lady grain were adopted by him yes his neighbor why would he bring them into such struggle perhaps he wanted to regain a semblance of the humanity he lost when time came to join the order the choice was theirs to make regardless i will not wish this life on my children marquis we need to hurry friend mallory has always been something of a rogue operative i've never known a better man still i shall rely on you to be a call it a sobering influence sebastian and i have long been partners i trust him with my life a little restraint would not be ill-advised huh do you look after my sister won't you no man in the realm can keep isabel from danger when she's overmind now you say true what's the brother to do eh good luck and godspeed always at your service sir this way please ah tesla just the man what new developments do you have to show me quite a few intriguing things if i may say so any further news of the trouble and grossness square police are investigating and investigating lichens on the united india company's front doorstep what do you make of it meifer isn't what it used to be uh permit me to oversee a few of my new experiments uh in the meanwhile take a look around uh play with whatever strikes your fancy but do be careful nicola how fast your friend edison these days thomas and i are not on speaking terms the man is an idiot it's quite an antique how's it believe we ever use these communicators here is something you may find interesting this device allows you to convert between edison's inefficient direct current and my superior alternating current quite handy for overloading and incapacitating certain electrical systems it's comprised of an inverter transformer and rectifier outfitted with some brass clips to enhance the design oh and a fine leather carrying case inside each tube is a small quantity of mercury when the mercury is properly aligned the device becomes operational please try it ah excellent you never cease to amaze nicola i'd appreciate your expert opinion on my latest whimsy here s684 marksman carbine impressive you've always had a good eye for craftsmanship i've outfitted this one with a telescopic sight it's ideal for long-range shooting i would be honored if you would test its efficacy with pleasure good shot you may want to avail yourself of the variable magnification some muffling might be in order as well i'll attend to it immediately so are there any other of my children that you would like to meet the office tempting but i must return to the others of course the monocular that general lafayette requested is over there on the table i'll see that he gets it we scour the district in pairs isabel you and lafayette take the high street from the south end galahad and i will move in from the north why not give the frenchman to galahad manmosel doubts my intentions i promise to remain at all times the picture of chivalry i'd prefer to have someone more experienced looking out for me i thought you needed no looking after very well you team with galahad when manroseale will perhaps one day allow me to demonstrate my skill one day remember we are entering rebel territory the insurgents will take umbrage at our incursion into white chapel give an honest discovery in mayfair the london hospital should be our target strange to think lycans would find sanctuary here is it not monsieur you really believe the rebels are collaborating with the half-breeds the lord chancellor is convinced of it i have my doubts do you trust anyone more general never accept always question it's a motto that's seen me through the centuries stay vigilant all of you we can expect hot work here ah a nest of cut purses collaborators and whoremongers i knew it very differently once a lone chapel stood just there offering sanctuary to travelers that was before even my time the city walls had yet to come up nothing is as it used to be sebastian true the order least of all we rendezvous at the hospital stay on your guard understood this way monsieur hello there boys boy you want more he's bleeding like a stuck pig that one doesn't look good i'll tell you where dead and buried and where there is no law the people must rise up i shall fight reclaim their rights they tell you things have never been better they tell you england is like in progress what's all this progress brought to you hideous slums some no more than crannies of obscure misery long hours in factories only to be paid a pittance and told by your masters to be grateful for a few bob a week children work to the bone in a black helicopter while the captains of industry feast from silverball find our cause who was the john i don't know down with the coins [Music] because of you didn't care to date your aristocratic hands it's all right there's no need to be afraid how could i have known he was a ripper it was just another bloke he killed another one last night i didn't know leave her be myself don't worry you're safe now we should head through this door aye there's no weapons allowed in the establishment you want to stay you leave it here as a matter of fact we were just looking for the code closet give it here at ease monsieur a quick reconnaissance of the premises seems imperative come on now join me upstairs now another time i can show you things you've never seen before i don't doubt it monkey this is no time for sports we have to find a way out of here quickly it's quite all right love i'll take this nice i have just a thing monsieur if one of you ladies would reach into my pocket give it here love is it sufficient monsieur more than sufficient i'd say upstairs then if you please are you about ready love you won't forget this italian this get in here oy here what are you up to you're in the wrong room where's the little frog easy man with his friend hi get out of there hello oh right excuse me uh you sure it's not the other way around you know two shorts for nights and one long for bobby's does it matter just keep your eyes open forever well i mean if it's nights shouldn't we get some help well obviously if we see any of those black guys skulking around down there we'll let the boys know and the same for bobbies now if it's just a few we'll shoot them and be dumb and if it's more i don't know we'll bloody shoot them too just shut your god keep looking clear perhaps the rooftops are not our best path mission you may be right we need to find another way to the hospital i found a way out hmm i sense that we are not welcome keep your eyes open we don't want to create any further commotion look monsieur god did not save this queen keep your head down i need to take out the sniper targets down [Music] down [Music] rebel neutralizer grenade we need to keep moving and get off the streets we a little help with the wagon monsieur um [Music] um uh percival first of all do you read me save your breath monsieur