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hey guys welcome back to my channel if you are new my name is courtney and today we are working with wood shims oh my gosh i'm so excited okay they're cheap that's why i'm excited okay turn over take 17. alright so real quick before we get in to these diys i wanted to say at the end of this video i am revealing one of my hints that i dropped in a previous video a while back so stay tuned for that now what the heck is a wood shim well let me give you the quick one minute run down so if you're not familiar with wood shims you can buy these for super cheap from the hardware store commonly you'll find them in a package like this this 12 pack cost me a dollar 46 at home depot they also had the super large wood shims which this cost me 486 and i don't really know how many is in the package because it is not properly labeled now i will say this this package right here makes a suggestion of how you could use a wood chin that i 100 disagree with now what could you use for wood shims typically they are used for installing windows doors they are a wedge shape if you're not familiar with them as you can see here piece of wood that are used for like i said installing windows doors leveling cabinets fun things like that now this irving company right here took it upon themselves to make some other suggestions of how you could use wood stones which i'm going to share with you arts and crafts check that's what we're doing today they also suggest you can use it for construction renovating remodeling leveling furniture children's arts and crafts which we are doing um now for all you pyromaniacs out there they also say you could use it for fire kindling so there you go now the one that i do not recommend with is paint stir sticks these are completely rough sometimes you get lucky and get one that's kind of smooth but in all reality they are full of splinters so i would not recommend using this as a paint stir stick and if you do good luck my last tip on the wood shims is that they are not all created equal when i was at home depot buying my wood shims minding my own business a man walked up to me and i was digging around in the nelson box which was a very large box by the way and i was digging around because i spotted a package of wood shims that had red tones to it which you're going to see in this first diy how i use those to my advantage the man walks up to me and says ma'am all the wood shims are the same to which i was like no no they're not these are red these are not not the same so when you go to buy your wood shims if you want to try to find different tones of wood and even props different types of wood dig around dig around the box don't be afraid i did not find that true for the larger ones but for the smaller ones if you dig around you will get different tones so that's my tip on that don't be afraid to dig and without further ado let's get into these diys starting with this first diy you're going to want to take a piece of cardboard and we are essentially going to make a little donut so to speak a little wreath form if you want to call it that and i'm just using this dollar tree hanging basket as my large circle i'm going to trace it around with a pencil and then use my hobby knife to go ahead and cut that out then i'll take a dollar tree cake pan and use that to draw my inside circle trace around it and again cut it out with my hobby knife now that it's cut out i'm going to go ahead and take some of my small wood shims and i'm going to start arranging them around on my little cardboard form here now this is where i mentioned about the different tones of the shims so here these are just kind of some natural ones i found several packages of the red ones and what i did is i kind of just played around with the design because i knew i was going to leave these natural i wasn't going to paint i wasn't going to stain and so i just wanted to arrange them so that it had the most depth and that i really liked how it looked once i had the look that i wanted i very carefully went ahead and took off off the top level or layer i should say of the wood shims i just pick them up and stack them in a clockwise motion which would make it easy for me to be able to put them back where i needed them to go and then starting with this bottom level here i just the ones that needed sanding i gave it a very light sanding and then i just used some hot glue to glue these down and then i did the same thing when i went to reattach the top level of wood chips [Music] now i was ready to go ahead and attach the mirror so i got this six pack of mirrors from amazon and these are um i don't know what to call them to be honest they're not super thick they're great for crafting it came with these three different sizes and then it's got a film on it that's why they're a little hazy right now but ultimately what i was trying to decide was um my original plan was to go ahead and put the mirror in the back of this little sunburst thing but i thought maybe i don't know maybe do i want it on the top but then i was like no i don't want it on the top so once i decided to put it on the back i just had to peel the film off and then i just hot glued it directly to the back of my wooden shim sunburst moving into this diy you're going to need some of the smaller wood shims as well as a