DOOM ETERNAL All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] against all the evil that hell can conjure all the wickedness that mankind can produce we will send out of there but only you rip and tear until it is done [Applause] Oh these range we must pray now please pray that he is watching attempting to acquire the hell priests signal nearly 60% of our planet has been consumed by the invaders [Music] we have the hell priest signal locked in the target is marked the signal for it is ease that they fear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the first tell priest has been terminated the demonic consumption of Earth has been reduced by 36.8% there are two health priests remaining you the UAC would like to thank you for your support during this transition your suffering continues to inspire us [Music] the con maker is nearby she is inside that demonic Citadel I will mark our location on your Hut the gathering of Health priests is located just above your location my scans indicate there is a lift at the center of this facility the con maker is present at this gathering but when outside of her domain she is by all accounts indestructible no that's perfect this stops nothing the sacrament of this world - the great car maker will be made and the energy will be restored once again as it is written from the souls of the non-believers you will not see you can't interfere if humanity to repent to Allah you do not elevated the way of a car activating the portal now I do not have the means to locate the second hell priest your celestial locator is missing a component we will need a replacement the redesign of your equipment launcher the flame belch is now ready for your approval [Music] [Applause] this is not yours you cannot kill the priests you know our laws recite their transgressions against the government they are still of sinful blood what you interfere with now this bigger than you can imagine it is written it is their time to give penance if you continue you will bring down the heavens wrath you are but one man they are no longer your people for save [Music] [Applause] this central battery can be used to provide additional power to your ship several modules are being unused finding more batteries will enable you to utilize the full functions of your command station [Music] [Music] there is a sentinel power core nearby you can use it to activate the mech and clear a path forward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there are motion sensors in artillery everywhere I told you all to leave me here I am where I belong save your people will not bring you peace only make the burden you carry worse then now you seem to defy the cone maker herself it is your peoples time now to give penance just as it was mine here is Leia with his hardest laid to rest in his soul will be the peace and so will mine the extraction point has been identified I will mark its location on your Hut [Music] you can now find the remaining health reasons by activating your celestial locator the second help priest is located in the northern region of earth I will calibrate the portal now the hub has several areas locked off due to power constraints once Power has been restored you will be able to access the entire ship is rising with establishing power to core and supplementary systems [Music] modification to your equipment launcher has been completed once fired freezing gases you'll have to manually toggle the launcher to fire either ice bombs or frag grenades [Applause] [Music] is my time let's see if you're strong enough to survive distrusts this slave has arrived all mortally charged personnel please be advised [Applause] [Music] Livi's trust me Timmy my brothers and sisters have but he is weak your hate must match his will only then will you be truly safe your salvation lies in his destruction the middle of the Slayer strength is exposed now to us can you see it brothers he has lost the result to continue what it is so I must survive protect you in my time of need and you will secure your place your super shotgun is nearby a relic from your past the priests have kept it hidden from you in this remote location [Music] all of the challenge personnel this layer is inside assist please proceed with regression no long connection successful you are now in control of the revenant [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] attention all cultists base personnel please destroy the Slayer the breach must survive are you growing tired see we will break your will yet [Music] [Music] I do not feel you this match is not won comfortably the priest has stopped moving I will lock in signal now [Music] the health presupposition is stable now and his guardian is somewhere in the facility ahead this was not easy to find an opponent worthy of this man but I think you would be impressed was it not the slave who brought the demons to us makan maker has you to thank for the gift of Argent's energy it is you who are responsible for your people's suffer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome the Slayer [Music] I thought you would appreciate the century I chose the great hargadon hunters when the tellers read the long thought to be extinct created odd on the Slayer that is not sentinels therapy not only to save some improvements on their design have