Hogwarts Legacy Performance Concerns

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foreign s well really I think everybody should sort of have concerns about Hogwarts Legacy especially with respect to Performance I'm gonna walk through a variety of things that are leading me to having concerns about Hogwarts Legacy gameplay performance from release dates staggering to some other things that we recently saw with the Hogwarts Legacy PC requirements as well as performance mode so let me make my case before you jump to any conclusions I'm going to put all of the information right here at the beginning of the stream I try to open up the show with a little bit of a monologue make sure you're supporting the stream the shirt I'm wearing glasses my coffee a membership all those are ways to support the YouTube channel make sure you hit like And subscribe if you do enjoy this content I'm going to end the members only stream where we were hanging out continuing to talk about Starfield and some other things so let me give you my argument okay first I'm gonna have to walk through the release date situation then we're gonna have to look at PC requirements then we're gonna have to look at the language surrounding performance mode so there's a lot of pieces here I'm not just trying to drill down on one particular thing so let me kind of walk through all the multiple stages here let's just talk about the release date situation I am very concerned this could very much be a cyberpunk style situation where the games Min specs are going to affect how it runs everywhere else if you've seen the PC requirements it's requiring a minimum of 16 gig of RAM which I think it's going to pose a significant problem for the previous generation of consoles as well as the Xbox series s now if you look at what happened to cyberpunk a lot of the bad press centered around the incredibly poor performance that we saw on the previous generation of consoles and with what they did with the staggered release date with Hogwarts Legacy tells me they are running in to problems right you you actually have the fact that they've kicked it back by what two two months that's not that much time I don't think to delay the game to actually benefit that much to me that feels more like a PR move you don't want the game to launch and have poor performance on the old consoles in the review outlets in the technical breakdowns of the game in my mind I don't think two months is enough time to really make a big dent if they are having performance problems on the previous generation of consoles which I think that's a fair conclusion to come to since they're delaying the games only on those consoles and then the switch isn't coming until the summer which that was to be expected I think more and more games of this level of caliber of size are going to struggle to run on the switch and are going to have to figure out how to run through the cloud or or other optimization Solutions now the other thing I want to talk about is the PC requirement now if you know for comparison Spider-Man on PC has a recommended you know amount of memory is eight gig and Hogwarts Legacy has 16 gig and I I don't see anything in this game that I would think would require a ton more RAM than Spider-Man right so when I'm looking at this and thinking okay what on Earth did you guys do with this game why on Earth it wouldn't require that much memory that tells me optimization could be an issue we've seen a recent rash of games that are struggling with optimization when they launch we saw this with plagetail Requiem we saw this with Gotham Knights many people were using plagetail Requiem and Goth of knights to say that they didn't think 60fps was going to be a standard this generation I there are already people saying that seemingly to sort of preemptively defend Starfield I don't think that's a legitimate excuse at this point I think these consoles the series X and the PS5 most notably I think they're plenty strong enough to play games like this and not have them look poorly or run poorly and again I'm not necessarily seeing anything inside Hogwarts that tells me this is going to be a real really really hard game to run now I will admit the open world's quite a bit bigger and more expansive than I expected but when I compare this to Spider-Man oh well Spider-Man's an older game okay but I'm not seeing any graphical Fidelity in Hogwarts that is far superior to Spider-Man that would require that much more memory on a PC now when you tie the PC minimum requirements and you tie the staggered release date to the phrasing about performance mode my concerns grow even more this is the exact quotation they said the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox series X and S console versions of Hogwarts Legacy support multiple graphical modes to play the most common of which are Fidelity mode which runs at 30fps and performance mode which targets 60fps so you have Fidelity saying oh it's gonna run at 30 and then you have performance mode which is targeting 60. now many people are going to push back and be like oh that's the kind of language they use all of the time targeting 60 is normal it's normal well I am not convinced by this I'm not compelled by what other games have said because other games haven't staggered their release dates other games haven't had a 16 gig minimum memory requirement on their PC versions okay and so when I look at this game and think okay yes there's big large wide areas yes there's big expansive places that could be the cause for the targeting 60 FPS language that they're going to struggle to maintain that the other thing to consider here is that's attached to the series s like in that sentence they're talking about the PlayStation 5 the series X and the series s and we know that the series s has struggled to maintain 60 FPS with a lot of games recently they'll give you like a dynamic 1080 mode where the resolution's not even staying at 1080 and then it's not even staying at 60 FPS either you're averaging you know 40 or 50. we've seen some of these technical tests so it's possible right it's possible that that's why they are including that language because the series s is included and I do think this adds fuel to the fire this adds fuel to the argument that 60fps won't be a standard this generation right there are people saying that they're like oh yeah it's just going to be too hard to do 60fps but I'm not seeing anything in Hogwarts that's beyond games we've already received that are easily hitting 60 FPS like compare Hogwarts Legacy to ratchet and Clan Rift apart or returnal or God of War Ragnarok or Horizon forbidden West or Forza Horizon 5. I'm not seeing anything that would say oh yeah this game's well above it's gonna be so much harder to hit 60 FPS so let's break down some theories as to what's going on because I have my concerns but we don't have anything concrete until the game comes out and we get our hands on it and digital Foundry does a breakdown right that's we got to kind of wait until that happens so my first theory is that the game is poorly optimized I actually think this is a pretty compelling Theory given everything we've seen this would not be the first game lately to look graphically good but then just struggle with optimization and uh plagetail Requiem I think is a wonderful example with this it was a beautiful game but it was optimized very poorly it struggled to get consistent you know frame rates on PlayStation 5 on series X even on PC some of the tech tests just didn't look very consistent and if you look at that pattern with games and then you look at the staggered release date I think that adds to concern here that they're struggling to get this to run on Old gen and they want to avoid that bad PR and as I said part of my this is poorly optimized theory is Spider-Man on PC Min specs of eight gig Spider-Man's pretty big pretty expensive pretty crazy pretty awesome and it's managing to hit 60 and it's not requiring nearly as much RAM which would say it's probably just a better game with respect to optimization the other thing to consider is both the minimum and the recommended specs for Hogwarts Legacy is 16 gig that's always interesting to me why would the minimum spec requirements be identical with respect to memory as the recommended like so does anything change like between the two you didn't optimize this thing to run on weaker systems well why wouldn't you have done that you you can't get this thing to run on weaker PCS but it's apparently gonna run on the Xbox One the PlayStation 4 and even the series s so it's like what on Earth is going on now I know returnal recently got some raised eyebrows and it's required or recommended specs of like what like 32 gig or something no six I think it was 16 it was 16. uh I believe or maybe it was higher anyways returnal did the same thing recently they released PC specs and everybody's eyebrows kind of went up it's like oh my gosh that's a pretty high requirement what on what on Earth is going on so that's one Theory I find that theory to be pretty compelling that Hogwarts is going to struggle with optimization and if that's the case you're really going to see this most notably on the Xbox series s the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox one being that they're the older systems now the second theory is these are standard mode descriptions and performance will be fine on PC and current gen now that doesn't say anything about old gen like this theory is just that listen it's going to be fine on the series X it's going to be fine on the PlayStation 5. you know it'll probably struggle maybe they'll just have to cap the frames to 30 on on the series S I think we're going to see more and more games do that we saw that happen with evil West they just decided to cap things uh at 30. but I think even if we Grant the language about performance modes is common I still see problems for this game on last gen and the switch I also think that the 16 gig Min spec requirement could pose a problem for the series S I think that's like intrinsically setting that platform up to struggle with just basic optimization and running smoothly these areas are large especially once you get out in the world and you're flying around it's pretty expansive not only near the open world area is very expansive but it does also seem like they tried to build a seamless experience in the actual School itself and some of the trailers or some of the reveals they're just walking from room to room to room with no loading screens now that could be a vertical slice where they've minimized virtually all loading screens or it could be a very demanding game the customization options in the room of requirement and all the different things you can do the engine seems to be like pretty capable of doing some good stuff but that doesn't mean it's going to run well on a weaker system this could be one of the first games I think to show The Divide more clearly between the series X and the series s this game is right around the corner I'm doing the show on January the 16th so February the 10th I mean that's right around the corner and this could really make that divide very clear to people that the series s is an inferior or weaker I'm not slamming it but it is I I think it's going to start to show itself to be quite a bit weaker than the series X especially when games like this come out that demand so much memory this adds even more concern though for the previous generation and the Nintendo switch like how on Earth is this game even gonna run there now the last theory is the theory that a lot of the fans are probably going to say a lot of people are going to say look man look they've shown a ton of gameplay bro you got 15 minutes here you got a game reveal there you got all these things that they've shown us third theory is it's gonna run fine everywhere this is gonna be fine this game's not that demanding it's not gonna be that hard to pull off you know this level of graphical Fidelity and performance it'll be totally fine uh these performance specs and this performance mode language is just not that big of a deal I think this is actually for me personally this is the hardest Theory to argue for I think it's the hardest Theory to argue for the staggered release date and the minimum PC specs point to optimization challenges even the most charitable read of the way they frame this game and the way they've set this game up it's really hard to defend and be like nope it's gonna be totally fine because why are you staggering the release date for old gen that was kind of a surprise it's already been delayed once um even the most favorable read of the situation says they need more time to get the game running on Old gen systems well like even if you read this as favorable as possible you still have to admit the they're struggling to get this game to run on the older systems which could point to a cyberpunk situation the amount of time they are taking to get this ready for old gen systems it seems incredibly short given what we know about development given what we know about how much focus is likely on the release date and the PlayStation 5 and series X versions that there's probably way more focus on that I would think since that's your real big release date that's your real big sort of moment to land the game I'm growing more and more convinced that the staggered release date is a PR game and that it's mainly motivated by we want to get good reviews we don't want to have bad scores we don't want to have bad views of our game I've continued to say that Hogwarts Legacy shows lots of promise I criticize the PlayStation exclusives even though I'm going to play it on Playstation but I've also said that I feel like this game could be quite a deep RPG that will surprise people like its depth and its breath I think will be surprising once people get their hands on it because of the nature of like the the Sim level customization in the room requirement the open world the questing the replayability recently debated I did a show with my man 30 in still gaming debating whether or not it should be a live service game an ongoing game with continued content model and so I was really in this game's corner and really looking forward to it and I still am I really really am I I I've got a somebody sent me uh the Harry Potter Mosaic for the Lego channel uh if you want to check out our Lego channel it's the brick Abby but we're gonna put that over there because we're excited we're like oh it's Harry Potter it's Hogwarts this is gonna be awesome and to me if if this is if this is the way that it launches and this is the way that it gets out the door I think plenty of people are going to be very disappointed and rightly so to wait this long for the title and to have it land with performance problems or to have to wait to get it on Old gen and to have it run very poorly I think people are going to feel that sense of betrayal that they felt with cyberpunk so I would love to know what you think please leave a comment below where do you think this is going to land on the performance issue am I way out in left field like are do you think you're seeing things in this game that are like High Fidelity you know high performance needs that like oh yeah it's it's gonna struggle to hit to hit 60 FPS or do you think maybe we are staring at a poorly poorly optimized game guys could we get 100 likes on the video strong turnout already over 300 people here we got 15 people hanging out over on the talk smashing the like button uh my bad open world PVP huge mistake without open world PVP I don't think the game needs PVP um if you're if you're gonna successfully launch a game like this I don't I don't think you need PVP I I fundamentally disagree with that Lona were two years into the PS5 in the Xbox series X Generation they really need to start dropping last gen systems so that we don't have to worry about this kind of thing I I tend to agree with you right I I tend I tend to agree with you who cares to get PS5 the easily available now I'm so happy I got the deluxe edition oh no nobody's mad because of that nobody's mad because of that not here this community's not caring about like not getting all ramped up about that uh we're not even discussing that why would Publishers do that why would they throw away