10 Steps to Thrive in Your Season Shift

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I want to share with you about a season shift.  A season shift is 10 things that I want to share   with you about a shift of seasons. Now one of the  things that I have is a message that I actually,   this is not the first time I've  shared this, okay. I share it at  different times, different ways, in different  places. But this has become really my, one of my   core teachings that I've been sharing, and right  now we are in a very unique season where a lot   of people are going through different shifts and  seasons. But I think it's not only right now, it's   always happening with somebody. And so I want to  share with you those 10 shifts or 10 things that   you need to keep in mind about a season shift.  I do believe God structures our life in seasons.   The Bible talks about it. I do believe that God  controls seasons, and I do believe that we have   to also be aware of the season that we are in and  act accordingly to the season that we are in. Like   for example, if it's winter you probably don't  want to be you know wearing flipflops and wearing   shorts. And if it's a summer and it's really warm,  you probably don't want to be wearing a huge coat,   amen. So God wants to bring a shift in our  season and God wants to change us as the shift   is happening in our season. So let me just mention  to you these 10 things. I want you to get ready,   take some notes. We're going to go into school  right now, we're going to learn some things,   and I believe these things will equip you  and these things will also establish you   so that you can process things and walk through  things better and with wisdom. And I'm going to   go through these 10 ones quickly. They will come  from the story of Joshua. I believe one of the   greatest stories in the Bible that presents to  us how God works with people in taking them from   one season to another is the story of Joshua.  In the New Testament, the Bible tells us that   they, these people who went before us, Joshua,  Moses. They are examples for us. So we're not   just you know taking Scripture out of context when  we take Joshua's story and put some application   into our life. We are actually following the  Scripture because they, they, what they did,   how God worked with them. It carries timeless  principles for generations after them, amen. First   thing that I want to highlight is a new season  brings a new shaking. When I say a new shaking,   I mean sometimes in a new season you experience  a shaking that usually comes from the fact that   people that were in your life before exit your  life. Or sometimes, as it happened with Joshua,   his hero, his mentor, a guy he looked up to, a  guy that really kind of helped him to rise up,   stepped aside, actually he died. And Joshua had to  step into his shoes, and that was, that was scary,   that was a bit shaky. In fact God had to kept  telling Joshua not to be afraid, which tells me   he felt afraid, he felt insecure, he felt unsure  and uncertain. So it is totally normal to step   into that season. You know a season shifted if  you're kind of shaken, if you're kind of scared,   if you're kind of unsure of what's going to  happen. Especially if you're taking in, you're   stepping into shoes of someone, you're stepping  into a season of something you've never done   before. You're totally unexperienced. So when your  hero falls, it's time for you to rise up. When   you step into an area you've never been in before,  it's time for you to trust in God and to remember,   though your season has changed, the source, your  God is with you. Though you're stepping into what   you have no experience in, your God is going to  supply the needed grace to make up for what you   are lacking. God will give you strength in this  new season. So a new season sometimes brings a new   shaking. Joshua 1:2, it says, "Moses My servant  is dead. Now therefore, arise, and go over the   Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which  I am giving to them -- the children of Israel."   So the Lord is saying, hey I know you're shaken,  you're grieving. I know it's hard for you because   this guy that's been such a great example to you,  who is not entering the promised land because of   his sin because he didn't show holiness of God  when he needed to. And now you're stepping in,   you're not like him, you're not better than him,  you're not more powerful than him. Yet you're   going to fulfill a job that he failed to fulfill,  and I'm going to give you grace. When you step   into a season, why the shaking comes in is because  sometimes the load is greater than our ability,   sometimes the challenge is greater than our  experience, and so what do we do? We lean on   God and we trust for the grace to make the  difference, to supply the strength where we   lack that strength. The second thing in the season  shift that I want to share is a new season brings   a new supply. New season, comma new supply. When  the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten   the produce of the land, the children of Israel no  longer had manna but they ate the food of Canaan,   of the land of the Canaan that year. Joshua 5:2.  Joshua 5:12, I apologize. New season brings a new   supply. When God removed the provision which was  manna, He wasn't doing that so He can punish them.   He was doing that so He can prepare them for the  new supply. His promise has always been milk and   honey, but milk and honey and manna don't go  together. Sometimes one supply of Gods stops   for another one to come, and I want to encourage  you that maybe you are in between jobs right now,   perhaps you're in between jobs right now. You,  you're actually in a shift. One of the things   that you know the season is shifting is when  God changes manna. He removes manna off of the   menu because he's about to bring milk and honey.  Now some of us when we lose manna, when we lose   God's provision in our life, we get frustrated. We  start to doubt God, we become afraid or we worry,   what's going to happen tomorrow? Am I going  to be able to pay my bills? Do I have enough?   Did God forsake me? You know is the devil  attacking me? It's normal to feel these things,   but as Christians we also must understand that the  Lord constantly tells us, not to be afraid and not   to worry. And these two commands, instructions,  apply to our finances. When you enter a new   season your supply will shift. Sometimes  that supply that you had before dries up,   like the brook that God fed Elijah with, and the  ravens that he provided for Elijah. They stopped,   raven stopped coming, the brook up, and that meant  that his place at this brook has come to an, his   time at this brook has come to an end. So do not  be frustrated and do not doubt God. Do not freak   out if the manna that was a blessing of God in one  season comes to an end in this season. And don't   pray for God to bring good old days. Ask God to  bring new opportunities, ask God for His favor.   