Hollow Knight Is Still Amazing...

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] honestly i don't even know where to start hollow knight is one of the best video games ever created i'm not saying this as an opinion but as a fact i don't know if you know this yet but uh i kinda really really really like this game a lot probably too much for my own good the thing is i already kinda reviewed hollow knight when i hit 10k subscribers almost two years ago but this video has just never really set with me right it is not as bad as the old deltarune video but for a game that my mascot of this channel is inspired by i just feel like i need to do better plus i never actually fully completed hollow knight which is a crime i should be put in jail and be forced to eat garbage unacceptable what is this i've completed the game on normal difficulty like three times but i've never really done any of the dlc i haven't done the fifth pantheon i haven't done steel soul or path of pain am i really even a hollow knight fan honestly over the last few months i really got into fully completing games on steam i'm talking getting all the achievements 100 everything and i'm not using some stupid steam achievement manager okay to get this stuff out of my face seriously so i think it's time to give hollow knight to the same treatment this time i'm going to actually fully complete it review it and put a nice bow tie around this phenomenal game which it honestly deserves so let's just stop mucking around and to begin by the way that intro animation was made by my friend cyber in collaboration so please go check out her stuff she is super talented and she deserves a fat sub alright cool let's begin but before we continue have you ever just wanted to punch me just slap me in the face multiple times in a row because i said something you didn't like because if that is the case i have got some good news for you i have become marketable that's right i've decided to team up with the people at makeshift to bring you the official focal plus so now if i do something stupid you can punch me use me as a voodoo doll punch me make me do all your stupid chores or punch me did i mention that you can punch me please don't punch me remember that time when i said that roblox just straight up sucks look at that redemption i was contacted by makeship at around april of this year and i had to go through so many hoops i really wanted to make something special because i don't know if you know this yet but i've never really done any merch before but here we are so if you ever wanted to support the channel this is definitely the best way you can do it it's gonna be on sale for the next 21 days and once the campaign ends it's gone proof no more focal plush we need to reach a total of 200 sales for it to be able to get produced so if we manage to reach that goal i will show you what's behind the mask of this dumbass maybe it's this or or this or just complete other chaos who knows so click on the link in the description buy yourself a cool little gift and support the channel in the meantime and yeah just buy the plush and give me money man i i like money alright let's continue with the video [Music] hollow knight starts off extremely mysterious you got a couple of cutscenes and a quote which i have i still don't even know what this means you are just being thrown down into a pit and be forced to go through a short tutorial you learn how to jump fight collect geo heal what the life blood cocoons do and how to open up shortcuts and you also get a tablet telling you that you are about to enter a vast kingdom that hire beings coming to visit should watch out for you break the giant sealed door in front of you go outside and see a collapsed bridge laying on the ground in pieces world building and theming is something hollow knight exceeds at if you use your eyes for about 5 seconds you can see that this game is absolutely gorgeous i mean just look at it the art direction of hollow knight is stunning beautiful backgrounds fantastic character designs amazing animations and great special effects looking at any screen in this game will make you drool all over your controller there is a reason why there is so much hollow knight fan art floating around on the internet the game itself is just fascinating to look at it inspires people to come up with their own ideas and designs seriously i really can't underestimate how good this game looks it's just amazing man i can't get over it once you walk a bit forward from the broken bridge you arrive at dirt mouth where you meet a funny old guy that makes a a funny sound he tells you that everyone going into the depths below goes crazy because of the sick air that floats around this is where the game really starts you jump into the well and arrive at the forgotten crossroads now you are free to explore to your harsh content and forge your own path this is a metroidvania after all a really open-ended metroidvania it's all about creating your own path to the end while slowly upgrading your own abilities this is where i'm gonna call it probably the biggest flaw of this game it starts off really really really slow probably too slow for its own good i have seen so many people that didn't even bother getting past the fallen knight in the forgotten crossroads because it was just it was kind of a snore fest to them and to be honest when i started playing hollow knight i felt the same way but i highly recommend you push through this slow bump because everything that comes after this is amazing eventually you learn the ability to dash from the feeding hornet and getting the mothwing cloak and the ability to wall jump from collecting the mantis claw on the fungal wastes once you have these two very simple movement upgrade and start combining them together chaining them then you start to get hooked movement in hollow knight is snappy and extremely tight like like it's honestly just addicting to go from point a to b it is very metroid-like movement where it's just bam bam bam it feels good to swiftly maneuver your way through all the obstacles and enemies pogoing off them to get a bit of extra height later on you also get the crystal heart that makes you go just fly to the other