money well mantis the reason you would throw away money is because of what happened to cyberpunk because of what happened to cyberpunk like what happened to cyberpunk is sure they maximize sales but it hurt their brand it hurt their game and it hurt their stock value they still haven't recovered from the Share value drop that they experienced that that still hasn't happened by the way you guys did a killer job during the first stream we already have 30 members on the day every 25 I gift five so if that hits 50 I have to do it again thanks so much for being here if you're smashing like And subscribe I'd love to hear from you what do you think about Hogwarts Legacy performance I am worried all signs are pointing to a poorly optimized game I'm seeing a lot of things that are worrisome about this game uh I think they'll cancel last gen and switch after the game reviews and get sales to be honest I have no idea though and I don't think so Cliff oh do you have any idea how many people have probably pre-ordered this on the older systems I don't know man that's a lot of people to just suddenly be able to not play the game I'm not the least bit worried says Wheezy but last gen will probably run like crap I I can almost guarantee I'd put ships on the table and be like last Jen's gonna run like trash and people are gonna be pretty upset more than likely that's right that's right hilly that's right he's just gonna get so bad it's just gonna get worse like the further down you go that's right it's like a mosaic on the switch it's like a mosaic on the switch that's phenomenal that is phenomenal uh all you poor people crying about last gen just get a new gen okay I've decided we don't like you you're not allowed to hang out here you're just being unkind to people worries about performance on last gen is legitimate like if they're constantly trying to make sure old games are optimized to run on Old gen it could hamper development that's actually probably somebody voicing the concern who owns a new gen console yeah there's my there's my uh my Harry Potter Mosaic that's going to show up on uh on the brick Abby our Lego Channel this is how I look at it Sony Studios are locked in on getting their games optimized for PlayStation I feel like that if Sony's hand holding uh uh I feel like that is Sony hand holding with the hardware I'm not sure what you're trying to say Mr Sweden hit a month as a member welcome in I fully expect last gen to run like butts is Wheezy that's not a doubt in my mind but I expect this gen to run fine well then make a prediction wheeze what do you think is going to happen with the pr in the reviews right you got it for PS5 I'm not concerned at all me and you belix I know if it was Co-op it was Co-op I'd be trying to throw down with everybody on day one like let's go let's go play and let's go kill some stuff but I it makes a prediction yeah with a PR what's gonna happen if this if this game comes out two months later and it runs like dog water on the old systems like is it gonna be cyberpunk level like give me a refund this had no business being on this system I mean here's a great this is actually a really really great sequence to Showcase there actually are quite a bit of particle effects going on here that I think are going to be a challenge for old gen like look at all the stuff the explosions and the pieces flying over the Sparks and The Rock pieces I mean I don't know man that that's that's a tall order that's a tall order for old gen systems just chilling waiting on my game now same to a degree I suspect they will only give PS5 or Xbox x and PC copies for review well that's what I mean hilly the the old gen systems are launching like two months later it it is it going to be an afterthought is it even gonna hit headlines like I'm sure it will I think that they are working on a last generation switch dedicated version unlike cyberpunk which tried to scale the PS4 version will have dramatically less geometry this is why I want a high-end game you need a high-end console system right I have a PS5 and that's where I'm going to be playing Hogwarts Legacy I'm not going to be playing on an old gen system I'm just thinking PR wise like what are people gonna say by staggering the release the hatred will be less as wheeze it'll be an afterthought I expect a humongous amount of details minimums as bellix they will probably have to tone down all those particle effects oh for sure I'm hoping it runs well says craft still still won't pre-order though gotta see how the day one reviews hit why are people talking crap about a game that's not out yet it's just you want negative stuff no I'm not talking crap about it at all I'm talking about performance concerns I think it's concerning that they delayed the old gen consoles by two months I think it's concerning that the minimum PC specs are saying you need a minimum of 16 gig of RAM that's a lot of that's a lot of ram that points to a potentially poorly optimized game and their language about performance mode like their language about performance mode oh it's going to hit 30 it's going to run at 30 FPS on Fidelity but performance Mode's gonna Target 60. right like what are you talking about like does that mean I'm not even gonna get 60 on my PS5 like that'll be disappointing I think it's concerning that this is what you are worried about video games are supposed to be fun not to be bashed all over to be quite honest I don't really care what you think I run a talk show every day talking about concerns about games analyzing them breaking them down and reviewing them if you just want to be some doe eye dum dum who plays games just for fun go Frick somewhere else like I have dialogue about games I don't open my mouth and swallow everything the gaming World spits out Hook Line and Sinker just because I'm quote unquote supposed to have fun and you want to be thoughtless do that somewhere else that's not what I'm about I'd much and I'm not bashing it either like how insecure could you be that if somebody expresses concern about a game they're bashing it like what are you like seven years old are you a child like it's it's completely fair to be like look man I was pumped about this game I've been promoting my excitement and talking about I can't wait to dive in I think Hogwarts Legacy I've been one of the few people saying I think it's going to be an expansive RPG then I started looking at all this and I'm like okay so you staggered the release of gen you're requiring 16 gig on a PC and your performance mode is targeting 60. right all of those are red flags and the game runs like crap on a certain console people should know so they don't waste money that is well that is well if it's gonna run bad on the old systems then you humor like what am I doing content creator be like hey man this game might run like trash on the old systems and you should know that don't you think people were glad people did that with cyberpunk you rube were they like oh no it's totally fine games are just supposed to be fun but people booted up cyberpunk and reviewed it and were like stay away this thing runs so bad on Old systems so bad that Sony removed it from their their freaking Marketplace if it turns out bad to require refunds an investigation will start in all upcoming games of old and next-gen game systems look at cyberpunk that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying like it's totally good to tell people like look off I'd be on guard man I don't know about pre-ordering this game now bro I'd be waiting for some reviews especially if you're on the older systems uh I follow Harry Potter on all the years and all the movies uh our age was following equals let's just take a walk into the castle be mind-blowing yes there'll be fails but also love game quality determines how fun it'll be right right Jake like of course listen of course game quality is not the only thing that matters but if a game runs real real bad how are you supposed to have fun if it's running really really bad you buy a PS5 and buy Hogwarts and if it runs poorly and can't hit 60 FPS that affects my enjoyment I didn't buy a PS5 to play Old gen spec games I don't know what you bought it for it's not pretty I bought it so I could play games well I just want to run shaders on Minecraft without my PC setting fire good that's good they said targeting 30 and 60 because that's how you have to label it that's not what they said about Fidelity Wheezy they didn't say targeting 30 they said runs at 30. and then for performance I said targeting 60. I'm not compelled by that argument at all I'm not I'm not I couldn't find can you find me official press briefings on other games that use the same language I couldn't find out what I was trying to find wheeze I was like what's the phrasing they use for Ratchet I want official phrasing for Ratchet and Clank from Insomniac that's what I want I don't want some blog I don't want some YouTuber what is insomniac officially State about their modes for Ratchet Clank okay we got God God of War that'll that'll suffice that'll suffice okay we got unlocked 30 30 FPS Target 30fps Target then we got PS5 we got 30 FPS Target 40 FPS Target 60fps Target yeah here's where they break from that Wheezy here's where they break from that they don't say that they're targeting 30 FPS they say the Fidelity mode runs at 30 FPS that's why my alarm Bell when I was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if they both said targeted I'd be like okay it's just Garden variety press speak it's just copy pasta everybody everybody always says this but they said that no Fidelity is gonna run at 30 and performance is targeting 60. now again I'm willing to concede that that's possibly because the series s is included in that sentence and I don't think you're going to get a solid 60 frames per second on the series s in this game like I don't think so I like look at this game I don't think you're gonna get a solid 60 on on the series S I don't think so I think you're going to get a 30. they might not even be targeting 60 it'll probably be in the 30s and 40s most the time anyway on that on that system I'm basing that off of recent Tech analysis of games that run on the series s by the way that's not Series S hate Fidelity does not use vrr says just in time oh so they don't need to say it because it's not using a variable refresh rate where the frame rate will go up and down if you're just tuning in I have concerns about Hogwarts Legacy performance because they're staggering the release of old gen I'm worried that means old gen's gonna run really poorly PC Min specs I think are concerning they're the minimum required specs for Hogwarts Legacy are 16 gig of RAM that's an awful lot of RAM for for this game I'm not I'm not seeing a game that's exceeding the current generation of console graphical Fidelity so why on Earth would you need that much memory you know I'm not seeing it and then the third is their language about performance mode even if the language about performance Mode's the weakest part of my argument everything tied together I think comes together with a nice bow of I'm worried about this game's optimization hey thank you for the rose Knight Fury and the big love I appreciate the support over here appreciate it very very much consider pressing the star button over here on the talk and becoming one of my subscribers this is the most consistent viewership I've ever had over here it's a daily talk show I'm also streaming on YouTube at reforge gaming everybody on YouTube over 400 viewers let's set our sights on 200 likes that helps the video find more people I am safe for work so a lot of people follow me and they watch me daily like a background sort of Radio Show podcast for their day and I appreciate you guys being here we are discussing Hogwarts Legacy performance concerns that I have what I feel like he actually has abs oh you guys are analyzing on whether or not I'm I'm in shape and I'm ripped um I'm in better shape than I used to be I lost about 20 pounds uh so I've I've slimmed down but I've not bulked up so I don't have time I don't have time for the the weights and the gym and any of that so I'm in better shape than I used to be but I'm certainly not I'm certainly not what you would describe as like athletic or muscular uh there was a time there was a time where I was a little bit more athletic but uh I am I'm too busy I just I wish I had time I wish I had time for it I found those 20 pounds yes you bear found them uh I still believe these consoles this gen should have targeted 1440 60 1080 60. these systems just weren't ready for 4K listen I 100 agree with you Vic gaming I got a lot of pushback when I said that I felt like this console generation we were gonna see 14 40 60 be the more common result that you weren't going to see 4K 60. I just don't think we're gonna see 4K 60 all that often even when you get a dynamic 4K game it's Dynamic 4K 30. so fine get your Dynamic 4K 30 mode but let me have 14 40 60. I don't need all of that I just want the game to look good and run smooth and if it looks good but doesn't run smooth then I don't care I don't want to play a game like that I just don't what are your thoughts on high on life do you think it's worth 60 dollars I didn't play it to completion so I can't comment on the value transmission to the consumer as to whether or not it was worth 60. I enjoyed it right I I thought it was funny I thought it handled well as a shooter their day one patch got rid of a stuttering issue that apparently was happening so I gave it a soft recommendation with the caveat of like it's it's super not safe for work like you know it's got a lot of tons of foul language in it as well as if you watch the one television I guess there might be some nudity as well you make time uh for what you want to make time for well yes and no I I would love to read a book a week I would love to do that I simply don't have time I would love to start up three other YouTube channels and write two different book ideas that I have I I don't have time I have to bump those to later later seasons of life I'm saying trust me based on experience over years in pure Judgment of course I can't give factual evidence since both games aren't out yet the best I can do is predict what what's your position Spidey you think the game's gonna be fine weigh in chat like where do you think Hogwarts Legacy performance is gonna land like at the very least I think people are ready to admit that this thing's probably not gonna run very well on the old gen systems yeah there you go Weezy I play for fun you got a personality that meshes well I don't know what that is uh Lono in regards to the ram I think it's 100 Fair Ram requirements will continue to increase for games there is more than just Fidelity that dips into your RAM pool that doesn't surprise me in the least in three odd years minimum RAM specs will probably be 16 gig at the Baseline okay but Wheezy what's that do to what's that due to consoles console performance the greens oh I miss it I used to long time ago not anymore somebody yeah it's a long story if someone hands you a vape pen and doesn't tell you when it's in it then then don't do it don't do any of that anymore it's gonna be on the switch it's gonna be on the switch the switch has an even later release time the switch is in the summer yeah the switch is June I want to say June 25th I want to say June 25th so yeah I'm concerned about that as well kind of curious and might buy a steam deck theme deck's good for certain life situations I don't necessarily know if everybody wants one but they are they're praised by the people that get them and use them I wouldn't waste money on it for the switch it'd probably be Cloud it'll probably be a cloud-based what does that do to console performances Wheezy like right now in the future right now nothing things will just get turned down for the console version but what could they Wheezy what could they possibly be doing in this game on PC that needs to be turned down you go to college I have a bachelor's in a master's but not in degrees that would interest you um I don't use them if that's what you're thinking what like what's in this what's in this game this game that they're gonna turn off like maybe lighting that would be my assumption they're doing something with the lighting and the textures