Love & Best Dishes: Paula Deen's Living Room Tour

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- Well, hey, my friends. It is the middle of January and this is my first day back filming and I have to say, I have missed y'all, just knowing that I hadn't been out there and spent time with y'all so I think, I think I remember us doing a tour of the living room, cause I promised y'all that I would do a tour of each room as we get 'em complete. And I think we did a tour at Christmas time, right Eddie? - [Eddie] Yes, right after we got the house done you wanted to do a quick tour, so. - Yes, and Eddie decorated this house to the hilt. Everywhere I looked was Christmas and I was so glad to see it come and I was so glad to see it go. (chuckling) So this is our living room as it is the living room that we live in day to day. So I want y'all to see, I can't remember how much I went into depth, but I do want y'all to look at these beautiful doors. Now, these doors I've had them 17 years and there's a beautiful carving up at the top. I don't know if it's supposed to be an angel. - [Eddie] I think it's an angel, yeah. - [Paula] I think so, too. - [Eddie] And that probably had some, you know, these would have been old storm doors. - [Paula] Yes. - [Eddie] Or, you know, a townhouse. So I'm sure that may have some significance as to, like maybe protecting the homeowners. - Right. The homeowner. Yes. Well Eddie and I went junking with CC and Great Great the other day and we went into a store that had a lot of architectural pieces. Eddie, they had some beautiful old doors. So if you're in the middle of redoing things, you might consider finding a place that carries some of these beautiful old doors. And this is the natural. Eddie and I've been saying we were gone wax it or something, but we still hadn't done it. And the builder had to, because the doors were not as wide as a normal door, they had to bring in so that these doors would fit. But I want you to see this other side of 'em. I'm gonna come in here, Eddie. Can you come in here? - Okay. - Come in here and because one side is natural. And one side, I had a decorative painter do the gold and I just adored this door. All right, they actually will close if I was strong enough, but it does actually lock. And I love it so much. Uh oh, somebody, the cleaners got some white on it, Eddie. I actually love the doors so much that quite often I will shut them just so I can see and look at the trends, that came, that was part of the doors. So like I said, I saw so many beautiful old doors the other day and I'm racking my brain to think, where could I use those doors? And Eddie, they had some gates like for outside, old, old, old gates. And I'm racking my brain to see where we can use some of those outside. So. - [Eddie] Okay, let's start on one side and. - Okay, let's start on one side. You want to start back here and go that away or how do you want it? - Yeah, we'll just go around the room. - I've had this piece for forever. I bought this from Scott's Market in Atlanta. They have all the antique dealers come in once a month for like, is it three or four days, Eddie? - [Eddie] Yeah, it's just a Thursday through Sunday. - Thursday through Sunday and it's, is it the second weekend or? - [Eddie] It's, I can't remember. It's the middle of the month and it's every other month. - It is every other month? I thought it was every month. - [Eddie] I think it's every other month. - I don't know, but Scott's Market, if y'all are gonna be in the Atlanta area, check it out because it is insane. So, and these I've had for years. These came out of an estate- - [Eddie] Downtown. - Downtown, yes. - [Eddie] They're concrete with some applied shells and rocks and they are like something you would hold on to if a tornado was coming. (laughing) They are very heavy. - Yes, they're so, so heavy, but they're so, so beautiful. And my Audubon's, I bought them when I was in Key West, maybe 12, 13, 14 years ago. No, our house wasn't built down the road. And I was in Key West doing a shoot for my magazine, "Cooking With Paula Dean," and there was an audobon store down there and I went in and I saw these two prints and I said, "Oh my goodness, those would be perfect "in the house that we're building." And so I bought them, they rolled them up and I brought them on the airplane with me and finally got him framed after we had moved into Riverbend. And let's see, I've got some special things in here. - [Eddie] I was gonna say, talk about those flowers. These beautiful flowers that I hadn't finished putting together. You're not gone believe it. Oh no! Well, I can't let that go to waste. Ummm. That flower tasted pretty good, Eddie. (chuckling) Ummm. Ummm. Have y'all ever eaten your flowers? You might want to try them sometimes 'cause they're pretty good. Y'all, these, Michael threw me a surprise birthday party this past Saturday. And I was so shocked. Eddie told me that we were doing a photo shoot, a family photo