Hogwarts Legacy - Sebastian Sallow Questline (Both Endings)

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anything to do with the dark heart should be avoided it's too risky anything to do with Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk I can't agree and I'll not say a word more I'm sorry I Won't Give Up what were you Anonymous speaking about he's being ridiculous apparently Salazar Slytherin has secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts ominous swears it was used for the dark arts so he wants nothing to do with it I reminded him that Anne need to cure this scriptorium could hold the answers we need the dark arts do pique my interest there's more to dark magic Than People realize the gaunts know this better than most perhaps I've spoken out of turn ominous family history is personal to him I'd like to know more about it if you wouldn't mind telling me I won't repeat it very well but do keep this between us ominous learned dark magic from his parents are you familiar with the cruciata's curse crucio correct the cruciatus curse also known as the torture curse inflicts excruciating pain on the victim apparently his parents and older siblings had no qualms about casting us on Muggles for sport ominous described the sound of the victim's cries as horrific so the first time he was asked to cast it himself as a child couldn't bring himself to do it as punishment his family casteth on him the anguish was so bad that when asked cast it again he relented I have repeatedly assured ominous he did what he had to but he still hasn't forgiven himself [Music] that's awful but no matter the circumstance he should never have casted should have known better trust me it's not as easy as you might assume thinking straight when you've been hit with crucio after that incident the rift between ominous and his family only grew that is until I came along every moment he isn't Hogwarts he's with us in feldcroft I wanna trusts me and more often than not he winds up listening to me I'll remind him of that when I follow up about the scriptorium watch for my owl I'll have news soon enough I'll make ominous understand he'll change his mind over here over here torium but my efforts were in vain meet me outside the Slytherin common room we need to talk you're here brilliant I received your owl what happened with ominous I told him none of us will be able to avoid dark magic forever so the more we know about Salazar Slytherin and the dark arts the better prepared will be unfortunately only a gaunts knows the location of the scriptorium's entrance and ominous won't tell me hmm perhaps I should have a chat with ominous you I suppose it's worth a try but don't get your hopes up ominous is annoyingly stubborn nothing new I know where he is I'll lead you to him and then leave you to it come on he's this way keep an eye out never know who's watching although that hasn't stopped us before strictly speaking it has we were caught damned Poltergeist such a nuisance [Music] [Music] there he is good luck what are you doing here hello ominous do you have a moment what is it what have you and Sebastian been up to now I owe you an apology ominous I wasn't honest with you before about the undercroft Sebastian did show it to me he wanted me to have a safe place to practice some spells to try and catch up to the other fifth years he didn't think you'd mind I suppose that makes sense it's just Sebastian's been pestering me lately about something and I'm frustrated with him don't tell me he's still going on about what was it a scriptorium he told you about that he did we were talking about our house founder and he mentioned it wouldn't say much more though yes well he seems to think it contains the answer to saving Anne I think it's likely full of dark magic that is better left untouched wait you've never been inside of course not I only know about it because of my favorite aunt knock tour she thought like I do didn't agree with the family on the use of dark magic in fact she'd hoped to convince my family that there was more to Salazar Slytherin than worshiping pure blood status she'd heard of this scriptorium and thought its contents might shed some light on him she even found the secret entrance in this very Corridor she wrote regularly to my father about her efforts to gain access and then she simply vanished no one else ever tried to enter [Music] I'm sorry about your aunt don't you want to find out what happened to her aunt knocked tour went down this path with good intentions and lost her life I don't want the same to happen again you don't know that history will repeat itself besides you said you aren't thought like you this could honor her memory get you answers about Slytherin and Sebastian answers for Anne your aunt pursued this alone we could do it together hmm see what you've done here and I confess you've convinced me I didn't think it possible very well I shall tell you what I know fetch Sebastian I'll wait I hope I we don't regret this Sebastian over here these braziers Grant access to the scriptorium now you'll share you wouldn't tell me when I practically begged it wasn't you who told me what I needed to hear openings three something's happening I hope we're ready for this dark ominous corridors my favorite no comment come on that was a good one the journal entry signed by noctuar gaunt s your family was here repairer foreign formed a relief of a person facing a snake Rebellion must be