side of the room like you're being fired out of a cannon and you also get a double jump that just feels like i'm i'm turning into like an italian chef right now like it's so spicy these are the only four movement upgrades in the game this isn't mario odyssey or celeste level of depth alright you're not gonna end up doing some weirdo stuff but they had no reason to go this hard with the movement in a metroidvania it's hard to explain but the platforming in this game it just it just feels nice man the place where this really shines though is the white palace which is basically hollow knight platforming heaven here you have to do a quite lengthy platforming obstacle course to get a piece of the king's soul which you need for the true ending and this whole part just feels so buttery smooth to go through you're dashing double jumping pogoing crystal dashing wall jumping all in quick succession while making snap decisions it isn't the hardest or most creative jumping puzzle out there but it does a trick nicely man like i like it a lot but if you have some real balls and destroy this little secret wall right here you can do the path of pain which is not platforming heaven but platforming heaven on steroids now i've never done path of pain before they actually added this in the grim troop dlc and i've heard that this is an extremely difficult challenging and i just did it in like 20 minutes yeah so so it seems like if you play hollow knight for more than 100 hours you kind of get good at it don't get me wrong though it's a pretty tough platforming bit and i appreciate that team cherry added something like this to the game for my monkey-ass brain to enjoy all i'm trying to say with this quote-unquote bit is that hollow knight movement feels sleek and this isn't mainly a platforming game it has a lot of platforming elements in it but the best part of hollow knight is its exploration and combat the movement just complements these two subjects so well it's kinda wild how seamlessly everything is woven together it doesn't have a repeating pattern the world feels so alive like you are actually in a kingdom that fell into ruin i really wanna talk about the exploration now we can talk about the real meat of the game in a bit but exploring hollow nest is a treat i've actually already said this in my rain world video more than a year ago but when i was done playing hollow knight i wanted more of it straight up it is just that fun to explore hollow nest is split up into 15 separate parts each with its own music and visuals like for example the city of tears is a city built below a big blue lake making it so it's always raining the deep nest is filled with creeping critters and spiders that are always out for blood crystal peaks has spiked crystals everywhere that infected workers are still trying to collect every single area feels so distinct from one another and it's always trying to show you a story of what happens hollow knight is really good at showing instead of telling i mean there was quite a handful of text in this game but what i love is how it tries to explain things with set pieces and animation [Music] they actually animated a bug taking a [ __ ] i love this game one of my favorite quests you can do is of course saving zou to the mighty this is a side character very similar to the knight himself but he's just kind of full of himself always acting like he's better than you even after saving him multiple times but the funny thing about that is if you go through with saving him and go to the colosseum of fools you can actually fight him and he can't even damage you so you smack him go back to dirt mouth visit bretta's house dream nail the big ass zoe statue and you can fight this monstrosity this is such a goofy thing to add into a game all about fighting of an infectious disease 10 out of 10 would save zod again by the way if you're enjoying the video hit that like button yeah all these little things in this gigantic world makes you want to keep playing it it's genuinely a lot of fun to find hidden secrets items and bosses relics that you can trade for extra geo mask shards and vessel fragments that give you a better survival chance in combat charms which can give you extra abilities by equipping them grubs in glass jars oh no kill ore rancid eggs hunters journal entries characters lore tablets nail arts funny looking trees this mushroom guy that looks like a peepee it's a packed gamer right and all of this for 15 bucks that's what i call a steal you have a funny map guy that makes humming noises when you get close to him hot springs where you can recharge your soul dreamers who act like little mini bosses i honestly could go on and on but i think it's time to talk about the real meat of hollow knight the combat in hollow knight is fantastic i don't think there's a better way to say it honestly the system they have in play here is very simple you press a button and you swing hit enemy x amount of times until they explode and every single time you hit someone you get 11 saw up to a total of 99 and you can spend 33 of those souls to either shoot out a spell to deal a big chunk of damage or try to focus to heal yourself it is a nicer balancing act you can't just jump in spam attack until an enemy or boss dies you have to figure out their attack pattern and work around it you also can't just heal whenever you want you need to find an open spot where you know you will be safe for a few seconds and try to go through this short little animation if you get hit while you are in this state it will still take away your soul and not heal you so it's important to figure out when you're safe and when you are able to heal those are the basics of hollow knight's combat again it's a very simple system but the way they delve more into this is with the use of charms you know those things i skimmed over about a minute ago yeah these things enhance your abilities when you equip them and each charm does something different now i'm not gonna act like every single one of these is a winner you have some real stinkers here literally this one just makes you fart that's the charm every single charm has a charm notch cost you start with only three notches but you can bump it up