Holy Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima - 2021-05-13 - Holy Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima

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[Music] welcome to ewtn's coverage of the mass of our lady of the rosaria fatima coming from you from the sanctuary of fatima portugal i'm colin donovan vice president for theology here at ewtn and i'm joined today by christina borges as our translator and erstwhile fatima expert to help us out this morning good morning christina good morning we're seeing what's happening you're welcome we're seeing the uh placing of the statue of our lady of fatima from the place of the apparitions the capilinha or little chapel in the square where the children first saw and continue to see for six months our lady as they will carry her in procession to the main altar on the steps of the basilica it appears that uh they're still doing covet precautions in fatima this year as they did last year although i don't see the the pens that they had set out last year just places indicated on the floor of the [Music] square beautiful fatima henry him recounting the details of the apparitions that began on the 13th of may 1917. we are in the this is the 104th anniversary of those apparitions [Music] r [Music] foreign [Music] is recession will proceed to the back of the square and then from there down through the middle past the column of the sacred heart always jesus in the center of things as he was in the life of our lady as he is hopefully in our own lives and then ascend the main altar as i noted before uh [Music] this is [Music] no maybe r is um [Music] this [Music] oh [Music] crossing to the head of the main aisle that leads down the uh plaza to the basilica and we'll turn and go down that aisle past the sacred heart manifested herself at this place bringing comfort so pilgrimage this year who involves us with her tenderness and we sing now mother of god our lady theotokos [Music] foreign [Music] oh foreign [Music] christina during the last four years we've been celebrating uh different anniversaries the 100th anniversary of the six apparitions in the two previous years actually just pre-dating covid and then last year we celebrated we had the 100th anniversary of the death of jacintas we had francisco before that and this year we have an anniversary as well and i don't think many people are all that familiar with it the uh seventh anniversary or the seventh apparition of our lady in fatima because in the very first one on may 13 1917 she had promised i want you to return here on the 13th of each month for the next six months and at the same hour i shall tell you who i am and what it is that i most desire and i shall return here for yet a seventh time and of course time lapsed from the end of the sixth apparition in october uh 1917. and uh lucia who had was was turning 11 or who had turned 11 uh went on with her life and of course with the uh exploration by the diocese of the events in the covetoria and she had committed to going to the school of the sisters of saint dorothy in villarre which is near oporto in the north of portugal and she was only 14 years of age at that time and she went down to pray on the 15th of june 1921 in the cova at the site of the apparitions and while she was there our lady appeared for the seventh time as she had promised and it was then that she uh urged lucia to follow her desire to dedicate herself wholly to god and so she urged her to do that and from there proceeded essentially the rest of lucia's life first as a border at the dorotheans and then as a member in the community and then finally by the satisfaction of her desire for a more contemplative life to go to the car carmel the order of discounts carmelites nuns and their convent in cowimbra so in a way this was the kickoff of the the rest rest of her life the post apparition life although it it never really left her did he she did it she had to she contemplated that the mysteries involved in the apparitions and the sayings of our lady and the mysteries of god himself and her the rest of her life and it's interesting that um the care of god through our lady for each individual soul you know that she appeared six times to give us all this message of prayer and penance to end the war at that time to bring peace to the world and for our own conversion and also then this individual very pointed specific apparition for lucia herself on her vocation which just exemplifies the care that um you know they care for each individual's soul that our lady should come down from heaven for that and there have been also other instances in the history so i guess we need to be attentive um maybe our lady might not appear to us for eyes to see but certainly by grace if we're in the state of grace or even you know great sinners like saint paul was struck by our lord so for us to be attentive to those let's say quote-unquote apparitions our own individual ones where our lord is calling us to something specific yeah that's that's really so true and we tend to forget that because we tend to think of well our lord came to save me and that's a good thought uh or a lady came in order to make sure that my salvation is completed and fulfilled and that that is all very true but our lord came and saved us because of the corporate fall of mankind in adam uh and so he saves us as a people and he gave the example of that at israel he gives the example of that in the visible church with peter as its head that he established to be that society that ecclesia of of the redeemed of god but yet each one of us is there as an individual loved individually and personally and so our lady in her role uh assisting him in her the continuation of that redemptive mission here in the church also does that she loves us all she sees us all to be with her in heaven as our lord himself does but she also loves us individually and gives us an