Hogwarts Legacy - Most Evil Playthrough Part 1

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[Music] I detect something in you a certain sense of evil what is it evil [Music] welcome to Hogwarts Legacy uh this is the first time I've really tried anything like this I thought this would be a perfect game to do this since it's very story driven I thought uh there's been a lot of videos out there about how evil can you go so my plan is to essentially be as much of a precursor to Voldemort as I can be so we're going to see exactly how evil we can get and just kind of see if the ending of the game uh reflects that uh now I'm sure that there's going to be certain points in here where we can't really fully emulate uh some decisions that voldovar himself may have made but we are going to get as close as possible so let's get into it uh this is the screen that shows up right after you've set all of your settings and you get your Hardware checks and everything done um I have chosen not to link my account with my WB Games and Harry Potter account just because it's not going to match what we're trying to do here so here we go we are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a fifth year student okay term begins on the first of September preliminary supplies have been collected for you and will accompany you on your journey to the castle sweet we don't have to uh we have to go get that stuff as you may be aware the decree for the reasonable restriction of underage sorcery so the drrus drills prohibits the use of Magic by those under the age of 17 outside school however due to your unique circumstances the ministry has graciously agreed to allow professor elazar fig to help you hone your spell casting before escorting you from London to the castle for the start of the term feast and the Sorting ceremony yours sincerely M Weasley Professor Weasley huh I wonder if she has any relation to Lee Weasley's I would say so okay so we're going for evil so we need to look evil let's pick a good evil a good starting evil character I think maybe I don't know he's pretty evil looking too is that a scar no let's go with let's go with this kid he's pretty evil what do we got here face shapes is that what this is oh are there some other options in here I missed Maybe no excuse me Okay so oh no we're gonna go as pale as possible I think we'll stick with that that's it's kind of English do we do glasses though um no evil people would have good eyesight I bet here we go we need something that says I I'm evil um close that's just too normal I need something oh that's pretty foreign look is there like a dudes 20 hell that's that's kind of it's kind of Lucius s kind of really like that let's go with that let's go some crazy well I'm a ginger myself so let's do that and everyone knows gingers don't have souls perfect person to be evil complexion white as a ghost freckles and moles scars yeah that's um I really don't like that that kind of just like a boil I do like the idea of a big old scar I don't like that one what's the other option for complexion no we want to be white as white as a ghost [Music] uh yeah that's kind of that kind of fits me it's like something ridiculous it's like not Skyrim levels are ridiculous here but I want just like a piercing blue silver or maybe green oh yeah there we go I like that there we go yeah I like that eyebrow color huh [Music] what I'm on the second no just something that matches the hair color there we go close enough now something that's nice and evil like a giant unibrow or no eyebrows no no eyebrows at all that could work does Voldemort have eyebrows I kind of like that kind of makes me look like I'm angry all the time there we go yeah perfect it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class that was quite something I'm eager to get to hogsmeade quite something a few cobwebs and some dust I'm eager to cobwebs and some dark I am indeed a student but I it was wonderful that was quite something so this is kind of dumb I could literally as you can hear the Adidas student but I could very well be able to help you feel like it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class you can hear the Distortion that was quite something and we'll go with normal well I guess we'll just deal with that I'm eager to get to hogsman a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about uh that's okay so here we go you must name your character to proceed so Alec Baldwin no [Music] oh we could be Alec riddle or we could be Tom Riddle for that matter but oh I wonder if you can choose uh you know what I mean I wonder if he can choose looks like you can uh well I think this is good I don't want to wear these clothes but surely I can change that hairstyles complexion eyebrows finalize your character yeah sure let's go ah it appears we are almost ready to depart it's a Pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting you've been practicing the Spells we worked on I have Professor well I'm quite sure I've never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand you'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own professor professor fig I appreciate you working with me all the time whoa oh Elias are George bad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thought you're finding us I've