Holy Spirit Wants to Help You with THIS….

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I would like to share with you today about  what the Holy Spirit wants to help you with.   The Holy Spirit wants to help you with this.   There are 10 things that the Holy Spirit wants to  help you with today. Holy Spirit was sent as our   Helper. He helps us. He wasn't sent only to be a  guarantee of our redemption as Christians, only   as a guarantee that we are going to heaven. But He  was sent with a specific assignment to help you,   and these are 10 things He wants to help you  with today. And so as we dive into them, I want   you to open up your heart and prepare yourself  because in these 10 areas you can receive help.   You know we all need help, come on somebody, amen.  Drop this in the comments below. We need help.   We need help with our families. We need help with  our health. We need help with so many things, and   do you ever feel like sometimes, man if I could  only get some help. If I could only get some help   with my homework. If I can only go get some help  with my finances. If somebody could come alongside   and just help me to pay these bills. If somebody  could just come alongside and help me with my   relationship with my spouse. Man, if I could only  get some help with my kids. If I can only get some   help with my ministry. Sometimes we don't have the  finances, we don't have the resources to buy help.   But today I want to present to you 10  areas of your life where the Holy Spirit   is there to help. All you got to do is ask, all  you gotta do is lean on Him, all you got to do   is pause and say, "Holy Spirit, help me in this  area." Jesus called the Holy Spirit a Helper.   Jesus called the Holy Spirit our Helper.  That word "helper" means Encourager, Teacher,   Comfortor, Strengthener, the one who stands  by, our Counselor, our Redeemer, our Defender,   our Friend, Intercessor, Advocate. So many, pretty  much all of that encompasses, and right now let's   dive in into the 10 things the Holy Spirit  wants to help you with right now. Number one,   the Holy Spirit wants to make you holy. He  wants to help you to become holy. The Bible   says in Thessalonians 2:13, that we experience  sanctification by the Holy Spirit. Meaning  He sets us apart, He makes us holy. Secondly,  the Holy Spirit wants to produce a Christ-like   attitude in you. One of the things that I  struggle with, you probably struggle with,   all of us struggle with is with our attitude.  Attitude is how you respond to things.   You can't control what happens to you, you  can control how you respond to it, and really   majority of our problems don't necessarily come  from the things we can't control but from the   things we can control. Something happens, somebody  treats you in a certain way, and the Holy Spirit   doesn't just want to create your life in such a  way where you are never faced with challenges,   where He is standing by and says, "I want to help  you with how you respond to the things." Most of   us would of course rather have the Holy Spirit  prevent and keep away all the bad things, all   the bad people, all the negative circumstances, so  that we don't have to rely on the Holy Spirit for   Christ-like attitude. He wants to give you, help  you, develop a different attitude toward things.   "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace,  long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,   gentleness, self-control. Against such there is  no law," Galatians 5:22-23. As I develop a closer   relationship with the Holy Spirit, I started to  recognize He is far more interested in my attitude   than He is in my actions. I didn't say He's not  interested in our actions. I'm just saying far   more in our attitude. attitude is how I react.  Attitude is this, is this thing that I have and   how I respond. Your life is really going to be  the sum of your actions and your reactions. How   you react to things makes a very big difference,  and the Holy Spirit stands there and He says,   "I want to help you to react, respond. I want to  help you that you will be a person that is not   reacting negatively but responding godly." That's  what the Holy Spirit is going to help you with   that. Sometimes He's going to help you to keep  your mouth shut. Sometimes He will help you to   just be kind when you feel like not being kind.  He is there to help you. it's okay if you don't   feel naturally to be nice when things are  hard. That's why you have the Holy Spirit,   you rely on Him. That's why these attitudes  are called the fruit of the Spirit. They're   not called the works of your discipline,  you're trying and your hard efforts. They   are the fruit of the Spirit. Are you involved in  them, meaning do you have to make still conscious   decisions? 100 percent, but the Holy Spirit is the  initiator and He is the Helper with this attitude.   I was yesterday going, my sister-in-law asked us  to come to her house to lift some mats and to put   them on some truck, of some person that came  from another city and to take her to another   city. And we were just supposed to be there  to help with the mats. And it was inconvenient   because I was meeting after the stream with our  youth pastor, and so as I'm meeting with him   and I was like, "Hey, let's go with me. You'll  help me pick those mats," and then you know we're   fasting, so physically I'm not like, let's go  and super buff. And part of me doesn't want to   go and help with those mats because I'm like,  hey I have more spiritual things to do. But I   know that I gotta help my sister-in-law. So we  arrived there and I get a text message, hey,   the guy that's going to come to pick up those mats  where we have to load them, he's running late. So   he's going to be about 20 to maybe 25 minutes  late. And you know part of me is like, "Man,   I don't have time for this. I'm just meeting with  our youth pastor. He doesn't have time for this. I   gotta run," and there's this like frustration that  begins to build up. And I remember, I walk into   the house and at that moment I said, "Holy Spirit,  help me to be nice." That's all, and so to just   wait because one of the fruits, attitudes of the  Holy Spirit is self-control and gentleness. Not   like frustration. You see the fruit of the Spirit  is not frustration, and so the situation was   frustrating. I do not like when people come late.  That's one of my pet peeves and kind of, ahh.   But the Holy Spirit helps us with that. I  remember we just sat there, waited for 20 minutes.   