been made enjoy what is undoubtedly my finest work [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Beast as he not seek enhanced our gifts to aid him in his noble conquest perhaps in return for life our system is being corrupted [Music] [Music] she knows the system well the priest will be moved to a more discreet location so our work can continue without further disruptions [Music] the third help priests ignol is no longer visible to us there is a 41.3% increase of demonic activity at the Nexus of the initial invasion that is the largest core nest on earth I will set the portal coordinates for the super gor nest now [Music] please remain calm you may notice a slight change in the environment fear not it's all part of the plan the super gore nest location is nearby this is the site where the invasion began the oldest and most corrupted location on the planet the ark fought hard that they were eventually driven out by the demons [Music] [Music] to make our friends transition into their new world comfortable earth is the melting pot of the universe [Music] two more keys will be required to open the passage [Music] this is the heart of the nest it has taken root through this facility's main power generators reactivating the generator will destroy the nest the generator is in a dormant state to nearby control terminals will need to be manually activated to restore full power unlocking the left terminal room now [Music] 50% of power has been restored the second control terminal still requires activation to destroy the nest the hella fied barrier has opened this air shaft will provide access to the generators control terminal [Music] the generator is now at full power you can now use the main console to destroy the heart the generator is overloading I have hot your exit portal the warning main generator overload I repeat main generator overload please proceed to the nearest emergency exit this self-destruct show please save your work and exit [Music] [Applause] [Music] the vinyl helped reason location remains up unknown the demonic consumption of earth will not be stopped until the last priest and his guardian are destroyed we will require assistance in order to locate the final hel priest I believe dr. Hayden can help us with our search I will calibrate the portal to the Ark's command station dr. Hayden is just across the complex this industrial campus was once the headwaters of the resistance good news for the people the deceiver Samuel Hayden has fallen the Ark is no more this area is [Applause] warning the ox headquarters is under attack attention several date has fallen please evacuate [Music] the entrance into dr. Amos outpost is blocked to peripheral turrets identified calculating optimum firing bath and you could use both turrets to clear a path this is dr. Elena Richardson log entry is 0:05 subject analysis of Doom's layer february second 2163 maybe he is a god maybe he represents humankind's range their will to persevere to overcome that which would threaten our survival and he is uncompromising a relentless being of violence that knows no mention of the hesitation shown by our many leaders and politicians during our time of judgment can he overcome them alone if he can't we as a species all species will not survive no one is born sinner you have to work hard to achieve success evolution is our destination when they arrive is with us not him the UAC first target destroyed the second turret will give you the angle needed to destroy the remaining tentacle our transdimensional friends shall not walk on tainted ground earth must be cleansed [Music] [Music] [Applause] one moment override successful the path is now clear you can access dr. Hayden's outpost warning all our personnel the work to be challenged have entered the compound evacuation is advised [Music] [Music] [Music] this is dr. Elena Richardson vlog entry 0:07 March 3rd 21 63 and with him lies our salvation for as he gains in strength so do they fall in numbers the priests command the armies to the north and south but she controls the fight the inner circle of death is where he resides plunging them at the far reaches of the earth and beyond I am a believer now I feel it is in doom that I have faith the Slayer is the spear that stabs at the heart of our attackers and those that would seek to harm us should feel warned for there is only one dominant life-form in this universe and it carries a steel barreled sword of vengeance all hail the coming of the destroyer the Slayers time is now [Music] dr. Hayden's office laboratory is located at the top of this facility attention emergency protocols have been activated please exit the facility now my god dr. Haven was convinced come here for this eventually can I just say that it is an honor for me personally to meet you I attention emergency protocols have been activated please exit the facility now we we don't know how to access his main cortex it's all alien we couldn't figure it out we have to prepare for his careful extraction we were given specific orders his life signal is very readable warning demonic presence level five entering main laboratory [Music] let me help you to see Slayer [Music] you have now destroyed 68% and hell's occupying force without the priests the demons will not get superfoods the carmaker had planned but there is still