maybe that like oh yeah we gotta turn all that off for console you're gonna have to turn all that off for a series s right you're gonna have to turn that off for the series as because you know Series S is eight gig of RAM you didn't learn about magnets in school if you're curious [Laughter] yo mask Thor is Gonna Take Our member count to 31. if that member count hits 50 I have to gift another five we've already hit 25 every 25 I have to gift we'd love to see two more people do that over here hit that star it supports me it helps me continue to stream in both places we need to get that 10 number over here that's our first goal over here on the talk the lighting the particle effects Etc Fidelity isn't just the only thing that affects performance objects loading fog consolidation uh more that I can go into I mean at the very least wheeze they're gonna have to rent they're gonna have to shrink down that draw distance or it's going to run like just I don't even know how it's going to run on the old gen old gen they'll have to turn the draw distance way way down you're gonna have like crazy pop in I would think beyond that like what you're turn you're talking about like lighting and particle effects for sure I just the thing that's weird wheeze I don't see anything in the game that looks like oh they're gonna have to turn that down on the PlayStation 5. oh they're gonna have to turn that down on the series X right that's the that's the concern and thought is if it's poorly optimized right oh it's it's just it's we're gonna get another game that just doesn't run that well this is from Intel how much RAM do I need from gaming if you plan to do more than just gaming consider 32 so they're recommending 16 now four gig is getting roughly under 60 on a lot of games eight gig can get you roughly 60 and up so the line what you're saying is is the line's moving the line on memory requirements is moving depends I don't think a system needs to be as optimized as long as the game is made for the system it's completely optimized well that's the challenge with Hogwarts Legacy is it's made for everywhere it's made for PC it's made for PlayStation 5 series X Series S it's made for old gen right they show the shortcuts developers take if you look at digital founder videos did the game get delayed again no no but Hogwarts Legacy release date is peculiar and staggered if you're playing it on the PlayStation 5 or the series X for the series s you'll be able to play it in like 20 something days it comes out on February the 10th if you're trying to play it on the old gen systems the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One you're gonna have to wait two more months it's like uh April I don't know the exact date it's April something and then if you want to play it on the Nintendo switch you're gonna have to wait until June June 25th I believe I've had great looking games on my Series S I'm sure you've had great looking games on your Series S but if you look at any of the technical breakdowns performance of the series s is significantly behind the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox series X so you can have a great time and if you don't notice it man more more power to you like seriously more power to you but look at all the tech breakdowns the series s is already struggling to maintain any graphical parody with its with its with its twin brother the series X or its older brother you know any confirmation of linking Pottermore you don't link it to Pottermore you link it to what's the website guys is it Wizarding World I believe it's Wizarding World where you can link up you can get sorted your wand and your Patronus and you can link it with your WB account and then you'll be pre-sorted and all that when the game comes out uh Wheezy says a lot of games that are releasing now are just honestly raising the floor there was a point at a time where two to four gigs of RAM was seen as excessive I think we're just seeing the gradual floor raising we essentially had a window for two to three years basically no next gen or whatever games and we haven't seen requirements shift much now the farther away we have from the sticky lockdowns the more we get the games to push push push against the envelope of the gaming floor which is part of my argumentation that that's the rebranded Pottermore oh no no yeah there you go then yeah that's what you would use that's what you would use I already got sorted I'm I'm Slytherin I got a terrible Patronus and a wand I don't I don't know enough to care about the wands but I was excited to be in Slytherin because somebody somebody said they thought that's where I would land if you're just tuning in over here on YouTube or over here on the talk we're getting great viewership in both places this is a daily talk show and we're talking about Hogwarts Legacy performance concerns I'd love to hear from you make sure you're following me make sure you're subscribed make sure you're smashing the like button that helps more people find the video thank you guys so much for the turnout uh we are daily discussing things like this we already did a talk show about Starfield so it's a great reason to follow and be involved so you don't miss out on all the shows you got a bird just say it yeah I got a freaking Swan a white swan it might as well be a goose for those that don't know I I'm not a fan of geese I don't like them I think they're obnoxious and punchable I first had a series s and was playing State of Decay 2 and it didn't run that smooth I took it back and got a series X and it was way smoother and that game is super old says Dave listen if you pick up on performance issues then yeah I think you're gonna lean towards the series X right you're just going to that's not a slam I don't like it if if you're fine with like 1080 if you're fine with 1080 Dynamic like the resolution of the game not staying at a high resolution like I think like 1440s for me is the floor like if you go below that you're not really next gen 1080 is not an x-gen performance metric at all that's super old but if you're if you're fine with that you're like yeah 1080 is fine and not really consistently hitting 60 frames per second is also fine if those things are fine to you then nothing I'm saying is gonna convince you otherwise because we're talking about like the subjective reception of information in your brain and your eyeballs like I can't change what you see you know what I'm saying so like I'm not trying to convince anybody that the series s is bad I'm just like I think it poses a problem I just think it poses a problem because if you look at its consistent performance right now we're only two years in and it consistently struggles to give out what I would consider to be very mediocre performance of games like 1080 Dynamic 1080 Dynamic we're on the resolution dynamic means it doesn't even maintain 1080 it dips below it like I I don't know it's it doesn't to me it doesn't to me convey a lot of confidence in in future games running well and and what we're dealing right now with Hogwarts Legacy is the Hogwarts Legacy release date is staggered for old gen eventually old Jen's gonna get left behind and then what's the bottom line performance right the bottom line performance is a series s think about that for just a second everybody's like super super against cross-gen support the minute we move away from cross-gen support what's the bottom line what's the minimum performance threshold that that games are going to have to optimize for it's it's it certainly isn't it certainly isn't the old Channel Jen's gonna get left behind from YouTube to the clock thank you for coming over here Andrew I have the S and I've decided to move to PC this year Playstation Xbox are done for me hey a lot of people prefer PC gaming I don't I have I have a really good gaming rig I have a um I have a series X I have a PlayStation 5 and I have a Nintendo switch and I just prefer to not be on a PC you know I wish they would leave all gen behind it's been so long already it's coming it's coming this will probably be one of the last years of big name titles landing on both this will be one of the last years and I wouldn't be surprised if Hogwarts Legacy is a giant cautionary tale about why we need to leave it behind Miss Hogwarts Legacy is probably going to get taken to the cleaners for how poorly it runs on Old gen that's my prediction Spider-Man's the first one the second one's revs an evil Village and the third one is the Richard Witcher 3. what do you want me to see their their their men and recommend is six and eight gig 18 and 16 and then 8 and 16. right so the floor and the minimum are both slightly staggering up from where they used to be PC is the lowest floor but even the but the floor on PC is moving Mo that's the issue like think about think about this with me MO if PC is the lowest floor then Hogwarts Legacy is a problem because PC minimum requirements for Hogwarts Legacy is 16 Giga Ram that's twice the ram that's in the series s so that can't be true PC can't be the lowest floor if its minimum requirements are higher than that of the S you know what I'm saying yeah and then returnal is a 16 gig recommend with a 32 I'm sorry 16 gig minimum with a 32 recommend that's freaking beefy that is Beefy Hogwarts Legacy changed the wording on the graphics performance now it says they're targeting 30 on Fidelity and targeting 60. are you serious did they update it hang on I had the I had the website saved in here uh here we go Port key games support let me take a peek here let me take a peek oh you're right Wheezy were they what it was updated an hour ago they changed the language they literally changed the language wheeze now it's now it's in line with what you showed me earlier Wheezy isn't that crazy an hour ago they updated it we went live 43 minutes ago so it wasn't us it wasn't us it was a typo a typo uh let me Zoom way in on this okay hang on a second hang on hang on uh let me go here hang on hang on I gotta go like that there we go okay so this is the official WB game support you can see updated one hour ago and Fidelity mode targets 30 FPS this originally said Fidelity mode runs at 30 FPS and the reason I got snagged on it was then it said performance mode targets 60fps right Harry Potter in the chat I don't know are they here maybe they're here I doubt it so they they've changed it now both say targets now they both said that's what they targets which means the Fidelity mode might not even run at 30. it might fall below it it might dip below it they both are targeting it which again Wheezy showed the point with God of Wars marketing God of War used the same language right if you're gonna make an open world game at least make the movements and such that is used to get around satisfactory it drastically improves game quality I would agree with that I think movement especially in a game where you can see your character is very very important you need the character to look cool guys we have 450 people here on YouTube can we get 30 more likes and I want to hear from you if you've never subscribed to this channel before hit subscribe right hit subscribe that way you can get in here and join the conversation that way you can be a part of what we're doing uh you can't talk in my chat unless you're a subscriber on on YouTube Just because it helps kind of keep uh the Bots out it helps keep the the Bots out and the spammers and uh I have a the wart we're gonna go ahead and push live I forgot about this let me make sure I have Chrome muted so I don't blast your guys's eardrums out with the short and thank you guys so much for being here we are discussing whether or not this game is going to run well on Old gen whether or not performance mode is going to run well uh we're just thinking through Hogwarts Legacy basically the quality of its performance where is it where is it going to land uh how well is it gonna go I think a lot of people are looking forward to this title I think a lot of people were disappointed when they staggered the release date of old gen that was a bit of a shock that kind of came out of nowhere I don't think anybody was surprised about the Nintendo switch release date the Nintendo switch release date was certainly um something that nobody was expecting the ceiling will eventually shift to the new floors as Wheezy that's 16 gig for 720 30 FPS on PC low settings wait that's what they say for Hogwarts they say that 16 gig minimum requirement is going to get you 7 20 30. are you serious hilly can you show me that can I get is it can I get like a verifiable screenshot we can show stream is that true they can't guarantee because of legal reasons what job you got this is my job I'm a full-time content creator you're not going to be able to tell that by watching me on the talk we don't primarily do much on the talk we primarily do everything on YouTube we primarily do everything on YouTube we have a very uh a very very solid and growing YouTube channel nearing 25 000 Subs we've got a ton of paying members you can join us over there if you want to be a part of what we do getting our Discord okay hang on a second let me see if I can I zoom weigh in on this okay all right let's add more let's add more Credence to my argument minimum low specs right here so 16 gig of RAM and this is for 720 30 FPS low quality I'm Wheezy tell me this is not a poorly optimized game come on like you you've got to be on my side now right everybody's got to be on my side 16 gig of RAM so that I can get 720p 30 low quality what what are you even saying 85 gig of RAM no 85 gig storage look at the GPU CPU Intel Core 6600 AMD ryzen 5 GeForce 960 Radeon Force okay okay no that's fair that's fair wheeze but let's look over here here's a 1080 to do 1080 60 a 1080 TI card do 1080 60 high quality I'm surprised that they got 720 30 on that that's even more impressive okay wait wait then compel me and convince me here right yeah we're getting Hogwarts we're talking about uh whether or not performance is going to be optimized or not so convince me here wheeze are you telling me that this 720 30 because of these cards listed here that is this proof that the game is optimized well what about over here we got a Nvidia 1080. to run 1080 resolution 60 frames per second in high quality settings is does that does that sound let me get on the other side let me get out of the way does that seem does this seem like a well-optimized game absolutely okay let's come down here Ultra specs so if you want 1440 60 with ultra quality 32 gig now this to me points to the performance modes on the PS5 and the series X I mean look at this card this is a 2080 TI right so does this mean we're not going to be able to get this I guess it won't be ultra quality I wonder can we get 14 40 60 High settings on PS5 series X and then Ultra 4K they're uh 2160 60 high quality they're recommending a 30 90. nine 64 gigs in Radeon absolutely yes Lono and absolutely Max settings you need a beefy rig well yeah I understand if you want absolute Max 4K settings you would need a pretty beefy rig Graphics look pretty intensive sounds made for optimization but a 1080 over last gen consoles a 1080 blows a PS4 Pro and an Xbox out of the water hey we hit 2 000 likes over here thank you so much core style wait core style did you become a member today over here or previously no we still only have eight eight uh eight subscribers on The Talk we still only have eight subscribers I can nitpick the things that I think should be better but to be honest I'd rather just enjoy it for what it is well I'm not necessarily nitpicking it was last week okay I was just making sure sometimes it doesn't alert me imagine if I drop eight at likes huh I'm worried for this game now 4K 30 on Console might not be possible I can't imagine a world where Hogwarts Legacy on switch is playable I mean what are they going to do with that game to make it run on the switch they'll probably have to run it on the cloud yeah two more subs to hit the goal Shadows textures particle effects Etc turned to ultra that's extremely well optimized okay so my my my PC aficionados that are smarter than me they're telling me that this points to it being well optimized I still have concerns I trust y'all I trust y'all's judgment you're telling me that this right here if this is true and we're gonna