the voice I hear the voice is ancient sinister you hear a voice it started when you repaired that relief I hear a whisper saying speak to me I'm a parcel mouth I can hear and speak to snakes nearly all known parcel mouths are descended from Salazar Slytherin I wish all slytherins could talk to snakes you might not want the ability to speak past the tongue it's often associated with dark Wizards I haven't spoken it in ages but I'd wager if I speak it now the door will open I'm hoping you're having second thoughts [Music] I see no reason we should stop now it's ironic when I left home I vowed to leave the dark Hearts behind and yet here I am stand back I can't believe I'm doing this it worked ominous you possess a rare ability indeed between the two of you I'm starting to feel left out between the two of us I never mind there's no clear Way Forward like a maze Salazar Slytherin most likely wanted this to be difficult to solve the door we came from and there's more than one gate ahead lumos then look closely at each gate for Clues foreign this journal entry it mentions getting lost and being unwelcome lumos [Music] another gate seems Slytherin like to play games plus one in the family look in a mirror Sebastian foreign matching the symbols did open it I was about to do that myself but you got to it first lumos nice work incendio ominous your aunt wanted to change your family's Traditions she did and she was my favorite person in the world for it lumos [Music] lumos that sounded promising another dial solved impressive nice work not sure reference is painful and arduous challenges but also Rewards painful that's the part I'm aware of all I heard was rewards keep going another another welcoming sword Aussie foreign excellent work we're another step closer to the scriptorium I spotted something ahead looks troubling this whole place is troubling but for my aunt's sake we cannot stop now the gate I think we're locked in again then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us ominous a skeleton and knocked to his last journal entry she mentions being trapped here blocked by an unforgivable curse this is where she died this is where we'll die I shouldn't have listened to either of you ominous I'm truly sorry about your aunts but I know what to do it's going to be difficult you said you know what to do tortured faces on the door and cruise shows etched into the stone my guess is if we cast The cruciata's Curse the door will open that's why not sure died she had no one to cast the curse on ominous has the most experience with this he should cast it you seem to be an ominous favor will you ask him about this he does seem a bit cross with you I'll speak with him good work your magic so to speak wish we had some liquid luck all of this could have been avoided ominous I hadn't imagined we'd end up trapped like this Salazar Slytherin did he's to blame for many unimaginable things I overheard you and Sebastian and I won't do it the crucial artist curse is pure torture I would know Sebastian told me a little of what happened when you were young sounds as if you had no choice should have known he would have told you and one always has a choice I'm as guilty as the worst of my family unforgivable curses won't work unless you really mean them I had to want to cause pain and for that I shall never forgive myself the reason I have no family left you and Sebastian will need to sort out another solution if you cast crucio you will regret it forever what do we do now ominous is not going to cast The cruciatus Curse again ridiculous as if dying in here is a better option than causing a damned spell it's up to us I can teach you crucial or I can cast it on you wait you didn't say you knew how to cast crucia because I'm not sure I do ominous knows that yet he's left us no choice I don't you answer following not to a gaunt's footsteps I think I can cast this if I have to I want to learn the curse and I think it's best if I cast it on you very well if that's what you want perform the spell raise your wand points at me and firmly declare crucial hold on as long as you can ready I'm ready thank you [Music] [Music] are you all right that pain huh I would have done anything to make it stop but I'll survive let's keep moving we made it we found salads scriptorium I can't believe we [Music] Sebastian ominous there's a book just here you found something you two go ahead let me know what's in it I'll wander around a bit may I have a look what do you think looks like a spell book of some kind this is incredible a Hogwarts Founder's possession what an honor still can't believe ominous never told me about his arms and what she found what will you do with slytherin's spell book what I do with every book read it having professors as parents ingrained that habits early on but I can do that later for now I say we explore this room it's breathtaking I don't want to leave but I owe you both of you without both of you we never have made it this far it's again [Music] I see a way out best news I've heard all day ominous about your aunt please Sebastian I meant what I said before we swear right now never to engage in anything to do with dark magic again understood I'm truly sorry about your aunt ominous I suppose after all this I am grateful to know what happened to her thank you I've been studying Salazar slytherin's Spellbook meeting in the undercroft I found something you'll never believe what I've learned what did you discover