Don't constantly pray for things to be "fair".  Some Christians are so obsessed with fairness   that they miss God's favor. Don't say, Lord why  did you remove the manna? Instead, step in by   faith into the milk and honey. Step In by faith  for His promise. Milk, milk and honey has been   God's promise for you. Manna was God's temporary  provision on the way to the promise. So when you   step into a new season, you most likely will step  into a new supply. Open yourself up to God's new   ideas, God's new provisions and God's new ways by  which He wants to supply for your needs and for   His purpose in your life. Drop this in the chat.  New season brings a new supply. Somebody needs   to hear this. New season brings a new supply.  If you're ready for that new supply to come   into your life, drop number one in the chat. Now  let's go to number three. A shift in the season.   what does this mean? The third thing that happens  is a new season requires a new spirit. A new   season requires a new spirit. I'm going to say  that again, maybe it'll give you a little bit of   time to write this down or drop this in the chat.  A new season requires a new spirit. Numbers 14:24,   it says the following, "But my servant Caleb,  because he has a different spirit in him   and has followed Me fully, I will bring into  the land where he went and his descendants shall   inherit it." Now I want you to notice that you  cannot enter a new season with an old mindset.   Otherwise you will bring your old season into the  new season and never really walk into what God has   for you. The Lord said about this guy named Caleb,  He says the reason why Caleb will enter the land,   he will move from Egypt, to wilderness and into  the promised land. The reason why Caleb is going   to enter what I've promised him, the reason  why Caleb is going to inherit that is because   of this one thing. He has a different spirit.  He has a new spirit. Now when I say spirit,   I don't mean right now Holy Spirit. I don't think  that's what this refers to because it's a small   "s" and it's not talking about a demon spirit.  This is talking about your attitude. This is   talking about your perspective. This is talking  about your mindset. Now what was so different   about Caleb that God took notice of that and said,  this guy is different. He has a different spirit.   What was different about that? Now few things I  want you to keep in mind, one of them is this.   The word Caleb means a dog. So when you read the  Bible and it says, My servant Caleb, My servant.   His parents called him dog. Now I don't know if  they run out of names. I don't know if maybe he   was born and they didn't think about his name, or  perhaps a dog was next to him when he was born. I   don't know what the circumstances were but it's a  pretty interesting name for a baby, a dog. And you   will find something very interesting about Caleb  that He had that dogs have. Now for example, the   Bible keeps talking about Caleb and He uses this  word, He followed Me fully. And another instance   it says, He followed me wholeheartedly, he  followed me fully. Now, I have a dog. If you have   a dog, you'll probably notice this thing about  dogs. Dogs follow their masters everywhere their   masters go. Like sometimes you have a dog that  will just sit at your feet, and get so comfortable   and falls asleep. And you get up and guess what  the dog will do? He will follow you, everywhere   you go. Does not matter how uncomfortable it is,  it doesn't matter how annoying it is, it doesn't   matter how deep his sleep was. He will follow you.  Another thing about dogs is they love being around   their masters. They just love being around them.  Cats are like you know they don't, they don't   care. You know they just kind of have, they mind  their own, they mind their own business. Like you   come from work, a cat is not going to greet  you. Guess who's going to greet you? Your dog   because they're excited about their masters.  Another thing about a dog is dogs have an acute   sense of smell. In fact, they're led more more  by their nose than their eyes. Their eyesight   is okay but their smell is incredible. Their sense  of smell is through the roof. That's how they find   things is through their smell. They're led by  their senses, by their smell more than by their   sight, and that's what Caleb was. He was near  God, he had a different attitude, and he was led   more by his faith than by his sight. New season  requires a new spirit. What does this mean? You   got to have an attitude of a conqueror. You got to  have an attitude of a victor, not a victim. Caleb   goes into the promised land and he's sees giants.  He's not freaked out. He doesn't ignore them,   he doesn't bury his head in his hand and pretend  that they don't matter. He just doesn't think that   he is a grasshopper that's about to be squashed  by giants. He's not surprised that promised land   has problems. He's not surprised and he's kind of  excited to fight. All other guys were freaked out.   They were like spineless snowflakes. They were  so scared, their attitude was so negative. They   were so pessimistic. They always found a problem  in God's promise, but Caleb found a promise in a   problem. They found obstacles. They said, man this  is hard. Caleb found opportunities, and he said,   our God is with us. If we overcome this problem  we will have a great reward, we will possess the   promised land. You cannot enter a new season  with an old mindset. A new season, you're not   going to like to hear what I'm about to say. It's  going to bring new challenges that will overwhelm   you. It will require new skills from you that you  currently don't have. It'll require new things out   of you that you currently don't have, and if your  mindset is always a victim mindset, poor little   me, you find a problem in every solution, you  find an obstacle in every opportunity, your cup is   always half empty. It's just the way you are, just  kind of negative, always pessimistic, always find   something wrong with everything. Just, just kind  of always this annoying attitude. You probably   will not enter the new season, and if you will,  it'll squash you. It will hurt you. You need to   have a different spirit. New season requires a new  spirit. That means you got to choose your attitude   today. Develop a conquering positive attitude.  Is it hard? Yeah, but then you will have a reward. Is this helping somebody? Drop this in  the chat if this is helping somebody. Don't be   negative Nancy, as somebody said in the chat.  