get these we're gonna get this performance we're gonna get this performance out of this Hardware that it's well optimized I don't want to come over to feeling peace about it yet because there's just something in my gut that tells me that we're going to encounter problems with this game that's just that's just my gut the staggered release the the language the language on their website getting edited about Fidelity and performance modes I hope I absolutely hope you're right wheeze I absolutely hope that these Menlo recommended High Ultra specs I hope all of this is an indication to a well-optimized game I really really do I am curious though if Wheezy based on what we're seeing here do you think this game will be another clear dividing line between the series X and the s right given given that we've we've got evidence here you need a pretty strong rig just to get 1446. now they have it at Ultra quality so I would love to see I mean 1080 60 on a 1080. I want something in between that absolutely says Wheezy I'd assume it's well optimized for PC but console will still have wonky settings for anything over 1080 60 says kellswiss will direct storage help with the ram requirements idea I don't know an a60 would be so easy yeah but is anybody going to want to be playing 1080 60 on their next-gen console we says reminder these are recommended with all the sliders turned to high and Ultra right and if they turn all that way down or turn all that off hey this is the most viewership I've ever had over here on the talk we usually hit high and then we drop way down if you're enjoying the talk show over here make sure and hit follow we do Daily Talk Show discussions I did a talk show earlier about Starfield I'm also streaming on YouTube under reforge gaming thanks so much for watching here you can become follower supporter paying member all those things thank you everybody for watching we have sponsors we have our own coffee so feel free to ask about any of that the game will be full of bugs and glitches but they'll be able to blame it on the wizard Shenanigans I don't think so I don't think that's something that they would do blaming bugs on Wizard shenanigans like no one game with everything maxed out because that's just stupid you turn this and that down well for sure for sure nobody's just turning everything to Max I just I don't know I'm glad to hear that according to the PC guys the spec recommendations look look well optimized right like they look well optimized so if that's the case then I hope that lends itself well to the PlayStation 5 and the series X like I just wanted to look really good and run at 60 FPS that's all I really really want right that's subjective uh what's trash to you does not take away enjoyment of others well but that's the whole point isn't it Olson like isn't that the entire point that if I really need it to run well then I'm gonna have my experience hindered and harmed if it doesn't run well don't you see like yeah sure somebody might be like I don't care about those things and they just sort of brush it off somebody else might be like no bro that's super important to me I can't play that game now like I couldn't play Gotham Knights I couldn't play plate tale Requiem because they ran so poorly it ruined the enjoyment of the game for me now there were other reasons to dislike Gotham Knights plagetail Requiem could have been redeemed by a performance mode I thought plagetail was beautiful with great voice acting and story but it was so jittery it was disruptive it was immersion breaking the gaming says I'm not surprised at all about the required specs this is a regular thing with Warner Brothers video games it should be around 14 40 60 on the PS5 and the x is assumed parasite I really hope that's true I do this game looks awesome I agree I've been super excited about Hogwarts and then I saw the spec requirements I was like what like that's a lot of memory and then I saw the language about performance mode and I was like what it's like you're only targeting 60 but you're gonna run at 30 on Fidelity like you can't even promise me 60 on on performance like I didn't I didn't see anything in Hogwarts that looked that demanding for reference Lono the 1080 TI came out uh like March six years ago you can still push a 1080p everything high on a six-year-old card the i7 8700 came out in the 2018 same thing another five-year-old car and you're pushing that the game seems from what I can see to be very well optimized so again the more my my guys in the community that are way more educated on PC stuff they're telling me that it's well optimized Lono you don't need to be worried about that it's well optimized from what we can tell boy I hope you're right because I want to play this game and enjoy it so worried Weezy like right like you guys gotta understand why I'm gun shy right like we wishing goth of knights for a while like this game is going to be dope and then the closer we got to Gotham Knights I'm like what the frick did they do to this game it looks like it's running super bad and then play tail Requiem I love the first plague tale new plague tale comes out I'm like oh I'm excited to play this and then it runs really bad and then I started looking at Hogwarts I'm like man y'all staggered the release you don't have strong language about your performance mode and your your Min spec requirements seem like really high on Ram oh my word like like oh golly if they were saying 1080p on a 2080 or an i7 uh 10 700 I would legitimately be worried what's Porky's Studio's history what other games have they made I'm not sure whoever said that is right about the GTX 1080 says Omar I didn't upgrade until late last year and the card is super solid if this game has problems from the start it'll be that's not a nice word uh game game that doesn't function as intended is a bad game you can still enjoy it but I don't know how I'm gonna I'm in agreement with you I'm gonna agree with you Jake I'm in agreement with you 100 percent a hundred percent like if if a game doesn't run as it's intended I I can't enjoy it good bully for you if you can like seriously good for you if you can enjoy a game running below what it's supposed to do man uh that's awesome for you but I I can't do it I I literally had to stop playing playtail Requiem I was so disappointed in how poorly it ran for reference says Wheezy if the last gen consoles perform like crap I would not be surprised I think they can probably turn down enough knobs to get it on last gen consoles but we shall see right like think about like this if if it's running just fine and it's well optimized and it's running just fine on Old gen consoles why would they push those back that's going to affect your sales numbers right having a staggered release date cannot be ideal for your sales numbers there had to be a very very compelling reason to delay this game on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One think about how there's like 120 million PlayStation 4s in circulation right that's there had to be some pretty serious issues with this game on Old gen for them to delay the release on if you really think about it the PlayStation 4 is one of the best selling consoles in the last 10 years only outdone by the Nintendo switch so not being able to have Hogwarts Legacy on the PlayStation 4 day one there had to be good reason and truth be told the Xbox One and the Xbox One X they did fine they didn't do poorly they had some good rebound years there where they they got some good Market saturation that's a lot of people that can't buy the game at least at release foreign I like it but at the same time I don't like it like I like it for the first party Nintendo titles that I get to play but I can't stand the performance of the Nintendo switch it drives me nuts I bought a Lego Marvel game for my kids on there we played it for like a day and I'm like why did I buy this here it was on sale but like it ran so bad it was a Lego game for crying out loud and it ran bad horrible load times it was it was it was super bad uh uh any anybody in MA anybody in the Discord keep an eye on General chat yeah keep an eye keep an eye on that guy that Avatar is telling particle effects probably are a huge part of this game and on Old consoles it most likely can't handle it I would hope they would just turn them off on the old gen consoles what's up Lona what's up Chad what's good apollying what's the issues with performance Okay so my position hasn't really changed but my position is more informed so my concern level has subsided a little bit but it's still there okay my concern level was a little bit higher at the beginning of the stream but I have very educated PC guys that are telling me Hogwarts Legacy on the surface if you look at all of this here the minimum two Ultra specs if you look at this it's it's on the surface looking like a very well optimized game okay I initially was concerned when I saw minimum to low specs requiring 16 gig of RAM I was like that seems really high that seems like it's going to be a problem for the series s that's going to be a problem for the old gen consoles is this thing poorly optimized okay now keep it keeping keep in mind um we we were looking at more than just that we were looking at we were looking at the staggered release date that happened very suddenly and we were looking at the fact that the performance mode language didn't build a lot of confidence now I know people are like well Lono that's just how they word it you know targeting 60 FPS that's just how they word it and I was like yeah but I don't know when you had all these other things up together I don't know now my concern has gone down a little bit because the PC guy's like I don't know bro these specs looks like it's well optimized to me right it looks like it's well optimized to me but that doesn't mean it's going to be well optimized on console right like it doesn't mean it's going to be well optimized on Console a well-optimized PC game doesn't always look well optimized on console and they clearly were having some kind of a problem with the old gen systems so my concern is still there and I think it's largely because I just don't want the I don't want the chair getting kicked out from underneath of me with another game that I'm looking forward to because like listen let's consider last gen for a second and let's consider what happened with with Gotham Knights right like Gotham Knights dropped old gen because they couldn't get it to run back there and look how bad it ran Hogwarts is like well we're not gonna drop old gen but we're gonna stagger the release I'll give this to last gen it might be crap but I think they might get it to run Maybe not maybe good maybe crap almost like a 50 50 shot hey zubair are you here one of my kids said something cute and it's in the Discord but I'll read it if you're in the YouTube chat I'll just read it for you it's cute Lotto WB has published two 30 FPS Batman games MK and Injustice ran pretty bad on PC all those games are tied to WB yeah but what about um what about Port key what games have Porky made let's look that up right Port key Studios like what's their uh oh and it's Port key games here we go uh their parent company is Warner Brothers it looks like all Porky has done is Hogwarts are Harry Potter stuff they've done four they've done four mobile games they did uh Harry Potter and the Hogwarts mystery Harry Potter Wizards unite Harry Potter puzzles and spells Harry Potter magic awakened so it looks like they've they weren't the developers Avalanche software is the developer actually of Hogwarts Legacy portkey is not the developer avalanches according to this Wiki is that right I don't understand portkey games is a video game label owned by Warner Brothers founded in 2017. I'm confused is Port Keane not a developer they did Mad Max all right hang on a second I'm on the Hogwarts official site let's let's let's go here hang on where is uh let's go let's go to the Hogwarts Legacy website who's the developer of this game I thought the Nouveau was the real issue on performance I mean danubo can cause performance issues for sure no Avalanche Studios is credited on their website yeah it's Avalanche support keys not even the developer Port key is like the label whatever the frick that means okay well if Avalanche developed it let's take a look and see what are the most recent Avalanche games uh Cars 3 Disney Infinity 3.0 2.0 Disney Infinity Cars 2 Toy Story 3 bolt Hannah Montana Meet the Robinsons Chicken Little it's not looking good chat not looking good LOL bad game this is uh this isn't looking good a funky Frosty pop feature debuts in the spring that's not something I want to play you're arguing a point that I'm not disputing is just leave it at that oh you guys are still debating some stuff hey here's what's in your order hey we got a tumbler going out to somebody somewhere somebody we've got coffee orders if you're doing them we or you can wait there they were all the ones that came in after the fact yeah yeah I've got some did zubair respond Zoo bear are you here that guy's username is pre-authorized transaction for a hundred and ten dollars from PayPal and then they actually tipped five dollars my main concern is the dev they've never made a game this large I'm concerned about a performance in the game overall like do you go around tipping five dollars with that username expecting me to like get really excited like oh my gosh somebody gave me a hundred and ten dollars [Music] I enjoy your stream especially where you ignore all my comments I enjoy when people come into streams with over 400 people and have that level of an ego that if I don't respond to you I'm ignoring you no they're not making a joke they're I think they're being serious they said all the devs are Harry Potter nerds they love the franchise they work hard on these games look look I'm excited I'm excited I was excited I still am excited just because I'm concerned doesn't mean I'm not excited are you ready Mama uh uh it's gonna be too light too light on that one if you guys order reforged Rose if you order our coffee which by the way this is ours this is our coffee by the way this is our holiday blend we have a light and we have a dark and um my wife and kiddos back it up and ship it to you so if you order right now we're literally I'm literally printing the labels you're getting expedited shipping it's going to get shipped today you got the two light one in there oh stop oh it's USPS holiday it's it'll be yeah it'll get dropped off and it'll get it'll get it'll get picked up right away all right hang on hang on you got the two light one in there all right and go it's a DSP reference really that was a meme I didn't catch it labor sag yeah my kids love it my kids love it they enjoy doing it so on top being a service game it'll just be a trash game in general no Hogwarts Legacy is not a service game they've not indicated it's a live service game uh let me see here one dark one dark and there we go hey I'm new here I'm just curious if you already pre-order you're waiting for the Feb 10th I'm gonna pre-order I didn't do like collector's edition or anything like that but I'll definitely pre-order so that way I can play and cover it on the launch day yeah yeah if you guys have never been here before uh I'm printing off coffee labels and coffee orders for people that were kind enough to order today we were we were kind of saying hey help us round out our orders it'll get there what's the service game pre-order you get on February the 7th that's right if you pre-order you can play it early yeah that's another reason why I want to pre-order that's not your birthday I skipped out on buying Gotham Knights day one picked it up a few months back oh later they fully patched and 50 off it's still a bad game in my opinion I thought I thought it was bad no matter what what are you concerned about it's one of the highest pre-orders of the games on Steam do you think being a high pre-order game means it's going to run well is that what determines if a game runs well or not like do you understand like I like I'm excited about the game most of my coverage on it has been positive the only thing that was negative was I didn't like I don't like the uh the pre-order benefits I don't like one year I'm sorry not pre-order benefits I don't like