Tom Felton Has Never Watched Harry Potter!? | Capital

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to be honest if it makes you finally better I haven't actually re-watched the films this morning we're joined by one man who I know is is more than fine I'm told I really hope so as being introduced as a character that he has played a legendary character it's Draco Malfoy himself please put your hands together Tom Felton oh thank you thank you good morning I mean police say you're fine with with still that interesting I'm not sorry see you later yeah Tom how are you mate yes very well very well yourself yeah very good very nice nose lovely yeah we've got we've got a copy of the book yes right here this is very exciting beyond the one so this is your autobiography am I writing it is it's a memoir so far autobiography I'm a little short in my life to really think of it as my entire uh existence but yeah it's it's everything up to uh up to now what I like about this is Harry Potter fans will think they know everything there is to know but I presume we've got some bits in here that we've never heard before Lots really gotta tell us something now I don't know where to start I mean really it's just a it's a big collection of all the uh of anecdotes of memories that I have all the specifics from being cast as a rather snotty uh 12 year olds to finishing the films and everything in between really um it's it's not never really was intended to be a book more of me just writing down all these little individual stories and it just happened that after a few years of doing that that I had enough um stories that I thought could actually be be worth sharing in a book but that's it because I mean like you know as you say no there must be so much because obviously you know we've watched you grow up but at the same time you are still a real human being and you're still growing up on screen in front of all those people so I presume that's what you mean by those stories that people might not know about yeah a bit of both to be honest with you there's obviously stuff um stories about literal filming how we how we did a lot of the stuff we did but also mostly a lot of the normal muggled teenage stuff that I got up to in between yeah so it's not as far from some um behind the scenes tell or just that rather it's quite a lot of uh what it was like growing up with three older brothers and uh um and juggling Hogwarts and muggle schooling at the same time I love that you call it Michael's calling I still really love that you were talking about obviously being cast in the film there was a bit in the book that says that you didn't even know what Harry Potter was when you went for the audition true like I find that a little bit mad at the same time because the books were already out so what were you doing at the time when these books are out did you not think to maybe read one before you went up for the audition it probably would have been a good idea quite ironically I blacked it basically yeah I I think um because in the in the original audition um stages basically they invited everyone in the UK who was a fan of the books so there were thousands of children lining up who knew all about Hogwarts and Gringotts and and um I had no idea about any of it and I definitely lied on my audition to say oh yeah I know exactly what I know exactly what Gringotts is they're brilliant and I'm pretty sure Chris Columbus the director saw that as um probably a perfect Malfoy candidate so so in a way not reading the books helped get me the bar when when you did ultimately get that part right did you just I I would like if it was me I would literally stand up in front entire assembly and do it but I'm an attention seeker that's why how did you do it did everyone just go nuts at school you must been the coolest kid no it's so far from the truth I mean it wasn't at school it was actually at my um bearing of mine Potter wasn't as as well it was still big there but it was not quite the phenomenon that it is today but I was at my friend Richie's house after school playing football in the garden um and I write about it in the book and and her his mom rather saying uh Tom mum's on the phone so I ran in I was like what you got it got what you got the part what part Draco you get to play Draco I was like all right can I go back to football and subsequently all I remember about that day is I lost that game ah ah I won the part but you won the part yeah exactly but I said when did people did presumably at that age if you go into school and you're like yeah I'm playing this thing it's gonna be a big movie people go yeah whatever and then all of a sudden they see the film it was definitely a lot of yeah whatever um the blonde hair was the giveaway of course at the moment I got the part it was part of a weekly regime of uh of basically bleaching my hair every day uh which makes you stand out from the from the from the Muggles at school quite a lot um but yeah it was obviously it was only in the in the later I I got the part maybe a few months after starting my secondary school so it was towards the end of my of my schooling time that Potter really started to to well start to be what it is today I guess I love you cool people Muggles yeah it's a great word it makes sense a lot when you went to um Harry Potter Studios you talk about this in the book as well was that a really surreal moment because suddenly you're surrounded by everything that you guys have created and it's must be overwhelming the studio tour yeah absolutely yeah um yeah it's difficult to to believe it but when we were making the making the films especially we never we never predicted that that these things would be um um valuable or I would have stolen way more props had I known um no but it's really it's it's really cool actually um I go there uh quite a bit to be fair uh sometimes just to sort of geek out and uh it's a bit like going back to your old school but it's perfectly preserved and everything's exactly as it as it was and I think it's insane have you been there yeah it's pretty cool do you want to know my honest do you want to know my honest answer Tom like scold me if you want go on I have never seen Harry Potter goodness gracious how has he managed it I have never seen Harry Potter honestly I don't well I'm gonna say I envy you I don't but you have a lot to look forward to I know but that's what a lot of people say yeah I feel sick saying it to you as I do where most people see it and they go and they just completely scold me as I say so is it hard to admit [Music] they've never watched it and you just kind of go oh my God the third one and you sit there and you go yeah but I'm fully aware of the magnitude of it and how fantastic it is I mean I've even been to Warner Brothers I've been to the studio I mean it's incredible