Be positive Caleb. I'm not talking about being   positive for the sake of being positive. I'm not  talking about here you know to think positive   thoughts and practice mental gymnastics. I'm  talking about being so confident that God is   with you, He's not bringing you into something  to drown you. He's taking you into something to,   to elevate you, but He can't do that if you don't  win battles. You can't have victory if there's   no battles. You can't have spoil if there's no  struggle. You can't have promise land if you don't   kill giants. You can't have that. This is not like  a free gift. This is a reward for fighting. And so   when you're freaked out because of the challenges  but you constantly hold on to the promise, Lord,   You promise You will bless me. But God will  cause certain burdens to come, for you to find   solutions, for you to you know breakthrough them,  for you to overcome them. And if your mindset is a   victim mindset, negative and bad attitude. You're  just not going to make it. What God is looking is   a different spirit. So a new season requires a  new spirit. That means a new season requires a   new mindset. I got to shift my thinking. I got  to shift my attitude. I got to shift my dominant   thoughts toward the Lord is with me. Positivity  for the sake of positivity is not going to get   you very far. You know Goliath was very positive.  He still died and was defeated. But David was with   God. His positivity was rooted in the Holy Spirit.  The Lord is with me, He brought me to this place,   He'll bring me through this place. I'm positive.  I'm optimistic. I'm going to see miracles. I'm   going to see the glory of God. Stand still, stand  still and see the salvation of God which He will   accomplish for you. That's kind of my attitude  is whatever is coming against me is greater   than me but it's not greater than God. I don't  have what it takes but I have what God takes,   and God's going to take the little that I  have, He's going to multiply. I can do all   things through Christ who strengthens me. I'm than  the conqueror through Him who loved me. My God,   He will supply all of my needs according to His  riches and His glory. I will never leave you,   I will never forsake you, says the Lord. The  Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He will   lead me beside the still waters, He will restore  my soul, for His righteousness sake He will lead   me in a righteous path. Even if I walk through  the valley of the shadow of death, I'm not   scared because He's going to comfort me. He will  anoint my head with His oil, my cup will run over,   goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of  my life. See that that's an attitude of gratitude,   that's an attitude of a different attitude. So let  me ask a question. What kind of attitude do you   have because you will need to change your attitude  if God is to change your altitude. See many of us   want a better altitude in life but you can't get  there without the attitude in your mind. Change   your attitude, change your perspective, change  your spirit, your mindset. Caleb had a different   spirit, a positive spirit, positive outlook, a  positive perspective toward the challenges that he   was facing, and God took note of that. And in fact  God complimented him on that and said, because   of that Caleb will enter this new season. Number  four. New season means new sacrifice. Drop this in   the chat. New season means new sacrifice. Joshua  6:19 says, "But all, all the silver and gold,   and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to  the Lord; they shall come into the treasury of the   Lord." So new season requires new sacrifice. When  Israelites were in Egypt, they didn't sacrifice   because everything was stolen from them. In the  wilderness they were tempted because when they   received possessions from Egyptians, instead of  giving those to God, you know they made some very   poor Investments, demonic Investments because they  build an idol. They entered the promised land,   finally the land of the dreams, and the Lord is  saying, I want you to destroy the whole city of   Jericho. But the good of Jericho, silver, gold  and vessels of bronze and iron, consecrate it to   God's Tabernacle, consecrate it to the Lord.  Meaning they're not yours. It's almost like God   was saying, I want the first of the promised land  to belong to me. And I think it's very important   to recognize is when you enter a new season, you  have to develop these new structures in your life,   new systems in your life. And the system is you  have to put God first. You have to put God first.   That's what the sacrifice comes from. When I say  put God first, I mean put God first in your day.   Spend time with Him, not on social media. Put God  first in your week. Go to church on the first day   of the week which is Sunday, with your family,  and then put God first in your finances. Take the   first 10%, 15%. Whatever that is. You know the  good starting point that everybody talks about   is 10%, and then give that to God, give that to  God's work, give that to the local church. Why   would you want to do that? It's because a new  season requires a new system. New season will   require a new structure in your life, and what  was that structure? God comes first, which is   sacrificial. It was painful. If it wasn't painful  Achan probably wouldn't be tempted to take what   belonged to God and eat it for himself and take  it for himself. Learn to honor God in your season   by structuring your day, structuring your week and  structuring your finances in the way that God is   first. Even if that comes at some inconvenience,  sacrifice or discomfort. Seek first the kingdom of   God, everything else shall be added you. See  the rest of the cities that they conquered,   God not only let them have the spoil, He  helped them to have the spoil. God is not   wanting to steal anything from you. Sacrifice is  not God stealing things from us. Sacrifice is us   developing new structures, new systems in our  schedule, in our finances and our stewardship,   where God is first, amen. So new season requires  new sacrifice, why? Because new season requires   new structures and new systems. Number five.  New season requires new sanctification.   Sanctification. You heard me correct. The  Bible says, Joshua 3:5, "Sanctify yourselves,   for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders." And then  Joshua 5:2, "At that time the LORD said to Joshua,   'Make flint knives for yourself, and circumcise  the sons of Israel again the second time.'" So   today's consecration is tomorrow's conquest.  Drop this in the chat. Today's consecration is   tomorrow's conquest. Well let me say it another  way. Today's purity is tomorrow's power. Today's   fasting is tomorrow's fire. Today's prayer  is tomorrow's provision. Today's righteous,   walking with God in private is tomorrow's reward.  The Lord said to Joshua, "Sanctify yourself, for   tomorrow I will do wonders among you." In the new  season you have to learn to delay gratification.   Where you put in work today, you don't experience  results today, you experience results tomorrow.   Now the Lord expects us to put in work toward  sanctification. Now salvation is a gift from God.   