Truck came, loaded the mats, and they were heavy,  like 19 of them. Tiring. My brother was there also   and our youth pastor, and you know and I left and  got a text message from my sister-in-law's like,   "Hey, I'm so grateful that you came. I know that  you didn't have to. you have so many other things   going on." And you know I showed up, that was my  action. But what made a big difference wasn't the   action, it was the attitude, because I could have  been frustrated. I could have been angry, you know   snappy. You know very just kind of on the edge  and trust me that's exactly what I wanted to do,   but the Holy Spirit is there to help me with my  attitude. There are people watching right now,   you are destroying your life because of your  attitude. In fact your attitude is keeping you   from your altitude. You can go higher but your  attitude is keeping you lower, and guess who   wants to help you with your attitude? The Holy  Spirit. So that the way you respond, that you   don't bark but you speak to people. You don't  attack but there is a sense of long suffering,   gentleness and self-control in your attitude.  Naturally, it will probably not happen. That's   why it's gonna happen supernaturally,  through the help of the Holy Spirit.   Come on, we all need that help right? We all need  help with our attitude. If you need help with   your attitude, drop that hand emoji, hand up emoji  because we all need, I need that help. That's one   of the areas I lean on the Holy Spirit so much  throughout my day, because there's you know my   way, and there is my preferences, there's things  that I like. And when things go outside of those   preferences and the things that I like, you know  we tend to get frustrated, angry. And some of us,   when we are angry and frustrated, we sin, and so  and we have to allow the Holy Spirit to help us.   And so the tendency is to "Oh no, I'm gonna try  harder," and trying harder is not going to help   you. I think that we have to surrender more. So  my approach to fixing my attitude has not been,   I'm just gonna work on my attitude. I've tried  that before. It's hard. It's discouraging. I fail   so many times. My approach has changed since I met  the Holy Spirit. I realized since the attitude is   one of the things He's working on, I'm like, why  do I need to work on it if He can work on it?   And it's not that I am taking the back seat and  not doing anything, no. It's just in those moments   when the frustration builds and there's a build up  of, I'm gonna explode. I just take a few seconds,   sometimes it could be a little bit longer.  In my own heart, I don't say this out loud,   and I just reach for that hand of the  Holy Spirit and say, "Holy Spirit, help."   In fact, let's drop this in the chat. Holy Spirit,  help. That prayer, and something happens with your   emotions, they seem to kind of subside. You  still feel that but you subside, and then He   helps you to control your tongue because that's  when the attitude shows up many times. Your facial   expression because you know you could have mad,  frustrated, dropping things. You know screaming,   throwing things, slamming the door. Or your  physical reaction becomes just controlled,   and you know you're obvious that the  atmosphere is tense, everything is tense. But   a few more seconds, few more seconds and the peace  begins to fill your heart and you're like Jesus,   sleeping in the storm. You're like Jesus, you're  walking through this situation completely not   being controlled and being manipulated  and bullied by that situation to act out   of character. And then you're looking back  at yourself, you're like, man, I'm not like   that. That's not my natural disposition, that's  not my natural response. Oh, that was the Holy   Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit, meaning He  helped me with my attitude. I asked for help,   He offered it to me. So throughout your day just  ask for help. When you see you're losing it, when   you see you're about to lose it, you see you're  about to explode, when you see that the tension   is building up, when you see you're about to go  over whats allowed, just say, "Holy Spirit, help."   The third thing the Holy Spirit wants to help  is He wants to strengthen your inner person.   He wants to strengthen that inner person. See we  have a body, we have a soul and we are a spirit.   Many Christians, their problem, our problem  is that we live not out of our inner men but   we become soulish Christians. Soulish Christians  are Christians that live mainly on their emotions.   They rely on their mind. They don't live out  of their spirit. They don't live out of their   inner man. And one of the reasons why we don't  live out of our inner men or inner man doesn't   dictate our decisions and our direction is  because the inner man is not strengthened.   And so we have our soul do most of the living  and instead of living through our spirit because   our spirit man is not strengthened, our soul is  the one that takes the lead in majority of our   decisions, and we become what the Bible calls  as soulish people. Not spiritual but soulish,   and we fall into carnality very fast. Ephesians  3:16 tells us that God wants to, according to the   riches of His glory, to make you be strengthened  with might through His Spirit in the inner man.   See you shouldn't be living in your soul, you  should be speaking to your soul. David spoke to   his soul. Many times he would say, "Soul why are  you disquieted in me? Why are you discouraged?   Come on, praise the Lord." So the spirit of a  man is the lamp of the Lord. The spirit of the   man can be strengthened. Now guess who is the  one that does the strengthening with might?   He doesn't necessarily want to strengthen  your soul, He wants to renew our mind,   He wants to guide our emotions but the Holy  Spirit's part on building this muscle is in   your inner man. Why? Because if your inner man  is strong, you can persevere, you can overcome,   you can last. You can do a lot of things  for God. This is kind of what I've been   realizing in my young walk with the Lord and  that is this. The further I go with Jesus,   the more He begins to trust me and the  more responsibilities I begin to acquire.   Responsibilities, ministry responsibilities  create pressures. They create a weight and   they can really take a toll on your life. So when  I was younger my prayer was always, "Lord, lighten   my load. Lord take away these burdens. Lord, take  away the stress, take away the responsibilities.   