HOME ALONE Filming Locations (1990) THEN & NOW | Chicago, IL

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foreign [Music] well good day my friends how are you all today I hope you said great your old pal Jordan the lion and I want to wish you a very merry Christmas today we are coming to you from Chicago Illinois and I thought hey Christmas time what better to Vlog than the Christmas classic Home Alone days with Jordan the lion and you all and the McAlister's begins now nothing remotely will ever happen in our neighborhood we live in the most boring neighborhood the face of the Earth I love the neighborhood it's exactly what I would have expected too silver tuna well there it is holy smoke my first time seeing it I love this movie when it came out in 1990 everybody you knew had to see this movie it was so popular at least where I live that it did its initial run in theaters and then they re-released it again the house looks pretty much daggone identical didn't have the fence here at the time I'm sure the owners have had a little bit of problems of people coming out and visiting but does look like they've changed it actually now I am noticing yeah they have changed the front considerably I mean this part the uh the driveway where they would always knock over the little statue that is no longer definitely a little bit different just noticing that but that is the house we see it the very beginning of the movie the movie is about this kid Kevin who is just a little jerk he annoys everybody in his family and finally the night before they're supposed to go off on their Christmas trip to Paris he gets in trouble and his mom sends him upstairs and he says his Christmas wish is that he not have a family and his mom says I think if you woke up and didn't have a family be pretty sad and he said no I wouldn't she said well then say it again maybe it'll happen so he says I wish I never saw any you jerks again and he goes up to his bedroom up on the up in the attic that he's terrified of to fall asleep now when he falls asleep they end up having a storm that knocks out the tree ends up knocking out the power [Music] none of their alarms go off so we end up seeing the pickup service the two Vans parked out right here one here and here to pick them up and take them so they're all rushing around trying to get ready and nobody wakes up Kevin the Murphy house is actually this one over here so the Murphy boy has come over to the McAllister house while they're loading up and he accidentally gets counted with all of them now of course any great Christmas movie is going to have the main character Kevin see the air of his ways and become a good person at the end so this all takes place because the robbers Harry and marf are trying to figure out the schedules of everyone in this neighborhood so that they can rob their house while they're on vacation and Kevin's the only one here they find out that Kevin's here and they decide to rob the McAllister's house anyway now another change you notice is there's no garage over there when she says she thinks she forgot something on the Plane Peter says she says the garage garage doors and he says yep that's what it is that's what I forgot so the garage doors are always open the entire time that they are that this movie takes place it's a pretty easy house to figure out the location of because in the movie Harry and Marv are in their van and they're actually looking at all the houses and saying how they know what time the lights come on and they point to this house and say 671 and the lights pop on so we see Marvin Harry Rob in the Murphy house right here their van is parked up here and that's when we see Marv walking out laughing and uh he comes out the little side door over here and he's laughing and Harry says you didn't do it again did you you left the water running he says yeah that's our calling card the wet Bandits which eventually leads to them getting caught but as they're pulling out of the driveway we see Kevin walking across this driveway and almost gets hit right there hey watch out at the intersection and they notice they start following him to see where he's going and they realize that something's up so this tree was here during the filming but they also had two little like entrance columns that were kind of right here because Kevin ends up walking out of the front door once he realizes he's home and everything he's the man of the house and he says I'm not afraid anymore and he starts walking straight out here and keeps saying I'm not afraid anymore [Music] not afraid anymore and then right when he gets to the two little things right here at the end that's when he sees the old man next door that he's afraid of Mr Marley ah and he goes running back into the house so Kevin decides to defend his house and he booby traps this whole place eventually when they come back and that is such a great thing because like you know for kids like seeing a kid be the hero of the movie was really awesome and some of it takes place on the front steps right here since they changed the front entryway you remember right up there by the steps is where they always had that iron like lawn jockey that everybody runs over and knocks over but Kevin ends up spraying down the stairs with water so when Joe Pesci tries to go up there he keeps slipping and falling backwards [Music] and then when he finally gets up to the front door Kevin has put that hot iron ring around the the door handle [Music] he gets the McAllister M burned onto his hand