shoot, because it had been a while and Aunt Peggy, and Bubbles and Phil, and Karly was home so we were doing a family shoot. So I didn't question him because we do those every couple of years, you know, to just keep them updated. Well, so Emily, my hair and makeup, precious girl, got me done and I said, "Emily, it sounds like a party's going on in there "in the kitchen." So I just thought, well, maybe the family has gotten here. I walked in and it was full of folks. And (chuckling) I was in shock because they thought I had caught on, but I had not one clue what they were cooking up. And Sissy, Susan Green, knew these girls that live in Newnan and she had them make me a birthday cake and these were the edible flowers on top of it. And it was made to look like a blue Willa bowl, a big bowl. - [Eddie] We'll get some photos of those. - I was going to say, let's get some pictures to them. In this cabinet, I just keep things that, you know, this is how I keep up with things that are kind of special to me. I'll just stick them in here. This is from the Twin Towers and someone was kind enough to give these to me. I'll never forget that day that the Twin Towers went down and I'm so happy to have this as a reminder. And this is from the World Trade Center Tower Two. And it was cut from the core beams from the first through the 110th floor and I love having it. Remind me of how blessed we are that so many people rally together. And I just, I can't appreciate our service members, I can't say enough about how I respect them, the firemen and the policeman, everybody that has practically given up their freedom to keep us safe and be able to remain to have our freedom, so that just keeps my heart full all the time. And Elaine Seabolt has started me, she started giving me these little things and I don't know what they're called. - [Eddie] They're Baccarat. - Baccarat. - [Eddie] Baccarat crystal. - Baccarat? - [Eddie] Yeah. - Well, they are beautiful. And they come in all different colors, don't they? and I love that. And Sissy just gave me this piece for my birthday Saturday and it's just beautiful. It's a sterling silver piece from, I think she said it was from her grandmother on her father's side. I don't know, but I've got to write it down and put it in this because it's just beautiful. Very, I don't have many true silver pieces, y'all. Most of it's silver plate, but I don't care as long as we can clean it and it shines. Now this piece is sterling silver. This belonged to my mother. And I remember this sitting on our coffee table in the living room with candy in it. And my mother wasn't one foot, she was not, she was not one for silver. I don't think it mattered to her one way or the other. But that piece means an awful lot to me. And I love decorating with chafing dish lids, like this one was monogrammed. It belonged to somebody and these are beautiful to hang them, you can actually hang those on the wall. So let me show you the most beautiful, beautiful piece in here. And this is my Blue Willow. Eddy gave this to me this Christmas. So tell them all about it, Eddie. It's from 1842, right? - [Eddie] It's an English. - Hey, Mikey. I didn't think you gonna be home till five o'clock. - [Mikey] I didn't either. - Okay, excuse me. - [Eddie] It's an English transferware platter. - You found it at 7th Heaven. - [Eddie] Yeah, I went to see Joe at 7th Heaven. - Oh, this is just so beautiful. I couldn't believe it when I opened it, but I should have known cause Eddie has got such good taste and oh, I did, I do have one of these in here, Blue Coral. I love coral and it's 7th Heaven. You can find the blue. Can you get that? - [Eddie] Yep. - But like I said, as far as value, (chuckling) you'd be wasting your time to come (chuckling) put it in a pillowcase and haul it out. But there are some pieces that are very, very, very special to me and we put the lights in it so I can, so I can see everything. - [Eddie] (whispering) Hey Pumpkin. - (chuckling) Pumpkin is, it's kind of nippy here today and pumpkin is enjoying laying by the fire. All right. This table might be one of my favorite tables in here. It came from Tapley's. It's 17th century, isn't it Eddie? - [Eddie] 18th century. - 18th Century Which means it was made in the 1700's, right? - [Eddie] Yeah, 17th, yeah. This is about 1740 I think she had on the tag. - Yeah, so I adore this table. How would you describe it, Eddie? - [Eddie] It's a fruit wood provincial table. - You think English inspired? Or French inspired? - [Eddie] Oh no, definitely, definitely French. - That's what I thought. And these beautiful lamps. I found the jars at 7th Heaven and Joe turned them into lamps for me and I think they're so beautiful. And one of my grandchildren's favorite things in this room is (bell ringing) is the bell. And we found that at Clutter. We sold Riverbend furnished. So Eddie and I had to get out and get to scurrying pretty fast. And the first thing we did was order the soft furniture from