Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi 5 vs Raspberry Pi 4 | SPEED Comparison!

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I installed Home Assistant on the brand new  Raspberry Pi 5 as well as on the older Raspberry   Pi 4 just to see if there is any difference  in terms of the performance. I just wanted   to see if Raspberry Pi 5 is much faster and  better device for running Home Assistant than   its predecessor. At the moment of shooting  this video there is only one official Home   Assistant installation method that I can use  on both devices. Namely, Home Assistant Core   method which is basically Home Assistant  running inside Python virtual environment. These are the things that I used. From the  hardware part: I used Raspberry Pi 5 8G version   with the official case with active cooling. And  the Raspberry Pi 4 8G version with some case   without any cooling. Both devices are powered by  the official Raspberry Pi adapters. 27W for the   Raspberry Pi 5 and 15W for the Raspberry Pi 4.  Next thing that I used is this SD card which is   not the fastest on the market but it is also far  from the slowest. It is more like in the upper   segment in terms of reading and writing speed.  I will use the same SD card for both devices,   so the storage speed comparison to be fair.  If you want to check the current prices of   these parts you can find some affiliate links in  the video description. From the software part,   first thing that I used is the Raspberry  Pi Imager. With the Raspberry Pi Imager   I installed the Raspberry Pi OS lite 64-bit on  the SD card. And here Lite version means there   will be no Graphical interface of the Raspberry  Pi Operating System which is just perfect as I   don’t want other programs and processes apart  from Home Assistant to take the CPU and Memory   of the devices. I enabled the SSH, that way  I will be able to connect to the raspberries   over the network using only my laptop and I  don’t have to use any additional Monitors,   keyboards or mouses. Once I finished with the card  I inserted it in the Raspberry Pi 5 SD card slot,   I connected it to my home network with a  LAN cable and I started it. I looked in   my router for the assigned IP and then I used the  following command to connect to my Raspberry Pi 5. Once connected I installed Home Assistant  using the instructions on official web page.   I simply copied the commands and I pasted  them in my terminal just like a robot,   zero brain usage involving task. If  you want to do the same you can get   the full commands and the link to that  official page from the video description Just to mention, everything is official here  just like my Home Assistant Webinar which is   officially free and you can register on my  website https://automatelike.pro/webinar   Inside the webinar I will talk about the  pros and cons of all of the official Home   Assistant installation types + 1 secret way  to get started on a PC in under 5 minutes. After I finished with the Home Assistant  installation I tried to open in my browser   the IP of my Raspberry Pi followed by colon 8123  as the port. I waited few minutes more for the   installation to complete and then I had to go  through the Home Assistant onboarding process   which is super easy and intuitive and I won’t  go into details as nothing can go wrong here.  I also went to the settings and I saw the current  load of the system which is super negligible.   But have in mind that this is a brand new  installation and nothing is loading the system. Then I opened the Raspberry Pi console again and   I executed the following commands  to stress test my Raspberry Pi 5. I used little command-line tool  called stressberry which measures   the core temperature and I let it run for  around 10 minutes. During that time the   CPU was at 100% usage and up to 2400MHz  frequency and the temperature didn’t go   above 75 degrees also Home Assistant was  quite usable during this extreme tests. Then I used another tool called hdparm to test the   SD card speed and Raspberry  Pi 5 storage throughput. The first result tells us how fast the Raspberry  Pi 5 works, including the processor, memory,   and storage. The second result shows how  quickly the device is reading data from   the SD card in a row. I run this command  twice to see the effect of the caching. I also restarted the Raspberry Pi 5 and I  measured the starting time with my watch,   it is not super scientific, but it works. I wrote everything down and I moved the same SD   card to the Raspberry Pi 4 and  I did the same things and tests. I started the Home Assistant on the Raspberry  Pi 4, I started the stressberry tool to stress   test the device the temperature didn’t  go above 65 degrees Celsius but the CPU   frequency stayed at 600Mhz for unknown  to me reasons. Then I executed the hdparm   command twice to check the SD card speed  and I restarted the Raspberry Pi 4 and I   measured the starting time. Here are the  comparisons. Where Raspberry Pi 5 is on   the right. It turns out that the raspberry Pi  5 is almost twice faster in terms of SD card   reading and system rebooting and Home Assistant  starting. Also the CPU frequency used on the   Raspberry Pi 5 was much higher as well as the  CPU temperature despite the active cooling. These simple tests are showing that Raspberry  Pi 5 is the faster device, no doubts about that,   but not multiple times faster in terms of  running Home Assistant. I’m dying for the   Home Assistant OS release for Raspberry Pi 5 so  I can test the speed of local speech recognition.   But that may be another video. Until then, I  can baldly say that both Raspberry Pi 4 and 5   are fully capable of running Home Assistant  smoothly. If you find a Raspberry Pi 5 for   just $5 more than the price of the Pi 4. Get one  fast On the other hand, if you find a Raspberry   Pi 4 for cheap as there are such offers now  even used one is OK don’t hesitate to get one   as well. It will serve you perfectly for many  more years running Home Assistant flawlessly. If some of the terms that I’m  using are not so clear for you,   then download my Smart Home  Glossary for free from my website You can also watch this video of mine  where I’m showing 5 Raspberry Pi tips I’m Kiril see you next week. Bye!
Channel: KPeyanski
Views: 18,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e2dcntwt78o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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