the buildings are blocking the signal the curse of progress i'm your monocular i can see our target the hospital is two miles west there it must be them shall we join the suaree let's invite a few friends shall we air command this is galahad i need response from anyone in the vicinity of white chapel air come on this is galahad thank you coffee we are without sanction here the lord chancellor will be most displeased lafayette does not fancy a court martial we'll worry about that later this is sentinel 5 we are three leagues northeast of white chapel please state directives 705 this is galahad we require air support on standby acknowledge the galahad we are signaling blue red at a one second interval we request your visual confirmation for heading change the galahad this is sentinel 5 we have visual confirmation of your position heading change to 224 degrees assuming holding pattern of our white chapel in eight minutes acknowledge sentinel 5 await further orders that location let's go the smell of pestilence your parisian slums are more fragrant i suppose meowth smells like monsieur anywhere in the world after you not to worry monsieur i'm all right not our time be better spent hunting half breeds patience marquee this world again patience always patience reloading leave that jimmy get going come on i'll cover our bases yes sir come on let's go move come on [ __ ] go blind hey stop for a pint did you we encountered some resistance the rebels are better arm than we expected those markings look familiar this is one of ours where'd you find this follow me there is enough firepower here for a small army some of this ordinance was manufactured for the order igraine even found an outgun in here i was unaware that we had lost some of our inventory we haven't here give me a hand with this one see what's in there what did you find essex m86 thermite rifle they saw their first field action a few weeks ago this one hasn't been assigned yet how do the rebels get their hands on these i'm making it my business to find out begging your pardon sir you need it upstairs that's our cue i believe mademoiselle requires our attention agreement we're in position about time move out what took you all so long [Music] in no we have to help him cover me the grain lay down suppressive quickly take his arms gently monsieur let's move him we're sitting ducks out here here comes another [Music] only a few more feet to go we're clear move in go oh help me with the bookcase that went well galahad find us a way out of here working on it how bad is it the punctured lung i think another bullet through this one found our way out everyone stand back igniting uh can we move him it no longer matters mr save your prayers laugh ahead there is no god to help him come on let's go so there the hospital we're only a few hundred yards away and these rebel job sites will be waiting for us reloading further rebel down ready should be cleared shortly the thermite is in place watch yourselves below looks like the rebels are retreating let's move forward we are advancing toward target find a way to join us understood hey where's your commanding officer over there come on sergeant sir what are majesty's nice why haven't you secured the perimeter we heard things are up there so for stay back bugger safety do you hear that where are the rest of the rebels exactly it's dead silent something's not right galahad did you i saw it so what of breeds they're converging from the hospital we need to disperse them quickly call it in sentinel five this is galahad do you copy circular head this is sentinel five on standby 5 requesting an immediate sonar payload drop confirming payload deployment requesting visual beacon for target location ah damn it who has the transmitter here monsieur he's my communicator other lads useful after all beacon releasing anchor incoming all devices on that's our window go find out where these bloody things are coming from i'll cover the rear monsieur you will need this be careful my friends always monkey let's hope these work what does your favorite instinct tell you now i'd say we should be prepared for anything nothing special in that admit it you're getting rusty god's blood what could have happened here are battle mites again i'd say no telling how many they might have killed in their escape look there this way what is it who's percival talking to no one just some old sod off the street let's move it's only a matter of time before the lycans regroup in return hmm well so much for the london hospital to think this was once the flagship of our medical expertise hey mates did you hear something we have company sworn someone was talking [Music] there may be more to this hospital than we suspected we should keep moving gray one of us should search the basement agreed i'll head downstairs all right i'll go this way get on the com if you find anything um uh uh ugh [Applause] i can smell you human [ __ ] we have a problem damn it uh hmm yes it's me is he i lost you on the car where are you triage room i found mark an elder an elder here this doesn't make sense no sorry the half breed is hurt and out for blood can you open the gate i'm trying find something to pry it open i'll clean the debris on this side all right come on [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] ugh ah get up crazy [Applause] is with me come on come on drink [Music] um gray it hurts izzy you'll be fine i can't do this much longer not this life save your strength we deserve better you and i together we deserve better hey you oh and that woman again no the ward to the left there's something you need to see what is it what are these rebels up to rest easy love come easy i'll help you up slowly there how long was i out long enough to have me worried where in the world would you be first of all we may have a situation on our hands what is it first call in nicola we'll need armament the rebels turn the psychiatric ward into a hideout and what looks like a staging area there are clues that indicate a potential threat to the united india company and lord hastings i'm telling you i'm fine now you still need some time to recuperate i assure you gray i'm perfectly well will there ever be a time when you will heed my advice is he you know the answer to that question but you would have to obtain father's blessing first my friend galahad well marky where have your concerns for my well being gone oh man i never doubted for a moment that you would prevail over these miscreants however the same cannot be said of your gallant night not a word of this to anyone nicola i understand as you wish you are taking a big risk what did i tell you monsieur we'd almost given you up for lost i we were unavoidably detained come we don't have much time sir this is for you as well it should all be in working order thank you nicola and