individual care organization says there are more than 20 groups pilgrim groups from portugal from the different dioceses in portugal those those groups people have come walking to the shrine from people [Music] from rome actually in portuguese buddies the architects and librarians for the vatican libraries are knowledgeable that makes you mental [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yes oh [Music] r christina we have a visiting prelate today eating the celebration with dom antonio i believe he's a cardinal from rome is he not uh the main celebrant is joseph tolentino joseph from rome and he's the archivist and librarian at the vatican libraries so the secret libraries we hear about they're supposed to hide all the world's information that's nobody's supposed to know about [Music] as a fellow bookworm i would love to be able to get in and see those but we shall probably never have the chance [Music] it's a beautiful statue that sister lucia had a role in directing its creation and carving as the mass begins the celebrant incensing the the holy image of the blessed virgin as he will the altar representing christ the gospel book which is the word of god given to us over many centuries for our guidance and salvation and all the holy things that have been given over to the service of god that we might rise like the incense in our hearts filled with love to the lord and our prayers might rise up from this sacrifice and appeal to god for the graces for the world that are so needed today as in in every day and every time [Music] you no mean apartheid and speak in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit [Music] peace the lord be with you of the spanish language the lord be with you and now the pilgrims will be greeted in their own language the lord be with you to our beloved english-speaking pilgrims the lord be with you [Music] hi [Music] we now have a surprise let us prepare ourselves and pay attention the holy father is going to direct francis francis is going to direct us a message thank you for coming to visit the blessed virgin thank you for keeping in your hearts this desire to be close to the blessed mother and to ask our lady to intercede for the whole world and for each one of us your family your country portugal for all the people who are suffering from this pandemic so many people have lost their work their their dear ones so much poverty and misery that this pandemic is causing momentum this is a moment for prayer and that the blessed mother with her heart of the mother is going to accompany us let us not forget that we have a mother that she loves us do not go distant yourself from in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit bless you and please pray for me [Music] thanks be to gods and fasting let us acknowledge your sins prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries i confess almighty god and to my brothers and sisters that i have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done and what i have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grieving fault therefore i ask the blessed mary of the virgin all the angels and saints and you my brothers and sisters who pray for me to the lord our god almighty god have mercy on us forgive us your sins and bring us to everlasting life lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy [Music] christmas [Music] kids hey [Music] glory to god in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will we praise you we bless you we adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for your great glory lord god heavenly king o god almighty father lord jesus christ only begotten son lord god lamb of god son of the father you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us you take away the sins of the world receive our prayer you are seated at the right hand of the father have mercy on us for you alone are the holy one you alone are the lord you alone are the most high jesus christ with the holy spirit in the glory of god the father amen r [Music] jesus is [Music] is [Music] adam had eaten of the tree the lord god called to the man and asked him where are you he answered i heard you in the garden but i was afraid because i was naked so i hid myself then he asked who told you that you were naked and of course is so that's the story of the of eden and the woman whose adam says the woman told me to eat gave me to eat what the serpent tricked her into eating so that's the fall of humanity and now we're going to read about the redemption the response tree is from judith you are the you are the highest honor of our race [Music] you are the highest honor of our race before i respond blessed are you daughter by the most high god above all the women on earth and blessed be the lord god the creator of heaven and earth [Music] you are the highest honor of our race [Music] your deed of hope will never be forgotten by those who tell of the might of god mankind will never forget your deed and will we call it for eternity you are the highest honor of our race [Music] you have saved saved our raise from humiliation and you continue walking before the face of god you are the highest honor of our race the second reading is taken from the book of revelation of jerusalem in portuguese what the reading will be and uh a short synopsis of the reading and here is the reading from the former heaven and the former earth had passed away and the sea was no more i also saw the holy city a new jerusalem coming down of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband i heard a loud voice from the throne saying behold god's dwelling is with a human race he will dwell with them and they will be his people and god himself will always be with them as their god and there shall be no more death or mourning wailing or pain for the old order has passed away the one who sat on the throne said behold i make all things new the word of the lord in