operated to more vaguely to find destinations than this then I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try gave quite the Fright to some theater goers in the West End [Music] it's been much too long when I received your owl I must say I best not speak here Elias are of course why don't we speak on route to Hogwarts we have a start of term feast and the Sorting ceremony to get to wonderful idea as long as your young child here doesn't mind me tagging along not at all sir after you ages since I've been to the castle would be good to see the old pile of rocks [Music] uh-oh he's worried about something you need to be worried about me you're getting in the getting the cab with the most dangerous creature on the planet he doesn't know it yet [Music] that guy is not near as bad as I'm gonna be [Music] here we go glad I caught you before you left for Scotland just barely and who is your traveling companion a new student new one yes sir I'm starting school as a fifth year how extraordinary it is indeed none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late nor have I of course as the other fifth years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now the Headmaster asked if I could get her new student up to speed a bit before the term begins well you couldn't have asked for a better Mentor Professor fig is not only an exceptional teacher he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard is prone to flattery I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry have you seen I have opinions differ as to how great a threat Round Rock really is although I've yet to convince my colleagues that the ministry I believe he is a significant threat and it was your wife eliazar who alerted me to his activities months ago Miriam how she wrote to me about ran Rock before she died wondering what the ministry knew about his activities before I could respond I received this it was the last thing she sent me earlier it came to me via her owl but with no correspondence I can only assume that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe presumably from ran Rock I cannot open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed it looks like Goblin metal it's that glow I don't see a blow nor do I glow no it's parcel tongue only I can speak it we did oh my gosh it wasn't the important half of the carriage [Music] oh now I can see him because I watched him die the key oh no give me your hand okay foreign are you all right you're hurt perhaps a bit take this it's wig and World potion that stuff will write you in a second G to heal oh gee gee thanks gee I feel better foreign what happened poor George I can't believe he what the hell got into that damn thing attacking a carriage mid-air a typical Dragon would never sir where are we I'm not sure but that key you discovered was clearly a pork y Porky an item Enchanted to bring whoever touches it to a specific place foreign AKA here I'm feeling better sir if you'd like to look around a bit I would but stay close we've no idea who created this Porky oh why I wonder I wonder if this weird sounding thing has anything to do with my headphones wasd to move yeah okay that's that's interesting okay how far did that Porky take us farther from London than the carriage traveled where in the Scottish Highlands so those ruins the porky was meant to lead us there I do this has not been the day either of us expected but Miriam sent that for George for a reason and I believe that she and now George died in pursuit of whatever it was meant to lead to if you're sure you're all right and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around absolutely sir good let's see if we can find a path however faded it may be I'm in the past it's kind of obvious isn't it this come out to a step where do you suppose your wife got the port key that brought us here question Miriam spent years searching for evidence of a long forgotten form of ancient Magic yes wielded by a rare few that seems to have been lost to time Hogwarts Castle was built by and is itself a stronghold of that ancient Magic I don't know where she came into possession of the portkey but I am certain it was to do with that search ah there's the part down below this way I thought he was gonna jump for a second sir why was your wife searching for evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from The Wizarding World spoke of the good it could do but magic is no different than any power what really matters is the one who wields it even sound like Tom Riddle oh is that ice it's not cold enough here it appears to be a sort of Enchantment I'll handle this someone wanted to block this path let's see some of that one work you were practicing oh our first spell on the center all right I got this former basic cast here we go ready bam Bam Bam excellent use the use your camera to select an active Target s foreign that feels good whoa look out professor got him that was a bit rougher than I expected your one was improving with every cast thank you oh bam that's fun so I love the different animations based off like were you where you cast a thing up there that's cool okay so super jump some Assassin's Creed sniped it sniped it we're close now it's just ahead okay any more pots around here I'll take care of them sir Oh I thought that was