Sanctification is a process of God to develop us  into His image and likeness. Like I said earlier,   that spiritual discipline is the way to godliness,  to being more like Jesus, and fasting is one of   those spiritual disciplines. Now it's important  to highlight this particular sanctification they   were involved in. It was called circumcision. The  Lord asked Joshua to circumcise the sons of Israel   so that they can now conquer the promised land. So  they can be people of covenant. Circumcision, few   things I want to highlight without going too deep  or to gross for the sake of children watching and   other people. circumcision deals with something  that's private, nobody sees it and reproductive.   I'm going to say that again. Circumcision dealt  with something that was private. It wasn't   cutting your hair. It was cutting the foreskins of  someone reproductive organ. So this was invisible,   it was private and secondly it dealt with  the part of a body that was a reproductive   organ. That tells me, if you want to walk in  sanctification, it's less about trimming, cutting,   removing things that are visible. It's things  that are private. It's things that people don't   see. It's things that are not public. Those are  the areas the Lord wants to put His flint knife   towards. He wants to put His conviction toward.  It's maybe things we watch, things we listen,   things we spend our time on. Perhaps thoughts  that we entertain. Things that are private.   But those private things, if they're not taken  care of, they can become public struggles and   sometimes public scandals. Today's private sin is  tomorrow's public scandal. Today's private purity   is tomorrow's public pleasure. Today's prayer is  tomorrow's power. Today's fasting is tomorrow's   fire. So new season, new sanctification. It's  almost like God says you cannot conquer in the   promised land if you don't get circumcised, and  circumcision is cutting something that's private   and reproductive. I wonder how much more we can  bear fruit if we are pruned, if we are clipped,   if we are trimmed, if we are cut back. If we are  pruned, we bear more fruit. If we are circumcised,   it's an establishment of our covenant with God  that we are sanctified. Jesus says, no one can   follow after Me who doesn't deny himself and pick  up his cross. So this tells me that godliness is   achieved through the path of spiritual discipline.  Spiritual discipline always involves some kind of   a death or some kind of a denial. And God is far  more interested with the areas that are private,   than the areas that everybody knows about. The  reason why is because we naturally want to make   our life more pleasing to people. We naturally,  you know if you're struggling with sin most likely   you won't do it on live stream, you won't do it  in front of people. You will do it privately. So   the Lord is far more interested that in your  new season, the shift in the new season where   the Lord wants you to really pay attention to the  things that are in your private life. The things   that nobody sees, nobody knows. You know, your  conscience knows, Holy Spirit knows and maybe one   person knows who lives with you, but everybody  else is completely oblivious. It's those areas   God wants to circumcise. Meaning God wants those  areas to be pruned for greater effectiveness and   greater fruit because it's the reproductive organs  that were circumcised. It's in pruning that we   experience greater fruit, and it's in pruning that  we are confirmed as His branch. The Bible says,   His children, God disciplines, and if you are  not His child, He won't discipline you. But if   you are His child, there's discipline there. That  means that you don't have to wait for the Father   to discipline you, you can discipline yourself  today. I would submit to you that many of us   would not experience a lot of discipline  from God if we would practice discipline   of God. Drop this in the chat. Many of us will  not experience discipline from God if we would   simply discipline ourselves for God. That's why  Jesus says, deny yourself. So today's discipline   is tomorrow's destiny. Today's consecration is  tomorrow's conquest. Today's prayer is tomorrow's   power. Today's purity is tomorrow's pleasure, but  the other way is also around the same. Today's sin   is tomorrow's scandal. Today's prayerlessness is  tomorrow's powerlessness. Today's compromise is   tomorrow's problem, and so new season requires  new sanctification. Are you guys still with   me? Is this helping anybody? Can we go a little  bit further or is everybody done already? Okay,   I'm assuming I'm going to go a little bit further.  You're still in here so this is refreshing to some   people. Those of you that are just logging  in, we're talking about a season shift,   talking about 10 things that are going to happen,  that need to happen in your season of shifting.   And so in your season shifting and so if you  are just logging in, hit that like button, let   us know where you're watching from. Or if you are  rewatching this right now, hit that like button as   well and let us know where you're watching from.  Or if you're listening on the audio podcast, as we   have hundreds and thousands of you doing that. We  appreciate you being patient as you keep hearing,   "Drop number one, drop number one in the chat" And  you're probably working out or you're are driving,   and so you're like, man I'm not dropping anything.  Just keep on listening, we appreciate you and   number six. New season requires new strategy.  New season requires new strategy. Joshua 8:2,   "And the Lord said, 'And you shall do to Ai and  its king as you did to Jericho and its king. Only   its spoil and its cattle you shall take as booty  for yourself. Lay an ambush for the city behind   it." So I want you to notice, the Lord says I'm  going to give you a new strategy for the new   battle. The city of Jericho, you circled it around  seven times, seven days and in a seventh day,   seven times in one day. Now this next city, God  says it's going to be a little bit different.   The cattle, the spoil and everything that you see  there, is yours. You're not going to bring it to   me, it's yours. And then the Lord says, I want you  not to circle around, I want you to lay an ambush   for the city. Now why is this important? I want  you to drop this in the chat. Yesterday's success   cannot be today's strategy. What worked yesterday  might not work today. People that are not led by   the Holy Spirit usually try to repeat what worked  yesterday, and that's what Joshua did mistakingly.   He saw the breakthrough in Jericho and just went  on the assumption, the next city will be piece of   cake. He consulted his board, his committee,  his war generals. They said, yeah, let's not   sent everyone. We got this. And they went and  experienced defeat, and then of course Joshua now   went to God, and the Lord dealt with the problem  and then gave him a different instruction. And   from that point on you saw many battles Joshua  would take, he would wait on God's instruction.   