portuguese spanish english as we'll hear an english reading i will not uh [Music] i [Music] bye blessed be the virgin mary uh [Music] unfortunately i can't understand what the choir is saying [Music] i believe it's you are blessed a holy virgin mary you are most worthy of all praises because of you the son of justice has risen christ our lord so the book of the gospels clad in silver to show how precious is the word of god is raised up and will now be read by the deacon the lord be with you and with your spirit [Music] reading from the holy gospel according to john glory to you o lord he honors the book of the gospels by incensing it [Music] m [Music] my [Music] is [Music] so standing by the cross of jesus were his mother and his mother's sister mary the wife of clopas and mary magdalene when jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to the disciple behold your mother and from that hour the disciple took her into his home [Music] casa standing by the cross of jesus where his mother and his mother's sister mary the wife of clopas and mary of magdala when jesus saw his mother and the disciple that whom he loved he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to the disciple behold your mother and from that howard the disciple took her into his home you know [Music] the word of the lord praise to you jesus christ people are not invited to sit to listen to the homily by cardinal joseph cardinal joseph valentino cardinal joseph tolentian dear apostolic nuncio here brothers bishops and archbishops portuguese from portugal and my dear pilgrims the gospel today is very short only three verses two verses three presenting the personages among these people focuses on the mother and the who loved the disciples of the process what the evangelist proposes here is that we move from the general to the that we can hear what is being said by the crucified one an indestructible covenant of love is being established [Music] into an occasion to rekindle life jesus does not accept that fatalism on the contrary in the supreme hour of crisis he continues to push history forward future perspectives to inscribe god's future in the troubled historical present time of humanity to give hope to those who are weary and oppressed to take upon himself and with what compassion all the wounds to seek and restore what was declared as being lost but the actual release is the one that love operates in us love is truer more prophetic the most necessary release from confinement from lockdown that is why stripped of everything jesus does not cease to enrich us with the gift of himself with his arms tied to the cross beams he never ceases to come closer to us and to embrace it muted by suffering he nevertheless continues to rekindle hope and life jesus transforms and teaches how to transform crises into laboratories of hope we are rightly called to praise the lord who lifts up the feeble historical community crossroads of history which we are to coincide solely with a concern for the material expression of life no doubt it's urgent we urgently need to supply food and this demanding task which is essentially one of economic reconstruction must unite and mobilize our society we do not live without bread but we cannot live only on bread the deepest moments of christ have always been overcome by infusing a new soul proposing paths of interior transformation and spiritual reconstruction of our common life this was the message of fatima in that distant year of 1917 [Music] as the world was plunged into the first chemical war in history and one of the deadliest [Music] what did the virgin add to humanity through this little shepherds prayer penance and conversion it is curious that in the same year of the apparition a great european philosopher max sheller reflected on the need to rebuild european civilization and propose pools very similar to those of fatima he said that the cultural reconstruction of europe would only be possible if the various nations facing the tragedy of war assumed the need for a common penance a common repentance through common sacrifice capacity 1943 sensing the need for a spiritual that would enable europe to rise from the devastation of the second world war philosophers wrote the to a declaration of duties lord mankind insisted insisting that human needs are physical the need for food social protection housing health care to deprive men of the food necessary for the life of the soul 39 years ago pope john paul ii presided at this eucharist to thank divine providence in this place which the mother of god seems to have chosen in a particular way that his life had been spared in the attack in saint peter's square in rome and he said the message of our lady of fatima is a motherly one it is also strong and decisive [Music] it's as if john the baptist were speaking at the banks of the church her care extends to every individual of our time and to all the societies nations and people and the multifaceted global crisis that it has triggered also represent an immense challenge for the contemporary world to be reborn even more responsible in the search for the fire this requires an extra tool resonate with great acuity in the present time where are you and what have you done this is also called review of the past that we have that we have traveled so far make a kind of inner assessment that evaluates our lifestyle the models of development and the nature of the choices that have unforgettable extraordinary moment of prayers our here is your mother it opens up to unforeseen an occasion for closure but for opening not a moment for focusing on what we have lost but we're looking with new eyes as those poseidons those who are closest to us here is level of death and it is brotherhood this is what pope children but all as brothers a new heaven and you earth god dwelling among us and wiping away everything no more death or mourning or crying or pain it can only