a pot oh gosh the wind yourself repair [Music] that is one heck of a repair can I jump no oh is that seagulls a spline in place it is come on seagull oh come on they didn't let us I am evil after all darn it oh I see some pots not today but sniped it foreign spots never stood a chance bam why would someone else here for a reason let's have a look around for anything that seems out of place yeah pot's out of place got it what about this goblet minimap shows your surroundings with you the purple triangle in the middle purple Arrow this is your current objective press and hold B to toggle Quest okay I'm gonna look over here for any more suspicious putts professor dude this major there's some suspicious spots over here professor I got him foreign crystallized Stone again but what could it be blocking no more suspicious but Professor fig oh it's me it's me at Hogwarts I feel drawn to it why would some would some of that Enchanted Stone here and how is there a room behind what room I don't see anything how's that glow again like the glow on the porky container effin investigate what is Merlin's name godric's heart where are we I don't believe it gringads well no I don't know it kind of looks like green guts doesn't it hello he's out excuse me sir all right [Music] it can't be Harry Potter uh just a moment here um welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank Vault number 12 I presume sure key will watch Pokey oh yes of course [Music] this way then I have to know everything stay close I was wondering if this would be in this game and it's the first thing that popped up I literally just finished watching all of the Harry Potter movies yesterday keep your hands inside the cart if you don't wish to lose them here we go hundreds in fact you'll see quite a few on our way to vote number 12. as we speak we're just beneath the main lobby the vultures now are the newest a private entrances to the bank common at Gringotts they almost uncommon only one with greet well for power or both could have arranged for such a service your breath a what that waterfall washes away all enchantments it's a security measure experience the thief's downfall before have you heard of it these are the lower levels that we're passing now how deep are we going vote number 12 was commissioned shortly after Gringotts was founded over four centuries ago it resides in the deepest part of the bank settling with quite a distance to go vote number 12 says vote twelve momentous day hmm on your way where's he going the on band that God was wearing was glowing like the clue you saw on the bulky container no darker I saw that same glow in the dragon's color yeah what was that we were just wondering about that Goblin back then that he watches over the oldest section of the bank rare anyone goes there anymore here we are that's where the cutscenes are in 16x9 when was the last time this Vault was accessed a goblin has been stationed at my desk for hundreds of years in that time no one has visited Vault 12. let's beware what's this boat's 12. thank you for your help um I'm two more Curious what's in over here oh 46 gold yes excuse me I mean get out of my way swine I suppose we should be I'm not sure so I wonder if you made my instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I am to Grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door wait knew it I knew it professor the unexpected I knew it I think reveal revelio yes a revealing charm no time like the present let's see what we're missing yeah a first year spell is really gonna solve this [Music] is how you learn new spells that's pretty cool steadier wand with your mouse and guide along the symbol's path to land a spell press the corresponding input when prompted to accelerate your one's motion on the civil's path okay nice oh I see Ah that's kind of cool I kind of like that revelio R for video sub move a bit closer and try again yeah but wait are there any pots watching us okay Rebellion well that's a start that's that symbol again I don't suppose you see a weight too I do Professor that's Sim the same glow as the one I saw on the porky container before you can forward then I dare say we are about to discover the secret of this vault lead the way hold on we need to make sure okay that's good if an investigate this is no ordinary Vault I suspect what do you mean on our way out do you think this is some sort of test I do but to what end I can't say stay close there will be no disapparating if things go poorly not out of Gringotts that's okay I'll just kill it can I uh have a little one light can I light my wand up please can I lumos it up lumos see it would be cool if the if the spell had uh what is it that glow again but on the floor twister [Music] when I move towards the glow it suddenly seemed as if the ground was swirling about are you all right yes sir I'm fine you seem to have caused the floor to change that statue what statue I see some sort of statue but only is a reflection in the floor [Music] there must be something to that reflection you're seeing well let's reveal it revelio I presume this is what you saw reflected in the floor it is the reflection's still there but the statue's positions don't match wait when you moved the reflection turned in the direction of the light perhaps you should cast