in the spell book we found in the scriptorium Salazar Slytherin Spellbook was a little difficult to interpret but fascinating evidently he encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts neither the imperious curse nor the killing curse was unforgivable during his time he believed students should be prepared to use dark magic when necessary not to fear it that's why we had to use crucial to gain access to the scriptorium he didn't want his knowledge shared with anyone who was afraid of the power of dark magic foreign it was hard to do but casting crucio was our only option and I'm glad we did it because in the spell book I also found something else references to a lost Relic which from what I can tell grants the holder the power to reverse dark magic curses and you think this Relic might be able to save Anne precisely I plan to search for this Relic but I don't think we should tell anyone especially ominous he wouldn't understand I see no reason to involve ominess I'm glad you agree when I know more I shall send it now and don't feel sorry for ominous keeping this to ourselves for now is for his own good decide what's for my own good ominous we were just about to get some air care to join you're a liar Sebastian I heard everything you swore you never engage in anything to do with dark magic again no I didn't I said I understood you wanting that I'd never swear to give up on finding a cure for Ram no one to stop do you I know when not to stop leave this alone ominous I'll be on my way I am not letting this go ominous Sebastian Manuel I know what I heard agree with this going after that Relic is not a good idea Sebastian doesn't even realize it but he's as irresponsible and Reckless now as his parents were years ago it's why they died I knew his parents died but I never heard what happened Mr and Mrs sallow were professors spent nearly every waking moment in the cellar Library noses buried in books and Sebastian were upstairs when it happened they heard a sudden crash and ran downstairs but it was too late their parents had crumpled to the floor a defect with the lamp in the cellar caused the room to fill with an undetectable toxin Sebastian and Anne were helpless they had no magic yet what a horrible story it is that's why I can't understand Sebastian's recklessness I've practically lost Anne I cannot lose Sebastian too please avoid anything to do with that spell book those references in the book seem promising to do with Salazar Slytherin seems promising until it's too late I hope Sebastian pursues this no further but if you think he might please let me know it would mean a lot how did you get on with those any chance that they said their Slytherin Spellbook can help her I must find it I'm requesting your help meet me outside of feldcroft near the kataku Sebastian that Relic you mentioned I believe one of slytherin's students stumbled upon the Relic during an assignment to study sarcophagi in this catacomb from what I read in a report by the student they weren't permitted to take it with them so I must assume it's still here as I mentioned earlier this Relic grants its holder the power to reverse dark magic curses if it's in this catacomb I have to find it for Anne I need to see her I'd be interested to know what else the student discovered have a look unfortunately there's no name on it but I suspect if it was important enough for Slytherin to stash in his Spellbook it's worthy of further study I'm ready to explore the catacomb perhaps we can visit Anne when we finished perfect by the way ominous has been asking about you you didn't tell him what we were doing did you I didn't I promise good ominous would be livid if he knew what we were about to do ah I'll be interested to compare what lies inside to what I've read about this catacomb I'm sure that foul smell is the scent of success try not to lose your nerve just yet at least now we know we're not alone here perhaps that was it and the rest of the Tomb will be insect free yeah spiders aren't insects don't start oh sir finding a chest in an inconspicuous Loft brilliant house of yourself in San Diego now this sorts of great room I want to be buried in surrounded by grandeur grandeur and then some even an altar with a pile of bones lovely bones outside a sarcophagus seems odd did you hear that we're in a tomb as soon Airy sounds come with the territory there's something here by the altar what did you find looks like part of a student's diary it mentions plans to return for The Relic and Conjuring barricades using bones of course the student's summary referenced the space beyond the great room which means this can't be a dead end let's divide and conquer you work on sorting out the bone barricades I'll look around and see what we missed onto that diary entry there may be more to it it does mention something else it says their next assignment was learning the imperious curse really interesting we need to focus on moving beyond this room but let me think for a moment you think the pages were left here on purpose Slytherin mentioned a student who excelled in charms and always carried a satchel stuff full of notes they might have been left on purpose or the student may have simply dropped them of course I'll start to search for those barricades brilliant there's more to this than even I imagined look bones stacked oddly on either side of this archway leave no stone unturned or in this case action with Guardian Leviosa you've