Greatest Off Road Destination in America!

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wow [Music] what's up life right nation hey guys welcome to the channel so we are gonna do something a little bit different kind of sort of but not really but kind of than what we normally do right so we always get asked like what our favorite trails are where our favorite place to go is or places to go and really there's one place that always stands out we come back every year and we always spend time here and it never gets old it might not be like our number one if we sat down and think about it for a long hard while because the trails here for us at least and for our rig aren't necessarily challenging but in terms of beauty and just absolutely breathtaking views never it never gets old like the wonder of this place never gets older we've been here half a dozen plus times in just the last couple of years yeah i mean like she said the beauty the wonder never gets old it's kind of like waking up next to my wife here every morning it's never corny morning that's actually really sweet i'm not mad about that stephen and i have it on camera so so the thing is is there there's a couple little challenging things but going off-roading isn't always just about challenging it's about the people you're with and the experiences and just the the the the feel here is just so wonderful and we actually came here this time for a vacation from the vacation that is our life just kevin and i although we didn't realize that there is a cheap event this week we arrived but it's fine we've met a lot of people a lot of fans in the last couple days and we weren't planning on filming a video because it's supposed to be kind of a relaxing vacation but i i just can't help it we've done videos here before and this time i wanted to do something a little bit different and this isn't going to be less about the wheeling and just more about the views and kind of a travel vlog sort of thing for us to prove to you guys that if this isn't on your bucket list it absolutely needs to be yeah no you have to come here if you're going on a vacation you're not sure where to go you this is where you let's just tell them we're dragging this on yeah so where are we we're in colorado and you're a telluride area the san juans and this is absolutely an iconic wheeling location yeah and they don't call this the switzerland of america for nothing yeah it literally like we you know we just went to europe we've been to switzerland we've been to switzerland i mean it's a different kind like it but it's there like it's just so it's just as beautiful it really is just kind of a different way but not i you just have to come here like every time i come here i feel like a different person i feel like alive and just so happy and just i don't know and you hear people talking especially people that have been here for the first time and people like found their new most favorite destination in the world usually moab is a lot of people's go-to today we're going to show you that this needs to be on your list as well if you're ever wheeling in the air if you're ever in colorado even if it's just to drive through not even to hit any of the trails which by the way i think there's five jeep bags of honor trails there's a ton of iconic areas a ton of beautiful sights even if you're just driving through it's absolutely worth the detour so sit back relax today we're hitting black bear pass all the way into telluride and then from kelly ride we're gonna hit ivan pass all the way back into uran and i just want to show you the views [Music] now black bear pass is actually a relatively easy trail but it can be very intimidating especially [Music] if you're afraid of heights there are a lot of shelf roads and a lot of drop-offs and if you are not paying attention the consequences can be deadly so it's absolutely a trail where you need to be focused on where your wheels are being placed because if you don't it's a long way down so if you want to look at the views because they are absolutely breathtaking especially if you're driving come to a complete stop admire the view keep rolling when you're ready to look at the trail again but we finally made it to the most iconic part of this trail which is the switchbacks which lead you nearly straight down into telluride and again it's one of those things where just you'll be fine if you're paying attention [Music] now also keep in mind that the weather can play a vital role on the difficulty level of any of the trails in this area especially on black bear while you're going down these switchbacks if it's raining if it's snowing the trail gets a lot slippier and you absolutely want to keep an eye out for rock slides mudslides stuff like that it's happened in the past and it's just something to be aware of if you're new to this you're new to off-roading or again if you're afraid of heights or you're intimidated maybe make sure that you go on a day where the weather is a little bit nicer [Music] [Music] now the switchbacks as you can see they can be pretty tight if you're nervous you're unsure just make sure you have a spotter standing on that side to make sure you don't go too far but basically pull forward [Music] back up and you make it a three point four point five point six point twenty point turn whatever you need to do to comfortably and safely make that sharp turn all the way down it's very important too that you watch out for stuff like that as you're coming around again just make sure if you're uncomfortable or