lumos yes I should okay here we go boink I know lumos now what is it l you've acquired the wand lighting charm lumos which has automatically been sorted to your spell slot or spell set lumos creates a light at the tip of your wand to help you see in dark areas tap one to cast lumos well done oh now the reflection is turning towards me it does follow the light so I need to rotate it to match this direction huh there we go he is erect oh shoot look out oh cute there you go get home though Gringo excuse me oh shoot oh so that's what that symbol means [Music] foreign I'm sorry bam come at me Bros lumos [Music] stay close back to back where the Fig did he go professor professor fig Professor where are you this isn't good where am I supposed to go it's taking me this direction what's happening wisps of magic seem to be leading me somewhere Ah that's where they're leading me I glow again lumos I suppose I'm on my own this time so they look at the light it seems I have no choice I'm gonna have to fight my way out of her lumos come on there you go Inc slap tap little cue during preg okay whoa I don't like being surrounded okay oh too early yeah this is Stupify take extra damage nice I'm a badass lumos here we go you have to investigate I gotta go in there don't I know just to be safe okay he's breathing what is it uh the good luck there you are about time Professor did you what is this place I don't know but I found this floating above the basin that is no mere basin that is offensive for viewing memories uh it's pronounced expensive I wonder that was a thousand dollar bottle there you just poured in there buddy Follow My Lead foreign [Music] perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough Percival we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything to obtain yes and if we are correct Charles the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of that knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it may have done all that we can that's a cool one it's what you're seeing glow astonishing can I see Magic traces of an ancient magic to be precise the magic that Miriam had always believed existed but never [Music] Miriam and perhaps George died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries and you it seems are the key to understanding why we were the difference and it did a moment ago someone's coming who were they I don't know but sir you shouldn't be in there I was right ran Rock seems my reputation precedes me I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit dragons walks and why are you here no need for that just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones how about you be gone sir they had the key to the vault choose your choose your words wisely I I only meant that since the Vault 12 were quite clear sir I must insist I was to Grant access only the one with the key and you didn't tell us I have no patience for traitors now where were we I'm not giving you anything hmm well perhaps your young friend here will be more helpful do goblins have magic oh snap you're in trouble now Goblin freak foreign just in time oh are you all right fine sir I've never seen so powerful a goblin he seemed holy unaffected by my magic where are we it can't be it seems those who set up the pensive the locket and the path to both wanted someone with your ability to end up here come we have a sorting ceremony to get to it's almost like he's he's not got a pop filter on so many times he hits a hard D or P or something like that or an S it's popping in my ears [Music] oh here we go oh there's the train [Music] foreign [Music] now the real game begins so far pretty neat so far it's pretty neat the the casting spells feels really cool oh good we haven't missed the Sorting ceremony I'm no expert but that seems more that's better now I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to George and be warned of ran Rock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me of course a secret professor ready for the Sorting ceremony okay Phineas Knight jealous black prepare yourself to meet the Headmaster fig nice of you to draw the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications it seems the Goblin from us goblins like no type of rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left if you're lucky we might still be able to get you sorted this evening what is up with his suit I'll be in touch [Music] it was definitely a lot like that in the last scene there was definitely there was definitely something wrong with his suit [Music] Professor Weasley we've won more to be sorted welcome you're just in time have a seat have a seat [Music] Okay so yes a bit older than the others aren't you oh okay you come here with preferences and preconceptions certain expectations yes uh uh [Music] why would somebody evil want to do I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds [Music] indeed much can be gleaned by having an adventurous experience but your professors have a great deal to teach you as well [Music] I wonder I detect something in you a certain sense of evil um what is it evil evil uh Evil's not an option so I am a desire to learn I do enjoy a good puzzle and I believe I have a ready mind hmm ready for evil you're clever indeed you have the ability to reflect clearly on that which puzzles