Hogwarts Legacy, Evil Playthrough Pt. 1

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hey guys welcome to swap meets gaming oh that's cool first time I saw that anyway um normally what I would do is I would stream on Twitch and upload the live stream to YouTube I don't feel like doing that anymore um I want to keep the twitch stuff on Twitch and make content strictly for YouTube and that's what we do here I'm gonna make a character just for YouTube for YouTube playthrough and since I've already determined that I'm gonna play a character from each house anyway why not make a third one I'd say a third one um because the Gryffindor character is a character I am playing on my own time away from twitch and away from YouTube so I could play whenever I want and not just when I'm streaming or recording now uh the top character wolf Lugosi this is my livestream character this is the character I imported from uh Pottermore I call it Pottermore even though it's not Pottermore any more uh is now their Harry Potter fan club as part of WB but everything carried over from Pottermore and all I did was I changed the name of that character because I just didn't want to put my real name out there on blast like that foreign I tested for unfortunately as far as I could tell there's no Patronus charm in this game so my Patronus didn't carry over might be something to add later might be a DLC who knows uh and for those wondering my Patronus was a lion marmot Marvin Marmot Pine Marmot which is absolutely adorable I really wanted a wolf but I'm not upset I got that either they're so freaking adorable especially after I did some research on them uh Stefan Williams is So Many Many Moon ago I was part of a Harry Potter role play say called Hogwarts the Next Generation now Stefan was not a student he was an adult but I thought it'd be fun to play him as a student 200 years before he would actually supposed to be alive uh according to his own personal lore and he was a Gryffindor and I couldn't make his wand because the options weren't there and so I figured for this play through I'll make another one of my old characters from the website Jameson Moriarty and he was not a nice person he was he was evil I'm not too sure how evil you can be in this game I have seen some option choices for dialogue and I have seen that you can learn the three unforgivable curses so he will be using those unlike mother two characters who will not because they are nicer people I will do my best to not talk undercut scenes for those of you who want to watch the cutscene that will be playing the cutscene so you guys can see them and I will try my best to not talk through them so you guys will not have my interruptions during them and I will try not to talk during conversations between cut scenes um whenever a character's talking to you like while you're running around I'll try not to talk during that stuff too no promises for now I'm only gonna do two episodes I will do this one plus one more and I will see how you guys react to it how you like it um I will do a hundred percent completion if you guys so wish to see it I might do it anyway simply because I love exploring in this world I want to see it all I want to do it all and I want to do it multiple times so I may end up 100 in all four characters anyway just for the lulls um but yeah tell me what it is you guys want to see what you want to do and um if you would like to see this series continue and if you do please leave a like hit that notification Bell and leave a comment you like it don't like it what you want to see what you don't want to see um if you would like to see me upload all the characters to YouTube um well I mean at all because I've already got two of them already done but hey I'll I will delete those characters and play them over again uh maybe not the twitch one right now but after I'm done with the twitch and I could delete that and make another Ravenclaw if you guys want to see all four houses but let's get started with all these cutscenes the first episode will be just everything up until uh the first day of Hogwarts after the Sorting is done that's where the episode will end and then episode two will pick up from there and I'll probably do after this first episode I'll probably do about 30 35 minute episodes you want to see if you want to see longer let me know if you want to see shorter let me know let's go okay Jameson Jameson was a ginger hmm let's go with this look nice starting point I think uh I kind of like all of that he did not wear glasses gotta find some slick back here ah Too Tall too tall I really wish there was more hair choices I could pick from foreign like really slicked bike hair I think that'd be really cool in this character especially in like a red that yeah that's my other character my ribbon claw has that hair so let's go with this one and let's see if we can find a nice Ginger color oh too dark it's gonna work uh Jameson did have a scar but he didn't actually get the scar until after he left Hogwarts freckles aren't good I think comic and hail his Palace he's gonna get um let's see eye color Gekko with green gotta go with green is there a nice um Ah that's kind of close to an emerald green and of course I already said his name was Jameson Moriarty and for those of you who know that he it was in fact inspired by James mariardi from Sherlock Holmes um I am not comparing myself to Sir Arthur Cordon Doyle I am not that good of writer anywhere near his level um but the character was very much inspired by that character I think he's one of the greatest villains in literature history foreign let's go let's get started [Music] ah it appears we are almost ready to depart to pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting I presume you've been practicing the Spells we worked I have professor I'm sure I'd never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand he'll be forced to be reckoned with when you get your own thank you Professor fig I appreciate you working with me Elias George glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thwart you're finding us I evaporated to more vaguely Define destinations than this though I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try gave quite the Fright to some theater goers in the West End it's been much too long when I received Doral I must say I best