styrofoam cone i got my cone from dollar tree you're also going to need your miter shears to be able to trim these up if you don't have miter sears you could use a miter box or if you even have a miter saw you could use that as well just be very very careful so the first step here is we're going to take this cone and we're going to hot glue some of these whole pieces just around kind of like go about halfway up the styrofoam cone and just glue these pieces down making sure as you set it down that the pieces are kind of level so that when you go to set this tree down it will set level on your tabletop surface now taking those miter shears like i said and your trimmed pieces you're just going to randomly set them kind of building up your tree putting some on the bottom part of the tree then around the middle and work your way up to the very top once you've filled in your tree and i did go through and i trimmed some skinny pieces and kind of shoved them up and underneath so it really is totally up to you the more rustic it looks the better and um once you get that all done you're ready to kind of work on your top now obviously if you just glued the shims with their straight little you know straight edge across the top it's not going to look right so you are going to need some type of a tool to go ahead and trim these down and i'm just working with the thin part of the wedge i'm just cutting it and then i'm just kind of making points at the end trimming the edges to where they will all kind of come together at the very top and make somewhat of a point for my tree and this is what it looks like when it is all finished now you could leave it natural like i'm going to i am planning to make several more of these for the christmas season you could dry brush it you could paint it green there's lots of options you could add berries so definitely keep this in mind when you start to work on those christmas diys for this diy hack i'm going to show you one more tree so you're going to start with two of the long pieces of shims and you're going to want to match up the thick end of one shim to the thin end essentially you're going to end up wood gluing these two pieces together but before you do that then take one of the shorter shims and hold it up against this and you're basically trying to decide how long you want your trunk to be once you figure that out go ahead and mark it on those two long pieces of the shims and trim them down then once you've done that then it's time to go ahead and would glue them together and then i just took some binder clips you could use clamps if you have them i know dollar tree does sell some little crafting clamps in their crafter square section and you want to let these dry overnight now we're ready to go ahead and start building our tree so you're going to need a total of 12 of the smaller wood shims six for each side and you're simply just going to take some of that wood glue and you're just going to glue the pieces on and continue to glue them on until all of the pieces are attached together the last step here is to go ahead and attach a base so i have this wood round that i had gotten from hobby lobby quite a while ago i'm using some of my gorilla glue clear grip glue i'm just going to glue it to the base and then flip my tree upside down put a little weight on the wood round so that it kind of adheres let it dry overnight and it's good to go now of course you don't have to leave this natural you could paint it green you could stain it you could do many many things that you want to and i may change my mind and do that later on but there you go another tree that you can make out of wood shims for hack number four we're gonna do some diys that are perfect for entertaining and that is to just make some wooden tags so you're going to want to use the thick end of the wood shim and i basically just marked off the corners and then just snipped them very quickly with my miter shears you guys know i love my miter shears they are always linked down below in the description box one of my favorite tools ever and once i get these snipped then what i'm going to do is go ahead and paint these with some black paint now once that's all painted i do need to go ahead and make a little hole at the top so i'm just going to use my dremel tool which i've been using more and more i absolutely love it that's also linked down below i think the last video i showed it i forgot to link it but i did add it there and now it's down in the description box so if you don't have a dremel tool and you're not really a big fan of the huge drills and things like that definitely check out getting a dremel because it can do a lot once the holes are drilled then i just need to make some quick little decals on my cricut i made one that said sweet and one that said unsweet and then it's just a matter of tying some twine to this and voila you've got yourself some little tags that you can use with scrap pieces of wood shims for this next diy hack we're going to make a wooden plant crate and i'm actually going to leave the bottom of this open so that i can just set it over my potted plants my pots can drain easily without any issues and i can lift it off when i want to lift it off so for this you're going to need three of the long um wood shims i almost said skewers dowel rods my brain is like anyway what am i saying