Why am I sharing this? When you step into a new  season, don't try to be led by principles. Be   led by God's presence. Live by God's principles,  but be led by God's presence. Let the Holy Spirit   guide you because what worked yesterday might not  work today. Today's strategy cannot be yesterday's   success. Meaning, let's just copy and paste  everything that happened yesterday. You might   have to change things, and the Holy Spirit will  give you wisdom in that. You might need to change   how you do things, and the Holy Spirit will give  you wisdom in that. Yesterday's success is a lousy   teacher. It makes up for a terrible strategy  because you're in a different season, and while   you can glean faith from yesterday's victory, it  most likely not be like it happened yesterday. The   way David killed Goliath, and bear, and a lion was  different. You know the lion and the bear were not   Goliath. Goliath was a gigantic, huge man. Jesus  will do things differently. When He encountered   disciples who couldn't catch fish, He told them  to launch into the deep in the Gospel of Luke. But   at the end of His ministry He told disciples to  flip their nets on the other side. So same result,   different strategy. So our goal is to be in tune  to the Holy Spirit and to understand, you can't   rely on yesterday's breakthrough for today's  strategy. Ask God for the new strategy, ask God,   wait on God to give you a new method. Mission  remains the same, the method is different. Let   God supply a strategy. If you rush to just repeat  what you did before, you might find yourself with   a deep disappointment. If you copy somebody else's  strategy, you also might find it backfire against   you. Pharaoh went into the Red Sea because it  worked for Israel, but see God led Israel into the   Red Sea. He didn't lead Pharaoh there. So Pharaoh  went thinking it will work for me. It didn't work   for him. It destroyed his army. Be very careful to  copycat everyone. It's okay to imitate someone's   faith. Where it becomes dangerous is to copy their  works of faith. You can be inspired by someone's   generosity, commitment to God. But the way that  will be translated in your life should depend on   you and the Lord. You shouldn't take what somebody  else is doing and just copy and paste. You should   take that into prayer and see which parts can be  duplicated and which parts God will give you brand   new ideas on what you must do. You know when I  look at the way I do ministry you know I learn   from other men of God. 100%. I leaned, I learned  from men of God I don't agree with, you know and   because a wise person learns from other people.  Smart person learns from their mistakes, and   foolish person doesn't learn at all. So I got to  be a student all the time. And I've made mistakes   before where I just took some what's worked for  somebody, and I said, well this is going to you   know work in my life, and it didn't. And I had to  go into the secret place and say, Lord, what would   You guide me? And then take risk, because when God  speaks it requires faith to trust that there was   God speaking instead of your own head. So you test  to see. You know you take risk, and then I would   see God bless that. You know like even let me  just give you one of the big changes is you know I   offer my books for free. You know it's not a good  strategy for finances to come into the ministry,   in a sense that you know people just download it.  And I offer the e-courses for free. You know I've   had quite a few people say, man that's not, how's  that even working for you? He's like, well how do   you have funds coming in so that you can do that?  And but that's the way that the Lord has led me.   This doesn't mean that every person needs to  do that. This doesn't mean that you need to   be copying me. You can be inspired, but you still  have to go to the Lord and have Him guide you. And   I've seen God's favor and grace on that because I  believe in my heart that this is God's direction   for me. This is God's strategy. I have my other  reasons for that as well but I sense in my   spirit this is the strategy, and I really sensed  that. And in fact when that became the strategy,   it's when things kind of went to a different level  in my ministry about three or four years ago. So   don't rely on somebody else's success, don't rely  on your past success to be today's strategy. Stay   in tune with the Holy Spirit and He will give you  new strategy. In the new season He will give you   new strategy. Drop this in the chat. In the new  season, God might give you a new strategy, amen.   Let's go to number seven. Excuse me, yes number  seven. So I mentioned number six, new strategy.   Number five, new sanctification. Number four, new  sacrifice. Number three, new spirit. Number two,   new supply. Number one, new shaking. Number seven,  new subduing. New subduing. What I mean by that is   in the new season you have to subdue. A lot of  times what happens is we go to a new season and   we want God to begin to subdue for us. We want  God to begin to do things for us, for example,   in Egypt Israel was delivered. So in the  Promise Land the Lord didn't deliver them.   He delivered the enemies to them. Let  me read it to you, Joshua 1:3. It says,   "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread  upon I have given you, as I have said to Moses."   So in the previous season which was Egypt, God  was having His power delivering them. But now   in this new season what happened is God allowed  the enemy to be under their feet so that they   will tread upon them, so that they will conquer  them and so that they will experience dominion.   In other words, in the new season you will have  to move from deliverance to dominion. Drop this   in the chat. In the new season you will have to  move from deliverance to dominion. In deliverance   God works for you. In dominion God works through  you. Let's drop this in the chat. In deliverance   God works for you, in dominion God works through  you. So in Egypt, God worked for them. All they   had to do was nothing, all they had to do at the  end is just kill the lamb but really it was God's   work. In the promised land they had to fight. In  Egypt they were in bondage. In the promised land   they were in a battle. In Egypt they were slaves,  in the promised land they were soldiers. So this   new season you have to subdue, not just survive.  So many people go into a new season to "survive."   God doesn't want you to survive, God wants you to  subdue. Meaning, God wants you to fight. God wants   you to conquer. God wants you to fight for what He  has promised. You don't get what you promised in   the promised land. You get what you fight for. So  if you have a victim mentality, if you have this   thing where you just hope for God to deliver you  in the promised land, instead of God to empower   you in the promised land to drive out the enemy.  