Hogan Said You Must Do This to Play Great Golf - He Was Right - It Improves Everything!

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you want to know one of the things that really changed my ball striking was this incredibly simple idea of getting your elbows together like this just squeezing those elbows together I saw this in a Ben Hogan book Five Lessons he's one of the best ball Strikers of all time and it got me thinking why are we not doing this we should be doing all of this right now and here's why if you want a consistent golf swing if you want a powerful golf swing if you want to strike the ball first and take a divot after it you've got to get those elbows close together we're just going to stand out here with our arms extended and we're going to push those elbows in towards each other and you're actually going to have your elbows pointing more at your hips and really important that you get even that right arm tucked in or that trail arm really glued in there and this is going to do a couple of awesome things for your golf swing one the most important piece it's going to connect your arms your hands the club everything here to your body and you know one of the big biggest problems I'll see amateur golfers go through is that their body and arms are out of sequence sometimes the arms break down sometimes they fire the body and they don't tell the arms what to do so if you got an issue with rushing your swing if you got an issue with bad contact or you're just confused about your swing boom elbows together is going to fix that now the next thing you should see about these elbows being together is more power getting that arm tucked in folds it to 90° that's a huge power source that you're going to use to explode on the golf ball so we've got consistency we've got power and we've got a swing that's a lot simpler so you think about all the positions you need to hit in the golf swing elbows together is going to take care of the positions so I squeeze these elbows close together and watch boom I automatically feel like whoa my shoulders are now in control of the entire swing instead of my arms and body moving separate each other so as I swing back takeway taken care of ooh takeway taken care of keep going with the shoulders boom halfway back we're on the proper path boom top of back swing hands are behind the right shoulder the trail shoulder just like you see with all of the great golfers getting the hands more in and then I think downswing what do I got to do do I have to drop the club in the slot do I have to fire my hips to have to fire my hips and then let the arms do nothing hm makes you think doesn't it that's a few different variables right there well I just try and take the shoulders right back to the ball so keep those elbows squeezed together shoulders going back the ball look at that oh my goodness automatic shallowing of the club that's why I love this I don't like thinking and I'm sure you don't like thinking either so we keep those elbows together we keep the shoulders moving and we get closer to impact look at this I've got the lag preserved so that's that whole notion of keeping lag swinging those shoulders impact perfect impact position hands ahead of the ball and then just continue those shoulders through arms extend the straight and that's a full power release right there so we got this folded Trail arm we got an extended Trail arm everything you got going through that ball and then look hips Boom the hips just turned so I just pre-programmed an automatic golf swing starting from the setup you should do this with me right now elbows together swing those shoulders just keep them moving and boom there's a divot strike after the ball that that just that should get you thinking wow can we really become a ball striking machine yes we can and I'm just going to hit one I haven't hit a ball yet today this is the first video of the day that I'm filming so we'll just see what happens this is why I love setting machine elbows together let's just swing all right not too bad for the first swing of day I caught a little bit of a divot we can do better than that let's get an even crispier one that was just semi crispy like those semi-sweet chocolate chips here we go oh second swing of the day was a winner winter winter chicken dinner all I thought during that swing was elbows staying closely together now you'll be tempted to want to get those elbows to go farther apart so don't think that because this is simple it's easy it's actually a little difficult at first you might feel tense you might feel stiffness in the arms when you do this correctly at first because most golfers are going to be here elbows out see my elbows pointing away from my body they're pointing out one towards the target one away from the Target and then elbows together going to be elbows at the hips at least at the hips I like to take that right arm and I'll get that right arm inside of the hip just give that trail arm a little bit more tuck you'll thank me later when you start sending the ball past your playing Partners about 50 yards down the middle past them then they're going to be saying hey where'd you get that tip don't tell them right away collect a few winnings from them and then tell them the secret now keep this El elbow in elbows together do you think we can do it again I think we should do it again that's fun this is why we play let's keep it together oh that's marvelous and that was another crispy shot and how much effort well it's not a whole lot of effort either because I'm using the natural power sources that are built in your body I'm not doing this thing where arms go and then I've got to figure out do I turn my hips do I keep my leg flexed if I just keep those shoulders moving mov elbows together Boom the hips turn boom there's the power source and I can go far as far back as I want you know I've got a pretty controlled back swing here stopping about here I can go farther if I want more power it's going to stay controlled I'll still keep my contact built in too and this is the beauty this is why Hogan stressed elbows together squeeze them in because it got the body working instead of just doing an arm Z only swing let's just move these shoulders even more like a power swing oh we shredded that ball like fine cheddar how could we make the golf swing simpler if you wanted to make a swing that was simple you would try and eliminate variables and what are what are some of the variables that you might be dealing with right now well variables that are very common to Golfers right now are one they're going to shift shift their weight two they're