my furniture line, Paula Dean craft Masters, is where you can find the furniture and the fabrics to go with them. This is a beautiful tilt top table. It actually tilts up and we found that at 7th Heaven. And when I decided to get my furniture, I insisted that everything be able to move 'cause I don't know that I've ever really had a rocking chair to rock my grand babies in. So I just adore that and look at this. This is kind of neat that I found at different times. I found this piece and it looks a lot, it reminds me a lot of the piece down there and found this at Tapleys. - [Eddie] I'm not sure, you know that you had this one at the other house we took... - [Paula] Uh uh, no. Did I? - [Eddie] Yeah, this was outside Michael's office. - Well where's that other one that I found at Tapleys? - [Eddie] The other one was, you found at Apple Street Auction. - [Paula] I thought it was at Tapley's. - No you got that piece and the table at Tapley's. - I could have sworn it was from Tapley's. Okay, well, we're not doing that room yet. So I know this was in the hallway at one time. - [Eddie] Right, so you had, this was one piece that we did take with us. (Paula laughing) - Oh my gosh y'all, I'm so confused, if it wasn't for Eddie to keep my brain straight. All right and this is the matching jug to that one that Joe turned into lamps for me. And you want to hear a funny story? You know, these drapes were made years ago for the kitchen windows. The kitchen used to stop right here and the rest was porch but I knew the way our family has grown and exploded that I had to have enough room to feed everybody, to have a seat for everybody. So Eddie found these waded up in a closet and he pulled them out and showed them to me and I said, "Oh my goodness, Eddie, "that was original drapes." And they cost so much money to have made because this is fine, fine fabrics. So Eddie took them and had them cut in to, y'all. And we were able to hang 'em back here in the living room. So I just adore looking at those and I think, oh gosh, it saved me so much money because custom draperies are crazy, crazy money. And now these I have had, I got these from the same estate that the concrete tables came from and these are just beautiful and have no, no idea how old they are, but I think they're so, so pretty. - [Eddie] You know, I think, you know, something like that looks like it would come from like, like new England, you know, Maine, you know, a great old Adirondack types of thing. - Well, they're just beautiful. And this man's estate, he traveled all over the world. And he, I think he over collected. I understand that he had warehouses just full of stuff. And. - [Eddie] Now this, a lot of people may not know, this is something you created. - Yes, I created this handsome man. I got into shelling and I found this piece and he was like, almost kind of white, but I took some Briwax, Eddy, and I rubbed him all down to give him more of a tan, because like I said, he was really, really light, light, light. And I wanted these shells to pop. And so he sat in our foyer for years at Riverbend. And this is one of my favorite pieces, y'all. Listen. Please tell me my children haven't. - [Eddie] Yeah, there may be a button underneath that you gotta. - [Paula] I don't know. I've tried to keep it up. - [Eddie] Hold on, don't over. - [Paula] I know it, I'm afraid I'm gonna. Here, let me. - [Eddie] I see it right here. - [Paula] Oh you do? (bird chirping) Oh my gosh, that scared me so bad, Eddie. (birds chirping) That is so beautiful. And look, their little heads move. Are their heads still moving, Eddie? - [Eddie] Yes. (birds chirping) - Oh yea. I found that quite a few years ago at 7th Heaven. And look here, Eddie, I'm sure I've told you this before. Do you see this old, I think it's mahogany? That was my daddy's poker chip caddy. And he had it full of clay, actually clay chips. And I've got them put away in the bathroom, but I just adore that. And I've wanted to have it refinished forever, but just hadn't got around to it. And course, pictures of our children, all around. Oh, that's me when I went to celebrate Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Roselyn 75th wedding anniversary some months back and there's me and Great Great, a Aunt Peggy, she's still so pretty, y'all. And two of my precious friends that are no longer here with us. And that was at Mr. Jimmy, Mrs. Roslyn's house. And that's some of my children, more of my children. Okay, give the camera back to you. In fact, one of the pictures that I just showed y'all was given to me by Ann Sherberger, one of my dear, dear, dear friends. And she no longer wanted her dining room chairs. So I said, well, I just love them. They're ole needle eye chairs and I think they're beautiful. All right, now this is, this is one of those tops that I was telling y'all about for use for hanging, tops to chafing dishes. And this is one that was cut in two. So moving on down, this is one of the pieces that we