others and you've already mined quit to learn perhaps you belong in Ravenclaw typically yes I would say uh but I think for the for the eye detect a growing sense of ambition for the evil aspect of the game yes power evil power foreign [Music] there we go that's right my poorly animated friends [Music] oh and one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled and that's how they explain that away not as though I've banned flying altogether but don't tempt me you are here to focus on your academic futures I'm sure you will have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow that was very clear thank you we understood exactly what you meant hi and just to show our new student today I shall see to it sir I thought so I thought that's who she was she's definitely related to the other Weasleys I'm professor nice to meet you as well professor as Deputy had still sound like a robot it's quite uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year it may be a bit of a challenge but one I'm sure you're up for I can be quite resourceful I suspected as much this is the entrance to the Slytherin con room in order to enter one must simply speak the correct password aspiration very well exasperation inspiration I understood what that snake said well done now go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow I shall be back in the morning to collect you for your first class thank you Professor Weasley you're welcome I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts sleep well I want I like to choose my wand looks like everyone's gone better head to the common room first things first any secrets no any pots no okay that's right no pots in this room people know we can't have pot in this room I guess this is the door this is kind of a weird okay you just walk up to it and push it open uh okay let's can I go in here oh I can let's see if there's any secrets in here nope oh okay but some introductions are in order might be different starting Hogwarts in your fifth year excuse me did you see the way they just walked in at the end of the Sorting ceremony last night that is not helpful foreign can I help you oh you're the new fifth year exactly I'm Sebastian Salo welcome to Slytherin thank you not everyone has a Ministry escort to school he was a friend of Professor figs who merely joined us for the ride still impressive Dreadful way to go poor fella glad you and figure all right it was Dreadful certainly but quite an experience nonetheless interesting perspective how did you and fig managed to escape it's all still a bit of a blur to be honest I didn't mean to press you just get yourself settled we can talk more later what book were you reading a spell book I picked up has a few interesting things but not exactly what I was looking for I'm sure you'll find out soon enough but not every spell you may need can be found in our assigned textbooks oh yes are you saying some spells aren't taught we're going down this path for sure which ones seems I may have met a kindred spirit that is a conversation for another time oh come on it was good meeting you good luck today I have a feeling we're going to be friends there all Sebastian you and yours dirty book of spells okay oh why is this I might want to think that again okay well that's meat but well are you going to be a know-it-all ugh not going to move there are you here watch this checkmate told you listen to me I mean Hello ah I know who you are you're the new Slytherin the one who barged in with Professor fig last night interesting tactic on your first day taking all the attention away from the first years I'm Imelda by the way shame I wasn't with you and fig I could have lured that Dragon away my skills in a brim are legendary I bet we handled it I think you're underestimating the nature of a dragon a Brum would have been kindling not the way I fly we'll see perhaps one of these days I'll show you a thing or two about flying I can teach you more than Kagawa ever could speaking of which I'd like to get in some time on my brim before classes do you have a lot of time to fly during school I make the time there's nothing like swerving through the spiers of the castle and around the Quidditch pitch to clear the mind are you a keen wizard chess fan you knew that boy was going to lose the match not really much to sedate a past time for me also it's simply not that challenging the moves are always so obvious why does no one else see it no at all nice meeting you okay I'm good to keep that in mind oh dear been yeah okay we got two things that spin and they're both Globes I really hope we get to see or at least hear one today I I think I heard one oh mermaids that mermaids find us that interesting ah based on all the chatter When you entered the common room I'm guessing you're the new fifth year I'm ominous ominous gaunt nice to meet you ominous why are you not looking at me had a memorable arrival who are you looking at well if I'm going to make my Mark here I had to start right away you're definitely in the right house who are you looking to let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here though I doubt you'll need it uh where is the question uh why are you looking at someone else did you say were you expecting to be sorted into Slytherin most certainly my family on