the other weapon ah yes you never failed to deliver first of all for you might come in handy the argument what's the status it has already departed on its way to portsmouth for its last port of call before it leaves for the americas and the security detail on board have they been made aware of the rebel threat for all we know the guard detail could have been infiltrated by the conspirators we need to unravel this without rousing suspicion the council should at least be apprised of this situation we don't have the luxury of seeking the council's permission we're getting aboard that ship and how would you suggest we do that mongener it is already airborne that should be easy you read my mind sentinel five we are on board acknowledge surpassible settler five is eating back and will remain available for support confirmed thanks for the drop-off captain good luck sir sentinel five out is this your idea of easy monsieur we're all secure first possible we move on your mark very well agreeing lafayette this is most precarious my friend giving up so soon marky in position i'll shatter you let's go this way quickly let's get inside stow your gear i love and galahad you need to gain control of the cockpit quietly understood isabel and i will do reconnaissance we need eyes on the ground amongst the guests and imagine me with nothing to wear i suppose i'll have to go dress shopping rules of engagement monsieur do what you must we don't have time to distinguish between rebel conspirators and the company guards we've worked without a safety net before that is true but then again we are commandeering the flagship of the united india company's fleet questions then let's move out sebastian i must ask you who's the old man you are talking to are made for a white chapel the old man it's a long story one that i will share with you when the time is right there's still much that i have to find out for myself i hope you know what you're doing it seems that the council grows wary of your defiance the order is not what it once was grayson yes you've said that much before patience or friend all in due time remember stealth mode monkey manmosel has my absolute assurances i shall be as silent as the grave the path looks clear of guards we should hurry wait for my go-ahead on me go secure the cockpit and await further orders our entrance was not noticed by the guard for me shift i better get to my post the lock appears to be magnetic we should find a control unit progress they call it job for a mechanic not a guard don't know why i even bother best built [ __ ] my eye yellow hat we just encountered resistance from company guards they are using deadly force reciprocate if necessary understood what's wrong with this maybe loose ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the united states leadership i would like to welcome you on board the agamemnon as we depart london our next port of call will be pulled southwest we will then continue our journey across the atlantic ocean to our final destinations our expected travel times we'll just have to improvise settle in boys next mooring is at portsmouth and then it's an uneventful few days to the americas small grenade on your mark three can't even tell we're airborne when i'm back in the halls uh we seize the ship in the name of liberty first of all the cockpit is secured the fire will remain at the helm what is your status lord hastings is in the vicinity of the ballroom after your location we will try to get eyes on him get here fast acknowledge shall i price you once i've made reconnaissance remember a steady hand at the tiller at all times leave it to me monsieur first of all we have a complication lucan is on board my brother what is the knight commander doing here everything seems to be running smoothly yes looking quite smoothly we should be in portsmouth in a few hours indeed then off to the americas damn it he was to escort the lord until the ship reached our borders should he be informed of the situation risk alerting the rebel agent galahad is right alistair will not appreciate being kept out of this worry about that later you might get people can support if their situation requires it we proceed as planned understood i'll let you know when i have a better vantage point uh time imposition you are to hold fire until we have a confirmed target weapons hold confirmed the rebels are using stolen company uniforms they'll be dressed as guards guards without proper insignias the uniforms in white chapel didn't have shoulder patches indeed can't see the correct shoulder damn no patch there is a rebel on the opposing balcony acknowledge make sure you check them all turn so i can see no patch percival we have a rebel on the ground floor understood keep searching batch confirmed the guard near his tastings checks out excellent check the remaining cards a patch percival the guard atop the stairs is bona fide good keep looking that was the last one good eliminate any threats acknowledge weapon loaded good hunting one down one remaining get hastings out now get him out of here hastings got away i need backup everyone look to plan b the mark is down rebels incoming i need support now understood we'll converge on you what the bloody hell was that a bomb just detonated on the front engine everyone fall back i man you everyone there's a rebel commander on board it's a woman from white chapel i'm in pursuit do not let her get away stay on the mark do not let her get away first of all i've managed to capture one of the rebels good keep him restrained i'll be there shortly severe damage to the starboard side emergency response teams to b12 and v13 forward first of all i've lost the mark and maintaining pursuit negative regroup regrouper the lifeboats we have a bigger problem the rebels have a second device on board bloody all right i'm on my way back this is what you would call reasonable we could not have foreseen these circumstances alastair your mission to whitechapel was to remain covert i have received word of numerous casualties and reports of destruction to the london hospital and now this i intend to stand by my word i alone will assume responsibility for all the consequences that may befall us sebastian you do understand there is little i can do to protect you from the wrath of the lord chancellor or of the order your father will see reason right now our concern should be finding the other device before it detonates oh your assistants we we must all hurry off the ship before things get worse so lucan will escort you and see to the evacuation we must resume our pursuit well surely this is a situation for all hands you do not intend to stay aboard we will join you as soon as we can izzy see to these people then head to the cockpit no i'm coming with you izzy you need to find lafayette and get off this ship i your brother