Holiday beach club The Gambia Kololi

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hi guys Gambia 3rd of March it's a tour let show the shop first yeah this is a royal shop it's uh mini market in on the Sagal strip uh they sell more less everything so I'll give you a quick idea what these guys sell here in the Royal hi guys yes sirate this is a good shop we've been shopping here near two weeks now to sell everything you want alcohol wise which you can see quite a lot of milks shampoos Etc even eggs yogurts uh a variety of stock which is quite good in The Gambia they got lots of crisps Etc sweets biscuits lots of variety of uh alol beers no king fish yet but the M next year lots of Pop everything you can see these guys are friendly and it's good economy very well stocked cold be years everything you can see around here like I said I've been using this 2 weeks now and it's spot on so it's IDE located outs on this trip so get good of a survey of this one all right guys thank you for today thank you for two weeks yeah going on yes YouTube yeah YouTube yes on YouTube just to show us that you've got a good shop uh on strip here so everybody can see it and can use it when they come here okay how you come to know that don't worry they'll see it I got a lot of people watching me video so they they they'll see it okay and you'll be on YouTube thank you take care all the best mate thank you byebye yeah they're good guys then uh they want to know how it's going to go on YouTube but obviously uh once it's on they can anybody can watch it uh I think I'll put it down as uh Holiday Beach Hotel club which is this is the strip senagal strip that's the gust Stow over there which is really good this is the Scara which think you have to we these this is uh main taxi area for the uh older Beach Club yeah this is entrance to ol Beach obvious go straight down there towards uh the bakery like I did a video other day about that one these places they can go out with Taxi day trips Etc hi guys how you doing these these guys are in charge of the taxes and these guys will take you anywhere you want to go uh obviously all these on here as you can see and they straight outside Olay Beach Club so if you want to come out of ol Beach Club and see any of these guys to take you anywhere yeah anywhere visiting anywhere anywhere in particular taxi controller your taxi controller tourist offical office tourist guide so taxi driv tax so when people watch these videos they come and see your guys yeah okay that was good man okay so anything you want to say for a go that way what anything you want to say to YouTube no we tax people any time they come let see and you always outside all Beach Club yeah yeah just outside the G okay so these guys are always outside here if you want to go anywhere by taxi this is the place to come okay guys right thank you take care guys all right guys and this is the top security guard top security guard for Holiday Beach yes how are you good mate you good doing a good job thank you yeah this is uh the dirt track towards holay Beach there were a fire this morning over there you can see birds a l Ru there home tonight e not very good is it two week it's gone quick AR it yeah it's quick it goes fast it yeah yeah yeah nice see you brother anyway take care M again you again I don't even if recall it yeah I think it's recording not sure if we're recording or then looks like it is I know some issues with this GoPro this year keeps flashing r on this side but B is full I can't understand anyway this is main track down to ol Beach Club we had two weeks here averaging out quite hot does here like a a blow tails on wings on always for Birds here monkeys all kinds of stuff lot of vultures and Kites and very unusual Birds is they I think a lot of people could be bird watching actually it's about maybe 2 300 yards from actual main entrance to Main Road to senagal strip so we've just seen one security gates up here and then You' got another security gate here which is uh a secondary secondary right mate a secondary uh security so when cars come through them Double Gates up there they come through then they check him again so there CA yeah there's cameras as well it's fairly good security uh not as I don't I don't they need that much good but H it's not a bad thing is it yeah last day here after two weeks they got two weeks red up every day forget chance I going show you where Beach is this is uh there's another guard on this one here us he not here today probably cuz it's Sunday i s many flights one time could have a little lat to caner y all right hello yes how are you good thank you nice see it up yeah so this is it's a bit awkward to walk on this B walk on that plate it's not so so this is the reception area of the Aldi Beach Club I was getting ex so it's ol Beach Club in it a couple of shops here they're close today so this is your main Reception Area we've kept our own today uh obvious cuz we can get picked all our past 5 te time but it's only 600 Dy to keep the room from well I think we should check out at midday this is Reception Area midday but obviously that's uh I think we about 5:00 so we EX for 5 hours if you want to Dr P and have a shower or what you want to do better than just dragging a cases out at 12:00 should like I keep this room I want but for for that price it's really cheap compared to Europe you know like uh Greece and there is like 30 40 hour something on here there's a lot of books over there pick some books up it's a nice place like wearing one of these on left hand side these Bungalow type things fairly big spacious we a fridge you don't get a fridge we we have to got fridge f fan stuff like that so no's about we're 30 quid foot for fortnite for uh two weeks 30 qu for fridge and then fans about 18 20 good fall fulls size fan like is been on yeah these at mow these great right down at Beach uh some more mongal there but back of that there blocks it back two story I think aren't they right I'm going to go this way and I'll see you in a bit C oh no next one not that one po one on so this is your pool area yeah they're nice these 6 hours from okay well 6 and half hours that's still it so show you poor now poor area which is good clean it every day obviously beds are nice good beds there a big pool quite good small bit of a kids pool here so we have your we can have fold and give some idea of prices if it's uh starters and soaps and stuff like that have a look if you can see that obviously if you're watching on YouTube you're going have to rewind and Bs and stuff like so you can see what what we've got so m a bit too quick for you we that's we have your breakfast in the morning which is good this is the uh where they have night shows here drums and stuff bar there TV football's on when it's on obviously pool bar OB pool nice cool pool I towards uh to beach now I'll show you at Beach area so go this way this a short cut way you can go all the way where come in before I turn off up pool you can carry on straight down by Bungalows it takes you straight to straight to the uh Beach morning is it afternoon now I think it's afterno hello hi hi yes so this is like shortcut right back at Bungalows you got beds on Beach area this is like the sand with nice beds again same as pool beds you get see seems to get more of a more of a breeze down at Beach area by mate good you uh we've been down around this area most at week like most of fortnite sorry at pool today cuz it's his last day so uh what a place beautiful very nice would I come again yes definitely first time to Gambia I'd definitely come again uh people are great friendly no problems uh this is where they have some more night life here some more some nice uh at night entertainment this is uh Beach Bar What A View From Beach Bar absolute quality we've had a few beersy a couple evenings as you can see spot on how you doing buddy all right how things okay this is your uh soon as you come out of that area you straight onto a couple of steps down down to beach yeah it's a bit rough today red flags out it's not always like this we got about five six days like this bit rough can paddling it like don't swim in it be a bit rough beats goes on for miles and miles Walk For Miles yeah lovely Place yeah I thought I gave quick quick uh view what it looks like in The Gambia hope you enjoy the video if you have you don't mind subscribing if you can or you like any more videos you want doing just let me know and I'll uh post what I can yeah what a place nice allay Beach Club uh we book with to it before out from Manchester on a Sunday I think it was reasonable price won't B at all like I said it's been wor warm uh about fortnite we've been here don't goow 35 it's really warm nice uh you need pull lights pull down unless you want to dip in see but yeah great place highly recommend it for me any anyway signing off now guys uh hope you like it like I said if you can uh subscribe and hit the like great thanks guys set by
Channel: Struttys world
Views: 7,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VIpo-pVE408
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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