We Became ZOO OWNERS In Minecraft! (Tycoon)

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ah look i can't catch up we're lagging jelly go steal his money go stealing yeah today we're back with another tycoon me jelly and crane are gonna be starting up our own suit and seeing who is the first to make 75 million dollars we have to pick up rubbish feeder animals to encourage guests to come visit which is how we make money the more money we get we can start buying cleaners and feeders and guards yep that's right guards because we can go and attack and kill each other and their workers who will win we'll see comment down below who you think it will be and click that like button if you guys want to see more tycoons head over to slogan.com for the merch and let's get into the video which she was the best look at all of these dongles let's tour our zoos quickly okay all right all right let's go okay create it first super quick tall dolphins wow uh what okay you like that wait what have you got over here i believe those are the scripts oh my these are huge okay isn't this basically just an aquarium isn't this big be quiet all right let's go look at jellies right over here there are monkeys please what else then we have big monkeys these can talk they can say full sentences like i hate crainer or wait are these sloths yeah sloths so cute let's go look at my one welcome to the savannah okay we've got some zebras over here some lions giraffes okay okay and then if we go over to the left of the giraffes rhinos um some of these things oh kangaroos and elephants this is a bit worrying uh well yeah we don't talk about that okay guys three two one open that zoo wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm hungry what is this what i do i don't know what to do hang on a second some stuff oh god why is crane trainers minus four dollars oh collect money i collected money guys i collected money hungry monkey how do i give him food how to feed i have no idea what i'm doing hire an animal feeder um for them where is the food guys where is the food it's like give it places man pick the food man i've got it yeah money idiot okay how am i doing on money i think i fed my shock i think i'm 50. that's it are you kidding me my shark is still hungry it's good eat okay so it's not eating all right i just had a customer come in i'm probably just going to get money i guess maybe i'll just kill the shotgun anything else wait lion is hungry you've got to throw the food at it crainer eat eat delicious where'd i put the garbage another customer garbage there's garbage 100. yeah i found garbage i feel like we're not making much money okay i am i mean josh hungary kangaroo okay okay so you take the trash around the place and you put it into the thing that sucks have you found trash yet what no that's the food place where do you put trash trash goes in the bin's crater in a little bit rubbish i got rubbish higher employees garbage yeah i did it okay so i'm just doing my best to feed these sea creatures but they don't want to take it right so train has got an unfortunate position being sea creatures that's uh it is really hard because they're swimming around guys oh god there you go you get to eat it's really good i have to try and eat this i'm not a fish how do i feed a flying parrot okay there we go mixed animal food products doing well doing well i don't have any trash or any hungry animals oh i do have trash okay all my animals are hungry how are you how are you keeping your animals not hungry you keep feeding them just keep running man i'm trying have you managed to feed a single animal craving i think some of them have eaten okay okay more villagers are coming for myself i'm getting villagers are coming into my zoo now wait there's garbage somewhere right where is the garbage okay there's food for you guys can i grab them like we did with other tycoons i don't think so i don't know apparently there's garbage in my zoo somewhere yeah i'm trying to find the garden oh i found it i found it really hard to find what i mean is it really a big deal yes okay is there more trash how am i supposed to afford any of this we're like poor oh i see more people coming in are we supposed to pick jesus okay oh my god just shocked that was great or so much ahead i'm really confused i'm really not i just i think it's it's it's quite easy okay hungry why didn't you eat that octopus take that it feels very unsafe that we have to go inside things yeah i'm really confused what i'm doing oh you think it's unsafe i have shocked it says here and i'm sweating standing on it oh there we go this guy eat is this how we get money okay hungry how do i get i need i need to afford sorry we don't have to pick up the money right they just get it automatically oh none of my animals are hungry hungry did it i finally did it jillian hungry lion good job crater well they're all gonna get hungry again crane so don't get too excited how how are your customers uh thinking about your parks guys well they all leave five-star reviews so i can tell you that that's the truth so if you go like that just you get more money like look at my money guys this thing tells me that that's doing well so what do i do with these uh villagers out here