charged me to bring you back safely do this for me we need weapons there's a guard station nearby we can avail ourselves of the company's arms the rebels will be sending someone to detonate the second explosive the rebel leader she and an accomplice escape to enact a contingency plan that must be it agreed let's get back to it i'll stay here see if you can get to the weapons hold there may be rebels ahead be ready should the situation deteriorate the rebels are resorting to bolder methods that they are but something's a miss this is too bold even for them you may be right but we still must stop them knights came out of nowhere rebels i'm moving to the second device rebel down they got me pinned down i need to reload clear keep moving we have to find that second device we've got a hole [Music] i'm being pinned down targets down room clear we need to keep after the mark he must have gone through there right i got it can you get through i think sir look out that was a close one old friend too close for comfort leave it be there must be another way there's no time go on without me i'll find another way through and don't lose the mark lafayette we lost multiple gas cells the ship is uncontrollable hold your fire there's no time percival we have to stop him trust me grayson listen to me right stand down you have no idea who you're dealing with we are not the enemy then prove it stop this madness no not as long as the company is allowed to carry on and obstruct it they won't we'll see to it it's too late sebastian friend you don't have to do this knowledge [Music] oh dammit [Music] i'm here is he can you hear me [ __ ] sebastian we've got contact with percival in galahad i need any able-bodied night in the vicinity of the crystal pilot to respond it's me grey great response where the hell are you everyone dr galahad is alive fight him hmm [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll do this alone you two head up to the council great sorry is he i'll join you in time for the succession my friends uh my condolences so percival was a great man the best of us i took the liberty of keeping these aside i know it is not standard protocol grayson do not blame yourself for what happened let this cloud pass how can i he was my mentor my brother so he was but concern yourself with the upcoming solemnities the rest can wait too many questions remain alistair i intend to find answers malory's death will be avenged do not fall prey to dark thoughts of retribution that way madness lies come the council awaits our presence lord hastings is on his way from the united india house he wishes to thank you in person for saving his life and the lies of all the other people on the ship the united india company owes you a debt of gratitude for over six centuries the night called sir percival sat with us in brotherhood he saw entire kingdoms perish and others equally transitory take their place he saw the rise of the half breeds and was relentless in their pursuit to all these things he bore witness because he was blessed by this the grail the black water that courses through our veins the bond that unites this order the elixir which heals all wounds and extends the life of natural men yet it cannot ensure immortality now sebastian mallory once the percival is dead there is a tradition of bestowing a knighthood in our order only on the occasion of the death of him who bears that honor and burden generation after generation new knights have taken the names of their hallowed predecessors we are assembled here today on just such a solemn occasion [Music] from blood of old the grail will give new life [Music] do you marry joseph paul eve rock gilbert swear to uphold the most noble precepts of our order do you pledge to give your life in service to our righteous cause with all my heart and soul drink may the grail give you life beyond life [Music] by this communion you are bound to our sacred order henceforth only your blood shall replenish this bile [Music] may the black water serve you well always use it wisely i dub thee sir percival servant of our great king and knight of the round table rise so percival and assume your rightful place at our table guards remove sebastian mallory's body from the council chamber and take him to the crypt this council is now called to order let the terrible tragedy which has befallen us serve as a warning to those who would defy the mandates of this office the late sebastian mallory did not perish in the fight against the heartbreak no he died a victim of his own heedless enterprise and the negligence of those sworn to uphold the highest standards of duty and sacrifice and to what purpose lord chancellor i must public buildings destroyed innocent citizens placed at risk incalculable damage done to united india company property it is only by the mercy of providence that an even greater disaster was avoided all this while not a single rebel was taken into custody on the contrary by their rogue actions the knights in question may have done the enemy of great service the lord chancellor perhaps speaks too harshly he would do well to remember that sir percival's force did uncover evidence of a rebel effort against potential evidence mere supposition all of which resulted in a deplorable calamity i will hear no more of the matter with respect lord johnson sit down sir galahad with respect i too have lost a friend more than a friend a brother you do great wrong to sully his name in such a manner you dance on the very edge of insubordination tonight i am apprehensive of my responsibility in this affair yet of the same circumstances should present themselves i would do exactly as i have done as malory wished my lord sirs the rebels have ambushed lord hastings carriage he and his escort are trapped on the westminster bridge all night still arms protect lord hastings let's eliminate these godless rebels once and for all so galahad this matter is not yet over someone will yet answer for sebastian mallory's death of that you can't be sure arm yourselves and take defensive positions on the bridge galahad your command let's go so callaghan the carriage carrying lord hastings was hit in the middle of the bridge we're not sure if anyone's alive luke and grain percival with me uh hastings may still be alive we must reach it shotgunner spotted we must reach lord hastings carriage nice five every lot until we can finish quickly we must recover lord hastings we need to get hastings out i'll cover you looking the grain on my mark pull him out when i left the carriage understood ready we have him everyone fall back to the palace great where are you going to finish what we started this is no time for vengeance come to your senses that was my degree dammit [ __ ] one of the knights has made it through your hastings is secure does anyone have eyes on do we have