HOGWARTS LEGACY FULL GAME (100% ALL QUESTS) Gameplay Movie Walkthrough【No Commentary】

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ER off press L2 button to toggle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that was quite something I'm eager to get to hogsmead a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about [Music] something a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about I am indeed a student that I could very well be able to help you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] it appears we are almost ready to depart pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting I presume you've been practicing the Spells we worked I have Professor well I'm quite sure I'd never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand you'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own thank you Professor fig I appreciate you working with me all the time George bad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thought you're finding us I've operated to more vaguely to find destinations than this though I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try gave quite the Fright to some theater goers in the West End it's been much too long when I received Doral I must say I best not speak here Elias are of course why don't we speak on route to Hogwarts we have a start of term feast and a sorting ceremony to get to wonderful idea as long as your young child here doesn't mind me tagging along not at all sir after you ages since I've been to the castle would be good to see the old pile of rocks [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] glad I caught you before you left for Scotland just barely and who is your traveling companion a new student new yes sir I'm starting school as a fifth year how extraordinary it is indeed none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late nor have I of course as the other fifth years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now the Headmaster asked if I could get her new student up to speed a bit before the term begins well you couldn't have asked for a better Mentor Professor fig is not only an exceptional teacher he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard Mr ozric is prone to flattery I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry I have opinions differ as to how great a threat Round Rock really is although I've yet to convince my colleagues that the ministry I believe he is a significant threat and it was your wife Elias are who alerted me to his activities months ago Miriam how she wrote to me about ran Rock before she died wondering what the ministry knew about his activities I could respond I received this it was the last thing she sent me earlier it came to me via her owl but with no correspondence I can only assume that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe presumably from ran Rock I cannot open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed it looks like Goblin metal that's simple that glow a globe nor do I Merlin's beard how did you eat we did [Music] a key are you all right you're hurt perhaps a bit take this it's wig and World potion that stuff will write you in a second what happened poor George I can't believe he what the hell got into that damn thing attacking a carriage mid-air a typical Dragon would never professor sir where are we sure but that key you discovered was clearly a Porky Porky an item Enchanted to bring whoever touches it to a specific place [Music] I'm feeling better sir if you'd like to look around a bit I would stay close we've no idea who created this Porky oh why [Music] I thought that Porky take us farther from London than the carriage traveled somewhere in the Scottish highway so those ruins sir I do this has not been the day either of us expected but Miriam sent that Porky to George for a reason and I believe that she and now George died in pursuit of whatever it was meant to lead to if you're sure you're all right and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around absolutely sir good let's see if see if aided it may be mind your step [Music] why do you suppose your wife got the porky that brought us her a good question Miriam spent years searching for evidence of a long forgotten form of ancient Magic thank you magic yes a powerful magic wielded by a rare few that seems to have been lost to time Hogwarts Castle was built by and is itself a stronghold of that ancient Magic I don't know where she came into possession of the poor key certain it was to do with that search ah but sir why was your wife searching for evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from The Wizarding World spoke of the good it could do but magic is no different than any power what really matters is the one who wields it is that ice it's not cold enough here it appears to be a sort of enchantment someone wanted to block this path let's see some of that one work you were practicing focus on the center excellent foreign that was a bit rougher than I'd expected your one works improving with every cast thank you sir ah up there what's up we're close now it's just ahead daddy yourself repair almost there [Music] I suspect they valued their privacy here for a reason let's have a look around for anything that seems out of place [Music] thank you Professor this statue this may have been his home [Music] Professor it's a mural of some kind perhaps our host was a noted seer interesting [Music] that Enchanted crystallized Stone again but what could it be blocking what's this Professor fig how odd why would someone have conjured that Enchanted Stone here and how is there a room behind it what room I don't see anything there's that glow again like the glow in the porky container what in Merlin's name tart where are we I don't believe it hello laughs [Music] it can't be [Music] in just a moment [Music] welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank vote number 12 I presume [Music] oh yes of course thank you this way then stay close [Music] after you [Music] foreign if you don't wish to lose them [Music] how many votes are there hundreds in fact you'll see quite a few on our way to vote number 12. as we speak we're just beneath the main lobby the vulture see now are the newest a private entrances to the bank common at Gringotts they almost uncommon only one with great wealth or power or both could have arranged for such a service take a breath a what that waterfall washes away all enchantments it's a security measure experience the thief's downfall before have you heard of these are the lower levels that we're passing now how deep are we going Vault number 12 was commissioned shortly after Gringos was founded over four centuries ago it resides in the Deep back settling with quite a distance to go [Music] vote number vote 12. it's momentous day [Music] on your way [Music] was glowing like the clue you saw on the porky container no darker I saw that same glow of the dragon's collar yeah what was that we were just wondering about that Goblin back there did he watches over the oldest section of the bank rare anyone goes there anymore foreign here we are [Music] when was the last time this Vault was accessed a goblin has been stationed at my desk for hundreds of years in that time no one has visited Vault 12. until today boats 12. thank you for your help [Music] what do you suppose we should be looking for I'm not sure sir I wonder if the instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I am to Grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door this is luck Professor that was certainly unexpected let me think there must be something here revelio perhaps revelio yes a revealing charm no time like the present let's see what we're missing shall we ready your wand and focus [Music] [Music] all right Rebellion there I saw something move a bit closer and try again [Music] well that's a start there's that symbol again I don't suppose you see a way to I do professor the same glows the one I saw on the pork key container if what you can see then I dare say we are about to discover the secret of this Vault lead the way Lumas this is no ordinary Vault I suspect we will need to earn our way out of here what do you mean on our way out sort of test I do but to what end I can't say stay close there will be no disapparating if things go poorly not out of Gringotts [Music] [Music] I see something up ahead what is it that glow again but on the floor [Music] [Music] what happened when I moved towards the globe it suddenly seemed as if the ground was swirling about are you all right yes sir I'm fine you seem to have caused the floor to change that statue what statue I see some sort of statue but only is a reflection in the floor Rebellion I presume this is what you saw reflected in the floor it is the reflection's still there but the statue's positions don't match wait when you moved the reflection turned in the direction of the light perhaps you should cast lumos foreign [Music] okay freedom s o this house Rebellion second episode stay close [Music] professor Professor fig Professor where are you this isn't good [Music] Rebellion where am I supposed to go what's happening the Wisps of magic seem to be leading me somewhere lumos [Music] Rebellion lumos [Music] Ah that's where they're leading me I glow again Rebellion lumos [Music] thank you Rebellion I suppose I'm on my own this time lumos [Music] seems I have no choice I'm gonna have to fight my way out of there thank you [Music] [Music] foreign lumos Rebellion [Music] lumos yeah foreign [Music] [Music] thank you there you are how did you what is this place I don't know but I found this floating above the basin that is no mere basin that is offensive for viewing memories I wonder [Music] [Music] Follow My Lead [Music] [Music] foreign place [Music] well hidden perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough possible we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything to obtain yes and if we are correct Charles the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of that knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it may have done all that we can [Music] that's what you're seeing the glow that surrounded them yes sir astonishing can I see Magic traces of an ancient magic to be precise the magic that Miriam had always believed existed but never [Music] Miriam and perhaps George died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries and you it seems are the key to understanding why we were all the product different than it did a moment ago someone's coming who were they I don't know but sir you shouldn't be in there [Music] I was right Rock seems my reputation precedes me I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit raccoon's walks and why are you here no need for that just give me whatever it is you found here and we collect bygones be bygones they they a key to the vault choose your next words wisely I I only meant that clear sir I must insist I was to Grant access only to one with the key and you didn't know I have no patience for traitors no where were we I'm not giving you anything well perhaps your young friend here will be more [Music] foreign [Music] are you all right fine sir I've never seen so powerful a goblin he seemed holy unaffected by my magic where are we [Music] it can't be it seems those who set up the pensive the locket and the path to both wanted someone with your ability to end up here come we have a sorting ceremony to get to [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] ceremony [Music] I'm no expert but that seems more approach appropriate I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to Georgia and be warned of ramrock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me of course sir thank you ready for the Sorting ceremony [Music] [Music] Phineas Knight jealous black prepare yourself to meet the Headmaster fig nice of you to join us the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications it seems the goblin troubles goblins like no time for rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left if you're lucky we might still be able to get you sorted this evening [Music] I'll be in touch [Music] Professor Weasley we've won more to be sorted welcome you're just in time have a seat [Music] foreign you come here with preferences and preconceptions certain expectations [Music] I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds hmm indeed much can be gleaned by having an adventurous Spirit but your professors have a great deal to teach you as well [Music] I wonder I detect something in you a certain sense of um what is it [Music] a desire to learn I do enjoy a good puzzle and I believe I have a ready mind [Music] you're clever indeed you have the ability to reflect clearly on that which puzzles others and you've already mind quit to learn perhaps you belong in Ravenclaw [Music] oh [Music] assessor willingness to forge your head alone when you asked thank you [Music] better be Gryffindor [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled [Music] enough it's not as though I've banned flying altogether but don't tempt me you are here to focus on your academic Futures I'm sure you will have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow [Music] quite an entrance it's lovely to meet you I'm Professor Weasley would you be so kind as to show our new student to their common room I shall see to it sir as I was saying I'm Professor Weasley pleased to meet you nice to meet you as well professor as Deputy head mistress it is my distinct honor to show you to your common room right this way it's most uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year this should be quite an adventure I'm looking forward to it I remember the first time I entered the Gryffindor common room after being assaulted you were a Gryffindor I am a Gryffindor never could remember the password when I was a girl however password password [Music] a password is grata domum grata Domin you may enter [Music] well done now go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow I shall be back in the morning to collect you for your first class thank you Professor Weasley you're welcome I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts sleep well [Music] looks like everyone's gone better head to the common room revelio [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] which way is the common room [Music] [Music] must be different starting Hogwarts in your fifth year [Music] now look it didn't end up as dragon food like that poor man from the ministry can't imagine starting a new school this late I'm sure you'd use them [Music] oh what did I do wrong this time [Music] I don't know what I'm doing wrong it's not a complicated spell I should be able to do it non-verbally why is this not working ah oh hello there welcome to Gryffindor I'm Cressida pleasure to meet you Cressida splendidly theatrical arrival to the Sorting ceremony last evening made it in by the skin of your teeth is it true that your professor figs protege I'm not sure I'd say that but I did a study with him a little before we arrived blast I was hoping he might have given you some advice on non-verbal casting is that what you were trying to do just there oh yes having a spot of trouble I've mastered the charm using its incantation but this is proving a bit trickier don't worry he'll get it in the end oh I hope so if ronan's sure to be very I'm just going to keep at it is it really that difficult to cast them verbally oh yes and if you don't get it just right the results can be shall we say awkward once I tried to cast de pulso non-verbally on a goblet in the Great Hall and ended up launching Professor Sharps Yorkshire pudding into his face he was not happy do most students know how to cast non-verbally not at all Hogwarts doesn't teach non-verbal casting until the sixth year and even then many struggle with it I'm simply trying to get ahead of the game well good luck with it it was nice to meet you Cressida you as well enjoy your first day [Music] that girl thinks she can get away with anything I'm sure you'd use them why is everyone so highly strung it's perfectly safe well hello don't mind me I find it helpful to change my point of view now and again put things in perspective once I made it to the top of Gryffindor Tower from the outside without a broom goodness I'm Nelly by the way Nelly oxbire I've heard rumors about what happened to you on your way to Hogwarts who about the Dragon yes our Carriage was attacked by a dragon cry Mikey I can't believe it how thrilling and also terrifying anyway you've certainly brought some much needed excitement to Gryffindor and Hogwarts for that matter what exactly are the rumors about my journey to Hogwarts uh that you escaped a dragon attack isn't that enough most of us arrive via train or boat not having just escaped the jaws of a dragon of course it's got people talking word travels fast at Hogwarts I take it you're not afraid of heights hmm something I've always done since I was little my mother once Wentzville has no idea how I got there but with all the strange hallways and rooms in the castle and everything lurking in and outside the grounds you don't need to scale a tower to see something incredible here [Music] I'd imagine most students have never seen a dragon have you goodness no and I've never heard of one attacking a carriage like that not enough meat in a carriage I'd think [Music] I'm sure I'll be seeing you around either in our common room or when you scale your next Tower you never know bye for now [Music] here except for me that is sure you don't want to try it brood it myself hello you're the new fifth year pleased to meet you I'm Gareth Weasley heard about your travels here can't believe it glad you and figure all right is it true that someone from the ministry was with you in the carriage oh yes a friend of Professor figs oh didn't mean to pry nasty business dragons again very glad you're here thank you Gareth so am I are you related to Professor Weasley I am she's my aunt must be nice having an aunt for a professor you'd think so wouldn't you Aunt Matilda tends to treat me as if I'm a first year keeps you close an eye on me it's all a bit suffocating to be honest still she means well and she's an incredibly powerful witch she'll have your back are you having butter beer for breakfast oh no I've been perfecting a recipe I came up with over the summer I'm almost there based on some reactions that may need a bit more work seems you enjoy Brewing might I assume that you have a talent for potions of all sorts well as I see it there's little difference fundamentally between brewing a modification to butterbeer and a wig and weld potion though I'm not certain Professor sharp would make the connection he doesn't appreciate my uh creativity as much as you might think while it was nice meeting you Gareth and thank you for the insights on your aunt pleasure to meet you as well good luck today new Gryffindor Professor Weasley's waiting for you outside the common room [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning I trust you're ready for your first day at Hogwarts I've been dreaming of this day for a long time can't believe I'm here well you are here make the most of it you only have one first day at Hogwarts now in light of your unique situation joining us as a fifth year you'll need to catch up with your classmates and not fall behind especially as you'll be expected to complete your owls at the end of the year owls owls yes your ordinary Wizarding level exams they will determine what type of career you can have when you leave here after much discussion with the Headmaster and the department of magical education at the ministry we've devised something extraordinary to ensure your success here you are [Music] [Music] what is it it is a Wizard's Field Guide it will help you to keep track of what you are learning so that you master all that's expected of a fifth year you would be wise to take full advantage of this exceptionally valuable resource [Music] thank you Professor but what do you mean it will keep track of what I'm learning perhaps seeing it in action will answer any questions you may have walk with me and we shall put it to the test [Music] this way the guide will give you opportunities to practice your magic and educate yourself about Wizarding law oh [Music] potions is dollar charms is dire I certainly would have appreciated something like the field guide when I was a stronger losing the guide will also train you to be alert to your surroundings keep up [Music] the Riley appears to have some information for you about that painting with poor barufio simply cast ravelio on it and we'll see what the guide says [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you clever isn't it rebellious keep your eyes open for more opportunities like that inside and outside of the castle [Music] no time to waste leave classes to attend oh [Music] [Music] revelio oh ah good timing perfect opportunity to show you how to use blue flames to get around a bit quicker your Field Guide contains a map of the Castle open it up and find Central Hall [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] and here we are quite the Time Saver these stairs lead directly to Central Hall you can get home anywhere in the castle quickly from Central Hall off on another adventure are we [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion oh there's something happening here it's the heart of the hive our King's cross station so to speak that should be all for now you'll be expected to attend both charms and defense against the dark arts classes today and I'd like to be sure you get to hogsmead as soon as possible to replace the supplies you lost on the way here what will I learn in charm's class exactly what you might expect spells charms jinxes all terribly useful I think you will enjoy Professor Ronan he's a clever and entertaining Wizard and a talented teacher can you tell me more about the defense against the dark arts class defense against the dark arts as the name implies focuses on how to teach himself against the evils that lurk Beyond these walls a Mastery of defense against the dark arts is required for those who aspire to become auras fortunately we are lucky to have the ever gifted Professor Heckert in charge of our students education in that regard you mentioned hogsmeade Professor hogsmeade is the only all Wizarding Village in Britain and is home to an array of shops and pubs you should be able to find all of the school supplies you require in hogsmead you will also I imagine enjoy many a butterbeer there with friends in due course thank you Professor Weasley a lot to absorb on your first day and you have much to learn happily your professors have agreed to create additional assignments for you outside of class you'll be up to speed in no time judging by your Adept use of revelio earlier I'd say Professor figs succeeded in at least showing you the basics he did Professor he's been terribly vague as to the events preceding your arrival specifically about what happened after that awful dragon attack my suspicion is that there's more to the story than a search for belongings and an extended trip up to the castle I'm sorry Professor but I'm afraid that's all there is to it hmm almost precisely what Professor fig said each of the devil Professor fig yes you seem to have provided our new fifth year with a solid foundation in the basics of spellcasting ah I'm afraid I can't take all the credit there Professor they've a rare aptitude for magic it seems hmm well I'm just glad you both arrived in one piece perfectly good boats and carriages to Hogwarts and you chose to fly in the path of a dragon I wouldn't say I chose the dragon's path professor rather unfortunately it would seem that it chose us very well enough chit chat I need to get to class myself might I rely on you Professor fig to explain the details of the field guides map of course thank you [Music] good luck today and remember to use your Field Guide it will be invaluable to you and invaluable to me as I'll be using it to keep up to date on your progress yes Professor come and find me in my classroom after you've attended both classes today and I'll explain more about those assignments I mentioned and we'll see if we can't get you to hogsmead for those supplies foreign thank you [Music] rebellious thank you [Music] certainly sound like you have an opinion on it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign it's good to see you professor and you I was hoping our paths would cross today before you immersed yourself in studies did I hear you masterfully evade Professor Weasley's interrogation regarding our late arrival I did try to evade her questions though I feel a little deceptive that said I'm fairly certain she suspects that we're not being entirely forthcoming yes well Professor Weasley is a brilliant and astute witch it was right to keep the details to yourself for now we don't know where this path we've embarked upon will lead it may require a bit more flexibility with your time than she would approve of and she may feel obliged to share details with the Headmaster that would be better left between us understood Professor good now as capable as you are I believe the ability you possess obliges you to be well trained happily you have the benefit of an exceptionally skilled team of witches and wizards to guide you speaking of guides and so that I may avoid Another Not So subtle reproof from Professor Weasley why don't I show you the clever enchantment we included in the field guides map unfold it and have a look [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] to help you find your way this will be incredibly helpful thank you now it sounds like you've quite a day ahead what with classes and a trip to hogsmeat for supplies including your own wand you'll enjoy Mr Ollivander he's an exceptional Craftsman and a good friend I shall reach out when I have more information about our mysterious locket for now focus on your classes and pay attention more than your owls May hinge on the magic you are able to master Within These Walls [Music] foreign I'm most pleased to be included Rebellion thank you that's the last time I ever pollution idea Rebellion [Music] [Music] Rebellion I've always said that travel broadens the mind [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] goodness how nice to see you my young friend Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] is that all you've got [Music] Professor Hackett perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time I get new students every year but I only have one hebridium black skull it was a token from the great poacher raid of 1878 no doubt you've heard of it now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest poachering in eastern Wales and lived to boast about it knowledge to the wise age matters very little today we will review a spell that has saved me from Death at the hands of dark Wizards more times than I care to remember levioso Leviosa a levitation charm levioso a surprised opponent has a weak opponent care to defend yourself master Pruitt no one thing I've learned as an unspeakable is the value of Simplicity especially in the heat of battle now let's practice what we've just learned starting with something small thank you levioso [Music] now let's try something a little larger foreign [Music] [Music] let us begin with the basic cost [Music] see how the dummy deflected your cast [Music] flavioso first then the basic cost remember a surprised opponent is a weak opponent now [Music] very good but the best way to practice is by dueling we'll start with YouTube duelist take your marks it's time for a proper Hogwarts welcome now I want a fair cure using only levioso basic cost and protego you may begin thank you [Music] let's just say I'm a quick learner not bad for a beginner you give as good as you get [Music] I put you on the spot and you Rose to the challenge points to Gryffindor thank you Professor Hackett glad to have the opportunity to practice if what I've seen today is any indication we can expect great things from you I demand Excellence from my students they are capable of achieving it and they must achieve it a classroom duel is one thing but battling dark Wizards or as ever more likely goblins is a different kettle of grindelos entirely understood Professor so I'd advise you to keep practicing whenever you can perhaps Mr sallow will have some ideas for you again well done today I shall reach out soon with additional assignments all oh that's enough spectacle for one day class is dismissed Rebellion [Music] oh I'm not much for dueling I prefer to keep things friendly if you know the right spells it's dark Wizards that'll fear you not the other way around I'd hate to face professor heckett in a duel [Music] you drilled Sebastian his strong competition well done [Music] always thought Leviosa was for First Years not anymore [Music] nice work I enjoyed that well that duel was quite something everyone will be talking about it it was certainly good practice practice it felt more like I was dueling an expert Sebastian sallow by the way didn't expect a new student to be so Deft with a wand then again perhaps this wasn't your first duel [Music] I've jeweled enough consider yourself lucky I held back fair enough you owe me an honest Jewel when you aren't you know you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive unsanctioned dueling organization [Music] exclusive and unsanctioned Count Me In excellent knew I was right about you if you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts you're going to need to break the rules now and then whether it's joining a secret dueling club or sneaky into the restricted section of the library you just have to be clever enough not to get caught thank you Sebastian I'll keep that in mind good pleasure chatting with you I'm sure I'll see you soon perhaps somewhere unsanctioned we'll see if your performance today was sheer luck or actual skill look for Luke and Brad will be near the clock tower entrance if you're interested till next time [Music] [Music] often another adventure are we Rebellion [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] what are you up to now potato [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included [Music] thank you [Music] Professor Rodin tends to go on a bit we sometimes have to remind him to finish the lesson Rebellion [Music] yeah behind you there is an open seat here thank you hello I am Nettie so you are the new student have you met Professor Ronan yet Shall We Begin welcome to year five of Champs now this will be a crucial year in your education on the art of charmwork but I am confident that we will take hold with a passion and rigor requisite of such a challenge right now everyone please open your textbooks to page 517 but before we begin can anyone here tell me the difference between the incantations of the color change and growth charms anyone anyone um I am afraid it is too late to study now um buy the seven months must have really taken a toll on you all by the looks of it you all spent your holidays practicing obliviate on one another do you even remember how to perform a basic summoning charm [Music] well it seems that we are in dire need of review everyone get into Pairs and take positions on opposite sides of the classroom now let's put those textbooks to use as they blunt objects you so believe they are and they turn summoning them out of one another's hands only one book will be needed per partnership Miss Dale thank you get into place now [Music] Akio that is not bad you are a swift learner I see a lot of potential but remember potential is nothing without practice keep at it you might just rival miss onai here very good everyone that's enough of that well as you all seem to have the basics down and it is an exceptionally lovely day I was thinking that we might have ourselves a little Excursion outside for a spot of fresh air after me hi I've always found that fun goes hand in hand with Mastery as I'm sure the Quidditch players amongst us would agree so what better than a bit of sport to put our prowess with the summoning charm to the test right yeah yeah [Music] so why don't we have our newest student start us off [Music] very simply cast Akio on one of the Spheres and relinquish your charm at the last possible moment now think of this like gobstones if you will but instead of throwing the marbles out you are summoning them toward you the trick is to pull the sphere that's it stay focused [Music] excellent control there [Music] very good points to Gryffindor but there's certainly no sport in playing without some friendly competition Miss onai would you care to give our new student a bit of a challenge come on up [Music] before and miss onai you are playing red clear yes sir [Music] don't lose your composure [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that is how it's done [Music] quite impressive [Laughter] let us make this a bit more interesting shall we [Music] I think we are well past interesting at this point I'll say the enough chatter Focus now you will need it this round settles it all what's this [Music] you are not making this easy for me are you let us see this [Music] there we go [Music] excellent control there foreign not to worry [Music] very good both of you well done Klaus is dismissed gather your things on the way out [Music] well done back there you took the loss in stride didn't want to go too easy on you took me weeks to become proficient with Accu took weeks for me to get anything right when I transferred here it gets easier I promise [Music] that's good to hear it's a lot to take in all at once put it lightly I remember how I felt when I first arrived I transferred here from wagadu just before my fourth year my mother received an offered to teach divination here before I knew it we had left Uganda and we're halfway around the world at a new school in a new country is wagedu much bigger than Hogwarts Wagga to school of magic is the largest Wizarding School in the world so yes bigger than Hogwarts but it never seemed intimidating or overwhelming to me it always felt like home is where I could do a castle like Hogwarts its addresses mountains of the Moon it is not so much a castle as a beautiful edifice carved out of the Mountainside I remember the first time I saw it the Mist was so thick I could hardly make out anything at all and then it just materialized before me this enormous school that seemed to be floating in mid-air [Music] this may seem an odd question but is Magic the same there as it is here mostly yes but I did have to learn how to use a wand when I arrived here hardly anyone at wagadu uses one you can cast spells without a wand ah yes I find one less magic to be much more instinctive not to mention quite convenient if one is without their want I must admit however that I am growing quite fond of using a wand it seems very dramatic it's nice to learn about another Wizarding school thank you for asking I do miss wagadu but I am glad to be here at Hogwarts ah I think Professor Ronan wants to talk to you better not keep him waiting until next time of course you can use Akio on humans if you're so inclined well you'd be Professor Ronan reminds me of my grandfather loads of wisdom but a bit mad foreign [Music] you wanted to speak with me Professor I did I trust your first charms lesson lived up to expectation well an outdoor competition wasn't exactly the lesson I was expecting sir what charm is there in the expected missonai is a talented witch take it in stride one often gains the most from the battles one has lost of course professor it was a challenging Match Miss unai is always a fierce competitor though I sense that she is a bit distracted of late now Professor Weasley has asked that your professors give you instruction outside of the ordinary curriculum expect to hear from me soon regarding a special assignment that I am preparing for you [Music] thank you [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign I've been eager to meet you you're the student everyone's been whispering about hope your first day is going well you certainly seem to hold your own in charms I've been fortunate beginner's luck my brother William would tell you not to be so humble and to trust your abilities then again he tends to be overconfident in his well better see to my charms homework I'm afraid I can't count on beginner's laps to impress Professor Ronan revelio [Music] and then the werewolves joined the Goblins werewolves where were you in the goblin rebellion of 1750 the minister for magic was Albert boot no it wasn't ah oh what fun I won't say my goodbyes I should cheer for the boy who says you're telling USPS it was Albert boot no it wasn't it was basil flat oh fine fine it's a bold attack was the minister a boom or the minister of flack stop it peeves you'll get us in trouble in trouble you will be but you can't get peeps a smack she says it's a boo and he says it's a flag enough you'll get us all detention Rebellion [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] open another adventure are we [Music] revelio foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hogsmeade is the only wall Wizarding Village I've ever heard of Corona [Music] always something to celebrate foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ah what a striking face quite the portrait one day I wouldn't want to be here I've come from the toilet bowl where she said I could swim did you practice your bowl as long as we're only one time per week I can plunge the boy's laboratory not for the pink he tried to stop me did wrangler's cop thought the trophy can find me inside of a jar but he failed as did his containment jams so I took my revenge to wreak havoc in half it was granted by privileges be handsome indeed Rebellion of the cannon and so she agreed to draw up a contract with her not with him that if I behaved I'd have one weakness oh [Music] [Music] glad you can make it lucan's just over there Rebellion [Music] revelio back here lumos can I help you Sebastian told me to see you about a club if Sebastian vouchers for you that's all I need to know I coordinated Duels for crossed once a dueling Club of sorts it's invitation early so you must have really impressed Sebastian [Music] I'm flattered to hear that bastian's not a bad duelist either imagine it's quite something to see the two of you Jill how does cross wands work exactly you show up I match you with other Duelists and whoever is still standing in the end wins it's our way of determining the school's greatest duelist once and for all and to liven things up the winner is awarded the prize interested [Music] of course dueling's an entertaining Pastime I agree besides in crossed ones you can deal with a partner if you like your first time I'll pay you with Sebastian next time you'll need to bring a partner along or Jewel alone so care to step into the ring get me in the ring the fireworks begin [Music] we'll make you regret signing up [Music] thank you you're better let's go it's Rebellion [Music] fallow's painful okay to try another round yes don't count me out yet brilliant [Music] love you confringo some big hit that round nice work Sebastian wasn't wrong about you there's strong competition ahead but keep this up and you could be the next school Champion brilliant Count Me In I shall now it takes time to organize these Jewels but check with me later I may have something lined up for you again congratulations on your first crossed ones Victory well thought hope to see you back here again [Music] what are you up to now just wait till I've grown a bit then we'll see how well you do revelio thank you revelio [Music] I'm convincing Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] what about the room Professor I was thinking the same thing Deke perhaps you could help oh excuse dick ah there you are [Music] I trust your first classes went well they did Professor I heard as much from professors Heckert and Ronan seems Professor fig taught you quite a bit before you arrived I'd wager there's a good deal more to your travels here than what you've told me isn't there [Music] nothing more Professor I see like trying to get a sonnet from a streamer regardless you must continue to build upon what you've learned in that regard I've asked your professors to help hasten your progress with some extra assignments [Music] Professor Ronan did mention something about that in fact Professor Ronan will meet you outside momentarily to assign your first one now regarding the trip to hogsmeade I mentioned earlier we've arranged to replace the supplies lost on your way here including seeds potion recipes and spell crafts thank you professor and Mr Ollivander will connect you with the perfect wand you've managed your classes well with a borrowed wand but you'll find the magic you cast with your own wand to be far superior [Music] can you tell me more about the potions shop Professor Jay Pippin's potions stocks a wide array of potions and although they rarely sell recipes Professor sharp asked that they have a couple of particular recipes on hand for you [Music] I've never heard of a spellcraft before Professor what is it a spellcraft is a recipe of sorts used when Conjuring objects I shall explain more about them when you begin working with Transfiguration Magic there's an olive Anders in hogsmeade there is most people are familiar with the shop in Diagon Alley we're fortunate to have someone like him nearby Mr Ollivander is a genuine Craftsman and highly skilled wand maker I would trust no one else to pair me with a wand I'm eager to get to hogsmeade very well I'd like you to make your first visit to the village with a classmate help you get your bearings perhaps Sebastian Salah or nazioni I've noticed you spending time with them I'd like to go with Natty excellent choice Miss onai is one of our most talented students and she knows the area she'll keep you well clear of any of Victor rookwood's undesirables on Route Rookwood a rather unsavory local best to avoid him and his associates including his right hand of sorts Theophilus Harlow if you can once you've finished Professor ronan's assignment your friend will meet you at the castle doors no time to waste the sooner you complete your work the sooner you can enjoy a butter beer at the three Broomsticks Rebellion [Music] [Music] thank you revelio [Music] [Music] ah there you are you have a new spell to teach me Professor indeed I do and an exceedingly useful one at that The Mending charm reperto fixes things right up makes a broken object good as new in the blink of an eye it seems as if that might come in handy more frequently than one would imagine as Professor Weasley mentioned I am not the only one who will be teaching you spells outside of class in an effort to catch you up with your peers a number of your professors have agreed to do so as well but first each shall ask that you complete a few preliminary tasks to hone your magic I have arranged some for today see them through and then report back to me we will have you casting Roberto in no time why must I first complete tasks to learn repair no lesson or lecture can compare to first-hand experience and these tasks should provide you with just that such experience is invaluable when mastering any new bit of magic I'll start on the task right away professor [Music] this is the right area I wonder where the flying pages revelio got it [Music] a flying page must be around here somewhere revelio [Music] brilliant thank you I trust the preliminary tasks weren't too much trouble I completed the assignments Professor marvelous you clearly know your way around basic charms let us give the old mending charm a try then shall we remember to be deliberate in your enunciation and movements I want to see some Vigor now one at the ready yes sir remember your wand is a conduit of your magic [Applause] [Applause] that's it very good if you would like to practice mending something have a go with that broken statue in the Alcove by the water it allegedly symbolized heartbreak perhaps a jilted lover thought it too accurate and lashed out 9 90 done works like a charm doesn't it [Music] revelio thank you [Music] [Music] revelio [Music] rebellious [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay handy resource indeed York Field Guide revelio [Music] this cannot possibly be as difficult as it seems hello I don't believe we've met oh hello I'm aura distracted at the moment everyone thinks I'm utterly balmy Samantha thinks I'm potty but it's this painting I never noticed it before if I know Hogwarts and I do an empty frame doesn't appear for no reason something more to this have you gained any insights about the painting since you've been studying it I did discover that casting lumos has an effect of some kind but I'm not sure what to do next are there any other empty paintings like this around the school yes a few this entire place is somewhat of a riddle to be honest if I can work out the riddle of this one I'll know what to do with all of them as good a place as any to begin if I have the time I may look could be intriguing I've been racking my brains long enough I hope you'll have better luck than I have do come and find me if you stumble on something Illuminating that solves the mystery lumos spot must be a clue I should look around in case it's nearby this looks like the location from the painting it could be more special about it repairable lumos let's get you back to your frame little moth I knew there was a connection I should tell Lenora that I solved the puzzle of that empty frame [Music] we want to read the chapter for potions today Nora I solved the mystery of that painting you did I found the location depicted in the painting and then I cast lumos to guide him off back to the frame all very logical I suppose pity I was so close to solving it you have a knack for solving riddles Natty's good at that too so is a meat although he does tend to over explain well I'm glad someone figured it out I should have seen that [Music] you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is everything all right oh hello nice to see you again thank you for asking and I'm afraid everything's not all right I may be in a spot of trouble with the librarian you might recall that I was trying to cast non-verbally when we met in the common room well I mastered that and now I've taken to creating my own charms thought I'd perfected my light as a feather charm to use on my library books my arms get so tired carrying them around all day but I must have confused the Latin word for feather with bird in my incantation because when I opened my bag just now in the library they literally took flight that sounds brilliant actually thank you somehow I don't think the librarian will see it that way I collect the books and remove the charm myself except this isn't the first time one of my charms has threatened the piece of the library our meet told Madame Scribner they were my books flying around so she said that if I caused her any more trouble she'd write to my parents perhaps you could get them for me there are only five she won't be suspicious of a new student looking around why did Army tell Madame Scribner that they were your books oh to be perfectly honest I don't think he meant any harm I think he was impressed bragging on my behalf Amit spends a lot of time gazing at the stars but he knows a good jump when he sees one I suppose I could help if I have the time I'd very much appreciate it one of the books is my diary I'd rather it not fall into the wrong hands if you could collect them and bring them to me I can remove the charm foreign only four more to go [Music] Rebellion often another adventure are we rapero protagon [Music] foreign this must be cressida's diary I'd want this back too if I were her Rebellion foreign [Music] Rebellion [Music] lumos [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ER I collected your books including your diary oh what a relief thank you I'll happily take the heavy lot off your hands now here you are well lesson learned I certainly won't be practicing any charms in the library again anytime soon now to work out where I went wrong perhaps I should start brushing up on my Latin thank goodness some people are trustworthy certainly wouldn't want anyone but me reading my diary it's a relief to finally have an answer as to why that portrait was empty revelio um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hello looking for me [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion [Music] thank you revelio [Applause] foreign [Music] I hope I haven't kept you waiting long that's all Professor Weasley tells me that you need to go hogspeed you must be eager to have your own things again and to see the village I've been looking forward to it shall we set off I intend to get to give a First Rate hogsmeade experience [Music] I was glad Professor Weasley asked me to accompany you really yes I had planned to extend an invitation to you myself I thought you might enjoy about to be in the village the timing of Professor Weasley's owl was perfect [Music] ah I cannot tell you how nice it is to breathe fresh air after being cooped up in ancient rooms grave mistake to take it as an elective class believe me I believe you so I suppose you would not really call it elective when your mother was the one who elected that you take it [Music] Hog's meat is beautiful this time of year everyone will tell you to visit at Christmas but that's one of the few times of year I would rather be indoors not much for the cold are you oh it's mine the code so much but it's participle rounds no oh wait over here I often spot lace Wing flies in this area oh what's so special about them they are interesting to look at but if you student you can also use them in motion making lumos [Music] look from us hypocrites [Music] I wonder if something starts with them I heard rumors that hippogriffs had been spotted nearby do you think Poppy's already seen the hippogriffs absolutely likely already named that's the Forbidden Forest on the left it's of limits to students as the name implies why is it off limits the professors claim it is too dangerous I think they're calling it forbidden ah there's hugs means over the crest past that ruin [Music] I would spend all of my time exploring if I could I confess I was surprised when Professor Weasley mentioned that you knew the area since you're relatively new here she said that she knows more about me than I had thought I will say well I certainly learn a great deal in class much can be gleaned outside of the castle walls how are you settling in I remember the weeks that followed my arrival feeling quite strange everything was so new and unfamiliar I'm getting used to things what about you do you finally feel something but it is beautiful here too I'm getting out of the castle and exploring helped me to adjust quite a bit Hogwarts has become something of a home now I would say hopefully it will for you too foreign caretaker looks a bit worse for where hello Mr moon have you met our new fifth year pleasure um you might want to turn back Miss on I uh turn and run is everything all right sir oh it looked right at me eyes bigger sources what did Mr Moon Jimmy guys Dudley and Aryan jun's terrifying I still be at the castle where it's safe good luck to both of you poor Mr Moon deadly guys I think he had too much fun in the village I will say that I have never seen him in such a state [Music] nearly there there is much to see outside of the castle walls not just hugs meat I am happy to explore whenever you'd like rumors being what they are about goblins and such it might be nice to have a friend with you I'll keep that in mind Natty thank you [Music] [Music] and here we are it is hard to know where to start the three broomsticks is the place for butter beer and you can get any sweet you can imagine at honeydukes I could not choose a favorite shop here it changes with every visit I can't tell you that you are certain to find everything you need in Hog's meat Rebellion [Music] revelio [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] because [Music] [Music] rebellious [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] revelia Professor Weasley said that you need to get potion recipes spell crafts some seeds and a new wand of course you will enjoy Mr olivanda and I am Keen to see what you will do with the wand of your own you should be able to collect everything you need and still have time to explore a little as well eat at your own pace we can meet up in the town circle when you are finished enjoy yourself I will see you soon [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I'll be right with ah it's you um just a moment please ah hello sir I'm looking for a new wand yes it's about time yes about time well you're our new fifth year student are you not oh what am I saying of course you are gerbold olivanders the name but of course you'll have heard of the ollibanders I'm sure finest one makers in the world it's a pleasure to meet you truly now come with me let's find you the perfect one shall we ah no no no no not you um ah yes yes ten and a half inches you might do here give this one a try well go ahead swish how odd once more come on really swish it [Music] well this isn't a good match at all is it um we'll find you something not to worry no not you perhaps yes a rare wood 13 and three quarter inches Dragon heart string let's give this one a try [Music] looks like it's back to the shelf for you this is proving to be trickier than I had anticipated how perplexing um where are you perhaps you ah there you are [Music] yes yeah I think you might be the one here [Music] how intriguing [Music] curious indeed how intriguing curious indeed how intriguing [Music] curious indeed [Music] [Music] a dragon heartstring wand is most powerful and learns quickly [Music] what do you think [Music] extraordinary another one another beginning of a bright and magical future [Music] now how did that feel good different I sensed the sort of surge of some kind a match your connection seemed particularly powerful the right wand will learn from you just as you learn from it I'm eager to try it out I would imagine so a wand with a dragon heartstring core is capable of dazzling magic and the bond between you and your wand should only grow stronger do not be surprised at your new one's ability to perceive your intentions particularly in a moment of need that sounds wonderful Mr Ollivander I'll let you get to it do come and see me again if ever I can be of further assistance [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] mind [Music] foreign [Music] for the spellcrafts professor Weasley ordered Matilda student I thought I might be seeing you soon I am the proprietor here Thomas Brown I take it you've had a Conjuring lesson then I'm afraid I haven't yet sir ah but you will soon enough it is Magic at its purest creating something out of nothing of course it is not without complexity but that is where my spell crafts come in stir the course and you could soon impress even Professor Weasley that's certainly something to Aspire to Mr Brown I look forward to that day and I too seen it spell crafts are incredibly useful for Conjuring unique items like custom pieces of furniture or decoration but I shall let Professor Weasley do the teaching for now let's get the spell crafts you need a potting table and a portion station yes I believe so sir good nothing like being able to grow your own ingredients and Brew what you want when you want let's have a look let's look at what we have shall we people [Music] if you are interested feel free to take a look around at the rest of my inventory [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Music] how do I get on working as a referee for professional quidditch matches is my mother's family comes from just outside queer ditch [Music] ES [Music] Rebellion [Music] lumos repairer [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 's pushings revelio foreign not that she deems to come here though I don't believe I've seen your face here before either it's my first time in hogsmeade actually is it really well your service and this is Jay Pippin's potions potions for all ailments you'll already tell the sign of course but grandfather always made me say it and fall how may I help you today Professor Weasley sent me to collect some recipes I'm new at Hogwarts you're the student she sent the owl about I set your things aside immediately I suspect that if you're anything like I was at your age you'd want your potion supplies is it not the most fascinating art potion making Rivals anything you can do with a wand I've always said a potion's really that versatile they may not be as sure as spell work but make no mistake they are just as powerful they can heal destroy protect you'll discover all of this soon enough as it's your first time in I should mention that it's not just pushing recipes SL I also offer ready-made drafts for all manner of uses and I unveil new ones from time to time pop in when you can so you don't miss out on anything but for now let's get you those recipes shall we what can I do today feel free to take a look at the rest of my inventory or come back another time if you're in a rush today [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] well hello there [Music] pardon me sir I'm here for the seeds Professor Weasley arranged for me to collect oh the dittany for the new fifth year I take it that's you then Merlin's beard starting Hogwarts is a fifth year you must be positively real informative not at all I'm choosing to see it all as one big adventure well Bravo no everyone has the temperament to take things as they come names Timothy Teasdale by the way and this is my shop the magic need I keep the cart out here because I like a good chat can't very well be in the thicker things if I'm in a way inside now can I I suppose not in addition to seeds I have plenty of plants grow everything myself my specialty is portion ingredients even Pippin purchases from me but while say we get you a packet of Disney seeds let me guess you're after something fresh do have a look around plenty of ingredients to pick your interest down would you that's everything I had to come find Natty [Music] all right [Music] Rebellion [Music] revelio foreign [Music] [Music] awesome Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] counting money [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] rebellious [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] hello oh come in come in welcome to Madame snelling's tress Emporium I'm sure I've no need to introduce myself [Music] they used to call me Snelly oh Snelly why aren't you studying to be an aura but I showed them they're stuck in the dust of the ministry and I'm here thriving absolutely thriving but look at you look at you I can certainly see why you paid me a visit looking for a change are we [Music] why not I say what sort of change some are going for that muggle with consumption sort of sort of you won't find poison so you see no need for claw lime or ammonia when you have magic spend a moment choosing how you'd like to look you can change your hair too if you'd like what services do you offer what is it you might be interested in [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs oh Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion lumos foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's look at what we have shall we [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I have everything I see what you meant about not being able to pick a favorite shop [Music] foreign I like it it's fun took it long enough goodness a second troll did you two take on a fully grown troll by yourselves I suppose so it's all a bit of a blur to be honest Merlin's beard are you all right we are and we were glad to help I'd say help is a bit of an understatement nerve like that the makings of an aura if you ask me if you are unharmed perhaps the two of you wouldn't mind helping me put a few things back to where they were of course officer singer officer singer and thank you again thank you one last thing for officer singer to worry about repairer lucky they didn't do more about you rebellious foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] extraordinaire I should like to thank you for your remarkable bravery in fighting those trolls and not to mention your help restoring hogsmeade to its rightful state I was happy to help frankly you deserve an order of Merlin but I could offer you something much more useful I own Glad Rags wizardware and among my inventory are some unique items that afford certain protections as it were life-saving protections and as I suspect this won't be your last dangerous encounter I'd like to give you one such set of robes in thanks for what you did today foreign [Music] that's very generous of you it's the least I can do now let's try this on for science shall we plenty of your perusal today take your time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I would say that we and you in particular have earned at least one butter beer shall we head to the three broomsticks sounds like a good idea [Music] where is my shop at your Jeep [Music] good morning assuming it is not too busy you might even meet sirona the owner she is a Charming Hostess and a powerful witch good one to know [Music] you said you could get to the child when they came to hogsmeade they're all you needed was a distraction I gave you a distraction I just watched a student take down your distraction child what are you not telling me all you need to know is that if you cannot get to the child then you have no value to me let's go do they see us I don't think so what was that Goblin doing with Victor Rookwood van rock is working with Rockwood the Goblin from The Daily Prophet I knew I'd seen him somewhere [Music] quickly let's get inside the three Broomsticks treat to see you Lord God I shall let you know if I hear anything thank you sirona you be well now what can I oh there's a face I haven't seen before my first time here welcome butterbeer is on me heard about the attack I shall be looking in on the other shopkeepers in Residence shortly to see you two escaped injury thanks to this troll is that right trolls in hogsmeade and that's never happened before something's not right the only brutes we usually have to deal with was that a lot Gog I saw leaving just now your client tells not what it used to be sirona not to worry Victor once the two of you leave the caliber of my clientele will greatly improve I wouldn't do that if I were you Theophilus come now no need for theatrics I'm only here for this one anyway my friend is enjoying a well-earned butter beer only want a quick word perhaps you didn't hear me I said my friend is busy one would think you all had enough Bloodshed for one day come the office the three broomsticks isn't what it used to be let's take out gallians elsewhere can't drink butter beer forever foreign what's your back Rookwood and Harlow are worse than any troll you might encounter trolls ran Rock and Rookwood promise to tell you but it's perhaps best I do that later I think that now might be a good time to head back to the castle [Music] ravelio [Music] I am certainly glad sirona was there and that she isn't intimidated by thugs like Brookwood and Harlow I want to understand what's going on and I hope you will tell me but for the moment we should return to the castle Professor Weasley will certainly hear about the troll attack soon if she hasn't already I don't want her to worry foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you oh don't tell me that's mug Rebellion [Music] what a lovely treat to have you water be sure tomorrow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] back here lumos repair [Music] you might some kind soul help me are you all right don't you know who I am zenobian Oak the girl whom everyone at school hates for no reason are the other students want more friends kind of you I suppose there are a few decent Souls here I wanted to make some new friends and so I bought my collection down to the common room my gobstone collection that is I was hoping someone would want to play are you familiar with gobstones little balls like marbles Grand game and if you lose they spray you with a foul-smelling liquid gobstones sounds like a fun challenge that's what I tried to tell everyone it's so cool to braid all over with smelly gobstones spit their own fault for losing Imelda is one of the worst losers ever written a story or a terrible as well and now those poor losers have taken my gobstones and hidden them in very high places all over the school rather an overreaction on their pot I'll say anyway I can't work out how to get them back on my own I don't think I know the necessary spells yet I need someone perhaps a selfless and talented fifth year to help me do you have any suggestions on how to get your gobstones down from their hiding spots if I knew that I'd get them myself whoever hid my gobstones that high haven't you any friends at school not really Natty said hello once but not a word since I'll see what I can do appreciate the help I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones back here oh that's one of cenobi's gobstones I hardly see what all the fuss is about yes Rebellion I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones Rebellion ah [Music] here [Music] I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones handy resource indeed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind actual [Music] lumos [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] rebellious lumos [Laughter] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] hello there perhaps you can help hello were you calling me I was yes thought you might be interested in joining me for a bit of an adventure following a treasure map to be precise slight respite from battling the old troll I should think ask poppy if she'd be interested as well but couldn't drag her away from her puff skin I found two maps lying about both leading to locations around Hogwarts care to have a look at one following a Hogwarts treasure map Count Me In wonderful Hogwarts fascinates me you can keep whatever treasure lies at the end of your map I'll be Satisfied just knowing where it leads very well I shall take a look if I can find the time fair enough meet me back here if you find anything [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] Professor do you have time to chat I always have time for my students how may I help you I wondered if I might ask how long you've been teaching at Hogwarts well it's been what now seven Swift years time does fly because we have fun essentially in my opinion an eager positive and confident mind is the most open to knowledge I find some of the professors may not agree with your approach well each of us has our own style I suppose some in the teaching field believe that hard work and dedication are the only keys to success but they forget what drives those things if one cannot fathom why some would expend energy on gobstones and one is blind to the enormous power of play and that's why you teach the way you do precisely I strive to be the sort of Professor that I would have enjoyed in school my experience was less cheerful I'm sorry to hear that sir it sounds as if your experience as a student was less than ideal had I received a more traditional education well enough about my student days you are here now and it would be a shame if