be a dream the world exhausted by the epidemic still going on which requires each one of us to be villages vigilant and responsible it's not only thirsty for normality who are preparing feel that the future depends on the quality and consistency of your dreams i want to tell you that i feel not only close and austere that we have come here restless and that mary fulfilled in us with what mercy unforgettable sweetness the command of love that she received from jesus of our humanity feebleness and weakness [Music] [Music] now the recitation of the creed i believe in one god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible i believe in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god born of the father before all ages god from god light from light true god from true god begotten not made consubstantial with the father through him all things were made for us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven and by the holy spirit he was incarnate of the virgin mary and became man [Music] foreign oh we have [Music] god [Music] this is [Music] hey [Music] for our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end i believe in the holy spirit the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son who the father and the son is adored and glorified who has spoken through the prophets i believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church i confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and i look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come is we [Music] oh [Music] foreign oh [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oremos [Music] foreign [Music] for the congregations and movements of marion inspiration in a special way for those born of the fatih fatima event that they may carry out their mission in docility to the spirit following the example of our lady of the rosary [Music] oreos foreign [Music] foreign [Music] third dimension in unsaram land and in the kansan wealth for foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign for this [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] senor [Music] you [Music] as the mass continues we see the preparation of the gifts of the elements the bread and the wine which will be consecrated to become the body and blood of our lord jesus christ [Music] really truly and substantially god and man for our salvation in the sacrifice of the eucharistic prayer and for our reception and the tremendous grace and privilege of holy communion and for our adoration in the tabernacle in the catholic churches everywhere in the world where he continues until the end of time to remain with us and with the church as he accompanies us on the path of salvation he himself began in israel 2000 years ago see the municiparium holding hosts which will be distributed to the congregation in the square during holy communion christina the the cardinal noted the 40th anniversary of the assassination attempt of john paul the second it's hard to uh hard to forget that since uh unlike the fatima events many of us alive today were alive during on that occasion and were shocked by the attempt on his life [Music] of course he took that as the sign of a connection with our lady of fatima occurring on his feast day as it did as he was recovering he called for the statue of fatima to be brought to his uh to his sick room to his hospital room and he formed the plan to consecrate the world with a special mention of those nations in need of consecration meaning thereby obtusely but quite openly uh the nation of russia which had adopted soviet communism and he fulfilled that together with the bishops of the world in march of 1984 march 25th so it really kicked off 40 years ago today another series of events that in one sense closed the chapter of the message of fatima the prophecy of the attack on the bishop in white and the attack on the church that that would represent and left open what the question of what other attacks might be made against popes and against the church generally in our day and of course we continue to see as history has shown that the church representing christ will always be a target for those who hate god and hate christ [Music] i the deacon incenses the people the those holding the baptismal priesthood together with the celebrants with the consecrated priests the ministerial priests offer our own lives sacrifices with the sacrifice of christ being offered to the father here today of course as we heard in the gospel christine our lady standing at the foot of the cross pray brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father may the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his holy church through the sacrifice of reconciliation and praise that we offer you on this feast of the blessed virgin mary mercifully forgive us lord our sins and orient our hearts in the way of sanctity and peace for jesus christ your son our lord who lives and reigns with thee in the unity of the holy spirit [Music] the lord be with you and with your spirit lift up your hearts we lift them up to the lord [Music] let us give thanks to the lord our god it is right and just [Music] lord holy father eternal and omnipotent god it is truly our duty it is our salvation to give thanks always and everywhere and exalt your infinite goodness as you celebrate the feast of the blessed virgin mary receiving your word in her immaculate heart she merited to conceive him in her virginal bosom and giving birth to the creator of the universe prepare the birth and she received all men as her children by the death of christ generated for eternal for the coming of the holy spirit associating herself by the prayers of the disciples she has become an admirable model she became an admirable model of the church in prayer raised to the glory of heaven the church still on pilgrimage on earth watches with maternal love mercifully protecting your steps on the way to the heavenly