God, I don't want to be responsible for my  bills. I don't want to be responsible for my   insurance. God, I don't want to grow up. I want  to stay a kid, I want to." You know like when   I was a teenager, I wanted to grow up and then  as I started to grow up. Like I remember first   time that I had to pay for my phone, first time  I had to pay for my insurance. And then I bought   a property when I was younger at the age of 20,  and I had to pay for property. And then something   happened there and you know the bathroom flooded  or something, and they called me, and I'm like,   "Why are you calling me? Call my dad." You know  because I was so used to being taken care of and   now I have to take responsibility, and I was like,  I don't want to grow up. I'm like, they lied to   me. Being an adult is deceptive. It's hard. It's  annoying. It's exhausting. You know our youth   group. I was a youth pastor, it wasn't growing,  and I thought that was hard until the youth group   started to grow. And I realized, oh this is so  much harder. Than the drama comes in, and this   kid likes this kid, then this person, they slept  with this person. What do we do with this now? And   then this person doesn't like me, and this person  said something, and then there's gossip and then   there's. I was like, "Oh man, I don't want to be a  part of this. I just want to disappear and hide in   the desert, and have no responsibilities, have  no pressures and have no weight that I carry."   Or, "God, please take this away. I don't  want to have this. I'm tired of this."   But then as I started to study the Scriptures, I  recognized God doesn't always take away the weight   because if He takes away the weight, He takes away  our calling, our responsibilities, our families.   He takes away maturity, and I started to see  in the Scriptures this reference "renewing the   strength, strengthening with might." And then  a light went on, my prayer changed. Instead of   praying, "God, take away the pressure, take away  the weight. God, take away all my critics. God,   take away my responsibilities. God, take away all  these people that are just kind of causing me to   be overwhelmed." My prayer changed, and I started  to pray, "Lord, strengthen, Holy Spirit strengthen   me for the assignment that I have." So I'm not  running away from pressure, I'm not running away   from stress. I'm talking about good stress  that comes with part of being called, having   responsibility, leading your family, leading the  ministry, leading a business. I'm not running away   from that. I'm running to my secret place,  and I ask the Holy Spirit, who is my Helper,   to add me strength because the calling  and the pressure that I encounter   is equal to His strength. So when I don't  have His strength I feel overwhelmed   but when He adds strength to me, and guess what  happens? I can run, I can walk and I can soar.   Not because I'm brilliant, smart, educated and  connected, but because I am strengthened in the   inner man. So how does the Holy Spirit want to  help you? Most likely the tasks you are facing are   bigger than you, responsibilities you are facing  are bigger than you. There's some of you watching,   your a single mom. Odds are against you. You  can't do it on your own, you feel overwhelmed.   In fact you feel like God has given you more than  you can handle. Did you know why? It's because He   is relying on you to rely on the Holy Spirit. He  will always give you more than you can handle,   because He will never give you more than He can  handle. Oh, that's a fire right there. Drop this   in the chat. God will always give you more than  you can handle because He will never give you   more than what He can handle. That means the  Holy Spirit is there to help you handle things,   help you, to strengthen you in the inner man.  Strengthen you to lead your family when you are on   one income. Strengthen you to lead your ministry  when you feel overwhelmed. Strengthen you to lead   your wife and your children, when as a man, you  feel ill-equipped and you never had a good role   model. Your dad was never there. Strengthen you  to lead your business when you are branching out,   your business is exploding and you're like, "I've  never been in this area, I don't know what to do.   I'm overwhelmed. I am just tired." Strengthen  you when your business is going through a very   difficult time. Economy, people you know are  not buying your product anymore. You're like,   "Man, what do I do? I feel overwhelmed. I  feel exhausted. Guess what you need?" You   don't always need a lighter load. Sometimes you  need greater strength. Let me say that again. Are you ready for this. Sometimes we don't need  a lighter load, we need greater strength. God   doesn't just take away the load, He renews our  strength. The Holy Spirit is there to strengthen   your inner man, that will match to the weight, the  pressure and the stress that comes with living and   leading in your life. Come on somebody. God will  always give you more than you can handle because   He will never give you more than what Holy Spirit  can handle. So if you're handling everything on   your own, this is what's going to happen.  You of course are going to be dropping your   responsibilities, you're going to be quitting  certain things. You're going to be saying,   "I can't do this, I can do this, I can't do this."  Yeah, I can't do this but I can do all things   through Christ who strengthens me, the Spirit  who strengthens me. So one of the things the   Holy Spirit helps me personally a lot is helps me  with my attitude, He helps me to live a holy life,   and He helps me to increase my strength when I  feel like my load is greater than my strength.   And honestly, I feel that every week. I feel that  my load is greater than my strength every single   week. Without the Holy Spirit, I can't do that.  I can't be healthy and function because the load   is heavy. The load of just being an adult is  heavy. We're not even talking about ministry   right now. We're not even talking about demonic  attacks. No, just the load, it's heavy okay and   many people quit. Mid-age crisis, and people  just walk out on their marriages. They numb   themselves with alcohol because a lot of people  are overwhelmed. They don't live out of overflow,   they live out of overwhelmness. And in order to  not live out of the overwhelmness, we can feel   overwhelmed but not to live out of that place,  we have to constantly go to the Holy Spirit. Say,   "Holy Spirit, what needs to change? Have I put  more on my plate than I should or do I need more   strength?" And usually you will see Holy Spirit  will guide you and give you usually more strength,   more peace, more courage. And then you'll walk  into the same battle renewed in your strength.   