you didn't enjoy it I'll do my best professor thank you for the advice you are the most welcome try to have a bit of fun today [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion Professor I'm glad to see you and I you thank Merlin you're in one piece I heard about the attack trolls in hogsmeade sir the trolls were wearing armor it had that dark glow like the dragon collar Goblin silver branrock used it to control the dragon but oh it's too they were there because of me I overheard ranrock talking with Victor Rookwood Grand Rock was in hogsmeade with Rookwood the trolls were ranrock's distractions so that Rookwood could get to me and he would have had sirona and the patrons at the three broomsticks not intervened this is great news indeed if ramrock's goblins and dark Wizards are after you they want what we found in that vault speaking of the Vault do you think that Round Rock is working with any of the Goblins at Gringotts I do not Gringotts goblins aren't typically the friendliest of beings but they have a great deal of Integrity no I dare say after what happened to that poor Banker the Goblins at Gringotts are no followers of ramrock they're off to the locket you said you discovered something in it yes yes I discovered an inscription when I read it aloud this map appeared clever enchantment it's a map of Hogwarts to be sure but I do not know where it leads it leads to the library the Restricted Section to be precise bit beyond I see traces of magic there on the map I suspected you would see something shall we go I appreciate your enthusiasm and I'm eager to discover what we may find there as well but if our experience at Gringotts let alone what happened to Miriam taught me anything it's that the path we're on is terribly dangerous I'd like you to work with Professor heckett a bit before we continue but sir how dangerous could the library be perhaps we're only after a book perhaps we are only after a book but we should be prepared for anything once you've honed your defensive magic further come and see me I'll let Professor Hackett know to expect you [Music] revelio foreign you can't imagine how inconvenient [Music] [Music] Rebellion thank you [Music] lumos foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] skeleton I'm on the right track Rebellion repairer [Music] revelio I'm here about the new spell you wanted to teach me professor magic assignments as such you are to learn incendio the fire making spell handy for lighting torches burning away spider webs and when necessary defending against those who would wish to do us harm sounds versatile quite but before we get started I I'd like you to complete a few tasks you may be surprised by some of them astonishing how much students don't think their professors know when you're finished come and see me then we shall begin working on incendio you know where to find me once you've finished [Music] seams crossed ones isn't a secret as it's believed to be thank you rebellious [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I think so we shall see who shows up there's no one in the school I'd be afraid to do I know Sebastian I know [Music] hello Lucan is the next round of cross ones all said why yes it is I've I'm ready let's do it are you dealing with a partner yes Nasi then let's get to it [Music] ready to rushed [Music] apologies in advance [Music] come on There Goes My wager [Music] get back on your spot some big hit that round Bravo I gave it my all you did indeed the other Duelists have already taken notice of you but after that last round they'll really have it in for you you'd better keep practicing if you want a chance at winning or at least surviving the next round I'll let you know when we're ready hope to see you then the next round is for all the gobstones so to speak [Music] thank you hello Lucan may I use the training dummy of course I'll fetch it and give you a list of combinations to practice ready to have a try now [Music] actually I might come back later suit yourself I'll be around when you're ready [Music] thank you hello Lucan I'm ready for practice glad you're not it ready to have a try now that would be wonderful be sure to cast all your spells before the dummy lands if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know back here that's it [Music] good one actually done so that's enough practice you looked good out there thank you Lucan I say better to discover one's weaknesses during practice than during a duel you'll be a fearsome Challenger now yeah assignment's all finished [Music] revelio [Music] oh revelio Rebellion foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] we haven't been down I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones [Music] I trustee was able to accommodate you and that you found success in your endeavors [Music] I finished all of the tasks you gave me Professor Hackett glad to hear it then you should be ready to learn and send you should be Professor yes I'm sorry to say I visited enough careless colleagues at cinemangers to assure you that fire is a Fickle servant your spell casting has impressed me thus far but please maintain Focus I would rather be not in today's lesson with your robes aflame let us begin and remember focus on the proper wand movement concentrate and keep your wand steady [Music] [Music] [Music] good work [Music] [Music] incendio I'm getting it keep at it and do try not to incinerate yourself [Music] foreign spare a moment I could use your help you wanted to speak with me I did hello I'm Duncan hobhouse pleasure to meet you I've heard all about you of course confronting trolls and Dragons that's nice to hear I have had my share of Adventure I hope my reputation's warranted I'm going to presume your reputation is in fact warranted in which case you are precisely the person I need you see we were learning to repel Bogarts in Professor heckett's class and well mine unfortunately took the shape of a a puff scheme they're adorable why would you be afraid of a puff skin they seem adorable until one sticks its tongue up your nose regardless of how reasonable I believe my fear of puff schemes to be I'm beginning to get a reputation as a coward some have even taken to calling me puff skin Duncan I'm sorry but you have to admit that's rather clever I do not have to admit that never said the same thing anyway to make matters worse I stupidly blurted out but I must be braver than people think since I have been in the hidden herbology Corridor the hidden herbology Corridor yes rumor has it that the herbology professor before Professor garlic kept dangerous plants there it's supposedly so overrun now that no one dares enter it anymore I was hoping you could go there and bring back evidence that I could use to show that well I'd gone in say a bit of an exceptionally dangerous plant of some kind what sort of plants should I expect in the hidden herbology Corridor I haven't a clue but have you seen the kinds of plants Professor garlic grows If the previous Professor was anything like her I'd imagine they're not exactly harmless very well if I'm in the area perhaps I shall take a look Grand I'd very much appreciate it come and find me if you get the proof I shall be forever in your debt hidden herbology card I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion these dry Vines are one spark away from becoming kindling this must be the entrance to the hidden apology corridor Devil's snare seems to thrive in darkness perhaps it doesn't care for light lumos incending lumos seems the devil's smell was protecting chest of some kind incendia lumos revelio lumos I imagine a piece of that enormous venomous tentacular would be enough for Duncan to prove his bravery incending anymore incendio Rebellion and send it Rebellion Rebellion [Music] [Music] lumos [Music] Rebellion oh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] revelia [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] another adventure are we [Music] [Music] revelio [Music] [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones [Music] have you found anything to prove my bravery yet hello Duncan I have the proof you wanted that's one leaf must have been a giant venomous tentacular it's even more than I expected I knew you were the one to ask I appreciate you getting it for me of course I hope this helps you prove yourself this is sure to put an end to Puffs in Duncan for good when I show everyone in the common room tonight this will show everyone how ridiculous that nickname was thank you again and have a good day I know I will thank you for all of your help no more puff skin dunking for me [Music] [Music] revelio thank you what are you up to now lumos ah there you are hello sir you'll be pleased to know that I worked on my defensive magic with Professor Heckard so I hear she tells me you've taken rather well to your new wand you must continue to work with her and your other professors to improve your skills that said I don't wish to postpone our visit to the library any longer so shall we proceed fig I have work for you come head must I'm with a student in my schedule your schedule will wait indefinitely as will your student I would think that after all the trouble you caused me with ozric you'd be eager to make amends my office five minutes that man is exasperating unfortunately our trip to the Restricted Section will have to wait a bit longer but Professor we have no choice it would be unwise to provoke our illustrious Headmaster further I shall find you when I've completed whatever toils I must endure [Music] Sebastian mentioned sneaking into the Restricted Section perhaps he'll have an idea foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind foreign [Music] there you are I was hoping to see you I was in the three broomsticks after the troll attack and saw what happened with Rookwood and Harlow not many students have Victor rookwood's attention what was that all about seems he's working with Round Rock and man rock is after something I found at Gringotts ramrock and when were you at Gringotts Professor fig and I ended up there after the dragon attack it's quite the tale fig had this portkey port key to Gringotts I'm not sure I follow I barely follow myself and I was there anyway we ended up in an ancient Vault where we found a map that map leads the Restricted Section you can't be serious deadly serious Professor fing has insisted that I not tell the soul about any of this I've probably said too much understood your secret's safe with me whatever it is thank you Sebastian you mentioned being clever enough not to get caught in the Restricted Section and I am meet me outside the library tonight and tell no one what will happen if we're caught in the Restricted Section detention no doubt but a word of caution or two will help for one avoid peeves the Poltergeist aside from wanting destruction of property he loves nothing more than telling on the likes of us How concerned should I be about the librarian Madame Scribner doesn't take coin to clandestine activities taking place amongst her precious books so do all that you can to avoid her she and I have had our entanglements but I can hold my own against her you may not be so lucky thank you Sebastian I'll meet you later [Music] foreign that's the door we need to reach and those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat on us to Scribner so don't let them see us understood I can be sneaky let's go hold on now there's a spell you should know the disillusionment charm good forgetting places you're not supposed to be cast it and you'll appear as little more than a trick of the light just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet you mean I'll actually be able to turn invisible something like that it's not as foolproof as a cloak but those are expensive and spells spells are free give it a try first [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you're quietly now I shall pretend I cannot see you [Music] lost the librarian's still here keep quick behind the bookcase you told me the librarian would be gone by now I said usually but it'll still be all right do you see her desk behind me the key is in the drawer of that desk now here's what we're going to do I'll create a distraction to draw her away you focus on getting the key I'll meet you outside of the Restricted Section distract I get the key understood I said I'd get you in and I always keep my word trust me the key here it is someone there is that your boobs that wasn't so difficult after all how to find that book Revenue oh that one's Charmed to look more useful than it is it's fooled me twice never judge a tone by its cover I say oh ghost don't let her see you foreign so what is it you've been looking for I'm looking for a cure to help my twin sister Anne so that she can return to Hogwarts because Merlin knows everyone else has given up why do you think we'll find the Cure in a Restricted Section does the Hogwarts Matrix no we've tried everyone from nurse Blaney to Saint mongos but I can research on my own no need to concern yourself with that right now let's focus on what you're after which is what Professor I'll know it when I see it you're being awfully cryptic [Music] yes Rebellion [Music] who have we best in Solo and his new little friend out exploring where they shouldn't be naughty naughty you'll get caughty peeves don't you town oh oh I've got to stop him or at least get to the librarian with a good excuse for all of this wait I don't want you getting into trouble for me I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters besides I like having friends who are in my debt now go good luck in your search Now where's that damned Poltergeist got to repair this armor repair Rebellion [Music] all right Rebellion lumos [Music] of course choices of ancient magic it must be watered that's it [Music] lumos revelio lumos Rebellion [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion am I this lead [Music] foreign [Music] lumos repairer Rebellion not surprising God's at the ready [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] thank you let yourself lumos [Music] foreign this must be the way forward but to where [Music] let the ocean foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] it is a book after all foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you wanted to see me I had mistress Fitzgerald Professor Rackham this is the Dora Morgan Arch welcome Professor Rookwood Professor Bacall we understand that you are adjusting wealth to life at Hogwarts I am I am glad especially in life of your unusual situation starting as a fifth year as it happens I was also admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year I have never heard of another like us miss morganock when we spoke yesterday after class you asked about the beautiful swirls you saw years ago when we visited your Hammer I recognized you all immediately I cannot thank you enough for what you did we were glad to help and yes I did see swirls of magic everywhere that day my father insists it was My Imagination Running Wild but it was certainly real to me it was not your imagination first of all Professor Rackham can see them too but we have never known of another who could I don't understand what are they The Whispers or traces that appear when a particular form of ancient magic is wielded ancient magic few are capable of wielding it Hogwarts itself is a stronghold of ancient Magic so if I can see traces of ancient magic does that mean I can wield it too with the proper training but let us not get ahead of ourselves Miss Morgan before I can train you to wield such Magic you must first master all that Hogwarts has to offer a magic this great harm in the wrong hands it must buy a select View as such we ask that you not speak to anyone about what we have discussed here today [Music] Sebastian [Music] sneaking in the Restricted Section again I had thought we were through with this mischief clearly detentions are insufficient I'm afraid I must take this to the Headmaster but is that being said peeves informs me that you didn't come alone tonight someone has coerced you I would have you tell me you're a bright boy don't waste this there was nobody else I came alone oh Sebastian what will your uncle say [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] you cannot be serious goblins working with Rookwood makes no sense it is rather unorthodox to say the least unorthodox it's inconceivable it's ah fig you have a visitor I'll see what I can find out hmm so I was able to search the Restricted Section while you were with Professor black it was a book we were after what that's wait you access the Restricted Section but how thinking on it perhaps it's best you spare me the details fair enough in fact the book was below the Restricted Section as it appeared on the map I want to hear everything first let's have a look ah oh dear some of these Pages seem to be missing it appears someone has got to the book before us [Music] still I will need time to study what remains perhaps we can still Salvage something useful that may take some time I wonder why it was here below Hogwarts I think I know sir I saw two more memories where I found the book another pensive godric's heart the man we saw before Passover Rackham was a professor here the first memory showed him and three other professors using ancient magic to restore a hamlet from a drought Miriam was right and the second memory they were talking to a student who started as a fifth year like I did she could see traces of magic too why those memories perhaps this book will explain now I'll have to take it with me to London the Headmaster has insisted that I speak directly to the minister about George's death [Music] what will you tell them about Mr oswick's death I don't know how much I dare say George tried to convince the ministry about ran Rock but to no avail my instinct is to follow the path we are on for the moment and keep the details to ourselves until we know more [Music] I understand I'll see what I can learn about the missing pages while you're gone good don't neglect your studies your wand work is improving by the day but you'll want to pay attention in herbology and Potions there's more to Magic than spell casting plenty to keep me occupied while you're gone you've done exceptionally well I look forward to seeing all that you've accomplished when I return oh and don't neglect your friends you may be surprised by how much you can learn from them as well foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] as soon as possible I would like Hollow and it might be best to do so outside of the castle it's time to prove your dueling metal and see if we have a new school Champion meet me at the usual place for the final round of crossed ones also the training dummy is still available Professor fig and Weasley have asked that I teach you an additional defensive spell please complete the assignments I have given you and then proceed to see me in my classroom foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] punches onion again [Music] good morning Professor garlic how wonderful it is to see you again Lenora dear oh here you'll need these for today's class um a little treat for your auntie [Music] oh hello class please welcome the newest Rose in our garden I do look forward to Growing together [Music] how thrilling it is to have everyone back together again this year will be filled with an enchantments and excitement but the most important thing cultivated in her biology is knowledge The Prudent herbologist is no more afraid of the venomous tentacular than the bouncing bulb no then today we will be acquainting ourselves with the mellifluous tuber known as the Mandrake route Akio let's see if we can't make our fibrous friends a bit more comfortable shall we first let's protect our ears [Music] now everyone grip their Mandrake by the tendrils and give it a firm tug [Music] thank you [Music] the soil should envelop the root like a warm dirty blanket put a mandrake right at ease [Music] I'm very sorry about that yours was a bit mature I'm afraid all right then off you go Splendid work everyone [Music] now for our next task we'll be planting dittany at our potting tables you can all get stuff I wonder if hippogriffs like not grass [Music] yes professor firstly well done with your Mandrake they can be rather difficult to get a grasp of [Music] but actually I enjoyed it I couldn't help but catch your enthusiasm ah kind of you it seems you're already taking to herbology like a mandrake to Fresh soil now as I mentioned next we'll be planting destiny let's find you some seeds I already have some Professor pick them up in hogsmead magic neap wonderful bad student is I've arranged view to our own potting table a classroom it's easy to spare one on such late notice plant the seats there now and you can return to harvest them later even with soil sunlight and a bit of magic they will take time to grow let's see how to balance my staff thistle Arrangement mifflers fancy or roses Disney's restorative properties make it a vital ingredient in the wig and weld potion as you all should know from Professor Sharp's class [Music] well done once it can be harvested your destiny will be ready to use in Wicked World potion I'll let Professor sharp tell you about that to a different cabbage you'll find that some plants are better suited to uses outside of a cauldron the cabbages do get testy without something to chew fortunately I have a dummy for them to gnaw on beer deer and let them have a good jumping yes Professor they're in the other Greenhouse it's just at the end of the Footbridge leading out of this room your classmate Mr Pruitt has kindly offered to accompany you come back and see me when you're finished oh and mind your fingers they do bite hello [Music] saw you on your way to hogsmeade the other day nice to meet you I'm Leander I'll be showing you the Chinese chomping cabbages up these stairs I'll take us there but your lead [Music] nice works by the way excuse me your Jewel was Sebastian and he's good thinks he's really good foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it was brilliant oh well thank you I nearly put Sebastian in his place myself I mean I would have if Hackett hadn't stopped me didn't she stop that dragon skull from crushing you typical Slytherin trick dropping a dragon skull on someone during it here we are home of the Chinese chomping cabbage now see that dummy just toss the cabbages out of it and they'll do the rest [Music] look at that well Trump on anything they can get there my mouth's on mum planted some of her garden last year to keep the Gnomes out did save her the denoming but they left their honking daffodils in tatters it's just little bastards aren't they my kind of plants not like stupid booba tubers and bouncing bulbs the kind of plants that just have your back in a fight I'm not saying you can't go it alone but well imagine that wasn't a dummy [Music] I suppose they could prove useful outside of the greenhouse nothing wrong with a bit of backup even if it is from a cabbage it's chaos out there trolls in hogsmead and such you can't be above throwing a cruciferous vegetable if necessary dog weed and death cap has more of them if you're Keen other plants too once your parents wouldn't plant in the garden you get the idea anyway we uh probably want to head back to class take your time I'll see you back in class Rebellion [Music] thank you [Music] for that helpful reminder as to why we should always wear our Dragon hide gloves I shall end our lesson here all right Mr clopton chomping cabbages Professor remarkable plants aren't they I hope they weren't too much trouble oh don't see any bite marks or missing digits I'm good as you do seem to be quite green fingered oh I'm eager to see your skill in the soil continue to Blossom [Music] magical plants have so much to offer I'm eager to learn more I'm could you come by for a chat sometime I still enjoy checking in with my new students [Music] are really relishing their new pots only cost me my damned hearing come on this as well as friendships kindness and concern are as necessary foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] potions is one of the most challenging and hazardous subjects taught at this school as fifth years you will be required to reach new heights of both discipline and intellect you will begin this term by brewing a Wigan weld potion Mr takar can you tell us why this particular potion might come in handy yes Professor sharp the wig and weld potion can be used to sterilize and even heal a variety of injuries it can heal some injuries but not all points for Ravenclaw before today's class is completed each of you will have brewed a wig and weld potion of your own you never know when you might need it please begin [Music] use a strong even motion when crushing your ingredients please be meticulous when adding powder to your potions one errant sneeze could be disastrous [Music] foreign [Music] how to stir hmm not an easy potion to brew well done and from what I hear of your recent exploits in hogsmead you'd also do well to practice Brewing the defensive enduras potion Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from Jay Pippins correct yes sir good for the moment you can find the ingredients you need in my office but in the future you'll be expected to provide your own ingredients some can be harvested from the plants you grow in your herbology class and rarer ones can be purchased others however may be harder to obtain and will require you to be a bit more resourceful come and see me when you finished Brewing and we'll see if it was skill or luck the first time around [Music] thank you come on my parents considered keeping me home Professor sharp said that wig and weld potion can treat injuries hope I never need it [Music] should you chop the Disney Professor what should I be doing again you should have collected the ingredients from my office and begun brewing a potion at your cauldron finish your potion and then return to me [Music] did I hear Professor sharp say that you have permission to go into his office he did say that he wants me to get more ingredients to brew another potion brilliant my friend had been presented with an extraordinary opportunity you remember me don't you Gareth Weasley ah yes we met in the common room listen anyone with a troll-sized brain can Brew in a Juris potion I'm working on something that's certain to be spectacular I'm just missing one tiny last ingredient that will add that extra spark I suspect that's where I come in you're as clever as I'd hoped I simply need a single fupa feather as you'll already be in Sharp's office with his permission perhaps you could grab it for me I'll get you the fuper feather as long as your certain shop won't miss it I assure you he won't flip feathers aren't that valuable wait until you see what I'm brewing hurry back to me when you have the feather [Music] your potion should not be there no Rebellion [Music] ocean stations organized and free of clutter here's the Flopper feather you wanted brilliant thank you this is going to take a moment to brew you should get back to Brewing you're a Juris potion and I'll tell you when this concoction's finished [Music] efficiency and Potions are two things foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] and now we add the mallow suite and that's odd what's happening wait it's not supposed to get it what happened [Music] well done Gareth what now Mr Weasley sorry Professor that'll be points from Gryffindor again Mr Weasley did not do this on his own his accomplice will answer to me as well [Music] brood and adora's potion as you asked Professor I'm surprised you had the time you seemed rather busy helping Mr Weasley Brew chaos [Music] I'm sorry Professor I was merely trying to help a friend taking responsibility for one's actions does go a long way with me I shall assume that you've learned a lesson as for the work you did today at your own cauldron I will say you've done well I confess I was skeptical given the advanced nature of this class and the fact you're a new student I'm glad I was able to meet your expectations a rare occurrence and you do well to remember that you're not a potions Master quite yet in addition to having a solid grasp of how to combine various ingredients you should gain an understanding of the ingredients themselves pay particular attention in herbology the plants you nurture there are often essential to the potions you brew here now I recommend that you find a safe location in which to practice Brewing you cannot leave a hot cauldron simply anywhere but are we all I think each of us has had enough excitement for one day classes dismissed [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you it's meant here I come [Music] on thank you just let me know if there's something in particular you're looking for [Music] a pleasure doing business with you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let me know if there's anything else I can do to help [Music] [Music] thank you future Champion coming through hello Lucan is the final round of cross ones ready big match today it all comes down to this the moment that we find out if you're training and dedication is enough to win it all ready for a shot at glory I certainly am brilliant are you dealing with a partner [Music] yes Natty then let's get started [Music] we can make this a real victory that's the spirit [Music] thank you [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] incendio incendio [Music] what's a victory ornaments I'm just pleased to have done as well as I did I'm eyes and so it is my great honor to present you with this simple yet elegant token of supreme dueling accomplishment thank you it's been an honor you earned it you are a Jewish to be reckoned with now that we've definitively crowned the tournament winner I suppose I should get back to my schoolwork wonder how my herbology plants are doing I haven't tended them in ages [Music] hello Lucan I'd like to practice with the training dummy excellent idea this time will be a bit more of a challenge ready that would be brilliant wonderful I'll set things up remember to cast all the spell combinations before the dummy lands again if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know [Music] [Music] that's it [Music] excellent four [Music] that was something incentive [Music] [Music] and send it let me guess impressive wand work I'd hate to face you in a jewel thanks Lucan great help I'll stop don't make me blush seriously well done training dummies will think twice before challenging you again even though you won the tournament already I'm glad to see you haven't stopped training stay sharp my friend [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what are you up to now revelia foreign this looks intriguing Rebellion [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I should investigate Rebellion foreign it is good to see you my friend assistance hello can I help you oh thank goodness yes my name is Grace pinch Smedley of the bath pinch medleys I was hoping someone would come along soon I was about to defy my father's wishes and would never have forgiven myself you see I need to retrieve something from the bottom of the lake might you be the one to help me diving into the lake sounds like an adventure tell me more Splendid precisely the response I'd hoped for or do you need help retrieving years ago my grandfather who fancied himself quite the astronomer set sail from hogsmeade station for what was meant to be a quick star gazing cruise with my grandmother they never returned I'm so sorry what happened to them we can't be sure we only know that neither they nor their boat made it back to shore they were presumed drowned father was so distraught that he forbade our family from setting foot on or in the Black Lake ever again treasured family astrally vanished with them that night if you could dive down and retrieve it I may be able to bring my father some peace you seem to think I might have heard of the bath bench medleys why would I know your family that's like asking why the sky is blue or grass is green the pinch-smedly name is synonymous with intellectual curiosity we are known for our contributions to science and art I'm surprised you haven't heard of us frankly but with all I plan to discover about the world around us those that don't yet know the name certainly one day will what exactly is an astrolabe it's an astonishing ancient navigational tool essentially a handheld model of the universe it's mainly used for studying the Stars astronomical Pursuits but it has nearly a thousand uses fascinating device sadly I'd imagine it's rusted Beyond repair now still we'd love to have it returned to us it would be like getting a bit of my grandparents back [Music] hmm it sounds dangerous especially for something of Mis sentimental value I understand but I'd be forever grateful of course you may discover much more than the astrolabe anything else you found would be all yours I've cross-referenced the vessel's last alleged location against the Lakes topography depth charts and tide schedule my best guess is that it's just over there about a furlong from the dock it would be wonderful to have my grandfather's astrolabe back I do hope you find the astrolabe it would mean so much to our family it sounds as if our astrolabe is just Northeast of the dock I should dive down and see foreign [Music] [Applause] Grace what was it you needed my help with I was hoping you could dive down and this must be where the pink Smedley Family Australia is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign Grace know that I found her family astrolabe [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign thank you terribly difficult hello Grace I followed your bearings on a dive in the Black Lake oh how incredible did you find the astrolabe I did I hope it makes your father happy it will can't wait to see his face thank you so so and for my family it's to dive a diver of your caliber is certain to find all sorts of things down there thank you again and I do hope you keep diving you certainly have a knack for finding treasure Rebellion thank you pardon me is everything all right hardly I've just lost my business and almost my life you'd best look elsewhere for Wares I have nothing to sell now I thought it'd come to this be on your guard ramroc and his loyalists will spare no one they attacked you oh van Rock has no patience for goblins who won't join him while I too would like to see Goblin Kind treated by Wizards as equals Bloodshed is not the answer when I said as much they turned on me struck me till I nearly passed out took my car to my belongings even that which is most precious to me my paintings there's Round Rock's lot ever attacked you like this before taunting and threatening me for a while now but they've always believed that violence is the only way to get what they want things have taken a much darker turn of late ramrock is getting more powerful and his loyalists know it I feel Untouchable ramrock assumed that all goblins would agree to follow him but he was wrong many of us would like a diplomatic end to the Discord with wizard kind you mentioned that your paintings were taken are you a painter I am though most would think it an unusual path for a goblin most of my family work in metal or associated with gring Gods I'd wager my finest brush that ramrock's law I have no appreciation for any of my work and it will be tossed aside for kindling without my cut to my livelihood who knows when I'll be able to paint again I'm sorry this happened to you certainly keep an eye out for your cards that is very kind of you but I think they took them to their Camp Southwest of here just passing ruins too dangerous to try and retrieve them I did enchant the carts to return to me if I ever lost them however slim though the chances may be I'm holding out hope that some of what was taken is return to me it was nice meeting you I wish it had been under better circumstances hello sir what do you sell here hello I'm Jalal semi and this is my portion shop I can answer any questions you have about the town what do you have for sale what can I help you with today [Music] I hope to see you again sometime [Music] thank you revelia I wonder who lives here after what ramrock did to that Goblin bankrupt Gringotts I should I should surprised at what happened to on if you're here for my ways I laughs Rebellion foreign it is good to see you my friend hello Natty how are you I hope you've recovered from our rather eventful trip to hogsmead I am well but I have been worried about you my friend with ranrock and Rookwood and Harlow after you I'm all right at the moment we did not speak about it at the time but I am hoping now you might tell me why they were looking for you they want something that Professor fig and I found at Gringotts when were you green Gods just before we came to Hogwarts in fact it's why I was late to the Sorting ceremony a portkey brought us there after the dragon attacked our Carriage what on Earth there's one more thing it's a bit odd if I'm honest Professor figs says I have a rare connection to a powerful form of ancient magic is that the magic you used fighting the trolls in hogsmead I think so I'm still learning but I can see traces of it and I've cast magic I can't otherwise explain I know that's a lot to absorb it is and I will have more questions for now it is safe to say that rukut and Halo are a threat to both of us to all of us which is why I wanted to speak to you I realized something that Dan Hogs meet you displayed such courage fighting that Troll and sirona was an intimidated one bit by Rookwood and Harlow both of you have inspired me to take a stand of my own what sort of stand men like Rookwood and Halo are the reason my mother and I left matibily land I am not going to sit by and watch them destroy my new home um good Rookwood and Harlow are a dangerous pair and the fact that they're working with Round Rock well are there more reason they must be stopped rumor has it that Theophilus Harlow runs rookwood's day-to-day operations taking him down with crippled rookwood's entire Enterprise that may be true but shouldn't officer singer handle someone like Harlow I spoke with her she was polite but perhaps understandably would not discuss details with a student I overheard some of Rookwood talking about a massive poaching operation that Hollow is planning I was thinking that we could investigate a bit try to get the evidence that officers singer needs all right but how I am going to watch and listen find out precisely what Hollow is up to I shall reach out when I know more in the meantime remember I am here if you need me thank you Natty be on your card [Music] what's going on here [Music] if you're here for my Wares I'm afraid I still don't have my cards they must have come this way think I have no idea who it is you think I might have seen I've been busy with my research I do not have time to Victor Rook would don't give a dog she's nip at your time I speak of the devil Mr Rookwood would like a word with you a student you can't be enough out of you leave her alone [Music] oh watch the light go out of your eyes I'm not going anywhere with you to your knees you've made a great mistake finding himself just happened I've never been accosted Rebellion I'm so close to Hogwarts all right are you all right I am thanks in no small parts to your excellent defensive skills could you tell me why two ashwinders were ready to dispatch me to get to you ass finders Victor rookwood's thieves and extortionists his little cronies they seemed quite keen on you it's a long story but thank you for your help hmm well you've avoided them for the moment prayer warned me things were getting dangerous best get moving on my research before they return you mentioned someone named Priya yes my wife she's the one who piqued my interest in Merlin gave me a book when we were students at Hogwarts typical hard-working Hufflepuff brilliant potionaire has her own shop in knock Town alley she's a traveling vendor here's what's going on in the highlands before I do you're a researcher nor a Treadwell At Your Service historian and archaeologists specializing in Merlin's work and life I thought that Merlin and the tales about King Arthur's Court were a myth Key Circle Duggan didn't hear you chat is on endlessly about his connection to Merlin from his portrait at Hogwarts Merlin attended Hogwarts you know and I'm studying some Curious fixtures he left here centuries ago fixtures these Vine covered pillars dozens of them all around the area I've taken to calling them the trials of Merlin I believe he created them as a diversion for his fellow slytherins he was terribly fond of puzzles and enigmas I can see why you're so interested in Merlin I'd be Keen to know more about the trials well then I'll let you in on a little secret no one has yet managed to figure out how they work but I believe I have just unlocked a crucial clue I suspect that mallow Suite is an important component in getting the trials to work mallow sweet versatile herb Merlin repeatedly mentioned it in his writings I had just arrived to test my theory when I was so rudely interrupted you see each swirl in Merlin's writing has its symbol in the center that started me thinking what if the mallow Suite is meant to be placed at the center of the symbols precisely would you care to do the honors we can see what comes of our little hypothesis I brought a trunk chock full of Malo sweet with me it's just over there by my tent this trunk yes take plenty even if you already have some I have the mallow Suite lovely now notice the vines on these pillars here as well as a stone swell on the ground each trial has these features place the mallow Suite on the swirl and we'll see what happens okay [Music] did you see that the vines disappeared what should I do now is Uncharted Territory [Music] revelia [Music] thank you love yourself [Music] the Flames make the pie sink curious the piers are back where they started [Music] thank you in San Diego clearly all three of these pies are meant to be lit [Music] it's Sunday how beautiful what a day I can hardly believe it revelio I take it we can call that a success we can indeed however I now have even more questions [Music] I may have missed have missed are all of the trials like this one hmm oh not precisely well I think each has those Telltale Vines and the swell on the ground you should feel free to solve them as you come across them I believe I have what I need to continue my research my guess is that each will also require mallow Suite you can find in hogsmeade should you need more I really must be of such a pleasure to meet you [Music] and do be careful out here now I've got what I needed I shall return to the safety of my notes and books [Music] thank you [Music] so Nicholas our house ghost is looking for you you can find him near the Great Hall thank you after what randrock did to that Goblin Banker at Gringotts I shouldn't be surprised at what happened to on [Music] foreign yes [Music] there's a victory Rebellion [Music] I know what that means Marlin trial incendio incendio lumos [Music] thank you [Music] all right stupid ah an encampment this must be it you ought to come because if there's more than one way to enter and will regret not joining us if he doesn't come round now he'll be made even more of an example many of you are there protector [Music] try this [Music] love you huh instantly Red Rock will need us here you can't stop out here laughs could it be a Merlin trial I know I heard something not your best moment I fear that was quite something now to free Arn's cards Rebellion revelio quite an enchantment the carts returning to arm back here foreign [Music] huh [Music] [Music] foreign place [Music] if you're here for my win I have good news your carts are on their way back I don't know what to say any hope I have of getting my belongings back was quickly fading ramrock slot called me a fool for believing in the good and wizard kind thank you for proving them wrong the ones I faced were determined to make things difficult I'm glad you're all right oh I can't wait to have my things back especially my paints ah you know you've inspired me I've been dealing with witches and wizards for years and we've always got along just fine but my next piece will be a tribute to all that is good between us what's a nice idea on and wish you luck with it oh I can't wait to get started thank you again for all you've done [Music] but I can't survive I'd be happy to show you my Wares [Music] why don't you have a little peruse [Music] there we are then that'll do nicely I'm sure I appreciate you stopping by be sure to visit me again won't you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] that was an interesting class thanks to you wasn't precisely what I had in mind but it was still brilliant I appreciate your help I hope sharp wasn't too disagreeable when you handed in your potion heard him talking about taking responsibility oh Professor sharp was annoyed but we sorted it out no harm cheers for that he probably had a good chuckle after we left sharp may seem Gruff but I'd bet a few galleons he blew up a potion or two in his day best be off next time we talk I promise fewer explosions you calling me Gareth I was after you helped me with that fupa feather impotions I reckoned you might be just the person I need you see I have an idea for a fizzing whispy inspired beverage but I'm missing a key ingredient you and your concoctions I don't know how you come up with these things it's a gift truly so key ingredient in fizzing wisbees is dried Billy wigs things I heard there's a store of them in honeyduke Cellar I'd get them myself but my aunt Matilda has her eye on me thinks I need to focus on potions class for a while not for my own bruise I was hoping you could follow a secret passage The honeyduke Cellar and grab a few dried Billy wigs things for me sounds simple enough and who wouldn't want to go to honeydukes ah brilliant thank you the passage is hidden behind the statue of a one-eyed witch in the third floor Corridor just tap it with your wand and say descendium I'll see what I can do Gareth fair enough you shall be the first one to taste my newest Brew if you can be of help perhaps I can convince the meat to help me with my potions homework get my aunt to loosen her reins a bit [Music] I'll need to get those dried Billy do them with me for a moment I'm one-eyed witch statue shouldn't be too hard to find Rebellion this looks like the right statue sword descendium [Music] goodness who knew this was all down there revelio a lift must be how I get down looks broken though repair that seems to have done the trick [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion this Castle will never cease to surprise me revelia incendio [Music] I'm trapped how am I supposed to get out of here back here if I could lift this platform I think I could get it to work instead thank you foreign lumos Rebellion ah I'm going to have to get past this Rebellion repairable Rebellion incendio [Music] yeah one more to go and I'll make it across repair something is getting in the way of that platform [Applause] that did the trick Rebellion this must be the way out huh [Applause] I need to find a way to open that gate and send it something smells sweet must be close to honeydukes sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade Rebellion smell the chocolate chocolate now why would I find the dried Billy wig stings for Gareth Billy witch things now back to Gareth I can only imagine how his new recipe is going to turn out [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hello Gareth I have those dried Billy wigs things you got them incredible happy to help here you go this is this is brilliant can't wait to get started thank you again I'll let you know when I brewed my first batch of fizzing whiz beer [Music] are you there uh yes you I wonder if you might uh come with me for a moment he wants to see me sir yes sir Nicholas de Mimsy portmington At Your Service nice to meet you sir Nicholas I know about the book you found and it's missing pages I may be able to help follow me if you will it's not too far wait how do you know about the book and that it's missing pages word gets around amongst the ghosts you were spotted with Mr sallow in the Restricted Section don't worry your secret's safe with me [Music] [Music] revelio [Music] this may be a leap but I believe I know who ended up with those pages I'd be happy to take you to him if he'd be so kind as to perform a small favor for me along the way a small favor in exchange for getting those pages yes it's not it's not a value [Music] [Music] I beg you pardon roast beef rotten roast beef that is correct rotten roast beef if one floats through it just right you can almost rebellious suppose I can do that but why me it's simple my young friend my ghostly form cannot carry carrot now if you'd be so kind to collect the roast beef I shall explain everything else in June course foreign [Music] head on in did you say tickle the pear [Music] I do try not to get in the way of the house Rebellion I'm already imagining sweet aroma [Music] laughs [Music] our students what is it delicious food Rebellion sounds a bit peckish likely [Music] it smells glorious in here here's a welcome treat hmm here's some beef but it's not rotten I best keep looking Rebellion ugh there's a disgusting smell I must be getting close I think he gets for you a pumpkin pasta some Welsh rabbit sounds lovely but what I really need is this rotten roast beef ah sent you didn't see please help yourself thank you sir pauses Nick's tired a loitering about simpler to experience the faintest memory of the taste of food [Music] do you and the other house elves conjure the food served in the Great Hall goodness no no not even how selves could conjure food out of thin air food is one of the five principal exceptions tagamp's law of Elemental Transfiguration oh we can however multiply it transform it and of course prepare it then we send it straight up to the Great Hall are there any restrictions as to what you can make here think he suppose is not however think he has had the best luck with the many recipes left by Helga Hufflepuff her Quinn's Pie has always been a favorite but the new fangled eyebrow Smokies are becoming popular as well is it all right for students to wander into the kitchens well since you asked that supposed to be in the kitchens but think he doesn't mind fixing that lifts funky Spirits more than the company of students Billy get visitors and we have plenty of treats come back anytime you please [Music] it was nice to meet you thank you for the beef it's a help to meet you as well please give Nick finke's regards [Music] knew all of this was going on right beneath our feet [Music] here's a welcome treat delicious ah you're back no trouble I take it not at all Finke sends her regards along with the rotten roast beef ah glad to hear it kind of vinky now let's get that beef to Sir Patrick Delaney podmore and you'll be one step closer to finding those pages this is all while the cryptics are Nicholas what's going on terribly sorry I'm getting ahead of myself Sir Patrick organizes the Headless hunt a group of headless ghosts who gather for various headless activities headless activities yes you'll see anyway don't know how but a member of that hunt Richard jackdaw had the page is when he was alive my plan it take the rotten roast beef to Sir Patrick so that he'll allow me to engage with the hunt and speak to jackdaw uh shall we I thought the rotten Rose beef was for you it is in a way you see I've been trying to gain access to the hunt for quite some time offering the beef to Patrick may help me in that regard one of course also helping you what am I supposed to do when we meet the hunt allow me to do the talking they can be a rather super silliest lot I'm certain they'll be welcoming to you however in no small part due to the rotten roast beef you will come bearing is the Headless hunt dangerous oh the Headless hunt wouldn't hurt a fly let alone a student just a group of fun-loving headless ghosts very well I'd like to meet Sir Patrick myself and see this headless hunt ah wonderful you won't regret it [Music] [Music] Tuesday behind him that's a Patrick we want look who's here what have we told you nearly headless Nick pillows around two letters pass we brought a little something for Sir Patrick probably haven't tried a bag his way in again do they always taught you like that Holy good fun once the Patrick lets me join the Headless hunt hobby right there with them this offering is sure to win him over oh don't forget why I'm here sir best assort you'll have your information from Young Jack tour in no time wherever he may be what I'd give for a flagon of mead or a nice leg of lamb right about now then this party would be complete how about the next best thing Sir Patrick ah Sir Nicholas and a student who let you in uh we brought you a gift [Music] this is all very suspicious what do you really want as if I need to ask um it's Richard Chapel where can we find him uh maybe we speak to him jack tour eh why here he is now what a shame without his head I bet you've always wondered what that's like okay Nick sir you Jess it's bound to be around here somewhere used in a game if you find it I give you my permission to speak with him my young model it's the least I can do for you for bringing this this cute Crescent gift um sir there's another matter I wish to discuss with you if I'm not that's a Nicholas how many times do I have to tell you are entry requirements are quite clear but sir we aren't the Headless except for a little bit of tendon hunt after all now please follow me and I shall help you find your way [Music] out Badger luck with these chaps will be better than mine [Music] My Immortal Life revelia hmm a map it doesn't appear to be connected to the missing pages best hang on to it for now the ghosts with their heads while away the afterlife thank you [Music] who will be next to play our little game of hide and seek amongst the pumpkins hello again can you help me ah sir Nicholas's young friend has he abandoned you not at all I need to speak to Richard jackdaw so Patrick said his head might be around her somewhere indeed it might be hmm it is a bit unorthodox to include a mortal but if you do wish to speak with him but why not if you can find his head amongst these pumpkins not just once but five times good old dumfry will move the head to a different spot each time you find it those are the rules what say you how did you happen to become a member of the Headless hunt I was executed alongside some fellow mutineers we didn't like the way things were being run in our County so we took matters into our own hands treason is such a strong word but that's what we were found guilty of things would have turned out much better if they'd let me be in charge [Music] why are you using jackdaw's head for this game well if you must know jackdaw's our newest member so we like to put him through his paces thank you if that's what I need to do to speak to jackdaw I'll do it ghosts you can simply bloused away to your heart's content remember the game's not over until you find him five times big in cast away until you find him looks like we need to find another number whatever you say dumb free this is not my finest moment stop [Music] [Music] it won't be longer and we'll find him this mess [Music] thank you Rebellion why did I come back here who would have thought a mortal would be so good at this you've almost got him [Music] revelia oh what fun [Music] ctions rebellious how delightful I could do that too if I had him here we go again and then I would be the one to clean up this mess revelio [Music] it won't be long now you won't find him [Music] well done of course having a wand served you well still I believe congratulations are in order not too bad for Immortal now say what you need to say to Old Jack Doria you've earned it nicely done but what's going on you're not a member of the Headless hunt no I'm not Sir Nicholas said you might know the location of some pages I'm looking for Merlin's beard I know precisely the ones you mean I pinched them from how could I forget the map on those pages led me to my demise I was not ready for what awaited me in that cave the pages are likely still molding away with Maya remains quite a final Adventure I must confess the pages are why you lost your head and I must visit a cave and search for your corpse yes you think a decapitated ghost would get used to the word corpse say here's an idea why don't you meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I'll show you where to go did someone in the cave cut off your head I was having a look around when I suddenly sensed a refreshing Breeze after which I felt well light-headed that's all I remember hence when you visit be prepared I can't tell you what for specifically but do you seem a perceptive sort beware a light Breeze what will I find in the cave aside from my mortal remains if I remember correctly some Treasures a magical Bridge but what kind of an adventure would it be if I spoiled the surprises for you [Music] steal from peeves are poltergeist I did I just deal over pages from his ghostly form I merely found them in his wake of Destruction he has a bombshell for Wrecking things books bottles suits of armor whatever's likely to cause the most chaos I found them after he ran Riot through the library doubt even noticed they were gone I need those pages so I suppose I'd better meet you thank you not to worry I'll just need to be reunited with my body first but don't freaking handle that see you at the forest's edge [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] foreign broadens the mind [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you I hope you're able to take care of everything I had asked you to do Professor I completed all of your most recent assignments well done then you're ready to learn Expelliarmus pay close attention the disarming charm May often be all you need to defeat the most powerful dark witches and wizards you might encounter spell casting requires a focused mind and a steady world good work the dummy is here if you wish to stay in practice you seem to have the right end of the stick but keep practicing Expelliarmus May save your life one day [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder [Music] rebelio [Music] foreign [Music] you can feed a beast as loud as a troll you are time instantly what have you done marvelous [Music] when our expectations Rebellion thank you took that time is all I was saying who's there I think time to get my claws out you may want to move thank you Rebellion Hogwarts is very lucky they've got protection charm thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this hello Mr semi what can I do for you what do you have for sale what can I help you with today I'll have no trouble selling this thank you I hope to see you again sometime [Music] foreign [Music] another adventure are we [Music] good [Music] here I am as good as my word we meet again Richard jackdaw I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see you just like a Gryffindor to Brave the Forbidden Forest and pursuit of Adventure well said now where do we go from here follow me I shall lead you as far as I can but I fear I may remain a tad reluctant to revisit the scene of My Demise keep your eyes open for a bird bath when you find it say intramuros I think it's Latin or Greek as you can imagine I never paid much attention in school shall we aside from the bird bath anything else I should look for indeed a few landmarks a stone bridge a waterfall and if I recall a lake you'll see you've been very helpful thank you surprising how much of rebellion rather unfortunately coming back to me hmm you know the closer we get the more I'm remembering probably best I leave you to it simply stick to the path and keep a sharp eye out for that bird bath had you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and send you revelio [Music] the waterfall for a thief Jackal surprisingly as good as his word [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh nothing to do now but keep going [Music] the waterfall for a thief jackdaws surprisingly as good as his word [Music] good Ness back here [Music] revelio [Music] something oddly solemn about this place such Regal creatures stacked where it is [Music] intramuros [Music] aren't you a little far from home Ren Rock knew you'd eventually lead us to whatever it is you're hiding really not very good yeah you've been paying attention I will make you pay back [Music] foreign let's see where Jack door has led me I wonder how big this place is I can shoot the symbol but it doesn't stay lit for long oh light all three before they time out for me I suppose I should do this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] beautiful [Music] Rebellion thank you yeah I wonder if I can move that platform somehow back here foreign that's it [Music] repairer revelia [Music] I'm sorry [Music] ah potatoes [Music] I'm glad Richard jackdaw left a little something behind for me but where could he be [Music] gan so can I incident as the next symbol is hidden to work [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] huh not a headless skeleton in sight but I may as well help myself to this it's a good thing jackdaw didn't fall down there huh [Music] and send it oh [Music] incendio [Music] wow foreign would have been interested in this Loop but there's no sign of him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid and send you good I'm glad Richard jackdaw left a little something behind for me but where could he be [Music] oh shut up huh back here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] huh you oh an untouched chest wasn't very thorough in his search of this cave [Music] not a headless skeleton in sight but I may as well help myself to this [Music] [Music] oh there it is the bridge it's almost complete the binders [Music] thank you same you're so foul potato stupid foreign let the ocean I can only imagine how spiders have multiplied since jacked all came this way [Music] foreign would have been interested in this Loop but there's no sign of him I need to look around for the symbol I must be getting closer to jackdaw's remains and those pages we meet again Richard Jack dual thank you for keeping these Pages safe all these years [Music] [Music] [Music] here it is the map that brought your doom jacked up Beyond this room excuse me [Music] foreign [Music] here Cindy but that's another thing what's happening Rebellion [Music] thank you green gods and the Restricted Section [Music] where am I oh no the room's starting to flood how am I being protected what sort of magic is this I can only hurt this magic protects me until I'm able to make my way out of it what is this place Rebellion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's you as someone finally found our map chamber I recognize you from the pensives you're Professor Rackham I am indeed I must confess that I am surprised to see someone so young standing before me I'm the same age that you and Isadora Morgan Arc were when you started the Hogwarts you've paid attention and might I presume you share our ability to see traces of ancient Magic yes sir I do as you have likely realized by now our ability gives us a unique relationship with all forms of magic we can access expressions of Magic the few others can opportunities will arise that allow you to sharpen this rare Talent do not squander them I won't Professor thank you we have much to discuss but first a map found in a certain book LED you here place the book on the pedestal I don't have the book with me sir hmm that is unfortunate I'm afraid we must pause our conversation until you return with the book I'm a bit confused sir why is this room called the map chamber I assure you that all will be clear once the book has been placed on the pedestal the statues and carvings in the house on the Cliffside those are review a USA I am did you know that I would be here I cannot say more at present except to say that your presence here does not entirely surprise me [Music] very well I'll retrieve the book right away good we shall speak again once the book is in place [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] friends [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] I found the pages and the map chamber why would I need the book Rebellion [Music] I'm back at Hogwarts I wonder when Professor fig will be back I did promise him I wouldn't neglect my studies well today I suppose I have enough to distract myself with any other plans with the book [Music] Rebellion you need to learn the pulso the banishing charm useful for pushing objects or adversaries away complete the required tasks and meet me in my classroom Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you know [Music] [Music] back here repairer incendio [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion insanity Rebellion thank you so you are too kind we think [Music] revelio I will hope you know that you're so confident Duncan knows his reputation to you let me listen [Music] better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobstones Rebellion [Music] it's one of zenobia's gobstones I hardly see what all the fuss is about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] what are you up to now [Music] Rebellion [Music] I'd better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenovious gobsters [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I've always wonder who lives here [Music] Morgan lebeth I need a student who ran all those Goblin loyalists off hello Mr semi what can I do for you what do you have for sale [Music] what can I help you with today [Music] [Music] I hope to see you again sometime [Music] [Music] hello Mr semi what can I do for you what do you have for sale what can I help you with today [Music] foreign I hope to see you again sometime hello Mr Sammy what can I do for you what do you have for sale [Music] what can I help you with today hi yes a wonderful choice [Music] I hope to see you again sometime [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I hope you've had more luck than I did tracking down my gobstones hello Zenobia I found all your gobstones really I didn't think it was possible however did you do it common sense and basic magic well may I have my cup Stones back of course they are yours after all ah how wonderful I shall dedicate all my future victories to you speaking of which now that I have all my gobstones back I wonder if anyone in the common room would be up for a game I'm sure they'd be willing to play after the troubles than getting them back it's a fine idea isn't it oh we'll have so much fun together laughing as all the losers get sprayed which won't include me very well off a go wish me luck [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I'm getting closer but did Alien keys are back aren't they brilliant hello Nelly you you seem excited about something the detailian keys are back the what keys they're the Dalian Keys surely you've seen them flying about rumor is that a former headmistress Professor mole conjured them to protect the contents of certain locked cabinets years ago Professor black couldn't be bothered to disenchant the Keys and they appear every few years you should try to catch one why would I do that each key will lead you to a locked cabinet somewhere in the castle if you can manage to get the key into the cabinet lock not