i don't know let's focus here so you're gonna need three pieces of wood shim and then i'm taking some of these large popsicle sticks that came from walmart and i'm just trimming these down so that i can use this to kind of glue my three piece but not kind of i'm using it to glue my three pieces together now my three wood shims are if you're looking let's say at the left side of them lined up the thin end is on the first the top would shim the second one the thick end is there and then the thin this is going to give the side of the crate a little bit of texture a little bit of dimension and i just personally think it looks really really cool i'm using my gorilla glue clear wood glue or i'm sorry it's not wood glue it's just clear glue and i am gluing this together i am struggling on this diy honestly this is probably the easiest one um yeah so you're just going to go ahead and put a popsicle stick on one end gluing it then you're going to do it on the other end and then you're going to make one more side just like this one so you'll have two sides that are composed of three of the long wood shims it is time to work on the two end pieces for my crate so here i've got three of these lined up again the same pattern where on one end it's thin and then the thick and then the thin i'm gonna mark where i want it to be and then go ahead and cut those down then once that's done i'm gonna do the whole popsicle trick again where i trimmed down some popsicles and use my clear gorilla glue to attach these pieces together then it's just a matter of assembling my crate and to do that i am just going to use again the clear grip gorilla glue and i'm going to go ahead and glue all of the four pieces together and then let it dry overnight [Music] moving in to number six i'm gonna make some really fun garden herb markers so i started by grabbing five of my smaller wood shims and giving them a very light sanding and then i picked a bunch of fun colors from pink and yellow and green and blue and purple and gave all these shims a good coat of paint once these were all painted i decided to get my letters on to the wood shim garden markers i was just going to go ahead and stamp them now i'm stamping them because i know that these garden markers these are going to be inside i'm not putting them outside if you're going to be putting these actually outside don't use stampin ink because if they get wet if they get moisture it will bleed if you try to seal them thinking oh i'll seal it before i put it out there it will also bleed so if you're going to put these outside you're going to want to use some cricut vinyl that you've sealed or perhaps use stencils and seal it you're going to want to definitely do that not use stamps so i'm going to go ahead and stamp on my different little herbs that i picked and then that's it this diy is d-o-n-e for this wood shim diy hack we are jumping to a little bit of a patriotic decor so here i've got several different shades of blue fabric as well as red you're going to need five different fabrics all of my fabrics came from hobby lobby i absolutely love their fabrics and most of them do come from the wall that i always call it the wall that's always there that's usually always thirty percent off um that's where most of them came from so once i got my fabrics picked out i'm gonna be working with the long wood shims again you're gonna need five for each star and i'm just going to cut a piece of fabric that will leave me about i don't know three quarters to an inch of fabric allowance all the way around the wood shim so i'm just going to cut some strips so that i have all of these ready to cover up my wood shims once my fabric pieces are ready to go i'm just going to attach them to my wood gems using some hot glue so i'm going to start by going ahead and pulling the sides over and hot gluing those down and then when i get to the ends i'm going to trim off a little bit of the fabric to make it not bulky and then i'm going to kind of do the little wrapping trick the wrapping trick the wrapping paper trick where you kind of fold it in make a little triangle and pull it forward that way my ends won't be super bulky so that is why i opted to go ahead and trim off a little bit extra fabric i would recommend doing that because the points where your star are going to meet are going to be on the ends and if they're too bulky it's going to make it a little awkward to put your star together now that the shims are all covered with fabric we're ready to go ahead and assemble the star and this is kind of your decision as to how you want the designs to go and you're just going to place the pieces make your star once you get it all lined up how you like it then to attach the pieces together i am just using some hot glue and that's it this star is finished i did go through the exact same process for the blue star so here i have my red star and my blue star all ready to go now i'm ready to work with some of the smaller sized wood shims and i'm going to be making a wooden candle wrap so what you're going to want to do is grab some of these shims and you're going to want to make them six inches which means you are going to need to cut them and you're going to want to alternate so you're going to want to have the thin end of the wood shim and then the next one you're going to want to cut it where the