Gambian American investing in The Gambia

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welcome back to another powerful Beautiful video right at the moment I am Lo the prince of Africa P behind the camera today we got to show you right at the moment is the black Le store where at the moment they are selling the American stuff here so it is um within between Lon and banj Ling um opposite H St Peter senior Secondary School right at the moment so what we're going to do is we got to walk in and we will meet our gambian sister who is selling amazing beautiful thing so right at the moment as we said we are in the month of Ramadan make sure your mother smile your father smile your sister smile your uncle smile the family smile neighbor smile and everybody smile so we said Sak I'm in the month of Ramadan help the PO and the blinds and those who are out of line so if you want we will drop their number in the ending of the video who left Gambia and then go to America he left America now investing in The Gambia hello yeah that's my Gambia sister how you doing I'm fine welcome to Black Lake store yes nice G yeah nice G yeah you're all welcome welcoming you to our shop at um lmen right opposite St Peters High School where we only sell American stuff food stues and then we have the Cosmetics side we um the geod drum side body creams and everything together so where will you take us um I will start with the Cosmetic area cosmetic area yes where we have um the dear drums and then the best hair creams you can have then you have the facial stuff oils for ladies and then the body creams down there and then where we have um the supplements that all ladies are running for that's the collagen Theus oil omega-3 vitamin C all of them you can name it then we have the perfumes and then um the sunscreens right here yeah um and the you got the price yeah yeah we got the prices we have some of them for 600 300 900 different prices yeah then we have some of baby stuff too yeah the shoes then um so this yeah those are body creams too body creams yeah what their prices their pric is 1,200 we have some of them for 450 some of them 300 depending on the one you want you want yes and then we have the hair coloring stuff the makeup stuff for those dealing with the salons salons yeah and and then we also have some um uh kitchen stuff like these plates right here these are stying gels for ladies too wow yeah so there any price uh these ones we sell them 3300 3300 yeah for hair styling yes hairstyling gel yep then we have the food these are the milks like we have the Eno and then this is the normal whole milk yeah and then the Canon milk evaporation 250 they're all going for 250 this one is 200 that's yeah and then we have the Canon milk for 150 yeah yeah they all the same it's yeah that's the answer then we have the fruit cocktails right here yeah those ones are 900 the big ones we have smaller ones on top for 175 175 yeah yeah and then you have the oats right there yeah quick oats quick oats yes then we have the bow Noles yes Noles yeah so yes for the bowl we have different one of them okay yeah and then right there you have the cup Nole that's this one okay the cup yes and then these are the one in p yes yes it everything have cooked you just need to put hot water in it that's all you need yeah just about 5 minutes and you're done with it wow and then we have the one in packets to 35 35 for one so this this ones are the hot spicy we're selling them for 125 to boil water and put it yes just a boil water and put it inside it and then these are the packs for 200 you have five in it then we have um right here we have brown sugar brown sugar yes yeah and then we have the Nutella the best chocolate you can ever have yeah it's going for six 650 650 Y and then we have um the banana chocolate banana chocolate yeah that's kind of juice yes and then the chips down there then you come around B end um you have um the Apple side of vinegar apple apple side of vinegar is a vinegar yes wow yeah it is that's going for 550 550 yes then you have the H vinegar which is going for 60000 then you have the white vinegar here white one white one yeah going for 450 this small ones for 200 that vinegar yes it's the white vinegar too then on top here that's wine vinegar too wine yeah for salad and stuff how that one is just for yes yeah then you have um this side here that's the ginger honey tea ginger honey tea yes then you have um the black tea and this are the coffees don't forget to zoom all the prices you don't mention the price yes and we have this ones going for 400 lipon 400 yes and then you have this ones here I'm going for 3300 three is a black tea yes black tea and the green tea the green this other one is the green te yes kind of yeah kind of atire yes it's not dark then here you have have um the yellow mustach the small one and then this the hand ketchup the smaller one too how much is that one this one is 475 yeah and we have these ones for 750 yes it's catchup for 750 7150 yes then you have the big must down there that's the yellow one too how much is that one going for going for seven both of them are going for 7 750 and 700 750 700 yes then you have um the canis on um canola canola oil oil which is going for 800 then you have the vegetable oil what that mayonnaise that's mayonnaise yeah going for 900 900 yes and you have the vegetable oil which is 1,200 this one yes2 yes and the lime juice here for 350 lime juice yeah then you have um this the soy sauce for 450 and we have there the barbecue um SL res for 250 yes so this yes those are sweet how the pack we going for 800 the whole pack yeah this ones is like the ones I saw you down there the bowl for 125 then you come this side Swiss Mix it's hot chocolate hot chocolate yeah it's the same as this one here yeah yeah how much is that going for 150 no this one is for 50 the packet going for 150 yeah oh okay then you have that that's the peanut butter peanut butter yes and this one too yes exactly yeah and you have um the sweet corn sweet corn yes and then it's already cooked yes it's already cooked these are the sings then you have have um the zip lock bags and then the foil paper and let this price depends on the price oh this ones are 200 this one's a 125 125 what this this a um foil paper plastic wrap okay yeah and then you have the little sary part which is 125 125 yes then from there we have the flowers here for yes for 400400 yes and then this are jams the strawberry ones strawberry J yeah those are for 300 we have the honey and these are Essence for like our wi stuff B yeah American yeah everything here is American Amer yes and these are for diabetics diabetic sugar this ones are baking Coco for people doing cake and stuff yeah and this the baking soda which is used for different purpose then this is serum for the the pancake