an easy task you may find a reward [Music] perhaps I'll give it a go I hope you do in fact I think I heard one of the keys in the astronomy Tower you should listen for them I hope you follow a few keys at least if you manage thank you I'd love to know what you find if anything [Music] thank you Rebellion [Music] stevel looks promising I enjoy having lunch down by the lake when the giant squid splashes about [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign this looks like the portrait from the map and where's the treasure there was a doorway hidden within the portrait revelia came of Arthur's search what's this one about get back [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] who do you think will fall from their broom first [Music] everybody grab a broom and we shall get started Mr clopton your attention please sorry madam Kagawa everyone please welcome a new student to our flying class hello the goal of today is to remind all of you how to maneuver on a broomstick safely as broom flight is first and foremost a means of transportation this I fear some of you have forgotten diving rolling and loop the loops will not be taught or in fact tolerated in this class we'll leave that to professional quidditch players like the toyo hashitengu not a fan I take it now let's see how well everyone kept up with their practice over the summer holidays for those who need a refresher step up to your broom say up firmly and clearly then kick your leg over and rest your weight on the seat up [Music] now your turn oh off you stupid ratty School broom up [Music] one leg over so there's a leg on each side none of that side settled known since a gust of wind will throw you right off [Music] and if you hear my Whistle While You're In Flight ground yourself at once good now for your first lesson fly through each ring in the courtyard take care the brooms are School promise returned in one piece well done now that you're climatized to your broom let's see how well you manage with a more advanced exercise shall [Music] this next set of rings will take you around the grounds for more of a challenge [Music] what a view hello nice day for a flight [Music] foreign [Music] thank you whoa aquatic resident likes to make an appearance once in a while [Music] this is rather fun [Music] oh well done at the moment [Music] I say I watched you fly through those Rings you seem to handle yourself on that Dusty School broom well enough I'd imagine you're ready for something a bit more challenging but I'm getting ahead of myself we haven't properly met I'm Everett klopton am I right in suspecting that a Gryffindor like you might be interested in a high-flying adventure I can't say no to that what did you have in mind a bit of a detour so to speak follow me the tour is about to begin follow closely now right now we're flying over the Transfiguration Courtyard lovely as ever let's hope the Headmaster isn't having tea by the window today [Music] yeah nice to get above it's all isn't it [Music] ahead of the garden the Hufflepuff common room windows just peek out but claustrophobic for my taste how is everyone flying so quickly [Music] here's something handy to know lean forward for a burst of speed helpful if you need to escape a tricky situation now that's more like it you sure you're not part hippogriff [Music] there's the famous bridge think of all the magic holding it up I mean look at it the allery that's a bit of solid architecture isn't it flying tips and the jaunt around Hogwarts this is quite the tour Everett [Music] this concludes our tour best hurry back [Music] light is already dismissed better hurry and hand in our rooms dismounted [Music] and where have you two been [Music] oh hello Professor we were trying to get a bit of extra practice in Hefty points will be taken from each of you for not following my instructions Mr clopton I'm disappointed in you you're in this class because you're still because you're still not showing yourself or frankly your broom the proper respect but Professor enough class is finished for the day [Music] as for you you do well to use better judgment in the future [Music] chin up that was some rather good fly [Music] about that business with Kagawa but you have to admit those views were worth it it was worth losing a few house points for that detour you seem at home on a broom but if you had a fancy model you could fly laps around Imelda she's kagawa's favorite I could show her a thing or two if I have my own broom hate having to return the school broom after class perhaps I have to purchase a broom then if you can you should wish I could I recommend visiting Alby weeks at spint which is in hogsmead he's always looking to test new models I'll keep an eye out for you in the sky [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please meet me in the seventh floor Corridor as soon as you can I have an idea for somewhere you can focus on your studies away from prying eyes and distractions was in a moment hello Arthur thought you might like to know that my map led to a doorway hidden within a portrait oh how clever mine led to The Boathouse barely found the treasure before I saw the Headmaster coming he shoot me out of there but not before I got a few galleons richer what did you find I found what I believe is an authentic historian's uniform oh that's lucky seems as though we both had success glad I listed you to join me well on to the next Hogwarts mystery wonder if a quick rummage round Weasley's office might yield anything interesting Rebellion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign new face wonderful hello Mr weeks is it Alby weeks At Your Service welcome to spin witches apologies if you came by before and weren't able to come in Shop's been closed since trade routes were disrupted had to travel as far as London to meet with my supplier and I've only just returned thankfully with inventory I presume you're in the market for a new broom got a few rare you Weavers available Amber Dash Silver Arrows wind wisps too no matter what broom you choose you'll be pleased they're all exceptional both in quality and performance you said disrupted trade routes caused you to close bent witches terrible it's been trade routes reported as unusable evidently criminals were overtaking roads threatening hamlets I can fly safely almost anywhere but you try flying with an inventory of brooms on your back no easy fee right then back to work if a particular broom takes your fancy just let me know do you mind sharing more about your brooms I have a passion Forum every detail of every model take wind wisps well known for their quality Ash handles you Weavers are rare because some fear fly in them likely to do with the u1's darker reputation then you add the Ember Dash known for its handsome appearance working with brooms every day makes me practically giddy it's one of many reasons I cherish running this shop sounds quite the array of brooms I'll have a look around thank you what are we looking for today [Music] that item is of the highest quality [Music] that's what my mother used to do you'll be thrilled with that broom I promise you thanks for stopping by whilst nearly any broom will certainly be a step up from the practice brooms in kagawa's class they all have their limitations you seem to be a flyer who might be interested in say some enhancements go on knew I was right about you I think you'll be quite happy with the performance of any broom at lower altitudes but you may notice that speed consistency tends to falter as you rise I believe I can remedy this issue I have some ideas for enchantments upgrades if you will that will improve the performance of any broom you fly what I need is someone to conduct a broom flight and report back to me so I can perfect the upgrades as it happens another Hogwarts student Imelda Reyes is using abandoned broom courses for time trials clever girl an ideal situation for collecting flight statistics if you were to compete for the best time and succeed then report back to me without your Broome behaved I could complete work on my first upgrade what say [Music] that sounds intriguing I'll see what I can do thank you it'll be worth your while if I'm right the new upgrade ought to enhance brooms in every regard and I can give you a special price the time trial should be a bit of fun too go to the quidditch picture and email the raise will sort you out once you've beaten imelda's time be sure to let me know [Music] I can't help but admire Mr wheat's enthusiasm Rebellion what are we looking for today oh nice doing business with you thanks for stopping by hope to see you again [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] healing potions of a specialty here should you need any what can I do for you today a wise decision thank you foreign [Music] I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] what can I do for you today I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] hello Mr Pippin you need help with the delivery yes I do a capable student such as yourself should have no trouble making the trip to Cambridge it's just south of Hogwarts what do you need delivered Fatima Wang ordered a few invisibility potions I used to go myself but lately Fatima has taken to Turning every visit into an argument constantly complaining about the quality of my stock but how can I maintain Excellence when she ordered so often give me no time to brew if you take this rather irritating task of my hands I'd happily allow you to claim the delivery fee from Fatima I'd be happy to help with the delivery you've no idea how grateful I am truly here are the invisibility potions she requested hopefully she won't give you too much trouble she's a talented questionnaire in her own right I dare say I wouldn't mind having a look at her potion recipes one day [Music] thank you [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] there's like a place right out of a storybook foreign orders leave your accusations in someone else's direction if you don't mind oh here's a pleasant surprise [Music] [Music] incendio [Music] [Music] Rebellion not sure how I'd fare in a little place like that Pippin should have been here by now foreign I have a delivery from Jay Pippin's potions sent a child to do his work for him did he always cutting corners and take an easy way out did he have your brother for him as well doesn't matter you could probably do it better than he can anyway here are the potions you requested you think it's so simple I know Pippin is always trying to cheat his customers cuts and Corners to save some galleons for himself at the expense of quality you'll not be getting a cannot out of me until you prove the potion works drink it seems simple enough I'll do it I should think so [Music] foreign [Music] it seems to have worked hmm well I suppose that will do if the demand for potions is as high as you say have you considered being easier to work with perhaps combining your recipes and skills him the benefit of my hard work and gumption if he fails on his own so be it very well I shall let Mr Pippen know I delivered the potions as requested you do that what do you have for sale what are we looking for today a fine Choice exactly what I would have chosen thank you for stopping in I appreciate it [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion what are you up to now I know a mile and trial when I see one seems Pleasant enough for some place [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello there in the market for portions are we I delivered the potions to Fatima long very good and did she cause you any trouble nothing to worry about I handled it glad to hear it and thank you again for your help it was a pleasure doing business with you Mr Pippin likewise worth every bit of that delivery fee to have someone capable deal with that Witch by the way I found this book of potion recipes in Cambridge might it be useful to you is this Fatima's recipe book you should keep it she doesn't deserve to have it I appreciate what you're saying but you have much to learn about respecting the property of others some things are sacred amongst potioneers I shall return it to her immediately foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] Professor Weasley [Music] [Music] [Music] forgive me the Headmaster stopped me and I Merlin's beard I see you've wasted no time well done shall we to you professor [Music] what is this place this is the room of requirement it only appears when one is in real need of it ordinarily a student might stumble upon this room entirely by accident if ever I'd only planned to suggest to you how to find it by walking past that bit of War focusing on what you need but you've managed to reveal the room on your own while I'm here we should take advantage of the moment now where is Deke [Music] Professor the house elf I was speaking to in my classroom your first day thought you might help you use the room once you found it once I'm clumbering over this mess [Music] this presents the perfect opportunity to teach you evanesco the vanishing spell you can cast evanesco to vanish certain objects such as these chairs and other things here in the room I suggest you practice the wand movements first then you can clear the chairs away [Music] Splendid Now cast evanesco on those chairs [Music] excellent work you'll note that you are now in possession of moonstone we shall discuss its uses later let's move on where in Merlin's name is that elf is that goodness my old school back I wondered where that had got to can't believe it's still here I'll just take a quick look at this give you an opportunity to explore on your own until we locate Deke yes professor dear me can't you keep it down some of us are trying to rest Rebellion [Music] thank you love the ocean [Music] [Music] what what I hope this isn't as precarious as it looks how do I don't think potatoes [Music] how does anyone other than a house self manage to get around in here [Music] [Music] revelio what was that was that a Golden Stitch perhaps you should summon your wits and find out back here [Music] so thank you [Music] oh dear me come on back here [Music] I hope this isn't as precarious as it looks stop them that's not helpful how does anyone other than a house self manage to get around it ahead what was that was that a golden snitch perhaps you should summon your wits and find out [Music] action [Music] we hope that house elf can find us in here foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh there you are went right there dig will come to you hello apologies Professor Weasley dick was looking through some of what's appeared in the room since Deke was last here is this the student indeed it is take his honored to meet you Deke has been a friend since I was a second year we discovered this room together I mentioned you to Deke we believe that you might be able to benefit from this room like I did would you be so kind of course Professor Weasley the room of requirement will always be equipped for The Seekers needs unplottable so won't appear on any map most happen upon it by accident if ever deep seen students in need of an extra file for potions stumble upon the room filled with them you seem to have accessed it in its form as the room of hidden things I was thinking about needing a place away from prying eyes brilliant oh that explains it then what I need place where I can catch up on my schoolwork without distraction well then the room can provide you with precisely that now it's time to focus on what you need Just Close Your Eyes imagine the room precisely as you need it the room will do the rest [Music] you've given yourself quite a canvas to work with [Music] I look forward to seeing what you do with the space ah and it seems the room has provided you with a desk of description excellent it can identify unfamiliar items of clothing one should always understand the effects of anything in which one is clothed foreign [Music] plenty of items of clothing that need to be identified the desk will be an invaluable resource [Music] thank you [Music] revelio [Music] thank you [Music] I imagine the desk of description will come in handy it will I hope you'll take advantage of it might not provide everything you need on its own Conjuring yes the magic of creating or Conjuring objects I'll teach you [Music] very good when Conjuring more complex objects you'll need what's called a spell craft spell crafts are like recipes they list the ingredients or resources needed to conjure a particular object you should have acquired some for a potion station and potting table from tomes and squirrels in hogsmead I did where can I find the resources I need while resources such as Moonstone can be obtained throughout the highlands it's much safer and easier to purchase them they can also be collected by Vanishing objects in the room such as the chairs you vanished earlier in fact you should have enough resources for now I see can I regain Resources by Vanishing something I've already conjured you can indeed conjure the potion station and potting table you should find both familiar since they'll resemble the ones you already used to study magical plots and brew potions in class [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you can use these whenever you need to brew potions or grow plants zooming collected any seeds or potion ingredients you need in Hox Mead or outside the castle grounds Deke will be here to answer any questions you may have do not underestimate his insights I will be sure to speak with Deke if I need anything thank you good luck [Music] in case you'd like to learn another immigration spell [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm ready for the next lesson Professor very well first you'll need to gather some moonstone acquire it by Vanishing items here here in the room of requirement or you can gather it carefully outside of the Hogwarts grounds return to me once you've gathered enough and we shall begin the lesson [Music] I have the Moonstone you requested Professor good then we may begin your lesson and conjure more than purpology tables conjuration can be used to decorate this space to your liking why don't you try it on the walls and floor thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] shall we move on [Music] I've conjured everything I can what's next Professor I ready to take on alteration the altering spell will allow you to customize any conjured item you can change the colors patterns and styles of your furniture to suit your taste let's get started shall we watch closely as I demonstrate how to perform the altering spell [Music] [Music] just aim your wand at any conjured item and perform the altering spell to customize it [Music] lumos [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] nicely done now you're ready for something a little more advanced you can use the altering spell directly on the room's architecture try these new designs on the floor or balcony [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] would you mind of course Professor Weasley Professor Weasley showed Deke this bit of magic some years ago dick thinks you'll enjoy it come and talk to dig when you're ready [Music] Professor Weasley said I should ask you about changing the room's Ambience of course eh what sort of overall look most appeals to you [Music] I like the room to feel mysterious and Eerie as if I'm in the Forbidden Forest surrounded by Shadows oh sounds perfect [Music] mm-hmm quite a difference of course you needn't keep this style if you don't like it you can always ask Deke to change it back now you have learned a good bit about alteration thank you Professor the room is full of possibilities indeed no matter how much time I spend here the room always manages to surprise me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] an even bigger space how did that happen the room equips itself to your needs it must have sensed that you needed more space to practice spellcasting if you'd like to customize the space further you can use these spell crafts you'll find more of them both inside and outside the school thank you Professor I shall keep an eye out good I'll leave you to it this is your space now use it wisely [Music] okay [Music] how nice to see you my young friend [Music] foreign [Music] Sebastian it's been a while it has glad you received my owl I have something to show you first let me thank you for what you did in the library of course scribdon tried to give me detention but I have ways out of these things well you took the fall for me and that counts for something did you find what you were looking for I did something was missing I'm not sure here is the best place to discuss it understood we can talk more in a moment in the undercroft not even the professors know about this place this way there's a secret passage just here it's well disguised foreign how did you find this place my friend ominous gaunt he named it the undercroft we used to play golf Stones here all the time with my sister Anne she loved that infernal game what I wouldn't give to lose to her again I should tell you I swore to ominous I would Safeguard this place so please keep this between us he never confides in anyone but he's trusted me since the day we met I wouldn't want to jeopardize that he used to sneak in here almost daily we've never been caught I think I've seen ominous impotions and was it herbology I've noticed that he uses his wand to navigate the castle he does no idea how though ominous was born blind and no spell could reverse it his one seems almost sentient not surprising I suppose Ollivander always says the wand chooses the wizard is that how he found this place no someone in his family knew about it the gaunts are full of secrets I've never heard anyone else speak of it and I've certainly never seen anyone else here again mention this to no one as especially ominous he has no love lost for his family or their secrets but this place is special to him understood but why does ominous have no love lost for his family his father's family a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin one of the four founders of Hogwarts obsessed with blood status most of them ominous cannot abide them as he'll be the first to tell you anyway the undercroft has been a perfect place to sneak off to away from prying eyes and even practice otherwise forbidden spells really like what like the blasting curse professors say it's not an appropriate spell to teach students a proper magical education ought to include all magic my thoughts exactly spell like confringo is only truly dangerous in untrained hands such spells should be properly taught not banned to be fair I'm admittedly partial to more fiery forms of magic but you should learn it I can teach it to you safely here it may take a while to get the feel for it mimic my wand movement the incantation is confringer very well you're getting it ready to actually try it out stick to the targets though best to keep the undercroft intact have a go at those candelabras both have their uses nice work how does it feel it's a tad hot you'll get used to it that's it I think I've got it well done Rebellion [Music] all right foreign that the first time ominous and I practiced confringo we singed our eyebrows I would have paid to see that I swore we'd never live it down so this day there's something about that spell that's addictive [Music] the blast does heat things up I see how you lost your eyebrows you'll get used to it and ominous and I used to practice down here for hours the undercroft was our Retreat haven't been here in some time it's not the same without him I'm sorry about your sister if there's anything I can do perhaps when I next head to felcroft you could come along meet Han she could use some cheering up just let me know when and I'll meet you oh she misses Hogwarts she's been stuck at home with our Guardian Uncle Solomon unfortunately he'll have to meet him too we'll meeting a new student will be precisely what she needs I shall look forward to it cheers by the way what was it you couldn't discuss out in the hall earlier I'm not sure where to start you said something was missing from what you found in the library I assume it's to do with what you told me about the poor key and Gringotts and ranrock nothing gets past you and yes it is as I'm sure you suspect there is a bit more to all of this I'm listening you must promise to keep this between us I trusted you with knowledge of the secret santa Croft you can trust me all right I can see traces of ancient magic ancient Magic I don't know what I was expecting to say but it wasn't that what does that even mean honestly I'm not entirely certain all I know is that I can see Whispers of an old magic that hardly anyone else can figure and I think that ran Rock has somehow found a way to harness that Magic's power are you telling me that goblins may be wielding some sort of wizard magic that's what we're trying to find out and this ability of yours does this allow you to wield this magic too I uh I don't know well when you do know tell me I've been studying archaic forms of magic for ages perhaps we can help each other in the meantime with both Rookwood and ranrock after you I suspect a bit more time practicing the blasting curses in order spend as much time here as you'd like and remember keep this place between us when I head to feldcroft I'll send you an owl Rebellion [Music] all right [Music] hello Sebastian wait you there I can hear you oh hello ominous isn't it I believe you have potions together and herbology I recognize that voice heard you talking to Gareth Weasley in potions class you're the new fifth year did you just come from the undercroft how did you get in there that room's called the undercroft [Music] well I was exploring and then suddenly found myself in a strange passageway don't lie to me no one stumbles upon that room Sebastian told you didn't he you breathe a word about this place to anyone and not even your precious Professor fig will be able to help you my father is friends with the Headmaster I'm not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to you needn't threaten me I'm not going to say anything about your undercroft and Sebastian is a good friend you shouldn't immediately assume the worst of him I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend thank you very much ominous I just met I know what you meant Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble he doesn't need your help Sebastian is going to get an earful about this [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you come and see me as soon as you can I return from a rather unproductive trip to the ministry hoping your time has been more fruitful than mine I would like to Wingardium Leviosa it can be used to levitate objects for a short time once you've completed a few prerequisite tasks do see me after class foreign [Music] his name [Music] straight makes them a boring knot if you ask me lumos let me open thank you I was hoping to see you you're back finally Minister spavin talks more than he listens ranted on and on about Rogue dragons wouldn't listen to a word about goblins speaking of which listen professor so much happened while you were away nearly headless Nick asked me to get some rotten roast beef from the kitchens rotten roast beef yes I thought it was odd too but then we took the roast beef to support more of the Headless hunt and you've met the Headless hunt that must have been interesting to say this and then I had to find Richard jackdaw's head in the pumpkins so that he'd tell me about how he died who on Earth is Richard jackdaw he was a student here long ago anyway he told me about a secret Cavern I went there and right next to jackdaw's skeleton I found the missing pages you found the pages I did and because jackdaw had followed the map they contained when I found the pages I found the location on the map believe it or not it's a room below Hogwarts why am I not surprised shall we I was hoping you'd say that Owen will need to bring the book the room is called the map chamber by the way and the portrait of Percival rack emulates us there Professor Rackham I look forward to meeting him how did this jackdaw get the pages from the book evidently peeves stole them and jackdaw stole them from him ah peeves Rebellion travel is always much more enjoyable with a friend [Music] [Music] this looks promising [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hogs made and over here the Forbidden Forest and of course Hogwarts it's magnificent [Music] thank you [Music] if only you were here to see this [Music] hello Professor Rackham we've placed the book on the pedestal as you asked and this is my mentor Professor fig how do you do Professor fig and you my young friend see now why you needed to return with the book I do I also see why you refer to this room as the map chamber that you have come this far tells me that you possess extraordinary magical ability the potential and power of which will unlock should you prove yourself worthy the location of each of four trials will in time appear on the map trials that will test you and give you access to invaluable knowledge trials that you must complete on your own do you recall the pensive memory viewed in my vaulting Gringotts [Music] you and your friend Charles spoke of the Porky and of Trials you'd created for one who could see traces of ancient magic precisely Charles is another of the keepers a designation we gave ourselves centuries ago in light of the knowledge that we have been bound to keep hidden until perhaps now so the passage from your ruins to Gringotts everything in the vault the Restricted Section finding this room none of these was a trial they were an important part of the journey but they were not trials themselves the fact that you have come this far however bodes well the trials were designed to ensure that the power and knowledge we have kept secret for so long does not fall into the wrong hands they will test your abilities both innate and learned but of equal importance everything you witness as you complete the trials will inform what you choose to do with all that we share you will need patience the trials have much to teach you it will take time now I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time we have waited this long Professor fig surely a few more respectfully sir while I do not know the secret you keep I do know that our young friend here has seen traces traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblin Kind and we encountered an uncommonly powerful Goblin wielding such magic as we prepare to leave your vault at Gringotts we may already be too late this is grave news indeed young friend do you trust Professor fig I do then in the light of your considerable skill and all you have already accomplished we shall begin you will find the location of the first trial marked on the map below you whilst Professor fig May assist you in locating the trials they may be completed only by one with our ability shall we have a look I know that Tower it's not far you may have seen it yourself it looks familiar it's your young friend is more well traveled than you might think as your Mentor the least I can do is go ahead to make sure it is safe join me as soon as you can I'll find you at the tower as soon as I can until then be careful and do not tell anyone where you're going [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what foreign [Music] [Music] incendio shall we stupid that's all you are [Music] this place is seen better days [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] over here [Applause] we're not alone we are not ran Rock's loyalists around a dozen I can see but could be more can't we operate past them into the tower we could but we've no idea what's in the tower more importantly however I'd like to know why they're here they've set up camp just ahead I suggest we investigate a little before doing anything else at go well this isn't ideal it isn't this way and suggests we use the disillusionment charm here no sense in announcing our arrival think quiet too quiet quickly now foreign foreign [Music] nice thank you [Music] thank you Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] foreign back here love yourself incending revelia incending [Music] thank you huh [Music] Rebellion [Music] what [Music] [Music] revelio [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you repairer foreign [Music] [Music] thank you potatoes [Music] thank you rather up why he's coming it is [Music] you only have run Rock to blame foreign orders directly from ran Rock these orders indicate that they're after something to do with names what names and why here I will draw blood [Music] many goblins have always been antagonistic towards wizard kind but this is different sometimes glad that's over Rebellion it's more than mere coincidence that we encountered Round Rock's loyalists here [Music] looks like we found the entrance it's locked an unlocking charm Rebellion no time now but if you don't learn it soon enough we can work on it back at the castle foreign cars Tower Rebellion hello professor did you say sambakar's Tower I did Professor bakar is a keeper you have yet to encounter I'm glad to see that I was correct in presuming that we would meet again soon after our last encounter though I surmise based on the commotion I heard that you did not have an easy time getting to me we did not Professor we encountered goblins outside the tower that goblins were aware of my vault is disquieting enough but if they have also made a connection to this Tower then the threat may be greater than I thought all the more reason for us to move forward downstairs near the entry a reservoir of ancient magic like those you've seen before has been unlocked commanded to access a doorway I'm afraid I cannot say more as Professor fig cannot join you he and I will in time see you back at the map chamber remember what you see we're going to need to understand how ranrock's loyalists knew about a tower that once belonged to a keeper for the moment however even more important things to set your mind to a reservoir of ancient magic I believe yes sir then I shall leave matters in your increasingly capable hands that said be careful I will sir I'll see you back in the map chamber [Music] a reservoir of ancient magic downstairs near the entry foreign [Music] [Music] this looks intriguing revelio [Music] I've seen this before in Gringotts and the Restricted Section Rebellion [Music] impressive [Music] that must have done something let's have a look around revelio Rebellion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] traces of ancient Magic something must be different Rebellion [Music] these are never a welcome sight at least I know what to expect this time stupid foreign these look familiar what are the keepers planned for me thank you oh Rebellion thank you Rebellion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] looks like it ought to get me where I need to go [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] what did that burst of magic do perhaps I should examine things from both sides statues the waking is easy on me [Music] oh Rebellion [Music] [Music] laughs back here [Music] [Music] what did that burst of magic change on both sides of the archway something to be different thank you [Music] I need to see how the room changes when I move in and out of the archway oh seems I ought to explore this Archway from both sides foreign I need to use both sides of the archway to get the platform to the other side of the bridge I'll never get used to these flaws foreign foreign [Music] [Music] back here [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign yes [Music] thank you back here Rebellion [Music] good Ness okay [Music] goodness there we go back here what a relief revelio another pensive [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Rebellion Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] Ty to transfigure the world around you is remarkable what is it [Music] my father isn't getting better I don't think he'll ever recover from the death of my brother it is agonizing to see those we love suffer the trout was years ago pain of losing him [Music] he doesn't need pretty pillars he needs peace what if I could help him professor you do so much for your father already it's not enough I want to take away his pain it is tempting I know to use this magic that you're mastering to transfigure more than the physical world but human emotion is a potent Force unto itself even the most well-meaning and competent witch cannot possibly know the consequences of irrevocably manipulating it so I'm to watch as my father's pain destroys him [Music] it is not your pain to take [Music] every year a student sees something sillier than I could ever imagine in their tea leaves oh Miss Morgan welcome back to Hogwarts Professor that's going to take some getting used to Professor rickwood I was so pleased to hear that you'd accepted the position of defense against the dark arts professor Sid sit is Adora tell us about your travels I was actually hoping that you and the others might join me at my home this evening there's much I'd like to share with you that would be delightful we shall let the others know very well I'll see you then [Music] hmm another memory now to find a way out of here [Music] revelio all crystallized Stone that must be the way back to the map chamber [Music] what have we here I'm a student at Hogwarts sir and this is Professor Fick professor Charles Rookwood At Your Service someone completed the first trial I have Professor Brookwood you look familiar sir I imagine you saw me in the first pins have you accessed in Gringotts so you found the port key to access Professor rackham's Vault and you deciphered the map within the locket you found floating above that pensive I did I found something that I can't identify floating above the last pensive ah yes you will find a similar artifact in each trial you must take care to keep them safe you'll need them to complete the journey we have set forth for you once you have them all we will tell you what to do with them very well are you able to tell me anything about the next trial before you proceed I would like to speak with Charles regarding the Urgent situation involving the goblins goblins the student has seen traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblin Kind they and their Mentor Professor fig not only encountered goblins lurking outside of San bakar's Tower they also encountered a powerful Goblin in my vault at Gringotts hmm I'm afraid it would be wise to Halt the trials until we know more we shall defer to you in this matter of course now then wait Professor the name Rookwood do you think that there's a connection to Victor perhaps but we can't be sure of its significance if any for now tell me what you saw in the pensive before the witch from the last pensive is Adora became a Hogwarts professor she argued with Professor Rackham about using magic to remove pain hmm hopefully the next pensive provides more context for now we should learn what round rock knows I will be honest I've no idea where to start actually I might know of someone I saw sirona at the three broomsticks speaking to a goblin once they seemed friendly well it's worth a try and see what you can find out of course don't forget my studies yes sir uh before you go [Music] Professor have you encountered swirling traces of magic in the world aside from those along our path not that I recall what are they evidence of the Keeper's efforts to manipulate the power of ancient magic during our time if I am correct and I usually am you should be able to use them to inform and enhance your own magic thank you sir I will look out for them thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] key I wonder where it might lead me revelio you can't imagine how inconvenient was before I invented blue Powder there's the cabinet how do I get this key in there [Music] [Music] [Music] got it an old coin perhaps Nelly knows what it means often another adventure are we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign keys hello Nelly I managed to get it a daily and key into its lock brilliant what did you find in the cabinet a curious token of some sort looks like a Gryffindor House token I'd better unlocks our house chest I call them house chests I've seen the one in our common room and her bear are also in the other common rooms keep an eye out I do hope you continue on for so much effort the prize must be something Grand find the Gryffindor House chest [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you stay in your portrait and I'll stay in mine revelio [Music] seems only to find more house tokens if I'm to open this quite a few by the look of it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you hey you Gryffindor Imelda raise I'll be weak sent me did you know still tinkering with his broom upgrade no doubt I tried to help him once he nitpicked my flying technique and that was the end of that the nerve why is he ropping you into his brim testing silliness you've barely started flying from what I know caught wind of you showing off in flying class with clopton I don't know what people have said but I certainly wasn't showing off tell that's the rest of the skill that class is only for beginners troublemakers and bumbling baboons but for some reason now people think your competition I can't be having that perhaps I am competition you're not even Slytherin could be a useless squib for all I know enough of this only one way to find out who's the better flyer I hold one of the fastest times on this course let's see if you can beat it Slytherin versus Gryffindor actually why not I can beat your record I'm so looking forward to seeing you lose [Music] made it [Music] foreign [Music] did it [Music] foreign [Music] don't think this is over you can't determine skill from one single trial I surely my win means something terrible Now 51 if you want to earn my respect challenge accepted then perhaps you have what it takes after all we shall see but don't get your hopes up the next course near Irondale offers a much tougher challenge you can try to prepare by erasing this course again just checking at the podium where the leaderboard is you can check your time and start the race we'll see next time if your win here was more than just a fluke whilst on an errand for Alby weeks I suspect Mr weeks will be glad to hear how I fed [Applause] I never thought someone would ever best a melt [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I was able to set a record on my broom incredible Miss Rays must have been shocked tell me how was the broom a little turbulent and it's wanting for a bit of speed but it fed well enough I will say that it tended to drift a bit to the left on certain turns hurt us like swoosh when I dipped oh thank you hmm that's precisely what I needed to know drifted eh I shall get to work immediately even the naysayers will be forced to admit that my works are potential all along [Music] why would anyone doubt your ability to upgrade brooms now you'd be surprised people get set in their ways worried that fiddling with what's working fine will somehow ruin it yeah those people don't appreciate the sense of Freedom that comes with quality broom flights nor do they appreciate all that's involved in the creative process I have a friend in Rome runs a shop like mine says it's worse there of course they do nap in the afternoons from what I hear and where would we be without enhancements I mean if Elliot Smith could let the no Sayers get to him we would never have had the cushioning charm I don't listen to him I'm excited to hear more I have a very good feeling about this upgrade I guarantee you'll be pleased to hear from me soon hmm how to address the issue of altitude as it relates to [Music] everyone [Music] all right where they go thank you pardon me but were you saying something oh hello I'm Clementine flies I see near the edge of the forest whenever I come near they fly off into it when I was at Hogwarts we truly were forbidden from entering the forest told horrible stories about it and I've had an irrationally intense fear of it ever since it's silly but I'm insatiably curious as to where the butterflies go in the forest You couldn't possibly find out could you you want me to follow the butterflies I'd [Music] very well if I have time I shall see where they lead oh and I ever did see you soon hello again I've got spectacular news the Vroom upgrades ready stop by the shop when you can foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back I've arranged a special Rebellion [Music] what are we looking for today [Music] you'll be thrilled with that broom promise you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thanks for stopping by I must tell you Arthur vogsmead's been by the shop asking about rumors of a broma upgrade without the information you provided my work would have taken twice as long thank you again it may sound ambitious but I've already begun work on another upgrade more difficult to perfect than the last I wondered would you be interested in joining forces again there's another cause near Irondale that Miss Reyes is mastered if you attest this first upgrade there it may help me as I develop the next oh you'll consider it won't you sounds as if you're really outdoing yourself if I'm able to help I will thank you I know this recent success was only the beginning of what I can do for broom flight we bought back as soon as you can and we'll be Off to the Races [Music] [Music] seems a pleasant enough little place foreign [Music] [Music] okay foreign [Music] Place child whoa [Music] we're obviously Darkness I see bright opportunities what I would say that Irondale is not I'm sure it isn't normally be careful what's happening good thing everything [Music] [Music] [Music] rebellious [Music] [Music] could it be a Merlin trial [Music] you want a joke right you weren't there when I outran I couldn't bring God pretended chance against me nothing running I've seen wasn't nothing [Music] Rebellion thank you foreign do you have anything for sale hello it's not often I see Hogwarts students here during the school year I'm Priya Treadwell at your service and I sell a variety of traveling necessities what do you have for sale let's have a look shall we you won't be disappointed I can promise you that so nice of you to stop by huh foreign [Music] huh Rebellion foreign it must lead to something excuse me Madam I thought I heard you say something yes indeed talking to myself again I find myself to be quite the engaging conversationalist since my husband passed Madame Althea twiddle pleased to meet you nice to meet you too Madam twiddle you know you might be interested in this you young people love this sort of thing my husband often ruminated on the mysterious statue just outside our Hamlet some sort of archaic puzzle involving vases he would insist I stumbled upon it today when I had a burst of energy and extended my morning constitutional a bit longer than usual thank you an archaic puzzle sounds fascinating EFC I suspected you'd be interested and wait till I tell you about the rumors surrounding this particular puzzle my husband greville insisted that solving the puzzle would reveal the magical challenge of sorts the man was intrigued by everything he was about to try and solve it himself when perhaps you could take a look I'd be rather interested to hear what if anything you find but if I happen to see it I'll have a look ah the spirit of Youth I do hope you'll be able to solve the puzzle if not for me then in greville's memory [Music] I should look into the statue Madame twiddle mentioned I've always said that travel broadens the mind Hello nice to meet you oh hello at the name is Paul Rick Haggerty and this is my shop what may I help you with I'd like to ask you about your shop if you don't mind certainly that'd be fine what would you like to know [Music] what do you have for sale [Music] what can I help you with today [Music] glad you were able to stop by Rebellion [Music] [Music] I know what that means Marlin trial [Music] there's no telling what lies and wait for me in there [Music] this looks like the statue Madame twiddle mentioned so why are there so many bosses around here I suppose I should try to find all the bosses there should only be a few more vases beautiful foreign that's it I should tell Madam twiddle about what happened I wonder if I'm safe to explore in there oh Mrs twiddle your husband was right the statue was part of a puzzle oh really how exciting yes I had to destroy a number of large forces and that seemed to activate some sort of charm on the Statue well done oh I miss having someone light you around with a thirst for knowledge and a quick mind well my curiosity has been satisfied thank you for that who knows what I'll encounter on my next constitutional oh my husband would be so pleased to know he was right about that statue [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign dangerous if I'm not careful [Music] thank you [Applause] here we are Mr weeks wasn't wrong about the mountain views if it isn't the fastest Gryffindor hello Imelda so another trial of course it's another trial and you'd better be taking part does this mean you've changed your mind about me well but for nothings who usually challenge me well they sit around and Hope hours of practice no one sets records by wishing for them and I need strong competition to stay on top of my game are you going to try to beat my flying record or not I'm ready to fly finally a decent challenge [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you've improved I must admit that was a bloody good run be careful earn a reputation for talent around here and some people get put out about it sounds like you're speaking from experience yes well I am anyway you didn't do abysmally I can't deny that but you'll not have the same luck on the south coast course [Music] we'll see won't we until next time I have expected you to back down rest on your laurels see you at the South course trial if you don't lose your nerve to race this course again visit the podium with the leaderboard where you can start the race and check your time another successful flight I should let Mr weeks know [Applause] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade away from you latest flight I want to hear all the particulars good news Mr weeks with your upgrade I was able to set a new record at the Irondale course brilliant I knew the upgrade had fantastic potential how did your broom feel it rides well does get to Tad shaky at top speed and the handle wobbles a bit when I hit a strong gust of wind ah yes I see I think I know how to address that thank you I owe you want if it means another upgrade the pleasure's all mine you Sanders determined as I am to improve broom flight it's a joy to have a collaborator like yourself if I'm right and I do hope I am you'll be hearing good news from me soon thank you again truly what are we looking for today [Music] it's the week that I do make a good team thanks for stopping by hope to see you again [Music] thanks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you up to now revelio there they are she wasn't making it up foreign look what we have here oh you let Nora train [Music] s [Music] you may be more skilled than most students [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you ah incendio [Music] not my fault you're a deadly great spider incendio huh [Music] [Music] foreign oh please tell me you have an answer for me about the butterflies hello Miss worldsy well what happened did you find them they led me into the forest and revealed the treasure oh oh we're rewarded for your efforts ah perhaps one day I'll be able to bring myself to go into the forest for now I'm happy simply knowing there's something so lovely to see should I dare [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you hello there thank you again for delivering Those portions to Madam loving save me a lot of time and trouble [Music] I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign brilliant how did you get on with those tasks Madame Kagawa I completed the list of tasks you assigned wonderful I trust you became more familiar with your broom through the process yes Professor that's good to hear keep it up and perhaps one day you'll have a spot on the Quidditch team if black ever permits quidditch again well with those tasks out of the way let us get started glacias pay attention to your wound work foreign well done I'd recommend that you practice your new spell here in my office before taking it out into the world [Music] there you go but do continue to practice as long as you like kinesthesia is a powerful thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] a Resto momentum the slowing charm it allows you to freeze objects or people in mid-air simply complete a few tasks and then come and see me foreign I've completed my assignments Professor pleased to hear it Professor Weasley will be too I'll be sure to let her know how well you're coming along thank you professor professor heckett tells me she taught you levioso so you should be ready for a more advanced levitation charm Wingardium Leviosa requires a bit of concentration and a nice graceful wand movement let's see you try your hand at it when executed correctly you should be able to pick up Boulders as though they were Spritz of sneezewart [Music] [Music] well done feel free to practice Wingardium Leviosa here in the greenhouse I've set some crates out for you in the Next Room [Music] [Music] thank you another adventure are we love your husband [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] huh what are you doing out here challenging you to a game of summoner's court I think it's time you faced a real opponent outside of ronan's little lesson in charms class summoner's Court isn't just a game it's a battle of skill a test of a witch or Wizard's metal what say [Music] I'm in let's do it brilliant Summoners caught the ever-changing game [Music] you [Music] come on neander oh [Music] I'll let you have that one you try to beat that [Music] back here Merlin's pants [Music] all in the wrist [Music] not bad felt bad well done you beat me [Music] bit of good luck that's all come now Leander there's no need for that fine you're good better than I am at least I'll let the others know you're good enough to keep playing the others I lost seven matches in a row to Samantha Dale the others who play summoner's Court thought that if you couldn't beat me you wouldn't be enough of a challenge turn up Leander keep practicing and you'll get better I suppose you're right I'll let the others know that your Metal's been tested and that you passed [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go thank you thank you that's it revelio lift here I wonder thank you [Music] thank you [Music] welcome back have you finished your assignments reporting back professor assignment's all finished well done shows good discipline wisdom is a golden and you're proving a skilled Seeker in that regard practice or restore momentum a charm incidentally created to stop quaffles from plummeting straight to the ground during a quidditch match precise deliberate movements [Applause] foreign as much as possible perhaps before you leave here keep it up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I've always said that travel broadens how would you like to learn the knockback Jinx flipendo once you've completed the necessary tasks come and find me in the greenhouse foreign I see you've already met some of the many beasts we study in this class though be advised none of these creatures should be taken lightly they are all in their own way dangerous especially if one does not know how to handle them properly oh it seems many many are out of practice let's take some time to review the basics of how to care for a beast shall we miss Sweeting would you please assist our new student with the lesson today yes Professor Howen hello I'm poppy poppy Sweeting don't worry about Professor how into speech she over exaggerates sometimes all the beasts in class are perfectly safe sweating pay attention please the tongue of a puff skin can be a slippery devil uh yes professor hey you can practice on Gerald just keep an eye out for his tongue [Music] who's my brush just be gentle oh and think pleasant thoughts I like to think it enriches his experience [Music] [Music] [Music] that's lovely I'm sure he feels much better [Music] she might be hungry would you mind giving him some Beast feed [Music] what do you suppose the pellets taste like to Gerald pudding I like to think I think we can safely say that Gerald likes you that's good news he seems very nice he is kindness is one of his best qualities right after ambition and cleanliness good work everyone now let's make our way to the pens and select another Beast and please do all be careful as you feed and groom them Miss Sweeting why don't you show our new student to the nasals in the farthest pen this way the needles are over here [Music] oh coupling these or whiskers all to get me a few cannots at least enough to buy something from honeydukes [Music] thing [Music] are you doing poppy worried about a worthless little rodent her name is Persephone her name is Persephone that's really not funny [Music] let's go [Music] those two don't belong anywhere near this class which isn't training instantly thank you for your help let's carry on feed and brush the measles just as you did with Gerald [Music] her knees was really took to you they know a good egg when they see one as do I it appears our time has come to an end please close the pens and see yourselves out now where is our new student ah there you are I would like a moment please hello Professor you wanted to speak with me I did how did you find your first Beast lesson [Music] it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class good you seem to understand that when Beast Beast vital role Our Lives some provide us with magically imbued materials if cared for correctly which does not include torturing them for whiskers well done by the way probably best to let me handle it next time yes Professor they're nearly as bad as the savagers in rookwood's poacher pack sadly we're the ones who suffer stumbling over dead beasts terrible waste of resources surely the poachers can be brought to Justice by someone the ministry perhaps hmm an optimistic idea now why don't we focus on more immediate matters that we can control Professor Weasley has asked that I prepare some assignments designed to help you catch up to the other fifth Years be on the lookout for my owl meanwhile I also encourage you to study as many beasts as you can on your own time [Music] foreign [Music] do you need something poppy thank you again for saying something to those brutes so that I didn't have to you weren't all Gary at noon in the desert I certainly hope that's a good thing it's something my gran and I say it means that something or someone is a welcome surprise at least that's what we decided it meant I couldn't stand there and watch them harm the poor thing we're of a similar mind actually in light of that someone I'd like you to meet in the forest [Music] you've intrigued me very well lead the way I'd hoped I would [Music] I wouldn't take just anyone there in fact you're the first really well thank you I think as I said we think alike pleasant surprise [Music] quite the weather we're having don't you think poppy where are you taking me it really is much better if I just show you don't worry we're nearly there it's just ahead [Music] stand back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please meet hiring isn't she just magnificent [Music] go on introduce yourself to her but be careful you must always show hippogriffs the proper courtesy before you approach them [Music] thank you I knew it I don't think I've ever seen a hippogram take to someone this quickly you can feed a brush however you'd like I come and check on her every once in a while bring her pasties tell her what's going on in the castle you wouldn't know from looking at her but she's a dreadful busybody [Music] all right [Music] so what did you think of high wing [Music] thought she was brilliant can't believe you introduced me to her I suspected you two might get along are you the reason students have been seeing hippogriffs flying above the Forbidden Forest perhaps once you earn hypocrite's trust they'll always be there for you I've seen it firsthand with her how exactly did you and high wind cross paths it's a longer story but I rescued her from poachers a few years back got her to safety and well she was fine until recently you may have noticed that poachers are something of a problem in the area so I worry they could get her again and that I might not be there next time Professor Harwin mentioned the poachers as well she seemed to imply that we couldn't rely on the ministry to help I don't often agree with Professor howin but on that I fear she's right poacher's influence is growing I see them every day in the village lingering talking to people they're up to something I'm just not sure what [Music] you may be reading into it talking to people isn't a crime it's hard to explain but something about it just feels wrong I think I'm going to look into it find out what's going on what they're doing I think that's a fine idea information is power and the more I know the better I can keep hiring safe you seem undeterred [Music] what you find out oh very well I will I should be going but we'll speak again soon I hope [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hello again Mr Moon oh oh I was hoping to see you again my young friend Gladwin Moon a Hogwarts caretaker at Service First please allow me to apologize if I seemed a bit unsteady afraid I had a header rather disconcerting although I hear your visit to hogsmeade was even more eventful than mine I suppose you could call it eventful I certainly wasn't expecting a troll attack oh cool snot and from what I understand the village was lucky you were there in fact my recent visit to hogsmeade is the reason I was hoping to bump into you I could use your help with something do you see that curious statue over there watch what happens when that light changes from day to night [Music] now if you wouldn't mind humoring me for a moment see if you can remove the moon from the statue odd little Contraptions aren't they it seems the statue vanishes once the Moon is removed which incidentally can only be done at night why don't you hold on to that one for now and I'll explain more as we walk Rebellion ever since that fateful day in the village those curious statues have begun appearing about the castle a fair number have been strewn around hogsmeade someone it seems is trying to torment me you see that day in hogsmeade I turned a corner and came face to face with a bogert or shapeshifter if you will which takes the form of whatever scares you most this one took the form of a democ eyes a demi guys yes terrifying creature that can see the future holy unnerving I encountered one when I was a lad in Korea terrible experience those statues are demig Isis the moons [Music] use the bogart to learn my greatest fear and use it against me I have my suspicion as to the scoundrel or Scoundrels responsible it is my hope that they will slip up and reveal themselves as statues disappear that is why I need your help in removing the statues why me [Music] a couple of reasons frankly uh first you're daring do against those trolls in oxmeade is going to a reputation for fearlessness second as Macabre nidius is a demig guys is most would find my fear of them unwarranted you however have seen how they affect me I'm at my wits end young friend I simply can't bring myself to go near them in fact I know two statues right here in the faculty Tower perhaps you could start simply by removing them so uh I can go about my evening duties [Music] glad to help you Mr Moon oh oh you know how to cast a disillusionment charm correct you'll want to do that before wandering the tower at night next you'll notice that the door is locked however will you get in Allah that's how but what about curfew curfew Tosh now I sent you a bit like me when I was your age all the school was my oyster and I took advantage of it oh everyone loved me for it oh those were the days now you'll find one statue in the prefix bathroom and the other in the hospital Wing good luck oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] alohomora [Music] foreign you're in remember use a disillusionment charm so no one claps eyes on you this is a restricted area of the castle after all Rebellion [Music] um Revenue foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Revenue foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] hello Amora [Music] [Music] Revenue [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] we're raising a generation of coddle Cape Flappers that can scarcely tell the difference between arcanite and Asphodel yes well it's still early you've seen that every year [Music] this must be the prefix bathroom foreign thank you I don't think that's what that class is for she's right stick to a prefect that way I'm a prefect tooth twit that's it 50 Health points [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not at the moment no plenty of other perils and pitfalls to send them my way though well I suppose I should begin my rounds now post professor [Music] Hufflepuff The Raven claw I know when I see her winning event [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] me ant [Music] if I catch in here [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] hello Mr Moon I have the moons you asked me to collect oh goodness you're as Fearless as that out an excellent start collect more some light on those behind all this of course I first suspected peas he drove the previous caretaker rancorous cup to an early retirement with his intolerable buffoonery but that does not explain the Bogart in oxme does it no I am determined with your help to discover the identity of my Tormentor [Music] definitely intriguing I'd like to help you solve this mystery my friend or a gentle person and I have something to offer in exchange for your assistance now remember the moons are only retrievable at night thus I encourage you to use a disillusionment when necessary understood I shall keep an eye out I appreciate that oh I knew you were the one to ask for help keep at it so we can solve this mystery [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign what can I do for you what do you have for sale what can I help you with today aren't you the student who ran all those Goblin loyalists off I can't tell you what a relief that was to everyone in lower hogsfield I hope to see you again sometime [Music] [Music] foreign save me a lot of time and trouble what can I do for you today [Music] a wise decision thank you thank you a wise decision thank you I hope to see you again farewell for now excellent [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you finches of Angelica all three [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign s coming along I completed your assignments Professor good you should be ready to learn to pulso let's see what you can do concentrate do not let your mind wander [Music] you've got it now if you'd like to practice and I think you should perhaps best not to go flinging your classmates about the halls I suggest having a goat the enchanted books here foreign ly determined to master your spell casting [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've said the travel broadened foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you up to now [Music] ironically I didn't see ahead of time how bored I'd be in Domination class [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to you what do we have here I hope those assignments were challenging enough for you I've completed all of my tasks Professor inai very well done although I must admit I I did have something of a premonition that you would follow through now as you have no doubt sharpened your perception by completing my assignment I am curious based upon the knowledge that one's present and even once past May reveal traces of what is to come what do you see in your own future I see good things after all the Futures mine for the taking and I shall take what I must hmm the future is not etched in stone it can be carved out by those with very strong wills and you do seem to possess one but this talk of tomorrow should not divert us from your present success I shall inform our good Deputy headmistress of your exemplary performance if that performance is any Omen of what your future may hold then I for one cigarette things Channel your magic towards your targets you have it now why not practice the new spell on the training dummy [Music] excellent I think you have it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] charm it's typically used to cut an object but can be a powerful weapon when needed [Music] thank you [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade foreign [Music] save me a lot of time and trouble [Music] oh wise decision thank you I hope to see you again farewell for now thank you [Music] handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included foreign gymnastics will save you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a bottle of flabbergasted leech stirred clockwise have you finished your assignments I finished the tasks Professor well well I trust you are meticulous in your efforts after all shortcuts only ever lead to shortcomings yes sir of course good ordinarily I'd say it's not my concern either way but you I want to make sure you're well prepared talent and resolve are a potent combination it would be a shame to let that go to waste thank you Professor don't let it go to your head now let's see how you fare with defindo wand at the ready Focus Defender can be dangerous if you're not paying attention [Music] hmm very good it seems you have a grasp on defendo I would encourage you once again to practice here in the classroom for your sake and that of everyone else [Music] it's pleasure to have a student who actually heeds instruction [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] clever [Music] how offensive hello Mr Moon oh greetings any luck removing some more of those demigay statues I actually have some Moons for you the few of these statues I see the better you keep your eye out for others and I'll teach you more about Allah Maura I'll keep an eye out for more Demi guy's statues and see if I can bring you more moons you are to be commended for your bravery and Valor especially since they we are fortunate to have a student brave enough to arrest [Music] here I come hello there nice to see you [Music] hello Miss Ryan I want to thank you again for your help with Rookwood and Harlow the day of the troll attack sirona please and I was happy to help oh those two are nothing but trouble glad you and your friend were here when they found you I am too you were speaking to a goblin here that day yes Lord he's a friend it seems as though you were on good terms with him I've known him for years we met when I was waiting tables here as a student well before I bought the place he was cordial enough but we weren't friends then his mistrust of wizard kind ran deep but you're friends now we are hadn't seen him in years when he came in a few months ago but he recognized me instantly which is more than I can say for some of my own classmates took them a second to realize I was actually a witch not a wizard not all goblins are like ran Rock and as loyalists lodgok is as worried as the rest of us about what's been going on in that case I'd like to talk with him about Round Rock in particular where might I find him I assume your interest is to do with the rumors I've heard about ran Rock working with our friend Rookwood it is if he's not here you might find him doing business at the hog's head and he's a trusted metal Trader and you should mention that we spoke he can understandably be wary of witches and wizards even ones as young as you that said If you're looking for information on Ren Rock to help rein him in you'll find an ally in Lord you heard what ran Rock and Rook would are working on together no then the fact that they seem to have some sort of uneasy Alliance friendship between Wizards and goblins is rare enough but between those two they each want something the other has I can guarantee it and that's it I fear they're like a two-headed serpent both will need to be taken down to stop whatever scheme they've been plotting [Music] you seemed unfazed by Rookwood and Harlow the other day they don't scare you they're bullies plain and simple never tolerated them in my own life and certainly won't tolerate them going after my friends don't misunderstand me they're dangerous Wizards and shouldn't be trifled with they should however be confronted and reminded whenever possible that the rest of us have each other's backs thank you sirona if you find Lord GOG please give him my best and I don't know what you've done to make such powerful enemies but please watch your back hello good to see you outside the castle you too are meat [Music] welcome to the AUX head the empty seat is yours Hello Lord sirona said I might find you here if she did did she did she send you with news no actually I wanted to speak with you it's about Round Rock now I remember the three broomsticks day of the troll attack you're the student he's after I am and I need to know what he and his loyalists are up to so I can stay a step ahead let's say I did know why should I trust you [Music] sirona trusts me and she thought our interests may be aligned hmm well if sirona trusts you very well I may know of something that could help us both a way to get ran Rock to confide his plans to me I'm listening years ago a heinous witch stole a sacred Goblin Relic rumor has it that it now rests in her sarcophagus in a tomb accessible only by wizard kind ranrock and I had a falling out a while back The Relic could Well Repair the chasm between us very well I'll retrieve The Relic if you promise to share ranrock's plans with me we will have to trust each other I that you will not abscond with the Relic and you that I'll share what I learn gather whatever supplies you may need and meet me near the witch's tomb [Music] thank you a second [Music] I'm ready good there's no time to lose or precisely is The Relic I'm to retrieve a valuable heirloom known as the helmet of Earth God the witch considered herself a collector and purchased the helmet as a trinket she cared not what pain she caused the goblins goblins believe that the rightful owner of any object is its maker not its purchaser wizard can't see things differently so Wonder goblins and wizards have ever been able to work together the differences between our kinds and Myriad they seem to be it may surprise you to know that I do not believe those differences always to be insurmountable it is the reason I find myself traveling with you to this tomb today ah and there it is the witch's tomb Dreadful looking place isn't it handy resource indeed I wish you luck retrieving the helmet as a one carrier you should have an advantage now before you set off do you have any questions and all seems clear to me now that we're here I do hope our alliance proves fruitful again I wish you luck I will remain here eagerly awaiting your return please sealed oh curious foreign this can't be the witch's tomb likely I need to go further [Music] lumos Rebellion I have a feeling I'm not alone here and send you back revelio ah foreign lumos lumos [Music] what's up thank you naviosa I need to get my platforms but how insanity hahaha revelio [Music] foreign what's that hanging there precarious sealed shot from the other side oh Rebellion oh oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me [Music] foreign [Music] lumos [Music] back here foreign [Music] The Witch's final resting place sarcophagus a dead ashwinder compatriots must have made off with the helmet Revel back here Rebellion there must be some sort of mechanism for this doorway Lord gok the sarcophagus had been raided I found no helmet only a dead ashwinder damn they got here first we need to get it before Rookwood uses it to further ingratiate himself to ran Rock I saw one of their campsites not far from here but I fear you must go in alone my fighting days are behind me an entire Camp of rookwood's Thieves I might need assistance unfortunately we have no time get to that helmet before Rookwood does or we will lose our chance at any leverage no matter how small with Round Rock to think those wretched thieves have their hands on such a relic foreign [Music] these rocks have seen better days [Music] ah if any Professor fate could have seen that incentive come on Leviosa foreign ers back for more [Music] all right all right he may be more skilled than mostly because you're not you left revelio exposure [Music] flash of inspiration [Music] stop guy I'll see more courage in a Pollock might want to look up exposure not going well for you the exposure promised same nobody saw that Rebellion that's it this is the Rockwood somebody out there back here you fight for me challenge nobody will believe I defeated the Nash wind upon myself incendio Rebellion [Music] there's no telling what lies and wait for me in there I retrieved the helmet from the ashwinders well done this is sure to impress ran Rock the helmet shines even more brightly than I imagined the etchings the Contour of the profile remarkable it looks stunning lodgcock I see why you wanted it back you did the thieves a service by recovering it I know many a goblin who would have killed for it ah then I'm glad to be rid of it myself thank you this should earn randrock's trust I will take it to him immediately it may distract him from his search his search it died it is million inkling you have impressed me greatly friend I am glad that I trusted you we shall speak soon best to keep our Arrangement quiet for now many will not believe that our aims might possibly be aligned [Music] hello friend I wonder if you might stop by the three broomsticks when you can I would like your help with something as I mentioned my sister around Mrs Hogwarts and she hasn't been herself lately I'd like to take you up on your promise to visit her with me I'm heading to feldcroft soon so I look forward to seeing you there it's just south of Hogwarts by the way hope you're faring well with the blasting curse it's still one of my favorites now that you've attended Beast 's class I've asked d ude using the room to further your studies in that regard please meet him there when you can [Music] I've not heard from my uncle Roland in quite some time I've been beside myself with worry could you meet me in the courtyard thank you hello sirona I received your owl how are you hello my friend did you ever find logog [Music] I did thank you fact we're walking together to try and reign in ramrock are you hmm I suspected you and he would get along perhaps best I don't know details of your plans then I shall refrain from telling you to be careful yet again but I hope you will be I of course [Music] your owl mentioned you're needing my help with something I do I thought you might be just the person to do a favor for my friend Dorothy sprottle in Upper hawksfield hmm I don't believe I've met Mrs Russell she's lovely her late husband Aiden was a friend of my father's in fact I'd stay with Dawson Aiden the Summers I waited tables here as a student I've seen her a few times since Aiden passed but the Pub's been so busy lately I've not been as attentive as I'd have liked I wonder if you might pop in and see her she may need some help collecting ingredients for her supply of wigging World potion and you retrieve something of mine says the foot steps why does Mrs brothel keep a supply of Wigan World potion on hand Dr skilled potioneer she's been supplying traveling vendors with Wigan World potion an ordinary precaution that has unfortunately become a necessity what with ranrock's loyalists disrupting the trade routes why did Mr and Mrs spottle have your box of letters after all this time it's one of a few that I had when I was young dot found it when she was clearing out a closet can't imagine what's in there probably terribly theatrical the ramblings of a Teenage Witch and her friends you're welcome to take a peek inside if you do find it to be honest I'd imagine it contains some lovely memories I'll try to go and see her when I can it would mean the world to me and to Dorothy Aiden was bringing the box of letters to me when he was taken ill doc couldn't tell you where he might have dropped it you will find the Hamlet just north of hogsmeade please do give dot my love I'll say it again I don't thank you enough for helping to save the Village from those trolls [Music] I'll fix him and Sir is everything all right how kind of you to ask the name's Ackley Barnes and no it is not I'm plotting a sort of revenge against my ex-business partner a conniving fiend by the name of Alfred Lawley he cut me out of our herbology supply business just as we were getting started said I was too volatile to work with I'll show him volatile [Music] I must have been frustrating for you yes yes it was terribly and simply passionate about my work supercilious fool he's passionate about things too as I intend to remind him by relieving him of his prized possession a venomous tentacular he's grown from a Seedling that was to be the Keystone of our business venture I can't get anywhere near it with Ruth's singer watching me like an augury loli's doing no doubt but no one would suspect a student hmm how would you feel about committing some Grand plant last name you said Mr Lawley was your ex-business partner what were you working on I had an idea to train venomous tentacular create guard plans if you will that attacked when ordered we hit a snag when one ate Lolly's nasal after that he cut me out of the business the short-sighted fiend why do you need Mr lawley's venomous tentacular in particular simple if I have it then Lawley doesn't Ergo I can launch my business and he must start all over again I'm killing two snidgets with one stone what else is in Mr lawley's Cellar all of lawley's herbology supplies he has quite the collection fill your pockets while you're there or to slow him down for a bit and I can get my business going minus any competition [Music] I'll get the venomous tentacular for you marvelous I know a fellow secret of Justice when I see one take as many herbology supplies as you like while you're in his Cellar all I ask is that you bring me the venomous tentacular remember I just need that venomous tentacular here things I need to find is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign s lead to hogsmeade [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] good Ness hello oh hello sorry I'm in a better but Desi I was just scolding some of the plants for spitting and nipping I suppose it's my own fault for putting more than four to a tree by the way screen is the name but you may address me as Madame green welcome to dogweed and death cap oh mind you don't knock them and Drakes oh if there wasn't the constant demand for antidotes I wouldn't need to stock so many of the little deers except of course for curses and will if you've been petrified then obviously you've come to the right place mind you don't knock the mandrakes I oh there's an uprooting you'll be the next one to drop dead and I'm enormous for a clear-up [Music] someone died I fortunate really that it was just the one then how may I help you today I think I'll just have a look around for now Phil let me know if you see anything you like what do you have for sale is some of what's available but your things will be safe with me until they're sold then you'll have to make do with money doors always open you be sure to stop by soon [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] doors always open you be sure to stop by soon [Music] well what see we show you some of what's available doors always open you be sure to stop by soon lumos hugs meat here I come here full of the mandrakes I haven't fed them yet [Music] [Music] thank you love the ocean foreign [Music] alohomora [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] did you mention run Rock's loyalists I did never imagined they'd act this deadly I'm Claire Beaumont by the way nice to meet you ranrock and his followers have set up camp here no regard for our beloved Hamlet or our livelihoods ruthless my brother baldoff dared to stand up to them and ended up in Saint Mongols simply at my wit's end how did your brother bardov end up in some mongos baldoff had spent the entire day hand picking herbs and roots for us when a group of Rand Rock's lot appeared and demanded the Harvest for themselves bottle refused in their anger they held him against The Rock and robbed him the moment he left some Mongols he vowed Revenge [Music] I worry he may be doubling in Magic that he will one day the regret you said ranrock's loyalists have set up camp here where precisely to the South Cross the river whilst I heard there were several loyalists in each Camp I won't go near them [Music] why don't you simply leave the area for now upper Hawgs field is my home Waldorf and I grew up here no we are standing Fairman once my brother returns then we shall decide what to do next he's gone to seek Victor rookwood's advice I didn't approve of that idea but perhaps in the end it will help I'm unfortunately quite familiar with Round Rock's loyalists perhaps I can do something much as I would love to be rid of them I wouldn't want you to risk injury or worse please be cautious [Music] it seems as though things are getting worse must be oh my God [Music] oh revelio [Laughter] I wonder who lives here Shane bardov thought dark magic was the answer I reckon rookwood's played a hand in his disappearance hello Mrs bottle actually sirona Ryan asked if I'd come and see you collecting ingredients for your wig and World potion and she's correct my darling agent used to collect Hawk clumps for me it was since he died my supply has dwindled I'm sorry for your loss Mrs bottle oh thank you love of my life a bit lost without him if you wouldn't mind Gathering some Hawk clumps for me I'd be happy to compensate you for your time believe it or not I have some with me replenish this sirona also mentioned that Mr sprattle was bringing her a box of letters when he fell ill in he was hoping to go through it with sirona over a butter beer or two those two were always like two bow Chuckles in a branch Aiden took ill when he was collecting Hawk clumps on his way to see her he made it home but I fear he dropped the box in the cavern the cavern is in the Hills just Southwest of our Hamlet you can gather hot clumps and collect the box of letters there sirona said she lived with you during the Summers when she was at Hogwarts what was she like oh she was ugly like she is now Charming good head on her shoulders taking care of everyone I can't tell you the fun we had when she and her friends would visit us during the year all buzzing about practicing charms talented group her friend Mirabelle was a genius in the garden learned it all from her muggled parents if you can believe it do you remember anything about the letters you put in the Box oh oh I even included a letter sirona had written to me when she was staying with us thought she might enjoy reading it I know when I read writing from my youth I'm always astonished at how much I've changed and yet remain the same thank you Mrs brothel thank you I'll be here if you are able to collect those Hall clumps I and the vendors I help would greatly appreciate it this must be the cover Mrs spottle mentioned [Music] leave the hall clumps to Mrs brothel but I still need to visit the cave to find sirona's box of letters perhaps I'll find more Hall clumps while I'm there let's have a look around see if I can find that box of letters Rebellion incendio that's all the hall comes for now this is bottle should be pleased [Music] foreign [Music] lumos thank you it's Sunday foreign [Music] foreign huh revelia either I'll have to fight that troll or avoid it all together please [Music] take them stupid Escape it's difficult foreign this is [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] er's box of letters [Music] to take this box of letters to sirona she'll be glad to have it back [Music] [Music] I think that's everything so Rona will be glad to have this back [Music] Hogwarts is very lucky they've got protection charms if you ask me it's been ages coaching near craigcroft let's see what's up your sleeve this time Merlin does it get any more cozy than hogsmead welcome come on in come on in not so fast you need to tread carefully in here venomous tentacular foreign [Music] you be sure to stop by soon [Music] I saw what you did folks still talk about you taking down that troll in the Village Circle you certainly made an impression hello sirona I have good news I was able to provide your friend Mrs brothel with some Hall clumps for her wigamor potion and I found your box of letters oh thank you I knew you were the one to ask I wondered about some of the letters in the box of course and it appears most of the letters were from fellow students one of the letters mentions quidditch practice did you play I did was the Ravenclaw Seeker for three years oh Merlin's beard I adore quidditch nothing like the feeling of catching the golden snitch when your team's down by 140 points I'll never forgive Professor black for canceling it this year I missed cheering for Ravenclaw saw a letter from someone named Mirabelle is that Professor garlic it is still one of my dearest friends I know she wouldn't mind you having seen that letter she and I are of a similar mind especially when it comes to young people We Believe experience to be an invaluable teacher to borrow a phrase from Mirabelle it's a joy to see anyone Blossom but particularly one who doubted they ever would I spotted a letter from you to Mrs brothel you two seem to have a lot of fun together we do she taught me so much during my Summers with her and Aiden I shall be the first to admit that adolescents aren't always the easiest to understand and not everyone was as kind to me as this bottles but the depth of their kindness and that of so many of my friends got me through well got me through some challenging times to put it moldy I'm glad I could be of help Mrs brothel sends her best don't know what I'd have done without her and Aiden thank you again for helping her and for returning this box of letters it's nice to reflect on good memories [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade thank you thank you such arrogance on a friend rocks camps exactly as Madame Beaumont described [Music] are you sure [Music] [Music] um has fooled you all to your demise down one more to go Rebellion thank you [Music] that intruder [Music] attack him [Music] [Music] quiet now incentive [Music] both camps cleared at a Beaumont will be glad to hear that Rebellion a castle must have been quite stately in this time Rebellion ah thank you and send it revelio Rebellion good good revelio Sam I didn't have an audience for that one huh Rebellion ah hello do you have anything for sale that I do but uh what's a student like yourself doing out here got yourself lost did you just exploring the countryside a bit hey nice to break the routine now and then a bit of a Wanderer myself in fact her name's Leopold Babcock and I am indeed here to sell now for someone like yourself who is also prudent to wonder I cannot understate the importance of keeping some Wigan World pushed on hand I wouldn't dare set foot in a place like the Forbidden Forest without a steady supply who do you see my young friend a measure of safety for the path forehead something to consider thank you for your help Mr Babcock hey let me know if you see something you like what do you have for sale see if there's something you need thank you for your patronage that's been a pleasure [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] see if there's something indeed as you'll hope to do business with you again that's been a pleasure [Music] not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this I do miss the bus hello Madam Beaumont good news I was able to clear out Round Rock's camps you you laid them out how [Music] I managed to catch them off guard when my brother returns this will mean the world to him we saved our Hamlet my young friend this will not be forgotten I fear for other hamlets truly brand Rock and his laughter unlike any goblins I've ever seen what do you have for sale what you're looking for exactly thank you sincerely thank you thank you for passing through [Music] Rebellion [Music] Bardo Beaumont should have returned by now had my excuse me did you say something about bardov Beaumont oh hello again how nice to see you and yes I did I was just worrying about Claire beaumont's brother baldoff only he's gone missing rumor is he was seen in the forest practicing dark magic saw him myself near some ruins with rookwood's lot I did I fear he got himself into trouble with the ashwinders especially if he made them a promise he couldn't keep shame really with Rand Rock's camps cleared out I have a feeling he'd have given up on dark magic altogether I can certainly look out for him any help would be appreciated you might speak to Claire first perhaps she has some insights that I don't I can tell you that bardov was last seen in the forest wearing a particular Woolen jumper one that Claire knitted herself Claire will be at her shop if you'd like to speak with her [Music] [Music] incendio incentive [Music] all right we'll send you Rebellion [Music] huh love you seems a pleasant enough for some place oh I do hope my brother is all right [Applause] Madame Beaumont I believe I have some news of your brother other what do you know of my brother [Music] turned into an inferious and I had to kill him what but but how could you possibly think that an imperius was my brother bad off third he was wearing a wool and jumper and knitted no [Music] I'm truly sorry I wish it had been better news models [Music] but off you've made up a hogsfield safer and for that I thank you [Music] revelio foreign [Music] [Music] Christmas ah this must be it this must be the seller how to find that venomous tentacular that's not let Mr Lawley see me alohomora ravennial where is that venomous tentacular foreign [Music] he said [Music] revelio foreign [Music] now that I have the venomous tentacular I should return to Mr Barnes [Music] Rebellion thank you Revenue foreign [Music] hello Mr Barnes I have that venomous tentacular I wish I could see Lolly's face when he realizes his prized possession is gone let's see who's volatile now well done I'll take it off your hands now of course glad to hand it over frankly I shall make an ocean of galleons and loli's business will be sunk here's a little something for your next trip to Zonkers oh to see the look on Lolly's face the next time he wanders down to his cellar [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] dick ah Deke is so happy to see you indeed noticed this bag in the room the other day you must need it to help with your schoolwork Deke has seen one of these before Dick calls it a knapsack perfect for Gathering and transporting beasts and little breeze I have been thinking about something Professor Howard said in BEAST's class that I should study as many beasts as I can on my own time she also mentioned that poachers have been active in the area so perhaps the beasts will be safer with us than out on their own precisely what Deke was thinking you see the room knew exactly what you needed and luckily dee can show you how to best use the knabsack and where [Music] come along then [Music] our first stop will be beyond the castle grounds we can leave now or you can come and find dick when you're ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] a nasty poacher dick hated working for him he did horrible things to beautiful beasts well it was during those days that Deke first saw a knapsack it'll be nice to see one used for good we have arrived Deke enjoys coming here to watch the beasts especially the puffle of popskins nearby it would be nice to keep them safe all you will need to do is get close direct the open knapsack toward the puff skin and in it'll go all right foreign oh [Applause] you've got one [Music] Rebellion [Applause] [Music] not going to hurt you [Applause] [Music] Rebellion [Applause] settle yourself [Applause] [Music] thank you oh [Applause] everything's all right now Rebellion I managed to rescue a puff skin you can rescue as many as the knapsack will hold poachers capture puff schemes and well dick isn't sure what they do with them dick is certain they will be safer with you now not all beasts will be as simple to rescue as a puff Skin Deep suggests you next find a beast that can fly a job at all perhaps all right where would I find one dick knows of some to the West nesting in a large tree overlooking Hogwarts but we must be careful they could have seen poachers in the area recently dick will meet you there whenever you're ready foreign [Music] [Music] perhaps we should work quickly the jobanols are just here in this large tree if it's helpful Deek has seen levioso used two slow flying beasts easier to get in close and use the knapsack what if I can't find any beasts in their usual habitat beasts won't stray too far from their homes look nearby or simply wait a moment and they should return do you have any advice on how I can rescue more elusive beasts levioso is not only helpful when rescuing flying beasts it can also help rescue beasts that are generally hard to catch try using that spell the next time you encounter a small or otherwise elusive Beast would you mind talking a bit more about what it was like working for your former master geek's master was not kind to beasts or today he saw beasts only as a source of income to be used for potion ingredients and labor and dick will not say more but deacon ique is grateful to be at Hogwarts where he can help care for beasts and make amends for the things his master made him do then I shall go and rescue a job and all good luck it will be waiting foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] not going to hurt you naviosa [Applause] no need to be difficult I mean you know harm laughs [Music] [Applause] you do cooperate won't you let the ocean [Applause] Professor howum will never believe this [Applause] now now I'm only trying to help [Music] [Applause] settle yourself I mean you know home I rescued a jobinol Deke hopes your job and all finds the knapsack nice and cozy poachers want them for their feathers and are not kind when they gather them are there any other beasts nearby just one that dick knows of a herd of moon carves they live in a clearing of trees up this footpath dick will see you there thank you often another adventure are we hello Deke is this the clearing you mentioned it is Moon calves gather near the large tree with the spiral pattern in front but only under the light of the moon so unfortunately unless you have a way to haste in time your mind sometimes have to wait until Nightfall to see them how did you end up the Hogwarts after working for your former Master deke's prior Master had no family so when he died all of his househelves were relocated by the ministry Deke was the most fortunate one as dick was sent to Hogwarts Deek's friends were not as fortunate I shall go and find a moon cough then Deke will be waiting for your return Rebellion [Music] thank you love yourself [Applause] no need to be difficult I mean you know harm foreign [Applause] [Music] it was a bit trickier than the others but I have a moon cough now another Beast safe and sound shame we didn't see the moon calves dancing it's a marvelous sight geek supposes you're finished here he'll be able to rescue many more beasts but for now let's bring the ones you've gathered back to the room all right geek will meet you back in the room whenever you're ready [Music] thank you foreign there you are now we need to show the Beast you rescued their new home but um not enough room to let them out here imagine all those beasts running a mock that wouldn't do at all [Music] perhaps if you focus on what your beasts need the room will provide [Music] oh what exactly did you think of heavens [Music] you've done it but what is it Deek isn't sure only one way to find out [Music] make you inside when you're ready good [Music] foreign look at this it's amazing where are we dick it seems to be a place for your beasts to live a vivarium of some sort oh your Beast will be quite comfortable here they'll live healthy safe lives perhaps you want to release them let them see the new home [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] dick thinks the vivarium will be a fitting new home for your beasts indeed I only hope we'll have enough space for all of them Deek hope so too but if you do run out of room Madame Peck at brewed and Peck in hogsmead will help to find safe homes for them any Beasts of the room can't hold yes she is well known for helping to care for beasts in need and she'll give you a fair price for them speaking of care beasts that are well fed and groomed will provide you with valuable magical materials such as Puff skin hair for example if you gather some magical materials from your beasts dee can show you how to use them very well I shall let you know when I have some [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] first you'll need to use this spellcraft to conjure an enchanted Loom an enchanted Loom exactly it will allow you to use your magical materials to weave magic into the very threads of your clothing making your clothing more useful in a variety of ways why don't you try it thinks you'll be impressed with what the loom can do I'll go and experiment with the loom now foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I should show Deke [Music] I use the enchanted Loom dick wonderful will I be able to weave even more powerful magic into my clothing with the loop you will by rescuing even more powerful beasts for now however deep suggests you explore the vivarium and get to know the Beast you've already rescued thank you for your help Deke [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] broadens the mind I know a mile and trial when I see one foreign Rebellion [Music] foreign how inconvenient travel was before I invented enjoy suffering Aloha Mora all right foreign laughs uh it's like a place right out of a storybook Rebellion [Music] [Music] Hello nice to meet you welcome I am Bernard India and this is my shop is there anything I can help you with what do you have for sale what are we in the market for today a pleasure doing business with you have I mentioned you're welcome to stop by anytime how nice to see you my young friend you made it enjoying the view keeping an eye on things feldcroft isn't what it used to be no one has felt safe here since ran Rock's loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there Rookwood Castle my uncle Solomon is a former Aura and refuses to look into it even after Anne was cursed by one of them possibly with a wand no less I heard a goblin refer to wizard kind as wand carriers a Goblin's forbidden from carrying ones precisely that's why I'm on the hunt for answers if I'm to cure her I need to understand what happened to her Anne was always the most mischievous of the three of us which is saying something knowing neonominus I'm hoping a surprise visit from me and a new friend from Hogwarts will help lift her spirits bring back the Anna I Used to Know come on I'll take you to my uncles this way feldcroft used to be a lot livelier with Round Rock slot wandering about all the time everyone stays out of sight here we are my sister should be just inside revelio Sebastian where did you is that what I think it is shrivel figs cannot reverse a curse nothing can the sooner you accept that reality the better but we haven't tried everything there is no cure when will you accept that never I can never accept it I'm sorry [Music] laughs I'm sorry you had to see that if you don't mind I just need a moment alone pull Sebastian not the visit he died for that boy will frame my last nerve rebellious excuse me Mr Salo oh yes Sebastian's friend I apologize on behalf of my nephew he doesn't know when to stop he thinks he can help Anne nothing can be done for her [Music] I understand you've tried everyone from nurse Blaney to some mongos to no avail we have my nephew thinks he knows better than the healers perhaps the healers don't know everything sir Sebastian is single-mindedly focused on finding a way to help his sister if there is a cure he will find it your faith in Sebastian has misplaced some sort of dark magic cursed Anne and the Goblins aren't likely to explain themselves anytime soon giving her hope is cruel the only thing to do now is keep and comfortable and stay out of the loyalist's way I understand what you're saying sir good I know what's best for Anne and Sebastian they are my stubborn Brothers children especially Sebastian if you really want to be of help you'll make sure Sebastian does what he should do not what he wants to do it's no idea the harm he could do if he doesn't stop I hope you'll remember what I've said good day I'm sorry about earlier those Rebellion are difficult to bear [Music] are you all right Anna I didn't mean to intrude you didn't truly all right the pain from this curse comes in bouts and often suddenly it's not anyone's fault it's nice to meet you by the way you must be the new fifth year Sebastian told me about I am Sebastian and I met during a rather Lively duel and defense against the dark arts oh yeah professor Hackett powerful way and she knows how it sounds like my brother and me in line I do miss Hogwarts but I wouldn't mind being at Feld Croft really if it wasn't so dreary now between the Goblins at the castle and my uncle fighting with Sebastian whenever he's home it's not the Cozy retreated once was Sebastian mentioned something about your uncle being an ex-ora but refusing to go after Round Rock's loyalists I must say I wasn't prepared for him to be as angry as he was Uncle Solomon is frustrated to fight what happened to me and by Sebastian for thinking he can fix it they both mean well I know they do but my uncle is right this curse cannot be undone I can feel it Sebastian cannot take away my pain perhaps you can help him to understand that I'll do my best I can promise to speak with him about it thank you his search for a cure was futile I'm afraid I'm getting tired I should probably rest thank you for stopping by I wish you well see how Sebastian's faring [Music] revelia [Music] why will he not listen to me she's my sister how are you doing Sebastian you got a first-hand glance at what I'm dealing with I apologize for my uncle I'll admit I wasn't expecting him to be so angry he's always angry he's been angry since my parents died after Anne was hurt he only grew worse it's as though he blames me somehow always calling me my Father's son as if that's an insult I'm the one trying to help her he's simply given up both Anne and your uncle seem genuinely convinced that nothing more can be done for her I refuse to believe that Anne's pain is more than physical it has changed her entirely I miss my sister and I'm going to get her back come with me I need to show you where it happened Grand Rock's loyalists are capable of so much more than people realize rebellious they should not be underestimated all the debris you'll see is from whatever's going on at that abandoned estate they've been digging for something up there on that plateau is where they curse down this way how much longer are we expected to dig through this Rubble ramrock knows what he's doing it's an honor to be a part of it um you've made your last mistake yes thank you and suddenly kill spells I keep fast that was a bit smaller than I thought before I tried to warn you [Music] repairer [Music] Rebellion those loyalists deserved what they got couldn't agree more this is where it happened we smelt smoke in the middle of the night when we looked outside Flames were shooting from the estate before my uncle and I could stop her and rushed out racing towards the fire worried someone would be hurt she came face to face with a horde of goblins frantically trying to Stamp Out the Flames suddenly an icy voice drifted out from somewhere in the smoke children should be seen and not heard a blinding blast followed they didn't even give her a chance to run it was an awfully violent response to a child wandering by what were they trying to hide my thoughts exactly it may be grasping at Billy wigs but I keep thinking that there might be something here that could lead me to whoever kirstan might be the only way to learn what type of magic harmed her which could help me find a cure perhaps you're right the Loyalists are everywhere but they do seem to be spending a lot of time here and it's likely they're hiding something and at Rookwood Castle shall we have a look around they seem to have set up camp here for a specific reason revelio they have stations for everything I've heard Goblin dig sites like these are popping up everywhere hmm it's a wonder the ministry isn't doing more always armed and ready for a fight randwick's loyalists whose home was this since I've lived here centuries ago but that's all I ever heard it might be work Sebastian over here do you think that this was damaged by the fire the night that Anne was cursed could be but it looks to me as though this was intention this well looked familiar revelia Sebastian I've seen this before this house the well the view what do you mean when give me a moment I'll explain in a second Sebastian this house did belong to a Hogwarts Professor hundreds of years ago who what do you found a pensive that day in the Restricted Section with a memory that showed this house there was a little girl and a drought the keepers have shown me other memories as well the girl became a Hogwarts professor her name was Isadora morganock she was one of the keepers the keepers like in quidditch and you found a pensive in the library I'm not following you I realize it's a lot to take in I'm not even sure I understand it all yet and no not like quidditch they call themselves Keepers because they're protecting some type of knowledge it has to do with the Vault Gringotts let me see if I've got this straight you have ran Rock and Rookwood after you because of something you found at Gringotts where you ended up via a Porky you can see traces of an ancient magic that you think Round Rock is trying to harness and now you've been witnessing memories left by Keepers oh and this house belonged to a Hogwarts Professor who was one of these non-quidditch Keepers hundreds of years ago if I didn't know you I think you were pulling my leg it is all a bit much isn't it when you put it like that the point is we both have good reason to search this house you for answers about what happened to Anne and Me For answers about the keepers look at this Someone piled this here for a reason is it blocking something only one way to find out revelia [Music] huh a stairwell Rebellion lumos why bother blocking a stair Rebellion there might be something here worth a closer look rebellious simply strewn about tells me they're after something bigger you're not going to believe this I can see the undercroft what a Daydream because that happens to me too Rebellion lumos [Music] seems these journal entries are from isadora's travels I know it sounds strange honestly nothing you say sounds strange to me anymore fair enough I can see the undercroft through this stone wall as though it's a window happen before I'm listening I think it's to do with my ability to see traces of ancient magic but you said you didn't really understand it and that you couldn't wield it that's true I'm still not sure what it all means what I do know is that my ability allows me to travel through these windows I see wait we can get straight to the undercroft from here ominous will be flawed with with perhaps best not to tell anyone else about this for now even ominous understood well then invisible secret ancient magic passageway here we come I'm tempted to hold my breath a journal entry of his doors I should hold on to this why would the door lead us here Sebastian look [Music] thank you [Music] why hide a triptych here seems as if something's missing note let's have a look Rebellion [Music] Rebellion thank you [Music] [Music] anything helpful in the notes a rune symbol I've seen similar symbols used by the keepers I've been thinking people lived in that house centuries ago and ran Rock and his lot have been searching there you said that goblins may be wielding some form of this ancient Magic do you think Anne was cursed by ancient magic I can't be sure of course but I don't think so I didn't see any traces of it around your sister hmm very well but that doesn't mean it's not ancient Magic there's still so much we don't know about it true perhaps this triptych will lead us to answers then we'll have to unravel what this all means but now I need to see ominous don't worry I won't tell him anything did I mention that apparently Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts you did not sounds worth looking into any idea where in the castle no idea ominous just learned of it I'll let you know what I find out I had no idea our visit to Xian would unfold into all of this heads and that's a mess but I'm glad you told me everything you did I'll be in touch till then [Music] meet me nearly the ruins of falbotom Castle after dark do not tell anyone thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] handy resource indeed your Field Guide I mostly please be included [Music] [Music] the pink smedleys will always look upon you as a trusted Ally and friend and your reading is the Dragon that's exciting I suppose perhaps you're due for an adventure [Music] ladies Professor Shaw astronomy is not divination you won't find the mysteries of the cosmos charted out on your bombs or at the bottom of your teacups alas the heavens remain hazy to The Starry Eyed now if you were to devote yourselves to persistent and painstaking observation you just might catch a glimpse with that in mind please take your telescopes tonight we will be on the observation deck [Music] still don't have your own you can't be the new student forever you know you can share with Mr takar [Music] here I can adjust that for no no bring it into focus on your own [Music] thank you [Music] now I expect all of you to put in your stargazing hours outside of class is that clear but Professor it's freezing out Mia Cole didn't stop the great stargazers of the past look only to the astronomy tables they erected throughout the highlands from which they gazed Millennia ago on the very self-same stars above us is that clear [Music] dismissed hello I don't believe we've met officially I'm Amit I'm something of an astronomy buff hello mate it's nice to meet you did I hear Professor Shaw say that you don't have your own telescope I have a spare one you could borrow for the rest of term [Music] that's very kind of you Amit are you sure you won't need it I'm certain it's my old one I finally got my hands on the new Celestia contemplar you've heard of it I assume I mean of course you have it's only the Pinnacle of all personal stargazing implements my old models not too shabby either Goblin cut glass first-rate Optical enchantments hate to think such a fine instrument is just collecting dust well I thank you Amit think nothing of it anyway the telescopes in the storage room right underneath us you can't miss it I have some uh reading to finish on the lower deck come find me there afterwards and bring the telescope there's something I want to talk to you about [Music] of my stargazing as long as I could I was good that did how am I supposed to find Syria so my hands are too cold into the telescope revelia [Music] this was his old telescope looks practically brand new [Music] thank you [Music] ah a pristine night with the dog [Music] the perfect night for I have the telescope it's nicer than I'd expected I would not offer a prospective Stargazer at Third Rate Luna scope but there is um something else yes what is it you remember those astronomy tables Shaw was going on about it just so happens I've been reading upon them a little myself and it seems there may be one right here at Hogwarts find hidden constellations [Music] and you need someone to help find it I do are you in no one from the gobstones club will go with me said they'd rather get spit at by a stone and well they are cowards let us get moving while the stars are still out I'll show you how to use that telescope once we get there I promise no need to convince me let's get going brilliant you won't regret it shall we the table is on a castle wall ahead look for a stone platform something that doesn't quite belong we'll know it when we see it onwards we go some say the locations of the tables were originally marked by centaurs for ritual stargazing huh it is nice having a fellow Stargazer to explore with it is good to leave a class from now and then it's not that creepy out here at night is it the garbstones club are cowards here I am charging ahead why don't you lead the way if you're sure Rebellion hmm a few cobwebs and some dust nothing she concerned about oh of course it's just not famous tidy as I expected Rebellion [Music] could I ask you something oh um certainly where precisely is the table we're looking for according to an old astronomers Chronicle I found in the library it may be somewhere along the castle wall are you so fascinated with stars I suppose because there is so much to learn about them I mean there is plenty to learn about a lot of subjects but astronomy seems Limitless always something new being discovered they are forever discovering new Moons and stars in fact they discovered a new planet just 50 years ago actually that's all I wanted to know oh very well then revelio incendio you don't think any spiders might be lurking about oh no not this close to school or meet [Applause] [Music] look there's a table I think you should do the Beyond drive out I'll meet could I ask you something oh um certainly actually that's Rebellion [Music] Leviosa lumos repair Wingardium Leviosa huh the constellation should appear near the center of your view [Music] as soon as you've lined up the telescope we will be able to fill out our star chart [Music] I was right about the tables they really are gateways to the far Stars just as the book said and your contribution was invaluable rest assured you shall be credited in my Memoirs one day thank you Amit I look forward to reading them and I look forward to writing them this is only the beginning you will find more tables like this one throughout the grounds and forests all beckoning to be discovered by a worthy astronomer and if I have ever seen one it's you oh and about my old telescope don't bother returning it you should keep it that's quite generous thank you you are welcome it has Goblin cut glass and a gobbledygook inscription I'm practically fluent in gobbledygook you know it's all in the throat really gobbledygook you know and and how you pronounce your r's um anyway glad our adventure was a success I will see you soon [Music] ah never do get tired of seeing the astronomy Tower at night what a view [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder anything to do with the dark heart should be avoided it's too risky anything to do with Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk I can't agree and I'll not say a word more I'm sorry I Won't Give Up what were you Anonymous speaking about he's being ridiculous apparently Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts I want to swears it was used for the dark arts so he wants nothing to do with it I reminded him that and need to cure this scriptorium could hold the answers we need the dark arts do pique my interest there's more to dark magic Than People realize the gaunts know this better than most perhaps I've spoken out of turn ominous family history is personal to him I'd like to know more about it if you wouldn't mind telling me I won't repeat it very well but do keep this between us ominous learned dark magic from his parents are you familiar with the cruciata's curse what does the cruciata's curse do it's known as the torture curse crucio it inflicts intense excruciating pain on the victim apparently his parents and older siblings had no qualms about casting us on Muggles for sport ominous described the sound of the victim's cries as horrific so the first time he was asked to cast it himself as a child he couldn't bring himself to do it as punishment his family casteth on him the anguish was so bad that when ours cast it again he relented I have repeatedly assured ominous that he did what he had to but he still hasn't forgiven himself how horrible Romanus he was only a child he shouldn't blame himself after that incident the rift between ominous and his family only grew that is until I came along every moment he isn't Hogwarts he's with us in feldcroft ominous trusts me and more often than not he winds up listening to me I'll remind him of that when I follow up about the scriptorium watch for my owl I'll have news soon enough I'll make ominous understand he'll change his mind [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] charge [Music] [Music] Adelaide Oaks isn't it I received your owl yes I'm Adelaide Oaks oh dear you see my uncle Roland is a metal Trader who's quite well known in the goblin Community he normally sends me owls every week when he's on his business travels in his last owl he alluded to dealings with those radical goblins ranrock's loyalists it's been ages since that owl and I'm worried what would the troll attack on hogsmeade and the rumors that goblins may have been involved well I'm fearing the worst should I be worried about my uncle or am I overthinking this [Music] I think you're right to be concerned Adelaide your uncle may be in trouble you're much more understanding than Professor Weasley she heard I was going to look for him and forbade me from leaving the grounds she's convinced he can handle himself but I can't concentrate on anything until I know he's all right I could you try to find out for me from what I hear you're almost as adventurous as Uncle Roland I'll try and look into it for you Adelaide thank you he's very thorough in his record keeping notes all his trades in a journal makes maps in fact in his last out he drew me a map of his next stop he planned to set up camp north of here I do hope you're able to find out where he is thank you again for any help you can provide oh Uncle Roland what have you got yourself into [Music] what you did in Cross ones was fantastic your journey I hope Adelaide's Uncle Roland is all right very worried actually I mentioned her uncle's cat making their prop Borough past the river likely this astronomy table will be best used when it's dark ah [Music] here's one of those tables Professor Shaw mentioned [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign you are postponing here it's not quick enough [Music] [Music] incentive now to find out what happens here [Music] Rebellion Mr oaks's trade Journal Adelaide said that her uncle got notes of his trades Maps perhaps these landmarks will lead me to him Rebellion I should investigate beautiful Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign of death I'm not safe but if it can't see me I'll be all right won't I all I need is an invisibility portion yes that's what I need I'm afraid I'm all out of invisibility potion I suggest finding somewhere safe and being especially careful say hopefully the grin or whatever it has foretold doesn't get me first Rebellion oh [Music] my God I've always said that travel broadens them over here quietly I'm glad that you received my owl we need to stay low and remain quiet does he what's going on why are we all the way out here as promised I did some investigating to find out what Hollow is up to I followed him to the hog's head I noticed him reading a letter all I could see was that it was signed by and bore the Seal of Victor Rookwood and after you told me that Rookwood and Hollow were after you I decided that you were the perfect person to join me in taking them down for good that letter is the tangible proof that offers a singer needs it is why I followed Hollow here and why I wrote to you I need your help to retrieve it can't we just bypass off as a singer and go directly to the ministry do you think they will listen to a student only officer singer can start an investigation the ministry will come in later you seem to be very determined in stopping Rookwood and Harlow why I knew men like him in Uganda I know how bad things can get if they are not stopped it's their long story when I promise to share when we have more time for now let's do what we came to do I'll help you find the letter Natty I'm glad to hear it first we must access the castle keep I'll check the main gate the way in I do not see any guts but we still try to be as quiet as possible Hollow is here after all often another adventure are we finite ah nothing Rebellion I wonder what that does compulsa that did it thank you thank you [Music] we got him Leviosa Rebellion Leviosa thank you [Applause] oh Rebellion I need to find a way into the Gatehouse to open the gate for Natty must be another way in [Music] that looks as if it might raise the gate foreign well done I will be right up I knew you could do it this way I will get the door Rebellion that is the main keeper my guess is that we'll find Halo and the letter inside we'll need to be careful once we get hear them [Music] High wing do you know that hippogriff very well new plan I get the evidence and you free that hippogriff agreed this is our chance go [Music] ah blasted there's got to be another way to get up to the roof somewhere revelio I hope Natty stays out of trouble Rebellion what the Ed Pacquiao [Music] foreign [Music] laughs just should have took less time is all I was saying Revenue hello Amora [Music] Revenue I heard Nazi's having an easier time of it you're going home in a wooden box [Music] alohomora thank you foreign we need to save you from these barbarians [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] it's all right [Music] ah there you are come on hello [Music] Lori [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there's the Hogwarts Express must be returning from an unscheduled run [Music] thank you [Music] I wonder if anyone can see us from the castle [Music] thing [Music] it's incredible isn't it [Music] thank you [Music] how exciting it was exhilarating wasn't it I wasn't sure we were going to make it out alive [Laughter] I will say I did not expect to see him cast The Killing cast at us he won't forget this be on your gut of course what did the letter say that rookwood's looking for a phoenix I'm not sure where he will find one but it also included hallo's orders to inspect that castle for the poachers enough to connect halo to the crimes I shall deliver the letter to officer singer she'll have to do something when she sees it now tell me where did you meet these hippogriffs I've only met Hyrum before poppy introduced us puppy Sweeting knows a hippogriff of course she does poppy will be relieved to know that highway is safe I came to the right person for help my mother will be worried I must go seek me out soon I shall have much to tell you [Music] [Music] thank you I have learned about usat who is being harassed by Hollow he may be able to provide the evidence we need to take Harlow down we should speak with him together meet me at his home [Music] when you have a moment please stop by the room of requirement Deke tells me he has something to share with you I assume you have news regarding the goblin you mentioned why don't we meet at the map chamber to discuss that and our next steps [Music] Highway go Rebellion what are you up to now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] scriptorium but my efforts were in vain meet me outside the slithering common room we need to talk revelio handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Mr semi what do you have for sale what can I help today hi yes a wonderful choice I hope to see you again sometime not sure how I'd fare rebellious you are here good is this Mr bickle's home I believe so he supposedly has evidence against Hollow we need to speak with him my husband what will I do are you all right we're looking for Mr Bickle my husband is dead he killed him oh I'm terribly sorry Mrs speckle who killed your husband Theophilus I'm sure of it he's been threatening my husband for weeks and oh where is my son where is Archie I don't mean to be Grim but could Harlow have taken him Archie's Satchel is missing so he may have left on his own hopefully he's just gone wandering as he's prone to do I hope he wasn't here when Harlow when my husband do you know which way Archie might have gone um he has a little hideout in the forest south of here he never wanders far but if he witnessed Harlow doing something to his father I'm afraid to leave if Casey comes back home will find your son Mrs pickle thank you please do not worry Mrs bical we will bring Archie home when I took the letter we found to officer singer she told me about Mr Baker he had been doing the same thing we are providing officer singer with evidence to take down Hollow I had hoped to speak with him about what he had found but we were too late what did Officer singer say about the letter you brought her you thanked me but she clearly felt that it was not enough it's a shame that hippogriffs cannot speak your friend hiring could provide all the evidence against Hollow that we need and we will need something more Rebellion this must be little actress hideouts that Mrs Bickel mentioned [Music] he would not have done this to his own Hideout someone came here looking for him revelli or maybe our only hope of finding out which way he went there Archie's Footprints he went this way [Music] I thought we would have found at you by now I suspect he'll keep running if he's being followed Harlow that's pursue pursue value [Music] one I hope Archie didn't cross paths with that move pack we should look around Archie satchel why would he leave it behind he was likely running from Hollow distracted this may be a good time for revelio again Rebellion actually went this way I have a bad feeling about this Hollow must have a reason for pursuing Archie I wonder what Archie saw I hope he didn't see Harlow kill his father he would never overcome it at least not in any way I can imagine a fork in the road we will need Rebellion again revelio multiple sets of footprints oh hello caught up to him here this is not good they went this way oh my God they're Strauss they are beautiful are they not you can see thestrals too I witnessed death when I was nine so my first Festival shortly thereafter I found comfort in it I still do I think those of us who have witnessed death deserve some comfort good [Music] love yourself [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry you experienced something like that at so young in age I was with my father when he died my mother was away and I felt quite helpless it was a long time ago in some ways but in other ways it feels like it was only yesterday you must listen my father was a wonderful man we must find action Rebellion taking in children now are we better not be expected to feed I think rebellious they got what they deserved incending the ocean lumos lumos revelio [Music] to be so large on the inside that complicates things a little oh foreign [Music] what's up [Music] instead [Music] Rebellion can someone help me is anybody there [Music] [Music] Rebellion help please I need your help Archie Archie pickle your mother sent us to find you need to get this open alohomora [Music] he killed my father we're so sorry Archie we won't let him get away with it but first we need to get you home to your mother thank you for saving me we wouldn't have it any other way aren't you let's get you home a safe way back oh Archie you're here oh you're safe mother oh mother father's friends are in danger I heard the people who took me talking about them rich friends darling Mr Mrs rape Mr filbert and I think they also said Otto's name I should speak with them you run inside yes Mother your husband's friends may be in danger just as he was how can we help you've done enough my husband was a powerful wizard and couldn't defeat Harlow the last thing we need is that monster coming after you we don't want to worry you I'm sorry again about your husband Mrs pickle thank you and thank you for bringing Archie home I can never repay the two of you for your kindness not to worry Mrs bical my father used to say that rain does not fall on one roof alone we are here to help each other I must learn more about Mr biko's friends and why Harlow is after them you'll be hearing from me as soon as I know something thank you for your help today [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you can't imagine [Music] all right often another adventure are we you're here brilliant I received your owl what happened with ominous I told him none of us will be able to avoid dark magic forever so the more we know about Salazar Slytherin and the dark arts the better prepared will be unfortunately only a gaunts knows the location of the scriptorium's entrance and ominous won't tell me hmm perhaps I should have a chat with ominous you I suppose it's worth a try but don't get your hopes up ominous is annoyingly stubborn nothing new I know where he is I'll lead you to him and then leave you to it come on he's this way keep an eye out never know who's watching although that hasn't stopped us before strictly speaking it has we were caught damned Poltergeist such a nuisance there he is rebellion good luck lumos what are you doing here hello ominous do you have a moment what is it what have you and Sebastian been up to now I owe you an apology ominous I wasn't honest with you before about the undercroft Sebastian did show it to me he wanted me to have a safe place to practice some spells to try and catch up to the other fifth years he didn't think you'd mind I suppose that makes sense just Sebastian's been pestering me lately about something and I'm frustrated with him don't tell me he's still going on about what was it a scriptorium he told you about that he did we were talking about Hogwarts Founders and he mentioned it wouldn't say much more though yes well he seems to think it contains the answer to saving Anne I think it's likely full of dark magic that is better left untouched wait you've never been inside of course not I only know about it because of my favorite aunt knocked tour she thought like I do didn't agree with the family on the use of dark magic in fact she'd hoped to convince my