going to try and time up and coordinate the arms and the body so they they might swing arms first and hands first because their elbows are out they might break down the arm arms they might end up with a swing that doesn't have anybody nobody like Space Balls nobody knows when you're swinging like that nobody's going to even recognize you but when you start hitting the ball like that and it makes that sound they're saying elbows together now on that one my elbows kind of came a little bit apart so I didn't really like that one as much and I can feel it in the follow through if you actually feel it in the follow through a little bit of elbows pulling apart you need need to stress more elbows together feel more body through the shot so I actually got a little lazy there let's keep them glued ooh you are not going anywhere there we go I feel my arms just being a little bit straighter through the shot and that's going to produce High far straight so not a whole lot of curve on that ball hitting all the positions and the contact feels lovely works with every Club in the bag even the chipping even the pitching even the putter just even awesome there it is again straight elbows together hey just check this out really quickly do you see this right here bread and butter this is where you probably are and this is where you need to be in that's close together when I first did this it felt like I was trying to squeeze a golf ball I don't want you to literally squeeze a golf ball like it felt like I was trying to squeeze a golf ball between my elbows felt like that that's too much but right arm in as much as you can you want to see about a grapefruit grapefruit softball in there let's do uh some pitches and some half swings because I want to show you the effectiveness of this for your short game and that inside 100 yards so we're here inside 100 yards I've got a little bit of a an eight iron we'll just do a little a punch type shot first so really pure punch right there it's probably about 100 to 125 yards now I don't have to feel like I'm rushing through my chips or pitches I feel really smooth motion because the body's in charge so here's a little pitch shot let's go let's go about 75 5 60 yards there okay nice little divot just keeping those elbows together Bingo right on the flag hit it you see how soft that swing is too it doesn't feel like I'm working all right same thing yet elbows together Master of the shoulders oh nice and high and soft you feel like your Bob Ross just painting a little Cloud over there next to that Cool River so uh what about something shorter than that so let's go into about 30 yards it's just all right you know I was a little chunky there I'm not going to lie little chunky because I stopped my shoulders before I hit the ball I was really got to keep the shoulders moving keep those shoulders moving here we go there we go that was tasty that's probably that 20 to 30 yard type of pitch lob you get up to chipping chipping shorter than that if you want chipping you can go almost anywhere but let's just do a little chip 10 yards or less something soft all right that was just a little bit okay hair thin I have a problem with stopping my shoulders I got to keep them moving through the ball so let's get those elbows together shoulders only there we go every single one of these puppies is right here on the middle of the face and that's because we set up a machine elbows together so you look at how to put this all together elbows together is going to do contact power and then I'm going to give you another video coming up soon we're going to talk a little bit more about how to hit the center of the face but I've got some of that in my free mini course and a bunch of drills at the link go.so golf you can check it out in the comments in description below sign up there you'll see ways to be a great ball Striker there's so many great drills in there they're my favorite drills I I really can't believe I'm sharing them because they're a lot of the secrets that I've gotten me here but I love seeing yall improve so just go check them out please do that right now nice and soft buttery smooth elbows together keep the shoulders moving there we go nice little Chip Shot that Tempo is perfect and then we can always launch it up back to a normal full wedge so just going through the bag of shots you got every shot in the bag with this feeling so we got that short shot here's another pitch again nice and then we can work it up to 110 yards max It Out full wedge shot elbows together good distance on that too and then we can go up to our eight iron again which this thing has been nuclear you know this pxg I've been playing these since about a April or May I got them spring summerish they are long they are long okay oh man that is murdered almost as far as Mickey manel's home run that went what 600 700 feet this is why I teach golf because it's so much fun to see you guys experien this and I see in the comments time and time again y'all are hitting the ball great and just need some little things to take with you to play great gol this is one of those little things that goes a long way it's one of those things that could be a 20 shot swing for you or if you're a good player it could be that thing that gets you breaking your scoring barrier could take you from the 80s to 70s perhaps the 70s to 60s you know you start finding more Fairways you start tightening up your pitching and chipping game since this does everything there's no limit to where it can improve your game and that's why I love doing something like this elbows together because it puts the whole swing together and these are if we walked out there I'm not going to do that cuz everybody's hitting balls but if we walked out there right now we would see balls in the circle like calling it an air strike on that location because it's that consistent no wonder Ben Hogan wanted us to do this hey thanks for tuning in today and I'll see you in a future episode
Channel: SagutoGolf
Views: 215,877
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Keywords: golf swing, golf tips, golf tips golf swing, golf swing tips, the golf swing, golf ball striking tips, golf tips ball striking, ball striking golf, golf ball striking, golf tips irons, golf tips driver, golf tips straight, ball striking tips, golf swing ball striking tips, improve ball striking golf, golf improve ball striking, golf, saguto golf, sagutogolf, easy golf tips, golf tricks, golf tips and tricks, simple golf tips, golf tips that work, ben hogan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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