done it I knew we'd get through I felt it in my bones nice before we trudge on further I've just realized something the student's diary mentions the imperious curse I wouldn't be surprised if we're going to need it here it's an Unforgivable but useful when you're outnumbered places the victim completely under the Caster's control so if you'd like to learn Imperial I can teach you why did you learn the imperious curse I taught myself don't tell ominous that I've told you it's not exactly something I can brag about but it may come in handy I think you ought to know it shouldn't I know more about what the curse entails remember the blasting curse same idea except when it comes to unforgivable curses your intention has to be clear you have to mean it it's probably wise to know the spell I couldn't agree more a spell that could save your life shouldn't be unforgivable you have a lot at stake you have an ability that evidently no one's seen for centuries [Music] Focus your wand movement it's not an easy spell to master [Music] here we go something troubling ahead be on your guard hope ful [Music] another barricade considering how well you did on the last one this should be a cinch and how gracious of you I try here this looks different than what we faced before now we're also dealing with Rune symbols foreign keep going back here back here Guardian Leviosa you are Head and Shoulders above these bones nicely done see why slytherin's student was so entranced with this place [Music] incentive [Music] to send him self dead end lovely all that for nothing hold on don't give up yet Rebellion thank you Sebastian The Relic look could it be the note and rendition of The Relic it matches this must be where the student left the Relic I can't believe it after all this it lines up we've really found it what do you suppose is meant by the dark sacrifice required to realize the relic's potential I have no idea but we're here for the Relic I'm willing to ignore what the journal entry says we're taking the Relic agreed this is meant to be for Anne's sake I'm taking it let's get to feldcroft I must ominous sounds we kept hearing it was you you gave me no choice I'm sorry ominous but I'm taking it It's The End please take a step back fine but ominous knows I won't step back from a fight how much did you hear everything I heard you encourage Sebastian to take the Relic Sebastian's done his research he knows what he's doing Sebastian makes things sound easy when they could be impossible or dangerous we need to stop him and if nothing will change his mind something has to I need your help [Music] Sebastian's right we need that Relic I'm Sorry My Mind Is Made Up are you willing to sacrifice your friendship over this I might be how could I choose to stand by and watch him do this what if the choice wasn't yours you wouldn't be to blame for what happens what in the world are you suggesting Imperial that's what I'm saying I would take all responsibility this could save your friendship I know how to cast it Sebastian taught me but I won't do it unless you agree this is eternity Sebastian is never going to give up trying to cure Anne if you try and stop him now he'll never forgive you I'm I fine this is unfathomable but I suppose if you want that responsibility it may just save what is left of my friendship with Sebastian remember this is what I was telling you about the dark arms they come with a cost you may well regret making this Choice do what you have to do cast it before I change my mind Imperial foreign step aside ominous stay in place until we're out of sight I will Sebastian come on what did you do Imperial it was the only way to get out of here without a fight ominous I'm sorry Sebastian we have to go did we do the wrong thing you need the Relic I know but not like this ominous and I agreed surely there's a difference between casting Imperial on someone without their knowledge and casting it with permission I understand what you're saying I do but I've taken full responsibility you have my word [Music] you've always looked out for each other and Melissa and I I hope he knows that hasn't changed how long will the spell last how long was ominous stay in the Tomb the curse is lifted already he'll easily find his way out of the catacomb just as we did he'll be all right Sebastian when we get to feldcroft I'd rather and not know what had to be done to get this Relic she thinks like ominous did it only upset her oh no this isn't good what is it smoke over there by the hamlets felcroft's in trouble they're under attack let's hurry your spells glance off of me are you sure [Music] you'll not win here [Music] Imperial [Music] [Music] [Music] boy what have you done saved my sister still an unforgivable curse that damn book no the father would be a [Music] shy away from her from all of us what did my uncle expect me to do the imperius curse saved Anne's life that Goblin was going to kill her there was little time to react but it was an unforgivable curse how can you say that you just use the imperious curse on ominous I did but with his consent Sebastian it may seem an irrelevant difference but it is a difference I shall make my uncle see reason he could not banish me from my own home from my sister it might be best to let him calm down a while may I speak to him perhaps I can help to ease the tension a bit you may be right very well probably best if I get away from here for a while I'll head back to Hogwarts what was he