family that there was more to Salazar Slytherin than worshiping pure blood status she'd heard of this scriptorium and thought its contents might shed some light on him she even found the secret entrance in this very Corridor she wrote regularly to my father about her efforts to gain access and then she simply vanished no one else ever tried to enter I'm sorry about your aunt don't you want to find out what happened to her aunt knocked tour went down this path with good intentions and lost her life I don't want the same to happen again you don't know that history will repeat itself besides you said you aren't thought like you this could honor her memory get you answers about Slytherin and Sebastian answers for Anne your aunt pursued this alone we could do it together hmm I see what you've done here and I confess you've convinced me I didn't think it possible very well I shall tell you what I know fetch Sebastian I'll wait I hope I we don't regret this Sebastian oh there these braces to the scriptorium now you'll share you won't tell me when I presented it wasn't you opening the entrance well three heads are better than one it's two heads are better than one three is better than two lumos simple mathematics ominous Rebellion three braces [Music] I do that occasionally [Music] inside you oh [Music] wow foreign [Music] I hope we're ready for this Aloha Mora Rebellion good finger Rebellion dark ominous lumos my favorite Rebellion no comment lumos come on that was a good one the journal entry signed by noctua gaunt ghouls ominous your family was here the rubble formed a relief of a person facing a snake Rebellion must be the voice I hear the voice is ancient Sinister you hear a voice it started when you repaired that relief I hear a whisper saying speak to me I'm a parcel mouth I can hear and speak to snakes nearly all known parcel mouths are descended from Salazar Slytherin I'd like to be able to talk to snakes you might not want the ability to speak past the tongue it's often associated with dark Wizards I haven't spoken it in ages but I'd wager if I speak it now the door will open I'm hoping you're having second thoughts I see no reason we should stop now it's ironic when I left home I vowed to leave the dark arts behind and yet here I am stand back I can't believe I'm doing this it worked ominous you possess a rare ability indeed between the two of you I'm starting to feel left out between the two of us I never mind Rebellion lumos there's no clear Way Forward like a maze Salazar lumos the door we came from it closed and there's more than one gate ahead then look closely at Egyptians [Music] revelio lumos incendio the dial requires Focus uh not for said the same it may take crack sound good Salazar Slytherin didn't make this easy [Music] this journal entry it mentions getting lost and being unwelcome [Music] matching the symbols did open it was about to do that myself but you've got to it first nice work [Music] another gate seems further in life to play games look in a mirror Sebastian that sounded promised lumos another dial solved impressive nice work [Music] ominous your arm wants to change your family's traditions she did lumos she was my favorite person in the world for it [Music] not sure reference is painful and arduous challenges but also Rewards painful that's rebellious all I heard was rewards keep going [Music] another another welcoming sword was he excellent work we're another step closer to the scriptorium lumos [Music] I spotted something ahead looks troubling this whole place for my aunt's sake we cannot stop now the gate I think we're lost again then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us thank you Rebellion [Music] ominous a skeleton and knocked to his last journal entry she mentions being trapped here blocked by an unforgivable curse this is where she died this is where we'll die we shouldn't have listened to either of you ominous I'm truly sorry but I know what to do it's going to be difficult you said you know what to do tortured faces on the door and cruise shows etched into the stone my guess is if we cast The cruciata's Curse the door will open that's why notchua died she had no one to cast the curse on ominous has the most experience with this he should cast it you seem to be an ominous favor will you ask him about this foreign with you I'll speak with him good work your magic so to speak wish we had some liquid luck all of this could have been avoided [Music] ominous I hadn't imagined we'd end up trapped like this Salazar Slytherin did he's to blame for many unimaginable things I overheard you and Sebastian and I won't do it the crucial artist curse is pure torture I would know Sebastian told me a little of what happened when you were young sounds as if you had no choice should have known he would have told you and one always has a choice I'm as guilty as the worst of my family unforgivable curses won't work unless you really mean them I had to want to cause pain and for that I shall never forgive myself it was the reason I have no family left you and Sebastian will need to sort out another solution forever what do we do now ominous is not going to cast The cruciatus Curse again but ridiculous as if dying in here is a better option than causing a damned spell it's up to us I can teach you crucial or I can cast it on you you didn't say you knew how to cast crucia because I'm not sure I do ominous knows that yet he's left us no choice I don't you answer following not to a gaunt's footsteps I think I can cast this if I have to I want to learn the curse but I won't cast it on you you need to cast it on me I should forget this [Applause] foreign I'm ready [Music] [Music] are you all right it's that pain it was excruciating but I'll survive let's keep moving [Music] foreign [Music] scriptorium Rebellion I can't believe we're here Sebastian ominous there's a book just here you found something you two go ahead let me know what's in it I'll wander around a bit now have a look [Music] [Music] what do you think looks like a spell book of some kind this is incredible Hogwarts Founder's possession what an honor still can't believe ominous never told me about his arms and what she found what will you do with slytherin's spell book what I do with every book read it having professors his parents ingrained that habits early on but I can do that later for now I say we explore this room [Music] it's breathtaking I don't want to leave but I owe you both of you without both of you we've never made it this far we were lucky we could have died we must swear never to do this again [Music] thank you I see your way out best news I've heard all day ominous about your aunt please Sebastian I meant what I said before we swear right now never to engage in anything to do with dark magic again understood I'm truly sorry about your aunt ominous I suppose after all this I am grateful to know what happened to her thank you [Music] [Music] the Deke would like to talk with you when you have a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hello Deke Professor Weasley said you wanted to tell me more about the loom ah hello uh yes about that dick has had a thought he [Music] [Music] thank you oh it seems the room thinks you need more space for your beasts as Deke was saying he's had a thought now deep knows how you can test the item of clothing that you enhanced in the Enchanted Loom and perhaps help an old friend in the process what do you mean a house self named tobs works for his master retrieving leech juice in a cave near Hogwarts Tubb's Master doesn't let him leave the cave and he ignores the cave is infested with spiders that sounds awful it is Deke hasn't heard from his friend for a while now has the item you wove in the loom has an enchantment that might be useful Deek thought you could test it whilst checking on tobs [Music] I understand leave it to me dick I'll find Hobbs for you oh thank you please let Deke know what you learn about deke's old friend [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and become offended can I help you I believe you can I'm so phonier by the way and I need help from someone who's at least a fifth year are you familiar with herodiana Byrne don't answer that of course you're not no one seems to know of her but me she's only the single greatest impulso master of all time even taught at Hogwarts briefly how interesting I'm amazed I've never heard of her it's a travesty she's not more well known I often read about great witches in my limited free time there are many whilst reading about her I learned that she built a secret to pulso training room here at Hogwarts but in typical clever herodiana fashion one cannot access it unless one knows to pulso which of course their ideas aren't taught and you're a third year so quick one aren't you according to what I've read her signature outfit may still be there I would love to see it would you get herodiana's signature outfit and show it to me if you tell me where to go I'll see what I can do about it Sarah Deanna series of depulso puzzles concealing pieces of herodiana's Ensemble very well I shall let you know if I find anything I can't wait to see herodiana's famous Ensemble perhaps I'll make myself a copy suppose I should look for that secret Hall sophronia told me about it does sound interesting thank you let's just keep our heads about this lumos foreign this must be the entrance to the hall of herodiana here it is the whole of herodiana better go inside and find those puzzles [Music] said she was [Music] [Music] love yourself [Music] [Music] good [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] my chest looks interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] oh good come on [Music] oh back here foreign [Music] [Music] ah [Music] here [Music] [Music] thank you hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the last of them seems I was a match apparently on a burn after all and this must be the last piece of herodiana's ensemble it is [Music] thank you foreign [Music] wants to see this foreign I solved all the puzzles in the whole of herodiana incredible then you found herodiana's outfit may I see it of course behold oh how Grand you'll look as Majestic as herodiana herself the greatest Apostle master of all time you're my second favorite hero [Music] foreign [Music] save me a lot of time and trouble good never has to keep my stocks replenished here you found a bit of treasure in the forest it was never on for an adventure myself [Music] I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] what will I do without her hello is something the matter most decidedly yes precious mooncalf but was abducted by poachers up north vicious brutes but I tried to fight back but I was no match for them I'm sorry about your moon cough Mr Garner I'm only one goblin not a particularly Brave one at that I have no chance against a pack of bloodthirsty poachers oh my poor biscuit I can only hope she's able to escape why do you suppose the poachers took biscuit I have no idea Moon calf dung's highly valuable for fertilizing magical plants cannot imagine poachers care much about gardening who knows what they'll do to her she could be frog-skinned gutted and stuffed I assume oh biscuit laughs a moon cough is an unusual pet why did you choose biscuit she followed me one evening I wouldn't leave my side never thought I was one for a pet of any kind now I can't imagine life without a moon calves are often thought of as silly simple-minded creatures but I've seen great depths of character in biscuit I wouldn't trade her for a hippogriff or a hippopotamus or even a goose that lays golden eggs I'll keep an eye out for your mooncalf garneth how kind if only all of wizard kind was as gracious to goblins if you do see her and can bring her safely home to me I promise to reward you for your efforts do keep an eye out for her and be careful out there poachers are an unscrupulous lot to try and rescue Carlos Moon goth sounds as if I'd need to head north to find those poachers foreign and I have an exciting business proposition for you now it may surprise you to learn that someone of my obvious esteemed lineage would be in business but I only want to help the less fortunate that's incredibly nice of you oh there's more you see I've been experimenting with a new beauty cream a cream that will rid our glorious School of the Hideous greasy pustules plaguing our poor pubescent classmates but I've run out of the key ingredient booba tuba pass boopa Troopers do grow in the Forbidden Forest however if only I could pay someone to collect a few for me I can try and find some for you if I have the time marvelous they grow wild so you'll have to look around our spotty classmates are counting on you so you mustn't Harry [Music] into the Forbidden Forest YouTubers sometimes it seems huh this must be tops his cave [Music] shame yourself rebellious Rebellion [Music] hopes his master is awful tops Hobbs Deek sent me are you in here [Music] revelio foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] revelio [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] floats as if tops was there some time ago must have headed deeper into the cave [Music] [Music] Rebellion incendio Rebellion [Music] [Music] revelio [Music] eight legs is simply too many Rebellion [Music] revelio [Music] laughs foreign foreign particularly reassuring [Music] incendio [Music] [Music] [Music] he said [Music] foreign [Music] laughs incending oh no I have a feeling that house elf is tops pool tops tear alone with the spiders Rebellion [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] that table looks familiar seems I'm back at the entrance to the cave [Music] sorry you enjoy stealing hippogriffs do you think foreign thank you [Music] foreign [Music] and you also went on to do the exact same thing I wouldn't think black would mind someone telling on [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you well I'd appreciate it what's wrong [Music] can't catch me [Music] I'm back from the cave Deke wonderful Deke hopes you gave digs best to tobs I'm sorry to tell you this dick but tobs is gone it seems he was unable to avoid the spiders in the end who am I Deke was afraid of this alone in that cave for so long home poor tubs Deacon tubs once shared the same Master when he died we were separated Nick always wished tobs had been sent to Hogwarts too dick feels lucky to serve such kind witches and wizards like you dick will miss his friend dearly and will raise the glass to him with a heavy heart [Music] sorry about your friend dick thank you you are very kind they could use some time alone to think if that's all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] lumos [Music] a beginner's guide to Transfiguration was mine do not seem to wrap my head around what's the time until feature Rebellion [Music] [Music] all right alohomora [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] without my wife it's getting rolled up [Music] lumos Rebellion thank you [Music] Aloha Mora [Music] rebellious what do we have here a demi guys [Music] thank you [Music] hi now Demi guys revelio [Music] lumos revelia come on you can't imagine how inconvenient you would be wise not to underestimate this student their aptitude for magic is beyond anything I've ever seen and I've been teaching a long time it is a joy to have such a student it can be there you are I've received your owl I was able to speak with Lord God the goblin I mentioned before what did you learn he and ran Rock were close once but they had a falling out you believe he can be trusted I believe he's trustworthy yes he seems sincere and sirona Ryan trusts him very well supposing he can be trusted will he help us get to ran Rock I retrieved a stolen Helm he hopes to return to ranrock in order to regain his confidence you have been busy let's hope your efforts result in our learning something about ramrock's plans lordgox did mention that van rock is searching for something but he couldn't say what that hell will yield to monsters ranrock is searching for something feared as much I've heard an unusual amount of activity goblins and wizards isomize when visiting my portrait at my castle Rockwood Castle my former residence yes that castle is also the location of your next trial you didn't see anything speak with anyone I did not in fact I did not make myself known I only recently returned there and did not recognize nor trust anyone that I heard I stayed out of sight so as not to tempt my portraits destruction [Music] I'm sorry to tell you that Victor Rook would evidently your descendant is a dark wizard in League with Round Rock my descendant I'm afraid we've no time to waste despite the obstacles that clearly await you you must get to Rookwood Castle immediately not only is it the location of the next trial it is home to a source of power that would be devastating in the wrong hands I do wish we had the luxury of time however I do not doubt your abilities find my portrait there as soon as you can very well sir I'm on my way best of luck no time to waste I'll meet you at Rookwood Castle [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like a place right out of a storybook nice to see you again nice to see you as well what do you have for sale what are we in the market for today foreign have I mentioned you're welcome to stop by anytime I've rubbed every traffic vendor that's passed through here they never see it coming over here [Music] what's going on here Professor Rookwood was right the place is crawling with Victor rookwood's lot and ranrock's loyalists they're working together all right but it is not a friendly Alliance I'm sure you'll agree that we need to find a way in other than the front gate let's go [Music] foreign you made a mistake Rebellion absurd isn't it randrock wants us to find the child but which side thank you Rebellion you can't stop red rats Rebellion you ought to cut back on pudding mistook you for a troll the other day revelio love the ocean Leviosa Guardian Leviosa huh Rebellion naviosa oh Rebellion if I'd known your plan was to dig up halfway I wouldn't have to dig if you could simply manage to bring me the child we wouldn't need the child if you hadn't sent a dragon to retrieve the container I spent months and countless Ministry favors tracking you let them board The Carriage my options were limited once I knew it would be inconveniently beyond my reach of that infernal School required enough power here I allowed you to tunnel under my family home allowed me you are here only because you are descended from a keeper and May at some point inadvertently become valuable we had an agreement I will share with you the power that I discovered if you locate the stores of magic that are yet to be found so unless you want another demonstration of my power a power that you one day hope to wield bring me the child we already knew they were after you but now we know they're digging for stores of magic and ranrock knows about the keepers yes I caught that too Professor Rookwood said that you'd understand more once you complete the next trial let's get into that castle [Music] revelio any special word you want me to pass on to your mum Mexico [Music] try not to make this excuse me for me you made a great escape this doesn't hurt yourself I'll get away with it Rebellion [Music] [Applause] revelio [Music] Rebellion Rebellion I suppose that's the quick leader lumos hello Rebellion [Music] Goblin tracks they're a step ahead of us let's see where they lead Rebellion lumos this must be it a store of magic and the source of brand locks prevalia it looks empty if they've taken all of it why are they still here there's more to be found and if he's right about that it may or may not be located here wherever it is we need to find it before they do where is that portrait I heard was you Professor Rookwood the goblins and dark Wizards who've overrun Your Castle are digging for stalls of magic and have broken open some sort of container no things are more dire than I could have imagined if as you told Percival a goblin in his vault was wielding a powerful Magic then they have somehow learned it cannot be answer they know you are a keeper ran Rock used the term this makes no sense how did we shall discuss this later right now you must complete the next trial just tell me where I need to go the power you stand to wield must first be fully understood the trials will ensure that however that knowledge is dangerous indeed in the wrong hands we will simply have to outwit ran Rock and my unfortunate namesake very well Professor tell me where I need to go I shall reveal the path Professor fig must leave you now Rebellion [Music] I would join you if I could I shall await your arrival incentive Rebellion [Music] laughs [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh let the ocean revelio [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs what's up here Guardian Leviosa Rebellion [Music] Rebellion thank you and send it back here stupid stupid Rebellion how come here I believe I need to proceed to the left here but how foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] perhaps This Way Forward from the other side foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] back here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] strings foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] I must say I'm curious here visitor's travels please have a seat Isadora we are all most intrigued to hear we're ready I've something to show you father these are my colleagues from Hogwarts father hasn't spoken since my brother died on my travels I confirm that which I've always believed that we have the power to take away pain foreign [Music] what have you done I took his pain this is Uncharted magic is Adora you can only see what has been sealed in the jar and we do not know what power that may hold but the traces of that magic are different from what I've seen before thank you [Music] Rebellion you're back and in one piece no less [Music] it is good to see you again Professor Rookwood told me about what happened at Rookwood Castle in light of the dire circumstances in which we find ourselves it is most fortunate that someone so competent is following this path thank you Professor I shall keep the second artifact safe as you've advised good are you ready to move on [Music] what was the glowing strand that Isadora pulled from her father's chest it was pain you will understand more about her akrums as you complete the trials [Music] I'm ready for whatever comes next in that case introductions are in order allow me to introduce former Hogwarts headmistress Neve Fitzgerald foreign [Music] how do you do I must say that I was not entirely surprised to learn that a student had been completing the trials I've always believed Hogwarts students capable of anything they set their minds to thank you Professor it's a pleasure to meet you as well I am certain that you are more than capable of completing my trial however I must first how shall I say prepare the location of your next trial we trust your judgment Professor Fitzgerald you should know better than anyone how to manage the inconvenience of well a vainglorious and exasperating Headmaster indeed I should I shall confirm that everything is in order immediately awesome Professor Fitzgerald needs some time to clear the way forward until then you should continue to hone your magic if you learn more about ran Rock and Victor rookwood's activities in the meantime please let us know very well professor I know I know continue to hone my magic you do learn quickly hopefully you will soon hear from lodgok as well and we shall learn how he fared with the helmet you retrieved well done today as always we shall speak again soon [Music] please [Music] [Music] Natty told me about your running with the poachers I have some news about them as well can you meet me soon I fear that some of what I uncovered has to do with you when you have a moment please stop by the room of requirement Deke mentioned you might be interested in learning how to breed beasts [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I have been asked to teach you the exploding charm bombarder once you have completed the tasks I've set forth speak to me after class foreign [Music] [Music] you wanted to talk to me indeed a dig thought you might want to learn how to build a breeding pen so that you can breed beasts please that sounds like a very good idea rescuing and breeding beasts go hand in hand young beasts are particularly vulnerable to poachers breeding beasts here in the room will allow us to keep the younger ones safe I see what do I need to do first bring a pair of beasts to the room one male one female indeed suggests rescuing thestrals as they're at Great risk from poachers novel creatures but their relationship with death gives them a bad reputation they're prized by poachers for their tail hairs I've seen festivals before but why would I find a pair of them nearby dick has seen some wild pestrels not too far from the Hogwarts grounds then you'll need to purchase a spell craft for the pen from tones and Scrolls and gather the materials it requires once you've rescued the thestrals and you have the spell craft you come and find Deke [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just let me know if there's something in particular you're looking for [Music] [Music] now we can conjure a breeding pen in the room best get back to deep with the thestrals let me know if there's anything else I can do to help revelia what do we have here a demi guys foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I've rescued the thestrals and bought the spellcraft for the pen excellent now to breed your thestrals simply release them into the same vivarium in which you conjure the pen then use the pen to start the process come and see dick when you're finished I shall I wonder where I should come to their pen [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] never grows tired of the room surprises we now have the perfect place for those test rules please let Deke know once you've bred them [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] attention [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there there I'm not going to hurt you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] laughs Rebellion [Music] could you remind me what I'm to do with the thestral's dick release them into the same vivarium in which you conjure the pen then use the pen to start the process come and see dick when you're finished foreign [Music] will never believe this [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign oh hello Samantha are you here for someone who's caught I I'm actually rather good at it used to play all the time with my brother until never mind Shall We Begin yes I'm ready to play then let's get summoning [Music] thank you [Music] how am I to top that what was I thinking foreign [Music] how am I to top that yeah yes [Music] thank you that was Sensational that settles it then [Music] after your poor show against Natty and class I thought I could beat you appears I overestimated myself don't say that Samantha you're a fine player well that's very kind of you let's just say if I'm good then you're better I happen to know who you're up against next and she's no shy opponent best of luck [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] handy sauce indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included [Music] foreign what did you discover in the spell book we found in the scriptorium Salazar Slytherin Spellbook was a little difficult to interpret but fascinating evidently he encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts neither the imperious curse nor the killing curse was unforgivable during his time he believed students should be prepared to use dark magic when necessary not to fear it that's why we had to use crucial to gain access to the scriptorium he didn't want his knowledge shared with anyone who was afraid of the power of dark magic thank you [Music] it was hard to do but casting crucio was our only option and I'm glad we did it because in the Spellbook I also found something else references to a lost Relic which from what I can tell grants the holder the power to reverse dark magic curses and you think this Relic might be able to save Anne precisely I plan to search for this Relic but I don't think we should tell anyone especially ominous he wouldn't understand I see no reason to involve ominous I'm glad you agree when I know more I shall send it out and don't feel sorry for ominous keeping this to ourselves for now is for his own good hide what's for my own good ominous we were just about to get some air care to join you're a liar Sebastian I heard everything useful you never engage in anything to do with dark magic again no I didn't I said I understood you wanting that I'd never swear to give up on finding a cure for Anne no one to stop do you I know when not to stop leave this alone ominous I'll be on my way I am not letting this go ominous Sebastian Manuel I know what I heard you knew I wouldn't agree with this going after that Relic is not a good idea Sebastian doesn't even realize it but he's as irresponsible and Reckless now as his parents were years ago it's why they died poor Anne and Sebastian that's why I can't understand Sebastian's recklessness I've practically lost and I can't lose Sebastian too please avoid anything to do with that spell book those references in the book seem promising everything to do with Salazar Slytherin seems promising until it's too late I hope Sebastian pursues this no further but if you think he might please let me know it would mean a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder [Music] [Music] poachers God it was right then in school these days keep your body behind curses to yourself you need to be quick foreign love yourself I suppose you think this is funny incendio alohomora which one of you is biscuit revelio [Applause] no need to be difficult I mean you know home foreign [Applause] will never believe this revelia [Applause] come on [Applause] look after you Rebellion back here [Applause] everything's all right now Rebellion [Applause] [Music] settle yourself no home Rebellion [Applause] [Music] Rebellion back here [Applause] [Music] not going to hurt you revelia [Applause] that's a humble Rebellion Rebellion oh [Applause] now now I'm only trying to help Rebellion [Applause] all right this kid let's get you back to gone shall we [Music] [Music] any more cozy than hogsmeade what will I do without her God if I've rescued biscuit you have oh is she hurt was she frightened are you all right [Music] biscuit is fine as am I I was able to rescue her without much incident how see where poachers are concerned I tend to expect the worst cannot wait to get her home so miss seeing her dance in the evenings Joy [Music] I'm glad she's safe now I'm sure she'll be happy to go home that is a great weight of my mind oh my sweet little biscuit my wise Noble Moon cuff and here is your reward of course as they served as I said before you have restored my faith in Wizard kind at least a modicum of my thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] how nice to see you my young friend likely this astronomy table will be best used when it's dark [Music] rowing a meat is likely studied here um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] just my luck troll s [Music] incident [Music] s incending come on [Music] revelio oh that smells awful only four more thank goodness Rebellion wanna have to always keep an eye on one's valuable [Music] oh that should do it I better get back to zacharissa now [Laughter] I swear none of you would have a head left on your shoulders if you didn't have me keeping you in check wraps I'll Scout ramp thank you foreign s lead to hogsmeade sakarisa I found the book of tube as you needed Splendid I hope it wasn't too much trouble may I have them of course happy to have found them for you thank you and your payment of course now I can begin perfecting my potion to save our poor pimply peers don't know who should be more grateful I or our unsightly spotty classmates one day The Wizarding World will know my name and you will have been a small part of it come on in come on in not so fast you need to tread carefully [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] very much tentacula [Music] doors always open you be sure to stop by soon foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Hogs meet here I come [Music] here [Music] thank you [Music] I go at the travel broadens the mind here's one of those tables Professor Shaw mentioned is hiring all right Natty told me what the two of you did High Wings fine I'm keeping an eye on her she's safe Poppy I promise good whatever the poachers are up to I want hiring far from it you said you had news about the poachers and that some of it had to do with me it did I overheard them talking in the hog's head and did you know that they have orders from Victor rickwood to capture you on site does this have anything to do with Rookwood and Harlow coming for you in the three broomsticks after the troll attack it does somewhat but at the moment I'm more concerned about what else you heard the poachers are up to fair enough I hope you'll let me know if I can be of help especially after what you did for high Wing does the name horntail Hall mean anything to you I'm afraid not why the poacher's best kept secret apparently the name came up twice but they never went into detail I also overheard one of them bragging about all the gold they're making at the expense of innocent creatures undoubtedly the poacher spoke of this area and I thought if we searched around a bit it might give us Clues as to what they're doing if you ever meet my gran this trip never happened not to worry poppy if I ever meet your Gran I shall not speak a word of this I normally tell her everything she might be my best friend after hiring but she knows how I feel about the poachers I think she worries I'll do something ill-advised whatever gave her that idea this way tread carefully an entire Castle to Rome yet you choose to wander here please we don't want any trouble we're simply passing through do you take us for fools that we do not notice more and more of your kind around here in League with the poachers we aren't involved with them if anything we want to see them stopped I hope for your sake that is true Our Kind is swiftly losing patience with the poachers and those they work with yeah he was certainly a charmer could have gone worse centers aren't exactly fans of wizard kind and the poachers aren't helping matters but why would he think that we had anything to do with poachers I did notice the poachers talking with a few villagers in hogsmead I'm not sure why perhaps that's why the centaurs are suspicious that's the third time I've seen a Doug bog behave that rightly seems that a lot of beasts have been more aggressive than usual lately rebellious it's almost like there's something in the water [Music] this is odd what is it not entirely sure but look around if the poachers were here perhaps we can find out why still smoking they can't have been gone long Rebellion [Music] why wouldn't they take their cages with them when they left pelt or beasts this is Goblin metal seems out of place in a poacher camp about it anything interesting poachers were here all sorts of evidence but I found something else it's Goblin made I found Goblin armor let's keep searching but carefully Merlin only knows what's going on here I don't have a good feeling about this [Music] how do Goblin and poach a line look down there definitely poachers no rebellious so what are they doing out here let's take a closer look they won't be happy to see us should we use disillusionment or perhaps a less discreet approach hard to say from up here let's get a better layover land myself getting away from here and not taking a one of you with me oh God regarding the minister for magic himself what is going on here only one way to find out Rebellion repairer foreign [Applause] fighting ring this is a horntail hole the name makes sense now and the secrecy no wonder the poachers were in hogsmeade so much likely taking bets and spreading the word given how crowded it is here how could they possibly enjoy this the centaurs have every right to be disgusted with wizard kind there must be more dragons here the poachers are far too greedy to run a fighting ring with only two dragons should take advantage of most guys being in fight and look around be discreet you especially can't afford to be spotted [Applause] back to the next and quiet no you're there don't know what Victor was sinking strong in a bargain with them are you even crying Feel The Burning Sensations [Applause] Rebellion if you were from your family it's either of your brothers come around to our way of thinking will they join us [Applause] Rebellion [Applause] all right [Applause] [Applause] Round Rock and the poachers must be working together poppy something's going on behind you what's going on down there they must have only just captured her she's putting up quite the fight not without chained up like that shall we Rebellion they've got a dragon egg heppardine from the looks of it can't leave it here not with the plans they likely have for us alohomora foreign I have the egg ready the element's surprise will only buy us [Music] I work eagle you're the one we're looking for anything congratulations [Music] back to the dirt back here this may have been a bad idea I suppose we'll find out oh [Music] [Music] thank you this way [Music] [Applause] that was a heberdeen black I'm guessing the ugly have belongs to that dragon [Music] I don't think she knew they had her egg she wouldn't have left without it what now she didn't exactly leave us a calling card I I don't know nothing about this day was expected not the goblins and definitely not the fighting ring the last thing I planned on was a dragon egg and the poacher saw us which cannot be good since the dragon we freeze flew off does that mean we get to keep the egg I'd much rather we have it than the poachers at least for now but I don't think we should keep it indefinitely it'll be hard hiding something like this from Professor Weasley for long should we expect trouble from the poachers given the trouble we just caused it would be foolish not to expect it they're not a forgiving lot I'm sorry to say that you likely have a larger Target on your back now because of what we just did we aren't helping ourselves standing here let's get to safety we can sort this out later you're right if there's anything the poachers are good at it's tracking their prey and right now we're it be careful won't you I shall see you back at the castle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign the transformation spell after you've completed the required tasks which I'm certain will prove useful in finishing your Field Guide attend my class to learn the new spell afterwards we will discuss your progress thus far in the term [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] revelio foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Applause] lumos Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] Professor Weasley asked me to uh get something from that book may I have it did she now I'll give you this book if you Humor Me by answering a few questions from my quiz quiz some people call bits of knowledge trivia I would argue that no knowledge is Trivial hence I have created a small quiz just for fun focusing mainly on the law of The Wizarding World none of the other students will try it no matter how many times I ask they all say they have enough with school work ah they don't value knowledge the way I do surely you're interested I'll even start you off with a few of my easiest questions the quiz sounds like fun just a few questions and then I'll hand over this book let us begin before the invention of the golden snitch which magical creature was used in a game of Quidditch the golden Snuggery no incorrect the answer was the golden snidget the snidget was first introduced to quidditch in 1269 by a wizard named Barbara Sprague sadly they're thought to be extinct question which potion is commonly referred to as liquid luck [Music] Felix felicis well done Drinker temporarily lucky Felix fully fully nice competitions the tale of the Three Brothers involves which magical artifacts [Music] the founders relics no the answer was the Deathly Hallows The Bard the resurrection Stone and the cloak of invisibility which ball in quidditch is the largest I'm sorry but the correct answer was the quaffle when a chaser throws the quaffle through one of three Hoops in a quidditch match their team is awarded 10 points true or false polyju's potion allows the Drinker to change species true actually the answer was false while polyju's potion can be used to change things such as age or race it cannot be used to change species well I suppose this has gone on long enough I'll put the book back on the pedestal now if you're inclined to test your knowledge again I have plenty more questions I could ask you and I won't be giving you any more easy questions either the next ones will be more difficult I'd like to answer more questions what governmental body directly preceded the ministry of magic [Music] the Wizards Council that's that's Wizarding secrecy which required a more structured government to support its enforcement which dragon breed is the smallest [Music] the Peruvian Viper tooth brilliant though the Viper tooth is the smallest breed averaging at around 15 feet in length it is also the fastest breed and feared for its venomous fangs who founded the village of hogsmead [Music] Quincy Hogg no the answer was hengist of Woodcroft it's believed three broomsticks in at his home the hide behind was accidentally created by crossbreeding a ghoul with what other magical creature [Music] a leatherfold that's incorrect the answer was a demigod while the hide behind has the power of invisibility those who have seen it have described it as a tall thin monkey with silver hair what is the only spell known to repel a leatherfold [Music] thank you the Patronus charm well done the only known Survivor of a leatherfold attack was a wizard named flavius belby who was on holiday in Papua New Guinea at the time who published The Law of Elemental Transfiguration [Music] the Van de Montmorency that's incorrect the answer I was looking for was it simple exceptions to Camp's law is that food cannot be conjured though it can be summoned what does the Hogwarts motto Translate to [Music] knowledge is the real magic no no the answer was never tickle a sleeping dragon in Latin Latin Draco dormian's Nam kwam titolandus which magical creature is the only one known to produce eggs through its mouth [Music] the ashwinder that's incorrect correct the correct answer was the runes poor serves a different function the left head is the planner the middle is the dreamer and the right is the critic where is ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located yeah Mount Greylock well well done the American school was founded in the 17th century by esoter and James Stewart what is the most powerful Love Potion known to wizard kind [Music] I'm attentia that's the answer our attention smells differently to every person according to what they find attractive such as Dusty book covers or are you interested in continuing on to the next round they're my most difficult questions [Music] give me a worst wonderful I do admire your thirst for knowledge Emerick the is killed in a jewel against whom Egbert the egregious that's right variety for terrorizing villages in the south of England during the Middle Ages when he was the master of the Elder Wand if a chaser keeps their hand on the quaffle as it goes through the goal what foul are they committing foreign [Music] that's right blatching is flying to intentionally collide with a player stooging is when two Chasers knock the other team's keeper away from the goals so that a third Chaser can score a bite from a mackled Mana claw has the unusual side effect of causing what webbed feet no the answer was bad luck native to the European Coastline the effects of a malachlaw's bite can last up to a week what plant excrete stinks up [Music] foreign [Music] flux weed I'm afraid the correct answer was minimalous mimbletonia the mimbleless mimbledonia plant secrete stinks up as a defensive mechanism when touched the pepper up potion evolved from a remedy created by which 12th century wizard foreign [Music] would expand on lymphoid's previous work to create the pepper potion we know today in the Wizard and the hopping pot what does the Elder wizard leave for his son in the hopping pot [Music] a single slipper that's correct created by Beetle The Bard but there are a few versions I won't spoil what the slipper was for if you haven't read it recently the snarlygaster is native to which region of the world [Music] the Amazon rainforest no the answer was North America the part bird part reptile is a distant relative of the occamy and has serrated fangs and a bulletproof hide who is the Muggle Knight featured in the fountain of fair Fortune [Music] so I'm sad no the answer was so luckless the three witches in the story are named Asha alfida and amata oh I adore a story that ends with a Twist the world's largest Kelpie is also known by what are the name gallon gantua no the answer was the Loch Ness monster the office of misinformation has worked diligently to discredit any muggle evidence of the kelpy's existence who was the first Minister for Magic gant's greatest Legacy was the founding of the Department of magical law enforcement it outlawed the unforgivable curses you've answered all of my questions ah it's nice to know there's another student who appreciates the value of knowledge you might not have got very many right but I'm sure you learned something regardless thank you for humoring Me by participating I had a splendid time I put the book back on the pedestal for you ravellia ought to make quick work of this Rebellion Professor wheezed these tasks are complete I should attend Transfiguration [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I believe she has learned about some of what we've been up to I'm hoping she may be easier on me if you are there [Music] settle down settle down Transfiguration as you may be weary of hearing me say is an exact science that can take a lifetime to master but we needn't be daunted almost anything can be transformed if you can just perceive the potential within it as I see in all of you tremendous witches and wizards every one of you or it could just be my eyesight [Music] now you all know what to do [Music] foreign [Music] May finally be safe since We rescued the dragon from horntail Hall [Music] [Music] you wanted to discuss my progress so far this term Professor I did you seem to have had no trouble in getting up to speed and frankly excelling in your schoolwork this year [Music] thank you Professor the extra assignments have been helpful as I suspected they would be now it seems you've been making good use of the opportunities presented by your field guide of course the guide isn't the only measure of success I've heard that you can brew an impressive edurus potion hopefully you won't need it anytime soon but it is a valuable potion to have when it is needed thank you Professor I will say I'm especially impressed with all you've accomplished in light of the rumors of your extracurricular activities was your visit to the kitchens and the hogsmead graveyard with Nick to bribe a ghost for information connected in any way to Professor fig [Music] not at all I'm fascinated by ghosts and um food and I was interested in learning more about the castle and the surrounding area I see I admire your portion for learning but do remember that your classwork and Field Guide are designed to educate you thoroughly it'll be the end of the year in no time and you'll want to be well prepared for your owls I'll provide a final assessment at that time to ensure that you're ready for your exams until then well done you are dismissed [Music] since our visit to feldcroft something dawned on me about the triptych meet me at the Overlook just north of the Forbidden Forest and I'll explain my plan with the helmet failed but I have another idea I think we may be able to find what we need at a goblin mine south of Hogwarts meet me there and bring someone who speaks gobbledygook all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] does it more cozy than hogsmead hello there was there something you needed hello I was wondering if you would be interested in having your own shop to help you with it that is the name Penny's mistress is selling this shop and Penny is most eager to start working with the new owner it might surprise you to know that Penny can sell practically anything oh it would be wonderful to have a place to sell things and someone to help me you'll be able to give Penny almost anything that you want to sell it will be no work at all for you once the shop is up and running if you want the shop and Penny hopes that you do you should talk to Penny's mistress as soon as you can her name is Cassandra Mason why is your mistress selling the shop and you Penny cannot be certain is mistress Mason so rarely confides in her however shitty mentions how tired she has become of trying to let the shop she has had gotten bad luck with the last few tenants are you all right are you holding your breath [Music] why are the premises in such disarray oh [Music] and it's very well they seem to have given up rather quickly perfectly capable of helping clean and repair so the shop will be ready for business in no time [Music] what kind of things would I be able to sell in the shop okay anything from essence of Disney to mooncarfa if a buyer exists for something then Penny can sell it and get the best price just ask mistress Mason [Music] how is it you're so good at selling seems unusual for a house elf oh before he died Penny's previous owner Master Mason trusted her to do all sorts of things to help him with his shop Penny supposes it is a bit unusual for herself to possess such skill but Master Mason commanded it and pennies are happy to oblige Pastor Mason was a wonderful master all right I shall go and find Madame Mason oh it's just the village Penny does hope she gets to work with you [Music] [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade [Music] thank you hello Madam Mason I understand you have a shop to sell why yes yes I do are you interested [Music] yes I am I've always wanted to own a shop marvelous I think you will find my terms quite generous but and do please forgive me for asking don't you think you might be a Chad young to own a shop [Music] I have a knack for this sort of thing if I do say so myself if I can meet your terms I hope that you'll sell to me well I reckon you have the confidence needed for such adventure and and of course you'll have Penny to help you that elf could sell tea to a troll I assume she told you she comes with the place she did indeed I like you I shall sell you the space for an exceedingly fair price I think you might just be sure enough to make a go of it hmm exceedingly fair price for a shop and an elf what's the catch ah you are wise to be wary in business dealings no catch really I simply ask that you allow me to do you the favor of buying the shop back at a discount of course should your efforts fail the last thing we need here in hogsmead is for One Bad Apple to spoil the barrel if you get my meaning [Music] yes an unsuccessful shop would be bad for nearby businesses I'd imagine quick one you are do we have a deal what precisely do you mean should my efforts fail honestly I only mean that if for some reason you're unable to keep the shop going I could help you catch your losses that's all but as you've implied the odds of that happen in our remote foreign the shop seems to be in an ideal location why has no one purchased it yet it is indeed [Music] I've grown weary of being a landlady my late husband was the one with a passion for shopkeeping a business in general you'd be wise to take advantage of this opportunity before the offers start rolling in [Music] it looks to be rather a mess why haven't other tenants been able to make a go of it there as you've no doubt considered running a shop is not as simple as those less Savvy might think the new owner however will have something that previous challenge did not the benefits of pennies particular prowess her assistance will make all the difference I should think in both getting the shot ready for business and ensuring its success it does sound intriguing but I need to consider my finances first I'll come and find you if I'm interested very well but I won't be able to keep the shop available for too long if you do want the shop I'd advise you to return to me as soon as possible [Music] mother Mason about the shop yes I've decided I'd like to go ahead and purchase the shop I have to say I'm impressed you are a remarkably resourceful student I am indeed and brave you won't be sorry give me the money and I shall get the paperwork filed immediately wonderful shall I head directly to the shop please do oh one more thing since my husband died I've not been able to bring myself to retrieve some of his personal items they're in a chest at the back of the shop penny has the key as you get organized I would be terribly grateful if you could help an old Widow and gather his things for me before you open for business I wish you the very best of luck in your endeavors Penny will meet you there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well I've done it Penny the shop is mine oh oh please Penny was hoping you would be the one to purchase it I'm glad you're here to help me goodness what a kind thing to say Penny will do all that she can to make this a success there is much to do the Last Tenant left in a bit of a rush so we'll need to clean up and do some repairs well then let's get to it penny is ready between the two of us we should have this place up and running in no time repairer nothing like [Music] mistress Mason wanted Penny to be sure and give you this key it opens the chest in the back room of this shop oh yes she mentioned it to me it's it contains some of her late husband's belongings Penny wonders if you should open the chest laughs are you holding your breath again to it now [Music] now revelio foreign [Music] [Music] that's odd why would someone stole one hat in here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so that's not very hospitable someone to play with you what fun this will be that's new onwards I suppose Rebellion foreign [Music] lumos [Music] lovely [Music] revelio lumos hmm [Music] Osa Americans must belong somewhere foreign perhaps the lanterns are meant to be hung on the hands ome how enlightening you might survive a bit longer than the other [Music] Rebellion Rebellion oh you've come so far so quickly well done you might be just the playmate I've been looking for I do hope you enjoy my playground I encourage you to tell everyone about it if you make it out that is please try I if you get to the end perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement I do want your sharp to succeed after all what's the saying two sides to every stop unfortunately for you both sides here are the my story and you'll have to complete battle to get to the end I simply adore this blooming place in a foliage like most living survive for long in the Darkness in Sunday I wonder if I need to place lanterns to open these doors [Music] incendio rebellious lumos incendio lumos oh I'm afraid of the dark meet me I'd offer you a seat but I'm rearranging the furniture boss don't want you getting too comfortable for what's in store do I [Music] know [Music] we're Guardian Leviosa thank you thank you lumos [Music] lumos revelia oh [Music] lumos incendio lumos Rebellion lumos ing Guardian Leviosa Guardian Leviosa foreign [Music] [Music] foreign back here [Music] in Guardian Leviosa thank you brilliant lumos [Music] foreign lumos [Music] incending uh -huh [Music] ardium Leviosa revelio Leviosa Rebellion what's this a game within the game oh Knight to H3 nighty night that was the wrong Square I wonder if the chess pieces on the board indicate where I can't go perhaps I can find a way to reveal the path lumos [Music] Rebellion huh watch this I can find a way to reveal the path that wasn't too difficult oh goodness I do hope you're having as much fun as me I think I'll keep you around a bit longer Pacquiao [Music] Wingardium Leviosa Rebellion lumos time Rebellion cats now that you get your attention foreign lumos it's always good to have a different perspective foreign oh Pacquiao in Guardian Leviosa lumos [Music] we got him Leviosa my head is spinning foreign lumos [Music] in Guardian Leviosa thank you Rebellion lumos perhaps I should pull the lantern into this room to cause the room to rotate again [Music] Leviosa [Music] thank you foreign lumos revelio lumos foreign lumos [Music] foreign lumos [Music] Rebellion lumos lumos revelio lumos hmm running in circles are we perhaps you should retrace your status what was that lumos instead lumos foreign [Music] lumos foreign foreign lumos [Music] stupid lumos a thank you [Music] well done I'll give you a moment for now thank you Rebellion aha finally you my inordinately clever friend appear to have traversed this seemingly never-ending dungeon relatively unscathed and now I suppose you want to go everyone leaves me usually in a straight jacket never to return I'm starting to take it personally I'm tired of having no one to play with tell you what I'll make you a deal isn't if you can match wits with me now and do you agree to give me unfettered access to the shop for say one day a month to have a little fun I'll sign the contract pursuant to which um uh let me see I will blah blah blah blah blah blah oh yes they'll leave you and your customers alone at all other times etc etc you get to shop I get my chaos sound acceptable excellent let the games begin oh that's just outside foreign this video [Music] foreign super taker well well finally someone deserving of the playground is so meticulously crafted such a treat to have fun again in my little dungeon I must say I enjoy a good challenge ah a kindred did I say spirit so about the contract I am a poltergeist of my word just to be clear what does this agreement entail specifically ugh pay attention you guarantee that I can have my fun at least one day each month without fuss I let you work the rest of the time mostly in peace why would you enter into such an agreement much as I love banging about the place it's no comparison to seeing customers faces when I Bonk them on their heads with a chocolate frog but one doesn't really understand the value of an audience until one is without it very well I shall agree to your contract with one small addendum hooray no more of his unsatisfying banging about all day in a pit of a void wait did you say one small addendum I did in order that I have a successful shop with lots of customers would you agree to causing chaos only after nine o'clock in the evening hmm [Music] would you agree to at least two days a month instead of one I would pleasure doing business with you [Music] you've worn me out ah well done I have a I have to admit Cassandra did a wonderful job finding a puppet to playmate huh hello Penny penny been so glad you're back you knew exactly where I was going when I entered that chest Penny was beginning to think yes another shopkeeper was going to end up in Saint Mungus another shopkeeper some mongos I think you should explain penny Penny please stop holding your breath tell me what's going on penny is forbidden from telling you anything but how can you be forbidden from telling me what's going on I purchased this shop are any is confused Penny thought that if you came back you would own the shop [Music] thank you Penny I think I'm going to need to talk to the authorities oh penny is certain that's a brilliant idea obviously singer will know what to do Penny will wait right here [Music] Rebellion [Music] you can stop a thief in there what are you up with now officer singer I have some information you might be interested in ah again what can I do for you Cassandra Mason sold me a shop and then tried to drive me mad in a haunted dungeon I Cassandra Mason sold you her shop [Music] perfectly capable of owning a shop but more importantly did you not hear the bit about the dungeon no no I I heard that bit too and according to the house elf that came with the shop she has done this sort of thing before repeatedly I wondered what was going on she seems to have had a great deal of trouble keeping a tenant in that shop in any event these are serious accusations indeed perhaps a little visit with Cassandra is in order to clear this all up shall we [Music] [Music] oh hello Ruth I see you've met my new tenant Cassandra it's my understanding that you sold your shop and your Elf to this student now they've been telling me some very interesting stories about your business practices perhaps you should come with it uh I should have known better than to do business with a Wily student [Music] s [Music] life is about to run out I should have known better than to do business with a wiley stew [Music] oh ah I'm disappointed in you Cassandra don't I always wondered why you couldn't seem to keep a talent in that shop of yours I must admit the notion of a haunted dungeon of my mind thanks for this you can head back to the shop chicken that house off of yours is probably terrified silencio oh and not to worry Cassandra will immediately file the paperwork needed to Grant you ownership of both the shop and the elf on her way to Azkaban thank you officer singer best of luck to you as the newest shop owner in hogsmead [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign I have what I hope will be good news officer singer confirmed there's ownership of the shop has now transferred to me oh well that is good news penny is so relieved Penny had the most difficult time keeping the truth from you Penny promises to work as hard as she can for such a kind new owner [Music] Penny I found an item of clothing in the dungeon that I'd like to give you oh oh thought she would be given clothing and become a free elf it's my pleasure serve it if any will be staying on and managing the shop for you Penny you're free you can do anything you've ever wanted to but all penny has ever wanted to do is run the shop with a friend and sell to the villages in hoxmead if that's what you want to do Penny then nothing would make me happier I'm genuinely glad you'll be staying on Penny is too all that's left is for you to choose a sign for your new shop and Penny will take care of the rest foreign [Music] excellent choice have a look outside thank you I shall work on collecting items for the Shop's inventory oh and Penny we'll be closing the shop by nine o'clock every night [Music] and it's getting worse if there is any chance that the Relic from Slytherin Spellbook can help her I must find it I'm requesting your help meet me outside of feldcraft [Music] here I come foreign welcome come on in where was I right oh yes now you let me know if there's anything else I can help you with laughs now you let me know if there's anything else I can help you with foreign for business haven't you no one can say I don't keep a stacked Shelf [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] helps to see you my young friend [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] a moment of your time the plants are resting so now's as good a time as any I was wondering what made you want to teach herbology how lovely have you two I've always had it for Greenery so this situation is a bit of a dream come true after graduation I was thrilled to be asked to step in for my old herbology Professor he'd had a slight accident you see oh dear a shame for him but it worked out well for you well he never cared I mean really cared for the plants and they could sense it 'd be surprised how perceptive a plant can be but at any rate the trouble began one day when he cut into a Wiccan tree unfortunately for him its thieves were hiding a bow chuckle you may recall The Marvelous creatures that resemble a twig the Little Beast gouged the professor's eyes quote fiercely but terrifying I'd imagine likely for the professor too and that's when you took over as the herbology professor well not quite after three weeks at Saint mungo's my predecessor regained a tiny bit of his eyesight he insisted on returning to the greenhouse within a week he had he claims by accident kicked a Chinese chomping cabbage so it was back to Saint Mungus for him what a string of bad luck hmm well I felt awful for him but I dare say I felt a bit more Sympathy for the Cabbage upon his discharge from the hospital his indifference to plants had turned to utter disdain he lost what little patience he had left with a particularly temperamental venomous tentaculant well his resulting leave of absence continues to this day [Music] I'm glad everything worked out as it did and that you're the herbology professor now very kind of you to say I do love these Gardens and helping my students grow I'm speaking with you have a wonderful day oh and remember because be kind to your Wigan trees [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's always nice to see your familiar face [Music] let's look at what we have shall we foreign nothing like finding just the right thing is there let me know if there's anything else I can do to help [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] everyone who's so love Godless help well they're Goblin Helms but then it was ours [Music] thank you are here goodness I know you're the one who stole our hippogriff we've been looking for you you're the one who released Treadwell aren't you that was a mess [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it's like a place right out of a storybook [Music] all right there's no Talent Ed you're here good Sebastian that Relic you mentioned I believe one of slytherin's students stumbled upon the Relic during an assignment to study sarcophagi in this catacomb from what I read in a report by the student they weren't permitted to take it with them so I must assume it's still here as I mentioned earlier this Relic grants its holder the power to reverse dark magic curses if it's in this catacomb I have to find it fan I need to see her I'm ready to explore the catacomb perhaps we can visit Anne when we finished perfect by the way ominous has been asking about you you didn't tell him what we were doing did you I didn't I promise good ominous would be livid if he knew what we were about to do I'll be interested to compare what lies inside to what I've read about this catacomb I'm sure that foul smell is the scent of success try not to lose your nerve just yet Rebellion [Music] back here at least now we know what's alone in here perhaps that was it and the rest of the Tomb will be insect free at yeah spiders aren't insects we're here for a reason I'd say opening them all is Justified bugs Wingardium Leviosa good rebellious Loft brilliant [Music] [Music] Rebellion we've read the world of another spider I shall sleep better tonight Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] thank you Rebellion all this grass it no longer feels like a team I've read about catacombs and ran into problems often Cadence rebellion and then were abandoned exactly we'll be fine though [Music] this