my father's side are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin one of the four founders of Hogwarts not something I'm especially proud of mind you he was obsessed with blood status a pure blood Maniac unfortunately most famous descendants do not fall far from that tree well I'm gonna have to know more about you shouldn't say he thought he heard a mermaid yes but I've never heard of a mermaid showing up outside our common room window it is fun to play along though they're known to keep some First Years on the lookout for hours okay thank you ominous very nice to meet you pleasure was all mine don't be a stranger is the new fifth year Slytherin in here Professor Weasley's waiting for you just by the stairs would be me oh okay so if I walk around this way that plant just appeared out of nowhere so if I come out of out of range I come around this way up pause good morning I trust you're ready for your first day at Hogwarts I've been dreaming of this day for a long time can't believe I'm here well you are here make the most of it you only have one first day at Hogwarts now in light of your you ation joining us as a fifth year you'll need to catch up with your classmates and not fall behind especially as you'll be expected to complete your owls at the end of the year owls owls yes your ordinary Wizarding level exams they will determine what type of career you can have when you leave here after much discussion with the Headmaster and the department of magical education at the ministry we've devised something extraordinary to ensure your success here you are what is it it is a Wizard's Field Guide it will help you to keep track of what you are learning so that you master all that's expected of a fifth year you would be wise to take full advantage of this exceptionally valuable resource EVR well it just vanished thank you Professor but what do you mean it will keep track of what I'm learning perhaps seeing it in action we'll answer any questions you may have walk with me and we shall put it to the test I'm more worried if it's going to track all the evil things I learned revelio oh I certainly would have appreciated something like the field guide when I was the guide will also try I can't remember why I interact with stuff shoot where'd she go okay that was awkward kid the guide will give you opportunities to practice educate yourself about Wizarding laws oh yeah just brush it off I'm surprised to let you do that I'm glad lumos it's kind of dark in here do keep up why don't you cast revelio on that statue and see what details the field guide can provide Rebellion the statue depicts the Kelpie a shape-shifting water demon native to Ireland and Great Britain which usually takes the form of a long mained horse the largest copy ever reported is the Loch Ness monster in Scotland I just finished a field guide challenge your progress towards completing challenges appears here okay open the field guide for pressing escape and there's the challenges Field Guide pages one percent oh that's cool that they're animated like that that's neat I like that that's cool art style [Music] uh collect two Field Guide pages and Hogwarts your appearance reward oh so this is appearances and stuff each challenge has tiers special rewards unlock at each tier you complete from appearances to critical upgrades nice they must be claimed rewards must be claimed from the challenges menu come back often to collect rewards you have unlocked okay nice plus I need to go collect that then oh no I need two I need two of them collect two field guided Pages you know and then there's a map let's see what the map looks like oh so there's flu Flames for like Fast traveling there's the quest map welcome to Hogwarts is my first Quest gear uh F to change appearances oh yeah nice what else do we have progress through the domain okay kind of hand where do I got oh I like kind of like the black gloves okay faceware um not really I don't really like that neck Ware I don't like that either but I bet you there's some cool options outfit [Laughter] okay so that's cool you can change the under the underneath of the outfit that's neat okay cool inventory I have nothing it's not surprising collections I've collected something oh okay refilio pages I see how this works yeah clever isn't it keep your value inside and outside of the castle there must be a special spell I need for that Rebellion nice oh that's the chest oh that is cool that it shows up when he comes out of it that is cool I'm coming I'm coming sheesh perfect opportunity to show you how to use blue flames to get around a bit quicker two Flames Field Guide contains a map of the Castle open it up and find Central Hall M for the map uh uh Hogwarts is divided into two main areas the left side of the map is where students and professors live and includes the house common rooms and the Great Hall select the grand staircase region blink in this view you can see the flu Flames available in that region okay so there's what a bunch uh green flu Flames represent Flames you've discovered including your own house coming room grapefruit Flames relocation of undiscovered ones okay got it the right side of the map is where you'll find academic points of interest ah including astronomy Tower Library and Greenhouse select the library Annex