You might not see what you've been promised. When   God delivers you He takes the demons out of you.  But when God empowers you, He gives you power to   resist the devil. May I submit to you that  some of you have been going from deliverance   to deliverance, but you have not went from  deliverance to dominion. You've been asking God   to deliver you from Pharaoh and He did. But now  you're asking God to deliver you from Philistines,   and He's not because He's empowering you to drive  out those Philistines. He will deliver you from   your bondage but He will never deliver you from  your battle. Otherwise the Bible wouldn't tell us   submit to God and resist the devil. If God removes  the devil, why do I have to resist him? Because   in the new season you're no longer a survivor,  a slave. You're a soldier and you must subdue.   You must fight. So when the enemy comes and  attacks you, there's a difference between needing   deliverance and God waiting on you to practice  dominion. The Bible says, through the gift of   righteousness and the abundance of grace. We are  called to reign in life through Christ Jesus.   The Bible says, against principalities, powers of  this world, we stand. We put on the armor of God,   we have the sword of the Spirit. Meaning we stand,  we subdue, we keep walking forward. I believe that   sometimes God gives us deliverance but then we  still have to exercise dominion if we really want   to walk in the fullness of what Jesus died for us.  Now how would you do that? You may say, well Vlad,   okay so what is one of the things that I can do  to subdue. And this is my point eight. In the   new season you have to develop a new speech. New  season must lead to development of new speech. I   believe it's one of the ways we subdue is with  our speech. God said to Joshua 1, Joshua 1:8   and He said the following, "This Book of the Law  shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall   meditate in it day and night." So I want you to  notice, not depart from your mouth. Your mouth,   your mouth. What a sword was for Joshua, your  word is for you. Joshua conquered with the sword,   you conquer with the word. What does this mean?  Let me give you a statement that I believe is very   important. Your mouth should set the atmosphere  in your life, not just describe it. Your mouth   should set the atmosphere in your life, not just  describe it. Your mouth should not just be a   thermometer. Your mouth should not be the one  that just measures the temperature, your mouth   should be the one that changes the temperature.  Now I am not in any way advocating that you can   speak things into existence that are not there.  That power is given to God. But God does release   His power in our life by affecting our mouth. God  created this world with His words, and we must   understand that the life or death is in the power  of a tongue. You can use your mouth every day to   describe your sickness, or you can use your mouth  every day to speak God's healing Scriptures. You   can use your mouth every day to describe your  financial situation, or you can use your mouth   to set atmosphere of faith in your situation.  You can use your mouth to say how you are weak,   how you are a sinner. Or you can use your mouth to  say that you are righteous who's fighting sin, you   are a son who's overcoming challenges. You see how  a slight adjustment, but one decreases your faith,   depletes your faith if you only describe your  situation. The other one changes it, sets the,   sets the temperature in your environment  by using your word to speak God's Word.   The way you subdue in the promised land is  with your mouth. Jesus overcame the devil,   not by fist fighting him. He wasn't doing a  wrestling match, He was speaking God's Word.   Joshua conquered the land with the sword, you  conquer your land with your Word. Drop this in   the chat. Joshua conquered the land with the  sword, you conquer your land with your Word.   Speak God's Word. Speak God's Word and that is how  you will subdue God's promise. Now, number nine. New season, new step. What does this mean? In the  old season there was a lot of waiting on God to   take you somewhere. In the new season you have to  renew your mind and understand that God has given   you the green light, and you must take the step  of faith in obedience and the signs will follow   you. New season, new step. New step of faith that  signs will follow. Signs are waiting for your step   of faith. Drop this in the chat. Signs are waiting  for you to take the step of faith. Signs of God,   the supernatural of God is waiting  for you to take the step of faith. Sometimes I see us praying these prayers,  I've prayed them as well in my hunger and pursuit   of God. I don't think they're wrong, I just don't  think they're complete, and we take that from   Exodus where Moses said, Lord I will not go if You  don't go with me. We mean well. We simply mean,   God we just want Your presence. We value  Your presence in our life. But that prayer   could actually contradict God's promise in the New  Testament, why? Because Jesus promised to be with   you. I don't think you need to ask Him to fulfill  that promise. I don't think you need to beg Him to   fulfill the promise of His Spirit living in you.  What you do need to do, what I need to do is act   by faith as though that promise is true. Joshua  3:13, the Lord said to Joshua, once the priests   step into the Jordan, the Jordan will be cut  off. And the waters will come down from upstream,   they will stand like a heap. So pretty much in  the Red Sea, they were waiting. In the Jordan, God   was waiting. In the Red Sea, God split the Red Sea  and they walked. In the Jordan River, they stepped   into the Jordan and God's power stepped there as  well. Why is that important? Because many of us   wait on God where we were not commanded to wait on  God. We were commanded to work with God. We wait   where we should work, and we ask for things that  we should take by faith. That those things are   ours, and step in faith and the signs will follow.  If you wait for the sign, you might wait too long   and it might never come. But if you work with the  faith you have, believing it's true what God has   said, He is with you. Jesus made it very clear,  if you go, meaning you got to take a step. See   new season, new step. If you go, make disciples of  all nations, what did the Lord say? He says, lo,   I am with You. Meaning He says, I'm going to back  you up. What does Mark 16 tell us? These signs   will follow. So they'll follow those who believe.  So as you believe, as you step out in faith, signs   will follow. What if the reason why signs aren't  stepping in is because the soles of your feet are   not stepping in? How does that look practically?  