the one year of exclusivity for PlayStation and I don't like the way they handled the dark arts battle arena right like the practice Arena I don't like any of that okay that was my only negative coverage about this game so to me to me expressing concern is I think attached to my excitement it's like I don't know man they stagger the release on Old consoles and now I'm seeing Min spec requirements that seem pretty stout now I've had the PC guys tell me that the the Min spec and high-end spec requirements are actually quite reasonable it actually is a well-optimized game according to them right no more orders have come through Mommy you're good Avalanche software is the dev uh not Avalanche Studios just FYI I mean yeah I looked up Avalanche software on the wiki and listed all the games that they had worked on Avalanche software hasn't hasn't worked on any notable games mostly like kid movie games and stuff like nothing nothing Earth shattering you know but again that's not that's not a cause for alarm I'm not saying oh my gosh it's gonna be bad I'm saying well all right let's see if this company can prove themselves one of the things I've been saying about Hogwarts Legacy gameplay is that I think it's going to surprise people I think it's going to be a a surprisingly deep RPG I don't think a lot of people thought that initially when they looked at it I actually think there's a lot to this game yeah the Disney Infinity games yeah those were okay I wouldn't call them good I have good news atomic heart it's gonna be 60 FPS Dynamic 4K yeah I saw those tweets [Laughter] they're they're such Liars bro or k60 in the open world sure Bud yeah all these big huge AAA Studios haven't managed to figure out how to do Dynamic 4K 60fps in Open Spaces but they somehow figured it out for atomic heart right um what's he saying now a game you're excited for continue to drains your wallet wait but what's he talking about Eric wait so is somebody saying they're excited about this game and he said that oh he says what is a service game yeah but nobody said this is a service game you know just decided that I feel like I know what's going on I feel like a couple of you guys you guys hung out here just enough just enough to get Badges and now you come in and try and kill the vibe and take shots of people you're more than likely old school hate watchers from the old days I can I just I can smell the stink on you I know he asked what's a live service game Wheezy but the guy that answered him and the guy that invoked it has been has been just on a tear this there was a couple of guys recently doing that and I just got a bad vibe from them I was like I feel like I know what you're doing you hung out enough to get a badge and now that they got a badge they're way more active in chat being really unkind to people and trying to disrupt chat and create negativity they remind me of like the OG days of q a where like dudes were constantly asking questions on the Q a that they knew had been answered and they did it to disrupt I don't know I just it smells of old school hate Watcher like disruption um I don't know my Spidey Sense started tingling the other day I was like I don't know about these guys I was like there's something off there was two of them doing it and it just felt really intentional hmm conference knots is so gambling what are you guys talking about confidence and gambling what are the platforms you're streaming on oh I am over on YouTube under reforge gaming that sadly sadly I want to get the ability to use a stream key so that I can pay attention to both chats equally because I end up having a hard time doing that because I'm primarily looking at the YouTube chat because I have over 400 people hanging out on YouTube and it's hard to pay attention to both also the the talk camera is up here and I have to look up here to see chat and then everything else is like over to the side is it a bad time to bring up chicken fingers zubair we were calling for you earlier my kiddos uh were bagging up uh coffee and one of my kids said hey Mom did zubi order coffee this time should I draw him a special picture so they were they were making sure uh in making the pictures for the coffee orders that you didn't get left out oh we're talking about pre-ordering being the same as gambling oh no no would buying it day one be gambling wouldn't that mean buying it day one is gambling because the only your your definition of gambling basically means you have to wait before buying anything for reviews or it's gambling so new product line hits Amazon you don't wait for reviews that's gambling new movie hits you don't wait for reviews you go to the theater that's gambling your definition of gambling is so loose it might as well not even be that word it might as well be something else if you see what I'm saying you can't redefine the word to suit your aims that's not what gambling is gambling implies a potential loss with nothing in return like when you put money in a slot machine there is the risk of getting literally nothing when you buy a scratch off there's the risk of getting literally nothing at the potential win of you know massive funds so buying a game when you don't necessarily know the quality of the game just yet whether you pre-order it buy it day one I I don't think that that could be classified as gambling that's stretching the definition beyond what it means words have a range of meaning but I don't think gambling's range of meaning can encapsulate buying a product before properly waiting for reviews because that's subjective anyways the reviews might not be there's oftentimes reviews for movies comes out and I'm like I'm still going to see it and then the audience gives it higher reviews than the critics so even that isn't necessarily A Surefire way to know what you're getting into how many movies and shows would people avoid if they only listen to the critics instead of their gut or instead of the audience YouTube is perfect for streaming and other content such as reviews but why was YouTube sort of so hyped it's not that much different uh than talk also long videos are better because there's an entire generation and an entire populace of people who will not watch long-form videos David Vegas reach since Halo pre-orders gambling yeah I don't I don't see that you still get the product if you pre-order you might not like it but you haven't lost anything yeah again gambling would imply that you don't get anything like pre-ordering being equal to gambling would be the game doesn't come out and they just take your money and run well then yeah that was a gamble you lost you got nothing buying a video game uh is not a game you are playing it's a transaction right you know honestly I watch a lot of reviewers and all these reviewers seem mainly to have problems with these games on PC YouTube's literally the biggest media platform in the history of the world that's why yeah I mean why wouldn't you diversify into a funnel of of content structure that people are enjoying what's the worry with this game so I've outlined a handful of things that have caused me concerns for Hogwarts Legacy performance and number one the staggered release date of old gen I find to be a concern it could point to it not running well on the old systems I've pointed to the Min spec requirements I I looked at the RAM on Min spec and was worried now the PC guys have educated me and they've looked at the minimum spec requirements all the way up to ultra and they say all signs point to a well-optimized game however all across the board the memory requirements for Hogwarts Legacy on PC I still find concerning for optimization on Console seems like it's probably going to be well optimized and run well on a PC where you can tweak things but the concern would be they kicked old gen down the road because it's not going to run well and then also could have struggles with performance mode on next-gen consoles some of the language about how it's going to run on next-gen consoles I didn't find all that encouraging like performance Mode's gonna Target 60 Fidelity mode it's going to Target 30. when you combine that with seeing that no matter what system configuration they come up with for PC that it needs 16 gig ram or higher I have I have a lot of concerns for how well it's going to run specifically on the series S Series S only has eight gig of RAM and old gen systems are significantly weaker so what's it like 32 Min to recommended specs is 16 Ultra specs and up is 32. uh so it's pretty it's pretty heavy it's pretty stout when compared to the series s and down like the series X and the PS5 are close enough to that that I'm not that concerned I still am a little bit because it's like well if they had to optimize it too much or strip too much out for the series s or old gen how much of that's going to affect what I get to play on the PS5 I don't know did the developers have specific teams for each generation of console do they have people essentially stripping things down and optimizing for PS5 and series X and then another team helping to optimize for the series s uh and down because there's just to me there's a big difference between having you know eight gig of RAM and almost double like that's going to be an issue I think and I just don't know if to me it feels like a PR stunt and that's concerning if you're willing to kick the game version down the road because you know it's not going to be received well it just reminds me of cyberpunk so I'm I'm smelling I'm smelling and seeing signs of concern like I don't know because I am very I I would say I was I was very and am still excited for this game but then I started looking at all these details and started thinking this could all point to problems right the next-gen consoles fall into the recommended high right recommended high is 1080 60. right right Paul they roughly fall into that performance threshold for sure and that's I don't know do I want to play a 1080 60 game on my PS5 I I don't know I don't know if I want to play a 1080 60 game on my PS5 not for very long we've had plenty of people on YouTube stop in and enjoy the show and enjoy the content do me a favor and smash like we need 50 more likes over here to hit a nice like Milestone that helps more people find the video uh thank you so much for hanging out with us today and we appreciate you guys enjoying the content you might have seen one of my shorts you might have had this video recommended to you A lot of people are are finding us through the various funnels that are out there there's no statements about 4K no I mean there's there's PC requirements for 4K there's PC requirements for 4K because you're going to need a monster of a system uh I can show you over there in the corner you can see there uh there that's if you want Ultra 4K specs that's the kind of PC rig uh that you're gonna need to run that which is to be expected that's not alarming at all like I don't look at that and say oh my gosh I can't believe that's that's the expectation I don't I don't look at that and think that at all um that's that to me is that's pretty standard fare for going up that High um oh you're watching on talk and you can't see what I just did I have the minimum low specs up to ultra 4K Ultra 4K is 32 gig of RAM a GeForce 3090 or a Radeon 7900 uh and then that's going to get you 21.60 FPS so that's the commentary uh surrounding uh whether or not you're gonna get um whether or not you can get the full the ultra of the 4K what does Ragnarok run at because I feel like that game would take more RAM and it looks beautiful one of the things that Ragnarok is is is probably getting away with that a game like Hogwarts isn't is I don't think the areas that a lot of the areas that you were in in Ragnarok they did a good job kind of containing them uh there were some pretty big areas there were but Hogwarts especially once you're out in the open and flying uh the visible distance is pretty far and there was it I feel like they were pretty smart with that in Ragnarok they did a good job of making areas feel massive in size and scope but they didn't have massive draw distance does that make sense like I could see far and there were big areas in Ragnarok but nothing like I've seen in some of the Hogwarts Legacy gameplay footage like some of that stuff is you see pretty far um and there's trickery and things you can do with Sky boxes and things like that but in general I I do think that is one of the things that's probably being a challenge in Hogwarts Legacy is the size of the areas the size of the open World um those are those are all things I think that can pose a problem uh that was something that they did with fortnite on the old systems they wanted to optimize so that everybody could get 60 FPS and they did that and in so doing uh they had to limit draw distance and render distance and stuff and they pulled it off hello even Horizon forbidden West runs well on the PS4 and you can see very far well but Doom that's a little bit of a cherry pick that's not a cross-platform game that's also a game built on an engine and assets that very much play well with the Sony ecosystem and the Sony Hardware like I don't know I that's not a that's not a that's not giving me tons of confidence in Hogwarts like I think Hogwarts I'm I I think Hogwarts will probably be fine I just saw a couple of things that set off alarm bells in my head like I'm trying not to be the cynic and the Negative Nancy but we had a couple of games recently that I was looking forward to that just didn't run very well and it was really disappointing I was like I really don't feel like going through that again the first big game of the year after first spoken which I'm not that interested in forespoke and I'll probably play it for like an afternoon just to Showcase it at release but after for spoken Hogwarts is the first big game release of the Year Art it's arguably it's arguably the biggest released after only Diablo 4 right people are like what about Starfield I don't know man Harry Potter's pretty dadgum big pretty dead gun big and the that to me is like it's a lot of eyeballs right that's a lot of importance Mass Effect Andromeda did it for me gotta be skeptical nowadays yeah exactly dank a lot of people played Mass Effect Andromeda and they were like oh man a new Mass Effect oh my gosh you know Mass Effect Andromeda looked like it was going to be phenomenal now I know people said like after some of the patches it got a whole lot better but yeah Jedi Survivor is a big player too that's right we got big games coming out this year you know we got a Star Wars game we got a Harry Potter game we got a Diablo yeah we got Starfield we don't know when though Today's Show in the morning was about Starfield and they updated the release date on uh on Steam what's it mean what does it mean wait aren't you this guy yeah it's a bygone era man we've we've uh We've we don't even cover the stuff we used to cover we're in a new era new brands new channel new community yeah Jedi Fallen order game yeah Star Wars Jedi Survivor yeah yeah yeah Spider-Man two not the big one not the big one some Heavy Hitters and Heavy Hitters some big names Andrew you just keep saying Sup I'm not sure if you're having a problem or not oh and Zelda and Zelda that's right you think denuvo will have an impact on performance of Hogwarts Legacy I mean de Nuvo typically does yeah is it confirmed that danubo is shipping with the console version or is it only going to ship with the PC version do we know that'd be a question I know it's not an equivalent comparison says Doom I'm just trying to give you comparison I'm saying it doesn't have much excuses to not run well oh I mean sure that yeah the console version would never use it we covered that a lifetime ago where we said that you know if P if denuvo is available the nouveau's available on on Playstation people want it oh my gosh You Tube lurker dropping a 20 gifted member bomb on chat this is a reason to watch on YouTube by the way if you if you don't care in which location you watch holy moly Caleb Illuminati Mafia 809 lion hey I saw you hanging out with uh doc dark the other night I think you were the one that tweeted him when I reacted to his content good to see you get a membership big Evil Steve McCormick ep82 David Dory uh on the next level Stuart gains Dustin Irene