not speak here Elias are of course why don't we speak on route to Hogwarts we have a start of term feast and a sorting ceremony to get to wonderful idea as long as your young child here doesn't mind me tagging along not at all sir after you ages since I've been to the castle would be good to see the old pile of rocks [Music] so I'm gonna do my best to roll place in my head that um the reason my character is nice to everyone is because he's like the Tom Riddle of sorts where he's nice to people's faces people of authority but he tends to be a little bit more conniving with his fellow students that's how I'm a plate in my head we'll see how well that works out by the way Avalanche man you guys did an amazing job with the complete aesthetic of this game I think it looks amazing and well done with the release this is probably one of the better released games in a while um not perfect there are still some hiccups here and there especially for PC some frame rate dips here and there some desyncing with the audio my I think my character's voice sounds a bit digitized at times but otherwise great before you left for Scotland who is your traveling companion new student new yes sir I'm starting school as a fifth year how extra ordinated to Hogwarts so late nor have I of course as the other fifth years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now the Headmaster asked if I could get a new student up to speed a bit before the term begins well you couldn't have asked for a better Mentor Professor fig is not only an exceptional teacher he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard Mr ozric is prone to flattery I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry I have opinions differ as to how great a threat Round Rock really is although I've yet to convince my colleagues that the ministry I believe he is a significant threat and it was your wife Elias are who alerted me to his activities months ago Miriam how he wrote to me about ran Rock before she died wondering what the ministry knew about his activities before I could respond I received this it was the last thing she sent me earlier it came to me via her owl but with no correspondence I can only assume that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe presumably from ran Rock I cannot open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed it looks like Goblin metal that symbol what's [Music] I don't see a glow nor do I I love the facial movement how do you eat we did referoni pepperoni [Music] foreign [Music] I like how they able to show the fact that George died without showing too much detail just by having the castles uh show on screen are you all right you're hurt perhaps a bit take this it's Wigan World potion that stuff will write you in a second what happened poor George I can't believe he what the hell got into that damn thing attacking a carriage mid-air a typical Dragon would never so where are we sure key you discovered was clearly a Porky Porky an item Enchanted to bring whoever touches it to a specific place I'm feeling better sir if you 'd like to look around a bit I would stay close we've no idea who created this Porky why why I just love this like first little bit because I mean it just demonstrates how much detail they put into the graphics and the world although the birds need some work father the marriage traveled with somewhere in the Scottish Highlands so those ruins the porky was meant to lead us there I do this has not been the day either of us expected but Miriam sent that Porky to George for a reason and I believe that she and now George died in pursuit of whatever it was meant to lead to if you're sure you're all right and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around absolutely sir good yes let's bring an underage student into mysterious ruins instead of taking him straight to Hogwarts with a student would be safe to say okay I mean there's some kind of irresponsible on pigs searching for evidence of a long forgotten a powerful magic wielded by a rare few that seems to have been lost to time Hogwarts Castle was built by and is itself a stronghold of that ancient Magic I don't know where she came into possession of the pork key but I am certain it was to do with that search that's the path down below this way I mean seriously he could have bought brought this to the kid straight to Hogwarts and they operated back on his own why was your wife searching for evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from The Wizarding World spoke of the good it could do but magic is no different than any power what really matters is the one who wields it true for most things in life is that that a path let's see some of that one work you were practicing focus on the center I do understand the figure taking him straight to school now here then there wouldn't be a game but you know just pointing out flawed his processing it was a bit rougher than I'd expected the wands feel so good in this game ah up there it will not let you climb that until he uh until fake points that out by the way and just a small lesson and exploring everything around this corner is a chest with about 50-ish galleons oh 38 I thought it was like 48 oh well maybe it varies we're close now it's just ahead oops daddy yourself repair I like how they're having the seagulls glide on the wind but let's face it at the speed this wind is blowing those seagulls wouldn't be gliding in it almost there okay just blowing up bases because it's fun [Music] why would someone have built this here I suspect they valued their privacy Porky let us here for a reason let's have a look around for anything that seems out of place so I'm assuming this is uh professor I don't say too much of some kind our host was a noted seer interesting I mean this is his home to have a giant mural about himself just like that's some narcissism right there they I mean who just has giant statues and murals of themselves in their own home I mean I can understand picture here or there to commemorate you know memory Stone again what could it be blocking but giant stone statues and mural seem like a fake much damn you just plowed through that jar blew it up why would someone have conjured that Enchanted Stone here how is there a room behind it what room I don't see anything glow again like the glow on the porky container godric's