any sentinels above our position so luken this is sentinel-3 we are one league north of westminster bridge and closing federal three blind for galahad and keep your eyes on him without fail we have spotted an artillery position atop a trolley east of your location understood do not lose sight of him hi mom you're all mine [ __ ] reloading the rebels are in retreat the royal army is on route they will contain the threat from here [ __ ] the army this is my fight the knight commander has requested to all personnel please remain clear of the east end of western bridge we are witnessing heavy artillery fire at the moment galahad this is a direct command stand down galahad what are you doing come to your senses and return to the palace where's the indian woman where is she where is she tell me tell me what chapel brother [Applause] is near the east end of the bridge stay on him until we can get to his position whoa [Music] lord a drink a drink god damn you absent uh [Music] let's forget [Music] are you drowning in your sorrows or your ignorance tonight neither i was waiting for you to show up and i need some answers answers is that why you killed all my men death always follows in your path and yours will be next if you don't give me what i need you'll have to excuse me if your offer doesn't entice me i don't respond well to threats then you're of no use to me do your worse so much animosity you look like you can use some of this night the black water but how did you get shall we call this a temporary truce baby if it keeps you at ease you can keep your gum pointed but i am the one you seek not her we have much to discuss let us find a more private setting you seek to avenge your friend mallory do not presume to speak his name he was betrayed you have all been betrayed betrayed by whom the men you call masters the order of knights calls no one master not even the queen you are an empire of boot lickers groveling at the feet of the mighty united india company god you're tongue woman your honorable cooperation spreads the very scourge you have so violently sworn to fight the rantings of a fanatic you seek the wrong enemy we both fight the same evil why should i believe the word of a rebel and an assassin we are more alike than you think we have nothing in common do not allow your friend who have died in there enough tell me why i should not kill you there are things worse than death knight much worse and if it is mine you seek in your misguided quest then so be it my death is a worthy sacrifice do you deny the attempt to kill lord hastings he deserves to die along with every one of his collaborators and you expect us to just step aside while you carry out your campaign of terror things are not as they seem the company's secrets are well kept even from the order what secrets i do not have time for games there is little i can say to swear your convictions but there are things i can show you to give you the explanation you need your answers await at the company's docks in black hole yard but we must hurry you would better be right for your own sake the underground tunnels would lead us to blackwell yards be prepared to meet heavy resistance from the united india guards until i say otherwise we will not harm innocent men none of them are innocent all the same you will abide by my rules if you expect me to follow you very well hanging up your collars so soon the order cannot be seen as having any part of this [Music] so so gray what games are you playing uh this cannot be [Music] uh um quickly take cover who's there ah this is private property oh i uh feared as much i was lost in the tunnels who the devil are you another lost traveler in this infernal city it appears if you don't mind me asking where am i black wall yard united india docks oh definitely not where i thought well you're going to have to get back the way you came back through the tunnels oh trifle easier to climb up to the streets wouldn't you say back you go don't worry he's only resting though his head might paint him for some time after look there's a street i'll unlock the gate from inside here i'll help you hurry the patrol is bound to pass this way sooner or later just a moment longer sniper what now still think we can subdue them without killing anyone stay in cover i'll find a way to get to the sniper up move forward [Music] hmm behind you are you all right keep moving i'll cover you so much for keeping this friendly damn it i'm in no mood to jest said you had proof where is it patience night we're almost there night over here on my count of three one two they're in here look out lock the door don't let them out damn it reloading johnny what is he doing here devi it's all right you can speak freely daddy go on it is the same as the airship ronnie the cargo is bound for the americas and the west indies how many more than twice the last shipment they are making up for lost time this shipment cannot reach the shores of the new continent there's more security is on high alert his name was mentioned they are arranging a meeting we may be in luck yet whose name was mentioned one of your esteemed lords if he is coming here for a meeting then you shall see for yourself this proves nothing lord hastings is champlain and appear he's sovereign in her council yes privy to the orders operations how convenient for him you imagine conspiracies when none exist look at the cargo night and talk to me of fantasies dealt with i surprise you again mate the famous warrior queen who took up arms against our army in india our generals reported you killed in guardiola i have always benefited from the underestimation of fools i'll get the door knight come take a look at this there the shipment is being loaded this foul cargo must never be allowed to leave here hurry the exit is this way well it's not i mean it does appear better but i wasn't expecting this much trouble i need you to go and guard the escape routes ronnie i should escort you it is my duty to protect you devi it's an order why do you think they are to keep the ducks safe why then ship to the main warehouse oh man the crank keep an eye out while i raise the platform that's as far as it will go help me out i'll take a look inside i see a number of guards we need to move quietly looking forward pull me up intruders of that hastings guard detail the intruders are here get his lordship to safety reloading [Music] i see a way across quite an array of weapons nothing strange about it the company exports munitions around the globe it doesn't strike you as odd that the dot guards are armed to the teeth with the latest weaponry enough of your speculations this way on my mark be prepared to cover me deserted a very ill omen they must have fallen back to regroup we might only have a small window of opportunity before they return now the proof woman as you wish