HOME ALONE Behind The Scenes #2 (1990) Macaulay Culkin

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working with peshy he's such a little whiny annoying guy who I absolutely love he pushes you and pushes you and he makes he wants it to be perfect and we love being silly together Mar Harry why the hell did you take your shoes off why the hell you dress like a chicken I had been a huge fan of Daniel Stern ever since I saw it breaking away he was just I thought a phenomenal actor he was always my first choice although he wasn't cast in the film because we couldn't afford him they hired another guy and then I think uh the other guy whose name I can't remember and pesy rehearsed for like a few days and then they called me said okay ironically because of a a failed screen test Dan ended up getting the role thank God that other guy didn't do that movie would have been so stupid to have ped when we first started shooting Home Alone Chris wanted to have a real sense of danger until the explosion at the end when all the gags are set up and then mcau pounds us and pounds us and then it got more cartoony so it was kind of being silly and stupid but trying to keep some malevolence to it and unleash the slapstick at the end hi pal we outsmarted you this time get over here and they had me hung in the hook which was a whole kind of little system thing that they to put me up there and stuff and so we're rehearsing and and you know Joe goes thing I want to do is bite off every one of his fingers one at a time I don't think he did it on purpose it just he bit me and he I think he you know think he just meant to put his teeth on my finger but he bit down a little harder than he thought and I still I have a little Joe peshi tooth Mark scar right here on my finger and still there but you know I'm actually really proud of it it's my little home alone my battle wound although we tried to rough up mcoi as much as we could cuz that was our best shot at him you know stationary Target finally that kid I'm going to kill that kid what are you going to do to him Harry I'm G to burn his head with a blowtorch get smash his face with an iron the iron the way we shot that actually was interesting because the way they did that obviously they shoot up and they have a iron dropping towards the camera but when they want to film down looking at me they built a rig where they put the camera on a rope and dro the camera at me and the Rope was supposed to PO you know stop like right there so and I'm supposed to be looking at this 300 lb camera dropping at my face okay I hope we know what we're doing the stepping on the nail was a rubber nail that I could that I could crush you know like that walking across the bulbs those were all made of sugar there's a tarantula crawling up my face and there were supposed to be a mechanical tarantula and so we got to the day of shooting and I I said you know where's that mechanical tarantula cuz I saw the box with the big hairy one and they said yeah that didn't work out didn't look real so it's the real tarantula did you take the poison stinger out of the real tarantula they said well you know if we took the stinger out the tarantula would die eventually and I said but if you don't take the stinger out I will die if it because it's going to be crawling on my face and I'm supposed to scream and I don't want to scare well tarantula can't really hear that well so you can scream that's when I let out a scream that I think I copied from psycho I hope you're making this behind the scenes [Music] interesting is this making sense so far I think what happened with this film is is something that doesn't happen often you have a good story and then you have a good performance and then the next layer is you have interesting way of presenting the story you know with the photography uh with the sets it it was like a layer cake that just got better and better and then you get one of the best music people in the world to score it there was another composer who was originally scheduled to do the picture and his schedule all of a sudden didn't work out which is like one of those accidents were you know like getting joe or certain other things you know the a puzzle piece flips away and a better puzzle piece falls into place and John Williams came on board sometimes people make associations with composers for example in my case and the budgets of film they may not ask me to do a film if the budget isn't big or they or may want someone else to do it because it is small actually from my point of view I've never really cared about that it's all if it's it's more a visceral thing the kind of reaction that one has to the material that that is irrelevant to the cost of it really and the size of and the scale of the production so I was delighted to be asked to to do the film John Williams and I have done five or six pictures together and uh he has truly uh just taken my films and just given them new life and uh he's honestly I think the greatest living composer the holiday atmosphere with from an orchestral point of view is always fun to to paint and the other aspect was the comedic aspect of it and a lot of those comedic sequences that are scored if the music is is a little a few frames off one way or another it it won't do it needs to be really sewn to the action in the way that you would with an animated cartoon [Music] almost it's a difficult piece to do even though I think I had more Chuckles and more fun doing it than than a great many other films that I've done this film had a lot of heart to it as well particularly the scenes in the church and he gave it just a big christmy feel which was one of the real things that John Hughes was trying to do was to deliver a Christmas film at Christmas you sit and it's always the same films being shown endlessly um it's it's wonderful life and well you know more 34th Street well he remade that for that very reason so he's he had his eye on that market and John Williams really helped us hit that Mark both Chris and I had uh talked about a Christmas story which was kind of a contemporary of this film it was uh a favorite of both of us and uh both of us wanted to do something that was a little more fine-tuned and a little more classic in the sense of uh presenting Christmas in a more Regal way the key for me is to always create films that don't feel dated picture like Home Alone still makes an audience laugh as hard as it did when it was first released and that's that to me is what we wanted to do way back then you know the goal was always the Mantra was always guys when we're old and gray and it's 3:00 a.m. and this pops up on The Late Show I want to make sure that none of us are embarrassed by it it's still funny in the way now today that it was back then and I think it will continue to I think it's it's a classic movie and it's just I'm very very proud to be a part of that home alone is the most special movie I've ever been in actually I mean I love all the movies I've been in and I'm very proud of them and I've had great people to work with but home alone has been a calling card throughout the world what else did you do while we were away just hung around we were just trying to make a good film as good a film as you can and and make making good films it is like putting lightning in a bottle I mean you you assemble the best team you can and then you pray because you don't know I mean that's what makes making films of quite an exciting business in in all respects I think home alone is is is everything it's a it's it's certainly a holiday movie I me see it every holiday season and it's a family movie and it's wonderful slapstick and a comedy so I think I think it probably it hit every every area so kids could love it parents could love it it was it was a true family movie where everybody could have a good time at the movie and you know I've done a lot of thinking about what we did right on the film because I wanted to recreate it on other films and it's really difficult to do because the film took on its own style I think by handling the scenes in the right dramatic context and being aware of the scenes that came before and after the film took on its own flow that worked for the film that's it we're [Music] done [Music]
Channel: JoBlo Behind-the-Scenes + Bloopers
Views: 10,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Alone Behind The Scenes, Home Alone, Christmas Eve, Kevin, Macaulay Culkin, Harry, Joe Pesci, Marv, Daniel Stern, Joblo Behind The Scenes
Id: kV2Ok2ICS1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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