Number four thing that the Holy Spirit wants to  help you right now, that is He wants to lead you.   Holy Spirit wants to lead you. Romans 8:14, "For  as many as are led by the spirit of God are the   sons of God." He wants to lead you. Drop this  in the chat. The Holy Spirit wants to lead me. He wants to lead you. That means sometimes  it's not about reducing your weight   or even increasing your strength. Sometimes  it's about changing your approach.   What you were doing maybe was great but  what if there is a better way of doing it?   For example, your fishing all night, cannot catch  fish. The goal isn't to go keep on fishing. The   goal is to know where to fish, go into the deep.  The goal is to put your nets on the other side.   So Holy Spirit can guide you and that's what  I love about the Holy Spirit is because He not   only gives me strength when I am weak to match my  assignment. The Holy Spirit also helps me with my   reactions, with my attitudes. He makes me holy but  then He guides me. Sometimes it's the impressions.   You wake up during the sleep, you get this vision  and you get this dream. I need to change this,   I need to tweak this and then you tweak it, you  see a fresh flow of God's grace. You know we need   to change the approach, the way we do our customer  service, for example if you're a businessman.   You know I need to do something different in  my marriage. I'm going to try to do this to   my spouse and see where this goes, and we need  to tweak something in our ministry. And so yes   we don't want to over spiritualize every single  thing, but as Christians, we just gotta allow the   Holy Spirit to lead us. Sometimes it's not about  grinding it and pushing it through. Sometimes it's   about changing our approach. How do we change  that approach? The leading of the Holy Spirit.   He gives us impressions. He gives us pictures.  He gives us promptings and He gives us these   leadings that we experience. Sometimes it could  come in the form of a thought that lingers   and gives you a sense of peace, sense of  assurance, sense of "wow, this is brilliant"   and it's almost like you know you didn't come up  with that. It came outside of you. Sometimes it's   not even something you're thinking about, it just  comes to you from the Holy Spirit. And so I pay   attention to those things because that is how the  Holy Spirit can lead you. Sometimes He can lead   you through a prophetic word from somebody, or  somebody can come and speak and they're speaking   about something and you're listening, listening  and then boom. There's that one thing they said   that made a change for you. So I pay attention  to that because if the Holy Spirit is my friend,   if the Holy Spirit is my guide, He will guide me.  Now what I love about the Holy Spirit is this,   He does not drive people. He leads people. Drop  this in the chat. The Holy Spirit does not drive.   He leads. He doesn't drive people, He leads. We  drive out demons. The ships are being driven,   we drive cars. Driving means you force an object  to do what it wants. That's driving. Leading means   you are guiding slowly and giving that being to  follow you. You lead children, you lead people.   Holy Spirit leads us. That means we are involved  and we can choose not to participate. It's kind of   like if you are on the road and you have somebody  that is following you. You're not driving their   car, right. You're driving your car but they're  following you. They can keep a distance closer or   further, but they're following you, and that's how  Holy Spirit, He leads us. He doesn't drive us. He   doesn't drive us into depression. He doesn't drive  us into this non-stop work all the time and you   feel like in my generation people are driven.  Driven by success, driven by their passion,   driven by ambition, driven by dreams. Holy  Spirit leads. That's why we are Spirit-filled.   We are Spirit led. Don't live a driven life,  don't be like the culture. Live Spirit led   life. Pastors listen to me, leaders listen to me,  Vlad listen to me. Live being led by the Spirit.   Therefore when you are led by the Spirit He  has a pace of grace, where you don't burn out,   where you don't experience "I can't do this  anymore." But even if the moments come like that,   He helps you to get through. You want to find a  pace that has peace in it, allow the Spirit to   lead you instead of your ambitions to drive you.  Hallelujah. Drop number one in the chat right now   if this is helping somebody that the Holy Spirit  wants to lead us not drive us, amen. Now let's   go to number five. The Holy Spirit wants to teach  you. The Holy Spirit wants to help you with this.   Number five, the Holy Spirit wants to teach you.  John 16:13, it says that the Spirit of truth,   when He guides you, He will guide you into all  truth. He will speak not on His own authority   but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He  will tell you all things to come. This is huge.   All of us have a Bible. I believe all of us are  reading the Bible, and we have to allow, every   day to invite the Holy Spirit into our devotionals  and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. Now it's   important to read commentaries. It's important  to read other notes that you have in your Bible,   but what's more important is to  allow the Spirit to quicken the Word.   When He will teach you, it doesn't mean He  will teach you something contrary to the Bible.   It just means He quickens, He makes the Word come  alive. The Bible is not just an ordinary book.   When you read it, the author is present  with you. The author is the Holy Spirit.   You have to, almost sometimes it's best before  you start reading, to say, "Holy Spirit, teach me. Holy Spirit quicken that word.  Holy Spirit make it come alive."   If you read the Bible without the help of the  Holy Spirit, it's like eating uncooked rice.   With the help of the Holy Spirit that rice gets  cooked and it feeds you. When it just becomes a   letter of the law, the letter without the Holy  Spirit's help, life is there. But when the Holy   Spirit comes to help, it becomes the rhema word.  It becomes quickened and it feeds you. It's not   that you get some weird insights that contradict  the Bible. I'm not talking about that. That is   not the teaching of the Holy Spirit, that's just  the pure heresy. But quickening of the Holy Spirit   is He gives you life. That word gets quickened.  