heart where are we I don't believe it wakey wakey eggs and bakey hello you just say wake up [Music] it can't be uh just a moment welcome to gringott's Wizarding Bank vote number 12 I presume [Music] monkey oh yes of course this way then stay close I wish I could summarize by whistling for it after you maybe one day the way technology is progressing inside the cards if you don't wish to lose them I like how the cart is better secured to that rail than you are to that steep how many volts are there in fact you'll see quite a few on our way to Vault number 12. as we speak we're just beneath the main lobby the vultures now are the newest a private entrances to the bank common at Gringotts comments and cotton only one with great well for power or both could have arranged for such a service [Music] take a breath a what thieves downfall waterfall washes away all enchantments it's a security measure experience the thief's downfall before have you heard of it these are the lower levels that we're passing now how deep are we going Vault number 12 was commissioned shortly after Gringos was founded over four centuries ago it resides in the deepest part of the bank with quite a distance to go you would think the older vaults would be closer to the surface foreign [Music] vote 12. it's momentous day [Music] on your way yeah I wouldn't trust him either [Music] like the clue you saw on the Pokey container dog I saw that same glow in the dragon's collar yeah what was that we were just wondering about that Goblin back there the guards abandoned his post the oldest section of the bank where anyone go there anymore we told our guard we were going he suddenly ran off in a hurry that doesn't seem suspicious at all here we are I remember when I was streaming this um I was talking with Chad when was the last time this vote was asked about the odds of what would happen I got what happened to us after his vid vault 12. until today well it's 12. thank you for your help we have money yeah we're all like yeah 20 bucks as soon as we entered this Vault he slams Us in here what do you suppose we should be looking for I'm not sure so I wonder if you might the instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I am to Grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door wait and then he did it was so think there must be something here revelio perhaps revelio yes a revealing charm no time like the present let's see what we're missing shall we ready your wand and focus the professor's still a professor no matter where you're at in the world I mean it was his job to teach you the basics anyway before you got to Hogwarts revelio there I saw something move a bit closer and try again well that's a start there's that symbol again I don't suppose you see a weight too I do professor that symbol has the same glow as the one I saw on the porky container reveals the way forward and I dare say we are about to discover the Spirit of this wolf the way it's a vault within a vault the pulse there's no ordinary vault I suspect we will need to earn our way out of here what do you mean earn our way out do you think this is some sort of test I do but to what end I can't say close there will be no disapparating if things go poorly not out of Gringotts I mean there's so separating out of Hogwarts either things go poorly which is fairly often at least it's my experience of Harry Potter anyway I see something up ahead what is it that glow again but on the floor [Music] strange glowing light let's just step in it when I move towards the globe it's suddenly seemed as if the ground was swirling about are you all right yes sir I'm fine you seem to have caused the floor to change two what statue I see some sort of statue but only is a reflection in the floor revelio for real shall we assume this is what you saw reflected in the floor it is the reflection's still there but the statue's positions don't match wait when you moved the reflection turned in the direction of the light perhaps you should cast lumos yes let's make you face the danger so doing it myself how very Dumbledore of him let's ask the suit of a sacrifice I don't get hurt lumos well done now the reflection is turning towards me it does follow the light okay I love the combat in this game the one spell I don't need to learn to cast I just know how to do automatically oh yeah I don't recall seeing did I just miss the Dodge symbol I mean I'm not supposed to know how to do that counter stud that counter charm thing until like the next fight but I already know how to do it so might as well use it right I'll stay close but it won't matter press up Professor fig Professor where are you why we explore people happening the Wisps of magic seem to be leading I don't think there was another one in here oh there is another one in here looky looky person I've seen that one I love that spell and I love spamming it there was two chests in here so there's a third one wow I only knew about that first one I don't care yes what the goal I like gold gold is that it no I don't want to miss any well there's at least three chests in here so uh anyone uh knows a fourth or a fifth uh let me know oh yeah I need to reveal the statues I suppose I'm on my own this time and then yep here we go and love that one of the most basic things in this game and it's so simple and I love it oh almost it was almost too soon with that the game doesn't care that he was swinging and that's the reason why he did it he doesn't want you doing that until like the last second or he doesn't want you to do that until the symbol appears is there any morning here let's see just in case I'm Gonna Keep spamming this those three might be the only three chests in here all right I gotta spam it forever and through the door so cool it's the light of the evening star this is what happened to it after Friday was done with it glad you're just gonna be very upset that he didn't return it [Music] all right guys I'm still a little uh from work how did you what is this place I don't know but I found this floating above that basin that is no mere basin that is offensive for viewing memories I wonder thank you Follow My Lead that doesn't seem sanitary [Music] that's some real wizard right there all is in place the party is well hidden perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough Percival