you're not sure you have someone outside of the vehicle spotting you through making sure that you're not getting too close to this edge here because again it is a very very long way down [Music] [Laughter] [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] so once we make it down into telluride there are a ton of awesome shops tons of food great pizza joints you can go actually there's a there's a little trail near the river that you can walk up and down it's super beautiful and even the gondola ride there's a gondola ride that takes you up to another side of the mountain which is super cool which is probably part of the ski resort and i think somebody's even said they have like downhill biking if you're into that kind of crazy stuff going down a ski slope on a on a on a bicycle uh but you can take the gondola ride up and really just everywhere here is super beautiful but basically take the time explore enjoy the town before you make it back over the mountain back into eureka which is what we're about to do and we're taking i'ma jeans back out right what's super cool is right is we're about to get on the trail slowly starting to rain which should make this really interesting and you'll see why as we show you more on this trail [Music] now the other thing that you have to keep in mind unlike black bear pass which once you get to the switchbacks it is a one-way trail that's it it's one direction one-way traffic imagine is zooey two-way and it is almost 100 shelf road from telluride up to the pass and so your uh your pullout game has to be strong you have to be able to you gotta people do this in a huge group so this is yeah well 13 land rover range rovers the point is pay attention about where the pull outs are because if you come on head on traffic you know what's closer if you can back up and pull off or if they need to back up and pull off or also if you can keep an eye really far out so that you know when stuff's coming and you can predict it and pull up well before you have a problem yeah [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] what's super cool on eye making if you look closely you can actually see the switchbacks on blackbear pass that we just came down earlier today which is pretty cool [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] now after you come over from telluride on homie jean over to yuri oh there's a beard look pick one squirrel squirrel that's a lot bigger than that so instead of going all the way into uray i recommend actually going up yankee boy basin because you're really close already and it's it's just super beautiful like there's no reason to skip it at that point honestly because you're basically yeah you just kind of cut off it's it only adds maybe another 20 30 minutes depending on how fast you're going but it's definitely worth it again every trail here has amazing views so it's a dead end so you'll come up you'll dead end yeah you know and then you come right back down and then back into your eyes laying on the beach with sunlight in my eyes laughing with my friends under the sky following our hearts so then we take a ride wherever i always try to let my [Music] that's the only way to get that high high [Music] always [Music] [Music] i am a needle who will push [Music] [Applause] so if you're wondering how we're finding all these trails and finding information about them we actually just started using onyx off-road so we've used i don't know we have like seven we have events and gaia and some ski slope app for off-roading i don't know but it's it's kind of a pain in the butt because there's so many and none of them have all the information so we've been scouring been looking and we finally were talking on x off road and we had no idea how intricate of a trail system they had on their map it's literally the entire everything across the united states and they're always adding more so this is what we're using right now getting ourselves familiar with it and it's working out pretty good i'll kind of show you the screen real quick so today we're gonna be doing poughkeepsie gulch and engineer pass so i just started typing in poughkeepsie i didn't really even know how to spell it i typed in pou and like it came up right there so i click on it and boom so technical rating 710 total time one hour and it gives you kind of everything on here you can click on it and get even more information overview and everything like that now what's also cool is you can hit nearby trails and it shows you a bunch of other trails and there is engineer pass as well so i can click on that and that gives you okay so that's a three hour time distance 20.6 miles and it gives you all the information there so it's pretty neat because it gives you it gives you elevation changes and everything like that as well so you can plan out fuel if you need to technical rating 4 out of 10 and it will tell you about it there's some photos and it goes over the rating and why it is what it is and how to get there so this is what we're doing today i wanted to really show you this as well so these are all the trail systems in the area and so you can literally just zoom out and go oh i want to go from where we're at now and make it all the way down to durango and take as many trails as i can and you can literally figure that out all on your own which is pretty freaking neat so that's what we're using now we're testing it out and seeing how we like it but so far i do love it um one thing you do have to make sure of is that you have to download your offline maps ahead of time