Ben Mr boot baby Yoda Mike to cook sword Tower new fairy Chris lethal there you go everybody getting it what are we discussing we are discussing Hogwarts Legacy and why I have some concerns about oh no that 20 is going to push us to 51 that means I have to do another five I have to do five then miss the Hogwarts combo no we're still talking about Hogwarts right now it's a great day to be here because we have people doing big gifted member bombs which means you get five from me every 25 I have to give five we're now at 51. so I've had to do that twice thank you so much we're trying to get 10 subscribers over here on the talk we need two more you get a little joystick badge and you get some emojis you can use if you become a member over on YouTube you get access to all of our members only content as well as our members only Discord Eric uh Boynton uh costantinos Leonidas and Rizal and OG it's baby Jesus thank you so much welcome back oh nice I've noticed Hogwarts looks interesting though yeah I I initially was a little bit skeptical about the about the the about it right I was I was a little bit I was a little bit skeptical about it you know and the more I looked at it the more I thought I don't know this game looks like it's it's gonna be good it looks like there's a lot of depth to it a lot of surprising depth to it um so by the way anybody that just got a gifted membership okay we do members content here all of the time and you might not be familiar with that on YouTube you might be like I I just watch YouTube man I I don't do memberships we do streams on Friday night with my wife I do community game nights on Friday nights sometimes and this Friday night I'll be playing with hilly we're doing a Star Wars Episode 2 watch party this weekend on Saturday it's hilarious it's kind of like Mystery Science Theater you do need to be able to watch the movie on your own and you do be a member here um so consider becoming a member if you got a membership get into our Discord our Discord servers members only and it's a great way uh is the wife bad no she's actually pretty good at video games we just did a double header horror weekend we played through until dawn um it was it was awesome it was awesome she actually played better than me I I killed more people than she did I was having a hard time a couple of times um the souls like Pinocchio game yeah lies of P looks very very cool looks very very cool uh how do you feel about multiplayer I thought it was originally supposed to happen we I actually just did an episode with my man 30 and still gaming on YouTube uh where we talked about this we debated whether or not Hogwarts should be live service and one of the subjects that came up was Co-op we're like this game seems so ripe for Co-Op oh my gosh you're in a school there's students around like what's the deal why would you not let me play with other people I really do wish there was at least Co-op like a companion could come with you or something and see your room of requirements and all your things that you've decorated I think would be awesome blackmuth Wukong no that's not the that's not the Pinocchio game he was talking about over here on the talk black myth Wukong officially got delayed to next year officially got delayed to next year um what's the concern with Hogwarts just now entering what's good midlife crisis so I have concerns about Hogwarts Legacy now the PC guys in my community looked at the PC spec requirements and and put some of my concerns at a lower level because apparently it's looking like a well-optimized game on PC but the fact that they delayed old gen by two months and the switch into the in into the June like summer time I'm concerned that the game's gonna run poorly it's a concern that I have I was looking at Men's specs on PC I saw 16 gig of RAM even if you look at the specs and you're like oh this game is well optimized for PC it still requires a lot of memory like a lot of memory no matter what level you try to play with it on your PC so that gives me concerns about performance on Console because the consoles have less available RAM and the series s has way less available Ram when compared uh to that um delayed or announced there was an official short video IGN debuted at blackmuth Wukong basically saying yeah we're not coming out till next year Wheezy says I can't comment on last gen I have no input on that yeah Wheezy and the other PC guys all they really established was it looks on the surface like it's well optimized for PC but we have no idea what that means for PS5 series X Series S we really have no idea what that means for the old gen consoles are you concerned about next-gen running poorly I yeah I actually am I am like I'm extremely concerned about old gen I'm a little bit concerned about current like current gen I'm pretty concerned about the series S as well with performance the the 16 gig memory no matter what requirement is a worry it's a concern it's like wait a minute no matter what configuration I look at on PC 16 gigs the minimum and then for anything above that is you know 32 so it's like okay how much you get to turn off and shut off to get it to run well on on consoles how much memory does the operating system what's available memory on PS5 and series X I forget what it is I forget they want to give Hogwarts Legacy the best performance on launch that's why old Jen's delayed oh I agree with you I 100 think the old gen delay is because they're trying to hide bad performance I don't think I think they're trying to hide a cyberpunk situation I 100 think that game would have been perfect for met multiplayer what concerns I just outlined them a second ago I'll give you a quick recap uh I don't want to repeat myself that's just the nature of the live streams you're stumbling in we've had really good traction today over here on the talk I primarily stream on YouTube so I appreciate seeing a great turnout in 6 000 likes I hope you guys are enjoying it enough to come back day to day and watch and hang out um concerns about performance if you look at the fact that they delayed old gen if you look at the Min spec PC requirements if you look at the language they have about performance mode it doesn't build a lot of confidence in how well it's going to perform on consoles that that's that's the concern that I have I'm not bashing the game I'm actually very much looking forward to it uh but concerns about performance the ram issue is easy says a Myrtle Turtle just have Microsoft hit up Nintendo so they can ask how they got the extra four mega ram working on the Nintendo 64. yo my man Cisco's gonna take the daily member count a little bit higher up to 56. this guy just gifted five members to the community thank you so much for doing that Burke malurf got one Tyler got one Andrew McCormack uh prashanth uh and Sam Thompson you guys all got gifted members welcome on into reforge gaming appreciate you hanging out and watching um just performance concerns yes primarily performance concerns yes it's crunch and it's not as optimized as it should be for consoles that's the cons that's what yeah that would be a concern yeah that they're crunching and not gonna be ready and it's gonna struggle or whatever we're having a bit of another viewer bump thanks everybody for being here becoming members and subscribing if you haven't hit subscribe yet on YouTube do that so you can talk in my chat and do me a favor smash that like button and help other people find the video and all it is is a thumbs up doesn't cost you anything and if you're over here on the talk a very steady viewership today it's awesome to see um we do a daily talk show like well multiple daily talk shows I'm actually curious if if there's lots of people out there looking for shows like this like we do it every day on YouTube we're starting to do it every day over here so I'm genuinely curious to see if people are like this is cool man a daily video game podcast I'm safe for work so we're excited to see you guys here we cover things like Diablo we covered star field this morning we had a separate show about that I took a lunch break and hung out with the members uh the people that are like the the paying members on YouTube uh did that what other channel are you streaming to over on The Talk I don't like saying the platform name YouTube doesn't like that platform name uh no idea how to turn off the option to accept gifted oh to turn it on you click the join button and then there should be three dots up at the top that lets you go into your member gifting options should or just click on the boxes at the top of the chat and it should say allow you know allow gifts you might need to do it on a PC though performance Dynamic resolution between 1440 uh 2160 Target 60. oh I know that language is commonly used I know oh I know I know the saying that they target for sure for sure Paul but they also had it typed up wrong they also had it typed up wrong Paul it said runs at 30 FPS in Fidelity and Target 60 for performance and they changed it in someone linked the talk channel to me I can't find it um oh if you're looking on I'll type it in the chat there that's the name of the platform I hate saying the name of that platform YouTube does not like the name of that platform if you're looking for me on any of the other platforms Instagram Twitter the talk uh T okay just look for reforged TV I'm reforged TV everywhere else on YouTube we've got multiple channels we've got reforge gaming reforged dungeon reforge rundown you know but this is the main Hub reforged gaming is the main Hub you want to hang out on for daily live stream discussions like this I don't think that there's any good reason to worry about the current generation consoles last gen consoles may be a tough sell DND now I don't really get down with DND I think they get into DND you need like a circle of friends to pull you into it or it's tough to get into it Corey yeah if you stay if you stated in like stages my highest level of worry is for old gen like anybody buying Hogwarts Legacy on PS4 or the Xbox one I'm like man I don't know I would hold off I would hold off and wait I just don't know I I've I can't confidently say that it it's a good idea and then when I look at you know current gen I'm like it'll probably be perfectly fine on the PS5 and the series X they'll tone some stuff down we may get some frame drops in the big open world spaces if there's too much on screen Maybe but then I look at the series s and I'm like I don't know unless you keep saying the talk it's The Talk The Tick channel the the the platform like a clock makes a sound right it goes tick and it goes talk but I don't like saying the name of that platform because YouTube doesn't like when you do that we there was a time where we were promoting that platform and being over there and we had really weird things happen on YouTube so I have a series s don't say that I will cry let's listen I'm not bashing the series s but if you look at any of the performance breakdowns of what most of the most recent games are hitting on Series S Lo it's a little concerning it's a little concerning like I don't think that thing's gonna be able to keep up I just don't think it's gonna be able to keep up call it Ticky talky uh yeah the tiki Taki platform I've been driving for five years now but I got right in the hauling heavy loaded steel for the first year oh nice I know somebody that just got into hauling Steel I know somebody not calling you out or bashing uh I'm saying I'm a hairy Potter fan and it would hurt me no no I know it would I know it would so like when I express concerns about the series ass this is something a lot of people miss I'm usually concerned for the people that bought it like it's I don't care for me like I got a series X I've had great experiences with my series X but I'm like man a lot of people want that Series S and uh I feel like they're gonna be a little irritated if they start buying games that just it starts to become obvious like they just don't run very well I'm about see you thanks for hanging out today Jake I appreciate that keep telling you reforge go buy a series s and put all your concerns to bed why would I do that I can watch digital Foundry videos and I know that I would never play video games at that performance threshold my friend I would never do that right YouTube's been changing things to cause people to get yeah yeah I don't swear and curse and and do anything that's ever gotten me at risk for that but they definitely are listening and if you say certain words they get a little their hackles get raised like I don't need to go buy a series s to put my concerns to bed I can I can literally watch videos and be like that that's garbage performance Elden ring ran Betty on the secret better on the series s and the bigger consoles and PC at launch that's not true no they turn they they that is simply not true no the the frame hitching and frame pacing issues are endemic too from software games in the engine that simply Falls and what oh you got one game I I can list 10 other games that run like dog water on that system compared to other games go look at the the digital Foundry breakdown of like what remains of Edith Finch or I don't know any of the games running dynamic 1080. that's all I need to know bro like I don't want to play games at Dynamic 1080 that struggle to hit 60. some games struggling to maintain 30 on my really nice television that I have true there was no stuttering nothing no that's false that's not true nope I looked at all the tech breakdowns when Eldon ring came out the stuttering and the frame pacing issues were literally everywhere it was on PC it was on all the consoles what you think that the series s was some some magic trick system amidst all those problems it it had frame pacing issues and stuttering issues on PC PS5 even the PS4 version it happened very infrequently but it happened sometimes and it happened on the Xbox series X but what the the series s somehow glided underneath that get out of here it was it was it's endemic to the from software engine bro like like the the stuttering issue the piece the the frame timing issue to from software games is not something that was like unique to the all of the non-series S consoles never had a problem with the series S I don't need you to be aware of the problems vrr didn't help anything vrr just simply hides the issues if you understand the technology between variable refresh rates it's just hiding it it's still happening just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening just because it glosses over it doesn't mean it isn't happening like we've had this discussion before all of the tech breakdowns of Alden ring that was an endemic problem to the game it wasn't something that the series s was immune to that simply isn't true that has nothing to do with the discussion anyway I don't believe them I played the game day one I didn't have any stuttering issues I watched fighting Cowboy struggling with stuttering issues it was nothing like that that's anecdotal we don't come to conclusions off of anecdotal information there were actual technical breakdowns they are facts their facts matter way more than your experience just like just because you just because you didn't see the stutters doesn't mean they weren't there it's ludicrous like they they all of the tech breakdown websites run these games through Benchmark tests and can see the stutters and measure them and record them we're talking about a scientific thing here it's not they're not like sitting there with their glasses held real still and they're like saw one I saw one like it's it's it's a mathematical thing it's it's it's it's a tried and true test of a game's performance I don't your anecdotal experience doesn't matter so what's the problem if you can't see it after vrr what matters is you can't state that it didn't have the problems it did and if you had a vrr monitor and you turned on variable refresh rate it was harder to detect when I watched fighting Cowboy playing it was stuttering it was really noticeable like constantly pausing the game you've made an absolutely dizzy and compelling argument that the series s is totally fine and I should go buy one because you watched fighting Cowboy have stuttering in Elden ring that's a compelling argument I have been compelled it doesn't