sort of great room I want to be buried in surrounded by grandeur grandeur and then some even an altar with a pile of bones lovely bones outside a sarcophagus seems odd there's something here by the altar [Music] what did you find [Music] looks like part of a student's diary it mentions plans to return for The Relic and Conjuring barricades using bones of course student summary referenced a space beyond the great room which means this can't be a dead end I have the report if you want to have a look let's divide and conquer you work on sorting out the bone barricades I'll look around and see what we missed hold on to that diary entry there may be more to it it does mention something else it says their next assignment was learning the imperious curse really interesting we need to focus on moving beyond this room but let me think for a moment [Music] of course I'll start to search for those barricades brilliant there's more to this than even I imagined look bones stacked oddly on either side of this archway hmm leave no stone unturned or in this case no bone incendio Rebellion Rebellion revelio I assume Eerie sounds come with a territory [Music] you've done it I knew we'd get through I felt it in my bones nice the culture we've made it this far but clearly we have more to do incense instead lumos Akio Leviosa good back here naviosa [Music] rickety Bone Bridge complete [Music] Rebellion thank you [Music] Rebellion before we trudge on further I've just realized something styrene mentions the imperious curse I wouldn't be surprised if we're going to need it here it's an Unforgivable but useful when you're outnumbered places the victim completely under the Caster's control so if you'd like to learn imperio I can teach you where did you learn the imperious curse I taught myself don't tell ominous that I've told you it's not exactly something I can brag about but it may come in handy I think you ought to know it shouldn't I know more about what the curse entails remember the blasting curse same idea except when it comes to unforgivable curses your intention has to be clear you have to mean it it's probably wise to know the spell I couldn't agree more spell that could save your life shouldn't be unforgivable you have a lot at stake you have an ability that evidently no one's seen for centuries Focus your wand movement it's not an easy spell to master there we go something troubling ahead be on your guard [Music] potatoes [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] descender [Music] never knew spiders can make such a mess I think dramatic isn't it Rebellion Rebellion Rebellion incendio revelio the comfort Rebellion this catacomb has suffered decay just as the student summary described I doubt anyone's been hearing quite some time [Music] [Music] okay considering how well you did on the last one this should be a cinch how gracious of you I try this looks different than what we faced before now we're also dealing with Rune symbols [Music] Leviosa that worked keep going foreign [Music] [Music] you are Head and Shoulders above these bones nicely done Rebellion I see why slytherin's student was so entranced with this place [Music] stand up everything [Music] though for a moment Rebellion incendio dead end lovely all that for nothing hold on don't give up yet Rebellion Sebastian The Relic look [Music] could it be the note and rendition of The Relic it matches this must be where the student left the Relic I can't believe it after all this it lines up we've really found it what do you suppose is meant by the dark sacrifice required to realize the relic's potential I have no idea but we're here for the Relic I'm willing to ignore what the journal entry says we're taking the Relic agreed this is meant to be for Anne's sake I'm taking it let's get to feldcroft I must keep this Relic Secret especially for my uncle revelio is that ominous ominous sounds we kept hearing it was you you gave me no choice I had to follow you Sebastian please leave the Relic alone we can find another way to help him I'm sorry ominous but I'm taking it no you're not if you won't put it back then I will hold on both of you Sebastian please take a step back fine but ominous knows I won't step back from a fight can't believe this [Music] you're here everything I heard you encourage Sebastian to take the Relic Sebastian's done his research he knows what he's doing Sebastian makes things sound easy when they could be impossible or dangerous we need to stop him and if nothing will change his mind something has to I need your help [Music] Sebastian's right we need that Relic I'm Sorry My Mind Is Made Up are you willing to sacrifice your friendship over this I might be how could I choose to stand by and watch him do this what if the choice wasn't yours you wouldn't be to blame for what happens what in the world are you suggesting that's what I'm saying I would take all responsibility this could save your friendship I know how to cast it Sebastian taught me but I won't do it unless you agree this is insanity I can't believe you would ask this of me Sebastian is never going to give up trying to cure Anne if you try and stop him now he'll never forgive you I'm I fine this is unfathomable but I suppose if you want that responsibility it may just save what is left of my friendship with Sebastian remember this is what I was telling you about the dark arts they come with a cost you may well regret making this Choice do what you have to do cast it before I changed my mind Imperial [Music] step aside ominous stay in place until we're out of sight I will [Music] Sebastian come on what did you do Imperial it was the only way to get out of here without a fight ominous I'm sorry Sebastian we have to go [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] did we do the wrong thing you need the Relic I know but not like this ominous and I agreed surely there's a difference between casting Imperial on someone without their knowledge and casting it with permission I understand what you're saying I do but I've taken full responsibility you have my word you've always looked out for each other I'm gonna listen I I hope he knows that hasn't changed how long would the spell last how long was ominous stay in the Tomb curse is lifted already he'll easily the catacomb just as we did foreign I'd rather and not know what had to be done to get this Relic she thinks like ominous did it only upset her oh no this isn't good what is it smoke over there by the Hamlet felcroft's in trouble they're under attack let's hurry no no I will make you okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] imperative [Music] foreign [Music] boy what have you done saved my sister still an unforgivable curse from that damn book no doubt your father would be ashamed you've gone too far Sebastian stay away from her from all of us what did my uncle expect me to do the imperius curse saved Anne's life that Goblin was going to kill her you did what you had to do if I had to keep proving that to my uncle I will he could not banish me from my own home from my sister it might be best to let him calm down a while may I speak to him perhaps I can help to ease the tension a bit you may be right very well probably best if I get away from here for a while I'll head back to Hogwarts foreign [Music] [Music] oh part of me Mr Salo what Sebastian did was inexcusable you cannot possibly be about to defend him Sebastian and I have encountered ranrock's loyalists before that Goblin would have killed Anne this Rumley does not resort to using dark magic even against our enemies what Sebastian did cannot be undone that you are defending Sebastian's Behavior at all tells me everything I need to know you are as guilty as he is Sebastian is to come nowhere near feldcroft nowhere near an unforgivable curses are so named for a reason if I hear that either of you continues down this path if either of you uses dark magic I will notify the Headmaster immediately why Sebastian [Music] [Music] can bring them foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind foreign did you speak with my uncle I wish I had better news about your uncle and Anne well what did he say I'm afraid he wants you nowhere near feldcraft nor Anne I had to stop that Goblin from killing my sister he had no right to banish me from my own twin if he thinks banishing me means I'm going to give up on Anne he's sorely mistaken he also said he cannot excuse the use of dark magic in any form and that if he hears of either of us using it he'll go straight to Professor black Relic dark magic or not is the key to saving Anne to reverse that curse I will not lose Anne for good I should send the crest to Anne she'll know that we need to meet I'm afraid I don't follow nothing just a thought now I'm more determined than ever to learn what power that Relic has [Music] to wait to hear from you then thank you I very much appreciate you standing by me through all of this I'll send you an hour when I have news [Music] [Music] thank you doesn't add any more cozy than hob speed [Music] nice to see you again [Music] foreign [Music] thanks for stopping by hope to see you again [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion [Music] my patrol [Music] thank you what do we have here a demi guys rebellious [Music] [Music] I hate to see a creature get put down like that but trolls have no business in hawksmead this is a change of pace for my last outing don't remind me the thought of that tense still makes my blood boil I've been thinking about those poor dragons in the fighting ring the collars they were wearing they appeared to be Goblin silver I think a collar is precisely what we found at that poacher camp I've never known poachers to use anything like that before the dragon that attacked my Carriage was wearing a collar and Professor fig was genuinely baffled By Its Behavior that attack always did strike me as a little strange seemingly coming out of nowhere surely you aren't suggesting that the colors somehow control the poor creatures exactly Merlin I don't think the dragon we set free was wearing a collar but we should check and if we can find her we can return her egg it's a good idea we need to see this through I'll start looking into it right away there was something else that I wanted to discuss with you I didn't want to press it before it seems I may have caused you more trouble with Victor rickwood why is he after you [Music] with ranrock and ranrock is off to something I found at Gringotts fig had a Porky that led us thereafter the dragon attack it's a bit of a long story and fig had asked that I not speak of it yet goodness well that certainly helps to shed light on what we saw at the tent don't worry I'll guard your secret as if it were my own I shall press for more details in fact I should probably be going I'd like to track that Dragon down as soon as I can I'll let you know when I have news of her location Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign what are you up to now oh it's you Samantha is everything all right no no it's not it's my brother William the one I told you about otter charms class he's he's been cursed he ignored my morning and now he's lying in sent Mongo's looking completely pathetic he simply never listens I'm sorry how exactly has he been cursed oh you won't believe it truly but his feet were turned into purple beats you can imagine his distress and mine I won't even go into the attention he was getting from our garden rabbits before he admitted himself to hospital I'm so sorry that sounds like a trying situation I'm glad you understand everyone else just laughs at me as if it's a joke no compassion at all well it is an unusual situation how did your brother end up like this it's entirely his own fault I told him about some research I'd done recently on our ancestor Marmaduke Dale in particular my discovery that marmaduke's tomb was cursed my brother's always making fun of my discoveries this time he laughed in my face told me I'd misinterpreted my findings that went possible and to prove his point he went right up to the entrance of the Tomb and pooped his feet transfigured into Beats [Music] how awful and see why you were upset he definitely needs some help exactly he may be a cape flapper but he's still my brother deserve such a fate to last forever as a result of a single brainless mistake now I worry that if the curse isn't reverse it could become permanent can't the curse be broken possibly car stems from a Crest that was stolen from Marmaduke if the crest were returned to its rightful place upon his sarcophagus and I believe that William's feet may be restored you battled trolls when they attacked hogsmead escape the dragon and I could tell by your work and charms that you're a skilled spellcaster turning a Crest to a sarcophagus should be almost effortless for you so will you help us why was Mom Duke's tomb cursed the curse is the result of an intense sibling rivalry between granham Dale and his younger brother Marmaduke Marmaduke was a famed herbologist and granham resented the attention that he received sibling rivalry sounds as if it might run in the family but I would never intentionally curse my brother not like granham did when their mother died Ma prized family crest Branham felt that as the eldest child he should have been given it years later when Mom Duke died granham stole it and cursed the tomb so that none in the Dale family could ever pay their respects how do you know it's safe I don't want my feet to turn into beats as well oh but the curse only applies to marmaduke's descendants as my brother so aptly demonstrated that's why I need your help you're unrelated to my family so the curse wouldn't affect you why is your ancestor so well known he discovered the properties of several magical herbs and plants he also uncovered numerous types of Flora The Wizarding World owes him a great debt his work not only impacted the discipline of herbology but also potion making I can take the crest to Mama Dukes sarcophagus for you oh thank my mama Jake was laid to rest and placed the crest on top of his sarcophagus according to my research the tomb's been abandoned for centuries so it should be a fairly simple task you'll find it just east of the Hamlet of Brock burrow thank you for your help my family is indebted to you [Music] thank you [Music] I need to find the tomb near Brock Borough and play Samantha's family crest on a sarcophagus there [Music] foreign place what needs doing needs is everything all right if the Hamlet sent you here to talk to me about about I know what I have to do it's not every day A girl has to put down her own troll I should be allowed to work up to it what do you mean your own troll I thought that's why you were here I'm sorry ah I suppose if you spend enough time with trolls you forget your manners I'm Alexandra I didn't mean to be short with you with ran rocks lot seemingly everywhere I thought the Hamlet could use a bit more security but my plan has gone awry I apologized when he almost trampled half the Hamlet yesterday he just needs more time but everyone wants him gone they think it's mad my training a Troll impossible even it certainly takes a lot of courage to try I'll give you that thank you thank you for seeing that I wish others felt the same but I suppose I understand why everyone's been so concerned what made me think I could train him I should have learned from Barnabas the barmy but he's my Troll and my problem I'll be honest I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of him he's stronger than any troll I've ever encountered I wish I knew someone else who could do it I'm not thrilled at the prospect but I'll consider it oh no I didn't mean to suggest that you should do it in fact you should avoid the area just Southwest of here at least until I work up the courage to do what needs to be done a troll on the loose near A Hamlet that could be devastating hello might you have time to help with an urgent delivery not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this you sound as if you could use some help oh yes I could Eddie thistlewood's the name a dear friend of mine in feldcraft is at his Wit's End due to the Relentless attacks on his Hamlet by ranrock and his loyalists I sent two crates of Chinese chomping cabbages to help but they've gone missing good idea those cabbages are nothing to be trifled with my thoughts precisely you see I know plants and I believe the Goblins will be so irritated by the onslaught of ferocious vegetation they will simply leave feldcraft alone I wonder if you might track the two crates down and deliver their contents to my friend Bernard india.e I simply can't leave my shop at present very well sir I shall keep an eye out for two crates of Chinese chomping cabbages oh thank you I shall let Bernard know he might be receiving those cabbages after all what do you have for sale I'm convinced that feldcraft will be much safer with Chinese chomping cabbages defending them sounds like felcroft's in trouble perhaps I should try to help revelio welcome welcome do have a look around [Music] thank you [Music] thank you I take it you're Alexandra's friend what's up stupid okay incendio [Music] places [Music] [Music] back here [Music] [Applause] we go [Music] [Music] thank you I feel awful for Alexandra but the Hamlet needed to be saved from that troll [Music] foreign Dragon friend and where to return her you know what meet me in the town circle in hogsmeade [Music] it's done Alexandra I took care of him my troll what oh I don't know what to say thank you I wish things could have turned out differently for him there wasn't much you could have done he was beyond training tried to kill me the entire time goodness I'm glad you're all right you're very brave people in the hamlet had already crafted a moniker for whoever eventually defeated my I mean that troll it was thrall something or other [Music] Whisperer yes that was it I suppose it's your title now I need some time on my own but truly thank you for what you did Whisperer seems fitting [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] hello there hello mate do I recall you saying that you speak corporate cook I did I mean I do speak it is this to do with the goblin I saw you with in Hog's meat it is his name is lodgok we could use your help with something he's waiting for me near a goblin mine would you be willing to help of course how exciting I mean well might this be dangerous I think he simply wants to show me something that involves gobbledygook if it helps he's a friend of sironas good to hear good to hear if sirona trusts him then I feel much better you said you know gobbledygook but how well I've been reading it for as long as I've been reading English my parents have an extensive Library once I grew bored with the classics I devoured Goblin writings I'd tell you some titles but you wouldn't understand them have you ever spoken directly to a goblin unbelievably no I'm so looking forward to it actually conversing in gobbledygook with a native speaker cannot wait to confirm subtle bits of pronunciation and tone that may have eluded me being self-taught in all Lord God is waiting should we go of course I just want to check the pronunciation of a couple of key terms first so I will meet you there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] um [Music] safe flying [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] abandoned long ago no doubt [Music] Rebellion incendio revelio Leviosa Rebellion incentive Guardian Leviosa he's likely Rebellion foreign [Music] foreign trial another adventure are we revelio a friend who speaks gobbledygook is meeting us before he arrives perhaps you could tell me why we're here of course unfortunately presenting ranrock with the helmet of Earth God did not have the effect I'd hoped because he knew the details surrounding its plunder he presumed I'd had help from a witch or wizard in retrieving it [Music] how else did he expect Goblin Kind to get the helmet back seems he has no interest in making amends with you I'm afraid we do not have the luxury of rational expectation when it comes to ran Rock damn bragborin is blasted journals practical an ancestor of ran rocks renowned metal worker if we are to work together I suppose I must tell you more not long ago ranrock sent me to collect a recently Unearthed set of bragbore's journals they describe repositories that bragbor had been commissioned to build for a group of witches and wizards what do you mean repositories large magically fortified receptacles crafted from Goblin metal ranrock recruited others to help me locate the repositories we were to search anywhere that was connected to five names mentioned in the journals Rackham Fitzgerald Picard morganock and Rookwood a good castle that is where we began our search why does Round Rock care so much about these repositories he cares about what they contain for centuries Wizards have refused to share their magical knowledge with goblins your kind will not even let us carry ones thus many goblins myself included have spent our lives mistrusting wizard kind radrock was convinced that the repositories contained a magical power that Wizards wanted to keep for themselves he was is determined to take it for Goblin Kind But Here Comes My friend I'll meet probably best to continue our conversation later greetings it is a an honor sir gobbledygook oh enough please do not tell me that was meant to be gobbledygook I am well yes perhaps my pronunciation was a bit off I imagine certain dialects differ pronunciation is not the issue I barely recognize that as language I trust you can read gobbledygook better than you can speak it I can sir not just Lord thankfully we only need someone who can decipher written plans since I cannot join you in the mine what written plants and why can't you come with us we need some idea of what ranrock knows or is plotting I suspect a careless loyalist may have left plans behind and I'm unable to join you because I cannot risk anyone reporting my presence to ran rock all you need to do is not be seen either by the eye above the enchanted door or a loitering loyalist [Music] foreign what else should we know about the enchanted door the door will not open while the eye can see you you and your friend must be invisible to it to gain access from what I know of wizard magic that shouldn't be too difficult to achieve [Music] I'll meet and I can do this I will await your return I shall see you soon [Music] [Music] the store is looking at us [Music] I'll be quiet foreign it's even grander than I had expected I cannot believe I met a goblin just learn what we can and get out impressive workmanship for so simpler ill advice impressive workmanship aside it's the only way forward I still can't believe I've read about minds like this but scene shut down keep your wits about your meat I'll get you through this mine [Music] let's go that was a little more than I'm used to get us through his safe field you have my wallet they're being watched buy a door I won't get through as long as we can be seen by that time Revenue I feel like a character from one of the adventure books I read during the summer holidays let's take a look around I'll meet see if we can find any plans there must be more notes around here [Music] find you if I'm translating this correctly and I think that I am they're building something rather large but what I will get to the bottom of what they've been building down here foreign [Music] [Music] down that's the last loyalist unfortunately fascinating to see gobbledygook written in a goblin hand the flourishes are extraordinary let me know if you see any more plans or schematics we can't return to Lord God empty headed [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you very much [Music] and said [Music] um sister ain't coming coming up Rebellion [Music] foreign stay close I've handled much worse this place is more complex than I have expressed love yourself Rebellion another schematic what are they going to build this mine is too small for whatever it is foreign foreign [Music] ah thank you [Music] all right let's get us died that should be the last of the moment I'm quite good at sneaking about you'll see foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] this is not good they're building enormous drills bigger than this mine could contain what we found there must be a quicker way out of him retracing our steps I need a moment to catch my breath this was more than I bargained for I'm glad you came with me I'll meet you now that we know what they're up to we can get out of here [Music] Rebellion Rebellion we're almost out of here our meat look the lift will welcome sight indeed can we please talk about it that wasn't so bad was it it was it really was I'm afraid I've had enough adventure for one day for a lifetime perhaps thank you Amit I couldn't have done it without you now if you don't mind I'd like to have a word with lodgok understood I'll leave you to it your Goblin secrets are safe with me but I get to write the book about this Escapade someday without further ado had you they're building enormous drills we found their plans vanrock must be searching for the repositories I fear you are correct other than Rookwood Castle however I do not know where else who plans to search I've been wondering about something else you said before we entered the mine yes if you share ranrock's views then why are you helping me I expected Rookwood Castle to be deserted when I arrive to begin my search so a surprise divine a witch there who had said it was sort of improvised research site she was studying something so intently that she almost didn't notice me when she looked up I thought she would react with fear or disdain but instead she did something that I will never forget without a moment's hesitation and asked me to sit with her she told me that she was a researcher and showed me a small oddly shaped container with the strange symbol on it she was certain it was made of goblin metal but was unable to open it she wanted to work together Miriam yes but how did you Professor fake's wife he told me of her research and I know of the container ah the reverence with which she talked of goblins and their intelligence and skill it caught me entirely off guard I'd never been treated with such Respect by a witch or wizard so to my surprise I let her study the container if she would allow me to search the castle on my own we parted ways with her promising to share what she'd learned more of ranrock's recruits arrived and we began to dig eventually locating the first Repository ranrock was thrilled with our discovery but Furious what I told him about Miriam berated me for trusting a witch and I heard she'd been killed you think run what murdered her I don't want to believe it but I don't know after that something shifted in me I had seen how the power from the repositories was transforming Round Rock transforming all of them I could no longer remain apart thank you Lord for telling me this tell you all of this so that you understand what is at stake Round Rock never found all of blackboard's journals but the ones he did find suggest that bragbor at some point built a repository far greater in size than the one beneath Rookwood Castle what you've discovered here today worries me deeply and Rob learns from the location of that Repository I fear we shall be destined for a great War I will find out what ranrock knows watch for my owl [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what do you do now oh there you are do you have any news of Mama Jokes Chris perhaps a hybrid I finished the activities you assigned me Professor garlic wonderful I hope you gained a greater appreciation for the Flora in our lives I am Forever enraptured by it just yesterday I spent hours pruning myself fertilizing shrubs and Flutterbye bushes didn't realize how long I'd been at it until the sun began to set well if there's one thing I love to see more than my plants thriving it's one of my students doing the same now ready to learn flippendo chin up keep a light grip and it's all in the wrist let's see you give it a go you will want to focus with this spell not nothing is more to find as knocking back a colleague when all you wanted to do was move a few parts wonderfully done if you'd like to practice a bit more you're welcome to do so here in the greenhouse just mind the plants please foreign [Music] [Music] now where was I oh yeah sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade I didn't keep you waiting did I not at all I was just at the post the post send it she didn't send me an owl this week either perhaps she's busy with her research [Music] what did you find out about the dragon you were tracking I realized that she didn't know the poachers had her egg so when she left Hallandale Hall she would have headed straight to her nest I went back to the tent and tracked her flight [Music] how do you track a dragon long after she's gone tree canopies burn marks things like that well done you certainly know what you're doing I I have an idea of one place may have been [Music] herself of course should we leave now if that's all right I want to see how she's faring if she had a collar on and she's likely frantic about her egg [Music] here we are I do think this is where we'll find her the terrain's typical of where the breed would Nest I suspect it's how the poachers found her to begin with they likely camped here and locked her patterns perhaps nabbed her first and then her egg dragons are hard enough to Wrangle let alone maternal ones you got all of that from Simply standing here you'd be surprised how easy it is to think like a poacher shall we see if she's home we only need to return her egg that sounds straightforward enough then we can be vouchers once and for all I don't suppose you've thought about keeping it have you no it belongs to her keeping it will make me Justice as bad as the poachers if you're right about finding her here how do we go about returning the egg her nest will likely be in the heart of her Den which she will be keeping guard over it might also be more charred than anywhere else I imagine well then let's find our dragon and return her egg wonderful if she sees us flying about she might take it as a sign of aggression or food we should stay on foot oh and one more thing let's not agitate her goodness knows she's been through enough already I'm ready when you are there she is above us she did make it home safe as if she wasn't colored like the other dragons for what it's worth she doesn't seem to have spotted us yet at least 10 usually how Charming they keep in touch with each other from a distance I wonder how good her eyesight is revelli I beg your pardon I don't imagine the poachers fed her well and from a distance we probably look exactly like sheep there heberdeen's love sheep how lucky for us watch your step she must have been stopped to pick off a crap horn or just wearing for a fight what was that foreign [Music] well there's no turning back now remember thank you [Music] ravenio watch out foreign not a warm welcome it's a little too warm if you ask me I don't suppose she listened to reason I'd normally try but we're well past that get to that opening below she's leaving quickly brilliant there's the nest we're almost there why is every bridge here broken repair now if we just return her egg we can hopefully make it out without too much fuss oh foreign [Music] that was brilliant and did you see how clever she left us perfectly unharmed creatures are a lot cleverer than most people realize that's what Gran always says vived it and we were Weaver egg thank you for doing this with me wouldn't blame you one bit if you wanted to head back to the castle and never think about dragons again [Music] I was hoping to look around for a moment if you don't mind take it all in I suppose we could catch our breath I'm ready whenever you are [Music] I can't believe any of what just happened still taking it all in no I think I'm ready to leave if you are I am after our dragon rescue at Hornet Hall I half expect to be ambushed by poachers any time I'm not in the castle understandable we did sabotage their fighting ring and steal a dragon egg from them true true so why haven't they come after us less unless what unless they haven't let things lie oh no I can't believe I didn't see it we need to leave I need to send an owl how could I have been so blind [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you I've always said that travel broadens the mind [Music] so frustrating [Music] you wanted to speak with me mother I had hoped to view alone your message mentions your concern about an unusual creature that was spotted in the woods near hogsmeade that could have been anything you know what it was not science I am allowed to leave the castle I am always confessing I disagrees she sent me an owl telling me that you have been trying to collect evidence of some kind against dark Wizards she berated me for not keeping a closer eye on you and she is right I do not want you visiting hogsmeade for the near future but mother my little gazelle you are well intentioned but you must meddled in the Affairs of dangerous people if someone had medals in matabilaland father would still be with us I must get to class perhaps your friend can get you to listen to reason [Music] so frustrating she never listens to me she called you her little gazelle is that a term of endearment where you're from it is specific to me [Music] am the unusual creature in hogsmead she mentioned self-transfiguration is not taught at Hogwarts so I am gently discouraged from practicing it however I am an animagus and this is in my gazelle form that I have been able to wander the highlands rather freely until now much to my mother shaggering that is how I managed to spy on Rookwood and Harlow the process is quite elaborate it involves holding a mandrake Leaf in one's mouth for an entire month then placing the leaf in a crystal file so that it is imbued with moonlight then adding one of your own hairs and that is just the beginning self-transfiguration is common among students at wagadu but Professor Weasley considers it much too dangerous to teach at Hogwarts can you choose what form your animagus will take oh no a person Santa Magus form is determined by their personality my mother is convinced that my form is a gazelle because I adapt well to any situation I believe it is because I can sense danger and keep my wits about me how does it feel to transform into an animal well the first time it can be a bit unnerving I felt a kind of searing pain and a strong double heartbeat but it gets easier the more you do it I no longer feel any pain and I must say I find a sense of comfort in the double heartbeat and I love being able to view the world from a different perspective now the nickname makes sense what an extraordinary ability to have it is I love transforming but mother is less enthusiastic about it she says that no creature especially one as rare as a gazelle should be bounding about where poaching has become so prevalent she claims that she has foreseen tragedy before me in my gazelle form but she has used her sight to control me too many times I no longer believe it [Music] we're making good progress we can't quit now I agree I have never considered quitting even for a moment you could have fled the moment you discovered that Rookwood Hollow and Round Rock were after you but you did not I choose to act as you have I must deal with Rockwood and Hollow not hide from them my mother cannot know where I am all the time thank you for being here during that rather awkward conversation [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I should let Deke know about the newborn thestral [Music] hello Deke you'll be pleased to know that a little Festival was born how wonderful to have more thestrals in our world such misunderstood beasts I'm sorry that we can both see thestral's dick Deke is privileged to see such Majestic beasts but sometimes wishes D couldn't take us to blame what do you mean to blame years ago Deep's Master ordered Deke to help him capture a phoenix the rarest of all beasts that Master had spotted high on a cliff the Phoenix was the most beautiful Beast Deke had ever seen Dick begged Master to leave her be when Dick hesitated to climb up the cliff as ordered Deke had to punish himself as Deke punished himself Master grew angrier and angrier and in his frustration cast at the Regal bird egg suspects the Phoenix was protecting eggs when it swooped down in fear and fury before Dick could reach him Master fell from the cliff Deke stayed on that Cliff's side for days punishing himself before Tubbs found him what the horrible tale Deek I'm so sorry indica's only told Professor Weasley that story and now yourself Deke often wonders what became of that Phoenix date feels fortunate to be at Hogwarts now helping you rescue beasts perhaps D can make amends for what came before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you open another adventure are we not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this thank you for all that you've done for us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I thought my owl might pique your interest I came as soon as I could I'd been so preoccupied by all that happened with ominous in the catacomb not to mention my uncle's reaction that had almost forgotten what it was that struck me about that triptych this is the view painted on the canvas that was left on it that's incredible you know this area well and while I was waiting for you I scouted around and discovered an abandoned mine nearby surrounded by randwick's loyalists do you think there's a connection to the triptych I have no idea but perhaps they're searching it the way they did Brookwood castle and isadora's Manor how do we want to handle this we need to see what they're doing I say we take them head on let's bury some enemies very well and I still have that Rune symbol we found on the triptych if there is a connection I suspect we'll see that symbol again after you there they are up ahead I'll let you lead no one enters this mine kill anyone who tries I will make money [Music] thank you Rebellion I won't rest Rebellion foreign this is going well we make a good team we do it that once again we can fight our way through or be discreet you know which one I choose config [Music] Ure foreign [Music] it is and that was relatively fun Rebellion I should tell you rumor is this mine was closed long ago due to an infestation of spiders how nice nothing I haven't seen before that's the spirit [Music] Rebellion feels like I've been at this for hours The Better or For Worse we're in here foreign oh his mind looks like a tomb it was closed on accident Rebellion now I see why I don't see any goblins in these webs too disgusting for even a spider to prey on ES [Music] ah wow loyalists are in here too many they definitely think there's something here they want incendio Rebellion naviosa it's not what the spiders give people Goosebumps could be the hairy legs the song size or the venomous fangs or any number of endearing qualities really foreign smashing should have thought to conjure stairs Rebellion repairable Rebellion oh what incending revelia [Music] we've read the world [Music] Rebellion well we're making quick work of them Professor Heckert will be proud she would at that ramrock's loyalists [Music] lumos lumos [Music] Spider-Man we've still not seen a single Rune symbol I think we're going to be a bit distracted from runes for a moment an unwelcome distraction at that we have another fight on our hands why am I not surprised [Music] Center [Music] we're not finished yet finger [Music] thank you Facebook declared the room for a Slytherin you gryffindors don't have a monopoly on bravery you know a room symbols above the cabin door Grand Rock's loyalists never knew to look for it rebellious foreign I wouldn't be surprised to find a couple more Rune scenes [Music] incending foreign [Music] these runes must be connected somehow try casting it here Rebellion perhaps try casting at them in a different order and be as quick as you can expecting that revelio what do you have there a journal entry by Isadora hopefully it will help us unravel more of this mystery Sebastian I think I found something canvas piece brilliant our efforts weren't in vain after all still something about this place feels odd if the triptych led us here to find this bit of canvas we can probably assume that Isadora Morgan Arc was here she seems to have been everywhere but if she was using the undercroft and the seller beneath her Manor and feldcraft why would she create this space and why hide it behind cryptic Rune symbols and ancient magic that no one but you could see is a Dora and Percival Rackham another of the keepers could see traces of ancient magic too Rackham haven't heard his name before his are some of the memories I've seen I don't think he and his Adora saw eye to eye on how this magic should be used this is all rather baffling let's take the canvas back to the triptych perhaps the answers are there place is odd to be sure but I'm fascinated by it now for the Trek back out of here and to Hogwarts unless we can find another passageway to the undercroft let's have a look around and now for the moments of Truth it has to fit [Music] please tell me you recognize the location in this bit of canvas the good news is I do in fact and the bad news we're in for more trouble I know that Coast Round Rock has taken over a huge mine in the surrounding area Marin ween has suffered for it it's as bad as feldcroft's become should we head there now we should wait why all this time we've been a step behind ranrog I may know someone who could help us get ahead who is that someone who knows Round Rock personally they asked me not to mention their name to anyone a goblin tell me I'm wrong you know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up said she should be seen and not heard I do but not all goblins not all goblins what have you forgotten feldcroft have you forgotten the mind we just went through no Sebastian I haven't you're not listening to me why would I listen to someone so ignorant you don't know what you're saying take your breath for a moment oh I know precisely what I'm saying unbelievable [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented blue Powder foreign [Music] stupid [Music] pictures one second the beasts are safe now Rebellion that's one great in hand I only need one more thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] no you'll have to fight eventually this could prove dangerous if I'm not careful oh let's have a look shall we you won't be disappointed I can promise you that I didn't think I'd be the one doing the buying [Music] so nice of you to stop by foreign so nice of you to stop by we should speak with Mr Pickles friends I believe I can sneak away without drawing my mother's eye meet me in a hogsmeat and we will devise a plan [Music] thank you protection I can see why feldcraft needs help the prime Rock's loyalists I miss you laughs [Music] Rebellion that's all the crates of Chinese chomping cabbages I'd better go and see Mr thistle's friend in feldcroft [Music] seems a pleasant enough little place hello there do you have the special delivery for my dear friend hello Mr ndi Eddie thistlewood sent me yes he told me to expect you do you have the Chinese chomping cabbages I have them right here marvelous this will go a long way towards protecting the Hamlet from Rand Rock's loyalists the same falcus who I'm willing to guess intercepted them in the first place along with rookwood's lot feldcroft owes a debt of gratitude to you and Eddie thank you for your help you're welcome happy to be of assistance at last some reinforcements hopefully this is enough to thwart the goblins [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you here I come [Music] hello again wonderful to see you as before I've arranged a special price on the Broom upgrade for you you'll be thrilled with that broom I promise you [Music] thanks for stopping by you're all set with the new upgrade I can't wait to hear what you think this may sound presumptuous but you like me to report back with even more flight details you I feel I'm almost they're a bit more Miss Rays is running a time trial at the South Coast course not ideal really what with rumors of ramrock's lot and ashwinder's infiltrate in the place however if you're flying high above them you should be all right I think I'm not worried Mr weeks I'll see if I can find Imelda I hope you are able to complete these trials I have a feeling this final upgrade is going to be a sweeping success do be careful of course I shall look forward to hearing from you soon I look forward to our next meeting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] off on another adventure are we thank you foreign power is dead [Music] foreign [Music] welcome back [Music] hello Professor I have news the Goblins are looking for something another repository they built drills to help with their search most troubling he's like the broken container I found at Rookwood Castle they are I fear we have heaven have a look at the map fortunately the next trial is fairly nearby it's Hogwarts as you know I was headmistress in my time my portrait hangs in the headmaster's office in fact I witnessed Professor black learn of your arrival and I'll confess that I wondered about you wait is the next trial in the headmaster's office it is I had hoped that when the time came the occupant of that office would be of help to us unfortunately this Headmaster seems wildly unconcerned with anything but himself you'll need to access the offers while he's away I understand very well I'll find some way to get in good I shall meet you in my portrait there until then [Music] okay [Music] [Music] the headmaster's office perhaps Professor fig will know what to do foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you revelia Professor fig the keepers have shown me where the next trial is has something changed Lord gok and I have learned that the Goblins are searching for another repository like the one we saw at Rookwood castle and I discovered that they're building massive drills to help in their search Professor Fitzgerald seemed very concerned I see ranrock clearly knows even more than we suspected and Sir there's something else he knew Miriam they encountered each other at Rookwood Castle she was doing research that's why she found the container with the porky he liked her so much that he let her leave with it the despite orders from ranrock I don't know what to say she could win over almost anyone I want to hear more of this and in fact I'd like to speak with lodgok directly but we've no time now where is the next trial believe it or not it's in the headmaster's office incredible very well you'll need the password to get past the stone gargoyle the headmaster's house elf will know it I don't know that Masters house elf will he even speak to me I imagine he's loyal to the Headmaster he is so you'll need a disguise I have just the thing a Polyjuice Potion you'll look and sound like Professor black wait doesn't Polly juice potion require a bit of the person you want to change into and take ages to brew it does so how do you already have poly juice potion to change into Professor black no one never knows when such a thing may come in handy let's just say I felt the need to be prepared for anything after my fruitless trip to the ministry on his behalf now time is of the essence drink up and I shall explain more [Music] [Music] how do you feel incredible I won't forget that taste anytime soon how do I sound convincing I've taken the liberty of transfiguring your robes as we discussed you'll need the password from scrope who could be anywhere in the castle you might look for Professor Kagawa she's taken to badgering the poor elf about quidditch in the hopes that he can convince black to change his mind thus far unsuccessfully I see but what if Professor black sees me leave him to me I shall tell him where to meet a liaison from the ministry in hogsmead that should give you plenty of time thank you professor I suppose we'll meet again in the map chamber it's rather strange to hear gratitude coming from Professor black I'll see you there now to find the headmaster's house elf [Music] oh [Music] Professor a moment of your professor I was hoping to catch you I I um places to be Professor sharp places to be of course sir only you're asked me about a particular potion and I well I did I did yes well spit it out sharp I don't have all day probably best not to discuss it here sir [Music] sharp you may speak freely very well I've brewed the cure for boils you wanted I can drop it by your office when it's convenient no need for all the Cloak and Dagger simply have a student deliver it a student very well sir if you insist I do and thank you sharp I just hope you've brewed enough for all my boils now to determine which student gets this rather unenviable task [Music] on those boots [Music] I wonder almost daily why I never heard the Headmaster approaching [Music] has anyone seen my ivory-handled hand mirror of course you have Headmaster yeah what could he want greetings I mean out of my way children Professor a word Professor black again it is not too late to reconsider your decision regarding quidditch we we could still have trials and a somewhat shortened season it would be better than none at all but the injury Madame Kagawa Professor more than one student has taken a bludger to the head on our pitch I dare said not some sense into them I know now a pure blood well that you would trivialize the health of a student over a silly game a silly [Music] silly spots at the ministry about you foreign good idea I can even provide the parchment should you need it now where is my elf I parchment very well I will and with pleasure and I spotted scorp in the Great Hall seems to be avoiding me hmm I wonder why good day Madame Kagawa what did we do to deserve him as a Headmaster if you must speak with me consult my secretaries or what have you now Move Along I hope it's not about anything I've been doing chewing with your mouth open where are your manners Professor a word please hello Professor black ah Professor Weasley how how delightful to see you sir ah since I have you here I wonder if I might um speak with you about Professor fig oh very well I've decided to give him a bit more uh leeway with his time leeway Professor are you sure that's wise I confess I do worry for his students he's rarely here as it is ah well yes he's handling some official Ministry business for me I see but sir if I may I am wary of how much time the new fifth year seems to be spending away from the castle supposedly on Professor Fig's behalf I've heard unsettling rumors of their escapades everything from sneaking into the Forbidden Forest to confronting Rand Rock's Loyalists and rookwood's lot what goodness you cannot believe everything you hear Professor no no no no you cannot I mean I shall keep an eye on fig you simply keep doing the wonderful job that you're doing it's simply wonderful I well I um thank you but I am happy to look good good that'll be always late I mean Professor Weasley good day a wonderful job leeway for Professor fig I shall never understand that man that ought to give Professor figs some breathing room wait until Master Siege attention stew screwed his master remind me a password to my office oh but Master made scrub swear never to tell anyone it 'll Master himself trying to give you a matching set of ears huh yes sir of course a scope begs forgiveness it is the black family motto Master hmm right of course I uh Austin does remember it [Music] isn't it a close Master scrope thinks Master is indeed testing scrope it is always pure obviously and of course as Master knows in French ah yes of course uh I order you to pronounce it for me ah but Master knows that scrop's French is most pitiful oh very well thank you never speak of this conversation with me or anyone else of course scripture try his best to keep out of Masters way the Polyjuice Potions wearing off I best get out of sight [Music] [Music] made it just in time it's wearing off fig was right I can't believe it worked now to speak the password to the gargoyle alohomora [Music] [Music] you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I am [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] revelia [Music] foreign that's where I need to speak the password lumos revelio lumos I wonder if all the elite Wizarding families have a motto Rebellion lumos [Music] it's good to see you all thanks to Professor Fig's quick thinking now what I approached the pedestal in the anti-chamber and read the book that appears what can I expect to find in the book a story I cannot say more you may recognize some elements as I was inspired by a tale with which many Wizarding children are familiar I suspect there will be more to this than reading a book your suspicions are correct we shall speak when you are finished has this been under the headmaster's nose all this time Rebellion [Music] that must be the pedestal where am I Professor Fitzgerald can you hear me I am here in this place you may call me you shall be witness to a fable pay attention things are not always as they seem s swiftly and cautiously use the tool ter to find me the first you will need is a cloak in this place as in life death takes many forms avoid each of them at all costs [Music] [Music] I should have run when I could I'd be free by now must be here somewhere I need to time this just right foreign [Music] [Music] ladder perhaps they won't be able to find me if I go up there this is my chance I'm coming leave too many I must cross this road as fast as I can that's where I need to go but I need to find a way past them I need to turn back there's no getting past them that way closed tight no way but forward I suppose now's my chance That's the Way Forward [Music] carries me I think I'm invisible thank you they can't see me at all I can get closer to them [Music] this is the way forward finally free now where are you neither you have a wrong death thus far but have yet to find me keep searching but this time you will be unable to hide Wheels the ones you see before you do not squander its extraordinary power [Music] thank you I've never found so much power Rebellion support Rebellion Defender Rebellion [Music] revelio huh Defender bombarded Rebellion [Applause] thank you [Music] don't bother the window Defender Defender descender [Applause] Defender Defender Defender Defender [Applause] descender don't bother Defender Rebellion foreign [Music] thank you [Music] bombarded Defender [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Defender Defender Defender the window potatoes [Music] thank you Defenders [Music] [Applause] Defender let's do it Defender Defender descendo defend them don't bother s Defender Defender wow Defender don't bother Defender [Music] Defender [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this must be for me [Music] you are far from finished pass through the mourners ahead I can't believe she's dead upon Eve me May her memory be a treasure to us forever you found me what you cannot undo what has been done the magic of the stone can only conjure a shadow of my former self but there's no light without Shadow as there is no Shadow Without light simply because you can eliminate Darkness does not always mean that you should remember that as you witness my memory [Music] [Music] is it Dora what you did for your father was remarkable or wasn't it and Percival needn't worry about the strands of emotion or the traces that this magic leaves I found a way to contain all of it you haven't stopped Goblin silver you spoke to a goblin about this don't worry he has no idea what we're containing we don't know what effect any of this may have the emotions the dark trait you sound like Percival and as it happens I do know it is a source of strength of focus somehow it enhances my ability to wield Magic I don't follow it's a door I think we can harness it power like this is not to be toyed with in the wrong house I saw what I did for my father I may have imagined the good we could do everyone is in some kind of pain [Music] breathe it in Can you feel it oh it's a Dora this must stop all of us you've kept this power to yourselves for so long because you fear it I choose to embrace it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is it true has someone completed the first three trials it is and I have but you are so young I know you must be Professor because I am pleased to meet you the pensive memory I just witnessed was Isador inhaling painful emotions she was I was amazed to see that it seemed to give her some sort of power and that she could harness it but how I worry that you seem more intrigued than repulsed I hesitate to reveal the location of my pensive to someone who perhaps has yet to understand the responsibility of power I can assure you Professor I do in fact what you don't yet know is that a dangerous Goblin called vanrock has accessed the repository at Rockwood Castle he has learned to harness the contents of it as a source of immense power he plans to use that power against wizard kind we have no time to waste I see nonetheless the knowledge you shall gain after you witness my memories is too valuable to share without further consideration I shall require time to confer with the other keepers bit teams we have no choice but to wait frustrating as it is I heard what you told Professor bakar Isadora was inhaling emotions to gain power she was and she pulled emotions as she did from her father from Professor Fitzgerald without permission monstrous what's more she said that she found a way to stall the traces of magic she extracted in Goblin silver the repositories possibly there's something I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier ran Rock has been digging at locations tied to the five names he found in the journals of a goblin metal worker named bragbull five names the keepers and who else Isadora morgenak precisely that's how he's been one step ahead of us Gringotts the tower Rookwood castle if the keepers won't tell you where the next trial is yet I say we at least maintain a watch on ran Rock perhaps he'll lead us to more information perhaps I hope to hear from lordcox soon I haven't heard anything since I learned of the drills oh and as you've probably guessed by now your poly juice plan worked like a charm I knew it would I may have done too good a job distracting black I had no idea he can't hold his fire whiskey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] holds meat here I come [Music] are you ready to put an end to her I'm ready to do what's needed to take Harlow down I know you have a plan we must gather information from the friends of Mr Baker that Archie and Mrs Bickel mentioned Agape is filbert Otto Depot and Mr and Mrs rib all right I suggest that you speak with each of them while I head to the hogshead I saw some ashwinders heading there and as my mother would never go near the hog's head she is less likely to learn of my activities than if I were to wander The Village questioning his residence [Music] where am I to find these friends of his I do not know about Mr rib but his wife Daisy is often in hogsmead as is agabus filbert and Otto Dibble he works at gladwags so you will likely find him there what sort of information am I trying to gather from these people they may know what evidence Mr Pickle had against Harlow or they may have evidence of their own we simply need to know whatever they know very well I'll speak with them see what I can learn I knew I could rely on you we need to know how they are being blackmailed by Rookwood and Harlow meet me here after you have spoken with them hopefully by the time you return I will be able to move a bit more freely please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Monday Mrs rape should be nearby [Music] oh it's go what have I done Mrs rape I wondered if I might speak with you about Theophilus Hollow I'm a friend of the bickles and I'm trying to gather evidence against him poor Joanna a little Archie and now Harlow has taken my darling Isco what do you mean why I'm a security guard at Gringotts and my husband is a curse breaker for them Harlow approached me about helping him extort my colleagues into giving him Treasures from the vaults and you declined of course I declined repeatedly I thought they'd given up until I came home one night and found my husband gone and a note of fixed to my door with a knife the note stated that I only had a few days to reconsider helping with some banking needs and that my husband would appreciate it if I acted quickly but the help Harlow wants is help that I cannot give and my dearest Isco is paying the price why wouldn't harlowex thought your husband isco's job is even more removed from the vaults than mine he travels the world for the bank he could do nothing for Harlow I'm the one in the bank on a daily basis which evidently makes me an entiting Target for blackmail have you helped Harlow since your husband was taken no I'm worried sick about Isco but he'd never want me to compromise my Integrity I also know that he's extremely clever Matt said I was hoping he would have escaped by now it makes me concern as to why he hasn't are you sure the note means that your husband was kidnapped what else could it possibly mean besides I came home to find that someone had trampled the daisies in our garden it may sound silly but those were isco's pride and joy he would never have let that happen [Music] thank you Mrs Rabe knowing the lengths that Harlow will go to is helpful albeit more than disturbing Mr Bickel was trying to help us but now he's gone I don't know what to do I shall do all I can to get evidence against Harlow Mrs Rabe very well here's the note I received you must be careful as well please don't put yourself in danger [Music] [Music] some evidence worth hanging on to thank you find Mr Pickles are the two friends [Music] Rebellion [Music] thank you Otto Dibble works at gladracks we should check there [Music] but please tell me you didn't take it Mr Dibble may I speak with you it's about Theophilus Hollow I have nothing to say about him uh may I interest you in a stunning cravat today please sir I'd like to help I spoke to Mrs Bickel you know the pickles all right but we must be discreet can't have Mr Hill hearing this I know Mr Hill he was kind to me the day of the troll attack oh he's a good man but even he wouldn't understand about Harlow it started a few weeks ago I was distracted reading a note when you know who came into the shop I had the note behind the counter and offered to help him he stared at me for a moment then asked me to check on an order he placed I went into the store room to check on what turned out to be a non-existent order when I returned he was holding the note what was in the note it was a note from Rosie Hill Mr Hill's daughter you see we've been well secretly engaged these past six months we haven't told Mr Hill yet I dare say he has higher hopes for her Harlow advised me in knowing certain terms that my relationship with Rosie not to mention my employment here depended upon my cooperation what does he ask you to do it all happened so quickly in an instant he took a very expensive Scar from the counter pocketed it and smiled he said your secret is safe as long as I can supply my lady friend with delightful items like this every so often I've been able to cover for his requests until now with some creative bookkeeping but I can't keep it out for much longer I'm terrified to say anything I could never live without Rosie could you give me a bit more detail about the note that might help me to identify it should I come across it it's on Rosie's special pink stationery it has her monogram at the top our age that's how Mr Hill would know it was real what have you been doing to keep the extortion a secret well as I mentioned creative bookkeeping and I've also been trying to cover the costs with my own savings but I'm running out of money of course none of this bodes well for my efforts to improve my circumstances and be worthy of Rosie I met Mr Hill the day of the troll attack he was kind to me why don't you just tell him he's a lovely man but when it comes to Rosie I fear he loses all perspective he'd see this as a grave betrayal I'd lose my job instantly and Rosie as well [Music] thank you for telling me I'm gathering evidence to take Harlow down I would love nothing more than to see him rotting in Azkaban but be careful he's an awful man and Incredibly dangerous as for Rosie's letter should you happen upon it I have committed it to memory you may destroy it immediately understood now hurry off before Mr Hill returns where was I we're on the right track now to find the last of Mr bigel's friends plenty of your perusal today take your time [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I've seen the idea [Music] what can I do for you today [Music] [Music] hmm filbert must be around here somewhere excuse me Mr filbert I wondered if I might speak with you about your dealings with Theophilus Harlow I hope to ease Mrs bickle's Mind by gathering evidence against him her tragic what happened to Bickle he wanted me to speak out against Harlow for an act of violence committed against me but I feared Harlow's retaliation and so I refused [Music] if you had spoken out against him as Mr Bickle asked perhaps Harlow would be locked away by now perhaps but perhaps I would have suffered a similar fate you said that Harlow committed an act of violence against you could you tell me what happened before my extraordinary wife dulcibela passed away she had just completed a small bug of poetry as a surprise for her birthday one she never had the chance to celebrate I had the book beautifully bound and pleated in gold one day Harlow Came Calling to punish me for having spoken out against the Neanderthals that comprise brookwood's lot before I knew it I'd been petrified and Harlow was rifling through my home he found the book of poetry with its Exquisite gold plating I watched helplessly lying there in my entrance way as he walked away with the book laughing as he went I was shaken to my core still am to be honest I imagine you fear Harlow retaliating again but do you mind if I share this information with off as a singer I suppose I have no choice this extortion can't go on forever you can pass it on to anyone who may be willing to help [Music] Harlow does not like people talking as you already know I've spoken with Mr bickle's friends now to find Natty [Music] [Music] it's not like Natty to be late she said she was going to the hog's head perhaps I'll find her there foreign [Music] [Music] that is wand she can cast without it she wanted me to find this she's in trouble revelio will show me where she was taken nosy little students get what's coming to them revelia that he must have been taken this way find her quick the footprints led to this room there must be another way forward that he must have been taken this way I need to find out quickly Rebellion about to be sure I'm not seen huh lumos Rebellion [Music] the explosions [Music] exposure [Music] delicious what the hell [Music] um Rebellion [Music] foreign shopkeepers keep their shelves full [Music] Rebellion [Music] all right lumos yeah Rebellion also dibble's love letter from Rosie he wanted me to destroy this if I found it the book of poems that was taken from Magnum I'll be thrilled to have this