and then once you lose service to be able to use that you actually have to click here and go to go offline and that will go in and go to your downloaded map so i've already downloaded everything i don't have to have i've downloaded the whole area see right there see all those squares so all those squares are the area that i've downloaded because that's where we're playing around in this week so once you lose service you won't have maps anymore if you didn't pre-download the area so that's a good idea to do right there so just five minutes south of yuri on 550 is the alpine loop which consists of a ton of just absolutely beautiful trails again everything in this area is beautiful but we really love this one because two of the trails it includes is engineer pass and poughkeepsie bulks which both again are cheap bags of honor trails and those are the two that we're doing today [Music] so we've never done the gypsy golds every time we've been here it's been closed it was closed due to like erosion then it was closed due to an avalanche and then it was closed because people decided to cut the gate go around when it wasn't open and then create illegal bypasses it was closed because there was avalanche to bring still ice and snow back and they were still trying to clear it and make it safe yeah and people literally cut the lock to the gate came on here went around through the alpine like tundra and and made illegal bypasses while damaging the trail and we did a video on that it made us very it made everybody very mad um and so it stayed closed even longer because of that but it's finally open it's our first time so we're going to be able to do it for the very first time and poughkeepsie gulch is known to be at least the hardest jeep badge of honor trail if not one of the hardest trails in this area but it's just one rock wall that's in reference though to like a stock jeep if you have a stock wrangler it is a difficult trail because there is an actual obstacle on this trail and we will show you that [Music] crap we gotta turn around so driving off-road is prohibited so clearly clearly we should not be here no i'm just kidding it just means stay the trail so [Music] so the signs that were at the bottom there obviously there is a split so if you're in a lesser built vehicle you can go a different route that doesn't take you here which is to the wall which is kind of a choose your own adventure sort of thing there's a lot of different lines you can take as you see it's been raining so it is super slick a little work keep going it's almost there warming the tires up there she goes there she goes yep back up perfect it's super slick you want to just bump up it [Music] so we tried to crawl it but obviously it's really slick so i'll just use the hemis [Music] so there's a ton of different lines here to choose from you can go far left you can kind of go up this way you can go up that side this is the easiest looking line the problem is is that as your driver tire climbs here it's gonna lean you into this so if you don't have doors you don't have windows like this guy no longer has windows there's glasses all in here because people try going this way they slide and so definitely keep weather in mind if you're doing poughkeepsie and you're going up the wall three out of the four rigs behind us had to winch up so it definitely when it's rainy it is slick slit have a winch oh yes absolutely you can't make it up like i mean i mean you can you've got to send it you're going to break something you're either going to make no even if it's not what that is slick but i'm telling you if it was dry it'd be way more doable yes but have a winch because either you're gonna you're either gonna make it you're gonna break something or you're gonna flip or you're gonna wing chap well you that's why i said have a wave [Music] so [Music] so we're making our way over to engineer pass via california pass from poughkeepsie gulch and as you can see it has started raining slash hailing super teeny teeny teeny tiny little guys for now these big tiny like hopefully they stay tiny but we are at a super high elevation and the weather can be extremely temperamental yeah so fast it changes fast as you can see quick but yeah definitely make sure that you check the weather before you go on any trails just in case industrial inclement weather you're staying within your comfort zone [Music] all right so we've made it back over to engineer pass now to get up to the top there are some somewhat narrow shelf road switchbacks so you definitely have to pay very close attention up ahead of you to see who's coming down who's coming up either direction to make sure that you're pulling off or you're waiting at the top or the bottom for people to come down or up that way because passing on the switchback themselves is not always easy or possible yeah we just talked to a ranger a minute ago and he said there was a side by side or utv that that went off and he didn't he didn't make it so again it's just one of those things anytime switchbacks or any type drop-offs are involved just pay attention that's all it really takes is just focusing on the trail if you do need to look at the view if you want to take everything in just come to a complete stop [Music] was a first when you were young and free [Music] [Applause] [Music] alive [Music] so [Music] all right you guys so next up we're doing oh fair pass over into telluride again and then from there we're actually going to take last dollar road back around to urine yeah it's it's really just a