homeland while she awaits for the glorious coming of the lord so with the angels and the saints we proclaim your glory singing in one voice [Music] holy holy holy lord god of hosts heaven and earth are full of your glory hosanna in the highest blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord hosanna in the highest foreign god [Music] we believe this will be the second eucharistic prayer you are indeed holy oh lord the fountain of all holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall so that they may become for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it [Music] this is the chalice of my blood of the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me and now the mysterium fide the mystery of faith proclaim your death o lord and profess your resurrection until you come again therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection we offer you lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be here in your presence and ministers to you we pray that partaking of the body and blood of christ we may be gathered into one by the holy spirit remember lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together with francis our pope and antonio our bishop and all the clergy [Music] kills remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy welcome them into the light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the blessed virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with the blessed apostles and all the saints who please you throughout the ages we may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son jesus christ through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever [Music] i [Music] to the savior's command and formed by the divine teaching we dare to say [Music] our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil [Music] amen [Music] my deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may always be free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom the power and the glory of yours now and forever lord jesus christ who has said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign for ever and ever peace of the lord be always with you and with your spirit [Music] the car sings the agnes day lamb of god you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us lamb of god you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us lamb of god you take away the sins of the world grant us peace r [Music] so [Music] me [Music] happier behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world lord i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed yes remain ether those who want to receive holy communion should give a a clear sign um a clear sign to the communion ministers so that they may approach [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] it's very good christina to see so many pilgrims comparison with last year we mentioned this earlier [Music] sort of been our our theme in our commentary today the the nature of communion of the church the nature of the communion of the trinity as three persons in one god human beings united in our common nature the church united all people in their redeemed nature as the prophet spoke of all nations streaming into zion representing the call of all peoples of all races of all ethnicities all nations into christ into the church and this is not a beautiful moment when most of all in korean and through christ we are united in holy communion with him and with each other with the communion of the saints and it's the goal to which all of life is directed to eternity with god in communion with with all others at least redeemed humanity and those in union with god and we see that so exemplified today and in the message of fatima [Music] is seems to be raining today but it's not october october is when the rain fell you know as the people found on that date back in 1917 yes well from the little over a year that i lived in fatima i'm trying to remember may can be very beautiful month there but you're high up in what's called the sarah these are like uh mountains maybe sort of like we have here in birmingham the uh the low end of the appalachians and so you can get uh quite surprising weather sometimes from rain and fog to bright clear sunny days it can be quite gorgeous there our lady of fatima we might remind our viewers is where the remains of the scent of all three separate children who saw our lady is now entombed are now entombed uh francisco jacinta and more recently during the three years of preparation for the world youth day in 2023 in lisbon the shrine posing as a theme mary bringer of joy and love a vessel of joy in our sufferings [Music] i think everybody should it sometime in their life if they're able make a pilgrimage to fatima uh and it sounds like 2023 would be a good year to do that especially if you're a young person to go as a group a parish group or diocesan group a national group to celebrate world youth day there where those events are always beautiful exciting for the youth who go there the opportunity to be with people from around the world the nation streaming into the church as it were the future of the church as well and to see the place of our lady uh here at fatima which is uh you know unless you've been there you can't you can see it on television you can pray the rosary and experience our lady's presence with you but there's something there's something about fatima that uh that is quite distinctive uh there is a an air of about it of penance a certain austerity and every marion shrine lourdes or guadalupe or loretto or any of them have us all have their own flavor if you will but i think fatima is sort of the shrine of the millennium in a way because it's pointed towards the end of the second millennium and the beginning of the third and how will we leave the second and enter the third and how will we live the third will we live it uh doing being prayerful doing