Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin Jerk

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Anora I solved the mystery of that painting you did I'm afraid I can't tell you Lenora so you just didn't expect a new student to be so Deft with a wand then again perhaps this wasn't your first duel I've jeweled enough consider yourself lucky I held back now those poor losers have taken my gobstones and hidden them in very high places all over the school sounds as if you caused the smelly situation and they responded accordingly you should have worked it out on your own you have nerve did you find the astrolabe I did find it however I've taken a liking to it so I'm going to keep it what unless you want your classmates to know how you really feel about them you might reward me for my time ah not at all at all who I thought you to be and you're not who I thought you'd to be based upon your diary you seem terribly judgmental I didn't think it was possible common sense and basic magic fine I shall pay you but you cannot begin to imagine what I shall be writing about you next I haven't much interest in a game that sprays you with odors I'm not sure Old Vine covered pillars are worth studying I'm afraid I'm not keen on mucking about at the bottom of lakes bit of good luck that's all I'm not lucky I'm simply better than you I'm afraid I've decided to keep them and I'll teach you to stink up your classmates what keep my prize collection for yourself yes find his Keepers I'm afraid I knew it you're just as bad as everyone else I hate this school but you can't it doesn't belong to you Finders Keepers Grace imagine so Riddle That I [Music] getting them was more work than I expected I'd like to be paid for my time of course you never know when you might need a quick means of Escape From The Castle exclusive and unsanctioned Count Me In but no one especially the Headmaster can know undermining the Headmaster and getting something in return continue I brewed an endurance potion as you asked Professor I'm surprised you had the time you seemed rather busy helping Mr Weasley Brew chaos I'm not sure what you're talking about Professor you will not earn favor with me by failing to take responsibility for your actions I'm beginning to get a reputation as a coward some have even taken to calling me puff skin Duncan now that I think about it puff skin Duncan I think I shall keep this you need to overcome your cowardice you can't be serious undoing you a favor disappointment like this will encourage you to become a stronger person I don't need to be stronger I need to be left alone Leander there's no easy way to say this well actually there is you're not cut out for it well you could have found a hard way to say it took weeks for me to get anything right when I transferred here it gets easier I promise thank you but I've been holding my own hope your first day is going well you certainly seem to hold your own in charms thank you but it really wasn't all that challenging now people think you're a competition I can't be having that perhaps I am competition typical Slytherin trick dropping a dragon skull on someone during a fight we gryffindors fight with honor uh no offense sorry am I right and suspecting that a Slytherin like you might be interested in making an escape from class [Music] I can't say no to that I swore to ominous I would Safeguard this place so please keep this between us actually Sebastian brought me there but he made it perfectly clear to keep quiet about it that rat I quite like the idea of an authentic murmish artifact I'm tempted to keep it myself what why would you do that that gift was a gesture of Good Will a symbol of hope I was going to show it to the ministry if you really wanted this then perhaps you should have fetched it yourself she's only the single greatest Apostle master of all time she was just good at casting a spell no wonder I've never heard of her caught wind of you showing off in flying class with Clapton seems someone's jealous of my skills on a broom me so they're in quidditch Captain jealous of you actually why not I can be your record I'm so looking forward to seeing you lose oh that's not oh fine you won and where have you two been oh hello Professor we were trying to get a bit of extra practicing Hefty points will be taken from each of you for not following my instructions but you're still going to have to prove yourself if you want to earn my respect I don't want respect from the likes of you I'm afraid I don't find puzzles that engaging I don't need extra work to become a better flyer I would not assign you work that I did not believe was beneficial to you I'm not sure I have time for extra assignments Professor you shall find the time see choice of inventory you don't mind sharing your opinions because I was only just escape with my life I need to be better prepared next time could use some Thunder bro I don't suppose a student like yourself will be in possession of such a thing you should be able to take care of yourself I'm not giving you anything how cool Cooling I need little something something to protect me if I run into them again maximum abortion that would do it if you can't defend yourself you'd be better off staying out of their way I'm not giving you charity you'll be sorry when run Rock's loyalists come to take me away you'll be sorry then incredible then you found herodiana's outfit may I see it he will write about how spectacular it is provides a pity you didn't find it yourself you double crossing car after all the Futures mine for the taking and I shall take