thinking part of me Mr Salo what Sebastian did was inexcusable you cannot possibly be about to defend him Sebastian and I have encountered Round Rock's loyalists before that Goblin would have killed Anne this family does not resort to using dark magic even against our enemies what Sebastian did cannot be undone that you are defending Sebastian's Behavior at all tells me everything I need to know you are as guilty as he is Sebastian is to come nowhere near feldcroft nowhere near an unforgivable curses are so named for a reason if I hear that either of you continues down this path if either of you uses dark magic I will notify the Headmaster immediately why Sebastian [Music] [Music] did you speak with my uncle I wish I had better news about your uncle and Anne well what did he say I'm afraid he wants to nowhere near feldcroft nor Anne I had to stop that Goblin from killing my sister he had no right to banish me from my own twin if he thinks banishing me means I'm going to give up on Anne he's solely mistaken he also said he cannot excuse the use of dark magic in any form and that if he hears of either of us using it he'll go straight to Professor black huh that Relic dark magic or not is the key to saving Anne to reverse that curse I will not lose an for good I should send the crest to Anne she'll know that we need to meet I'm afraid I don't follow nothing just a thought now I'm more determined than ever to learn what power that Relic has what did you mean you'd send out a Crest so that she'd know to meet you it's we just lost our parents and we were packing up to go and live with Solomon we couldn't take everything she was carefully organizing her prized possessions a box of artifacts she collected to do with our family jewelry cards old photographs she got to her favorites a handmade Crest and when I was a second thought she handed it to me this will keep you safe she said it holds no enchantment but I've kept it with me since that's how I can reach Anne I'll get the crest to her with plans to meet be careful Sebastian your uncle could intercept it or be expelled even if ominous is upset with us he has no love lost for his family he'd use their connections to the Headmaster if we needed his help I shall wait to hear from you then thank you I very much appreciate you standing by me through all of this I'll send you an hour when I have news which requires a dice I know how it sounds but if this can help you it's worth the risk does ominous know about this he helped find a scriptorium where we discovered slytherin's Spellbook very well if ominous will be there I'll meet you we don't have much time Solomon wants to leave feldcroft what leave never mind you need to stall him buy us Tainan please I shall do my best I'll be in touch Solomon can't take hand from feldcroft wherever they go when would I see her [Music] Sebastian I can't believe my uncle wants to leave feldcroft Anne's going to stall him she must we need time time for what I've learned more about the Relic a cross-reference Slytherin Spellbook with everything in the library on relics and dark sacrifices that's when I realized something I believe the Relic will only work inside the catacomb so we have to get and the catacomb and then conduct a sacrifice seems risky it'll be worth the risk our biggest hurdle may be convincing ominous and will only give this a chance if he's on board and we have to keep all of this from your uncle if he goes to the Headmaster he could be expelled let me handle ominous this time as for my uncle he's not an aura anymore what he doesn't know well won't hurt us do you think your uncle would tell anyone at the ministry about all of this if he found out if he found out I doubt he'd go to the ministry he didn't part ways with them well from what I understand he won't say but I believe his strong aversion to dark magic has something to do with his time there and thinks he once decided to Fight Fire with Fire so to speak and resorted to using an unforgivable curse and fight against dark Wizards at least that's what she thought she heard when he realized what his job had led him to become he left rather abruptly so I'm not sure he'd go to the ministry to report on his own family using dark magic now good luck with ominous until we meet again I shall let you know when the four of us should meet at the catacomb look for my owl see you soon [Music] oh you saw what lies in the catacomb yeah wait Anne please ominous he was willing to put the whole Hamlet and himself in danger on the chance that some old Relic could help to heal me I'm sorry ominous make sure he's all right will you I'm glad you're here I received your owl where's Sebastian inside the catacomb frankly I was surprised you weren't with him ominous stop you did what you had to do and I agreed it might well have salvaged my friendship with Sebastian for the moment you did agree and it did save your friendship with Sebastian for the moment thought we'd gone too far before but Sebastian is in real trouble now I'm going back into the catacomb to find him Anne's right he and the entire Hamlet are in danger the place is crawling within theory in theory what are you talking about you'll see we need to hurry Christian must not be in his right mind last time we were here this place was crawling with spiders we're about to face worse let's find Sebastian quickly why was Sebastian when you and Anne found him [Applause] avoid this many in theory before is no sign