just grab them yeah wait get into my super bowl and grab villagers they come and spend money in you yeah of course you can i'm stealing them from outside oh i think we even tell these customers a little bit no i just started doing it to be fair i did it once does it actually work when you put them in yeah they're throwing money everywhere on the floor yeah are you actually going to spend money put them right there instead of you hungry monkey bunny right how is crainer so far ahead i'm trying oh it doesn't work about me being a head i deserve it okay come get your food i don't think i fed an elephant yeah see i think this is where the clown fish shot hello guys clownfish are you hungry buddy yo this villager here is not spending any money spend money boy floppy eat floppy two coming in that's good every fish have to be a floppy because they flop it kind of makes it pointless they're all the same i accidentally grabbed the sign okay josh how dare you i mean i can't do anything sign i i did that with the door you're talking about what side guys we're in here put it down we're at 10 000. how are we going to afford anything yes wait you killed i might finally drop the sign of course i did i killed jelly you lost wait really yeah well that's nice this is all fair game yeah it's not awful it's all part of it buddy i got killed and then my game crashes it doesn't sound like it's that it's not going that well for you there all right i need to feed my shock now and uh you guys have 16 000 hey you snooze you lose buddy you got a snooze i got killed and then my game crashed yeah yeah yo i love this yo you're really lucky jelly i'm losing money apparently okay hunky dolphin again this is really tough like i never want to own an real life [Music] oh i can hire a feeder no no go feed the dolphins mister i'm not sure my money button is still working guys silly if you're if your suit doesn't work you can come work for me yes do you want that jay you can come do you want to come work okay fifteen thousand fifteen thousand you've got thirty five thousand karina what the heck well he he's got he's got employees now i think yeah you get so much from the employees okay jenny do you want to team up on crainer uh that would be great oh what a great idea guys i would love that like i am i'm so far behind because my game crashed it's almost i would love if you guys just teamed up losing money it sounds really are you guys coming to kill me now all what's the plan uh i mean i think josh was he said i said i don't think you could do it together i've hired a lot of gods just so you know and you'll just lose so that is i don't think losing is an option here it is you're already losing you're doing pretty good at it already zookeeper purchase does that work what's up dude what's up dude what's up is that work what's up i thought i poisoned you this is great i'm making money where are you why are you running i'm scared of you dude he's nearly dead jelly i'm coming what about you dude how are you ah crap there's two of you now i'm gonna help okay this is this is this is just not fair and i hate you we will i don't know i'm just better i'm i'm just really proud of you guys that you did something oh i can get this okay i'm a little bit mad too if you can't tell but i'll forgive you come on cleaner work for me please do your animals attack you i don't know if they do wait yeah see this is why you don't team up against anybody josh because he's not oh listen your little friend i'm trying to change the enemy you guys have purchased way more i have a friend you just got the cleaner i guess yo my feeder is useless why is he not keeping them not hungry you know that's what i'm saying man hungry rhino i really regret hiring him painters 300 grand just 400 grand and i'm the one behind her what's up what's up dude what's up you mad you mad jelly are you mad yes that's okay you are losing quite a bit i think the jelly's still winning because he got the advancements before me he literally disconnected he said when he got his first cleaner i hadn't even got my cleaner yet so something's a bit odd there so you suck okay well that's just now you're just being mean here you guys see how much money i make how cleaner stuff [Laughter] this is a flex it's illegal i'm definitely flexing on your noobs right now so you are flexing i don't know i'm doing things i don't know do you need more cleaners because they cost the same i don't know do you want tips for me you can always ask i'm genuinely curious okay so say trainer this is you guys just bought something expensive i can see that you guys aren't saying things now i don't spend any money i don't know what you're talking about bro you guys are such liars the first one is 75 million is going to win this i i yeah we're away i don't know what happens though when you get to it i really don't know how anybody's going to get to 75 million guys that's a lie i mean i think it'll gradually get quicker you know what look at josh one and a half million whoa i got 1.1 million guys oh almost 2 million dude i got so many workers i am balling i can literally sit back right now and just enjoy my work well i'm not working so i can just enjoy their work you know okay i have a plan what's your