region to continue blank Professor Weasley has unlocked the central Hall flu flames use Andy to rotate the map that's perfect and fingers Already There For Walking click to travel quite the Time Saver these stairs lead directly to Central Hall you can get almost anywhere in the castle quickly here try to get a thumbnail there oh there's something happening here it's the heart of the hive our King's cross station so to speak hmm I don't know if I remember this area that should be all of both charms and defense against the dark arts classes today and I'd like to be sure you get to hogsmeade as soon as possible to replace the supplies you lost on the way here oh uh I think I know those answers thank you Professor Weasley a lot to absorb on your first day and you have much to learn happily your professors have agreed to create additional assignments for you outside of class you'll be up to speed in no time judging by your Adept use of revelio earlier I'd say Professor figs succeeded in at least showing you the basics you did Professor he's been terribly vague as to the events preceding your arrival so specifically about what happened after that awful dragon attack my suspicion is that there's more to the story than a search for belongings and an extended trip up to the castle lie I'm sorry Professor but I'm afraid that's all there is to it [Music] almost precisely what yeah you know what's up but so what I'm speaking of the devil oh Professor fig your ears must have been burning oh yes you seem to have provided our new fifth year with a solid foundation in the basics of spell casting ah I'm afraid I can't take all the credit there Professor they have a rare aptitude for magic it seems hmm well I'm just glad you both arrived in one piece perfectly good boats and carriages to Hogwarts and you chose to fly in the path of a dragon I wouldn't say I chose the dragon's path professor rather unfortunately it would seem that it chose us very well enough to chat I need to get to class myself might I rely on you professor playing the details of the field guides map of course thank you good luck today and remember to use your Field Guide it will be invaluable to you and invaluable to me as I'll be using it to keep up to date on your progress yes come and find me in my classroom after you've attended both classes today and I'll explain more about those assignments I mentioned and we'll see if we can't get you to hogsmead for those supplies it's kind of funny to watch some of these people in the background home I thought your mother was nice I just ran it or but it's my baby's sister excuse me excuse me oh yeah you're lucky you're looking at them for you she likes to play with earthworms so last time I was home no I guess you got to talk to him it's good to see you professor and you I was hoping our paths would cross today before you immersed yourself in studies did I hear you masterfully evade Professor Weasley's interrogation regarding our late arrival I did my best oh I liked I liked it I liked it fairly thoughts and she suspects that we're not being entirely forthcoming oh she knows Professor Weasley is a brilliant and astute witch it was right to keep the details to yourself for now oh yeah we don't know where this path we've embarked upon will lead it may require a bit more flexibility with your time than she would approve of and she may feel obliged to share details with the Headmaster that would be better left between us understood Professor good now as capable as you are I believe the ability you possess obliges you to be well trained yes happily you have the benefit of an exceptionally skilled team of witches and wizards to guide you speaking of guides and so that I may avoid Another Not So subtle proof from Professor Weasley why don't I show you the clever enchantment we included in the field guides map unfold it and have a look you can track available quests from the map okay this represents the main quest complete main quest will for the story unlocking features and Grant XP some quests are locked by spell under level requirements and this in these cases you will need to be the required level and or have the required spell to activate the quest new spells can be earned by completing professors assignments or ask Quest Rewards well we want as many spells as we can possibly get charms class defense against the dark arts uh I want to do defense against the dark arts uh and I'm excited about that one so we will do charms class first however I think uh we're just a little bit over an hour into this so I think that I will stop it here for now uh and then we will pick up a charms class first thing on the next video so I hope you've enjoyed it it's been a lot of cut scenes a lot of people talking not a whole lot of action uh we did uh take out some evil or some some pots along the way uh they weren't evil because we like evil so we've taken a few steps so far into our evil Journey but I'm excited to see where this goes so we will pick it up next time thank you all for watching
Channel: FTL Studios
Views: 2,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts legacy evil playthrough gameplay dark arts wizard voldemort tom riddle
Id: vIBp2avYJnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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