It gives you life of revelation that comes from   that information, which eventually ends up being  a manifestation in a transformation in your life.   So as you read the information of God's Word, the  Holy Spirit quickens it. It becomes a revelation   of God's Word to you, and that revelation leads to  manifestation in your life, which results in the   transformation in your circumstances. That's the  difference the Holy Spirit makes. Now the sixth   thing the Holy Spirit wants to help you today  is He wants to reveal your future. Luke 2:26,   "It was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he  will not see death before he would the see Lord's   Christ." We see in Acts 20:23 that Holy Spirit  testified in every city, saying the chains and   tribulations await Paul. So we see this happening,  that the Holy Spirit loves to help reveal our   future. Sometimes it can come in the form of  a vision. It can come in a form of a dream.   It can come in the form of an image, and sometimes  it can come in the form of a prophetic word.   And sometimes it can come in the form of a desire,  that it's almost like the Lord gives you this,   through sanctified imagination He gives you this  desire and this picture of what is going to come   in your life. And sometimes it's just a clear  audible voice that this is what's going to happen.   And so when the Holy Spirit became more real  to me as a person, and I started to develop   a relationship with him, and I talk about this in  my "Host The Holy Ghost" book on how that happened   and how you can happen. And I believe that by  reading this book the same thing will happen   to you. You will go even further. But one of the  things that started to happen with me as a youth   pastor, it was, I couldn't explain it at first,  is in a prayer I would see an image of a sanctuary   filled with young people. Now mind you, it's  been 10 years that we couldn't see more than   like three rows field, and it's only on one side.  And I preached my best, I gave my best and now I'm   seeing the future, and I would close my eyes. I  wouldn't think of this but the Holy Spirit would   paint this image of what's about to happen. It  would fill me with so much joy. It got to the   point, even as I'm speaking I feel the goosebumps.  It got to the point where I almost felt like   it's what's going to happen, and it's almost  like I already see this happening. I would open   my eyes, of course I see the sanctuary empty.  I close my eyes, I see it filled, and maybe two   years after that, exactly the vision, this image,  the future that the Holy Spirit painted. Now some   people, they planned their future. They're  like, "Oh, this is what we want to be." That's   different. I'm talking about collaborating  and partnering with the Holy Spirit and say,   Holy Spirit where are you taking us? Where are  you taking me Holy Spirit? What are you doing   in my future? And He begins to paint that image. I  remember when the first time I saw a large stadium   filled like an oval, like that kind of stadium  that was filled that I was preaching in. I   was seeing flashes of it during worship. I'm  worshiping. I'm not thinking about nothing like   stadiums or preaching, and I'm seeing this flashes  in my eye, in my almost like in my spirit. And I   get this like insight right away, like this sense  of knowing. That's what's going to happen you know   in the church. So when I went to the Philippines,  this was the first time I actually spoke in front   of that audience that I was seeing the flashes of  it for years already. But the flashes of the Holy   Spirit's vision, glimpses. They were not about  where I'm gonna be speaking occasionally but where   our church is going to be one day. And there is  still one more thing in those flashes that I saw   that I can't say right now on this livestream, but  I know it will happen when it will come to pass.   But Holy Spirit tells us the future. I  remember when it even came to my income.   When we started to sow nine years  ago, a particular amount, one time,   and I remember in prayer, I felt the Holy  Spirit prompted, and He says, "One day   this large sacrifice is going to be your monthly's  income. I'm going to provide the finances and   that's going to come in as that." At the time  I remember even thinking about it gave me like,   I'm like that's not, that's not possible. How's  that even gonna happen? Like Mary who looked at   the angel and said, "How can I have a baby when  I don't even know a man?" And the angel said,   "The Holy Spirit will come upon you." And  I felt like the Holy Spirit said, He says,   "Because you're obedient, because you're walking  in this, I'm gonna supply your needs and that's   what I'm going to do." Again, I'm sharing my  personal example of how I feel the leading of   the Spirit in regards to revealing of my future.  I believe the Holy Spirit has the future. He knows   the future and He loves to give us glimpses of  that future, through visions, dreams, impressions,   sanctified imagination, prophetic words and as  well as sometimes even through an audible voice.   I love to keep a journal and I write those things  down, so that when they do come to pass I have a   point of reference. Kind of like building your  own little history with God, and so now notice   that most of the things that I'm sharing with  you guys deal with your personal walk with God.   Less with how you can minister to other people but  more with how you're being ministered to by the   Holy Spirit. The seventh thing the Holy Spirit  wants to help you with is to help you worship.   He wants to help you worship. Yes, in Philippians  3:3 it says that we who worship God in the Spirit.   Jesus also said that God expects people to worship  Him in the Spirit. Now that could relate a human   Spirit but in Philippians 3:3 it says we worship  God in the Spirit. He wants to help you worship.   Holy Spirit, we don't worship the Holy Spirit,  though we can, Holy spirit is God. But the Holy   Spirit helps us with worship, to worship God,  to worship Christ. The Holy Spirit doesn't draw   attention to Himself. He puts all the attention on  Jesus. He comes to worship Jesus. So we are Spirit   filled and Christ centered, because some people  take the Holy Spirit and they begin to treat the   Holy Spirit in the way that the Bible doesn't give  us authority to do so. Do you remember when Jesus   came on this earth and they wanted to make Him  a king. Now was Jesus a king? Yes, but He left   them. He didn't let them make Him into a king.  