unfortunately the pancake is finished we still have the serum here the serum yes and then here you have the foil bows like dishes and then Y and then this ones are hot spices hot spice yeah don't forget to mention the prices the hot spices are 200 200 yeah so this this ones are two 200 also this ones are 50/50 sweet corn and pieces then you have a the P ketchup pasta sauce pasta sauce pasta sauce yes for spaghetti stuff or like this ones here you use it with this yeah those ones are for 250 then these are the pastors for 100 100 these ones to are pastors they all together like ma yes and then these are coffees too coffee yeah sweet coffees it's a sweet one or the hot coffee sweet coffee it's just normal coffee but it's not like the instant one you have to save it you got two types yes are they all the same no no no they're different just the Flav difference but they're kind of the same kind same company yeah yeah how much are they going for 400 400 yes maybe we can go that side that side yeah yeah and then here are the samples for hair samp and conditioner together for 250 years and then this ones are what do they mean by two in one like you have the sample and the conditional together I yes sample and condition yes yes and this ones are just the samples depending on which one you want they're all the same y so what 250 they all the same they all 250 yeah they all 250 those ones are send three parts are they going 400 uh no yes 400 yeah yeah and then we have some of yes know cups for drinking some Ts that ladies use in the kitchen plates and stuff they are different different prices every one which one CS this ones are 10110 each that one is 200 that one is 200 too yeah 200 200 yep they all two then here this ones are the same as this ones same prices in yeah about this one this this ones are different different price if you have to name them we'll spend the whole day because each one you pick is a different price yeah so whoever anything that you need screenshot it and then send it to her we will drop her number on the ending of the video in whatever that you need make sure you empty this St yeah then here we have the cleaning stuff this The Fabulous the best one you can ever have and then the price is4 1,4 yes then you have the pine Sal which is 700 and then this are um deep cleansing for ladies face like those who use bleach and then dark Nickles and stuff it takes it out and then these are brushes you can use to clean shoes so use it for bathroom cleaning and stuff yep then here are the samples uh the samples and body wash yeah which are different prices too you have 300 450 650 and these ones are all to 200 is that a sample yes it's a sample body wash and then this one's at 2200 to 2200 yes and then down those are hand sanitizers which we selling for 400 too that's the lundry detergent what's that lundry detergent DET yes the liquid type maybe CL no no no you use it to to to was the clothes yes the big one is 25 and this is two 200 yes then you have this one for 650 650 like if you can buy this one according to your affordability we have the cheapest up to 400 400 yes this one's 1,4 and this is um 400 this is 650 and the down part is the bad salt like you socks your fit in it or maybe when you taking shower like with the bath top you can put the salt inside there and then get into it it's kind of massage your but yes yeah and then all this are hand wash they all go for 2 200 yeah yes yes and then here you have the back tissue normally known it has toilet roll yeah those ones are here we sell the whole pack of mine for 720 and then single we're selling $8 for one yes and then this are bleach that big one for 450 this bleach B no not oil um normal bleach all the s stuff yes then this smaller one which we're selling for 300 this one is yes that one is 300 yeah and then you can come here these are um cutting buts are the cutting cutting BS yes and these are baby wipers and baby oil this are 150 this are 100 and you have the um steel cutting board on the small pack which is $50 and you have um the cleansing water the makeup ladies normally use it it's for the face and the makeup wipes too then you have the Irish Spring 400 yes yes and you have these other ones for 5050 and we have the laundry powder detergent yeah which is um 400 yeah then you have the kitchen Tower right there this ones yes which is like four for um 2 200 sorry yes for each then right there we have our drink that's the P from America you bought them everything here is from America we don't buy anything local local we only sell American yes everything is American start drinking American drinks yes you have the drinks right here you have the water right here depending on what you want this are the Faro and then this the pineapple some of them are noral in boxes because they kind of finished like this coconut water here what's that the coconut water coconut water yes and then you can see the from G yeah the Gade and then this the sour so right there like Su we call it in the local language that one is 150 selling 150 yeah Yep they're all in there and then these are the American Cooks the Sprite the Pepsi everything they all from America everything here from America yeah then then you have the water too which we selling for 700 the pack then we have um the toothpaste toothpaste yeah and the wipers toothpaste are different different prices sometimes we do sometimes somebody want to buy sell it yeah yeah we do yeah and these are the coffee Ms and hot chocolate yeah okay yeah yeah then just do back [Music] there this are the coffee M yeah and the cappuccino right there for coffee or tea it's milk yeah it's right there yeah yeah yeah but yeah one yeah and just the S mix down there yeah yeah then you have here uh the juices for 400 all of them that's 400 this are juices normal juice normal juice yes don't no just make it cool it yeah M and here the biscuits biscuits yeah this ,000 the whole box the whole box yes and and this is yeah yeah they all to 200 they all yes wow and here are the seit yes chips Pringles Pringles yes all this I seing is for cooking cooking yeah what is what that that one is um lemon paper
Channel: Nice Gambia
Views: 9,306
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Keywords: the Gambia vlog, The Gambia travel tips, Geography now the Gambia, Gambia beaches hotels, the smiling coast of Africa, is the Gambia safe, Most beautiful African countries, Gambia, gambia nice, the gambia tourism, blaxit gambia 2020, blaxit gambia, repatriation to africa, the smilling coast of africa, leaving in the gambia, travelling to africa, modern agriculture, agriculture technology, business in africa, entreprenuership in africa, gambia cities town and villages
Id: KyJwiDnWybI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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