Holstein Steers & My Thoughts On Ignorance!!!!

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all right good Saturday morning everybody it's September 22nd it's a Saturday morning it's about a quarter to 11:00 a.m. I thought we'd take a little walk here in a steer light there's 16 Holstein steers in here and then there's two younger Angus heifers there's one in particular right there just a little too young to be in that cow yard so they got thrown in here with the steers these Holstein steers have been on pasture all summer they were just put in here oh I don't know they've been in here close to a month they are on their second wagon second and possibly last they might get another one of some very good high-quality haylage I just I just went and got this this morning from the local local big farmer out of their feed bunk I can get a wagon of this at an extremely respectable price so yeah we're not I'm obviously not prepared to open up any of my Bay Lodge lines I mean it's it's way too early for that and not prepared to run the silos right now for corn silage basically because we are prepping everything to fill them back up so I seem to be fit to run a couple of wagons from the big farmer over here and give these boys and two girls a nice little treat all right these Holstein steers they're going to market in three weeks this is what's left over from last year after all the sales that took place in everything I kept these these last 16 back I'm very happy with their progress I'm very happy with their size in the amount of time and yeah all as well I took them off pasture a boat I don't know exactly the date but I'm gonna say it's been about four weeks I took them off pasture to kind of get them in here get them bulked up just a little bit get them on some really good dry hay and then obviously some haylage we just talked about and they get they get four pails of grain a day two in the morning two at night it's a good 18 percent Mex grain that gets hauled out and just putting those two troughs right there and all's well all's well they got about three weeks left and they'll be being shipped to I don't know if I'm shipping all of them or just half of them to the first feeder sale down in st. Louis Michigan and United producers incorporated I've come to really enjoy shipping animals there it seems to me that there's better prices that come out of there and just the way things are handled and everything else that's you know we all have our favorites that's become one of mine so very brisk September morning this morning yesterday as we know it was the first day of fall well let me tell you something it followed suit it was 36 degrees this morning hence therefore very happy about getting that sorghum in last week because this morning there was a touch of frost and there's colder weather to come it's gonna be a few days or better before we really get the brunt to some cold weather this was just a little bit of a cold snap but it's it's about to come okay for today I'm making preparations I'm a boat to leave probably in 10-15 minutes with the rotary rake if you keep up with the videos and knock down the last of the elfelfa the disk buying turn for the last time yesterday evening I'm gonna go out there and triple up the rows pardon me kind of wishes I didn't cut it but I had to end up with about thirty bales and that's thirty bales I did in half I'm gonna triple up the rows with the rotary rake the rotary rake can handle that heavier wet high and moisture alfalfa triple up the rows and then I'm gonna go bailing once I'm done with that after bailing obviously I'm gonna do some rapping I plan on taking you guys with me as much as I can here today because you were basically going to witness the last day of Bailey I do not plan on doing any bailing after this in fact I plan on cleaning everything up and kind of strolling it away for the winter to come there is a slight possibility of doing a little bit of round bailing for a gentleman not too far away for his straw is his barley got harvested very late and the straw is not very good I don't know what's gonna happen but that's the only amount of bailing that I might do after today so today's kind of a joyous day as far as I'm concerned I'm all about simple pleasures so yeah real quick here I'm nobody okay I don't have a whole lot of advice of people I I suggest follow in life I kind of do my own thing it works it's worked both to be 42 years old and for the most part I'd say it's it's been working and life has been striving on okay I'm getting carried away here this video or what I'm about to say here goes out to one in particular person I'm not going to do what you're wanting me to do and say your name daddy didn't raise no dummy and believe it or not people aren't as stupid as you think that they are there's a way to grow your YouTube channel and there's a way not to the way not to is to bombard everybody with negativity comments of how they should be doing things if you really want to see how it's done check my channel teach their own I really don't care I really don't care there's a certain way to go about things you sir are doing it incorrectly but that's your life to live I've got mine to live and so does everybody else I'm going to assume that everybody else is extremely much more busier in their life than you we don't have time for all that nonsense kudos to you that you have all that time you apparently have excelled in your life and what you've done I highly doubt it in fact I bet everything that I own that you don't I'd like to say more but I'm not going to because I'm not an ignorant person I'm not rude I don't care to be Tork me off of it if it actually means something to me I'm coming after you respectfully otherwise I just don't care this world is hole full of nonsense a lot of it you know this is a good world this is a great country it's up to you to keep it and make it that way there's a hell of a lot of nonsense too sir you do not bother me you do not bother me I'm not angry with you not mad at you not upset with you and I'm also not laughing at you at just whatever it some people amaze me I wanted to go on a rant that's not who I am that's not what this channel is about this channel is about positivity as much as there can be anyway I try to keep it that way you sir are a very negative person you seem to be bored and I've never trusted anybody with all the answers you seem to have all the answers I do not trust you and I don't care I'm too busy I'm seven days a week minimum 12 hours a day and in fact 12 hours a day is laughable that's that's a joke that makes me laugh folks there's a lot more that I want to say here but I'm not going to because I'm gonna end up giving this gentleman's name out is which is what he wants I'm just plain not doing it it's not how you it's not how you do things sir but teach their own as long as you can sleep at night that's all that matters that's that's my famous Saint I try the best to live by that myself as long as you can sleep at night so I guess what I'm trying to say after that half little we're not gonna call to rant we're gonna call it a bit of information as far as I am concerned everybody out there try and be a little bit more upbeat a little bit more positive if you can if you can't I also understand there's times I gotta kick myself in the old button and say hey hey hey you know you been you need to get back on line here get some positivity going it's all good it's all gonna be okay the other thing you need to understand sir is that everybody has their own way of doing things there's not a textbook out there of how to do everything in life it depends what part of the country you're in it depends how maybe your father did it and how your grandfather did it it depends what kind of facilities that you have it depends what you want and what your goal is yeah what you don't do is take a young man that's got a pretty darn good healthy good channel I'll give you this much you're not blasting him but you're adding some negativity in there and a bunch of comments of what he's doing wrong and what he should be doing shame on you shame on you this world's both given some people a little bit more support and that's what you should be doing I'd love to say your name right now but it just doesn't matter because I don't think it matters but we all have our own ways of doing things and they're usually for a reason that's really all I have to say so all the naysayers out there and all the negativity and depicting what another person's doing and everything else as long as you can sleep at night go ahead and continue to do so but I think I need to tell you that most of the world is not listening to you and especially you sir that's all I have to say everybody I hope you're having a nice Saturday me I'm having a beautiful Saturday life is good weather's good fall is here crops are in for the most part the last bit of hay is going in today which is a celebration glorious moment as far as I'm concerned cattle are doing real good - calves are doing good I need to do a little calf video here there's been some changes here and I'll share that with you in time to come not right now I cannot afford the time that some people in this world have but I'll be sure - I'll be sure to post something in time to come here and stay tuned I'm gonna take you along for the ride and show you the last of the hay we're gonna make some alfalfa Baelish today and that's it so and I did fail you in a show Friday video last evening I actually ended up getting really busy there will be a show about a video today so stay tuned folks have a beautiful pause productive Saturday I hope all is well and keep on keeping on the strong will survive life is good talk to you sooner and later
Channel: Veeser Cattle Co.
Views: 11,211
Rating: 4.8929768 out of 5
Id: O3sNF6-GVHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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