Home Alone 2 FILMING LOCATIONS Then and Now

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i'm here with my nephew today doing this filming location tour say hi joey what's up we're going to do our best amidst the people the pandemic and the scaffolding issues on every building in manhattan right now it's not the best time to do this tour but my nephew wanted to do it so we're gonna do it anyway isn't that right we got kevin and uncle frank no not uncle frank [Applause] uncle rob uncle rob was a new yorker very cool though right here is the diner where santa claus is seen on stilts the empire diner [Applause] [Music] that's a tough shot to achieve right there [Music] during the my family is in florida and i'm in new york montage first arriving in the city very cool 32 month street right here where kevin buys his fireworks get used later on for a very important reason as you'll we'll try to connect in this video but yeah that's better this was the area chinatown to come down to for fireworks and uh i was kevin's age there it is statue of liberty you want to look through the binocular viewers statue of liberty very cool is this the exact spot you look at it's very close to it the old fish market area right here [Music] and the fish delivery truck would have pulled over right here and parked and that's where we would have seen the wet bandits excuse me the now sticky bandits for the first time [Music] here's the subway stairwell more of an area coming out of you see all these buildings in the background here match up across the street and down the block here at 6th avenue and 57th street he helps himself some free change walk along make their way right down the street here central park [Music] here's a spot where the sticky bandage bump into kevin i believe it was harry who bumped kevin's shoulder as they were walking by and here's right where marv gets slapped in the face by the french lady you see this in the background there yep this is the walkway at center drive and central park south [Music] see those statues right there classic women see me walking down the street unfortunately because of covet restrictions not able to get inside today we'll have to try it another time oh golly [Applause] uh [Music] we've been right down there [Music] there is just a crazy line to get into this ice skating rink area right now they don't allow people to just walk in and take pictures so this will have to do on to the next one unfortunately denied not open today here's the entrance to the plaza hotel where kevin got into the limo with his pizza compliments at a plaza hell town classic kevin bought a few necklaces beaded necklaces yeah kevin would have came running right through those two barricades right there [Music] as harry and mark gave chase and he would have strung off the beads off the necklaces right here you see this sewer cap sewer cap right here harry and mark would have gave chase and they would have wiped out right here you gotta help me there's two guys after me what's the matter store wouldn't take your stolen credit card so they approached the corner of 60th and 5th well hello [Music] a class 16. that's right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] then he gets into the carriage right [Music] here [Music] [Applause] some of these movies are filmed right here in this spot [Music] you've been walking down this sidewalk right here [Music] this scene here is where he would have ran off to to get into the head also this spot later in the film where the fireworks are set off the symbolic christmas star seen throughout the movie fix the top the children's hospital here at horace mann hall which is a facility of columbia university here in the morningside heights section of manhattan see kevin walks down the sidewalk and makes a stop right by the fire hydrant right there see that ornate stained glass window lit up in the shot [Music] the kid in the window would have been right there right in that window right there looking down kevin would have been standing right here looking up saying how you can mess with a lot of things you can't mess with kids on christmas so after this scene it cuts to 95th street which is the actual 95th street but then the address which is uh 51 west 95th street where kevin's uncle is said to have lived in the movie is not the actual address that's when they cut the brownstone street on the back lot of universal studios hollywood there i am on tour yep pointing out that's me pointing out brown stone street i'm thinking fourth dimensionally because i just went through courthouse square awesome if you get that reference and if you do comment below boom and he was running along here and you see this building visible as he runs by here on 95th street central park west again that's where he slips and falls right there awesome idea what it came running across right here on 95th street he was slipped and fallen on ice right here crazy and the now sticky bandits have picked them up and walked off right here kevin takes a fall walk off scene here oh look at that so right behind that rock formation right there really cool [Music] now it's a little unclear about a couple of things i'll clear those up if you look at the stairs too they don't look real they almost have an artificial look to them if you look closely now with hdtv and ultra hd tv back in the early 90s that didn't exist so you get a better understanding of certain things and there was a large rock formation also that looked artificial that would have been here which is where kevin's foot gets removed from uh where it was stuck there was never stairs here replicated all this stonework underneath and then the stairwell coming down in the background there through the tunnel you see even the brick work inside here and the lights and the stone masonry here the intricate details in the bricks home alone two great sequel to a classic one everyone enjoys watching well almost everybody right and that is a wrap merry christmas harry and happy hanukkah marv and happy whatever to all who celebrate this time of year and enjoy home alone hold on it's coming it's oh there it is there it is not letting people approach it right now you
Channel: Nick P Was Here
Views: 569,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home, alone, filming, locations, behind the scenes, fish, central park, hotel, slap, cab, tree, bandits, chase, scene, bridge, fireworks, slips, star
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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