Now one day He will be a king but when he came on   this earth His assignment was to die. Not to rule  and reign, but to rule and reign in our hearts,   but not in the physical. One day He will rule and  reign, and so was it wrong for them to make Him   a physical king? Yes, and He left them. I think  some Christians do a similar thing with the Holy   Spirit. They don't recognize Holy Spirit's help  and assignment. His help is to worship God and to   draw people to Christ. He is not on this earth to  be worshiped. He is God, and do we worship Father,   Son and the Holy Spirit? Yes, but His assignment  is that you worship the Father, you worship   the Son. You are drawn to Jesus. His goal is to  glorify Jesus, to speak of what Jesus is saying.   So as you're developing intimacy with the Holy  Spirit, as you're being led by the Holy Spirit,   always remain Christ centered. This is what  Holy Spirit loves. The moment we begin to be   Spirit centered, we are Spirit-filled and we  are Spirit led, but we are Christ-centered.   We are the bride of Christ as Christians, and so  we've got to keep our eyes on Christ, we've got   to worship Christ, we got to worship God and the  Holy Spirit helps us with that. So I hope this   kind of brought some clarity so that we don't go  into this stuff where we begin to over emphasize   and draw all the attention on the Spirit, when  the Spirit is actually focused on getting all   of your attention on the Son, on Jesus, amen.  Yes, Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit but   the Holy Spirit baptizes us into Christ, the Bible  says. We are baptized into Christ. The Holy Spirit   glorifies Jesus. The Holy Spirit draws all the  attention on Jesus and He helps us to worship God   in the spirit. Rejoice in Christ Jesus and have  no confidence in the flesh. So don't miss that,   because we can fall into some other things that  these people fell into when they tried to make   Jesus into a physical King, and He just quietly  left them. The Holy Spirit is not going to like   when we don't worship Christ, when we don't  glorify God because He is sent to help us worship   Jesus. Number eight. What the Holy Spirit wants  to help you with is He wants to comfort you.   He wants to comfort you. It's actually one of His  names. He's a Comforter. In the Book of Acts 9:31,   it says that, "And the church walked in the fear  of God and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit."   Who does He comfort? He comfort those  who are afflicted and sometimes He can   afflict those who are too comfortable. Drop  this in the chat. The Holy Spirit comforts   those who are afflicted, and sometimes He can  afflict those who are way too comfortable.   He comforts us, when we are grieving, when we  are hurting, when we are suffering. Sometimes   when you're going through the valley of the  shadow of death and you come to God's presence,   the Bible says, "For You are with me and therefore  I fear no evil." You will feel the blanket of the   comfort of the Holy Spirit. Comfort that doesn't  make sense. Comfort that doesn't necessarily   register with your mind but it's in your  spirit, and it oozes into the rest of your life,   the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Now this is what  I recognized. If you don't go to the Comforter   when things are hard and difficult, you and  I will seek to find comfort in other areas.   When we are hurting and suffering, some people  find comfort in food, some people find comfort   in alcohol, some people seek to find comfort in  sex. Others seek to find comfort in other things,   like gambling, like video games. They're pretty  much numbing themselves because they're hurting.   You as a Christian have a Comforter. You can  go to Him. He is available. He can comfort you,   without side effects, without addictions  but with joy, without bad consequences.   The Holy Spirit is my Comforter. Drop this  in the chat. Go to the Comforter when all   comforts fail. Let me say that again. Drop  this in the comments. Go to the Comforter   when all comforts fail. When I say comforter,  I don't mean sleep, fridge, alcohol, gambling   or sex. I mean the Holy Spirit is our Comforter.  We all go through seasons in life where comforts   fail. Where we barely make it through financially.  Where our relationship hangs on a threat.   Where we feel like we're walking on a thin ice  in our ministry. It's hard. It's difficult,   and we have a Comforter who comforts us  when our comforts fail. Come on somebody,   drop this in the chat. We have a Comforter, the  Holy Spirit who comforts us when our comforts   fail. Now I'm ready for number nine.  The Holy Spirit wants to give you power.   He not only wants to give you comfort, He also  wants to supply you with dunamis power. This   power of course is for ministry. This power  is for service. This power is not for show. This power is not to make you powerful.  This power is to make you useful. Drop   this in the chat. The power of the Holy  Spirit is not to make us powerful but   it's to make us useful in our purpose.  Meaning to make us effective, to make us   people that can do what only God can do, in our  calling and our purpose. And now the last thing   that I want to share with you is the Holy  Spirit wants to have fellowship with you.   2 Corinthians 13:14. "The grace of the  Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,   and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you  all." The Holy Spirit wants to have fellowship.   He wants to have communion. I will go even as far  as to say He wants to have friendship with you.   Imagine having a relationship with Jesus,  in the body, physically like disciples   had. Do you know that in the spirit you can  have similar relationship with the Holy Spirit?   You can talk to Him. He wants to talk to you. He  wants to be your close companion, your friend,   that you're never alone again in your life.   Jesus has grace to offer to us according  to Corinthians. The Father offers us love,   and the Spirit gives us the fellowship, and  this fellowship is incredible. It's beautiful.   It fills our life with meaning, purpose, love and  fulfillment and that's what He wants to offer to   you. He wants to be your friend. He wants to be  your companion. He wants to be walking alongside   with you. Tongues are good, gifts are  good. But He is the greatest gift,   the Holy Spirit, and He wants to share Himself  with you, to be in fellowship with you.   