Hershey's rich Old Fashioned fudge// Like grandma made!

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[Music] so this recipe you know we have so many recipes for fudge that we all absolutely love and we kindly got out of the habit of our old-fashioned fudge i can remember my grandma and even anybody in my family as far as that goes we never made fudge out of chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk it was always out of sugar just plain sugar and hershey's cocoa powder baking powder that's what the fudge was always made out of this recipe is is the old version the old recipe that used to be on the back of the hershey cocoa can for making fudge and it's some of the best i read when i eat this it always brings me back to grandma because this was our fudge um and i've even i even have videos making fudge out of your chocolate chips and your sweet condensed milk and and all that and they're so creamy and so good but they're not your original grandma's homemade chocolate fudge and this is so good so i want to come in and i want to share this recipe with y'all um a lot of y'all probably already know this recipe but there's a lot of y'all that probably don't if you ever get the chance to really want to get that that taste of the old-fashioned and when i talk about this i talk about it because it's a different it's a different texture it's a good texture but it's a different texture but mostly it is how how rich and chocolate it is because it's not chocolate chips it is your hershey's uh pout cocoa powder and it's just to me it's the best because it tastes it just has that original chocolate taste so anyways let's get started on our fudge um there's a little bit more to it than maybe your your two or three ingredient easy uh throw together fudge but let me tell you something it's so worth it anything that was made by grandma or grandma's recipe you know it's always worth it now i'm going to call out my list of ingredients and if you want to you can stop it right now and get you a pen and paper and write this down we got three cups of sugar 2 3 cups of hershey's baking cocoa you can use regular or you can use the dark cocoa an eighth of a teaspoon of salt one and a half cups of milk a fourth of a cup of butter which is half a stick one teaspoon of vanilla and then you need to have a candy thermometer for this candy to turn out right you either need a thermometer or you want to do the cold water test and that's just a small amount of the mixture dropped into very cold water and if it forms a soft ball and then flattens when you remove it from the water then you know it's ready i like to use the thermometers i think my candies come out better when i use a good thermometer this one right here is a good one and if you look on my amazon store i'll put one or two on there if you're interested now there's all kinds of different ones you can buy them at walmart and different places but this is the ones that i like right here now when you put your thermometer down in your pot you want to make sure that the bottom the bulb part the very bottom of your thermometer is not touching the bottom of the pan because you won't get accurate temperature on your candy i've got a heavy pot right here this is a pot i got from sam's club it's a food service pot it's very thick very heavy it's good for making candy um i know different stores i never could find a good one at walmart i'm sure there's some online stores you might find one but like i said this comes from sam's club amazon probably has a few but this is food service grade pot here so what we're going to do this is a 2.75 quart is what this is i'm going to turn my heat on about medium high you want to mix your three cups of sugar your two-thirds cup of hershey's cocoa eighth of a teaspoon of salt and i'm going to just stir this a little bit now when you're doing this you want to use a wooden spoon stir it around a little bit now i'm going to add my one and a half cups of milk i'm using evaporated milk don't use sweetened condensed milk that's a whole nother recipe this is the old-fashioned fudge and they didn't use sweetened condensed milk with that and i should have waited to put that in there after i got my stuff in here but that'll be okay we'll get it mixed up like i said i've got it over medium high heat i want to bring this up to softball stage now that's 234 but i like to go a little bit higher on mine i like to go to 240. i'm just a rebel that way but first what you're going to do is you're going to have to bring this to a bowl and once it comes to a bowl after it comes to a boil you're going to quit stirring it and you're going to let that temperature come up now i know people think well it don't matter what you start with or this or that but you know what sometimes it does sometimes that's why your candy turns out and why sometimes they don't so that's all we got in our pot for now i'm gonna get this mixed up as good as i can i've got a 8x8 square pan here that i've got full on and i've got it buttered now the one thing i do know is you can't double this recipe and make it come out as very good this is one of them recipes that you need if you're wanting to make a bunch of it you're just gonna have to make several batches now there may be somebody out there says well i've made a double batch i've never made a double batch yet that turned out as good as a single batch don't mean it can't be done i just haven't done it so right up here is about softball stage but i'm going to go to 240 but that's not going to happen until this comes to a full bowl you don't want to use a whisk or anything like that you just want to use a heavy pan and a wooden spoon okay y'all see how it's come to a rolling ball i'm gonna let it do this without stirring it until it gets on up here to where i want it and