Take the small step of faith. Pray for the sick,   give a call to salvation in your church,  invite your friends and family to church,   pray for deliverance, give like you believe that  God will meet you at the point of your need, start   that business that God told you to start, launch  that ministry that God told you to launch. Oh but,   but I need more faith. You know how faith grows?  It's like a muscle. It only grows with use. It's   not going to grow if you just wait, wait and you  keep hearing, hearing, hearing. It will grow,   yes faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word  of God. 100%. But it will reach a certain plateau,   until you start exercising it, until you start  stepping in faith. They stepped in faith and God   stepped in power. Drop this in the chat. When I  step in faith, God will step in power. When I step   in faith, God will step in power, amen. So we've  shared a lot already about seasons, and I can   still talk to you for maybe one more hour about  you know 20 more S things that you can do, but I'm   just going to leave you with one more thing and  that is, new season, new stewardship. New season,   new stewardship. What I mean by that is this. The  Bible says Joshua conquered the promised land. So   he defeated the enemy. That's first half of the  Book of Joshua. The last part of the Book of   Joshua was Joshua dividing the land. Joshua 18:10.  Joshua dividing the land. What I mean by new   season, new stewardship is this. God is the reason  revival starts. We are the reason why it stops.   God is the reason why breakthrough comes. We are  the reason why breakthrough stops. God is the   reason why miracle comes. We are the reason why  that miracle never turns to anything else in our   life. What I mean by we are the reason? Through  our lack of management and stewardship is why what   we conquer never turns to anything great, just  kind of comes to an end and then we're back at   where we started. If you don't develop stewardship  in your life over what you have received from God,   you will lose it. God is why you got it  and you'll be the reason why you lost it. How you handle your miracles and your breakthrough  matters. If you handle your hard times with care,   they will turn into good times. If you handle your  good times carelessly, they will turn into bad   times. If God multiplies the loaves and the fish,  God also instructs that you gather the fragments.   Meaning you steward the supernatural, you manage  the miraculous, you have to learn to budget the   blessings. What many of us do is we take this  blessing the new season brings, and instead of   increasing in our stewardship, for example let  me just deal with finances for a second. Instead   of paying down debts, not buying things we don't  need, with money we don't have, to impress people   we don't even like. Instead of learning how  to invest, we quickly buy new toys, upgrade   our house to a better zip code, quickly upgrade  into brand clothes, flashiness. And then that   breakthrough comes to an end and all of the things  we purchased are repossessed, and we lose them,   and we develop another disappointment that good  things don't last. That's true good things don't last. But people who are wise, they take good  things and they steward them. Joshua divided   the land. He didn't just defeated the enemy, he  learned strategy. He learned systems. He learned stewardship. If you receive a breakthrough in  your finances and you do not develop stewardship,   your breakthrough is not going to last. Joseph  had seven years of plenty, and Joseph, he set   aside 20%. 20%. I mean who saves 20%? You could  just buy bigger houses, build bigger buildings,   right? Nicer chariots. Joseph knew, good times  don't last and when they come to an end, I want to   be positioned in the place for greater prosperity.  How? Through wisdom. See faith wins battles,   wisdom develops structures and stewardship.  And Joseph through wisdom from God, led Egypt   through a very good time and made Pharaoh the  wealthiest person in a very difficult time,   why? Because when good times came, he stewarded  them. He managed them well. When I see people   who get a breakthrough, whether it's in the  ministry, or I see people who get a breakthrough   in their finances, or they get a breakthrough in  their life. And I see how sometimes they treat   that breakthrough like prodigal son treated his  inheritance. They waste it with wasteful living,   wasteful living. How when pastors get a  breakthrough and how they treat their people,   and how they don't develop systems, they  don't raise leaders and everything is on hype,   everything is on this guy on the stage and  everything. And then something happens to the   guy on the stage and everything is gone because  it was never built on organization, culture,   vision, a team. No stewardship, no management.  They know how to pray but they don't know how   to plan. They know how to move in miracles  but they don't know how to manage anything,   and through mismanagement lose everything. God  can get it but you and I will be the reason why   we lose it. Mismanagement will be the cause why it  never becomes anything. So when God blesses you,   don't rush to increase your lifestyle.  Increase in wisdom, delay gratification,   build systems, structures and become a better  steward, pay down your debts and remember,   this blessing has an expiration date. But  if you treat this blessing carefully, this   blessing can become a breakthrough. If you treat  this blessing carelessly, once this blessing comes   to an end and it will, it will be the end. New  season, new stewardship. Raise your stewardship,   raise your management, become frugal, become  careful, know where your money is going, manage   your time well because you can't make more time.  You can always make more money but not more time.   Manage your resources well, manage your energy  well, manage your health well. It's good that   God healed you but I don't think you need to be  eating ice cream every single day or putting sugar   into your body because if you mismanage your body,  divine health is as important as divine healing.   Manage what God has given you really well, and  as you do that and you're faithful with little,   you're faithful with that blessing, you're  faithful with that breakthrough. You manage it   well, you steward it well. God will now qualify  you for greater things, amen. I know some of   you didn't see that coming about the season but I  believe it's essential and it's very important. So   let's review. A season shift. A new season can  bring a new shaking. It's when shifts happen with   people. For Joshua it was Moses dying. A new  season brings a new supply. It's when God can   remove provision because he's preparing us for His  promise, prosperity. A new season requires a new   spirit. Joshua had a friend named Caleb who had  a different spirit. Meaning a different mindset,   optimistic, who sees challenges and thrives on  them, instead of being pessimistic and negative.   New season requires a new sacrifice. In which way?  