Holy Cross 4x4 Trail, BUCKET LIST level EXTREME

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[Music] all right good morning everyone i am here in frisco colorado today getting ready to go to a pretty fun trail it should be pretty interesting i'm going to attempt to go do holy cross city trail down here in colorado which is supposed to be one of the top two or top at least top five hardest trails in in colorado i've got the uh truck and jeeps loaded up just gonna put it up with some final stuff now i definitely would not suggest doing what i'm doing i'm going at it alone uh because i've always wanted to do this and i'd have to wait another year for the snow to melt and everything if i want to do it next year but i do have other trails planned for backup in case i can't meet this but i still at least want to go check it out and uh see what it shows so hope you guys follow along here i hope you like what you see and as always let's hit the road let's go do this all right all right guys so i made it to the parking area of the holy cross area trail that i'm going to attempt to go on i want to stress attempt because i honestly don't know if i'm going to be able to complete this trail but i'm not going to know unless i give a try i just got to make sure i don't don't push myself take it easy look at the steps look at the tracks pick my lines and we'll go from there as always i've got the gps running to show me the trail and mark my way and i got my fun tricks book which i've got the updated version now so everything in here should be good and yeah trucks parked locked up i think we're good to go let's go exploring let's go hit this place up and see what's out here and see if i can complete it if not i've got some other backup trails that we can go do so but uh i want to give this a whirl so let's go all right we are on the holy cross trail let's uh see what it looks like i have no with turning around if it's uh beyond my capabilities but i still want to go check it out see what it looks like see how far i can get and uh yeah just kind of see how the day goes let's take it step by step all right let's go [Music] so [Music] made it up to the end of the one way so from here on the book says that if you can't handle that then you're not gonna be able to handle this look says it up ahead it gets way way worse but when i come back down or if i have to turn around i can't go that way i'll have to go this way this is actually a four service row and i can actually see it's like diesel trucks and whatnot that probably just drove up a dirt road so that's okay so that'll that'll work for coming out but i really would like to at least get up to french creek today and uh attempt the water crossing i think that'd be pretty cool i've already decided right now that if i do make it all the way up there i am not gonna even attempt cleveland rock i'm an idiot i'm i'll take risks but that one just seems too much and uh so i gotta i gotta set the boundary so if i can come back here with some friends or peeps or like that i'll attempt that but let's not get ahead of myself i still gotta make it all the way up i might not even make it that far so all right but just want to give you guys a trail update made it to the one way i'm gonna keep going [Music] so the book was not kidding when it said that this trail would be busy so there's a group of was it four or five jeeps just ahead of me and then so i let them go in front of me because i'm gonna be you know super slow just by myself and filming and whatnot enjoying the scenery and i look behind me and what do i see another group of jeeps so i guess this is what i get for coming here on a saturday but having said that that could probably end up being a good thing because now i'm not by myself so if anything happens there there are other people whether they'll help or not well that's another story but at least they're other people so all right so my goal is to just keep continuing on here at least until i get to french creek i would love love to do that water crossing if i could so all right fingers crossed i always love it when we start getting up past the tree line and seeing the uh the alpines of the mountains [Music] [Music] [Music] so just made it up uh this thing right here this wasn't too challenging this part over here this one seemed to get me i uh didn't see how sharp this ledge was right here and hit that hit my bumper right there i'm like oh so i just backed up and i was able to get it up here so not too bad mine are little my little hiccups but just scratches on the bumper that's it all right that's so far pretty good i think the only other major crossing is going to be or the french creek crossing and that one i am a little worried about i was looking at the boulders on that one and i don't know so we'll see we'll go from there let's go check it out it's a fun fun day wheeling with everybody here [Music] so just kicked it right out hey he might be in a good spot though he might be he's on yeah skid plate a little bit but it might pull it just try to ease forward a little just like that walk her on through there do you want to come this way a little quite a bit this way actually you're good you're good thank you got a guys drive guys i was literally just getting ready to call it quits i was gonna give it one more shot i busted out the uh the traction mats there and that actually bridged a lot of the gaps for the rocks for me to get through