one priest left and I have lost his signal I can no longer locate it dr. Hayden will be able to find him doctor himself into your ship's mainframe you're the Khan does not want to be easily the only functional Slipgate to Sentinel Prime he's in the core of Mars in the lost city of the deaths I have mark its location for you beginning there we'll take junk there is no easy way to access the core of Mars there are no known pathways that lead there dr. Haven the BFG 10,000 designed by dr. Samuel Hayden as part of the anti demonic defense grid searching the coordinates to the BFG 10,000 now you can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars the portal is ready [Music] hey poor you you gave me here the entrance to the BFG 10,000 is just across from this facility would be FG 10,000 is [Music] the power source of the BFG 10,000 should be an interest to this world warning this layer hesitant [Music] [Music] tensou [Music] warning [Music] be up to 10,000 the entrance is long the schematic show a maintenance hatch on the bridge warning the FG 10,000 I'm serious that guy doesn't scare me I'd like to see him try [Music] that control pod contains the energy source of the BFG 10,000 this way I need you [Music] [Music] [Music] Mars surface targeted demons I have to disable the safety protocols [Music] the bodice sets the self-destruct we should move ahead [Music] the emergency exit portal should take you directly to the Mars service facility [Music] you can use the facility escape pods to get down to the Mars core but we have no way of reaching it from here [Music] it's got a bridge granted condition that is a weapon not a teleporter [Music] see Jessica in HR and sign up now for the UAC mortally challenged blood drive be generous give your blood [Music] devine catapult is designed to use only approved UAC ammunition three two one [Music] [Applause] and up the doing Slayer his power this will trooper Trump these are the lines of the novel [Music] I'm charting a flight path to Mars calculating thrust vectors launching in three two approaching planetary entry phase prepare for turbulence the lost city of the Bell this was before your time with the Sentinels the Slipgate will take you to Sentinel crime where the priest is hiding [Applause] [Music] the portal ahead will take you to Sentinel Prime where the hell priest de Graaf is waiting over the breeze [Applause] [Music] we found him in the valley just outside the castle walls he was badly wounded and wearing this not God huge guts kill thumb must kill them all he has fight in him yet in spite of his injuries send him to the arena let him be judged like the others I offer you a great power for one a sign of truce I know of what you have left behind to leave this crusade you cannot see them I give it to them if you then I will return to you what the demons took from your soul I'll forego you need only turn back and it will be yours again [Applause] I pity the humans I do that is a hard role to play but I too have a world to save without their sourcing there can be no hmmm edgy and the Argent will cease to flow I cannot allow this job you will not stand in the way of her dance progress this is how it has always been done it is not for you to deny us our chance at first spirit me [Music] I can stand by and watch as you put our future at risk us will be consumed and the energy will continue to flow it is your people or survival against mine you'll make a fine addition to the front line string demons they are everywhere must tell them all dress his wounds and bring him to us I want to know more about the others who speaks out yes your grace if Sentinel holy blood is spilled on these grounds you will loose our sovereignty here [Music] this is a that will be consumed regardless we should leave immediately the con maker has overloaded your systems Vega has no control over if you want the color continuum the human race you fight to protect would have survived now I will resurrect the icon of thin he will devour us and leave your home world in ruins life will be at another world you brought to extinction this stronghold will now serve as your prison with no power to our mission and we may continue the work that must be done she didn't know you had the very powers to attitude from the mission on Sentinel Prime was a success the demonic consumption of Earth has been stopped only a Slayers crucible blade can stop a Titan you must get to the sentinel city of Taurus Nevada to retrieve your crucible before it is too late without it the Titan cannot be stopped setting the portal to tourists nabob no crucible is still embedded in the Titan that attacked miss Sentinel City your first battle against the demons in this world where the legend of the Slayer began the great city of terrassa site of the first promoted demon attack ecology according to the coroner the city would have been lost and it not been for the arrived ladies all that rage and you could have saved this world from itself but this time earth will be different it is written in your hatred for the demons gave the people of Argent's in your home as it does now we must move quickly there are those who would seek to stop I offer you look dear take it will give you strength help you on your journey [Music] and now they will fear if the crucible blade is removed the