we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything to obtain because and if we are correct Charles the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of that knowledge and the responsibility that a company said don't pets on it they've done all that we can any power worth obtaining is worth abusing right what you're seeing astonishing can I see Magic traces of an ancient magic to be precise the magic that Miriam had always believed existed died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries and you it seems into understanding why they're different than it did a moment ago someone's coming oh who were they I don't know but sir you shouldn't be in here I was right ran Rock seems my reputation precedes me I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit rackham's walks and why are you here no need for that just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones sir they had the key to the vault [Music] choose your next words wisely I I only meant that the instructions for Vault 12 were quite clear so I must insist I was to Grant access only to one with the key and you didn't have them oh I have no patience for trading there's that decent I was talking about no where were we I'm not giving you anything hmm well perhaps your young friend here will be more helpful somebody woke up the security guard [Music] maybe if they gave him a donut he'd go back to sleep then again maybe not old man what are you gonna do like seriously what was he like planning on doing there oh oh are you all right fine sir I've never seen so powerful a goblin seemed holy unaffected by my magic where are we it can't be it seems those who set up the pensive the locket and the path to both wanted someone with your ability to end up here come we have a sorting ceremony to get to I mean you did say that the guy who lived in that ruined Tower was possibly a seer so maybe he just saw those events and would knew you would need an exit I mean I mean I'm no Wizard or anything but that seemed to me like the most logical conclusion to draw there hey he foretold this and knew we need to get out of here where we needed to go thank you seer yeah this is the third time I've played through this I don't know a music kind of disappeared foreign I don't recall playing with the the audio levels at all I'll go and check the audio levels but my music wasn't there this time the music was so good there um the first time I played through it good we haven't missed the Sorting ceremony I'm no expert but that seems more appropriate now I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to George and be warned of ran Rock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me of course sir thank you ready for the Sorting ceremony when I want everyone to know the great secret of my power before 08 government Phineas Knight jealous black the worst Headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen master fig nice of you to join us the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications it seems the goblin is goblins like no time for rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left if you're lucky we might still be able to get you sorted this evening time to begin my journey to power Professor Weasley one more to be sorted welcome you're just in time now it's gonna automatically want to put me in Ravenclaw because that's what uh is attached to this game thanks to my WB link um so I don't know what ordinarily goes here ah yes a bit older than the others aren't you you come here with preferences and preconceptions certain expectations I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds indeed much can be gleaned by having an adventurous spirits but your professors have a great deal to teach you as well mmm you're clever indeed you have the ability to reflect clearly on that which puzzles others and you've already mind quit to learn perhaps you belong in Ravenclaw I'm assuming that like because on Pottermore there was a quiz I had to take and answer questions which is how I was placed in a Ravenclaw I'm assuming it's the same thing for the game like I said um I I like to get placed the Ravenclaw because of my bound to count so let me just do this and choose my house and obviously there's only one house for an evil evil wizard like me I detect a growing sense of ambition an eagerness for power walk the power unlimited power you belong in Slytherin oh and one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled [Music] enough it's not as though I've banned flying altogether but academic Futures I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow quite an entrance it's lovely to meet you I'm Professor Weasley would you be so kind as to show our new student to their common room I shall see to it sir I wonder about qualifiers I'm Professor Weasley pleased to meet you nice to meet you as well professor as deputy idiot honored to show 's way it's quite uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year it may be a bit of a challenge but one I'm sure you're up for I can be quite resourceful I suspected as much this is the entrance to the Slytherin con room in order to enter one must simply speak the correct password aspiration very well delaying password aspiration well done now go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow I shall be back in the morning to collect you for your first class thank you Professor Weasley you're welcome I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts sleep well all right and like I said um the first episode was going to be only that first little bit um episode two will pick up with the first day of Hogwarts you know the actual real gameplay I didn't want to split this up I just kind of wanted to burn through it um with those who hadn't seen it see it and uh because it to me I mean how you guys called 100 play through and not show 100 of the gameplay right right so until next time remember please hit that subscribe button and leave a like and hit that notification Bell so you can get more uploads whenever uh they come up good night good luck and have fun bye
Channel: Swamp Mages Gaming
Views: 6,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Potter, Harry Potter, Open World, RPG, Magic, Playthrough, 100%
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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