Because you're going to have to put a structure   in your life where God is first. They had to give  Jericho to God and we have to put God first in our   day, in our week and in our finances. New season  brings about new sanctification. Meaning they had   to be circumcised because today sanctification is  tomorrow's supernatural. And that circumcision is   kind of like what God wants to do. He wants to  bring purity and cleanliness in our private life   and in our reproductive organs. Meaning as  we're being pruned, we're set up for greater   fruitfulness. Sixth, new season requires a new  strategy. Meaning you got to wait on the Holy   Spirit to give you the next step. Don't rely  on yesterday's success to be today's strategy.   Number seven is new season requires you to subdue.  The Bible says that God gave them every piece of   real estate that their foot stepped on. So you  got to subdue. You got to move from deliverance   to dominion. You don't get what you promised,  you get what you fight for. The way you subdue,   number eight is new season requires you to have a  new speech. Don't use your mouth to describe the   situation. Use your mouth to change the atmosphere  in your situation by speaking what you believe to   be true, not what you feel. Number nine is new  season requires you to take a step. This means   that while maybe previously you've been kind of  always waiting. In this season God is waiting   because signs are waiting for you to take a step  of faith, and lastly is new season will require a   new stewardship. We said God is the reason you get  the breakthrough, mismanagement will be the reason   why that breakthrough stops. Learn to manage  what God gives you, become a better steward,   become like Joseph, learn to steward things well.  You don't need just faith to win battles, you need   wisdom to steward the spoil. Was this helpful for  anybody? I know there was a lot of wisdom that was   given here, as well as faith that was encouraged,  so drop that fire emoji and let's begin to pray   right now. I want to get ready to pray for you  today, that the Lord is going to bring wisdom,   increase your faith, and strengthen you in this  journey in Jesus name. Lord, I thank You for Your   grace, I thank You for Your mercy today and  I thank You for the favor that You have shown   to us Lord. I thank You right now for the word  that You have released, and I pray for all of my   friends. I pray right now for all of my family  members that are watching, spiritual family,   the Fast Forward Challenge group that is watching  right now. People from the telegram group, people   that are participating in fasting and prayer,  people that are taking a step today to strengthen   their prayer life by participating in this fast  challenge, Lord. I ask You in the mighty name of   Jesus that as You are shifting things in our life,  would You begin to give us the necessary faith and   wisdom to walk in a way that pleases You. Lord, I  ask you for faith through be strengthened. I pray   for people who have fear, that that fear will  be broken. People who lost jobs, lost people,   people who have maybe had people walk away from  their life, people that got laid off, people   maybe who had to downsize, people who have maybe  come under heavy attack of the enemy. Lord, help   them to fight back. Lord, help them to find hope  that you will bring them into the place of milk   and honey, even if manna stopped. Help them Lord  God to submit to God and resist the devil. Help   them to raise the level of consecration in their  life, and Lord I ask You that You will increase   their faith. Help them to walk by faith, be like  Caleb who had a different spirit. Help them to   walk in optimism, help t to walk in a positive  outlook on the challenges in their life rooted   in deep confidence in the Lord. But Lord I ask  You for wisdom. Sometimes we have so much faith,   Lord, and we lack so much wisdom. We lack wisdom.  Give us wisdom. Give wisdom to every person that   is watching, that we will be as innocent as doves  but as wise as serpents. Help us to have purity,   to have faith but to have wisdom and how to  steward, how to manage our time, how to steward   our resources and how to manage our energy that  we can be most effective for you. So that we can   turn the blessings You give us and work with them  to become breakthroughs for generations after us,   in Jesus name, amen. Put that word "amen" in the  chat. I want to invite you right now if this word   was a blessing to you and if this ministry just  overall you've been following and this ministry   has been a blessing to you, would you consider  giving into this ministry today? Would you   consider partnering with this ministry today?  Would you consider maybe giving your best gift   that you can? This goes toward translating books  into different languages, shipping books to those   countries sometimes free of charge to them by  blessing the pastors and leaders there. A lot of   the nations are very poor nations and we want to  give that as a gift. These givings that you give,   they're not going to me. They're going into the  ministry. We have a nonprofit and a board and a   whole structure there, and we have a staff that  works on this, and we produce courses, reading   plans, translate content into Spanish, into  Russian. So there's a lot of things that are being   done every single day. When people sometimes dive  in, they realize I'm like, oh my goodness. There's   so much stuff that's being done. So just want  to say first of all, thank you for anybody and   everybody that's been giving before and maybe it's  planning to give now. Just prayerfully consider if   that's something that the Lord will have you to be  involved in. Honor the Lord with your possessions   and with the first fruits of all your increase  the Bible says, and He will cause our barns to   overflow and He will cause our vats to be filled  with new wine. And so as you do that, thank you.   You can do that by going to pastorvlad.org/partner  or you can give through cash app, vinmo, PayPal,   crypto or you can send your giving through  via check to our ministry PO Box. Thank you,   may God richly bless you. I appreciate you and for  your prayers and for being with us in Jesus name.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
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Keywords: spiritual, supernatural, hungrygeneration, hungrygen, christian, deliverance, how to do a fast, how to do a water only fast, how to do fasting, how to start a fast, how to do prolonged fasting, how long should i fast?, how to fast and pray, fast and pray, how to fast and pray christian, how to fast for god, how to fast and pray the biblical way, learn how to pray and fast for a breakthrough, fasting and prayer for beginners-how to fast and pray, fasting, prayer
Id: pmQZ6omNYtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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