Home made PCB by the method of screen printing

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That was awesome, thanks. It was like watching "How It's Made" narrated by Borat.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kdc71726 📅︎︎ May 11 2013 🗫︎ replies

"Silk screen" I finally get it!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/strobot 📅︎︎ May 16 2013 🗫︎ replies
manufactoring printed secrets by the method of stream printing the technique most Jews in printed circuits industry is the screen this way you can get good quality prints at very low cost this printing system allows multiple copies of the same design making it ideal for mass production although it is a still manual process is one of the most use allowing quality and presentation work necessary for commercialization the frame it is a rectangular wooden frame build with Maddon's of 343 inches which supports a fine silk very warm and wrinkly free we use a frame of 120 threads in which we all three yards are gonna be the printed circuit board solder mask and mask components applying the emulsion in a room where live.com mix nine parts emulsion to one part by chromate or developer to obtain a uniform mixture the mixture is spread along the seal using an emulsifier it takes three or four layers of emulsion the first layer is applied to the rear of the frame exists compulsion is collected apply the second coat on the throne apply the third coat and we applied the last layer reversing the direction of the frame the motion should be applied only on the self wearing in mind that no gaps or bubbles uncoded then we drive the mole change using a hair dryer to make massage dry in time remember that the mulching is light-sensitive and will gradually harden after drying the emulsion place the rack on a table reveal it we put on the back of the frame as it types with printed designs remember to place the over hair on the opposite side which will see the finished PCB fix it with a transparent adhesive tape now we turn to the frame we place a thin foam we put a glass silk of err in the hole we put weight on top to avoid separation of acetate silk and glass developing of the emulsion exposed to ultraviolet light the overhead for 13 minutes remove the glass and foam and remove the acid types immediately watch the frame on both sides with pressure it water after a few seconds is after a sale three wells the drawing of the concision as the museum drops in areas where the light did not come because the coverage of the aspect the developer is the same according to the design after processing silk per set to dry it with a hair dryer for 10 minutes the silk is ready to print as many cards in one printing clues about bakelite place a rack on a table preferably glass fixing it with a press hinge allows the frame to live easily without moving from his position bakelite place just below the drawing of the secret board and adjust it with the elastic tape we put some stops so that the print does not wrong back left side we got the frame we use UV ink of the seal making a path in the part before the drawing spread the ink then draw with Spadola squish or blade print the chip we design on the surface of the card notice how it should be printing it should be flawless or spotting chips that may impair the form woven dry in the manufacture of printed inks are used the dry when exposed to ultraviolet rays bakelite should be left at least 10 minutes printed in the oven revealed card once dry the ink comes the bathe the card into ferric chloride you can make a bowl using a small pump which keeps moving ferric chloride the corrosive action of ferric chloride acts on surface that are not covered by the ink plus obtaining the printed circuit when excess Cooper has been removed remove the car from ferric chloride to prevent overcorrection wash the car fills with water thereby removing ferric chloride then immerse in caustic soda dissolving water for a minute and brush until all the pain has fallen after this wash again with water to remove the cows cook soda then we dry 12 cards preparation holes are drill all of the card using a drill or a model tall tree if you have bits of different sizes as the legs of the components have different diameters with a steel wool pad remove the receivers to make the perforations then clean the card with a napkin printing the anti solder anti solder mask is applied in the same way in data tracks we place the caps do not ruin the bakelite we got the frame we applied a generous amount of solar UV paint spread the paint on silk and there all times we draw a strain to give good protective coating this painting protects the Cooper tracks rust and possible charge circuits besides giving a good presentation the soldier paint is riding juvie rays so the card should be baked for about 10 minutes mask printing components to print the mass components the cart displays on the opposite side of the tracks and adjusted with tape now that the holes must match the card with drawings of the component we put some stop so the print does not run the back light of your side we got the frame we apply the wide UV ink by the party of the sealed spread the eve and drown with spy rola or standard now is how it should be printing multi perfect at this place indicates the correct position of each component the pains use in industry to make the mass components is also driving UV rays so the card should be baked for 10 minutes on the side of the tracks apply a mixture of rosin and thinner which prevents oxidation of donuts and also gives a brilliant finish to the board now we have finished the printed circuit board ready to assemble we hope that this tutorial is useful for everyone success
Channel: Ampletos
Views: 634,022
Rating: 4.8356266 out of 5
Keywords: screen, diy, home, made, lithography, PCB, bakelite, industry, Solder-Resist, Do It Yourself, antisolder, solder mask UV, proyects, electronic, DIY, Electronics, carte, de, circuit, imprimé, मुद्रित, सर्किट, बोर्ड, печатная, плата, プリント回路基板, pcb screen printing, rockola, videorockola, jukebox, Printed Circuit Board, Printing (Industry)
Id: 8-WGaAmpfOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2011
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