Hogwarts Legacy - Part 8 - A Battle Of Skill

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what are you doing out here challenging you to a game of summoner's court I think it's time you faced a real opponent outside of ronan's little lesson in charms class summoner's Court isn't just a game it's a battle of skill a test of a witch or Wizard's metal what say I'm in let's do it brilliant Summoners Court the ever-changing game [Music] foreign [Music] that was one for the ages foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll let you have that one [Music] foreign [Music] lucky shot well done you beat me [Music] bit of good luck that's all come now Leander there's no need for that fine you're good better than I am at least I'll let the others know you're good enough to keep playing the others I lost seven matches in a row to Samantha Dale the others who play summoner's Court thought that if you couldn't beat me you wouldn't be enough of a challenge chin up Leander keep practicing and you'll get better I suppose you're right I'll let the others know that your Metal's been tested and that you passed [Music] thank you but did Alien keys are back aren't they brilly is everything all right yes I'm sorry I'm just I'm Nelly by the way I'm just so excited that the daily and keys are back the what keys the dedalian keys surely you've seen them flying about rumor is that a former headmistress Professor mole conjured them to protect the contents of certain locked cabinets years ago Professor black couldn't be bothered to disenchant the Keys and they appear every few years you should try to catch one why would I do that each key will lead you to a locked cabinet somewhere in the castle if you can manage to get the key into the cabinet lock not an easy task you may find a reward perhaps I'll give it a go I hope you do in fact I think I heard one of the keys in the astronomy Tower you should listen for them I hope you follow a few keys at least if you manage to open a cabinet I'd love to know what you find there's the fountain I'm getting closer foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign key wonder where it might lead me [Music] there's the cabinet how do I get this key in there [Music] yes an old coin perhaps nearly knows what it means [Music] I'd bet keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's cobblestones were you able to follow one of the detailian keys hello Nelly I managed to get a dedalian key into its lock brilliant what did you find in the cabinet a curious token of some sort looks like some sort of house token I bet it unlocks house chests I call them house chests I've seen the one in Gryffindor and heard they're also in the other common rooms as well keep an eye out I do hope you continue on for so much effort the prize must be something Grand foreign [Music] I should see this through and find the Ravenclaw House chest [Music] this must be wrong seems only to find more house tokens if I'm to open this quite a few by the look of it foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I completed all of your most recent assignments well done then you're ready to learn Expelliarmus pay close attention the disarming charm May often be all you need to defeat the most powerful dark witches and wizards you might encounter spell casting requires a focused mind and a steady world good work the dummy is here if you wish to stay in practice foreign [Music] [Music] it's like here oh that's one of zenobi's cobstones I hardly see what all the fuss is about [Music] to keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobias cobblestones [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign places around the school for zenobia's cobblestones [Music] [Music] back here [Music] that's the last of zenobia's gobstones I should go and see her [Music] foreign I hope you've had more luck than I did tracking down my gobstones hello Zenobia I've found all of your gobstones really I didn't think it was possible however did you do it common sense and basic magic well my half my cup Stones back of course they are yours after all ah how wonderful I shall dedicate all my future victories to you speaking of which now that I have all my gobstones back I want wonder if anyone in the common room would be up for a game I'm sure they'd be willing to play after the trouble spent getting them back it's a fine idea isn't it oh we'll have so much fun together laughing as all the losers get sprayed which won't include me very well off I go wish me luck [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] looks promising this looks like the portrait from the map Now where's the treasure revelia aha there was a door hidden within the portrait I wonder what came about as such [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] find anything yet hello Arthur thought you might like to know that my map led to a doorway hidden within a portrait oh how clever mine led to The Boathouse barely found the treasure before I saw the Headmaster coming he shoot me out of there but not before I got a few galleons richer what did you find I found what I believe is an authentic historian's uniform oh that's lucky seems as though we both had success glad I enlisted you to join me well on to the next Hogwarts mystery wonder if a quick rummage rounds [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] take your time looking about plenty of wonderful books to stoke a curious mind like yours [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's look at what we have shall we a pleasure doing business with you [Music] [Music] let me know if there's anything else I can do to help [Music] foreign [Music] do you have a moment that was an interesting class it wasn't precisely what I had in mind but it was still brilliant well for certain you'd have helped [Music] I'm glad I avoided trouble sharp certainly seemed upset with you is barks worse than his bite I think deep down he respects my artistic Spirit sharp may seem Gruff but hard but a few galleons he blew up a potion or two in his day off next time we talk I promise fewer [Music] were you calling me Gareth I was hoping you might want to redeem yourself for not having brought me that food for feather impotions you see I have an idea for a fizzing whispy inspired beverage but I'm missing a key ingredient you and your concoctions I don't know how you come up with these things it's a gift truly so spect the key ingredient in fizzing wisbees is dried Billy wigs things I heard there's a store of them in honeyduke Cellar I'd get them myself but my aunt Matilda has her eye on me thinks I need to focus on potions class for a while not for my own bruise I was hoping you could follow a secret passage to honeyduke Cellar and grab a few dried Billy wigs things for me sounds simple enough and who wouldn't want to go to honeydukes ah brilliant thank you the passage is hidden behind the statue of a one-eyed witch in the third floor Corridor just tap it with your wand and say descendium I'll see what I can do Gareth fair enough you shall be the first one to taste my newest Brew if you can be of help perhaps I can convince a meat to help me with my potions homework get my aunt to loosen her reins a bit I'll need to get those dried Billy wig stings for Gareth if he's to finish his latest concoction uh one-eyed witch statue shouldn't be too hard to find [Music] this looks like the right statue now what was the password descendium goodness who knew this was all down here a left must be how I get down looks broken though repairer that seems to have done the trick this Castle will never cease to surprise me foreign [Music] how am I supposed to get out of here I'm going to have to get past this huh repairer incendio foreign something is getting in the way of that platform aha got it how to hate it [Applause] foreign this must be the way out hmm I need to find a way to open that gate incendio something smells sweet must be close to honeydews hogsmeade here I come [Music] honeydukes I can smell the chocolate now where would I find the dried Billy wig stings for Gareth I have the dried Billy wig stings now back to Gareth I can only imagine how thank you [Music] what are you up to now [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] were you able to get to honeydukes hello Gareth I have those dried Billy wig stings you got them incredible happy to help here you go this is brilliant can't wait to get started thank you again I'll let you know when I brewed my first batch of fizzing whiz beer [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bloody Heel Gaming
Views: 980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playstation 5, PS5, Gamer, 2023 best games, hogwarts legacy, harry Potter
Id: mMCt6VY10SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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