so while Kevin is booby-trapped this whole place and they're trying to get to him he eventually in his own backyard uh ends up out in the tree house and then says he's gonna run over to call the police over here so he runs over to the Murphy's house and calls the police and then that's where the police end up apprehending the wet Bandits and when they're bringing him down the stairs that's what the officer says leaving the water on Good Touch now we know every house you hit so several times we see people running from the side of the house Kevin's got his tree house right directly behind here so we see him running from back there through here to go to the Murphy's house we also see the pizza guy after Kevin leaves the note on the door and asks him to deliver it around back after the kid gets scared from the mobster movie he comes running around this way and is dropping his stuff to get in this car that was parked up there and like I said it wouldn't be a great Christmas movie if our Scrooge of the movie wouldn't see the error of his ways and so all he ends up wanting is his family back so we're gonna go see some of the locations we're gonna go see where he asked Santa for his family back and we're gonna go see where he picks up his toothbrush the church that he goes to pray in and of course at the very end his family returns that's right Christmas morning his mom after having to ride with John Candy's Polka Band all the way across from Scranton they make it home she makes it home to see Kevin for the holidays reunites with him he's so happy and everything and then the moment they do the rest of the family walks in because they took the next flight out that she didn't want to wait for and Kevin has his happy ending in Home Alone our next couple of locations are actually just a few blocks away or within a few blocks of the house you're talking to himself in the shower before he puts the aftershave on and screams and he says that he's having trouble finding his toothbrush so he's gonna pick one up while he's out today and I believe this used to be the pharmacy that he picked it up at because it is no longer here and you can see this building in the background when he's running away he comes in here to buy that toothbrush and as he's in there he sees Mr Marley he says to his neighbor that he's terrified of walks up right next to him and he starts backing out of the store and then basically runs out and steals the toothbrush and they yell Jimmy get him we got a shoplifter so we see Kevin run out of here Jimmy comes running out of here and he yells for help from the police officer and they start chasing Kevin through this park over here hey hey kid that's Kevin is running towards us and the police officers running towards us you can always see this building behind them because as you remember Kevin goes running through the park and they have a an ice skating rink set up in here and so as he's running through here that's when he drops and starts sliding across on his knees [Music] so I believe they had the ice skating and everything over in that section and we get that view of him running and sliding on his knees coming towards us [Music] till he gets away great scene this is one of those Great Moments where we get to see Kevin acting on what he said earlier he's like he want he said someday when I get married and buy a house I'm gonna live alone so he's being the man of the house he's out getting the things he needs he's out doing things and uh creating Mischief while he does it our next location is only about three minutes away right down the road and this one is literally around the corner from the McAllister house this one we probably could have done while we were over there but I want to keep it in order so when Kevin needs some toilet paper and some milk and supplies he comes to the supermarket here at the Grand and his house is just like a block over that way but since the movie came out in 1990 this would have been relatively new at the time so right here even though it's changed considerably this was where we see Kevin pushing his cart down this way [Music] Dairy section even then it looked a lot different but the way you can tell is because the double doors down here at the end you can see those in the background but the decoration Everything Has Changed considerably since the filming of the movie that's for sure match up the two rows of Lights in this scene right here over his head [Music] and when he's turning around the corner to get into line you can kind of see this behind him and then of course Kevin comes up to one of these and checks out of course she's asking him you know are you here alone he's like I'm eight years old I think I would be here alone where's your mom my mom's in the car it pays for all of his stuff and gets it done I mean I know it's a grocery store it's a business and all that stuff but I would have thought at the holiday time they would have had a picture or something of Home Alone acknowledging that it was filmed inside here but nothing nothing at all I in fact I don't think anybody knew when I was filming stuff while I was doing it so over here at the Winnetka Town Hall they have the Santa's house right here we see Kevin walking up to and the elf is walking out and he says is he here I really need to speak to him and she said he's over there walking to his car if you hurry you can catch him and his car Santa's car is parked over here so we see Kevin walking that way over to his car parking ticket on Christmas Eve