well now inspect the cargo look for any distinguishing marks on the crates the crates we were looking for have the company's insignia on the sides look for the insignia it is a red stem here this must be what we're looking for help me get this one down crowbar look hard night see the evil we both fight against vampires it can't be how the half-breeder consolidate in their power with the protection of the lichens in your land hastings and his vampire ilk are spreading disease throughout jordan hastings you can't be one of them many have witnessed in white chapel your noble lord roaming the streets late at night preying on downtrodden women the ripper callings that is what you call them how do you think the murderer still continues to evade commissioner doyle's dragnet white chapel has become the kindred feeding ground how many more of these are there enough to affect a city god's blood we have to destroy this cargo over here i found some fuel done over here this one's ready to be lit let's move on to the rest very well take care of the remaining cargo i'll deal with this time target down that's a loss of them it's not my god uh [Music] uh that's two there's a door over here ronnie are you in there daddy i'm not glad to hear your voice right are you hot no not yet but hurry break down the door add one's ronnie [Applause] [Music] i never thought to see you again daughter how did you find us there's no time the company's forces are gathering at the shipyard we must flee night did not temp fade a work here is done [Music] this horror must be made known to the council try carefully knight the company could not succeed without powerful friends in the government you saw on the docks how your own ranks have been infiltrated if it is as you say then surely the war has turned against the half-breeds they are now using the united india company to spread terror throughout the world you must help us i'm a knight sworn to protect the realm not bring it crashing down then you must trust no one fare you well knight but only we could have met on different circumstances where should i find you whisper my name in white chapel and i will be there gray what in the world is going on not now is he don't walk away from me i saw you at whitechapel why you followed me i was worried about you you fled like a madman after the battle on the bridge no nothing less than nothing is this some kind of clandestine infiltration is that what you're up to this isn't the time grey what's happened to you ever since mallory was killed i look at you and what what do you see i don't know a stranger someone i'm not sure i can trust anymore whatever it is for god's sake tell me not this time is he and you do well to stay clear of me for your own good you find general lafayette and summon him to the library the conspiracy runs to the very heart of the council this allegation is monstrous i refuse to believe it the lord chancellor will permit me i shall not permit and you will say nothing more of these ridiculous suspicions all the years i've known your father never have i seen him so obstinate your allegations strike at the very heart of the empire i fear he cannot sustain another blow as great as the loss of mallory holy need do is journey to blackwall yard for what evidence the destruction was total a clear case of arson according to commissioner doyle apparently a small group of rebels was seen on the docks it was all rather what is the word the commissioner so fond of oh yes elementary now what do you think i have no opinion should you wish i can attempt to persuade the lord chancellor to put the matter before the council if it is true that we have a traitor in our midst word is bound to get back to the conspirators what do you propose reach the walls of the united india house undercover of night any information that will shed light on the events of the last few days must surely be found there trespass on the company's headquarters you are cut from the same cloth as mallory drastic circumstances call for drastic measures i would have your assistance alastair i hardly think it proper for the night commander to be you know the lay of the land i will need your guidance to navigate the grounds of the united india house if a conspiracy is to be revealed your testimony will carry weight with your father very well but the two of us alone will not suffice to infiltrate the compound if what you say is true there are precious few we can trust my sister lafayette i cannot involve them until i have more evidence then who i might know just the person who can help us i thank you brother we're approaching the united india house i assume we're not planning to enter through the front door not to worry i've made preparations for our incursion gaining access to the compound proved to be a little more difficult than planned [Music] we're here back entrance to the compound you could say that oh evening sir francis is everything in place as discussed ordinances on the table rooftop accesses to the bedroom you've done well francis at your service sir hmm francis served in the commonwealth forces crossbow brings back memories ancient ones are that i thought it best we stay silent on this mission let's get going compound has betrayed all through the night guards man all entrances what's the incursion point the gardens should provide us enough cover to move in unnoticed follow me should head to the rooftops intelligence does pan out a trustworthy man it seems not really he has a debt to repay our failure to deliver on his word would prove most unpleasant to him we need to find a safe anchor point in the garden to secure the rope to quite a dramatic entrance you've planned gazebo seems to fit the parameters good let's deploy the line done alistair i need you to stay here and spot my path once i'm clear i'll give you the go ahead to enter very well i do be careful my sister wouldn't forget me if i were to return alone what she doesn't know cannot hurt her oh grayson i think it's unwise to eliminate company guards until we have proof there is no time alistair you have to trust me this is the only way damn just get to the lower garden the gate will be locked you will need to find the key okay my gal at night it seems i came just in time i suppose so though it would not be in my nature to let a god get the better of me did you come alone devi and finley are with me they're taking care of the rest of the garden you i could not risk involving my squad but there is one more with me and you trust this person yes with my life very well what now we will meet him inside and proceed to the archives room let's go um as you can see we face some resistance they're over here ronnie we found a way in once in place we can use the stagecoach to climb the balcony knight help us push this into place no i need you to stay ronnie i