beautiful drive we say that about every single one i know but like this like there's no obstacles i don't think anywhere on here this is just like kind of a pack both of these trails yeah both of these trails are very very easy but before we get started or as we get started i do want to talk a little bit about trail etiquette everything out here is gorgeous and we really really want to make sure that future generations to come can enjoy these just like we are and that means taking care of the trails and taking care of the land the biggest rule out here is staying the trail do not d-day off-designated trails they have signage up that makes it very easy to know where you can go where you can't but don't go off into the tundra it's a delicate ecosystem and that's the type of behavior that will get trails shut down yeah and a lot of this is two-way roads even though they're super narrow and we have seen already where you know people are going to pass each other and instead of somebody backing up into a place that's already designated they're like driving off into the bushes and the trees and on the tundra making like a new pull-up area but destroying the land the way that that essentially works is if one person pulls off it creates tire works and it's more likely that other people will continue to do the same thing and suddenly you create an illegal bypass or an illegal pull-off or something along those lines so just stay on the designated trail and then yesterday we were behind somebody who got stuck and they were got out of their vehicle and they were smoking a cigarette then he just like threw the cigarette on the ground still lit and yes it's been a lot of rain and stuff here but could you imagine if every single person on the trail smoked it through the secret butt on the trail like why why would people do not litter if you crack out what you pack in i picked up the cigarette but just be respectful of the area be respectful of the land the animals the locals just everything so that none of this gets shut down and people can continue to enjoy it for years and years to come i don't want to lecture you but this is just something that's really important for off-roading in general no matter where you are across the nation and it's just important to remember whenever you're visiting somewhere outside of your local area it's just respect that's all it is that's all it is [Music] [Music] [Music] with no distractions [Music] somehow we can't miss out [Music] with my own [Music] okay so now that we have made it down into telluride had lunch brown dog pizza never been definitely somewhere i would recommend going very good we're gonna make our way back around we're gonna do that through last dollar road which is not a cheap patch of honor trail it's borderline maybe not even considered a trail because it's essentially a very much graded fire road for the majority of it any 4x4 vehicle can do it but it is absolutely insanely beautiful just like everything else i think they call it last dollar road because i'm pretty sure several people spend their very last dollar i'm trying to live out here trying to live out here yeah some of the houses here they're they're 10 20 30 40 200 million dollars [Music] [Music] and that's kind of all we got for you guys for this video don't mind this death trap uh behind my head we actually went shopping at the shaggy coupe and yuri and i bought some cool stuff for the house but yeah i mean that was only seven trails in the san juan mountain area like that's only seven and there are so many there's dozens i'm kind of happy because i got a carbon fiber knife a zero tolerance carbon knife this thing is sick sharpest out i'm just going to have to put it away while we're driving yeah yeah yeah look at this thing i just i like thank you baby my baby got it for me full carbon anyway sorry how does that be about it part of the perks of the whole yuri telly ride all of these trails in the area too is of course hitting up some of the shops they're really cool but yeah it is an absolutely beautiful place tintin highly recommend it's one of our number one travel destinations in the entire nation yeah every year i can come back here it doesn't matter the same trails over and over never get old sometimes it's sunny sometimes it's rainy sometimes it's snowy it and it's just always 1 000 beautiful and makes me happy just the themes never get old and it's like i said it's one of the reasons we keep coming back hopefully if you've never been this video was enough to encourage you again to visit the area and if you've been hopefully it was enough to respawn that interest to come visit again guys as always thank you so much for watching please don't forget to like subscribe and share wherever you find all your life right nation merch and decals at as always we love you and we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Lite Brite
Views: 203,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lite brite, lite brite nation, lite brite jeep, off road, off roading, off road trail, places to off road, off road trails, 4x4 trails, best off road destination, ouray colorado, ouray, Jeep Wrangler, hemi jeep, 392 jeep, jeep badge of honor trails, jeep badge of honor, Imogene pass, engineer pass, Ophir pass, black bear pass, mudslide, rockslide, Poughkeepsie gulch, best 4x4 trails, best off road trails, jeep trails, best jeep trails, travel destination, jeep off road
Id: BrJdCWXF_po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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