matter how many other digital Foundry videos you can watch how many videos you can watch making it very clear that the series s performs poorly in comparison to the PlayStation 5 and the series X a guy in my chat watched fighting cowboy that's all I need man I'm sold I'm gonna go buy it now oh our Chef peeps throwing tantrum well I'm being told that what are we talking about here you sent us down this Rabbit Hole you told me go buy a series s to put all my concerns to bed and I said I can watch any of the digital Foundry breakdowns and say hey I can see the poor performance I don't need to go buy the system myself and you said I didn't have any problems with Elden ring I found you for your page doing the Lord's work hey goddess Omega good to see you performed poorly that's a little hyperbolic it does pretty well not it's it's a matter of comparison Winder it's a matter of comparison when I see games like pulling 60fps you know 1440 and then I go to the series s and it's running Dynamic 1080 which is an old gen resolution and it's not even maintaining 1080 that means it's Dynamic so it's going below 1080 to maintain 60 and the tech breakdowns show it not even maintaining 60 or in some cases the one was Dynamic 1080 just to maintain 30 with evil West one of the recent games that comes out all I have to do is watch that video and say comparatively that's poor performance like I don't want to why would I want to go buy that what I don't want to go buy that system I I have I have a system now that that runs everything just fine why would I do that what the game's not out yet we're not talking about Hogwarts we're talking about performance concerns for Hogwarts and if you look at the Min spec requirements for Hogwarts on PC I think it stands to reason if you look at all the technical analysis of games running on the series s up to this point yeah I think you have perfectly good reason to be concerned about the performance of Hogwarts Legacy on an Xbox series s I hear a lot of people saying different games have all these bad performances yet I never see it on my Series S listen there is no disrespect intended here but I'm dead serious when I say this some people can't see it that's not a slam like I don't think some people can see it it could be that your TV is smaller older maybe you said it really far away from it maybe you really don't play lots of games at 60 FPS you're like I don't get what everybody's talking about this looks like all the games I've always ever played they look great right you spend about a month playing a bunch of 60 FPS games on a really nice monitor or a really nice TV and you start playing a game at Dynamic 1080 at 30 FPS and you're gonna go uh like you know what I'm saying like I go look at these Tech analysis I'm like oh my gosh it run it runs really really poorly in comparison I mean I wouldn't replace an X with an S but it's significantly cheaper and that's the thing like I this is what I think happens every time this subject comes up it doesn't matter if we're talking about Hogwarts Legacy or Starfield or redfall right people bought the series s because it was affordable we were in the middle of an economic situation that probably drove a lot of people to the more affordable option and they start to hear it doesn't perform as well and they feel like they have to defend it you don't have to defend it you don't you can be happy with your purchase in spite of the facts you can be happy with your purchase in spite of the facts the facts are it's a weaker system the facts are any Tech breakdown shows it runs poorly in comparison to the other two systems it's going to it's going to struggle with the newer games it simply is we we already are seeing the floor of memory go up and that's its main bottleneck like we're already seeing the floor of memory go up Hogwarts legacy's floor of memory is is higher than games just a couple of years ago coming out for PC and Hogwarts Legacy doesn't even look like that graphically of a demanding game it doesn't it just doesn't even look like it doesn't even look that demanding so if the floor of memory requirement is already going up what do you think is going to happen to the series s in two or three years it has half of the memory of the of the Xbox series X half like I'm not slamming your console of choice I'm saying bro like I think this is going to be a problem this is coming uh from a point of privilege to afford something more no I'm not coming from a place of privilege it's just basic Tech analysis I literally said like I can empathize and sympathize with people that in an economic situation bought the cheaper console I am not trying like I literally said I'm not trying to slam that console of choice how insecure are you that when someone speaks in just basic fact-laden language you say I'm coming from a place of privilege like are you that insecure like what are you talking about I I 100 sympathize and empathize with people who are like bro I I just want a new system and this one's way cheaper I'm getting this one like I totally get that choice but that doesn't mean that the facts aren't the facts that you could in two years be at one level being like man this thing's just not doing what I hoped it would do it's just a concern it's not a slam what you're saying Luna makes complete sense people are just sour as an owner of an Xbox S it's my least favorite um from having a 360 uh and a one and an S I'd get an X not an S it's goddess Omega yeah like even the people even the people that have bought an S some of them have said man I don't know I I want to upgrade I've noticed that I've had people say that they're like I've noticed man I've noticed uh a couple of these games they just don't see me running as well as I was hoping and I think that that's that's fair my boss offered me to sell his series ass since he got an ax I passed right yeah I'm not at all slamming people's inability to buy the more expensive rig or system we get 10 more likes on the vid it helps the video find more folks if you're enjoying the show you say you're worried about old gen consoles but wouldn't be more worrying if they optimize for previous gen well I mean obviously Dylan okay so when I look at this and I look at minimum to low specs 7 20 30. and they've got like really weak video cards listed within the 16 gig of RAM I just wonder just how much are they going to have to shut off to get it to run on the PlayStation 4. you know what I'm saying like that's the thought it's like how much are you gonna have to turn down 7 20 30. like you're gonna have to turn down more because those old systems aren't going to have enough memory they're not you eat this I don't I don't play the drive-by-pole question thing engage in the conversation we're having or don't yeah it'll be like cyberpunk exactly I own my Series S for about three months before I upgraded it's not some hate train on lono's part it's lacking uh in comparison yes in in comparison it's just it's lacking and again if I'm you I wouldn't hear what I'm saying is like hey I'd be like I I'm not kidding you I'd be looking I'd be looking into upgrading I would I'd be looking into upgrading I'd be setting my pennies aside I'd be budgeting I if you if you're having to be frugal right now if times are tough I totally get that no shame in that everybody goes through those spots in life you know I'd start setting those pennies aside man I'd start looking into can I trade this in anywhere that if you're happy then you do what you do you boo boo but like if you're starting to notice the things that I'm talking about then you're yeah go ahead consider upgrading I think people need to remember when we say the S is lacking in specs it's not a personal attack it's stating facts don't take it personally right like if you put together a PC and I put together a PC and my PC had half the memory of yours there'd be nothing wrong with saying yeah your your system is going to be weaker it's going to have a harder time doing some of these things especially when recommended Ultra is 32 gig you know it's that's that's fair to say I would be like how dare you say that about my PC like yeah mine is weaker you know is there any exclusivity on Hogwarts there is there's a one-year exclusivity on the PlayStation platform you get into a quest line you get the luck potion the the actual questline I believe leads to the luck potion recipe and a shop that apparently is like one of the best shops in the game it's a one-year exclusivity deal with Sony I was actually critical of that many people say I'm like super super pro Sony I was critical of that I don't like that kind of exclusivity I wish everybody could get the same game everywhere um I had a guy slam me for that recently when I said that I wished hellblade wasn't exclusive to one platform yeah because I love that title and want everybody to be able to play it like that's not the same as like first party titles that are endemic to a platform hellblade was everywhere at one point and now it's going to be on one platform so actually wait is that even true regardless of where hellblade 1 is I just wanted hellblade 2 to be everywhere I want the same version of Hogwarts to be everywhere you know I just to me I don't like games getting sliced up I've never been a fan of that I was planning on getting on my PS5 because of the the controller features but you know now I'm gonna get extras you know and I don't like that love your shirt bro hey if you like my shirt we are partnered you guys over here on YouTube can see like the full thing uh we are partnering with 80s tees if you ever go to 80st.com and get any of their shirts this comes from their Transformers collection use code Lono uh use code Lono that'll give you a 30 off and that supports me and that discount is nice because these are actual licensed shirts so they ain't cheap yep I feel the same way like how Avengers did Spider-Man hate that type of exclusivity yeah as much as I've praised Sony recently and I like a lot of their games I can't stand that kind of exclusivity I'm never gonna defend stuff like that if I don't like it foreign it will be Lono in a year that's right dirty well give it a year yeah hellblade was multi-plat Sony even helped in the development okay so hellblade was multi-platz yeah I don't like that people like well so was Final Fantasy okay like if I was a big Final Fantasy fan I'd probably be saying the same thing I would be saying I wish Final Fantasy was everywhere so everybody could enjoy it I've not really played many Final Fantasy games hellblade is like a super important game to me it's like one of my all-time favorite games like at a spiritual and psychological level that game means a lot to me and I would love for it to be everywhere yeah there's a difference between third-party exclusivity and first party exclusivity and hellblade doesn't really feel like first party exclusivity like you bought the game mid development or after it was announced that's not the same that's not the same as like Halo like that's not the same as God of War like those are first party exclusives not games that were like mid-gen that you went and bought anything Hellboy to land on PS5 a year later yeah I don't know maybe maybe I do wonder if Microsoft's strategy is going to shift and change I do wonder that sometimes like are we gonna start seeing are we gonna start seeing that are we gonna start seeing games where they say hey let's just put our games everywhere it just isn't worth it it's not worth it having on on one platform like I don't know it's a great way to bolster Game Pass make your platform and ecosystem look really awesome and then a year later sell it somewhere else and make money off of it especially when you sell on a platform that's got good saturation and a market of people that buy games you know what I'm saying like Sony Sony sales are healthy and their ecosystem is good and I don't like their UI but their their sales numbers are always very good I was thinking pre-ordering Hogwarts Legacy but what concerns do you have I just got in here mainly concerns about performance I wouldn't I wouldn't encourage you to pre-order it for old gen consoles if you're going to get it on the PS5 or the series X or you have a pretty good PC I think you'll be okay I would definitely check the minimum specs on their website if you're going to get it for PC um if you're going to play it on the series s or the old gen consoles I would maybe wait and just look for reviews and see how well it runs if you're gonna get it on PS5 you're probably fine you're probably fine Sony devs more than likely helped with some of the haptic feedback stuff that they designed so I it's it's probably going to be built well for the PS5 system but I I have lingering concerns about performance for even the PS5 um they're not as strong as my concerns for the other systems I'm just basing it off of Min specs and um some other recent games that just came out that were not optimized all that well you know uh you ain't lying we're contracted out to the largest fertilized manufacturer in the world it's been a rough year for us as well if you're acid sulfur and fertilizer production has been down yeah man a lot of Industries got a lot of Industries have been hit recently are you doing coverage on the Microsoft direct later this month yes you will be able to watch the Xbox Showcase with me on the 25th at 3 P.M yep you'll be able to watch that you won't be able to unless I get the ability to do restream with the stream key over on over on over on the Ticky talk you're gonna have to watch on YouTube for that kind of stuff I can't show you my screen over here um I've been tempted to use the you can stream horizontal gaming and I could like do that and open up the YouTube stream I think that's a stupid idea though I don't think we would do that I just I want to get the stream key because then I could stream in both places I could have a unified chat I wouldn't miss anybody's messages so we hit 10 000 likes over here today on the talk thank you guys so so much Series S is going to run at 2 40 FPS 4K that's right what are the chances last gen gets canceled I think it was Cliff Cliff was in here earlier saying that I'm like bro there's no way there's no way there's so many people that ordered the PS4 I mean oh my gosh there's so many PS4s in circulation oh that God of War look good on PS5 all looked really good on PS5 yeah playing Ragnarok now yeah we I had a Ragnarok video kind of go crazy over here on the on the tick tock platform and it was because everybody misunderstood me it will not cancel last gen they'll pull a Gotham Knight and save face I don't know chance of canceling is low they're aiming for a switch release yeah it'd be a nightmare in term of logistics yeah because when when you got to remember when Gotham Knights dropped last gen it was when they opened up pre-orders so you see what they did like there's close to like 120 million PlayStation 4s in circulation so how many pre-orders are you talking there canceling that's a lot of freaking pre-orders so when they canceled old Jenner uh quote unquote when they dropped old gen for goth of knights it was when they announced pre-orders there's no way they would do that this time they've already got a ton of pre-orders I can't see it you know what I'm saying I I can't see that I cannot see that being the thing looks like Callisto went and launched and ran fine on the PS5 but crappy or else blister didn't run fine on my PlayStation 5. no it did not run well there I didn't get good performance out of that game that game ran poorly everywhere definitely getting the Dead Space remake I've gotten a lot of flack from my dead space remake short as well that's one where I I don't think it looks like a 70 next gen remake I think it looks amazing when you compare it to the original but if you actually start comparing it to 70 next gen only games I don't think it holds up it looks more like a remaster I'm not slamming it by the way I'm not like saying it's just a remaster I'm saying when you compare it to the original it looks incredible but if you actually compare it to other 70 next gen only games it doesn't look so incredible I don't think they should have charged 70 and I don't think it should be next gen only I it doesn't look to me like it's at that threshold more