all the way to 11. usually the better a charm is the higher the notch cost this so for example steady body makes you not get any knockback for one charm notch and quick slash makes you attack quicker for three notches stalwart shell makes you get more invisibility frames for two notches so either is four not your sharp shadow is 2 dream wielder is 1. you get the gist of it the fun part about this system is that it feels exciting to get a new charm a new ability to play with you might get one that makes you focus quicker or one that makes little spider bodies appear to help you aid in combat some of them also synergize with each other like fluke nest this charm costs three notches and it turns your vengeful spirit into a horde of disgusting worms kinda like a shotgun if you combine fluke nest with the fart charm you can shoot out a giant worm balloon that just kinda bounces around is it useful for anything not really is it a total waste of charm notches absolutely but is it funny yes yes this is very funny you wanna go from one side of the map to the other as quick as possible equip dash and sprint master you wanna thoroughly explore the map and not miss anything wayward compass and gathering swarm are your best friends is spamming a bunch of spells in quick succession more your style equip spell twister and soul either or if you want to have a straight up downgrade you can equip this this will definitely not bite you in the ass or anything no no no no no no experimenting with these charms is what i really like about the combat there are quite a few playstyles you can adapt to it is fun as hell to come up with your own build and demolish all the enemies and bosses in your path and if we're gonna talk about the enemies dude this game has over 150 of them including 47 different bosses that is so much goddamn variety for again a 15 quid indie game it's not team cherry just really likes to slap you in the face multiple times in a row like unironically this game is tough as [ __ ] it will beat you down into the ground and make you spawn on the other side of the map it will drop you into places that you aren't ready for without even warning you the game is not afraid to punch you into the ground but by doing so it makes it feel amazing to overcome all the obstacles it throws at you it's a feeling that's really hard to explain but every victory just feels like its own reward and that drive of wanting to beat the next boss the next area that's what fuse you that's what makes you want to master this game and there's no place where hollow knight shows this as good as the pantheon who cares you know that thing i mentioned at the start of this video that i never really tried before well it turns out that this is really hard yeah the pantheon is a boss rush you know there's little side content things in games where they just spew a bunch of bosses at you in quick succession they usually kind of suck alright mario games for example really like to do this and it always just feels lazy like you just slapped it together at the last minute and i'm of course not talking about games like titan souls or cuphead i'm talking about it being a little side thing to the main game in hollow knight it is also just a little add-on you can access it by going to the junk pit and dream nailing the god seeker to arrive at the god home here you will find a pantheon which is first split up into four separate sections from easy to heart and each one of them consists of 10 bosses once you have completed all of these which is quite a challenge mod i add you can do the fifth one and this is without a single doubt the hardest part of this entire game every single boss back to back including these losers at the end there isn't a single checkpoint so dying means redoing everything the game just slaps you into an arena and makes you suffer for about 10 hours this is the real final boss of hollow knight and i adore it i think i've never loved a boss rush this much before this is how you do it you have beautiful new backgrounds and music new variants to existing fights a whole hallway of every single boss statue that you can challenge to train bindings to give you a bit of an extra challenge if the fifth pantheon wasn't hard enough and you also have this 10 out of 10. and once you have beaten the fifth pantheon you just start celebrating man this is such a good bit of bonus content and it doesn't feel recycled at all it's a tough but fair challenge for real die-hard hollow knight fans to just thrust their fist into almost every single aspect of hollow knight is just fine-tuned to perfection everything clicks the combat lore platforming exploration it's nuts how they managed to do it team cherry if i ever managed to meet you guys in real life i wanna shake your hand and thank you thank you for this phenomenal experience this is one of the most touching games i've ever played i love the art style i love the animation the mechanics it's just hollow knight is a masterpiece i know critical secretly stole my old video title but he's kind of spitting facts you know so yeah i i did it well i did it four years too late um i guess there is only one thing left to say go buy hollow knight if you haven't already it is a 15 quid game that goes on sale almost monthly don't be a little baby and watch some let's play on youtube go experience it for yourself please silk song is also right around the corner and you really don't want to miss that so just go play hollow knight alright also subscribe like and and like thanks [Music] shop
Channel: Foekoe
Views: 492,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foekoe, foekoe gaming, satire, meme, memes, games, hollow knight, silksong, hollow knight review, hollow knight platforming, hollow knight bosses, all hollow knight bosses, hollow knight path of pain, hollow knight grim, hollow knight foekoe, reviewing hollow knight 4 years later, hollow knight 4 years later, hollow knight is still amazing, hollow knight is a masterpiece, the best part of hollowknight, the knight, hornet, quirel, zote, hollow knight final boss, pantheon, comedy
Id: Vzkc2Yryu24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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