Now you may say, "Well I'm not special." None  of us are. "I'm not deserving." None of us are.   "Nothing is unique about me." So  is nothing unique about me either.   It's not something you deserve any more  than grace is something you deserve.   Love is something you deserve. We don't deserve  love of God, we don't deserve the grace of Jesus,   nor do we deserve the fellowship of  the Holy Spirit. It's His gift to us.   That's why that verse ends with,  "and the communion of the Holy Spirit   be with you," and then it adds this thing. Thank  you Paul. He says, "be with you all," meaning   you included, you included. The Holy Spirit  wants to have fellowship with all of us.   The fellowship of the Holy Spirit is not  only for the elite. It's for everyone.   Drop this in the chat. The fellowship of the Holy  spirit is not for the elite. It's for everyone.   My desire through this stream and my desire  through the "Host The Holy Ghost" book is honestly   help everyone, bring the cookies on the lower  shelf. Because I struggled with this myself,   as a younger person always feeling that I did  not you know get into "not special. Why will   the Holy Spirit you know waste His time on me?  He could just be spending time with other people   and you know I'm Vlad. I know myself. I know  my weaknesses. I know my shortcomings. I know   things I need to improve. I know myself." And  while I definitely never disqualify myself from   the grace of Jesus because without His grace I'm  going to go to hell. I definitely don't disqualify   myself from the love of God you know because  I need God's love. But the fellowship of the   Holy Spirit or the communion of the Holy Spirit,  I always felt like I just I'm not worthy of that.   I'm not holy enough, I'm not dedicated enough,  I'm not committed enough. I don't fast enough,   I don't pray enough, I don't read the Bible, and  it's always not enough, always not enough. And   it's that works mentality that could come in and  disqualify us. And then you know when I couldn't   disqualify myself because of my good works,  I disqualified myself because of who I was.   You know I'm not enough and this, later part of  this verse broke that stronghold, where he says,   "the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you  all". I remember in prayer the Lord challenging   me and He's saying, "What if you will embrace  the gift from the Holy Spirit, the fellowship,   the same way you embrace grace? The same way  you embrace love? It's His gift to you. It   doesn't say fellowship with the Spirit. It's says  fellowship of the Spirit. Meaning it's He wants to   offer that to you." I said, "Lord but," you know  and I had these buts, and I remember the Lord in   prayer prompted me and He said, do you think the  Holy Spirit is not aware of your shortcomings?   Do you think He's not aware of your potential to  mess up, of your inconsistencies, of how you feel   about yourself? He is and He still chooses to  abide with you. He knows that you are a human   and He is gonna help you. So embrace the Holy  Spirit's gift, embrace His fellowship. Welcome   Him in. Don't shut yourself off, and say, "No, no,  no, no, no. That's just not for me. You know grace   is good, I want to go to heaven. Love is good,  I want a little bit of heaven to live in me,   and then the fellowship, yeah that's for those  preachers, that's for those people. That's just   not for me. I'm a single mom. I'm a stay-home mom.  I'm a college student. I, you know I have a lot of   problems, and that's just not for me. Like Holy  Spirit stuff, like that stuff is holy, and I'm   not holy. I'm not good enough. And plus you know  I'm not like doing anything super significant that   changes the world, so He's not going to waste  Himself on me." You're wrong. You are important   to God. Jesus died for you and no matter what  the scope and the size of your calling, your   contribution to the kingdom and to this world,  the Holy Spirit wants to fellowship with you.   He wants to be with you, chooses to dwell with  you and He wants to have a relationship with you.   How do you have a relationship with the Holy  Spirit? You first believe the truth that He   wants to have a relationship with you, more than  how you want to have a relationship with Him. Open   yourself up to that because it's in the Bible.  The communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all,   amen. Somebody drop amen in the chat  if you believe that. Hallelujah. Amen. That's how Paul finished at Corinthians and  that is how I'm gonna finish this teaching, amen. Amen. Now let's pray for people today. In  fact what I would like to pray for today,   I know last month's live stream we prayed for  deliverance, yesterday we prayed for healing.   But today what I would like to pray for  as we are launching this book in 12 days,   some of you will be watching this  when the book is already out.   I want to pray that the Holy Spirit will become  real to you. I want to pray that God the Father,   Jesus, will reveal to you and that you will  have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. That you will live Christ-centered, Spirit-filled  and Spirit-led life. I want to ask the Holy Spirit   to come upon you right now and become more real to  you than ever before. So that you will walk in the   Holy Spirit. That's my desire and that's going to  be my prayer. So if you are ready for that prayer   and if you are able to, you're not driving. I  want you to place your hand upon your heart.   Father, I thank You right now for giving us Your  Son who died on the cross for us. I thank You that   You also gave us Your Holy Spirit. Father, I thank  You that the Spirit came as a promise from You.   That the Holy Spirit came because Jesus  asked for the Holy Spirit. Jesus said,   "I will ask the Father and He will send you the  Holy Spirit." Jesus said that Holy Spirit is the   promise of the Father. I ask You right now for  every brother and sister of Christ. I ask You   for those people who maybe feel unworthy, for  those who need a lot of help, all of us Lord.   The Holy Spirit You sent to help us so we're not  doing our life alone. We're not relying on our own   strength, not relying on the arm of the flesh but  relying on the Holy Spirit. I ask You right now   precious Jesus, would You reveal Your Spirit to  everyone that's watching, that will be re-watching   and listening on the podcast. Lord, would You  just break the strongholds of unworthiness,   would You break the strongholds of  disqualification where we disqualified ourselves.   