penance uh serving our neighbor uh avoiding the either the collective thinking that governs so many today or the individualistic thinking that others live by in their daily life but rather in the community of man and in the community of the church to live with christ and our lady and each other uh facing towards god and seeking god and that's the invitation that fatima gives us [Music] going on pilgrimage to particular shrines each having their own flavor and it's very interesting that throughout the history of the first particularly in the apparitions of our lady that we as we are aware she often says she has often said i in fact the ones you mentioned guadalupe lords and fatima he said i want a church to be built here in this particular place um so you know going there's a mysterious reality about going on pilgrimage to these particular locations where our lady appeared and requested that you know trying to build her cursing bills and that people come on pilgrimage here or even you know processions he has asked for secession particularly in lures so these are mysteries we might not quite understand rationally but we in faith we perform them and the grace is abound through god's mercy [Music] well it's it's part of the incarnation isn't it and the way god chose to reveal himself through a people israel uh and israel has its shrine of shrines if you go to israel the place is the commemorated the tomb of rachel for example not too far from bethlehem the place of the temple the western wall it's because man is not a disembodied creature he has a soul but he's not disembodied we need concrete material signs and that's why we have a visible church that's why we use statues to to remind us of the mysteries of the communion of the saints and our relationship of man with god we have places where we visit whether it's the places of our lord in the holy land or whether it's to rome or lourdes or fatima or guadalupe or even a national shrine in the united states and there are quite a few of them we can go to the shrine of the blessed sacrament in hanceville certainly where mother angelica is interred these peop places remind us of the incarnational nature of christianity in the same way uh the church preserves the relics of the saint and the relics of holy places and holy things uh to remind us of the physicality of it all that we're not we're not angels that god save made us and saved us as human beings rational spirits in union with a physical body and so it is a beautiful mystery as you put it and it gives us a time to contemplate that and also to memorialize the places connected with our salvation the places which mary herself chose to make places of pilgrimage just as god chose nazareth to be coming incarnate and in bethlehem to be born in jerusalem to die during this week this week in all of the country we are celebrating and we're dedicating this week to pro-life to the theme of pro-life not [Music] the announcer invites us to sing along with the choir i came so that you might have life all in the statue they have shown uh the immaculate heart what might be the history behind that if any well it is one of the two that uh sister lucia had made i'm not sure which came first i believe the the one that people are used to to seeing with the rosary um the one here on the beer as we discussed last night and then there's the one with her immaculate heart because this is why when she first came she said god wishes to establish in the world to devotion to my immaculate heart and later on it would be said that this was to put devotion to this our lady on uh on a level with the devotion to the sacred heart not that they are equal in any real sense one is uh god one is creature but that there is just as we've been talking about a unity of the soul and the body that there is a unity of man and woman there is a unity of christ and his mother in effecting and carrying out the plan of salvation and so we can't disembody christ as it were by ignoring his mother on the other hand we can't exalt his mother over him or and make him make her equal to him either but that together in this unity the the plan of salvation unfolds through them obviously principally and essentially through christ but cooperatively through mary and so this is that great mystery and the symbols of the sacred heart as a symbol of the divine love incarnate and the immaculate heart the human love of a mother the human love of our lady and the human love you could say that we also bring to our relationship with god with christ with the father and the spirit uh all of these are symbolized in there because our lady is after all also a symbol of the church and we are the church we are we are the members of the church that with christ make up the mystical body uh and so a lot of things are wrapped in there and i think that like the devotion of the sacred heart revealed to saint margaret mary alachok in the 1700s the 17th century rather 1600s uh the this revelation and sort of giving of this image which in a way introduced a new symbol into the church but not one unknown in the church but at the same time has led to deeper thinking on this mystery in this relationship of mother and son and drawing out of the the wineskins of the faith something new that'll go on and theologians and the church in the magisterium is constantly turning this over in contemplation and so beautiful we have many reasons to praise god even in a situation of suffering with a pandemic let us keep our faith our hope that this time will pass away the people who are doing this work with a choir the canticle of mary from the gospel of luke she gives praise to god for her grace of being the mother of jesus [Music] my soul magnifies the lord oh you will see [Music] my soul proclaims the greatness of the lord my spirit rejoices in god my savior for he had looked upon his hand many slowliness behold from now on all ages will call me