of Sebastian hold on a moment I was so worried about Sebastian I didn't even realize Anne's going to get Solomon when she first saw the inferior she thought Sebastian was being attacked but then he showed her the Relic and said he'd learned how to use it the carvings on The Relic were in theory and Sebastian somehow created them not exactly he's controlling them this is powerful dark magic creating in theory is incredibly difficult but controlling them as Anne and I frantically barricaded the inferior to keep them from escaping Sebastian kept mumbling about healing Anne when Anna said she couldn't stay here I didn't realize what she meant Solomon threatened to go to the Headmaster if he heard of Sebastian dealing with dark magic I need to get Hogwarts I must get to Professor black first twist the story bit make him think it's a family fight I'll be back as soon as I can see if you can talk some sense into Sebastian be careful funny inferior Guardian Leviosa United Leviosa [Applause] hey Sebastian isn't this incredible Sebastian I told you the Relic is the answer I've been trying to reverse the dark magic the ninja Dan but this will allow me to control it says I can control the inferior control I had to fight the Imperial the way but you have the two of you God Relic Solomon The Relic you'll pay for this [Music] Road here eternity also experience she cannot be healed Sebastian you must stop ah I won't let her suffer Havana Cadabra foreign [Music] [Music] oh God no [Music] no you've made your choice [Music] oh and what have you done I must get out of here can't let him leave Sebastian wait foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what is it why wouldn't you stop I was calling after you and won't survive this she's withering away inside and out Solomon's never been there for us not really he gave up on it I'll never give up on her you saw him didn't you he was going to ruin her life he attacked us I was the killing curse you know I did if I hadn't known how to cast it he did attack us you had no choice it was Brave Sebastian you clearly care more about Anne than your uncle ever did I knew you'd understand I did do the right thing you did I would have done the same if I knew how I could teach you no time like the present the killing curse won't be easy to master as with all unforgivables you have to mean it hold your one steady Focus the incantation is Avada Kedavra your intention must be clear [Music] I can't stay here I need to find ominous Sebastian please I'm not myself right now let's meet later the undercroft all right she's devastated she just buried your uncle alone I did it for her Sebastian and can't bear the thought of turning you in but what turn me in she saw what happened I'll give you some time to think Sebastian Turn Me In Sebastian did you hear that sure what happened I never wanted to hurt my uncle I know I can't believe he's gone how did things go so wrong I didn't mean it I didn't mean to oh and I was only trying to help I can't leave now I don't need to be more than ever you understand you can talk to ominous make him understand he listens to you I need to be with Anne I don't know what to do Sebastian you don't know you do know Anne has no one I regret everything I did I know what I did was wrong I only hope she can forgive me that everyone can forgive me no matter what happens from here I'm glad we met oh Sebastian ominous what a mess I'll believe it after I last saw you I went straight to Hogwarts before I had time to talk to black I heard from Anne I rushed to feldcroft and found her with Solomon's body she was beside herself with grief part of her wants Sebastian to face the consequences another part can't bear the thought of it I don't want to lose Sebastian but I don't think we don't have a choice you're right you were right the entire time I wish I hadn't been if we do this we may never see Sebastian again I realize that but it's the right thing to do killed his uncle we've tried to justify his actions every step of the way but this has gone too far it has to stop very well leave it to me I'll tell Headmaster farewell for now I shall be in touch whatever lies ahead we must face it together that I know [Music] never imagined we'd attend a funeral for one of our professors glad Weasley spoke for fig she honored him he'll be well remembered I only wish we could have done the same for Solomon sallow I need to go and see Anne soon ominous there's something I need to tell you it's to do with Victor Rookwood I heard a rumor that he confronted you outside of olivanders sounds as if you faced quite a fight the room is true and I did but it's not that just before Rookwood attacked he uttered something familiar the same words Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen and not heard wait what are you saying it wasn't one of ran Rock's loyalists who carstan it was Victor Rookwood it was Rookwood all along this can't be the night Anne was cursed all she saw were goblins you see since feldcroft was of interest to Rand rock it became of interest to Rookwood as well that's why Rookwood was there the night Anne was cursed he was walking with Round Rock when he saw Anne well he didn't want anyone to know so he cursed her oh so cruel Rookwood got what he deserved thank you for telling me Anne and Sebastian deserve to know and it should come from me as we discussed I spoke with black Sebastian's with the Headmaster now but perhaps there's a way to get word