Would you break away maybe traditional  teaching that viewed the Spirit as a wind,   fire, force or some kind of an impersonal force  or break away guilt, shame. Lord, in the name   of Jesus let the traditional teaching that is  not in line with Your Word, let them be broken,   that we will rely on You. Lord, I break the words  that were spoken maybe by people in authority   that nobody's gonna help us, we're alone. That  if we don't do it for ourselves nobody will do   it for ourselves, and we have developed this life  where we always do it independently of others. And   it spills into our walk with You, where we got  it, we don't need help. We don't ask for help. Holy Spirit, I invite You right now. Holy  Spirit, I ask You, could you make us holy.   I ask You, would You help us with our attitude.  Holy Spirit, I ask You, would You help us to know   the future. Would You teach us when we read Your  word. Holy Spirit, I ask You, would You lead us   into the right path. Holy Spirit, I  ask You, would you give us Your power   for witness to fulfill our assignment. Holy  Spirit, I ask You, would You strengthen us   in our inner man so that our strength will match  our assignment, and Holy Spirit we welcome you.   Holy Spirit, we say good morning to You.  We say good evening to You. Be our Guide,   be our Comforter. We apologize, we repent for  going to alternative devil's comforts. These   cheap comforts that come with a very high price  later on, instead of going to you. We want to   lean on You, rely on You. Especially during this  fast, would You strengthen us in our inner man.   Would you reveal Your word to us. Would You help  us to worship Jesus, would you help us to worship   the Father. Would you help us to live our life  heaven focused, eternity focused in Jesus name,   amen amen. Come on, drop that amen in the  chat. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. I wanted to appreciate each and every one of you for joining  me on the live stream today. I wanted to also   ask you if you've enjoyed this stream today,  if this was a blessing to you spiritually,   I want to invite you to consider partnering with  our ministry. This book when it comes out it will   be also available free of charge in Spanish, in  Russian and in English. We are offering all of   our books for free, as well as we have courses,  about 90 000 students in our courses and are able   to do that because of your contribution. Reading  plans that come out once a month. We've reached   literally millions of people every month just  through YouTube, and so all these things we're   able to do because of your contribution. So thank  you for those who are partnering. If the Lord puts   on your heart to increase your partnership, it  will be much appreciated so we can go further.   We are raising our quality of videos, even what  you're seeing a lot of content because I really   sense that this next season the Lord wants me  to improve the content. You know my goal isn't   to grow the the platform. My goal is to grow  you guys and then for you to grow spiritually,   then God will take care of the platform but it  does take resources to do what we do. I am a   pastor of a local church, as well as a husband and  I do travel occasionally. In fact this weekend I   will be in Tennessee and so it takes a lot of  time. Without a solid team this will never be   possible, and so the reason why I'm able to do  it consistently, I'm able to do it effectively,   mainly because of the team. And that is possible  because of you, my team who are giving, praying   and sowing. If the Lord puts on your heart to do  a one-time your most generous gift, it will be   much appreciated or become a reoccurring partner.  It will be a lot more helpful. You can do it by   going to pastorvlad.org/partner. It's the best way  to do it because there you can track your giving,   there you can change your giving. You can set up  reoccurring giving and then we can actually stay   in contact with you, and then every quarter  we have partners and giver, people who give,   a special meeting. You can also give through  CashApp, Venmo, PayPal, Zell or send it in the   mail. Whichever way is most convenient to you  but from the bottom of my heart I want to say,   thank you for fasting with us, praying with  us, listening, following and honestly growing   in Jesus Christ. I meet you guys all throughout  my trips, who come and say, "Hey, I'm watching.   My life has been impacted and changed." And that  brings me so much joy because that's the reason   that I'm doing it. I'm not doing this for myself.  I really when I started this, the Lord challenged   me from the beginning. He said, "Don't do this to  build a platform. he said, use the platform I give   you to build my people." So that's, if I could  summarize my YouTube strategy and that is this,   or my ministry strategy, is not to use people to  build my platform but to use my platform to build   people. That's why we're doing fasting. That's  why we're doing Bible memory verses. That's why I   have courses. That's why I have books. All of that  is to build believers to become disciple makers,   ministers for God. So thank you for sowing  into that vision, believing in that vision   and supporting by watching, participating and also  giving. If you have not signed up for emails yet,   make sure that you do that. You will be able to  stay in touch anytime that we send reminders, like   for example, we send a reminder for this fast.  When we finish fasting, we send you little bits   and pieces of what we talked about, and then every  Wednesday, I think it's every Wednesday that we   send an email with short encouragements. I promise  not to spam you or sell your data to other people   or abuse it, but to use it respectfully  and responsibly. So thank you for that.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 374,635
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Keywords: spiritual, supernatural, hungrygeneration, hungrygen, christian, deliverance, how to do a long term fast, how to do a fast, how to do a water only fast, how to do fasting, how to start a fast, how to do prolonged fasting, how long should i fast?, how to fast and pray, fast and pray, how to fast and pray christian, how to fast for god, how to fast and pray the biblical way, learn how to pray and fast for a breakthrough, fasting and prayer for beginners-how to fast and pray, fasting, prayer
Id: kFWmCMd4iOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 29sec (3569 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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