yeah and I did what you did in your first audition and go yeah yeah know that love that one to be honest with you if it makes you feel any better I haven't actually re-watched the films probably now I've seen them as premieres I know I know I know but I have a very good I'm saving them I think it's something that obviously they whenever I'm watching TV with my mates and it comes on they immediately put it on and immediately take the Mickey out of it yeah you've never just binged them all back to back no no but I I again not out of anything other reason that I'm saving them I really look forward to doing it um because most of my family I've got three older brothers which I talk about quite a bit in the book most of them fell asleep during the premieres so [Laughter] [Music] I think that'd be quite nice I think it would be lovely you it's a play day I love talking about Harry Potter which is amazing but is there anything like you get sick of like if someone come up to you in the street and start prodding you being like Oh say this yeah ideally that would that's to know I would not forget do you know what I mean right I do I don't really I'm very lucky because because of the blonde hair is gone um and I'm somewhat scruffier than Malfoy I usually get sort of completely ignored um but yes I mean other than me having dinner with my mum I can't think of any other reason why I mean maybe say it say it that might be a bit much what do they want you to say usually Potter just that Potter uh profit comes up a lot but I really enjoy seeing it yeah someone comes up to you and says can you do the Potter yes well I'm not going to advertise that on the radio I might get farty mini regrets stuff yeah can we cut that bit out no there's a few there's a few uh lines and again when we said them and when I said them they were not um quote-unquote uh iconic then my father will hear about this um didn't know you could read Potter there's a there's a there's a few but um yeah I'm more than happy to to say them in the company of France so nice I mean one thing I mean clearly you know we've we've been lucky enough to have you know Daniel Radcliffe in here as well and how is he you know what I'll be honest with you every time I've I've we've ever come across anyone that was a part of those films all of you speak so finally about it and and so happily about it that it was an amazing time and an amazing thing to be a part of but you're all just genuinely lovely people I mean is there still is there still a WhatsApp group I like to imagine there is Derby fool Daniel used to bully me a lot no no I'm definitely Jazzy oh God carried away so uh no we're obviously we're obviously very close friends all of us it sounds sort of like a Cheesy line to say that we're all family um we don't often see each other all of us together in the same room as much as we'd like to um but yeah there is a cheeky WhatsApp group going and we still make lots of really um geeky Potter jokes like I I will only refer to them as the Griffin dorks yes uh so yeah the banter is still there and we're obviously um well we're linked forever but we're all uh we're all good friends does the force you to anyone you meet sort of put them in the houses that they would be in the films I do ask people there's quite a bit in fact we should have a little little go around now could you are you guys sorted what houses what could you do it for us yeah I mean I would have no idea well I mean I'm no Sorting Hat uh but I would put you all in Stella really because you seem like my type of people okay all right that's fair enough but that's fair enough honestly the Hat has a mysterious I've got no idea half my family a hufflepuffs which I was very disappointed to hear but I was very glad that I was actually sorted into um into Slytherin who who out of us three who would you say Chris I'm looking at you because like you have kids as well and I imagine you've watched these films several times yeah but my daughter will be buzzing that you are putting me in the same house as you that'll be that'll be should we listen to this right now on the way into school as were many kids and it's magical it's magical the power that that film has and the power you guys have to kind of do this sort of thing I would say I'm not Slytherin if I'm honest what house would you consider yourself I don't know guys well uh do you want to know our producer notes great the producer knows that we we had earlier on and again this I don't understand but I'm here for it gone Sunny would be placed into Hufflepuff okay yeah you seem disappointed this is this is the work vote right this is the capital yeah a Hufflepuff so this might be a good character uh basis for you good so Sunny would be in Hufflepuff Sean apparently you would be in Ravenclaw okay all right I see it's not um toenails Chris Chris would be in Gryffindor yeah Chris I was gonna say Gryffindor and then I would be in Slytherin okay yeah at least we've got someone on there well that's it there you go that's a healthy mix it's the best house right yeah I think well how would you know you wouldn't know I'm saying why not oh shut up you need to watch the movies what are you exactly before you go Tom yes the weirdness is is about to get even weirder okay because we have stumbled across something it's a new sport right that we're going to be taking on this is a genuine thing it's called Toe wrestling we're actually doing this here the toe wrestling right right It's Gonna be Me versus Chris Stark just looking at us now yes who do you think could could win well it's hard I haven't actually checked out your uh would you like to see our toes ah no no no no no no no no no seeing Roman's toes are going to make a massive difference in your in your answer to this I I cannot just tell by his Steely eyes that he's got strong powerful toes toes yeah this is the Voldemort of toast it is you don't mention it [Laughter] look uh Tommy Joe what this has been so much fun thank you so much for coming in today mate and uh make sure you go and pick up Tom's a brand new book of beyond the one from Tom Felton uh let's hear it Tom Felton everyone oh [Music]
Channel: Capital FM
Views: 250,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capital, capital fm, capital radio, capital breakfast, capitalofficial, draco malfoy, draco malfoy scenes, draco malfoy just a boy, draco malfoy harry potter, draco malfoy he's just a boy, draco scenes, draco dark mark scene, malfoy family, drarry, draco the boy who had no choice, ginny weasley, drarry scenes, dramione, tom felton, harry potter magic, harry potter, death eaters harry potter, fantastic beasts 2, remus lupin, crimes of grindelwald, remus lupin death scene
Id: 9FiboVyxFHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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