and more people are coming over to my side I've gotten so much hate on that short but it's like I I'm just saying what I'm seeing like I'm looking at a game that doesn't look that impressive foreign wake remaster looks rough I've not paid much attention to that one do you think Hogwarts is going to be good and live up to the hype I think my predictions about Hogwarts Legacy have pretty much centered around the fact that I think it will surprise people I think it's going to have a a surprising amount of depth uh a surprising amount of depth and because of that because of that I I I do think it's got longevity potential whether that's through you know DLCs and sequels and things like that especially when you start looking at the room of requirements and all the things you can invest in I do I think a lot of people are going to treat this like a long-standing Sim like a Sim game and an RPG game kind of you know what I mean I'm not about remakes being 70 last of a smart one for example okay but the last of us part one is a good example of a game that actually delivered next-gen performance like if you get that game and play that game and look at the tech analysis and look at the graphical analysis it's delivering something that's at a next-gen caliber that's one of the reasons why when I look at Dead Space I'm like no you guys didn't do as much work as they did with the last of us I'm not seeing a big enough jump here right I there's a massive jump but it's kind of unfair because like dead space one is so dadgum old like just basic modern amenities makes the game look 10 times better so it's I don't know it's a different goal post right they they they seemingly moved way farther but at the same time I don't feel like they got as far down the field like let me make a football analogy yes a sports ball analogy I feel like dead space remake was almost safety way back here and when they remake it they made it to the 50-yard line right so the how far they went seemed super impressive 50 yards I think the Last of Us Part One didn't have as far to go but they took the ball further does that make sense like they got the ball further down the Remake the Remake field but they didn't have as far to go the difference between the original Last of Us and The Last of Us remake they're closer together than the Dead Space original in the Dead Space remake does that make sense the chasm no I I do not cover that game anymore I've been I've been doing variety gaming coverage for almost two years now sounds like you're saying Dead Space was like oh this is fine compared to what it was because it's old I don't know if they were complacent I don't want to make it sound like they were lazy or complacent I'm just saying improving on a game that old it's automatically going to look like light years better because it's just so much older you know Sports analogy stick to food uh talking about Microsoft bought Bethesda any Doom games got all you guys talking about Doom all good my dude glad you're doing well brother you didn't deserve it I appreciate that man I appreciate that if you want to support me daily you can do it here you can you can catch up with me over at reforge gaming on YouTube we've been doing a lot of rebuilding and restructuring and things are going real well now it took a long time we're still not out of the woods we're still we're still looking to see some big uh big results this year and we think we can we think we can do it so I appreciate it you think reviews for forespoken will be harmful it's the nefarious clam uh it was old small improvements look like huge improvements see you're catching what I'm putting down it's exactly what I'm saying I'm not slamming Dead Space I'm simply saying the improvements are small like small improvements will feel like tectonic improvements you know uh do you think these remakes are for the nostalgic groups or do you think they're remaking them for the younger generation I think primarily that's an excellent question we debated this the other day I think primarily they're targeting the nostalgic group because they make up the largest portion of the buying audience the average age of Gamers is 25 and up so that's the people that played The Originals you see what I'm saying like age demographics to me points to them targeting the nostalgic groups and I agree I didn't think the four spoken demo was that good I don't think forespoken is going to get a lot of Praise from the community I think four spoken's probably going to land in the seven and a half to eight range with the reviewing public like the like the critics I think it's gonna land in the sixes and the sevens with the community that's my prediction I think you'll see sevens and eights from the rebuke from the critics and I think you're gonna see like sixes and sevens from the community I think the community is going to be coming out of their skin for it I think people are going to be kind of eh about it I think the the story and the voice actress and I think the combat's gonna be rough for folks to get into um someone who has played pretty much every Devil May Cry even the crap ones even multiple games similar it's definitely not a day one by for me right and and and you were you were saying that you actually thought the combat had a lot of depth and you were kind of enjoying it as a Devil May Cry guy I actually think that's a reason people are gonna dislike it I think people are going to come at it and be like oh it's an action adventure game yay I'm gonna Punchy punch Flip Flip and this is gonna be fun no it's actually pretty complex and it I don't think it's intuitive or enjoyable because of that so spoken's different enough I'll buy it more AAA games need to take risks but it will fail I don't even know if they've taken risks I I would I would maybe just call it poor combat design like you're you're I've I don't know I think your combat should be intuitive I I don't feel like that's a a heavy request I don't think so know uh Dead Space was great but I'm not paying 70 for a remake such a waste of money I got a lot of hate I have a short that did so well people kind of brigaded against sitting like Mass voted it and and they got it age restricted which that's that's it's a fair judgment from YouTube because it is it is pulled from a trailer that's age restricted but people were like Mass reporting it because they were so angry at me just saying like I don't think this looks next-gen he's like this doesn't look as good as Callisto people like really take the L bro Callisto was so bad I'm like Kalisto was bad but Callisto was graphically impressive like callisto's graphics compared to the Dead Space remake no contest Callisto knocks that game around the room as far as graphical Fidelity and I'll agree with you Callisto was not a great game but that doesn't mean it wasn't graphically very impressive you look at the mocap and the face cap and the in the lighting Calista was beautiful it's just a bad game bad game the risk is RPG in an action sandbox plus its budget yeah I think Dead Space has far better art Direction art direction is not the same as execution wheeze right if you look at the screenshots from Dead Space remake I'd probably agree with you art direction oh it looks awesome execution no it's rough I think it's real rough I'm telling you that game's gonna get mixed mixed mixed feedback mixed results I think a lot of people are gonna be like you called it you called it again you called it again Lono you said it was going to have a dated feel you said it was going to be clunky you said there was low res textures nobody listened everybody called you a hater I I don't know I think it's gonna be very mixed results is Hogwarts multiplayer no we're kind of off topic so if you're just tuning in or there's there's probably people leaving because they're like oh my gosh I thought they were going to be talking about Hogwarts Legacy we were uh talking about my Hogwarts Legacy concerns uh I can reset them for you if you want to recap if you haven't clicked follow yet please be sure to do that smash like consider becoming a subscriber over here on the Ticky talk we need two more people to click that star button and become a subscriber over here it supports us directly it helps us continue to do these streams instead of becoming a member on YouTube listen I know membership on YouTube is weird for some folks like why are YouTubers asking for money I've been streaming hanging out with you guys for over two hours and I've not run a single advertisement the reason I can do that is because we have members we have people that are willing you know to pay that and jump in I know times are tough so if you can't afford one watch as often as you can the more often you watch and hang out the more likely you'll get a membership we have very generous people here we've already had gifted memberships today totaling like 50 something but very few people are jumping in as members on their own we'd love to see more people getting committed it's five bucks it's a whole month of members only content I do a lunch break every day and hang out with members I do Friday night streams and hang out with members so it's a good time it's well worth it and our discords also members only as well what do you think will be the best looking game this year oh the best looking game this year will probably be Spider-Man 2. Graphics wise art Direction and performance wise I think Spider-Man 2 will be it'll it'll Crush in all those categories because they're leaving behind old gen it's the first PlayStation 5 it's not the first but it's like the hinge turn like Eternal and Ratchet and Clank you gotta taste you're like oh wow games can look really impressive and do a lot of fun stuff when they leave behind old gen right does that mean that hot Horizon forbidden West and Ragnarok were held back no because their Dev cycle started before the PS5 Dev kits were out Docker is not coming out this year there's no way I have zero confidence in that game coming out this year they have too many con they have too many problems Jedi Survivor or Final Fantasy 16. yeah Final Fantasy 16 will be will be the other one at the top of the pile as far as Graphics um that Final Fantasy 16 looks amazing it really really does yeah I would say between Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy XV Jedi Survivor I think is going to look really good but I don't think it's gonna look as good as Final Fantasy 16 in Spider-Man now Jedi Survivor Left Behind old gen so it'll be a contender for sure as far as graphical Fidelity goes so I don't think stalker stalker 2's coming out I think it's going to get bumped to next year that's why they took stalker 2 from The Game Pass what do you mean they took it from Game Pass they need to leave old gen behind Xbox series X and PS5 development only would be so good for us I agree I agree I have no clue what's going to win game of the year so many games it's true so many games so many games is your big big games coming you got a Star Wars game a Spider-Man game you got a final fantasy game you got a Harry Potter game you got you know you got Diablo I mean there's so many it's it's a stacked stacked here can't wait for Wolverine to drop whenever it's supposed to I absolutely I really this is this is something that I really hope they do I hope they tied the Spider-Man Universe video game Universe to the Wolverine Universe like I hope they have like a post-credits scene where Wolverine bumps into Peter Parker I was like watch it bub and you're like oh my gosh it's Logan and then they just roll credits I would I will love that on a serious note obviously the day before everyone knows the new upcoming MMO Survival game the day before will be the best looking game also here's our new app I hate you for that I hate you for that Wheezy that's so true though so Trudy that game is so freaking fake that game is fake as fake gets they already said they wouldn't wait they've already said that they're not going to tie Spider-Man together with the Wolverine game they've confirmed no connected uni ah that's disappointing that's disappointing that is I am bummed to hear that I'm bummed to hear that um creature creature should we send them anywhere or do we not want that with the we got with the dungeon and with the rundown we don't have an upload today it's weird to not send you guys somewhere at the end of the day like hey you know we got other places you can support other places you can you can show love but I don't know if we want to do that right now I we the we had the star field the Starfield rundown hit but that was this morning no all right listen today was a stellar day it's the best day I've ever had over here on the talk the most consistent chat engagement the most consistent likes and viewership I've ever had over here I hope it I hope that continues I had fun hanging out and talking with you guys I had fun talking with YouTube you know maybe we can finally get a stream key over there on the Ticky talk and when I can start doing a restream so I can have a unified chat and you can get a bigger picture of me right because I'll be able to send you both both what I have in OBS thank you for all the members 56 thank you for all the coffee orders seriously if you want to support the channel reforgroast.com it's our coffee if you've never tried coffee before with balance acidity give it a try if you're a coffee drinker especially you can support all my sponsors Below in the description of my videos gamer Advantage glasses use code Lono 80s tease use code loaner these are great ways to support what I do and then you get a great product as a result the best way to support is to make sure you're subscribed and make sure you're here every day when we're hanging out right I know some times you're like well I don't know if I like the topic or not we have an amazing time every day regardless of the topic we talked Starfield this morning we talk Hogwarts this afternoon this Friday night hilly and I are going to be playing together my wife's gonna be out of town so Hilly's going to join me for Friday night that's members only so if evening streams are a good time for you make sure your membership is active make sure you're in the Discord and then on the weekend Saturday night we're going to be doing the Star Wars watch party there's a lot going on is the point we have a lot going on and if you don't want to miss out on any of it get in our Discord get a membership going right five bucks a month covers you for the whole month and you get to plug in and be a part of all the things that we're doing if you're over on the Ticky talk I you'd have to come over to to uh to reforge gaming on YouTube to be a part of everything I'm talking about but if that's if that's not a thing you can do and you enjoy watching over here we thank you very very much for that consider clicking that star becoming a subscriber over here we got our site set on 10 and we have eight so looking pretty good already seriously so thanks for watching over here thanks for smashing that like button almost 11 000 likes over here 300 likes over on YouTube thank you so much consider supporting our other channels as well those are all links Below on the main channel here on gaming I'll see you guys tomorrow for another great day but maybe I'll even see in the Discord that's another great reason to be in there sometimes I post videos in there just for members so head over there if you don't have anywhere to hang out right now all right we'll see you guys tomorrow for more great shows [Music]
Channel: Reforge Gaming
Views: 6,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts, Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Legacy performance, Hogwarts Legacy performance concerns, Hogwarts Legacy pc, Hogwarts Legacy pc requirements, Hogwarts Legacy performance mode, Hogwarts Legacy gameplay, Hogwarts Legacy release, Hogwarts Legacy release date, Hogwarts Legacy release date info, Hogwarts Legacy Dark Arts, Hogwarts Legacy Dark Arts arena, Harry Potter, Harry Potter game, #hogwartslegacy, #hogwartslegacygameplay, #harrypotter, reforge gaming, gaming, live talk show
Id: M_V4A4LJtec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 10sec (8470 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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