what I must we need to see what they're doing I say we take them head on let's bury some enemies very well perhaps it was your dealings with froopers that led you to the precarious idea of stocking diracles oh purple beats beats for feet how hilarious I mean how how terrible horrible truly I don't know why gryffindors get credit for bravery we slytherins are teeming with it and we're much more fun to fight with I'm glad to hear it I'm not certain I needed all the extra assignments and I'm certain you would not have been a successful without them I trust you are meticulous in your efforts well I don't know about meticulous but I did as I was asked I'd advised doing more than the bare minimum if you want to hone your skills as quickly as possible foreign [Music] 632 and I would have been a Tengu if not for a bit of bad luck if you were that good I can't believe a bit of bad luck could end your entire quidditch career I was excellent my ability on a broom had nothing to do with what happened I cannot wait to get her home so miss seeing her dance in the evenings such Joy I think biscuit will be safer with me gone if what if you can't take my biscuit from me biscuit is clearly not safe with you and I know how to protect her perhaps ramrock was right about wizard kind always thinking yourself Superior to others look at that well Trump on anything they can get there but mouth's on well imagine that wasn't a dummy trust me Leander I was imagining it the entire time you were I mean of course you're not someone to be trifled with I see that trust me ominous I won't say a word why should I trust you you just betrayed Sebastian please I was trying to defend him should never have trusted you should never have trusted them you'll all be sorry when I learned some more spells I hope your new astrology brings you nothing but sorrow I just hope you haven't set relations between wizard kind and murder people back decades may I never be so unfortunate as to cross bus with you again wish I'd never told you about my gobstones I'll met you if it isn't the second best Slytherin of course it's another trial and you'd better be taking part so what you finally scared everyone else away that was nothing I'm just getting started I thought I could beat you appears I overestimated myself more like you underestimate than me fair enough but the little sporting Spirit wouldn't hurt you hello Grace what are you doing here you've a nerve speaking to me after what you did and your contribution was invaluable rest assured you shall be credited in my Memoirs one day whatever you say I'll meet whatever you say delivering those potions was a bit more work than I'd expected I'd like an additional fee I suppose that's business for you hey well I shall increase your pay but I'm not at all pleased about it I hope you're taking good care of my prices family astrolabe I'm just here for someone's Court fine would be nice to take you down a peg I assume you're ready I'm game well let's see what you're made of huh wasn't enough you kept my family astrally was it you had to beat me at Sumner's Court as well there wasn't much to it you they are insufferable if you ever meet my gran this trip never happened keeping things from ground aren't we I think she worries I'll do something ill-advised whatever gave her that idea Miss Muffet I call granaira that's incredible was it terribly difficult ah not too bad if you know what you're doing don't be so humble about it it was my sweet Rococo may I have him back actually he's taken a liking to me so I've decided to keep him what may I have very naturally I think she'll be safer with me but after rescue I am the one who fell in love with her beautiful plumage I can see why you didn't want to go she was quite cantankerous you may have beaten me but your next opponent is sure to take you down a peg which will be a joy to see I should have faced my fears and gone after myself perhaps you should have you treat her as foul Napper I hope you pecked your eyes out you don't deserve to possess such an invaluable and historic outfit pinch smedleys will always look upon you as a black guard and an enemy if a wizard can't count on someone in the Wizarding Community to help against goblins what does it come to Puff skin Duncan is still all I hear thanks for being an utter waste of time may you never have A Moment's Peace with him Pratt is a is a boil and he's lucky I didn't have him sealed in a wall he truly is rather foul isn't he no don't just if I don't want to return you to the three broomsticks what on Earth do you mean or I could just burn you and be done with it I'd like to see you try you really awesome to have said that are you are you burning me Miss broom a word oh Professor this is an uh interesting surprise it's Bloom by the way remind me of your area of affinity broom owls are Swift approaching charms sir non-verbal spells might work on one that makes me disappear well keep at it broom and before you know it you'll be as invisible as that new fifth year seems to be well they're as good as invisible to me sir rotten little extortionist holding my diary hostage what was that broom uh nothing sir
Channel: JJDani
Views: 21,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy jerk, hogwarts legacy slytherin, slytherin, hogwarts legacy evil, hogwarts legacy mean, slytherin jerk, slytherin evil, hogwarts legacy funny, hogwarts legacy bully, hogwarts, legacy, harry potter, jk rowling, hogwarts legacy villian, jerk
Id: 7fALZOBhPbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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