Holiday Candy! Butter Crunch Toffee! Easy Recipe!

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[Music] the welcome to whooper whale holler i'm miss lori and this is mr brown we live in the hills of arkansas we love the lord keepers are the old way but accept some of the new we love to cook [Music] and we love to eat we love to garden it's in our blood it's how we stay sustainable and fill our pantry we do a lot of canning and preserving we live a sustainable life we love our family we work hard and every once in a while we like to dance so y'all join us hi guys well here we are back in the kitchen and uh well it's that time of year we're fixing to start making some holiday candies you know i don't understand why why we wait till the holidays make all this good candy but then i think well it just gives us something to look forward to so today we're gonna be making a buttercrunch toffee it's an older recipe and the thing about it is it comes together really really fast it's an easy recipe the thing is you just need to have all your stuff together because that's how quick it comes together and you want to have it all here because there's a step by step and then it's done so anyways let's get started on our butter crunch toffee okay the first thing we're going to do is i'm using a a pan here and you want at least a two two inches of uh to your side of your pan here and uh i'm thinking this is a 12 maybe by four i'm not sure but anyways it's a non-stick this is called time and table i got it at walmart it's a very good uh healthy skillet it's don't have any kind of bad chemicals or anything in it but that's what we're going to be making our candy in now a lot of times i'll make it in an iron skillet cast iron that's up to you but today i'm going to be making it in this one and i'm going to turn my stove on about medium high and i've got a cup of unsalted butter and we're going to put this in here and i'm going to let it melt and of course you know with it being butter crunch toffee you do need a whole cup of butter in there and i'm going to take my butter and i'm just going to kind of go around the sides of my up my skillet here and that's going to help from them sugars crystallizing so bad on the side now a lot of people what they'll do is mid midway through the cooking process so put a lid on it and what that does is cause them con it causes condensation and helps wash down that uh that sugar off the sides but if you do this too it helps too i've got my candy thermometer ready i've got it right here because what we're going to do is we're going to bring this up to 300 degrees you need let's see one and one half cups of sugar and a cup of your butter your unsalted and we're gonna need three tablespoons of water our butter is getting melted so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna pour in my one and a half cups of sugar i'm going to stir that around you want to have you a cookie sheet with parchment paper on it get it ready and then i'm gonna add three tablespoons of room temperature water and i'm just gonna keep stirring this i'm gonna let it come to a boil when it comes to a bowl i'm just going to keep stirring it till it comes to 300 degrees and i've got my thermometer right here if you've got a candy thermometer or whatever you have you really need to use one when you're making toffee i'll check the temp on it and it's already been uh at this boil for about six minutes and i'm just now at 2 59 60. so it's getting there it just takes a little while so we have to be patient y'all can see that uh you can see how it's starting to get that caramel color and it should be getting up there to 300. i checked it well ago and it was 2 i think it was 293 so it's getting there like i said just be a little bit patient 295 296 and my fingers are getting hot it is getting there 299 300. i'm turning it off now what we're going to do is i'm going to take it off the heat i'm going to put about a half a teaspoon of salt and a good [Music] teaspoon and a half of vanilla and i'm going to stir this up stir it up here and i've got my my cookie sheet over here stir it up really good and now we're going to take the shoes which i've got parchment paper on and we're gonna pour this out and i'm just gonna let it spread out by itself i'm not gonna try to spread it out with a spatula or anything just let it do its thing if you want to if you want a little bit thinner you might can just you know move your tray just a little bit but don't you don't want to really mess with it so what we're going to do now is this needs to cool and since it come up to 300 degrees it's going to take a couple hours and it took see it took 12 minutes for my toffee to get this color and as it cools it's going to get just a little bit darker too so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this on my back porch because it's about 32 degrees out there and i'm going to let this cool down and then we'll make our chocolate to go on top of it so now we're going to make our chocolate to go on top now for this chocolate what you want to do is what you call tempering your chocolate and i'm going to show you how i'm going to do it um first off i'll make me a water bath right here nothing special just a pot with some water and a glass bowl you want about 12 ounces 10 to 12 ounces of chocolate and i've got some this is some of my favorite these are just chocolate uh melting wafers so i've got 10 ounces here and then i've got a couple ounces that i'm setting aside now this two ounces two to three ounces that i've got here is what's going to help me temper this chocolate but for uh for about 10 to 11 ounces go ahead i got 10 ounces you want to go ahead and put it in your bottle and you want to get this chocolate melted that's all you're going to do is just put your chocolate in here and just let your double boiler do its work there now what we're going to do is once this melts i'm going to check it so you're still going to have to use your thermom your thermometer here your first melt you want it to come to let's see i don't forgot my first you want it between 113 and 122. then you're gonna take it off the heat and you're gonna let it cool down just a little bit you're going to let it cool down to about 82 and then when it does that well first off let me back up when this gets to 108 13 to 122 degrees we're going to take it off the heat i'm going to pour in this little bowl there's a few ounces of chocolate and we're going to put it in there and we're going to let it cool down we're going to let it cool down to about 82 degrees and once it cools down to that i'm going to put it back on the heat and i'm going to bring it up real quick it won't take