pack Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] alohomora [Music] foreign lumos Mr rape Daisy told me you've been abducted she spoke with my wife how is she worried about you are you all right I'm all right thank you for coming these locks are cursed and there's an anti-apparition Jinx on the cells even Natty's skill with one less magic cannot free us I need you to find my wand Mr Rabe I found your wand done I knew it was nearby now you best stand back one never knows how a curse will react to being broken [Music] revelia foreign my pleasure and thank you my friend we owe Our Lives to your bravery lumos I may be too weak to separate with you both but I can try you go ahead find officer singer we will get out of here on our own very well but be careful thank you my young friends ashwinders must be all right lumos [Music] let's find officer singer and put an end to Harlow one nuts I ownai I should have known and you the troll dispatcher oh thank goodness you are safe Isco rape told me a couple of students had rescued him should have known it was you too is Mr Abel right he is I sent him home to his wife Miss onai your mother will not be pleased to learn that you're still risking your safety pursuing these dangerous Men actually officer singer Natty and I learned of several hogsmeade residents who've had their lives threatened by the ash finders in addition to abducting Mr Rabe to Blackmail his wife and Natty Rookwood and Harlow have also extorted agabus filbert and Otto Dibble ah I will look into all of that as for the two of you I appreciate what you're trying to do but you are taking great risk next time please let the authorities handle the ashwinders yes officer do you have enough evidence to take down Harlow in the rest of Rookwood slot well it's certainly a good start we shall see but you can leave this to me now nutsai You may wish to speak with your mother about this before I do my mother will not like this thank you again for rescuing me we shall speak soon [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this [Music] Sebastian Relic from a catacomb which requires a dark sacrifice I know how it sounds but if this can help you it's worth the risk don't let us know about this he helped find a scriptorium where we discovered slytherin's Spellbook very well if ominous will be there I'll meet you we don't have much time Solomon wants to leave beldcroft what leave never mind you need to stall him buy us Thailand please I shall do my best I'll be in touch Solomon can't take hand from feldcroft where would they go when would I see her Sebastian don't think I've forgotten about your Goblin friend I haven't but I appreciate you setting our earlier discussion aside for now of course I can't believe my uncle wants to leave feldcroft Anne's going to stall him she must we need time time for what I've learned more about the Relic cross-reference Slytherin Spellbook with everything in the library on relics and dark sacrifices that's when I realized something I believe the Relic will only work inside the catacomb [Music] we just need to get on to the catacomb and work out how to make a dark sacrifice our biggest hurdle may be convincing ominous and will only give this a chance if he's on board and we have to keep all of this from your uncle if he goes to the Headmaster he could be expelled let me handle ominous this time as for my uncle he's not an aura anymore what he doesn't know well won't hurt us [Music] do you think your uncle would tell anyone at the ministry about all of this if he found out if he found out I doubt he'd go to the ministry he didn't part ways with them well from what I understand he won't say but I believe his strong aversion to dark magic has something to do with his time there and thinks he once decided to Fight Fire with Fire so to speak and resorted to using an unforgivable curse and fight against dark Wizards at least that's what she thought she heard when he realized what his job had led him to become he left rather abruptly so I'm not sure he'd go to the ministry to report on his own family using dark magic now good luck with ominous until we meet again I shall let you know when the four of us should meet at the catacomb look for my owl see you soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] hello Grace let's play someone's Court I knew you'd come around ready I'm game well let's see what you're made of the pinched medleys will always look upon you as a trusted Ally and friend [Music] you didn't see that [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] what a remarkable shot well it appears I've invested [Music] well done diving Summoners Court seems there's nothing you can't do you played a good game though Grace I did play Rather well didn't I only one student has ever beaten me she's very good but if you play the way you did against me you might stand a chance the pink smoothies will always look upon you as a trusted Ally and [Music] foreign there you are do you have any news of Mama Jokes crest [Music] in today's lesson we will cover it truly thrilling event the goblin rebellion of 1752 and all its triumphant tragedy but more specifically we will address the devastating effects it had on the wizard Milling industry [Music] actually we do know the number 632 but history occurs outside the classroom and look it's time for my constitutional one can practically or most the history flowing through Hogwarts I think the professor wants us to follow him and now for a stroll to the bell tower entrance hall along with the rest of the castle it was completed in the late early middle ages the hole in the bell towers of loom above its contain Myriad interesting artifact [Music] good to see you again recovered from that nasty belt of Dragon Box have we I uh that wasn't me Professor I'm new here are you well and uh welcome no doubt your legally anticipating my analysis of various Wizarding councils codes statutes and of course Goblin rebellions not all goblins are rebellious some venturing through Wizarding politics such as ear gets the ugly some are talented Artisans such as bragbor the boastful did you say bragbor I know that name Lord said he was an ancestor of vanrock well known for his metal work but I would imagine much of his Goblin wrought iron and silver has survived to this very day hmm back to our class topic for today grimbled weft another notable historical figure he's right nearby [Music] here foreign [Music] yes I'd rather enjoyed seeking the mountain The Thrill of the scholarly Pursuit I know the feeling quite well now let's turn our attention to the agreeability and general good nature of surf battle he's also nearby see what you can learn from him for your next assignment standing in Eternal but symbolic watch over the bell tower Rebellion retinue Royal Knights or rather this is a centuries-old light dress of pandadon incident playing bloodthirsty dragons Rebellion warm and approachable demeanor was celebrated by old friends and newcomers alike encourage everyone to make a waving statues [Music] [Music] thank you revelio there's nothing quite so magical as he's once challenged a mountain troll to a game of musical chairs this unassuming smudge is rumored to be the location of the very first successful I suppose successful as a relative term since whoever casts rebellious [Music] [Music] as one would expect Revelations contains new abandoning class to wander the horses in keeping with Professor benz's manner [Music] wagodu's history is when a bit different than that of Hogwarts [Music] uh Professor bins I found the statue of Sir puddle ah well done my last sir F puddles half ability was he's undoing died instantly trying to befriend a basilisk eye contact is not always to be encouraged so beloved was he that even some goblins mourned his passing course that did not build well with the rest of the goblins most of whom could not abide mourning the loss of a wizard pity goblins and wizards can't get along cruel but imagine how dull my lectures would be without Goblin rebellions to discuss hmm history does tend to repeat it is a series of patterns thoughts both comforting and disconcerting the wise students such as yourself will learn from it history is written by those who do their schoolwork so they say or at least I like to say that but we've all gone in another one of thinkers while how can we do so much and accomplish so little Rebellion lumos [Music] foreign [Music] do you think I'm impressed I don't care how many chops it took place leave me [Music] Rebellion [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign oh good you're safe at least we're out of the classroom there you are you're in such a state when you left the poachers got to my gran someone recognized me in Hornet Hall and they got to her what do you mean it's your right she's fine thank goodness but they were at her house our house they assumed I'd sent the egg there she said they took the whole place apart looking for it screaming that we'd cost them everything I'm sorry puppy I'm glad she's all right I don't think either one of us could have anticipated that I should have known I underestimated the poachers and now another creatures in danger what do you mean the poachers refused to leave empty-handed so they took valuable journals that Grant had discovered when she was researching rare creatures one of them contained theories about a secret hiding place of the snidget long thought to be extinct exactly what kind of creature is a snidget it's a small bird with golden feathers it s incredible has rotational wings that allow it to Dart quickly in any direction in fact the golden snitch in quidditch is based on the snidget which barbarically was actually used in the sport hundreds of years ago why would snidgets be valuable to poachers they could make more money with snidgets than they ever would have fighting dragons the golden snidget's feathers and eyes are incredibly valuable that's why they're believed to be extinct they were hunted out of existence by wizard kind poachers found some now I can't bear to think about the horrific way they'd be bred and killed for profit where exactly are these snidgets allegedly hidden Grand says the journals were a bit cryptic which is good perhaps the poachers won't be clever enough to find the birds from what she recalls the journals only noted that the key to finding them lay in the Moonlight Grant thinks it can be narrowed down to a handful of locations I take it you aren't going to let the poachers anywhere near the snidgets Gran wants me to stay out of it devastated exist we had the element of surprise in our side when we saved that dragon but the poachers will be watching for us now we need allies others who hate the poachers enough to help us who value creatures as much Merlin's beard you're genius centaurs they'd want the snidgets all costs sounds as if we need to go and talk to the centers we'll need to be careful careful in how we approach them tensions with them are high still I think they may be our only hope let me think on it [Music] I'll let you know as soon as I have a plan [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Deke has some exciting news to share [Music] hello Deke Professor Weasley said you had an idea indeed dick does deed knows that you want to learn about all sorts of beasts and Deek recently heard rumors of a phoenix nest in a nearby Mountain a phoenix nest I wonder if it belongs to the Phoenix Natty mentioned the one hollow in the poacher Packer after Deke would not doubt it if Deek has heard of it surely the nasty poachers have as well which means it could be in danger foreign [Music] Majestic a beast should not fall into such vile hands Deke is not sure why but deep feels that saving a phoenix might help to make amends for what happened with deke's prior Master Deke hopes that you are able to find the Phoenix and bring it to the room where it will be safe thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder foreign [Music] [Music] thank you sir foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] this place has seen better days [Music] [Music] revelia foreign foreign [Music] [Music] Christmas foreign thank you [Music] incendio back here lumos [Music] accurate incendio let the ocean ready incendio thank you [Music] thank you Rebellion [Music] trigger incendio thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] 's all finished [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh there's so much we don't know about bees so much to learn [Music] excellent work today class dismissed yeah I can't say I'm terribly fond of all the dung in this class [Music] I take it you're ready I completed your assignment professor I'm ready to land bombardo now good now this spell comes with a caveat it should only be used when necessary the exploding charm as you might suspect can hurt people [Music] use caution when casting it [Music] I will Professor I will hold you to that promise now you must be precise in your wand Movement we don't want you blowing your hand off go ahead [Music] nice and steady warm movements remember if loading charm is highly volatile [Music] well done now let us put it into practice shall we go ahead foreign [Music] [Music] excellent wand work cast the spell just like that every time assured and in control [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is this where we're meeting the centaurs well they don't exactly know we're coming so of a meeting and prize once we tell them about the snidgets they'll understand why we came and they'll want to help I hope you're right they'll be able to tell that we're sincere consists something about them that's so knowing it's almost unnerving I suppose they are known for having an air of omniscience that's exactly the right word I just never mind what is it it's nothing truly I've weave no secrets to hide that's right well simply be honest with them about what we're trying to do they'll have to help us won't they yes of course you're absolutely right we'll meet with them tell them about the snidgets and I'm sure to all be what do you think you're doing here human tail for your friends of the time you spoke to a centaur and it spoke back no never we're here because we need your help heal up you made a grave error in judgment in coming here little witch we do not harm the young it is not our way you forget your place old fool I'm the leader of this herd and while you cling to our way their kind continues to slaughterbeast like us without a care from what I can see they have slaughtered no one they will leave here unharmed mark my words Doran if I ever see them again it will be all three of your heads [Music] foolish children do you know what happens to wizards who wander here now follow me and the poachers are after them they know that the key to finding them lies in the Moonlight but they don't know what that means yet please help us find the snidgets before the poachers do who in the South there is a cave within which lies what the poachers seek a moonstone retrieve it and place it in the hinge in the forest I on the other hand must go speak with the herd find me after you have done this [Music] I don't understand so the Moonlight mentioned in the journal doesn't refer to actual Moonlight but to a moonstone what do moonstones have to do with snidgets and why was he so certain about where we could find one [Music] isn't Moonstone all around us why retrieve one from a cave knowing centaurs I suspect he's referring to a specific Moonstone we'll likely know it when we see it [Music] I don't know but I am inclined to believe him what with his being a centaur and all I am too [Music] that's what the leader of the heart called him well if Doran knows something we don't I'd rather act now and ask questions later I can head to the library and start looking into the cave you mentioned I'll let you know what I find [Music] [Music] thank you what are you ow e foreign [Music] stew ah [Music] good [Music] Rebellion [Music] I deserve better than me almost [Music] dead Rebellion oi pass that fire whiskey over here love yourself thank you too late for you to learn the error of your ways this looks intriguing revelia [Music] thank you [Music] handy resource indeed your field guy Rebellion foreign [Music] descender laughs [Music] Rebellion foreign [Music] questions [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh revelio [Music] mysterious and a bit unsettling what to do even God imagine how inconvenient [Music] before I invented flu powder [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hello there in the market for portions are we [Music] [Music] I hope to see you again [Music] [Music] I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] [Music] off on another adventure are we can't figure out why there's such a fuss over poaching enough dumb Beasts for him abandoned long ago no doubt [Music] there you are yeah back here nothing Pleasant about this Coast I received your owl thank you I'm glad you came I spotted droves of Round Rock's loyalists coming up from the coast overheard one of them say they're headed to another Cavern like the one we found how are they still one step ahead of us they can't know about the triptych I don't know I did see another memory this time it was a keeper named Neve Fitzgerald she was unnerved by his adora's use of ancient Magic I still can't be sure how any of it connects to ranrock these these keepers are playing games with you you need to press them for more information it doesn't work like that to access each of these memories I have to complete a trial it's not as easy as you think they're showing me the memories in a particular order either they don't trust you or you don't care enough about Anne to ask the difficult questions of course I care Sebastian we've come this far don't let your frustration get the better of you fine I'll defer to your keeper friends for now but I don't like it we don't have a choice now should we see why the triptych let us hear let's go quick before we spotted descendants this mountain used to safeguard look of Hamlet valuables but it's been abandoned ever since Round Rock took all of the coast back here all the randox Loyalists deserve the same face nice work Rebellion thestral's overhead some consider them a bad omen hmm not everyone does I know that all right I'm making small talk I'm not gonna Trek up this mountain in silence I bet the festival nests close by for butter Rebellion good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign there they are let's go wait we should have some sort of plan I'm through planning [Music] physical s [Music] send you [Music] fears ity Defender thank you there you go back here experience they got what they deserved Rebellion what were you thinking I was thinking about dead goblins you could have got us killed but I didn't looks like Round Rock's loyalists were heading further up The Path let's keep going Rebellion foreign [Music] Rock's gonna make everyone pay everything made from Goblin silver belongs to us whether it's a sword or a repository whatever that is did you hear that Goblin ridiculous Notions of ownership thank you all over brown rocks loyalists deserve the same fate reveli nice work lumos lumos [Music] lumos I agree only good wizards are dead wizard Red Rocks got that right and I'll be most Keen to help him achieve his goals go go out here rebellious Sebastian wait wait for what oh why are you suddenly so cautious listen to me I know you're angry and frustrated but charging ahead now could undo all the progress we've made Lord God said oh your Goblin friend stop it that's enough not all goblins are like ran Rock I am not the enemy we want the same thing to find answers I thought we wanted the same thing we do listen to me Lord gok has insights into ran rock that we don't he told me that ranrock somehow knows about the keepers and is searching anywhere connected to each of them that's why they always seem to be one step ahead I know what I'm doing you need to trust me or I don't see that we can continue together fine fine I'm sorry I'm letting my emotions get the better of me and I have been for a while I do trust you and I don't think I can help Anne without you good Round Rock clearly knows more than we thought we need to be careful and do this right not just go charging in we have our work cut out for us we need to work together if we're going to find the final piece to the triptych agreed Rebellion Intrepid Travelers the both of you keep your wits about you foreign so far so good Charming spiders how fitting come here [Music] for you [Music] Ikea almost as good as if I'd done it myself [Music] Rebellion incending [Music] one nudge in that chest might have fallen oh I think three nudges at least foreign [Music] dinner thank you annoying little beasts aren't they [Music] [Music] Rebellion staircase leading here whatever four I don't think anyone's been here for ages [Music] Rebellion look at this place not really my style a bit much if you ask me and send it back here incending experience thank you perhaps we should search for rooms Rebellion it's like these before foreign I'd imagine we need to find all three room symbols can't get out of here quick enough revelio [Music] Sebastian a John Legend we should look for more why couldn't she have kept all our journal entries in one place [Music] study office places thank you foreign thank you nice teamwork nothing like an angry troll to bring friends together foreign [Music] that was a piece of work more than one revelio foreign did you find something when guardian Leviosa huh I'm not sure after all of those stairs well worth it [Music] another barrier Rebellion this can't be a dead end must be another floor above us good news this journal entry sounds worrisome almost as good as if I'd done it myself this place can't belong to only asadora but the triptych pointed us here Rebellion another Rune symbol feel as if I should be fluently by now Rebellion must have found her skill with ancient magic here hello from the memories I've seen that the keepers in his Adora didn't see eye to eye on the use of ancient magic and I wish you could see one of her memories Rebellion the final canvas piece to the triptych we've done it Isadora should not have had to keep all this secret I know from the memories I've seen that the keepers in his Adora didn't see eye to eye on the use of ancient magic but I don't understand why she seems to have gone to Such Great Lengths to tell her story without their knowledge I wish you could see one of her memories so do I perhaps completing the triptych will shed more light on all of this I cannot believe the journey this triptych took us on this is it don't keep me in suspense come on place it another pensive this is what we've been chasing I wonder what is it let's find out [Music] I cannot bring my brother back father but I can give you peace please have a seat Isadora we are all most intrigued to hear we're ready I've some show you bothered these are my colleagues from Hogwarts father hasn't spoken since my brother died on my travels I confirm that which I've always believed that we have the power to take away pain is Adora [Music] what have you done I took his pain thank you I worked it indeed of course it did it's Goblin silver I need something much bigger all right what up if you could tell me more about what it is you're storing Magic left over from a spell I devised to remove pain but it if used correctly its power can be used to do even more good but you want to store such magic away I only need to keep it safe until I can convince my colleagues of its worth the magic like this a nerve Sun well everyone's ready to wield such power perhaps not someone will be she took away the pain I knew it I knew there was a way to help Anne something isn't right Sebastian what do you mean you saw what she did no not the memories the portrait I think the reason Isadora hasn't appeared is because she can't I don't follow we have seen that view before the abandoned home at felgrove the destroyed painting it was her so someone destroyed a bit of Enchanted canvas but we found the memory yes yes you're right we saw what she wanted us to see we saw what she could do what you can do but I don't know how to do what is Adora did well then you shall learn the keepers can teach you I'm not sure that they would the keepers believe that removing someone's ability to feel pain it's a highly complicated unpredictable form of magic one that should be wielded with great care if at all if at all you've overcome all of their challenges more than proven yourself you can wield it you have the ability please talk to the keepers if not for me then for Anne why did the keepers want to keep his Adora quiet I destroy her portrait [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] handy resource indeed your Field Guide pleased to be included ah [Music] but rather dark in there never stopped me before [Music] foreign [Music] hello well I've only been running it a short time congratulations on bye what do you have for sale please have a look thank you kindly for your business an excellent purchase thank you I hope to see you again [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion the ministry of them [Music] [Music] having a clue why there's such a photo the mouth for everyone [Music] wonder who lives here convenient travel was before [Music] foreign is everything all right I'm simply beside myself since Rococo ran away he's my pet nifler I'm sorry to hear that your pet is missing thank you I appreciate your words and I've had him for years he's lovely company whilst on our morning constitutional the other day south of here he and I stumbled upon henrietta's Hideaway they say that Henrietta was a paranoid recluse filled her castle with all manner of traps to keep thieves from pinching her valuables as we drew near the morning sun reflected off something in a window and before I Knew It Rococo was off I've been worried sick but I'm not about to meddle With Merlin knows what's inside that house or the ashwinders that are lurking about I'll keep an eye out for Rococo oh that's terribly kind but stay away from The Hideaway far too dangerous if someone does find him in the Hideaway they shall be well rewarded henrietta's Treasures are theirs for the taking she certainly won't mind now what do you have for sale what's brought you here today that Hideaway does sound intriguing perhaps I should investigate for Rococo's sake [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] well I said about my arrangements I don't expect to be corrupted by my own mama the course looks rather deserted I hope everything's all right Open Door over here hello again Imelda this course is a bit far from the castle isn't it obviously evidently too far from most of our classmates pathetic they should be begging me to keep these trials alive not running scared I'm surprised our new fifth year showed up I suppose I appreciate the effort that's actually thank you I know I can be impatient but I get frustrated by those who don't take things as seriously as I do and in my experience that's everyone anyway don't like to go to your head right then enough chatter I'm confident I've posted a time you won't be able to be we'll soon see how I fare won't we I'm ready get ready to lose Gryffindor [Music] that wasn't too difficult brilliant [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] make it [Music] super success there [Music] [Music] brilliant flying if I do say so myself [Music] this is rather fun that was quite something Bo I'll be on your heal time my family's not going to believe the news when I tell them they're almost as competitive as I am almost it's been fun competing against your records Imelda it has been fun glad you're here fifth year not bad for a Gryffindor you take care of yourself [Music] I should let Mr weeks know that this was his best upgrade yet okay [Music] what are we even doing here [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade [Music] as my favorite says flyer thanks for stopping by hope to see you again [Music] hello again Mr weeks I set a new record at the South course fantastic your broom perform well then the best upgrade yet it flew beautifully incredibly Nimble but with the speeds it now reaches I can feel the wind catching beneath the seat a bit preventing it from reaching its full potential of course should have anticipated that exactly the kind of report I've come to expect from you at last I think I know what needs to be done for my final upgrade what will you do after the final upgrade is complete I aim to make spin which is the most sought after shop in augs made and I wouldn't mind getting back on a broom yourself just for the thrill of it could be more please we may that way with the upgrades prove the naysayers wrong made all the hard work worth it I shall look forward to speaking again I'll be sure to send you an hour when I'm finished thank you again for your help couldn't have done this without you [Music] [Music] and I do make a good team if one more person asked me about her pardon me sir come to stare at the Fall have you there's poor Rick Haggerty wrong boy's own sister well she's robbed almost everyone now so who's the fool I I'm not sure I know what you're talking about then you're the only one who doesn't know about Catherine running off with that Thief Victor Rookwood in his lot good riddance I said never thought she'd return a stale from me with us I just know it was her I want to call and sent through Azkaban to stealing a prize family heirloom sister or no what exactly was the family heirloom that the thief stole a necklace belonged to the first of the Haggerty women hundreds of years old so much history she'll lightly pawn it why would Katrin come back to rob the Hamlet if she'd already left do I look like a criminal to you how should I know she always despised this place resented having to grow up here perhaps she did it despite us are you sure Katrin is the culprit it could be anyone thanks to that Rookwood Laos we're inundated with all manner of criminal I wanted to believe it was any one of them except Catherine but she was the only one who knew where the heirloom was hidden and she knew precisely which homes to Rob [Music] I could keep an eye out for the thief sir yo nothing to be done by the likes of us this is a job for the fine officer singer or some such Authority besides the thief my sister only strikes at night coward long past your bedtime I should be going now thank you I'll keep an eye on your belongings if I were you I'm capturing or steal the eyebrows I ought to look into this thievery business pile of gold I must be on the right track it looks as if the thief took more than they could carry Rebellion ah Rebellion foreign I must be getting closer [Music] thank you vanrock has fooled you all to Rebellion what do you have in store for me this time let's go this could prove dangerous if I'm not careful Rebellion revelio huh Rebellion [Music] Leviosa [Music] Rebellion foreign foreign Rebellion foreign [Music] [Applause] I wonder how Mr hackity will take this news his sister wasn't the thief and his heirlooms coming home these rocks have seen better days foreign trial when I see one I have some good news Mr hackity I unmasked your Thief nothing too unmasked will say we all know that the thief was my sister Catherine actually sir the thief was a niffler what you know small furry pelfering I followed it to its Lair Catelyn was the only one who knew how to get into our homes we'll find our Treasures but I suppose manchy little blighter well if you found a niffler's lair as you say you must have found my heirloom as a matter of fact I did thank you you don't know how much this means to me katrin's a disappointment for certain but I never wanted to believe she was behind this now thanks to you I won't have to what a strange world we live in suppose they can't send a niffler to Azkaban [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I take it this means you had some luck at the library it took a few hours and some eye-watering maps but I think this might be the cave Doran told us about impressive especially with how little information he gave us well I'm still not sure this is the cave but it did seem the most promising I stumbled across some folklore about a cave in the area that people avoid seemed the perfect place to hide something of value it's a bit of a leap I confess but might a mysterious items such as a special Moonstone be hidden in an equally mysterious cave I think I'm desperate for anything at this point did you discover why people avoid this cave ridiculous really rumor was that the cave drove people mad I couldn't find any account by someone who had been in the cave though so either it is a rumor or anyone who went in wasn't in any state to speak of it afterwards well we're here we might as well have a look agreed I wonder if you'd go blind from staring directly at a moonstone Rebellion Pacquiao you don't think the rumors about the cave are true do you I suppose we'll find out won't we it's another aggressive one part [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] voipas I beg your pardon this must be how the rumor about the case started the Whooper song is said to drive anyone who hears it mad foreign foreign I wonder if it's being protected Rebellion thank you [Music] lumos lumos foreign why am I not surprised first the fupers are now this we need to find moths for those spinners lumos lumos perhaps the runes on the walls have something to do with finding the moths lumos foreign [Music] if we pull the Rings and match the runes I suspect we'll find the moths lumos lumos another obstacle no matter I'm sure we can work out our way across lumos lumos Rebellion Merlin [Music] foreign I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this again excuse me revelio foreign thank you it's even more beautiful close up it's got to be here I just know it in Sunday we never thought I'd be so happy to see this many of them I don't know I've been listening to them for a while now and I'm starting to lose my mind [Music] I was just thinking how it's proof that poachers haven't been here assuming this is where the moonstone is which means we're one step ahead of that Rebellion well we found what we came for now we just need to bring it to the hinge well done Poppy this data not being the right cave after all a good thing too we need every advantage over the poachers if we're to get to the snidgets first we should do as Thorin suggested and bring the Moonstone to the Henge shall we we shall if we leave now we should make it there by Nightfall [Music] that's the hinge precisely where Doran said it would be but now that we're here I'm not entirely sure how to feel we knew we were at the cave for the Moonstone but Doran didn't tell us what to expect when we placed the stone in the Hench [Music] whatever it is it had better have to do with snidgets the clock is ticking in that regard isn't it let's make our way down we're nearly at the end of this I think that's it over there [Music] nothing keeps Grand down she set up a catawling charm and threatened to make a coat out of the next poacher that set foot on her doorstep I still feel terrible that I am the reason they went there surely she'll be pleased you've gone after the snidgets I hope so Quran understands how important it is to protect those who need it [Music] oh foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] do you know how rare it is to see even one they only ever happen under a full moon though I suppose the Moonstone allowed it to happen now is the pattern they left behind on the ground normal all part of the dance no one pattern is ever the same though we'll need to draw this one to get a better sense of it can't wait to tell Quran that I've managed to see not one but two moong golf dances she'll be jealous you've seen this before it was pure luck the first time I was on highway or I'd never have spotted it it was the night I well the night I met High Wing actually I got I'd love to hear about how you and I were met I'd actually like you to know about five years ago High Wing had been captured by poachers at first they planned to sell her but soon decided they wanted to kill her instead more money I suppose I'd finally had enough a freed High wing and we ran we'd flown for ages when I spotted Moon calves dancing below and we landed to watch them felt like an omen a good one a sign that the worst was over what do you mean you'd had enough and the worst was over you see the night I freed High Wing was also the night I ran away from home a poacher Camp I come from a family of poachers [Music] Marlin [Music] I don't know what to say Poppy I can't imagine what that must have been like for you I never fitted in older I got the more apparent it became Grand tried for years to convince my parents to let me live with her suffice it to say when I left with high Wing I flew straight for her house How brave I'm glad you escaped so am I so many creatures I was unable to help when I was younger now that's all I want to do from everything I've seen you're doing precisely that I've had a bit of help I've never told anyone any of this but I'm glad that you know it's nice to have someone to talk about it with I'm glad you told me we should get back to Doran he'll need to see the symbol and we've got poachers to beat if you collect the Moonstone I can make a quick drawing of the symbol for Doran are you finished with the drawing just barely I think the patterns of bird at least that's what it looks like didn't the journal say the key to finding the snidget lies in the Moonlight of course that's it we need to show this to Doran not that I'd know where to find him at this hour perhaps we should head back to the castle and we can track him down after a good night's sleep agreed I'm ready to leave if you are [Music] beautiful [Music] lady [Music] [Music] thank you I've always said that travel broadens the mind [Music] oh my God protect us could bring us good Cynthia what are you up to now a blockade revelia whoa [Music] ah incendio [Music] Rebellion and the Phoenix being there incendio thank you incendio ah Rebellion [Music] or feather fetches just imagine they're all blooming bird stayed at the castle [Music] where's that good here yeah back here what what did you do I know all about you and your butt enjoy stealing hypocrites your poaching days are over thank you [Music] revelio [Music] [Music] we're keeping people out [Music] of space So Close you will send you Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] it almost seems as if it wants me to follow it I need to find it before the poachers do revelio all right rebellious oh my God there it is again [Music] revelia [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] yeah yeah Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] Rebellion thank you cost fiends revelio [Music] huh [Music] come on it isn't a little hypocrisy what have you done [Music] this isn't enough thank you that was the highway one less poacher in The Wizarding World Rebellion [Music] bombarded incident [Music] Rebellion [Music] oh Rebellion [Music] hello it's help I can take you somewhere safe [Music] let's get you back to the room it's going to be pleased [Music] I should investigate [Music] [Music] thank you did you find the Phoenix yes Deke and I rescued it from the poachers I have it here it's safe remarkable well what are you waiting for deep cannot wait to [Music] phones [Music] what a beauty [Music] keep it close foreign [Music] Professor Weasley and Deke were right to tell you about the room of requirement look at all you've done and how many beasts you've rescued a phoenix is safe now because of you I couldn't have done it without your help Deke thank you Deke is grateful for the kind words and also grateful to have been of assistance to someone like yourself helping you do such good for so many beasts has given Deke a sense of Peace Deek hasn't known in years he will always be here for you when you need him [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] huh I should Dismount here I could only remember the spell I Think Like a Stone revelia handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased [Applause] please Rebellion foreign [Music] going for a swim goodness no though I'm beginning to think I really should learn how to swim can't very well be liaison to the mer people if I don't know how to swim you're a liaison to them are people well not technically no at least not yet the position doesn't actually exist at the moment but I have a plan to change that I'm narrator by the way nerda Roberts we didn't officially meet but we jeweled in the cross runs Club yes of course good to see you again and you you seem quite interested in my people I am and there is misunderstood and disregarded by wizard kindness goblins and centaurs are I feel that if goblins and centaurs have liaison officers at the ministry then the mer people should have one too [Music] I'm impressed I think reaching out to the ma people is a grand idea you do oh thank you I haven't exactly done anything just yet I presented them with a gift a few weeks ago and they wanted to leave me one as well in one of their caves reciprocity and an offer to visit I tried telling them I couldn't swim but I'm afraid that bit got Lost in Translation vermish really is tricky how has wizard kind fallen short in its treatment of ma people well we've consistently dained my people as being beneath us despite the many similarities between our cultures one can hardly blame them for declining being status by the ministry years ago who are we to classify those as such beauty and intelligence what do you imagine a liaison to them are people would do oh so many things I want to know everything I can about them after I mastered swimming I perfect my murmish of course and I share with them anything they wanted to know about wizard kind my hope is that by understanding each other better both of our societies could grow foreign [Music] people that interest you so much how brilliant they are I'm into the tales about them have infiltrated even the Muckle world the oldest known mer people Sirens come from Greece and of course Scotland has selkies and Ireland is home to Melrose I could go on for ages about them they're glorious underwater communities domestication of sea life but art and music see how little is understood about them well I can swim and could help you if you'd like you'd really do that you thank you thank you the last thing I want is for them to think I'd shunned their gift diplomacy is a delicate Dance Now if I'm not mistaken I think you can dive down to their cave from just there in the water I can't wait to hear about what you find one day soon I'll see for myself I just know it foreign look at this place but the ma people really leave Narada an artifact incending come with me now for the rest of you lumos [Music] what do we have in here then Naruto will be happy about this [Applause] your gift from the ma people was exactly where they said it would be ah I was so worried I'd left it too long and they'd seen it as a slight our relationship with them is already so tenuous and I'm glad we helped to Foster some healthy diplomatic relations Merlin Ministry should I hand deliver or send by Owl thank you again so much you may have just helped improve relations between wizard kind and Mer people for decades to come I can't wait to study this [Music] [Music] [Music] off on another adventure are we [Music] ah I have been willing to speak with you still can't believe we escaped the ashwinders you may not realize it but you are the talk of the school since you saved me that day I wonder how everyone knows about it I told my mother in the hope that she would be more forgiving of what I have been up to if it came from me she likely told other professors and news travels quickly unfortunately she might in fact have been even less forgiving than I'd hoped if she knew more about what you've done I suspect she'd be proud if she knew any more about what I've done she would never let me out of her sight again I'm sorry as officer singer done anything with the evidence we provided she has not is as strong as ever someone needs to whether it is us if someone had stopped the monsters like him in Mata billyland my father would be alive today what exactly happened to your father it was a beautiful day my mother had gone to tend to a neighbor who was ill and so my father and I were Galloping in the savannah galloping father was also an animagus I take it he could become the most majestic giraffe and he would carry me on his back my arms around his neck we were on our way home when we surprised a group of Bandits who had come from our village one of them saw me just as he removed a scarf from his face he shouted and then aimed his rifle he didn't want you to identify him exactly in an instant my father bowed his neck to protect me and was hit as he fell my father changed back into his human form when the bandits saw this they turned and ran in fear magic terrified them and then he was gone and it was all my fault your fault how so he died protecting me if I had been capable of protecting myself he would still be alive today my mother and I tried to go on without him but it became too much for us there a few years later we left to come to Scotland down the ashwinders will avenge your father's death no vengeance is not what drives me my father would not want that he and my mother raised me to believe that it is a privilege to be able to fight for those who cannot I know there is risk involved but I feel it is worth it I am glad you seem to think so too what does your mother think about all of this well as you saw she worries a great deal she is an excellent Seer but I think he bothers her to this day that she did not see my father's death coming she misses him as do I so I believe on some level she understands my need to seek Justice in a small way but that does not mean that she likes it I'm sorry Natty can't imagine what you've been through your father sounds exceptional he was truly extraordinary and thank you for your kind words we all have our burdens my father had a saying about that yes I remember rain does not fall on one roof alone exactly soon you and I will put an end to the ashwinders beginning with Harlow and once he has gone we will turn our attention to Rookwood we are making progress and we will succeed thank you again for saving me you deserve all of the praise you have received [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] mysterious and a bit unsettling what to do well my feet didn't turn into beats that's start Rebellion people should have known a herbologist would use Devil's snare Rebellion lumos a troll he can't be serious a troll you can't be seriously [Music] control yourself experience experience [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody else [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this must be mama duke that shouldn't arrest the curse hopefully [Music] oh good yeah what Rebellion or Marmaduke certainly Left Behind more than plan Rebellion [Music] lumos instantly should have known a herbologist would use Devil's snare so we'll be glad to hear that the crest has been returned I certainly hope it reverses the curse [Music] thank you [Music] oh the ministry will hear about this the things will rot in Azkaban sir are you all right you seem to be in some distress all right do I look all right I've been adapt how can you be kidnapped when you're right here what what question is that of course I'm right here I have more than one frame do you only have one home it's my other friend it's been stolen and by students no less they paid filthy fees to steal my other friend oh dear that sounds awful awful is exactly what Astoria Cricket is she behind all of this me and her friends were moaning about me of all the nerve then I heard a plot to enlist a gang of good for nothings to have me stolen from the three Broomsticks that's why my other friend hung half of another place no I suppose one could do worse I once knew a portrait who ended up in the hog's head no one's heard from him since right so back to your frame ah yes there I was powdering my wig and the next thing I knew I was being manhandled by Rogues carried off as if I can afford not to be at my post I had an important work for the Headmaster and I need my other frame back at the three Broomsticks just who it is Astoria cricket and what would you want with your frame she is a fourth year Troublemaker that's who she and her band of hoodlums discuss all sorts of misdeeds and then resent me for overhearing them I can only assume they took my frame in some misguided attempt to punish me for doing my job foreign what do you mean you do important work for the Headmaster let's just say I overhear quite a bit and sirona's fine establishment the Headmaster likes to know all about it he's come to count on me in this regard reminds me of my prefect days ah [Music] I don't suppose you have any idea where your stolen frame was taken can you see anything from it really can they brought me to a ruin of all places some crumbling atrocity surrounded by water from the sound of it oh I do also recall seeing the coast on the way [Music] I could look into the matter for you [Music] quickly though weren't you the place they took me to is quite beneath me oh if you can then huh [Music] thank you how nice to see you my young friend I'm happy to tell you that I returned the crest to Marmaduke sarcophagus just as you asked I thought as much I received word from Saint mongos that my brother's feet are back to normal no more beats oh I cannot thank you enough it wasn't too much trouble I hope just a measly old troll nothing significant what full and that tune for centuries which I can't say I'm surprised Marmaduke seems to have been full of surprises indeed he was well I suppose I should be going I'm anxious to see my brother who must be elated to have his feet back of course I certainly would be William and I are forever in your debt thank you again for what you did [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] handy resource indeed your Field Guide I've most [Music] some days is everything all right there are times when my father's absence drifts to the back of my mind and I feel peace for a day or two but this is not one of those times I miss him I miss running with him I miss Marty bellyland he should still be here and it's my fault that he isn't sorry nutty I wish there was something I could do to help you have done plenty in fact many of my good days are good because of you the bad days however I believe I would feel less helpless if I could truly put an end to hollow and the rest of rookwood's miserable lot each day they remain free they do more damage leaving people like archibico to suffer the consequences I agree Natty get them I've never seen someone 's thank you I believe we will get them beginning with Hollow thank you for speaking with me it was very helpful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that depends am I in trouble Ferdinand Pratt thinks you should be says you stole his frame I would have once more like it Ferdinand Pratt is a and he's lucky I didn't have him sealed in a wall [Music] truly is rather foul isn't all he does is spy on students in here and report back to the Headmaster sometimes if there's nothing to report he'll make it up I spent four hours in detention last week or because he told black that I was planning to drain the lake whatever that means it was the last straw he and his Fame had to go may I ask where you put him oh I didn't put him anywhere the frame is likely with the fine gents I paid to snatch it they camp in a ruin by the coast I just wanted it far enough away that I'd never have to think about Ferdinand Pratt ever again if you do know he's screaming in the library as we speak oh for the love of Merlin if you ask me he's got nothing to scream about I could have had him put in the hog's head the Pampered Pratt would have hated it grimy walls smell of goats and the patrons they eat snooty princes like Ferdinand for dinner but what's done is done he isn't here anymore and if I were you I should enjoy it lovely chatting with you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] often another adventure are we foreign [Music] must have been quite stately in this time Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] an astronomy table should prove useful one huh lumos [Music] Rebellion [Music] revelio yeah lumos Rebellion lumos incending Leviosa [Music] that wasn't so difficult oh [Music] come on foreign [Music] [Music] thank you likely this astronomy table will be best [Music] it's dark rowing a meat he's likely studied here wow [Music] [Music] foreign book Rebellion alohomora Rebellion [Music] guys pardon were you calling to me I was I'm Marianne Moffitt recall oh yes the magical bird can disappear when it senses Danger okay [Music] such a funny name I'm worried about a large albino duracol known as guinaira which is a local Legend so of course poachers are after her if I had her I'd treat her like a queen and I could use her molted feathers as fashion accessories seems you're more concerned with the feathers than the bird but she'd be safer with you than with poachers I did they can likely kill her when they were through I can't recalls don't trust me since I've been hanging about their den why are you fixated on good naira and not rescuing all the deracles is special she's more attractive to poachers with her lovely plumage they'll try harder to take her the other deer recalls seem to have managed evading poachers quite well on their own can you tell me what the duracle den looks like it's done by the shore on a sort of overhanging life you'll recognize it by all of the Derek Holes lulling about keep an eye out for a large white diracle oh that was gorgeous feathers and should be safe one last thing she seems to spend her days in hiding I've only ever seen her at night I do hope you're able to save her be prepared to chase her I sometimes wonder if she actually enjoys the pursuit [Music] thank you [Music] the pose I should watch for grenira at night apparently again for delivering those pushings to Adam Long saved me a lot of time and trouble [Music] I hope to see you again farewell [Music] [Music] how nice to see you my young friend this looks intriguing foreign production s I'm just warming up I've seen you know thank you Rebellion incendio Rebellion Rebellion [Music] thank you handy resource indeed York Field Guide I'll check your pockets up here dead proved dangerous if I'm not careful by the way [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign what are you up to now [Music] fancy I'll have my own operation worked out one day people working for me thank you like what my mother used to make lumos no sign of Lord out here must be inside already Rebellion look at the size of this mine something seems wrong Rock's loyalists I have to keep my wits about me [Music] this card all to get me deeper into the mine just like Gringotts but I'm in the driver's seat this time how deep will this take Red Rocks gonna be pleased with our progress who was on that guitar that has to be the end up ahead Rebellion thank you Rebellion Rebellion back here Rebellion [Music] now [Music] I'm here said thank you Rebellion [Music] he said foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] don't bother childish [Music] Ness [Music] questions [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] rest easy my large friend foreign foreign foreign ah yeah revelio rebellious lumos I don't think I should leave again till next week Rebellion wait my turn change your eyes okay so very good [Music] [Music] all right [Music] You've Won less followers Rebellion where does this one lead off the beaten path I suspect foreign [Music] [Laughter] I can end this right now I have to destroy the drill and stop Round Rock's loyalists foreign all right it won't be lost now before we try this one this glance off of me experience [Music] ah Defender experience [Music] hello incendio oh it's very honest [Music] legal bombarded you that is unfortunate no matter we will build another this one looking outside Lord gok come to make a men's little brother I came to stop this what is this you've brought me it cannot be oh this time you knew you knew where it was [Music] are you all right oh never understand you Lord Goku sir Gollum that witch did not continue an equal see like all wizard kind sought only to use you you're wrong young ones are especially deceitful they are taught to hide their disgust for us as they exploit us astonishing that our ancestors ever trusted each other all this time looking everywhere for the final repository searching in vain for Bradford's last journal wasted my time chasing a child and my you brother knew where it was all along I don't need you I don't need any of you I was bringing it to you you are act right at your kind Ness [Music] polar dead by his brother's hand no wonder he tried so hard to reason with him now to get out of this blasted place [Music] awesome weren't too fake to meet me in the map chamber he and the keepers need to know randrock has that journal and knows where the final repository is [Music] [Music] thank you I think any more cozy than hogsmeade [Music] come on in healing potions of a specialty here thank you again for delivering Those portions to Madam loving saved me a lot of time and trouble [Music] I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] [Music] these things you've made [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I need to tell him and the keepers that ranrock knows why the last repository is thank you according to the owl I received ran rock is moving more quickly than we could have anticipated this is grave news indeed we had hope for more time to discuss the best path forward let us hear what the student has to say Professor you receive mail run Rock has the last of bragbor's journals he killed log got to get it he knows where the last repository is God tricks hardgock and ran Rock were brothers odd got was bringing the journal to me ter we need to know where the final repository is surely this changes things ranrock has bragbull's journals and knows where the final repository is were you obliviated [Music] why would he have documented all of this he didn't know what we were containing [Music] thank you I'm afraid I can't say I didn't read the journals I fear you are correct the situation is far from ideal but we can wait no longer I will defer to professor rakham as to how to proceed based upon the memories they have seen I believe our young friend is well aware of the Grave circumstances in which we find ourselves the next trial will involve an exceptional level of magical skill and a nuanced ability to interact with beasts find a face of stone and tendrils I should advise you that you must engage with any Beast that is part of the trial on your own Professor bakar will meet you in his pensive room an exceptional level of magical skill nuanced ability to interact with beasts hmm I suppose we should begin our search for a face of stone and tendrils whatever that may be very well Professor Weasley has been keeping an eye on me perhaps we should meet there so she has no reason to raise concerns with Professor black I shall see you near the coast [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] how about some sightseeing [Music] [Music] slow down now there we go foreign how nice to see you you're here I have good news we do not have any of ran Rock's loyalists to contend with of course the bad news is that it's likely because they no longer need to track the keepers for information revelio this place could do with it let's look around experience Rebellion these Vines are as dry as kindling bombarded incending don't bother Expelliarmus it is I believe I know what must be done do you recognize the head sculpted there [Music] the head I can't say that I do it appears to be a fearsome Beast known as a grap horn and the prince carved into the ground lead me to believe that a grap horn will somehow open the way forward that's what Professor racker meant when he spoke of my needing and ability to interact with beasts it would seem so I do know that the last of a long dynasty of grap horns lives nearby they call him the lord of the shore I suspect you'll need to bring him here what happens next I can't say have you ever subdued a grap horn Professor I have yes years ago at Stonehenge of all places the ministry still owes me for that favor it can be difficult of course they are massive after all but it's not impossible it's my experience that many of your spells will have no real effect you'll need to wear him down if that's what must be done I'll do it excellent I know this area well enough when you see the remains of a large sea creature you're in the right place now Professor Rackham made it clear that you must engage with any Beast that is part of this trial on your own so I shall wish you good luck and wait for your return in the map chamber foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign not the best place for an unaccompanied student s time to see someone a lesson enjoy [Music] revelio oh only I'm desperate please won't you help me everything all right far from it I wandered into a room and was attacked by spiders oh if you've got some Wicked World potion though I'm sure that would put me right spiders do tend to appear in Ruins here I have enough to spare stay away from the ruins though you've saved me life oh I can never repay you yes yes I shall stay away from them you'll see must stay away from ruins with spiders ruins with spiders oh and thank you please accept this token of my appreciation let's see what's up your sleeve this time Merlin this place has seen better today this must be the place very well lord of the shore show yourself [Music] [Music] for five the culture thank you foreign foreign foreign wow thank you sir foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you poachers let's see how the lord of the shore feels about his neighborhood being invaded correct some nice flowers I need to race now my friend [Music] it'll take more than this to stop the look of the shore you're a woman isn't it [Music] we're crossing that bridge whether you like it or not [Music] I see you [Music] time for you all to clear out [Music] Down Easy [Music] foreign [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] was right to have had faith in you my memories should answer any questions you may have about the power he will need to protect thank you Professor bakar I shall see you back in the map chamber [Music] thank you [Music] revelio [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] Mr Morgan Sean I'm glad you're here he's a daughter who's not at your home I know father what is it it's as though he was tripped not only of his pain but of all emotion everything is much worse than I feared and he was right Isadora hasn't stopped I've just learned that she has been wielding that magic on students [Music] gather the others [Music] [Music] I need you to return to your coming room all right foreign [Music] what have you done your breath you don't sitadora everyone feels pain and why because of your arrogance her obsession with secrets we won't suffer any longer not my father not my students no one Isadora set down your wand [Music] ER you taught me to hone my power not throw it away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] where is your life [Music] [Music] the caverns below Hogwarts where you fought his Adora is that the location of the final repository it is you see we could not destroy the strands of emotion Isadora had stolen from so many so we did all that we could to keep them safe we also realized that until they could be destroyed the magic used to create them was a danger to wizard kind hence we became keepers keepers of an unfathomable secret we knew that someday one with the ability to see traces of ancient magic might be seduced by its power we built the trials to lead that person to us to allow them to prove themselves worthy of the knowledge we'd kept hidden and the responsibility that accompanies it have I not proven myself professor I need to get to that repository before ranrock does you have and you will but the repository is protected by powerful ancient magic to enter you must craft a special wand from the four artifacts you found above our pensives so the repository is safe from Round Rock for now if he is as you suspect capable of using the power of the other repository I fear he will be able to breach our defenses then I must go now and craft this wand Mr Ollivander will help me another Ollivander I'm not surprised as I am sure he will tell you this wand may be used for only one purpose return with the wand and we will open the way forward I shall send an owl ahead to Ollivander whilst you visit him I'll reach out to Professor Weasley Professor Weasley yes I may have made an error in judgment by not informing her of ramrock's intentions earlier I only hope it's not too late Grand Rock really is going to try to drill below Hogwarts we'll need all the help we can get all right professor I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I wonder if I'm safe to explore in there too far you saw what lies in the catacomb stay here wait and please ominous he was willing to put the whole Hamlet and himself in danger on the chance that some old Relic could help to heal me I'm sorry I'm in this make sure he's all right will you I'm glad you're here I received your owl where's Sebastian inside the catacomb frankly I was surprised you weren't with him ominous stop you did what you had to do and I agreed it might well have salvaged my friendship with Sebastian for the moment you did agree and it did save your friendship with Sebastian for the moment thought we'd gone too far before but Sebastian is in real trouble now I'm going back into the catacomb to find him Anne's right he and the entire Hamlet are in danger the place is crawling within theory in theory what are you talking about you'll see we need to hurry Stephen must not be in his right mind last time we were here this place was crawling with spiders we're about to face worse let's find Sebastian quickly why was new and I'm found him just ahead in the great room incendio oh why had this many in theory before foreign [Music] what about it [Music] hold on a moment I was so worried about Sebastian I didn't even realize Ann's going to get Solomon when she first saw the inferior she thought Sebastian was being attacked but then he showed her the Relic and said he'd learned how to use it the carvings on The Relic were in theory and Sebastian somehow created them not exactly he's controlling them this is powerful dark magic creating in theory is incredibly difficult but controlling them as Ann and I frantically barricaded the inferior to keep them from escaping Sebastian kept mumbling about healing Anne when Anna said she couldn't stay here I didn't realize what she meant Solomon threatened to go to the Headmaster if he heard of Sebastian dealing with dark magic I need to get Hogwarts I must get to Professor black first twist the story bit make him think it's a family fight I'll be back as soon as I can see if you can talk some sense into Sebastian be careful how many in favor thank you God in Leviosa [Applause] thank you nice Sebastian isn't this incredible [Music] Sebastian I told you the Relic is the answer I've been trying to reverse the dark magic that injured an but this will allow