blessed the mighty one has done great things in me and holy in his name his mercy is from age to age to those who fear him he has shown light with his arm dispersed the arrogance of mind and heart he has thrown down the rulers from their thrones that lifted up the bones the hunger he has filled with good things the rich he has since we've entered he has helped israel his servants remembering his mercy according to some fathers to abraham and to his descendants forever let us pray senor that the sacrament that we have received will bring us to everlasting life those who proclaim the blessed virgin mary mother of your son and mother of the church through who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit god world without him the lord who has been present in the blessed sacrament and has given him let us pray my god i love i adore referring to one of the prayers of fatima [Music] taught by the angel i believe i believe lucia wrote the music for it actually i read this recently this traditional music [Music] r my god i believe i adore i hope and i love you now i ask pardon for those who do not [Music] believe [Music] oh reminds me that little francisco would go into the church and hide in the confessional so he wouldn't be seen and pray the angel prayers for a very long time hidden away there and the parish priest discovered him [Music] adoring god making consul consoling jesus in the blessed sacrament [Music] in fact our lady announced to the children that jacinta and francisco would be taken to heaven very soon so he would he thought well why go to school i'll just stop at church and be with our lord the whole day long and that's what he did a kind of holy hooky i guess but i'm not sure that uh education was necessarily as formal in portugal in those days in the rural poor areas [Music] in which jesus is present in the holy eucharist we see how god wants to be so close to you wants to be with you personally [Music] there are no barriers of time or space neither the the contingencies of this pandemic can keep him from is already a beautiful witness of the desire that you bring in your heart to be with and meet with jesus and our lord that you have to listen to the word of god in the words that are being addressed to you by this alone you are all ready giving a great example of trust and hope in the maternal and paternal love of god in our day more than ever the world needs your witness of faith hope and charity your faith is not simple it doesn't ignore the suffering that we contemplate this mystery of suffering your hope is not superficial but comes from the step of your heart as one who says to the lord looking him at his foot into [Music] an effort [Music] your life therefore is a sign of god to the world a god who reveals himself in an eloquent way through your face many times your life entrusted into the hands of the creator in whom we all depend on brothers and sisters and not to just fall into that illusion of self-sufficiency which is known as the altar of the world we present together to the lord your requests your prayers perhaps a desire for a cure or searching for a peace of heart who asked her to pray for an intention our lady is so good certainly she will give you the grace you asked for it based on this trust never forgot to ask to pray for that soldier who came to request that grace united in prayer for the intercessions of saints every perhaps the greatest grace that we can receive that you can receive your brother and sister is to feel inside of your heart the joy of being called and looked into the eyes by our lord and our lady a refuge in your heart for him and to lucia who on may 13 1917 hearing that beautiful lady more brilliant than the sun saying that she was from the from the heavens she had such a wonderful joy in her heart that filled her with love she said she felt that nothing could separate her from this lady that the contemplation of jesus present in the holy eucharist may bring this certainty that he has already conquered the world with his resurrection and that there is nothing that can separate you from the love of god and from the blessed mother to whom you can attach yourself with great confidence and filial love [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh he has this customary every um mass on the 13th is followed by the benediction by benediction especially of the people the sick people who have gathered that the ill those who are ill who are gathered there to the side a special blessing for them and in fact looking at the altar here to your left there is a a a flat area sort of part of the bronchia or arms of the basilica that go to the right to the right and our left as we're looking at it to a hospital and on the right side around to the pastoral center for the bishops and visiting clergy and so the sick are brought to fatima for these events and gather here on the side of the altar and there is the eucharistic blessing as you mentioned christina and from time to time uh there are miracles that occur just as occur at loretto just as occur at lourdes at loretto they also occur in the context of eucharistic benediction whereas in lourdes we think of the famous bats here in fatima it is eucharistic benediction as well and uh i recall from 1982 i had occasion to be here in fatima it was the pope john paul ii had come to give thanks for his being saved from salvation from being the assassination attempt on his life and during his eucharistic blessing of the sick i believe it was a woman in porto in the north of portugal o porto as the portuguese call it who was watching the event on television who was healed and so whether locally or through the means of media god works his miracles just as christ did during his life to affirm the message that he spoke and which sacrament and adore him catholics believe that through the miracle of consecration that christ is really truly and substantially