Titan will rise again your vault should contain what you need the world of our Giunta nor has fallen divided the demonic energy flows now to the south and the society he once knew has been replaced by a corrupted world under maker rule they did not need to end this way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sure you want to try weapon first before we leave her dad is the makers forward it is not accessible to anyone no human or Sentinel has ever set foot in their dimension you can use the makers argent Factory in the health city of necro ball to pass through the void once there you will not be able to leave on your own but Vega can create an exit portal for you that is why you must bring Vega through the void with you to her death understood I'm detaching myself from the ships systems processing total transfer to external drive complete Vega is no longer connected to your ship I will reconfigure the portal 2 necro ball for you do you require anything else before we begin our journey to murder you will not be able to return until the mission is complete Largent energy is made for the souls of hell's victims this is the factory where that takes place necro wall the city of the Dead [Music] here the humans arrived waiting to be selected the process [Music] [Applause] the con maker needs fur and it's soldiers the culling allows her people to replenish their resources and survive as you saviors up ahead is Commodores the sightless judge it determines misfit to begin the soul the rest will be discarded to the blood swamps [Music] [Music] now fathers exposed [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] humans must be tortured the flesh 10 once enough pain ready the Spiritist will have had enough pain has been inflicted only when the human has lost all will be transferred to the soul [Music] [Music] inside that Citadel is the sole extraction chamber we must make our way through into the top where the pure argent energies exported directly to her dad your people are mages suffered processed souls for the carmaker's world pleasure this could have been avoided different [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is war argent energy the suffering on earth the bloodshed all that for this once the soul is extracted the husk of the human body will over time transform the extract of Seoul remains [Applause] [Applause] the demons only utilize abortion abuse because it was the makers and the central priestess who discovered and unlocked the truth they combine Sentinel and L energies together refine large see extinction yield the sip this facility was built in do not stand anymore [Music] get to the transmitters if you can destroy it the unrefined energy should be able to propel you the towers held aloft by to enslave Titans break the chains drop it into the well below you must break the chain [Music] [Music] I comes in story magnificent isn't not Wiggly the carmaker is nearby we must stop her before she completes the ritual and gained full control before the icon [Music] [Music] you cannot stop the procession [Music] we will not be able to control it [Music] [Music] the amount of sin is no longer in the convocation the longer the strong there is a contingency runner had to get back to work but you will need to reconfigure the departments to activated we must move quickly but the icon of sin grows more power disorder insert Vega system acquired setting the course for the earth dimension now this afternoon you must get the other teleporter rings a line before it's too late the gate must be reactivated the longer the icon of sin is on earth the stronger he will become the god maker needs earth to be consumed by the demons by awakening the icon of sinning inside under to the seal has been broken and now the evils may pass through the void as never before you have brought people in this lonely place damnation but it was parented to break the door the tide come here learn hubris has shattered paradise [Music] [Music] with the Rings fully aligned the dimensional gate to Murthy smell open get to the landing platform and pass through the portal earth does not have much time left the god maker is near she cannot let you leave this place alive and she is invulnerable but you get the Lord within her chest once removed her defenses will be down for millennia survived made others our prosperity so that they may in turn find redemption oh are you I won some water our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bird has no hope for survival [Music] absolutely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Eddie will be their Savior your strength will be the shield at your will their soul you remain for your height is internal [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 391,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DOOM ETERNAL All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie), Gamer's Litle Playground, doom eternal game movie, doom eternal all cutscenes, doom eternal full story, doom eternall full walkthrough, doom 2020, doom eternal review, watch doom eternal movie, watch doom eternal all cutscenes, doom eternal gameplay 2020
Id: wbe6OyeK1Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 17sec (7277 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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