i want it up here to about 240 softball stage is 234 but you know me i've got to do it different now don't let it boil over if you think you need to turn it down just a little bit but keep that bull until it gets up to softball stage okay if you can see we're pretty much there at the softball stage i'm not going to go 240 because the way it looks it's ready so i'm gonna turn my stuff off i'm gonna pull it off the heat just a little bit and what i'm gonna do now i have not stirred this the whole time that it's been boiling all right get me a spoon brush my spoon i'm gonna put my half a stick which is fourth a cup of butter and i'm just going to plop it in there just like that now i'm still not going to stir this and i'm going to put a teaspoon of vanilla and i'm going to leave it alone now what i want this today i want it to come down i want to cool off before i start i want to come down to about i don't know about 110 just let it rest until it's about lukewarm about 110. then that's when we come in and we start stirring the the pooey out of it but you want it to cool down which is going to take just a little while if you want to you can put this out on your back porch where it's cool and let it cool down don't put it in your fridge never put anything hot like this in your fridge so just leave it alone let it get down to about 110. okay it's gotten down to it was about 114 degrees and i'm going to get with it i'm going to start just whipping the full out of it and this might take me a little while and what you want to do is you want to stir this hard until it loses its glossiness it's going to kind of get a dull color and you can see that some of it has stuck on the side of my of my pot so i know it's going to set up good but i'm just going to whoop and whoop him with this you see how shiny it is you want it to lose that shininess okay it is starting to lose some of its shininess not completely starting to thicken up good and i'm going to put my a good handful of nuts and i've been whipping this for about a minute i'm gonna go another minute before i put it in my pan okay we're gonna pour it in our pan and see how it's thickened up now your pot's not going to be real pretty after this i can tell you but just smelling this takes me back to my grandma's kitchen and her homemade chocolate fudge this was the only fudge we ever known no chocolate chip fudge no sweetened condensed milk fudge this was the fudge right here i'm going to spread this out in the pan real good and ain't none of that in that pot or that spoon won't go to waste because you know who's going to be licking that spoon in that part [Applause] just kind of spread it out it don't have to be exactly even just pretty close it's already starting to set up and like i said this is your fudge that if you're wanting to send in the mail to a different state a different country or whatever this is your fudge that's going to hold up this is your fudge that's going to travel good and it can sit at room temperature all day long if you're wanting to serve it at a party or something it's one of those fudges you can put in a candy tin and give it to your neighbors or your friends and you don't have to worry to death about whether if it's going to melt or not because a lot of our fudges that we're making that we absolutely love do not set up like this one does to where you can mail it send it and give it as gifts oh they're good believe me but they just don't set up as hard as this does grandma's old-fashioned chocolate fudge okay let's see how good this fudge set up and take it out of the 8x8 pan there i'll bring down the sides you see it's already easy to work with see if i can get you a little bit closer we can see and see how well it has set up i should have got me a bigger serrated knife but this one's going to do good and cut it and there you go you can hear it and see here how it's set up really really good i hope y'all enjoyed this this recipe let me bring y'all back so y'all can see it on the plate there we go grandma's old-fashioned hershey cocoa fudge this is the fudge that you can always count on that's going to set up and that you can give as a gift because it's not going to melt it's not going to be your sticky fudge that that if you stacked it it would stick together this right here you can see how well it sets up this is your fudge that you can box up and send to somebody and not have to really worry about it the only thing you might worry about is somebody else getting hold of it and eating it be the only worry and it does make quite a bit but like i said don't double the recipe it just usually don't work out just make you a couple single recipes it does take a little bit more time than your two ingredient chocolate chip recipe but this is your tried and true grandma's recipe and we all know that grandma's always right i hope y'all had a wonderful thanksgiving and are ready to get into the christmas holidays i'm going to be doing recipes on candy and cookies and appetizers i know i said that earlier and i'm repeating myself but i just want y'all to know what's going to be coming up that whiffer will holler and there it is that is grandma's chocolate fudge it will never never fail you and it tastes wonderful and you can see you can see the walnuts in there so y'all try this recipe get you a good thermometer or do the cold water test for softball stage and make you some fudge make some fudge for somebody make it for your neighbors make it for your friends your family your honey whoever y'all come back and see us god bless everybody we'll see in a couple of days
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 210,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ibV3nRNN73Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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