present and so as saint thomas aquinas tells us in the great hymn our senses teach us one thing but our faith teaches us another that here is christ the people are invited to incline their heads to receive the blessing [Music] and the beloved hymn by saint thomas aquinas down in adoration falling though the sacred hosts behave though or ancient forms departing newer rites of grace prevail faith for all defects supplying where the feeble senses fail [Music] to the everlasting father and the son who reigns on high with the spirit blessed proceeding forth from each eternally the salvation honor blessing might and endless majesty [Music] [Music] may our worship of the sacrament of your body and blood help us to experience the salvation you want for us and the peace of the kingdom where you live with the father and the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen now the cardinal will give the blessing which by a decision of uh pius the uh 11th when the invention of radio blessings are received by the viewers and listeners on radio and tv through the internet uh of course a newer invention when received live so if you are watching live then you two are being blessed whether it's the mass the blessing of the mass or this eucharistic blessing if you are watching on tape you are not but you can devoutly attend to christ present in the blessed blessed sacrament may the divine praises blessed be god blessed be his holy name blessed be jesus christ true god and true man blessed be the name of jesus blessed be his most sacred heart blessed be his most precious blood blessed be jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar blessed be the holy spirit the paraclete blessed be the great mother of god mary most holy blessed be her holy and immaculate conception blessed be her glorious assumption blessed be the name of mary virgin and mother blessed be saint joseph her most chaste spouse blessed be god in his angels and in his saints [Music] we are worthy to receive all glory honor and praise glory glory glory to the lord throughout the ages [Music] religious objects you might have with you and direct a final word to us let us sincere piety of the faithful through the intercession of the blessed virgin mary and the saints jacinta and francisco dain to bless these religious objects help your servants your humble and grant that by taking these symbols of faith and piety with them they may transform themselves or be transformed into the image of your son who is god with you in the unity of the holy spirit brothers and sisters these final words point out two very significant anniversaries crowning of the image of our lady that is venerated in the little chapel of the apparition may 13th 1946 [Music] [Music] a title given by pius the 12. so with this title nuclear message of fatima peace our lady brought here peace to the whole world and with this anniversary another one is associated with the 40th anniversary of the attempt affirmed [Applause] of our happiness and [Music] my dear brothers and sisters having before us keeping before us this reflection he said to her children her pilgrim children you are my crown you my dear pilgrims my children you are my crown yes you are the most beautiful and most precious crown of our lady and the jewels on this crown are your lives your stories of love generosity help to others solidarity toward others as well as your lives and your stories marked by by sufferings weaknesses she's a queen with the heart of a mother mother of consolation and hope [Music] as was offered to us to contemplate and meditate upon and live this consolation and hope through the words of the message [Music] our spiritual life and our common life the small world of our hearts for be it the heart of the [Music] [Music] very close collaborator to the holy father i will ask your thank you which is when you arrive in rome to the holy father for the message the affectionate message that we remember him and we follow him with the support of our prayers and now huh my dear little from [Music] i will my dear pilgrims of the portuguese language thank you that we have taken here and of course dinner now and now that we may make a consecration to our lady [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] the choir thing all yours go to studios mary saint john paul ii's motto and he chose that because as a young man he had consecrated his life to jesus through mary says no finale announcer just asked the pilgrims not to come close to to approach the procession as it exits from the altar and invites all to proceed slowly and in an orderly fashion to the exits [Music] go in peace thanks be to god [Music] oh [Music] we only have a couple minutes left in our coverage which i've been ably assisted as usual by christina gorgeous uh thank you christina for your usual splendid translating on the fly as you do i don't have your gifts for languages thank you it's a pleasure a lady is being carried out in the rain but rain is a sign of grace and many people take it that way as a blessing and not as a curse blessing for crops and spiritually a blessing blessing from the lord [Music] so as we come to an end of another uh fatima 13th anniversary we look forward to october and our coverage of that event as well i'm colin donovan vice president for theology here at ewtn joined as i mentioned by christina borges and we thank you for watching us uh you can certainly watch the replays of this liturgy on ewtn today and tell others that it's available to them as well god bless and may our lady bring you closer to her son our lord jesus christ you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 5,564
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: hld, hld00016, ytsync-en
Id: W6aXC16VTI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 3sec (9123 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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