need to be by your side you always are a child what of him in his accomplice heed my advice do you not know how dear you are to me then why do you push me away because i need you to continue the cause if something happened to me do not say that debbie though you may not trust me know that i will protect your queen in your stead i overheard you that much see that you do you do not want to get on the bad side of that one who can hold your fire this is lakshmi bai the leader of the rebellion she is your confederate have you taken leave of your senses man i might ask the same question if i didn't know you any better i'd think you'd led me into a rebel ambush as i might fear an arrest we do not have time for this we needed help and she's the only one i could turn to this is madness you're putting the very core of her order in jeopardy alistair you have to trust me you asked that we find proof she was with me in blackwall she witnessed what i found there you mean to tell me that she helped you destroy the united india company dox my father was right that was an act of pure terrorism she used you she brought this conspiracy to my attention and if we're to see it through her help is invaluable and what if you're wrong then she and i will answer for our actions and suffer the consequences as malory did i hope you're right gray i would not want to see you on the wrong side of this mess neither would i brother there they are far end of the lobby only fire i've been down i'm reloading funny ammo search the archives look for manifests bills of lading requisition orders anything that might link the company to the half-breed shipments are we supposed to look through all this keep it down finley night over here you will want to see this these are shipments that were sent to my homeland if this log is to be believed the company now has a foothold in every indian state yeah the agamemnon shipment destined for the eastern coast of the americas and three more shipments planned along the same route rms oceanic is next it set sail in six weeks where's finley ah oh lord hastings do you believe me now he is the one behind all this the white chapel killings the half-breed scourge united india all you jacob vanneck or as the fleet street pamphleteers have so fondly named me jack the ripper at your service i thank you salukin for delivering these meddlers deal with them and do not fail us you quite fortuitous wouldn't you say sir galahad the rebel leader captured and a traitor revealed all in one fell swoop the traitor being you regrettably understand how could you forgive me brother i have to look to my own kind above all you're kind rod he's behind me you know what to do we have confirmation of multiple intruders at the united india house the metropolitan police has been ordered to remain on standby the protection and safety of lord hastings is our primary concerns [Music] oh galahad stay where you are okay i said don't move you arrive in good time we received a report of a disturbance yes again i had stormed in here with a filthy band of rebels intent on killing me it's a lie see the result of that little incursion segal dad's accomplice was a woman they're the leader of the rebellion in fact she eluded our grasp not for long you will order the company guards to stand down lord hastings we knights will see to the capture of the rebel leader you see listen to me you're making a grave mistake take this intruder into custody i am truly sorry this office must fall upon you monkey no more than i am monsieur him out of my sight [Music] i thank you lady igraine your intervention was truly fortuitous we are only carrying out our sworn duty lord hastings they're all the same my lady you would do well to keep a close eye on that traitor you may expect to be summoned before the courts your testimony will be required i am always at the service of her majesty's knights the prisoner stands accused of the most heinous crimes sir galahad has betrayed our ancient trust more than this he has conspired with godless rebels adding to his litany of evil he has presumed to take the life of our esteemed chamberlain lord hastings sergeant is a base traitor a man without honor or scruple i asked the council to impose the supreme penalty i beg the council's indulgence let us not forget sagala had service to this order over the centuries perhaps our brother knight can be saved and once more put onto the righteous path the knight commander shows too much leniency the proof against the traitors a irrefutable i saw sir galahad in the company of the rebel leader i was too far away to hear them clearly but they seemed on familiar terms they were leaving an establishment known to harbor rebels so galahad sought an audience with the lord chancellor in me he hurled a number of senseless accusations at the united india company and seemed intent on finding lord hastings bring in lord hastings lord hastings you have identified the prisoner as your assailant sir galahad infiltrated our headquarters late night accompanied by the rebel leader and her followers i could not be sure that the man i was following was tagalog until i found his coat discarded near the rebel hideout as his commander i tried to dissuade him from pursuing his allegations it is now clear he did not heed my advice the incapacitated several of my guards and entered my chambers intent on killing me we found lord hastings wounded by the prisoner's hand he must stand condemned by his own actions honored knights how do you find for the prisoner guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty the sentence is death [Music] [Music] a bit longer is this one done anyway don't matter to me i'm always best not to ask any questions let's see another rant we'll come back and have another go later come on get up [Music] [Music] oh come on you pick it up [Music] sweet dreams [Music] [Music] long enough time for your morning bath this right i don't think he's going to last much longer come on now just a few more steps [Music] here we go again i can do this all day mate come on give up your collaborator it's a tasty bird in it maybe i can give her a go away [Music] see you why you little [ __ ] [Music] um [Music] hmm um [Music] ah just my luck [Music] uh hmm [Music] get over here and help us [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah all right mates not a word inside closer let's just tell at least three shall we you're here mom yeah the convict everyone's talking about there's only one way out of here walking dead that's where you are gonna wish you never left those catacombs fair enough fair enough it's your funeral not mine [Music] [Music] [ __ ] up [Music] huh [Music] give yourself up monsieur my next shot will not be a warning [Music] surrender yourself raise your hand now raise your hands hands up gray don't do i this serena