six inches includes the thick end and it kind of depends on what size candle you're going to use so i just cut enough that will be able to wrap fully around my candle once my wood shims were cut i went ahead and laid them side by side alternating thin end at the top thick and thin thick and i took a piece of rope that was kind of flat i wouldn't recommend using twine you could use ribbon here as well but you want something that's a little bit wider than twine and i hot glued it to my pieces of wood shim and what i'm going to end up doing is just wrapping this around my wood shim and once i get it all wrapped then i just trim off the extra and it's something that i can just slip over my candle and give the candle a totally different look then once that wood shim wrap is all done i did want to go ahead and add some twine to it so i added some twine around the top i went around four times and just tied it off and then did the same on the bottom and it kind of like looks like a little barrel up close i mean when you look at it in person that's kind of the vibe it gives off as a barrel around my candle but i think it just amps it up makes it look a little special for hack number nine we're going to be making a seasonal wooden wreath so we're going to start by doing our little cardboard donut trick here i just used the dollar tree cake pan to get my outside circle then i flipped the cake pan over to trace that inside circle and i'm just going to use my hobby knife to go ahead and cut this out once that's done i'm going to grab a bunch of the small size shims and i'm going to measure these from the skinny portion of the shim to the thick end six inches you want to make sure that you measure them all the exact same way and then i will use my miter shears to go ahead and trim them down once the pieces are all trimmed look at all those little squares left over i just kept seeing little scrabble tile pieces so i'm definitely going to save those you'll probably see those pop up at some point now we're ready to start assembling our wreath so taking your wreath form you're going to start with your wood shim and the thin side of the wood shim that is the part that needs to be touching the cardboard form where you choose to start is up to you i found starting on the left was easy and then from here you can decide if you want to place them going underneath the one as you go you know place the next one underneath it underneath it underneath it or go on top like i'm doing here and you're just gonna go around until you kind of get it spraying i guess that's the best way to say it all in one direction and you get it as full as you'd like it and then once you get it arranged how you want it we're going to start hot gluing all of these wood shim pieces down [Music] once it was all secured down i did um when i was looking at it full on there were a couple spots where i was like oh i could really use one so i just added a couple extra shims to the back of my wreath and it was totally fine then i decided i wasn't going to leave it natural i wanted to go ahead and paint it green so i used the waverly moss green paint and i painted the entire wreath green my final touch of this was i had one of those metal words from dollar tree that said welcome i took it outside gave it a little bit of kind of the muted gold spray paint i'm just going to hot glue this onto the wreath and then that's it now this could be a spring wreath you could add berries at christmas you could add leaves at fall it's definitely multi-seasonal and a great little thing to add anywhere in your house for the last diy wood shim hack we are going to start by using one of these canvases from dollar tree and some of the long wood shims so the first thing you want to do is go ahead and measure your wood shims and trim them down so that you are making a frame around your canvas once the wood shims are trimmed down i'm going to take some brown wax and go ahead and paint all four of these with some of that and then i'm also going to take some black waverly chalk paint and i'm going to paint my canvas with a good coat of the paint now that the canvas is completely dry i'm going to take a piece of chalk and i'm going to go ahead and season this this is what they call it and i'm just going to rub the chalk all over it wipe it off rub it on there or wipe it off and then my last step is to go ahead and hot glue my four pieces of wood shim my little frame that i made around it and then i'm ready to use this for a chalkboard all right if you saw that video a while back where i dropped three heads one of the heads was leading you here which is sam's room so what is happening now is his room is going to be getting a surprise makeover but um the next step in his room is for me to do his feature wall and he has decided he wants you guys to decide what to choose for his feature wall so i'll tell you a little more about that but i did let him help set up his bed frame and his mattress which is from sweet night it's one of those mattresses in the box so let's go in there and check this out we've never done one of those before so let's see what it's all about so here is the box that the mattress came in this is from sweet night the box is super heavy and you just open it up and then inside you find it all nice and rolled up really tight and plastic it came with a little