you can check out exactly what i just went through drone's still recording too so but uh holy crap man that was that was hardcore and we're pretty much done there's not too much more ahead of us matt confirms that so yeah what a fun and exciting day luckily these guys uh kind of adopted me into their group and uh they've been spotting me and helping and i've been trying to help them so hopefully we'll keep going from here but all right we are almost to the very end of the trail and also the uh the ghost town which is what i want to see so all right peace [Music] guys we are so close to the end of the trail it is been amazing i cannot wait to get there i can almost see it maybe not almost see it but i know it's right up ahead i'm looking at it on the map so but thank you i guess bighorn jeep club of denver for uh keeping this place open and keeping it running oh yeah dude right now keep on keeping on i keep saying it every time and i never do i need a lift but i'm still making it so check this out all right let's keep going almost there almost there just keep driving just keep driving nuts there you go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so guys we did it we made it to the whole abandoned city of holy cross over 130 years old and uh well don't f it up don't be a d-bag check that out dude and uh from the uh the video footage from the drone you probably i flew it over i'll fly it over again and get a little bit better shot for you guys but i definitely want to go check it out and so far i haven't broken the jeep so that's that's always a plus i still got to get out of here so there's still always time to break something but doggo more doggos so this has been a pretty epic trip this uh this trail has been on my bucket list for oh god a couple years so i'm glad i was able to make it out here thank you to the thank you to the crew that's adopted me today i appreciate it i wouldn't have been able to make it through the uh the french creek if it wasn't for those guys so they helped spot me and lay down some traction mats and get me through and uh yeah this has been fun this is the gentleman that spotted me thank you very very very much sir i do appreciate it you don't mind if i put you on the internet do you okay i always just want to make sure before i do that so yeah they got some sweet ass rigs i love it yeah probably i don't know how many ponies mine has probably 36 maybe who knows but all right let's continue exploring guys let's go check out the uh the abandoned ruins here you know i'm sure some people say that once you've seen one abandoned town or structure you've probably seen them all and that may be true but i still can't get over them i think they are so amazingly awesome especially when you think that like i just i have a pretty modified jeep and that was rough as hell to get up here man and to think once again old timers are just oh we're just coming up here building this you know whatever right i mean seriously what's left the abandoned structures of holy cross and someone was living in this in the wintertime holy crap super super pretty out here dude i could not have asked for a better day too this is awesome check out the field behind me it's kind of crazy that this would be here but can only imagine how many winters this thing has seen look at that jeez so all right well let's go back let's get a snack formulate a plan and see what uh i guess uh my new newly made friends here are gonna do and then we'll go from there so i'll keep updating you guys thanks for following along also if you've made it this far just like every other youtube go ahead and hit that like button comment share subscribe show it to your friends give it to your mother give it to your father everyone okay because i need it all right guys [Music] [Music] there it is guys we made it all the way back down man was that fun there was definitely some gnarly gnarly spots on there but that was freaking awesome i had a blast i'm so glad i came down here today all right guys so we made it to the very end of holy cross city trail it was an absolute blast i loved it we're on the forest service road now that's leading me back to the the main road back to the campground so it was a fantastic day i got absolutely gorgeous drone footage some awesome pictures of me wheeling it's been an awesome day that that group that helped spot me through a lot of a lot of different things and kind of fit me kind of adopted me into the group so i wouldn't be alone so if you guys are watching this which i hope you guys subscribe to my channel thank you guys very very much you guys all know who you are would not have been able to make it through french creek without you guys so thank you very much for that anyways i'm gonna head back into frisco love the jeep up once i get back to the truck but i want to thank you guys for following me on this adventure this has been an absolute blast i loved it this trail has been on my bucket list for a while thank you guys for watching do not forget to like comment share and subscribe if you like these videos and even if you don't like i said it's good for you just do it alright guys i will see you next time on my next adventure and we'll see whatever that may be deuces
Channel: Code Brown Productions
Views: 85,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bEZ7mxDzQWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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