hands on your head you have betrayed our order no one may escape the penalty you forget lord chancellor i'm as good as dead already [Music] [Music] gently my friend will he survive that is for him to decide um here my friend drake [Music] two days it has already been two days we cannot leave him here like this i have done what i can it is not for me to protect him now i will call upon him if he lives through this ordeal my friend my friend you must stay with us so get ahead so get ahead here lady likes me you were right to bring me here nicola there's not much more i can do all of london is looking for him so they are we will take care of him time will tell if he will make it through do not be a full nicola i do not have a choice if i'm gone too long they will suspect something what if they already know you have helped enough let us handle matters from now on there is still so much for me to do lady lakshmi please take care of him i fear that without him we do not stand a chance luxury well night you're not one to give up so easily where am i you're at a safe house on the embankment you've been in and out of consciousness for almost a fortnight but come we must make our way back to whitechapel the authorities are searching for you everywhere how did you find me you must thank nicola he brought you here and sought my help nicola how do you know nicola i will let him explain his involvement in our affairs nicholas left you these he thought you would appreciate them come let's go lakshmi the black water how did you come about it it was bestowed on me you mean to say the night it's a has not been seen since the search for the grail you say he lives in east india i did not say he lived night white chapel is this way you lady agrain there is evidence of a few people having been here sir gala had must have had help get word to the council that we have tracked the convict tell every able knight to converge towards white chapel yes my lady god be my witness i will see to the end of the rebellion everyone leave now we need to leave it is only a matter of time until the authorities raid white chapel and make prisoners of every man and woman salvage what you can and go i have unfinished business at the palace have you lost your senses the palace is the last place you should show yourself i have to get nicola out of there i owe him that much alastair knows you he'll expect you to come i know then we will go together no this is a fight that i must see through alone if i live to see tomorrow i shall find you so be it night do you not know i am a night no longer a you are not monsieur but are you a turncoat or a patriot what would you have me be maki i believe you have reason for what you do two revolutions have taught lafayette that there are dangers on both sides i will not forget this monkey see that you do not monsieur should you threaten the cause of liberty you can count on lafayette to be your sworn enemy i do miss you until we meet again that we will my friend leaving us so soon debbie so you do remember my name there is much i should explain to you and i should have trusted you long ago there's no time for pleasantries it seems you are eager to get yourself killed i must make this right whatever the cost then take this oh and do come back in one piece it seems my queen is taking a liking to you nicola come in i'm in the catacombs on my way to you sir are you mad you must not come this way stay put i'll be there shortly we may have a complication sir luken is on his way nicola you need to get out of here damn [ __ ] what happened lady lakshmi was right he knew i'll get you out of here come on he's still in there oh it's too late there's nothing we can do there's still something i must do alistar i knew you would return brother come out of the shadows damn you you and i we are not that different i do what i must to protect my kind we fight only for our right to live that's a lie one day perhaps you will understand forgive me grayson this is not the outcome i sought [Music] hmm [Music] have you had enough much [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] all right lived too long to not know this day would come why alistair you have forced outside all these years i've seen things i am condemned to remember civilizations born and destroyed by humanity's incest and greed the pride of men slaughtering each other in the name of their so-called god we will atone for our sins in time but how can you justify the atrocities you're kind of committed my kind are no more evil than yours what if your sister your father was it all a lie is he my father i love them as my own blood they cannot begin to know the curse i have lived with my son brother forgive me it is i who needs your forgiveness i never meant this life for you you knew i've always known i rescued him from the massacre of his family your father died by my sword but a child you didn't deserve such a fate how could i have taken the life of an innocent confess this to the council or chancellor it is the only way to make amends for the havoc that has been unleashed i cannot the revelation would shake our order to its very foundations so i am to be sacrificed how many more must die to ensure an eternal silence he's my son i cannot be the one to end his life isabo and the council must never discover the truth lest all you hold dear perish do not ask this of me [Music] henceforth [Music] you shall have fellowship with no knights the order must remain united you are no longer one of its heralds finish what you have begun and vanish men were never meant to live this life [Music] there shall come a day when all our burdens will end brother maybe then we shall know troopies [Music] sir galahad the whole of london is looking for you we mustn't delay so galahad can you hear me so get ahead be it is nicola all is fine so you say my friend the council has declared martial law throughout the city there is no telling when the authorities will decide to mount an offensive now is not the time for heroics i would advise we follow lady lakshmi's lead and leave the city join you shortly and don't you know i'm galahad no more [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 104,154
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, THE ORDER 1886 PS5 All Cutscenes (Game Movies) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, the order 1886 all cutscenes, the order 1886 ps5 gameplay, the order 1886 ps5 no commentary, the order 1886 ps5 trailer, the order 1886 ps5 vs ps4, the order 1886 ps5 60fps, the order 1886 ps5 upgrade, the order 1886 ps5 4k, the order 1886 ps5 update, all cutscenes, game movie, ultra hd, 4k, 60fps
Id: 4Rn-CbsUDNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 19sec (12019 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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