to him when I find out I'll send an owl thank you for coming ominous I received your owl what's happened with Sebastian he's been expelled and will soon face trial at the ministry although Anne wanted to turn him in I think now she's torn I confess I know how she feels as much as we all wanted Sebastian to face the consequences of his actions it will never be the same without him just standing here in the undercroft without Sebastian feels wrong Sebastian brought all of this on himself we tried and tried to stop him we did I just wish things had turned out differently were you able to tell Sebastian about Rockwood casting Anne I was black let me talk to Sebastian before he left I never thought things would end this way I hope we did the right thing I hope so too were you able to tell Sebastian about Rookwood cursing Anne I was black let me talk to Sebastian before he left at first he wouldn't believe it and he realized it all made sense unfortunately his anger only grew towards goblins and dark Wizards Anne was shocked too but in some sense relieved to know the truth about who was responsible I think it brought us some peace I'm glad to hear it she deserves peace she does she was my best friend I can't imagine a Hogwarts or anywhere without him I know you two had grown close that you were helping each other with more than just finding a cure for Anne he never gave specifics but I know it was important he meant means a lot to us both I hope we get the chance to tell him that one day I know we had a bit of a rocky start but you've proven yourself as a friend I'm glad you came to Hogwarts [Music] we do have a choice what good will it do to turn him in now he clearly regrets everything he's not going to do anything like this again we've both heard that before but we also need to think about Anne she's lost her health now she's lost her uncle do you really want to take her brother away from her too I I understand what you're saying perhaps you're right as much as I believe that Sebastian should pay for his actions we'd only be punishing Anne as well I hope we're doing the right thing I'll talk to Anne if it comes from me she'll agree with this decision thank you ominous you're a good friend whatever lies ahead we must face it together that I know foreign I didn't know him as well as you did but I know he was a good man glad Weasley spoke for him she honored him well fig will be well remembered I wish the same could have been done for my uncle I wonder if there's a chance Ann would meet me Sebastian I can't imagine what you and Anne are going through perhaps you'll hear from us soon I hope so I I'll let you know Sebastian there's something you should know it's to do with Victor Rookwood I heard a rumor that he confronted you outside of ollivanders sounds as if he faced quite a fight the rumors are true and I did but it's not that just before Rook would attacked he uttered something familiar the same words Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen and not heard wait what what are you saying it wasn't one of ranrock's loyalists who kirstan it was Rookwood it was Rookwood all along this this can't be it was the Loyalists it's always been them the night and was cursed all she saw were goblins once Rook would allied with ran Rock isadora's estate became of interest to them both that's why Rookwood was there the night Anne was cursed he was working with ranrock when he saw your sister well he didn't want anyone to know so he cursed her and she's never been the same so cruel Brookwood deserved what he got thank you for telling me it wasn't a goblin I suppose I owe you an apology all this time I thought goblins were the enemy but it was never that simple ominous said he's spoken with Anne I wonder if she'll see me I'll find out and send word when I know more I'm glad you came Sebastian I've received your owl what's happened ominous spoke with Anne about what happened with my uncle Solomon she believes I should pay for what I did but she won't turn me in she said the guilt I'll have to live with is punishment enough I'm so sorry but I'm glad you know that you can at least try to move on now the thing is I think I've lost my sister my twin forever she refuses to even see me I can't blame her I couldn't really blame any of you if you gave up on me entirely you all believed in me and I let you all down I may just need some time surely one day she'll be able to forgive you I hope you're right I realize I can't undo what's been done but I can try every day to make up for it I owe you an ominous everything for standing by me Sebastian I'm afraid Anne may never be able to forgive you but at least now you have a chance to change your path I am glad for that but I still have hopes that Anne may in time understand what happened and come to forgive me I realize I can't undo what's been done but I can try every day to make up for it I owe you an ominous everything for standing by me well it wasn't easy but I believe in you Sebastian I've had a sense about you since that first day in defense against the dark arts seems so long ago thank you I have no idea what's to come but I'm grateful for your friendship I'm glad you came to Hogwarts
Channel: Games from Mars
Views: 85,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LPnn6CK-9vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 38sec (4178 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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