what's next rabies shots for the Easter Bunny hold on so we see Santa over here looking at his parking ticket and the little Santa house was right there Kevin comes over and says that he wants his family back and everything would you please tell him that instead of persons this year I just want my family back because Santa tries to reach around he's like I I gave all the candy canes to my elf to take home to her boyfriend let me see what I got here he's like oh no that's all right I don't need anything because no every kid that meets Santa has to get something you can actually see these trees and everything in that shot and that's when Santa dumps the uh the Tic Tacs into Kevin's hand here pull out your little paw there there you go don't spoil your dinner I won't thanks he says don't go spoiling your dinner pretty cool to see that the Santa house was just right over there this is a hard one to find for me and now that the church bells are going off let's go to Trinity Church this was the church they used for the Exteriors they really need a home alone statue in this neighborhood most of the locations that we saw today were all within like five to seven minutes away from each other all right we have made our way over to Wilmette the Wilmette area foreign Ty Church they use this for the exteriors when you see Marvin Harry decided to start following Kevin they want to see what house he's going into Kevin takes off and doesn't go into his house they make us believe that this church is right around the corner because we see Kevin coming from this way okay [Music] and when Marvin Harry are chasing him in their van we see [Music] that over their shoulder when they're making the turn and they come driving right by this section and say hey maybe he went in the church I'm not going in there but in reality right where this nativity scene is a little further back actually covering the name of the church you can see that sign they were covering that with the nativity scene in the movie maybe we're in the church I'm not going in here me neither Kevin is tucked in where this would be right here and he's got one of the little robes on he's hiding in here [Music] but eventually Kevin comes back here to pray for his family back now unfortunately they did not use the Interiors of this church for the church in the movie that church is about an hour away so I'm not going to make it there today but inside that church and what would have been the movie Interiors of this church this is when he sees the choir and he's sitting in the Pew and old man Marley who lives next door comes and sits next to him and that's when Kevin finds out that this guy actually is a nice guy and then all the rumors about him are not true and they start talking and find out that Mr Marley is there to see his granddaughter because he and his son had a falling out mirroring Kevin and his mother don't you love the way movies work and basically through their story Kevin is giving him advice saying well you should call your son because you know you guys could spend Christmas together and well man Marley says well I'm afraid what if he won't talk to me he says you can't live your life in fear so basically Kevin's giving this guy advice to get his family back and that's what Kevin wants back as well so everybody does end up having that happy ending but this is the church that we always see Kevin run to during the day and he comes at night right before the robbers are going to come burglarize his house certainly did pick a very cool church for it such an iconic scene and it's cool to be here and notice oh they were covering up the church's sign that's why they had the the nativity scene further back instead of up here where the church normally has it and that was actually one of the cool things about coming here today is I knew hey it's Christmas time they'll probably have their nativity scene out now we are going to go to one of the more Secret locations or at least a secret about the movie there's hap Road that's what we're looking for now this High School is the high school they used for Uncle Buck but it's called New Trier High School and apparently they built the Interiors for the McAllister house and the Murphy house here at the high school and they filmed those scenes here somewhere couldn't find a whole lot of information about it but everywhere I looked they kept referencing this school as being where the Interiors were all built a little movie Magic for you well my friends thank you all for watching it was a cold day here in Chicago but I was so happy to finally get to see the Home Alone filming locations and I hope you were too thank you all for watching we'll see you all next time if you're new here please hit the like button please subscribe and ring the bell for notifications we will see you all next time have a great night and goodbye and a merry Christmas [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 186,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, history, tourism, filming locations, travel, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, wolters world, tourist, adam the woo, The daily woo, Graves, Cemetery, Dearly departed, Grimm life collective, Lamont at large, Hollywood graveyard, Famous graves, Celebrity homes, Biography, Home alone, Joe pesci, Daniel stern, Macauly culkin, Chicago, Katherine ohara, John candy, Chris columbus, John hughes
Id: cEsTuBeO7g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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