me to control it just as I can control the in theory control I had to fight the inferior all the way you have the two of you God thank you already enough Solomon The Relic you'll pay for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] time thank you [Music] videos ah incidents instead sorry stop the tiger Rebellion [Music] a cruise December sorry you had to be done important potato [Music] goodbye instantly sorry she cannot be healed Sebastian you must stop ah I won't let us [Music] [Music] the Poco yo [Music] thank you [Music] no [Music] you've made your choice [Music] and [Music] what have you done I must get out of here can't let him leave [Music] Sebastian wait [Music] all right stop Sebastian hold on [Music] foreign [Music] what is it didn't you stop I was calling after you and won't survive this she's withering away inside and out Solomon's never been there for us not really he gave up on her I'll never give up on her you saw him didn't you he was going to ruin her life he attacked us I to killing curse you know I did if I hadn't known how to cast it [Music] you went too far Sebastian I I can't think right now I need to leave can't stay here I need to find ominous Sebastian please I'm not myself right now let's meet later the undercroft all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you sometimes all roads lead to hogsmeade [Music] yeah there's olivanders I hope he can help me craft the Keeper's wand [Music] rebellious [Music] hello Mr Ollivander I wondered if you might be able to help me with something yes Professor figs sent an owl informing me that you'd be coming he was a bit cryptic said you need to have a special wand crafted that you'd bring me the materials yes sir I have them here oh my how extraordinary remarkable design I will be honest I have never crafted a wand in this fashion repaired broken ones of course but this is something else entirely keeping me on my toes aren't you I think I can work with what you've brought me let me see what I can do [Music] thank you it is done [Music] I should warn you I've never seen a one like this before my suspicion as Professor fig implied in his letter is that it serves a unique purpose I doubt you shall find much use for it otherwise I understand thank you sir [Music] I'm afraid you're on your own I've ensured that we have a moment to ourselves oh come come no need for such theatrics in light of what ranrock now knows you must agree that our interests are aligned our interests will never be aligned [Music] you would let goblins take what is rightfully ours the final repository belongs to wizard kind [Music] we would be fools not to work together it's not you've got there might this sudden visit to the wand maker have something to do with our mutual Pursuit I have no idea what you're talking about repository is my Charles Rockwood wouldn't have once you near it the arrogance should have known better than to try and reason with a child I've always said children should be seen and not heard [Music] come out real Quicks don't go down easy stupid I'll have taken your life flesh of inspiration before me and tomorrow [Music] there you go back just the beginning should have joined me the inevitable [Music] [Music] and send you need to be quick enough laughs foreign oh [Music] my God [Music] well you look like you're trying I'm just warming up look what you've done come on potatoes the number [Music] Rebellion I can't believe it look what rain is finally over I need to send an alternate right away for now though I need to get back to the map chamber until fake what happened I'm gonna set my dress the lower or upper Hospital the Curiosity they teach in Hogwarts will not serve you rebellious [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] often another adventure are we she's devastated she just buried your uncle alone I did it for her Sebastian and can't bear the thought of turning you in but what turn me in she saw what happened I'll give you some time to think Sebastian I'm here [Music] Sebastian did you hear that sure what happened I never wanted to hurt my uncle I know I can't believe he's gone how did things go so wrong I didn't mean it I didn't mean to oh and I was only trying to help can't leave now I need to be more than ever you understand you can talk to ominous make him understand he listens to you I need to be with Anne [Music] don't worry Sebastian I shall speak with ominous thank you you're a good friend truly no matter what happens from here I'm glad we met oh Sebastian [Music] ominous what a mess after I last saw you I went straight to Hogwarts before I had time to talk to black I heard from Anne I rushed to feldcroft and found her with Solomon's body she was beside herself with grief part of her wants Sebastian to face the consequences another part can't bear the thought of it I don't want to lose Sebastian but I don't think we have a choice we do have a choice what good will it do to turn him in now he clearly regrets everything he's not going to do anything like this again we've both heard that before but we also need to think about Anne she's lost her health now she's lost her uncle do you really want to take her brother away from her too I I understand what you're saying perhaps you're right as much as I believe that Sebastian should pay for his actions we'd only be punishing Anne as well I hope we're doing the right thing I'll talk to Anne if it comes from me she'll agree with this decision thank you ominous you're a good friend whatever lies ahead we must face it together that I know [Music] [Music] thank you here's one of those tables Professor Shaw mentioned foreign [Music] and you say they made it after you placed the moons though do you know why or what it means does it have to do with the snitches the breadth of one's knowledge can be as wide as the Seas and yet only run so deep [Music] it's good to see you again Doran did poppy tell you about everything that's happened she did and I am glad to see that you are both safely returned I did question the wisdom of sending you on a path at a time when that path was unknown at best deadly at worst but the Acumen of the centaurs is neither personal nor partial the skies tell us what is to come and often we do not know what we have seen until it has come to pass you knew the poachers would try and kill Poppy and me I didn't know my young friend but I shall say that I was not surprised it was in much the same manner that I expected our first meeting I don't suppose you'd like to start from the beginning I think Poppy and I could use that of course I find it is often the best place to start is it not many many moons ago I defined a series of events their meaning long evaded me until you brought news of the stidgets and their poacher pursuers I believe the symbol created by the moon calves dance marks the place the snidgets are hidden and serendipitously I believe that I know the very place please go on I have seen that symbol only once on a rock face in the Cliffs of the forest you should make haste there the snidgets that have been kept there for so many years May no longer be safe Divine the series of events before our paths crossed what were they I saw the arrival of a stranger the threat of an enemy and the return of an old friend I believe now that you are the strangers the poachers are the enemy and the old friends are the snidgets I also saw two places tied to these events the cave with the moonstone and the hinge the latter was bathed in moonlight [Music] what makes you so sure the symbol is where the snidgets are I do not know it is what I have read in the Stars fortunes play out as they are intended I am merely a messenger I shall say that fortune favors us today that you would show me a symbol whose Providence I recognize is not coincidence but fate [Music] if you're right about this place then we should make our way there I shall see you there cannot afford to lose the snidgets once again [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included this must be the difficult then that Miss Moffitt told me about and where is grenaira [Applause] settle yourself I mean you know home Rebellion Brothers [Applause] Professor howum will never believe this [Applause] [Music] now I need to let Miss Muffet [Music] [Music] thank you oh [Music] foreign [Music] not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this of it I caught granaira that's incredible was it terribly difficult ah not too bad if you know what you're doing don't be so humble about it well may I have her now of course oh you're too kind she has such Exquisite plumage oh I shall make the finest attire from her feathers and she'll have a good life too of course thank you so much for bringing me Gwen neither I shall keep her safe and only [Music] foreign [Music] how nice to see you my young friend huh I know dummy guys Rebellion [Music] ah Aloha Mora thank you [Music] how remarkable I got here as soon as I could did you see you see them ball above the end polid as much but to see it up there could this actually be where the snidgets are hidden let's find out doran's waiting for us just uphead I'm ready if you are can you believe it actual smidgets I'm glad we seem to be a step ahead of the poachers it is a little strange we haven't heard anything from them if we're lucky they're still pouring over Graham's research there was a fair amount we on the other hand to guide us even if the poachers do somehow stumble upon this place we shall be long gone [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] Rebellion [Music] greetings I hope we haven't kept you waiting long Doran not at all then again it is not I who awaits your right do you have the moves what are these pillars here [Music] [Music] everybody descender [Music] incendio I wonder if the pillars move at all thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] a doorway I suspect we all know what lies Beyond and now I'm afraid I must leave you at least revelia you're not coming in with us if the snidgets are here the herd will want to see the truth of it for themselves Alec especially go on without me I will rejoin as soon as I am able [Music] revelio so many books you haven't seen my grand study whoa they're all crazy they had nothing to fix what makes you say that the both accounts always felt depressive it's rebellious but the feeling was palpable at least to me the sense I get here is of safety and calm quite the opposite of the poach accounts all right incendio [Music] Rebellion yeah revelio foreign [Music] [Music] foreign lumos lumos Rebellion whoever built this place certainly like to read lumos revelia lumos lumos [Music] a yeah come on [Music] Guardian Leviosa accio [Music] simple must represent a spell we could cost on an object that belongs with each place [Music] [Music] of course how clever look at this place little puppy Sweeting forgot how to cover Your Tracks what was that [Music] the land returns the rest of the professor [Music] ready your ones the fight has only just [Music] anyway s [Music] that was a mistake [Music] come from here [Music] I think that was all of them we're fine Rebellion you haven't got here when you did I let them hear Doran you fought with us against your kind I am glad to have with me thank you they are the ones I saw Eric sure work here brother all the events [Music] [Music] there there [Music] Now All That Remains is to break the charm you want us to [Music] I only ever wanted to see them safe which they are you should do it [Music] smiling they're lovely what happens now they can't care for themselves and truly once word gets out of their reappearance no harm will come to them the centaurs will see to that you have my word thank you Doran for helping us ing us and to fight for them it is you who deserves the Merit child did what the poachers would never have remember that [Music] you both fought bravely today allow us to carry the mantle from here if it's all right Darren I think I'd like to stay behind and spend a little more time with the snidgets [Music] revelio [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign place [Music] my poor Rococo what did you need me to help you with Miss coffee what do you have for sale what's brought you here today can never have enough stock that's what I say thank you for stopping by [Music] e thank you [Music] why did you need me to help you with what do you have to say what what's brought you hey thank you for stopping by e are you ready to finish Harlow I'm ready to finish Hollow once and for all what is your plan I received an owl from Mrs Bickel she wondered if we were having any luck going after Harlow suggested we could gather evidence from a friend named Mana Cape but she warned us to stay out of it it was rather adamant about it precisely Harlow knows that we saved Archie and that we rescued Mr rabe the letter didn't come from Mrs pickle I do not believe it did hallo intends to Ambush us but now we have the upper hand we can prepare we are stronger than Harlow and he knows it that's why he's resorting to this sort of trickery we must go agreed let's finish this brilliant Hallow's Reign ends today perhaps we ought to inform officer singer of our plans I already sent her an owl to let her know that we were following a lead given to us by Mrs bicker are you concerned she might tell your mother indeed she will but so be it I am tired of hiding it from her my mother needs to understand that I will not be safe from the ashwinders until everyone is I shall pursue them until they are finished and I think she knows that as do you that I do keep an eye out Hollow is likely around here somewhere I sense he is where is he I do not know you should look around gullible children or brothers thank you Instagram the second [Music] all right you'll need to be quicker than that how do you even trying he said how delightful um no right here [Music] thank you little nuts ionai in it and her excruciatingly loyal companion you two have done quite a bit of damage to my business interests I must gradually give you some credit what was once a mere annoyance has become remarkably problematic fortunately I pride myself on my problem-solving skills hmm [Music] the culture [Music] it's Sunday this is experience [Music] allow me to put you out of here see us thank you I can kill you [Music] thank you culture do you want to conceive now [Music] such potential going to Hawaii thank you [Music] no [Music] no no no tea [Music] [Music] are you sure you are up for a visitor yes mother I feel fine and it will do me good to see my friend very well but do not overdo it not sigh I know mother revelio foreign it is good to see you my friend I'm glad to see you're doing so well I am doing better than it appears I am only here because my mother insisted just to be safe I was relieved when she told me that you were all right [Music] only because of you how are you feeling well I've had better days but nurse Blaney says that I am on the mint I'm sorry Natty it's my fault you got hurt what no do not blame yourself for this the moment that I saw Halo aim has wanted you well you quickly made the choice to protect me I did what I had to and I would do it again I could not simply stand there and let you get hurt then I shouldn't feel guilty of course not there was nothing that you oh oh my I cannot believe that it took me this long to see it he made a choice based on Instinct my father you my friend are no more to blame for my injuries today than I am to blame for my father's sacrifice years ago from what I know of him it seems there's a lot of your father in you that's very kind of you to say I hope that you are right this has all been a bit much hasn't it taking down Halo and the rest of rookwood's lot but we have done it Rookwood is dead Hollow is on his way to Azkaban and the rest of them are on the run a few of the dregs will still be about fighting for their Lost Cause but rookwood's Enterprise has fallen apart everything is safer now because of us because of you thank you but we make a formidable team you my fellow traveler have enriched my time at Hogwarts beyond anything I could have imagined thank you I believe your friendship to be one of the most important in my life thank you for coming to visit me it is always good to see you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] just the person I was hoping to see I see Doran finally convince you to leave the smidgets if anyone can keep them out of poacher hands in you when the poachers ambushed us like it was nice not to face them alone the sort of thing friends do for each other isn't it I suppose so I am glad you came to Hogwarts it's already been my best year I wouldn't want a repeat of haunt our Hall of course but I did enjoy the three broomsticks had no idea how lovely it was there had you never been to the three broomsticks I used to spend most of my time with hiring and well I don't know how sirona feels about hippogriffs popping in for a butter beer High Wings the only one I would have gone with or Gran of course nothing wrong with that high Wings good company she is I am beginning to see the appeal of a huge cute friends it was nice to talk about my parents and Gran with someone and share Highway I don't suppose you've heard anything from your parents have you I haven't but I'm perfectly fine with that does your grand know that we found the snidgets I didn't any longer I told her everything she was livid that I'd been anywhere near the poachers but she confessed that she was rather envious about the snidgets it's all been a pleasure Poppy you try and stay out of trouble don't know that I can we've taken on poachers twice now successfully I'd rather think you've helped me develop a taste for it and was sentosa's allies I might actually go looking for trouble you and I shared meat for a butter beer soon perhaps hiring can join us [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Victor Rookwood is dead he confronted me as I left olivanders with the Keeper's wand I had to defend myself godric's heart are you all right I know you're well able to defend yourself I've seen it often enough but Rookwood himself he would have killed me once he found the repository if not before I had no choice you're right you had no choice you did what you had to do with hollowing custody on Rookwood gone The Wizarding Community owes you a great debt thank you for saying so professor I'm ready for what's next all right then the keepers have been waiting you have completed all of our trials and you have done so under circumstances even I did not foresee you understand now why all of this was necessary the portkey The Vault the locket the book the trials to ensure that one with the ability you and I share would make the same choice that Zan Neve Charles and I did now that you have witnessed my memory you understand all that is at stake not everyone is what they seem as you know light does not exist without Shadow nor Shadow Without light simply because you can eliminate Darkness does not always mean that you should even the most well-meaning and amongst us cannot possibly know the consequences of manipulating what should be beyond our reach what lies in the repository must never be released resist the temptation to destroy or control it the magic that you have so carefully honed must now be used only protect the secret we keep you have the wand you will know when to wield it we leave our Legacy in your hands [Music] [Music] depository [Music] we can only hope that we're not too late and that we find nothing but a repository undisturbed Beyond this door [Music] thank you [Music] I should hope that the enchantments protecting the castle would protect against an incursion from below I fear they may not although if they don't now I can assure you they will in the future were you able to reach Professor Weasley I was hopefully she and the others will arrive soon they know where to find the door through which we entered let's go thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] if his royalists are here it cannot be far behind your life faced the last Professor the area must be a Subway will be pleased with our practice [Music] thank you [Music] whatever area [Music] dream stands between us and him we need to move it I shall handle it one moment let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] go go [Music] [Music] [Music] and send it [Music] can freedom foreign Professor that wall That's the Way Forward very perceptive it worked let's go lumos must be getting closer to finding the repository I feel right Professor lumos listen more goblins up ahead [Music] [Music] potatoes stop it Railroad s so far Rebellion [Music] we're getting closer Professor that way [Music] [Music] the godlings had somehow evaded the Castle's defensive charge [Music] of them foreign [Music] [Music] what's up foreign [Music] [Music] huh we can leave some for the rest of us back this way freak yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] explosive [Music] please all right [Music] [Music] [Music] the one quickly [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] Rock [Music] can't believe is it the repository has been under the castle for hundreds of years pain that created it this is what Miriam George your friend Lord gok and countless others died for Miriam believed this forgotten magic could be used for such good but she did not know the risks she did not see what the keepers have shown you what is a Dora showed you you are now the keeper of whatever power it holds what do you intend to do with it I have decided to open the Repository I'm not like dormant for centuries more after everything you've seen what about isadora's fate [Music] is Adora wasted her ability trying to save people from themselves I will not let others dictate what I do with this my power you cannot possibly mean that you have all wizard kind are wholly aware of the misery and pain that that could cause [Music] the arrogance of wizard kind goblins built this repository it belongs to us enough ramrock who is never yours I've been wanting to play with the Miriam's wand if she'd simply handed over the container all of this could have been avoided foolish self-important witch laughs it seems you were two of a kind she didn't know when to give up either foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid protect yourself again not for long ER come on foreign don't worry you can't stop me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] answers [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes foreign [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] deposit [Music] ES [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Professor to many of you suddenly a long-standing colleague to his peers a famed Adventurer and seeker of knowledge he built a reputation charging into the unknown brazenly disregarding both discretion and safety providing perhaps a rather unfortunate lesson for us all his Devotion to Adventure was rivaled only by his dedication to Hogwarts and of course to his wife Maddie midi um who we lost much too soon as well um [Music] Professor fig represented the best of all of us He Could Be deviously Clever possessed a brilliantly inquisitive mind and was the most loyal of friends [Music] but perhaps it was his remarkable courage for which we will all be forever indebted to him if not for Professor fig [Music] well I can say with confidence that if not for him many of us let alone Hogwarts would not be here today [Music] those that knew him best will agree that we must now honor him as only Hogwarts can by wisely resourcefully justly and bravely facing all that lies ahead foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't know him as well as you did but I know he was a good man Brad Weasley spoke for him she honored him well fig will be well remembered I wish the same could have been done for my uncle I wonder if there's a chance Ann would meet me Sebastian I can't imagine what you and Anne are going through perhaps you'll hear from us soon I hope so I I'll let you know Sebastian there's something you should know it's to do with Victor Rookwood I heard a rumor that he confronted you outside of olive Anders sounds as if he faced quite a fight the rumors are true and I did but it's not that just before Rook would attacked he uttered something familiar the same words Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen and not heard wait what what are you saying he wasn't one of ranrock's loyalists who kirstan it was Rookwood it was Rookwood all along this this can't be it was the Loyalists it's always been them the night Anne was cursed all she saw were goblins once Rook would allied with ran Rock isadora's estate became of interest to them both that's why Rookwood was there the night and was cursed he was working with ranrock when he saw your sister well he didn't want anyone to know so he cursed her and she's never been the same so cruel Rookwood deserved what he got thank you for telling me Goblin I suppose I owe you an apology all this time I thought goblins were the enemy but it was never that simple ominous said he's spoken with Anne I wonder if she'll see me I'll find out and send word when I know more [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] welcome do let me know if I can be of any assistance at all I hope to see you again [Music] thank you what can I do for you today I hope to see you again farewell for now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ready for a little change in fashion are we plenty to choose from here so take your time [Music] suspect you have a sharp eye for fashion be sure to stop by whenever you're about is everything all right oh thank you for asking I'm Betty Betty bog Brook and no everything is not all right yes my dear friend Hazel oh she's in trouble Hazel yes oh she's a unicorn known her for years he doesn't like to leave the forest so I visit her once a week to brush out her Mane and bring her some treats her court is glorious well the last time I saw her we were violently attacked by a pack of wolves Hazel loyal friend that she has left in front to protect me and in the process I fear she may have been injured I'm sorry to hear that I want to help her but she seems to have gone into hiding out of fear I'd imagine I know you Hogwarts students learn a fair bit about caring for beasts perhaps you could find my unicorn friend and get her somewhere safe so that she can heal how did you become so close with the Unicorn it was luck truly I came across her when she was a little golden fool didn't even have a horn yet oh she trusted me straight away we'd play together for hours oh I do hope she'll be all right unicorn here is a valuable wand core and I suppose losing a hit or two might and hurt her but I'm terrified those poachers will want her for her blood to keep themselves alive one thought is more than I can bear to think of keep an eye out for your unicorn friend and take her to safety if I see her oh you have a good soul I can always tell please don't risk your own safety though I don't know precisely where she is but I can tell you that her Dan is north of hogsmead and although I haven't been able to brush her lately I imagine she still has the brightest most beautiful Court of her entire herd foreign [Music] what are you up to now I wonder who lives here I need to look for a unicorn with a beautifully bright coat oh my Sensei I do appreciate what you went through to find my brother thank you thank you [Music] abandoned long ago no doubt does it get any more cozy than hogsmeade foreign ah there you are away time to go a little quicker foreign come on Hazel [Applause] love yourself [Applause] do cooperate won't you [Applause] whatever not going to hurt you Rebellion foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can take Hazel back to a vivarium now you should let maddenbrook know she's safe [Music] foreign s lead to hogsmeade [Music] Madame bug Brook I found your unicorn friend Hazel oh place for her to stay we're both fine and I have a safe place for her at Hogwarts you have a kind heart you do I'm relieved and thankful that you'll take care of her I shall miss my sweet pointy Pony but I know she's safer away from the poachers to give her a nice brushing for me won't you take good care to Hazel now [Music] [Music] oh trouble's brewing and I'm without my friends oh you want to leave it at least a week before you go poke foreign [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me Madame Navarro Bella Navarro may I help you what is it you sell Madame Navarro potion ingredients mostly there's a tidy bit of profit to be made from the most unassuming things I assume you've studied potions at Hogwarts Professor shops class yes then you should know enough to appreciate my inventory what do you have for sale let's see how I can assist you my lovely very nice that'll do you nicely I'm sure thank you for your time my sweet oh something must be done about the vile fears we've infested the area bombarded the ass winders cannot be allowed to run roughshod over our way of life is everything all right Madame Olivier Madame Olivier and no everything is not all right the Vermin known as the ashwinders have infested nearby klagmar Castle disrupting not only our sense of Peace but a valuable trait it appeared that they were finally going to Slither away until Sylvanas salwin arrived Sylvanas Selwyn had rat my guess is that if someone were to take out salwin the rest of the ashwinders would disperse salwin is a skilled wizard I certainly can't take care of him myself believe me I wish I could I'm at my wit's end I could take care of Selwyn for you goodness no I'd never ask a student to confront Selwyn but I'm offering a nice bounty on his head feel free to put the word out I only want craigcroft to go back to normal I'm tired of living under the thumb of salwin in his cronies sounds as if Sylvanas Selwyn has to go huh incending [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like a place right out of a storybook foreign foreign not so tricky after all Merlin [Music] seems a pleasant enough little place [Music] gobble is in my family working the mines at one time friends foreign I can just get to him I should be able to disband the group I don't feel bad fleecing those Cape Flappers if someone's plan works out you suppose we'll all be ready rookwoods don't go down easy potatoes [Music] instead in your eyes Rebellion it's exhausting standing here all day perhaps it's dinner right here [Music] that's just an afraid to face [Music] you think there's some lining things up for you [Music] that's it for Selwyn I should go and see Madame Olivier back in cradcroft about that bounty what's up Rebellion just finished this job and be done with it it's been ages since I've found anything worth poaching near craigcroft [Music] lived here I wonder not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this [Music] have you heard any news about Sylvanas Selwyn Selwyn has been taken care of you defeated Selwyn Merlin's beard a student took down one of rookwood's top filth then I suppose this bounty is yours well deserved I'm glad I could help protect craigcroft from the ashwinders the thieves will finally leave us alone thanks to you you're welcome in crabcroft anytime it's such a pleasant place when it's not being threatened by Ash winders foreign you've made a mistake no one sign up by a ransom oh my God [Music] you can't go down forever you're going to regret that for your deed thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] somewhere around me [Music] this must be the castle where Miss ashwinders I'd better find a way around them or perhaps through them I've had enough of bell Croft s yourself [Music] [Music] exposure [Music] [Music] all right here okay incending [Music] an astronomy table Rebellion [Music] thank you where'd they go [Music] in a meat he's likely studied her [Music] oh oh I hope the ash winders haven't done anything with Rococo where in Merlin's name am I [Music] [Music] here Guardian Leviosa glitches Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] there we go that's winders these coins must have come from Miss coffee's nephila back here [Music] lose it [Music] Clash of inspiration electricity [Music] stupid [Music] incense what was that forever thank you Rebellion treasure Coco must have been put it Rebellion foreign I better watch my step in here Rebellion [Music] foreign thank you revelio incendio Rebellion [Music] incident revelia Rebellion thank you good foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] repairer [Music] Rebellion [Music] thank you incending oh more Rush winders rise and bite what did I own everything to you love yourself production [Applause] [Music] oh God no one takes one of Myers it's sunny oh you've made a great mistake the exposure electricity benite the exposure Patrick Rebellion what's this some sort of treasure map revelia [Music] whoa incendio oh yeah foreign [Music] [Music] oh I'm here Guardian Leviosa it's here foreign [Music] I'm here now [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] let's get back to miss coffee [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello Mr Sammy what do you have to say what can I help you with today hi yes a wonderful choice I hope to see you again sometime [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder thank you hello Mr Sammy welcome what do you have what can I help I hope to see you again sometime [Music] [Music] foreign never stopped me before you can feed a beast or it can feed you if you get my meaning thank you the clouds of dark is always the best time best thing in the world finding a beast in your trap huh [Music] location marked on the map isn't far from here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] betting on the dragon fight was the best decision what have you done you said proved dangerous if I'm not careful [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] can't figure out why this Castle must have been quite stately in this time likely this is strong oh foreign wait is that the hippogriff for my treasure map [Music] incendio [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] perfect let's see what we've got this must be what all the fuss was about [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] seems a pleasant enough little place my poor Rococo Miss coffee I found your nephila oh goodness really oh thank you you're very brave I was at my Wit's End how's my sweet Rococo may I have him back I'm sure he'll be happy to go home he will oh my Brave Little Explorer my greedy greedy boy I can't wait to get him home thank you again for what you did from now on I'll keep Rococo on a lead whenever we go out [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] goodness I want to pause you to attend by myself come to think of it months ago I had a brooch not it was sparkled like when I find out which one are your favorite [Music] this looks like the spot from the treasure map [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up [Music] I did it huh Rebellion and look the treasure [Music] I reckon I can see myself getting away from here and not taking a one of you with me since you've all turned yourselves into a pack of Jarvis petrifices [Music] broadens the mind [Music] thank you lumos Enchanted candles wonder where they're heading foreign the candles seem to be leading into the Forbidden Forest the treasure must be nearby I suppose a bit of forest could seem romantic to some treasure hunting suits me [Music] foreign I'm a very young I'm not like I'd fall out now lucky if I beat him right now what are we yeah another human Sunday diverted Rebellion [Music] Mr Roxy's trade Journal [Music] thank you a rogue formation that's the first Landmark on this map now to find the Crooked Tree [Music] a Crooked Tree just the map said the crumbling Tower shouldn't be far from here [Music] and the crumbling Tower spot on the map should be directly south of here [Music] [Music] what do we have here oh I may have more luck higher up in the keep in someone else's Direction [Music] rebellious [Music] a ladder that's also needed who's there Rebellion Defender Rebellion [Music] [Music] this is the spot on the map get away laughs Rebellion I don't like the looks of that stonewalls do a prison make sometimes what will we find in here revelia defeated Rebellion alohomora Rebellion revelia incending by now we've all told you before they go no no yeah how childish I will make you pray foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] too late for you to learn the error of your ways Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Mr Oaks yes I'm here they've taken my wand this cell hasn't chanted Rock I have experience with these locks but I need my wand if I have any chance of opening look for a boiler door I've heard them speak of it I defined Mr rooks's wand why could it be Rebellion [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion incentive ah Rebellion one way or another will get one mirror I work best asthma oh um fooled you all to your demise revelia this must be Mr hopes's wand perhaps now he can set himself free oh please one oh thank you revelio you did it I found my wand and wait you're a student Oh we must get you to safety immediately it's dangerous it's all right Mr Oaks I've dealt with these goblins before dear Merlin you're either very lucky or very talented how did you find me I'm a friend of Adelaide's I was worried about your business with ranrock's loyalists oh she was right to be I couldn't go through with the agreement and when I told them I ended up blindfolded and behind bars and locked in that infernal self for so long they'd forgot I was even there I overheard things if only I could reward you for what you've done blasted goblins stole every cannot on me all I can say is thank you truly am I right that you speak gobbledygook unbeknownst to ramrock's fiends by do I've always had an affinity for Goblin culture knew I wanted to be a metal Trader ever since I was a lad it wasn't easy learning the language it's complex my memory's as weak as my knees these days but after decades working with fine Goblin folk That Grew fairly proficient at least I'd like to think so you mentioned you overheard things ah sad tale really I think I know where ramrock's unfortunate Vendetta against wizard kind began although dragon breeding was outlawed by the warlocks Convention of 1709 ranrock stumbled upon an illegal Dragon camp he was young found the creatures fascinating he'd visit the camp in secret whenever he could never making his presence known after weeks of Sly surveillance he finally summoned the courage to speak to the wizard in charge ranrock wanted to join them and the creatures the wizard happened to drop his wand ranrock saw an opportunity he picked it up went to hand it back as a means of introducing himself the sight of a goblin with a wand sent the wizard into an instant rage he beat ran Rock nearly to death ever since ramrock has despised wizard kind sees us all as cruel I'm grateful I was able to help you Mr Oaks Adelaide thinks the world of you oh and I her she's become quite Savvy to my trading habits always analyzing my detailed owls if only I hadn't resorted to trading with such fiends a lesson I Shan soon forget having my womb back is like being reunited with an old friend I must return home and inform Adelaide of my safety will you be all right I'll be fine Mr Oaks you get back to Adelaide I assure you her worries outweigh yours I'm anxious to see my dearness and then I plan to travel far from here for my next round of trading thank you may life reward you justly for your Deeds be well my friend Mr Oaks was lucky Ren Rock's lot would never have freed him [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you a place right out of a storybook hello Mr Sammy welcome it what do you have for sale what can I help today I hope to see you again sometime [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign no no it's not you only had two bells to go but she just had to go and spoil things I'm afraid I don't follow who spoiled things was it what Bells Professor black ordered Mr moon to take down the bells in the Bell Tower said they were giving him a headache those bells are a part of Hogwarts I wasn't about to let that happen so I asked my friend Adelaide to help me put them back we've always been a Duo of sorts Adelaide and Evangeline Addie and Evie anyway he was going swimmingly until black started asking questions then she wasn't comfortable with our rule breaking now I'm stuck unable to tell which Bell goes where is it really that important that the bells go back up is it really that important they're part of the school's history those bells likely told a young Merlin that he was running late to charms or called ignacia wildsmith to dinner we can't simply fiddle with history we're meant to be at stewards certainly not decree even for black taking down the bells for a headache I agree I thought it might also have been that they interrupted his hourly naps that's all he does in his office you know but then I heard can you keep a secret I can I heard from Alice who heard from Ollie who heard from Eugenia that it's because the bells reminded him of his wedding day breaks out in a sweat every hour on the hour but mum's the word if only two bells are left isn't it fairly easy to tell which goes where easy for you perhaps I happen to be tone deaf mother likes to say I couldn't carry a tune if it hops on my back like a chocolate frog no point putting them back in if they don't sound just as they did before for the sake of historical accuracy perhaps I could help put the bells back up really oh that would be wonderful the bells are in the bell tower just above the music room you'll certainly of more help than Adelaide I imagine the bells are just inside in the Bell Tower Rebellion Rebellion Aloha Mora ravelio love yourself revelio [Music] oh lumos agreement on the barrels and the rhythm of A Christmas Carol but it's always Aloha Mora [Music] Rebellion Rebellion [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Bells must be upstairs [Music] Aloha Mora [Music] [Music] Rebellion Leviosa ah found them I'll have to get those up there somehow and guardian Leviosa perhaps back here [Music] Guardian Leviosa [Music] on to go Rebellion well that wasn't too hard and pleased about this even if black isn't [Music] oh Rebellion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what is well be surrounded by Jarvis the bells are back up Evangeline ah you're a credit to the school I can't wait to hear them I can't wait for the Headmaster to hear them I wish I could see his face future Generations may not truly appreciate what you've done but I do and I hope that you do as well you don't know how much this means for me and the Hogwarts [Music] [Music] thank you oh hello are you here for someone who's called but I am don't expect to be as lucky here as you were and crossed ones speaking of which care to lose I mean play a match foreign of course Charlotte then may the best summon a win [Music] [Music] precisely as planned [Music] movie with a billy wig I'll never top that thank you precisely as planned [Music] such Grace it's finesse [Music] precisely as planned [Music] hmm nice technique wow you are good [Music] I'm not too proud to admit when I've lost where did you learn to play like that I play by intuition natural skill and all that that's been my strategy poser only gets you so far though well you've only one opponent left now I won't say more than that but let's just say he's the best for a reason [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind Rebellion [Music] Aloha Mora [Music] I'm now Demi guys [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] incentive Rebellion [Music] alohomora Rebellion hi now Demi guys [Music] somebody help I've been kidnapped Rebellion Rebellion foreign another adventure are we back here [Music] Aloha Mora [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Rebellion fine now Demi guys [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Rebellion lumos foreign [Music] thank you [Music] good finger Rebellion [Music] alohomora [Music] I'm now Demi guys [Music] [Music] thank you thank you here I come [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys Rebellion [Music] thank you Rebellion hello Mr Moon oh greetings any luck removing some more of those demigay statues I actually have some Moons for you oh my mind feels lighter already knowing those statues are gone I did promise to show you how to improve casting Allah hamura once you'd brought me enough moons oh with that knowledge you'll be able to break open even stronger locks hmm however we don't yet know who's behind these statues still plenty of the foul things lying in weight to torture me oh if you bring me more moons I'll show you how to cast the most powerful form of alohomora known to wizard kind at least known to me keep looking for those moons you'll save my sanity and we may get to the bottom of whoever's behind all of this [Music] thank you I'm not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this [Music] I'm now Demi guys thank you again for finding my dear it's you thank you again for saying I'll never forget you [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] I can never face Marvel's daughter again [Music] alohomora [Music] Rebellion [Music] foreign guys [Music] revelia I can't go back there is there something I can help you with Mr adley Edgar Radley ah no no I don't think so alas Milo and his mad schemes Milo he was my friend came to me a few days ago with a brilliant plan to make some quick galleons all I had to do was follow him into the Forbidden Forest they are known he wanted to procure Venom from a living acromantula ah poor Milo he didn't deserve to go like that I'm very sorry to hear about your friend oh thank you can't think of it Milo's body is still in that cave with the absconder the absconder hey Milo's name for the acromantula I did have a flare for the dramatic in fact as he died Milo begged me to take his heirloom pocket watch I saw that his daughter would have something to remember him by but I I fled if I have time I can try to collect the Alum watch Mr adley you can't possibly go to the acromantula's cave you'd be killed please forget I said anything [Music] now work [Music] thank you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder I wonder who lives here behind now Demi guys [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you handy resource indeed your Field Guide included ah well if the air is cool it always takes longer foreign please off on another adventure are we Rebellion alohomora foreign what are you up to now come on revelio what do we have here a demi guys [Music] I'm now Demi guys [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] seems a pleasant enough little place [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] guide I'm most pleased to be included alohomora thank you Rebellion [Music] [Music] [Music] off on another adventure are we huh foreign not sure how I'd fare in a little place like this foreign what are you up to now revelio Aloha Mora foreign guys Rebellion [Music] [Music] you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder Rebellion foreign [Music] foreign [Music] guys Rebellion [Music] sometime in the pressure thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Rebellion alohomora Rebellion foreign [Music] well done I confess I was astonished to see you during the battle but we owe you a great debt you're my Summoners call to Poland Professor Ronan indeed I am professors are allowed to have fun once in a while too you know [Music] of course I look forward to playing against you and I you I've been playing this for eons so you haven't the chance of winning how about we get started anyway [Music] I'm ready no time like the present [Music] [Music] [Music] I do not recall teaching you how to play like that [Music] we all make mistakes [Music] that's no way to treat a professor thank you [Music] we all make mistakes [Music] [Music] and there you have it yet another opportunity to learn and improve delightful to see such Mastery from one your age [Music] well done you've beaten me at my own game I had a good teacher a flatterer I see although I dare say it's not unwarranted I shall accept the compliment humbly as the new Summoners Court Champion you have earned a token of recognition do not let it go to your head foreign [Music] [Music] Aloha Mora [Music] foreign guys [Music] revelio [Music] thank you hello Mr Moon oh greetings huh any luck removing some more of those Demi guys statues I actually have some Moons for you dear me you have been busy incredible thank you you're ready for the final alah hamura lesson with this knowledge no lock shall ever stand in your way you've done all I asked I only wish I knew who put those statues everywhere in the first place alas if you do find more please feel free to remove them you'll be doing your caretaker a huge service and if I ever find out who the bully is behind this cruel trick I shall let you know thank you once again for your assistance and tenacity is unbreakable but do feel free to keep finding demigay statues and removing those moons [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you stop right there it's no one's going to play around them for that portrait s [Music] stupid incending here you're wrong [Music] I should investigate foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Rebellion I wonder there's anything left of me calm down I'm here now calm down fumes outside I've been talking [Music] if they weren't all sharing half a plane they'd realize I'm worth more to them intact and at the three broomsticks how was that with everything I over here at the very little truth of information no don't just stand there I need to be back my cocktail out the place will be like a funeral without me let's get out of here then shall we uh be sure to carry me carefully weren't you my pantaloons are already creased the Pitch Black in here for this this looks intriguing oh my God [Music] [Music] what broadens the mind does it get any more cozy than hogsmead huh [Music] seems he's been burgled pretend I never heard the rumors of your involvement [Music] you take me out of here immediately sorry if I catch it no finally back on my wall and more Angelic than ever there you are welcome back I'm not usually one to give thanks there's a sort of servant drink to it but I suppose some gratitude is in order as a show of Goodwill I'll exclude whatever misdeeds I hear about you and my reports to that Master and I do hear quite a bit now be off with you I can't be seen talking to a student well then go it's all right everyone I'm back [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right incending [Music] incendio huh that wasn't too hard [Music] thank you incense betting on the dragon fights was the best decision I've made yet [Music] these rocks have seen better days [Music] the cave must be somewhere in this maze [Music] ing videos there's a victory that came on too soon revelio foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] this could be the acromantula cave Mr adley mentioned foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] descendo [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you not my fault you're a deadly great spider instead Rebellion I need to bring this heirloom back to Mr adley huh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade tearful of the mandrakes I haven't fed them yet well what see we show you some of what's available you're a forced to be a wrecked with um yeah scaring all the Goblins away foreign you be sure to stop by soon Hog's meat here I come foreign [Music] Mr adley I retrieved the heirloom pocket watch from Milo's body Merlin's bid how did you actually I I don't want to know I don't want to think about that acronym Angela ever again thank you thank you very much I'm glad Milo's daughter will have something to remember him by I am too as far-fetched as his schemes were Milo was a good friend and I shall miss him please uh accept this reward for your trouble [Music] what do you have for sale Milo can rest in peace now that his wishes have been fulfilled and his daughter has something to remember him by [Music] [Music] e thank you bye I appreciate your business [Music] thanks Mead apparently perhaps I shall pay him a visit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] does it get any more cozy than hogsmead [Music] revelio lumos pardon me sir but about those curious demigod statues I've seen what who are you why do you ask they're quite clever oh thank you a lot of craftsmanship and Care went into them no I assume so you did create them ugh yes I did it was a ploy to give that pathetic oath Moon A Taste of the grief he caused me years ago you are the one who's been pilfering them I am at the request of Mr Moon I received your owl on your stationery ah well fitting Moon would enlist a student too cowardly to do it himself hasn't changed a bit even when we were at school he was a cowardly bully gave me a horrible nickname which I shan't repeat I was thrilled when we left school and he seemed gone for good then I started seeing him around hogsmead it was too much even if I do take satisfaction in that his life's Destiny was to be a lowly caretaker Mr Moon does a good deal for the school and he's taught me a lot he's terrified of those statues I know you should have seen his face with that bucket appeared oh Priceless that's when I knew what I needed to do simply didn't want to encounter him anymore so I shrewdly put a bucket in his path to learn his greatest fear I then created the demigay statues to keep him in his place so to speak the moons were inspired play on his name it worked brilliantly until you started clearing them out it sounds as if Mr Moon deserved what he got perhaps it's time you both moved on Fair Point I suppose if they've terrified him as you say he may have learned his lesson foreign statues it was an old school mate of yours Piers Pemberton oh oh my unknown pigtails peers I don't think he likes being called that I've Applause oh we had such flowing logs and we used to laugh about them I laughed the artist of all clever clever man I had no idea he was so devious I must go and congratulate him whatever statues remain seamless terrifying now that I know they were put out by old pigtails continue collecting them if you like as for me yeah I'm gonna go and pay a visit to my old friend [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] yes I know lumos [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rebellion incendio revelio [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] to be back at the three Broomsticks oh I can practically butterbeer handy resource indeed your Field Guide I foreign [Music] [Music] Rebellion best one ever [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's it [Music] thank you revelio alohomora [Music] thank you Rebellion thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder foreign [Music] [Music] how nice to see you my young friend [Music] questions foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Aloha Mora Rebellion Rebellion [Music] wouldn't ask you a question though isn't it little faces I'll just die [Music] Rebellion all right foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe [Music] [Music] [Music] alohomora [Music] [Music] Rebellion [Music] got it [Music] [Music] often another adventure are we [Music] revelio [Music] [Music] Barbara Rebellion [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you alohomora Rebellion thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that's it I'm making good progress with those tokens the daily and keys challenge is coming along nicely another house token for the house chest foreign that's it I'm making good progress with those tokens here we go the last house token time to see what's inside I look at that Thanks goes to the former head mistress eupraxia Mall [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder hello Nelly actually I found all of the keys and opened my house chest oh wonderful what did you find I found a rather interesting costume brilliant well thank you for solving that mystery for me I always wondered what those keys would lead to [Music] how nice foreign [Music] [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade oh I do hope Marion excuse me sir are you all right just barely but I don't want to trouble a student with my woes I am indeed a student but I could very well be able to help you I'm not so sure name's Chris been done by the way I trade in the surrounding hammers do the most business in aronshire lovely little Hamlet just stunning Gardens just the other day the daily profit ran an article on its Scenic head Rose actually before I go on I should ask are you afraid of spiders [Music] spiders don't bother me at all you'd be impressed by how many I've dispatched lately lucky you the hamlets overrun with the vile things and they're acting abnormally aggressively I'm concerned about my customers of course but it appears that most of the Hamlet's residents fled to safety it's my friend Mary I worry about I haven't heard from her and I fear she's trapped in our Cottage understandable but why don't you check on her yourself I would but I have a crippling fear of the eight-legged beasts which I unlike you seem incapable of conquering I don't know what to do can you think of anyone who can help Mary [Music] why are there so many spiders in Aaron's here all of a sudden I honestly don't know I've never seen so many spiders in all of my life it's almost as if someone's breeding them they've trapped the entire hamlet in webs I always likely to escape it's all Mary always has a way with these beasts it's very concerning not to hear from her why is it you can't conquer your fear of spiders when I was a small child I was being tormented and chased by a group of local bullies and slid into the hollow of a tree to hide within moments spiders were crawling over every inch of my body seemed I'd stumbled on a nest I couldn't move Paralyzed by fear of the spiders in an equally profound fear of the Wizards I knew were just outside the tree I was there for what seemed hours I can feel their legs on me now just talking about it why didn't you ask the ministry for help I did reached out to anyone who would listen tribe Minister spout all spavin himself but evidently they have their hands full with who knows what else it seems this little lambler has to fend for itself I'll try my very best Mr Dunn please do if you can think of anyone that may be brave enough to help I'd appreciate it thank you they'll find Aaron shot south east of hogsmeade just below the train station [Music] thank you this must be our entire I best keep an eye out for spiders [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] back here surely that's the last of them foreign if Mary was breeding these things in her Cellar that means there are more Underground I'll need to destroy every last spider in that cellar if this is to end incendio Rebellion [Music] if this is where Mary bred the spiders they're not here now [Music] these spiders have gone somewhere Rebellion not sure I want to know where this leads I'd best be ready for whatever I may find down there Rebellion sucks to find and destroy all of these before the situation gets even worse please is simply too many Rebellion I hate to think that they see me but I didn't see them Rebellion come on destroy all of the exacts foreign [Music] [Music] revelio [Music] inside you [Music] know [Music] thank you Rebellion [Music] that's the last of the spider sacks incending I suppose I know what happened to Mary Portman now she was breeding the spiders [Music] I hope that's the last spider okay Rebellion oh wait that's the last one and she's angry [Music] [Music] descendo same was so fast Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah foreign [Music] a little place like this ah the absconder Assassin a pleasure to see you again can't tell you how happy Milo's daughter was to get that watch the absconder Assassin a remarkable thing you did there to say the least [Music] meet here I come thank you again for delivering Those portions to Madam allowing save me a lot of time and trouble I hope to see you again [Music] foreign you had much Choice bringing Pratt back here between you and me Mr Dunn I have some news Frank Merlin about my sweet friend Mary it seems Paul Mary was breeding spiders in her home for profit and vastly underestimated their propensity to multiply oh Mary one towards scheme were you involved in if she needed financial assistance she could have just come to me she didn't deserve this if you do I am sorry about your friend but you'll be relieved to know that I cleared out the spiders it's safe to return now you you cleared out the spiders I can't believe it but I'm certainly relieved I imagine the first order of business will be to help the amulet rebuild I suppose I have nothing to fear from dead spiders that's the spirit I wish you the best of luck thank you again for all you've done I shall keep you apprised of the Hamlet's rebuilding glad I could be of help and I look forward to visiting your shop the next time I'm in aaronshire to dearly departed Mary [Music] what sort of thing are we looking for [Music] thank you for stopping in be sure to visit us again soon [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included foreign I'm Glad You Came Sebastian I've received your owl what's happened ominous spoke with Anne about what happened with my uncle Solomon she believes I should pay for what I did but she won't turn me in she said the guilt I'll have to live with is punishment enough so sorry but I'm glad you know that you can at least try to move on now the thing is I think I've lost my sister my twin forever she refuses to even see me I can't blame her I couldn't really blame any of you if you gave up on me entirely you all believed in me and I let you all down [Music] and may just need some time surely one day she'll be able to forgive you I hope you're right I realize I can't undo what's been done but I can try every day to make up for it I owe you an ominous everything for standing by me well it wasn't easy but I believe in you Sebastian I've had a sense about you since that first day in defense against the dark arts seems so long ago thank you I have no idea what's to come but I'm grateful for your friendship I'm glad you came to Hogwarts [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I cannot do this for all eternity foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you wanted to see me I did we haven't had a chance to speak since I know you were quite close with Professor fig Hogwarts won't be the same without him no it won't but I can assure you that he would want us to press on and that he would rest easy knowing that the future of the Wizarding World is in hands like yours thank you Professor you've had quite a year both inside and outside of Hogwarts I've heard all sorts of rumors you've ridden a grap horn befriended a goblin rescued hippogriffs even somehow ingratiated yourself with the Headless hunt how did you it's harder to keep secrets around here than one might suspect I'm just glad you found such a good friend in Miss Sweeting it's nice to see her engaging more with her classmates they have evidently been snidget sightings in the area lately if the centaurs are to be believed two Hogwarts students are behind it I'm certain I don't know what no need to discuss it further what I would like to discuss is your Wizard's Field Guide May I see it of course [Music] what do you think Professor I think you've been busy this year I see some progress here but quite a bit of your Field Guide has yet to be completed fortunately you do have some time to prepare for your owls I will confess I had a sense about you from that first moment you came bursting in late to the Sorting ceremony I am pleased to see that my instincts were correct to think you've only been with us a year and you'll already be taking your owls well it's nothing short of astonishing thank you Professor for everything you are most welcome I look forward to seeing what you do during the rest of your time with us [Music] talking about [Music] Rebellion [Music] foreign another adventure are we [Applause] this place has seen better days [Music] alohomora Rebellion thank you incendio Rebellion [Applause] [Music] incendio foreign thank you alohomora might be interesting to see where this leads foreign [Music] what to do where on Earth is this leading me Rebellion considering the buzz I've assuming this is a tomb incentive Rebellion descendo cast fiends incending lumos wonder why is this door locked [Music] [Music] must be something around here let's go right [Music] here lumos success laughs [Music] December let's hope you stay there this time thank you Eureka that I got something after defeating those of a fairy foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I wondered if you might teach me how to cast that curse you mentioned oh which one I'd like to learn how to cast the killing curse after all that's happened very well you need to be precise with your wander movement the incantation is Avada cadaver are there any other curses you'd like to learn that's all I wanted to learn for now thank you of course you're the only one with whom I would entrust such knowledge let's speak again soon okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] can you help me hello there's a voice coming from that well can you help me is someone down there down there oh thank you pardon oh I'm here there's no one here for me in some Thor is Rich casually toast a bit of parchment into me cold if you could please take it seems to be some sort of map [Music] Ellen what lies and wait for me in there [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] abandoned long ago no doubt [Music] there's something about that tree let the ocean [Music] interesting way to hide some treasure [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I've always said travel broadens the mind [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this year we have seen our students exemplify The Bravery of godric Gryffindor [Applause] the Loyalty of Helga the wisdom Ravenclaw [Applause] the ambition of salazarene [Music] enter the winner of this year's house cup excuse me Headmaster if I may hmm [Music] one particular student's heroism during the attack on Hogwarts not to mention the level to which they have excelled in their coursework as a new student no less [Music] well it would seem that it certainly merits I'd say 100 points to their house did you agree ah yes thank you Professor Weasley I suppose we have our winner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music]
Channel: Weiss Network TV
Views: 147,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no commentary, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy fullgame, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5 gameplay, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy 100 walkthrough, hogwarts legacy 100 percent, hogwarts legacy 100 completion, hogwarts legacy all sidequest, hogwarts legacy 100 side quests, hogwarts legacy full walkthrough, hogwarts legacy 4k, hogwarts legacy 4k gameplay, hogwarts legacy true ending, hogwarts legacy ending
Id: 1FUESWPf-a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2227min 29sec (133649 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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