long about 30 seconds or so and then we'll bring it back up to about 90 degrees after that we take it off the heat and we spread it over our butter crunch toffee here and it's about that easy has melted and i'm just testing it and it's at where it needs to be it's already up to 122. so we're going to take it off the heat and i'm going to put in the couple ounces of extra chocolate that i have here and we're going to stir that in and that's going to help cool down your chocolate now doing this process tempering your chocolate like this is what's going to help it set up to where you can keep it your candy at room temperature so that chocolate is melting i'm gonna see where it's at right now as far as temperature i'll let it go down just a little bit i need it to be about 82 and it's not there it's still too warm so we're going to let's continue to let it cool down okay it has cooled down and it's about at 8 30 which is close enough so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn the heat back up and this shouldn't take very long and i'm going to get it back up to at least 90 degrees this is just the whole process of tempering your chocolate to where it will set up now once i spread my chocolate over here on my toffee we're going to be putting some nuts on it and it's whatever kind of nuts you like you like almonds please use almonds some slivered almonds if you like pecans use crushed pecans if you want to use cashews or pistachios or something like that i'm going to be using english walnuts because that's just what we prefer and it's really good if you toast them first you can put them in the oven and toast them for a little while or put them in a dry skillet and toast them so you know you just get them oils out of them than pecans or walnuts or whatever you're using and makes them really good that's your choice so we're going to see where we're at now so we're back up to 90 degrees i knew it wouldn't take very long once it hit that that hot water now we're going to our toffee and you can see that it's good and set up it's set up good and it's time to put our chocolate on this and this is the fun part now i could not find my offset spatula so i'm going to be using a spoon to spread it out with but we're just gonna put this chocolate on top now if you want to once this chocolate sets up you can even flip it over and put chocolate on the other side once this side sets up but i'm just going to do one side just spread it out good i know i've got it offset especially i just didn't take the time to to hunt it down i got so many kitchen utensils so that's plenty of chocolate can you have too much chocolate i don't think so but like i said you can flip it over and do the other side too now at this point before it sets up you want to put your nuts over the top whichever nuts you prefer to use just sprinkling on top now is this looking good yet y'all not really it takes more time for it to cool down and set up than it does to make it so don't be intimidated by it because the end result is so good you can put as many nuts as you want cover it up good so that every bite has nuts in it you don't want to smear it around and then i'm going to take just a little bit of sea salt we're going to gild the lily now just a little bit and there you are now what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this back on the back porch it's not going to take very long i'm just going to let this chocolate set up if you want to you can put this in the refrigerator at this point but no more than five minutes because if you leave this kind of candy in the refrigerator very long or try to store it in there it breaks the sugars down but if you just put it in there to set up for a little bit for no more five minutes you'll be okay so i'm gonna put this on the back porch and then when it's good and set up we'll bring it in we'll break it up and we'll try some okay guys we are done done look at this isn't it pretty i'm so excited i want to show y'all that little bit of chocolate that i had left over i just took them and put a little what was left just little mounds of them and i let them set back up too and i put them in my baggy and then i'll put them out my pantry and i can use them again for for something different so now what we're going to do is break it up and it's not hard to break it it does it pretty easy so you just break it up i'm so excited is gonna be so good and it sets up so well that you can easily bag this up or box it up and give it as a gift but this would be so nice on your thanksgiving table your christmas table as gifts for your husband loves chocolate and nuts or just for yourself now um like i said i wouldn't put this in a refrigerator to store it um if you think that you need to store it for a while and you see how some of them nuts come off but that's okay um i have typed taken my candy that i made ahead of time and i have wrapped it up and put it in a good container and put it in the freezer now is it as good the top it may be kind of milky looking but i mean it's still good but i would make this just a couple of days ahead before you're going to give it as a gift or something it's what i would do i wouldn't make it too far in advance where you have to freeze it or anything so there we go beautiful beautiful pieces of buttercrunch toffee now let's see if i can bite into this that is so much better than any store bought y'all y'all know i love a a heath bar y'all remember the heath bars this is delicious and y'all know that i have dentures so that's that's why i have a little hard time but it don't matter because i still eat it it's so good y'all it's well worth it and really it doesn't take that much time so guys i hope y'all like this video and i hope y'all try this recipe don't be intimidated by it just keep you a thermometer next to your side and that's the most important part you can do this so i hope y'all try it and i hope you'll give it as gifts or just eat it yourself it don't matter so y'all have a wonderful wonderful weekend do something fun be happy do something for your neighbor i just want y'all to be happy and and don't worry guys it's all gonna be okay i promise you i'm going to get upset here the reason i say i promise y'all because i pray i pray every day and the good lord is going to take care of us there's a reason and a time for everything and i just want y'all to know that so we're ending on a good note good candy good company i love y'all and god bless everybody
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 194,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: seRAuo9ujhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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