found on our shopping spree and we found this at 7th Heaven and it is, well, what's the technical name for it? - [Eddie] It's an English fireplace seat fender. - Seat fender, okay, that's what I couldn't remember. - [Eddie] And this, you know, this is probably, probably from like around looking at the design of it, it's probably like around 1900. - Yeah. Yeah. All right, now y'all, I'm sure y'all have picked up on Eddie's knowledge and that's because he came to Savannah when he was 18 years old and he attended SCAD, graduated from SCAD, So he's very artistic. And then he, he really spent quite a few years in high-end antique shops and you'll have to fill them in from there, Eddie. He got such an education though, working with some of the best antique dealers here in Savannah. Is that right? - [Eddie] Yeah. Yeah. And I, and gosh, some of the best clients in town, you know, some great houses in town, but yeah, I worked 18 years with Lee Smith with his shop. - Uh huh, who has just beautiful stuff. And like I said, Eddie had a wonderful education, so he's like a wonderful teacher for me. He teaches me much and this, I don't remember where I found it, but I was told it was from a building in New York City. - [Eddie] Yeah, usually the top, you know, top level of a building, or if you look at like a Victorian home, the attic windows, were usually, I mean, this is metal. I don't know if it's copper or not. It might be copper, but usually the, you know, in the roof line, the window frames would be cast, you know, metal like that to blend in. - Uh huh, so this was an outside architectural feature. - [Eddie] Yeah. Yup. Now it looks like copper the way it's between it right here, Eddie, but you know, I cared not whether it was copper or plain old tin because I thought it was beautiful and it hung in our bedroom at Riverbend and now it hangs over the fireplace at Dogwood. And another find that we found, I mean, Eddie and I really came up on some good deals because I mean we really put our feet to the fire in searching because we knew we had to get furniture for this house and get it pretty quickly. And Eddie spotted this again, it's 7th Heaven. And you can tell them about that, Eddie. - [Eddie] I mean, it's an English leather Ottoman, but the size, you know, the size of it, the name actually is Edward Farrell, which is a very high end furniture line, you know, similar to yours. - Well, I wouldn't know Edwin from (both chuckling) anyone else because I am not trained that way. And this chest, isn't that one that I had had for a very long time, Eddie? - [Eddie] This one, no, this one here, you got at 7th Heaven as well. - [Paula] I did? - [Eddie] Yeah, this was one of the last pieces you got and the grain pattern on it, the English, it is a solid mahogany chest. There's not any veneers. - [Paula] Yeah, I'm not crazy about veneer furniture. - [Eddie] The grain pattern, the English called it plum pudding, because of the muddled grain pattern. - [Paula] Uh uh. - [Eddie] It's kind of like a diseased mahogany, (Paula laughing) but it's a very unique, if you can find it. - [Paula] Plum pudding. - [Eddie] Yeah. - [Paula] Somebody looks like they might've burned it with a cigarette right there. - [Eddie] Yeah, probably. I mean, it's a brushing slide. So, you know, someone probably headed up ironing or something. - [Paula] Yeah, yeah. (chuckling) Oh, I wish all this old stuff could talk, 'cause I just love to hear all the stories it could tell and Eddie, I don't know if I ever told you this, but this piece means a lot to me, this fern stand. Jimmy Dean, my children's father, my husband at the time, gave me this for our 10th wedding anniversary. And Bobby and his girlfriend at the time insisted that they just fell in love with this baby rabbit. And I said, "Okay, but you've got to tend "to that baby rabbit." Well, they let him out one day and they were not tending to him and he gnawed one of the corners off. But I think I just put some Old English onto it, but that means a lot to me. and it's gonna mean a lot to one of my children having that one day. So that completes a tour of the living room. And so now I'm gonna go in the kitchen and I'm gone cook us up something good. I'm so glad to be with y'all again. Love and best dishes and happy New Year! Happy, happy. (chuckling)
Channel: Paula Deen
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Keywords: paula deen, paula deen house tour, paula deen house dogwood, paula deen house 2021, paula deen house renovation, love and best dishes, love and best dishes paula deen, paula deen love and best dishes youtube, michael groover paula deen, michael groover paula deen husband, paula deen savannah georgia, paula deen savannah home, love and best dishes youtube, paula dean, paula deen's house, paula deen new home, paula deen home tour, paula deen renovation, paula deens house
Id: 46YTRKuHsfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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