plan nothing well that that sounds suspicious look at my money guys oh hey josh are you coming to me buddy hello how are you doing how you doing bud i am a poor man take him god take him okay come on dude okay josh is cheating the system ranged attack okay josh is killing my gods with the range attack what are you doing daddy what good job what is what are you doing that's different nothing that sounds awfully suspicious now i'm not doing anything why are you being sauce chilly i'm just trying something i'm just experimenting okay okay i'm trying to climb back up remember i'm the one who got killed and then why are you climbing what do you mean josh investigate i i'm climbing back up as in like i'm trying to i'm trying to i'm just gonna let him do it i don't think there's any way you guys can actually catch up to me right now i got to be honest i i think i think i want him pretty much what do the guards do i'm still kind of confused they they protect you from being attacked i think they protect you how do you not know what the guards do yeah but like from who from you yeah yeah from people running in no they kill all your animals daily oh yeah what's up josh uh never mind goodbye buddy i think it's hey come back another day thank you for your experience okay all right got enough guards for a small army now i feel like like my workers aren't working very hard because he keeps saying stuff's hungry hi goodbye julie i think he stole my money when he went in there but it's i guess wait you didn't steal the money i forgot i've actually stolen money from jelly maybe three times what you have yeah you're not very good at noticing well josh's 13 million he's doing quite good i'm the game's lagging now uh the game is like we just wanted to be working too many ais helping us maybe how many uh guards have you were put down crainer 30 okay well that's probably the problem here ah we're just racing for the moment it's getting it's getting real crowded i'm not gonna lie yeah we did kind of like come on josh is on 32 million i don't know i hit one of my workers and now they're attacking me i think for somehow josh is like gonna win now i don't know guys one of my workers is attacking me what is he doing that i am not the worker i don't know what he's doing hey where is your fire i fired a worker don't worry team up against josh i really don't i think i can win by just farming i have a feeling look i have a feeling you can no i don't think i can i have a feeling that crainer is hiding money all right jelly no do it [Music] listen if we kill josh the money gets split trainer we're like on a draw dude this is lacking so bad just kidding you've been betrayed okay never mind uh oh josh is right there with a dog nice oh no and now jenny runs in where's silly wait josh at 50. oh no wait if i just stand on josh's one oh okay what the hell okay i'm on my way out okay okay okay no george josh you i just want to say your guards are so used what's up yeah yeah yeah yeah crane is going for your money jelly look i can't catch up we're lagging jenny go steal his money go stealing yeah why didn't you go for the money that would have made so much more see how much of a wuss jelly is dude i guess i should okay it's definitely lagging much more at josh's than crainers okay jelly's just not gonna die because of this leg this is ridiculous did you he stole oh my god he stole so much of yours sucks so much like this game to be fair i'm pretty sure crane is not gonna stop until you're dead now so that might not have been i literally can't even kill him like it's impossible you better stay away from my place jelly come here josh i'll just try you then it's like it's so killed yeah i can't kill you you really you literally just can't do it you have to do it right that literally can't kill each other look like this is i can just keep i'm gonna do it and that how much health have you got oh no i'm with her see i'm spending all my money i don't care okay that's just gonna make it laggier crainer i'm gonna make the server crash so nobody wins jelly's very supposed to go i'm gonna be pedaling my thing has stopped making money which is good oh he needs five million okay he's not 70 all of a sudden i was stunned we were two i'm literally not i don't get it i don't get why it sometimes gives me something it's all done jelly we're look we lost uh is this how much is oh i won i guess all right you know what it doesn't matter because fireworks guys fireworks thanks guys thank you you want to come visit us hey hey hey this is a good two it's the best suit you guys are welcome free tickets you stole from me me yeah you went for the wrong person to kill crainer it's your problem i just want you to die like please rip crainer sorry buddy i'll go back to my okay you've got a free ticket to my zoo if you want to come well thank you guys for watching if you'd like to watch more there are videos on the screen you can also head over to slogo.com if you want to check out the merch have an awesome day bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,865,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, crainer, zoo, tycoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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