packet that had the directions as well as a little tool to help you open it up you just pull it out of the box and then cut there's like a thicker plastic on the outside that allows you to kind of roll it out open it up and then you cut the plastic again and it starts to inflate it said it took 72 hours for it to fully pop up it was super easy to get it put up and honestly it is very very comfortable all right here's sam okay he slept in his bed last night what's the verdict bud very soft and comfortable very soft and comfortable um it didn't it inflated very well it's a 12 inch it's a pretty thick mattress so 12 inches um he's got new bedding and all that stuff for his room redo so the next thing i'm working on in his room is going to be a feature wall right here he did want to see the three options that i had it narrowed down to and he did kind of favor one of them but he has an announcement what's your announcement but i want y'all to decide which feature will i get okay he wants you guys to decide so in just a second i'm going to put up three pictures there's an abc comment down below with which feature wall do you think should go right here and then sam will reveal what the winner is the rest of the room redo is going to be a surprise but um we are letting him go ahead and sleep in the bed so all right there we go the mattress is an a-plus and there you go 10 diy hacks using wood shims let me know down below which one of these was your favorite project also let me know if you'd like to perhaps see in the coming months another diy round of shim projects i also am super excited to say that i found something else at the hardware store that is super cheap and that i'm going to be bringing another diy hack to and i have to say i have not seen anybody using these for diys so look for that and also one more time if you were looking for a new mattress definitely check out suite night their information is linked down below guys i was super skeptical of this whole mattress in a box thing but yeah it really is legit so definitely check it out thanks so much for watching guys give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and i will see you in the next one bye hey guys my name is courtney welcome back to my channel today we are talking about wood chins wood chins everybody with our special guest pinocchio [Music] [Music] just noticed this on my table someone's been in my craft room making fun designs with the little clips i used in one of my projects the little people in my house are everywhere [Music] so they do suggest that if you are a pyromaniac that you could use these to start a nice campfire so keep that in mind if you like to go camping say hey hon let's go grab some wood chips okay i'm super excited to bring you new blip i hope you all shimmy into the rest of your day with joy and positivity have a lovely day everybody unless you're not subscribed then you can have a mediocre day i'm telling you i was so skeptical bringing another diy hack to and honestly what a diy hack to eat [Music] i want to give you the one-on-one on wood shims we're just skinny the 101 the skinny whichever you prefer i don't know what i'm saying what am i saying i don't know okay i hear lots of doors opening and closing out there i do not know what's going on in my own house i really don't know how many getting this they didn't label it it's a lot okay oh i'm recording hey i need a remote for my camera all right i always say all right why do i do that okay okay before we get into these diy uh these wedge-shaped pieces of woods what they're not woods let's see and label the stinking package now i gotta do math why can't i say shims hey irving company you missed a good one hey you can also not only use them as a paint painster stick but you can use them as chopsticks okay don't really do that i don't want to be held liable for splinters in your tongue i need to clean off my desk why doesn't it make the tute sound [Music] what's wrong with this picture that's because this is the glove for this thing wow you know you know what i wonder every time i use these is if these would cut hair here's a joke for you that no one in my family appreciated why do ducks have feathers to cover their butt quacks [Music] yes no yes maybe kind of give this video a thumbs up if you liked that give this video a thumbs up if you hated it yo it's confession time again um so sometimes when i'm out running around i live in the town where i went to high school and a lot of the people i went to high school with still live in this town also and sometimes if i see them and i'm looking like a hot mess i put in my air pods and then i turn around and act like i didn't see them like i run away and hide like i really legit try to hide from them yeah so anyway but that's people i know so if you're a stranger and you see me out come on up don't let that sway you from coming up to say hi because if you're a stranger i'll say hi but if i know you i'll hide i don't know i'm weird what can i say have a good day [Music]
Channel: Creative on the Cheap
Views: 75,942
Rating: 4.9053731 out of 5
Keywords: diy home decor, dollar tree, dollar tree diy, diy, home decor diy, creative on the cheap, farmhouse diy, farmhouse home decor
Id: w4rqQaAqT24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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